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TEST tema 4:

Inglés Avanzado
Marcar la respuesta correcta.

1. This summer, ___________ to Rome. I've already had the tickets.

 I'm going to travel.
 I'm travelling.
 I will travel.

2. May y might van siempre acompañados de to infinitivo.

 Verdadero.
 Falso.
3. If I___________you I would study more.
 are.
 is.
 were.
4. She won't go to the concert:
 If the ticket is cheap.
 Unless the ticket is cheap.
 Ambas respuestas son correctas.

5. Freedom means:
 Esclavitud.
 Libertad.
 Trabajo.

6. ¿Qué palabra significa discusión?

 Fight.
 Argument.
 Word.

TEST tema 5:
Inglés Avanzado
Marcar la respuesta correcta.

1. Don´t drive so fast, please!

 You must be more careful.
 You should be more careful.
 You don´t have to be more careful.

2. El pretérito perfecto expresa acciones pasadas muy recientes.

 Verdadero.
 Falso.
3. My neighbour´s dog, ____________________ is an Alsacian, barks all night.
 which.
 that.
 who.

4. When I arrived to the party, __________________.

 it had already finished.
 it already finished.
 it have finished.

5. Anvil significa:
 Yunque.
 Destornillador.
 Llave inglesa.

6. ¿Qué significa rake?

 Rastrillo.
 Pala.
 Martillo.

TEST tema 6:
Inglés Avanzado
Marcar la respuesta correcta.

1. Elige la frase pasiva equivalente a esta activa: "They gave him a big surprise at his
birthday party".
 Him was given a big surprise at his birthday party.
 A big surprise was given him at his birthday party.
 He was given a big surprise at his birthday party.
2. Podemos traducir "Se ha dicho" como "It has been said".
 Verdadero.
 Falso.

3. My house is__________ than yours.

 big.
 bigger.
 largest.

4. This day has been:

 The longest of my life.
 Longer in my life.
 In my life the longest.

5. El superlativo de far es:

 Father.
 Farther.
 Furthest.
6. ¿Qué significa cheerful?
 Alegre.
 Triste.
 Enfadado.

TEST tema 7:
Inglés Avanzado
Marcar la respuesta correcta.

1. "Leave me alone today!", Jane shouted:

 Jane told me to leave her alone today.
 Jane told me leave her alone that day.
 Jane told me to leave her alone that day.
2. En estilo indirecto, el simple past cambia a present perfect, por ejemplo: cambiamos
"broke" por "have broken".
 Verdadero.
 Falso.
3. Bill asked_________do in the summer:
 what was I going to.
 what I was going to.
 if I was going to.

4. "What a wonderful day!" she said:

 She exclaimed it was a wonderful day.
 She said it was a wonderful day.
 Ambas respuestas son correctas.

5. What is the meaning of fare?

 Precio.
 Tarifa.
 Coste.

6. ¿Como se dice canicas?

 Marble.
 Marballs.
 Marbles.

TEST tema 8:
Inglés Avanzado
Marcar la respuesta correcta.

1. If he hadn't complained so much:

 he wouldn't had lost the job.
 he wouldn't have lose the job.
 he wouldn't have lost the job.
2. La frase: "He's very fit! He must train hard every day", indica probabilidad:
 Verdadero.
 Falso.

3. That music is very loud! I wish_________it more quietly.

 you listened to.
 you would listen to.
 you had listened to.

4. Aparte de would hay otros verbos que podemos usar en las condicionales, estos
 Can't y must.
 Might y could.
 Ninguna respuesta es correcta.

5. Overcome means:
 Trabajar.
 Superar.
 Costar.

6. Transatlántico se escribe:
 Slip.
 Destroyer.
 Liner.



Inglés Avanzado
A) ¿Pretérito perfecto o pasado simple? Escribe los verbos entre paréntesis en el tiempo

1. A: I like your car! How long have you had it? (have)

B: For five years. I bought it when I finished university (buy, finish).

2. A: Has your father retired yet? (retired)

B: Yes, he retired six months ago when he was 65. (retire, be)

3. A: Have you ever lived abroad? (live)

B: Yes, I lived in Paris for a year before I was married. (work, be)

4. A: You get on really well with Gerry, don’t you?

B: Yes. We have known each other for 15 years and we have never had an
argument. (know,never have)

B) El pronombre reflexivo / each other. Marca con un √ las frases correctas y con una X
las incorrectas.

1. We enjoyed ourselves a lot at the party last night. √

2. They looked at each other and smiled. √

3. I went to the bathroom and looked at me myself in the mirror. X

4. Can your husband look after himself while you’re abroad? √

5. We’re good friends. We see ourselves each other every week. X

6. Did you go to Holland by yourself? √

7. They helped themselves each other revise for the exam. X

8. He made himself ill by working too hard. √.

C) Pretérito perfecto simple o continuo. Completa las frases con el tiempo adecuado.

1. A: How long have they had their car? (they/ have)

B: It’s new. They’ve just bought it.(they/ just/ buy)

2. A: Has she found a job yet? (she/ find)

B: No, she´s been looking for one for ages. (she/ look for)

3. A: How long has it been raining (or has it rained)? (it/ rain)

B: It has just started. (it/ just/ start)

4. A: You look tired. What have you been doing (or have you done)? (you/ do)

B: I’ve been studying all night. (I/ study)

5. A: Have you seen the new Spielberg film yet? (you/ see)

B: Yes, I’ve already seen it. (I/ already/ see) It’s quite good.

D) Pretérito perfecto simple o continuo. Marca con un √ las frases correctas y con una X
las incorrectas. Corrige las incorrectas.

1. A: You look tired!

B: Yes, I've run. √

2. How long has he been having his motorbike? X

3. They’ve been living in this house since 1980. √

4. Jan is waiting for the bus for half an hour. X

5. The room’s a mess. What have you been doing? √

6. Chris has worked there for a long time. √

7. A: how long are you a teacher? X

B: Since 1996.

E) Both, either o neither. ¿Son las siguientes frases correctas √ o incorrectas X?

1. Both of they are good at skiing. X

2. I don’t like neither tea nor coffee. √

3. We can either eat here or go out. Which do you prefer? √

4. You’ve written both the same thing. X

5. Neither of us likes pop music. √

6. I’m afraid either of us can go because we’re very busy. X

F) Corrige los nueve fallos de este párrafo.

My favourite relative is my cousin Jane. She has is 17 years old, and she’s still at
school. She’s tall and perhaps a bit overweight, but I think she’s very attractive.
She’s got blue eyes and a fair shoulder-length hair. She usually wear wears jeans
and T-shirts, or track suits. She doesn’t like formals formal clothes. She’s a girl very
intelligent very intelligent girl, but she’s quite lazy. She’s sociable, and loves be being
with her friends. We get up on very well because we understand each other. I can
talk to him her about everything and we both like both the same kind of people.

Inglés Avanzado
A) Vocabulary: the human body. Contesta la preguntas con las palabras que se han
estudiado en el tema.

What organ…

1. do you use to breathe? Lungs.

2. sends your blood round your body? Heart.

3. controls all the other parts? Brain.

4. is most affected if you drink too much alcohol? Liver.

What part/ parts of the body...

5. goes brown (or red) in the sun? Skin.

6. come in pairs? Kidneys.

7. do you have 200 of? Bones.

B) Presente simple y presente continuo. Completa las frases con el verbo entre
paréntesis en el tiempo correspondiente.

1. Emily writes three books a year. At the moment she writing a biography. (write)

2. We are dinner with friends tonight, but we normally have dinner at home. (have)

3. Why are you wearing a skirt? You usually wear trousers. (wear)

4. On Mondays I usually play tennis with Jeremy, but he’s away for a month so
next Monday I´m playing with Sarah. (play)

C) Presente simple y continuo. Traduce estas frases.

1. She’s arriving at 6 o’clock this evening. Ella llega a las seis esta tarde.

2. She always arrives late for meetings! ¡Siempre llega tarde a las reuniones!

3. Hurry! The bus is coming! ¡Date prisa!¡Que viene el autobús!

4. He usually comes by bus. Normalmente viene en autobús.

5. What do you do on Sundays? ¿Qué haces los domingos?

6. What are you doing on Saturday? ¿Qué haces el sábado?

D) Las cantidades. Señala la forma correcta.

1. Sandra has a lot of sugar in her coffee.

2. Do you eat much fresh fruit?

3. You need very little cheese in this recipe.

4. When you’ve got flu you shouldn’t eat much.

5. I’ve been eating a lot of biscuits lately.

6. My boss smokes a lot.

7. Those children eat too much fattening food.

8. This food is too fattening.

E) Cantidades. Escribe las palabras en orden para obtener las frases.

1. bread isn’t enough there There isn´t enough bread.

2. is salty I think enough don’t this I don´t think is salty enough.

3. enough made you have sandwiches? Have you made enough sandwiches?

4. you fresh vegetables eat enough You eat enougt fresh vegetables.

5. isn’t this sauce enough spicy This sauces isn´t spicy enough.

6. time cook she enough to hasn’t got. She hasn´t got enough time to cook.

F) ¿Gerundio o to infinitivo? Escribe la segunda frase de forma que signifique lo mismo

que la primera.

1. Andrew tells jokes very well.

Andrew is good at telling jokes. (good at)

2. Janice thinks she’ll be home before six.

Janice expects to be home before six. (expect)

3. John said he wouldn’t help us.

John refused to help us. (refuse)

4. Could you take the dog for a walk?

Would you mind taking the dog for a walk. (mind)

5. Gemma is thinking of taking the exam in March.

Gemma plans to take the exam in March. (plan)

6. I get angry when I have to wait for people.

I hate waiting for people. (hate)

7. Carl’s ambition is to play at Wimbledon one day.

Carl hopes to play at Wimbledon one day. (hope)

Inglés Avanzado
A) Used to. Mira las palabras entre paréntesis. Escribe frases utilizando used to.

1. I used to have long hair when I was younger. (I/long hair)

2. Did you used to smoke when you were a teenager? (you/ smoke)

3. He used to ski a lot until he broke his leg last year. (he/ ski a lot)

4. We didn’t use to have a car but then we bought one last year. (we/ not have a

5. She used to be good at sport when she was a child. (she/ be good at sport)

6. He didn’t use to drive when he lived in London. (he/ not drive)

7. They used to go out more before they were married. (they/ go out more)

8. I used to wear glasses until I got contact lenses. (I/ wear glasses)

B) Any more/ any longer. Vuelve a escribir cada frase para que signifique lo mismo pero
utilizando any more/ any longer y el verbo entre paréntesis.

1. I stopped going to English classes. (study)

I don’t study English any longer.

2. I used to like pop music but now I hate it. (listen)

I don’t listen to pop music any more.

3. We had a dog but it died. (have)

We don’t have a dog any longer.

4. We were good friends but we had a terrible argument. (speak)

We don’t speak to each other any more.

5. I sold my car. I prefer to walk. (drive)

I don’t drive any longer.

6. They separated last year. (love)

They don’t love each other any more.

C) Make, let and be allowed to. Escribe las frases utilizando make, let o be allowed to
de forma que signifiquen lo mismo que la frase anterior.

1. She isn’t allowed to wear make-up.

Her parents don’t allow her to wear make up.

2. We had to memorize everything.

Our teachers made us memorize everything.

3. They couldn’t have lunch at home.

They weren’t allowed to have lunch at home.

4. I have to do my homework before I go out.

My mother makes me do my homework before I go out.

5. I couldn’t watch TV during the week.

I wasn’t allowed to watch TV during the week.

6. We can use calculators in class.

The teachers let us use calculators in class.

D) A/ an, the o sin artículo. Completa con a, an, the o sin artículo.

1. I met a man called James --- last week. He’s a dentist, and he lives in –a house
next to --- mine.

2. Gill’s very interested in --- education. She’d like to be a university teacher.

3. We prefer --- classical music to --- pop music. We often listen to --- concerts on
the radio.

4. Jim’s mother doesn’t let him go to --- school alone because she thinks the roads
near his school are too dangerous.

5. When I was at --- university I used to play the guitar in a group.

6. Carol’s got a maths exam on --- Monday morning. She hates --- maths.

E) Can/ could, be able to. Completa las frases con can, could o be able to.

1. I f we get up early we’ll be able to catch the first train.

2. Mozart could play the piano brilliantly when he was five.

3. She hasn’t been able to find a job yet.

4. They couldn’t buy the flat because it was too expensive.

5. I used to be able to speak Russian well, but now I can’t

6. There was a lot of traffic but we were able to get there on time.

7. I’ve always wanted to be able to dance tango.

8. I hate travelling abroad without being able to speak the language.

9. Chimpanzees can communicate in sign language.

10. Can you take me to the party? If not, I won’t be able to go

F) Education. Escribe la palabra correspondiente a cada definición.

1. A school for children under four years old. (nursery school)

2. The school year is divided into three… (terms)

3. A university qualification. (degree)

4. A government school. You don’t (pay public school )

5. The opposite of pass an exam. (fail)

6. The most important teacher in a school. (head master)

7. A school for boys and girls. (mixed schoo)l

8. All the teachers in a (school staff) .

9. Not attending classes play .(truant)

10. Somebody who studies a lot (swot).

Inglés Avanzado
A) Futuro con will, going to y presente continuo. Escribe un √ al lado de la frase que
creas correcta.

1. What are your plans for the future?

a. I’m going to start my new business. √

b. I’ll start my own business.

2. The phone’s ringing!

a. OK, I’ll answer it. √

b. OK, I’m going to answer it.

3. Who do you think is going to get the job?

a. I think Martin will get it. √

b. I think Martin’s going to get it.

4. What are you doing tonight?

a. I’m going to meet some friends after class.

b. I’m meeting some friends after class. √

B) May / might. Contesta las preguntas con la información que hay en cada frase.

1. What are you going to get Alice for her birthday?

I’m not sure. (book/ CD) I may buy a book or a CD.

2. What are you going to do tonight?

I’m not sure. (cinema/ theatre) I might go to the cinema or the theatre

3. How are you going to get to David’s?

I’m not sure. (bus/ taxi) I may go by bus or by taxi.

4. What are you going to make for dinner tonight?

I’m not sure. (chicken/ spaghetti) I might make chicken or spaghetti.

C) Condicionales simples. Completa las frases con los verbos entre paréntesis en el
tiempo correspondiente.

A: Hi, Clare, it’s Jane here. Listen, if I tell (tell) you a secret will you promise
(promise) not to tell anyone?

B: Of course, what is it?

A: I’ve applied for a new job but my boss will be (be) furious if he finds out. (find

B: But unless you tell (tell) him, he won’t give (not give) you a reference.

A: Well, I’ll tell (tell) him when I am (be) sure I’ve got it. I will know (know) next
week. I will (phone) you as soon as I hear (hear) anything. So don’t say anything
until I say (say) it’s OK.

A: Ok, I promise.

D) Condicionales compuestas. Completa las oraciones utilizando los verbos entre


1. I Would lend you the money if I had it. (lend, have)

2. If she really loved him, she wouldn’t waste all his money. (love, not waste)

3. We Would buy a bigger house if we could afford it. (buy, can)

4. If he didn’t earn so much, he wouldn’t pay so much income tax. (not earn, not

5. You Would be able to buy a car next year if you saved a bit of money each week.
(be able to, save)

6. ¡If I were my boss, I Would have to work longer hours. (be, have to)

E) Las estructuras de tiempo futuro: when…, as soon as… o until…. Completa las frases
utilizando when, as soon as o until. Ten en cuenta que algunas frases se pueden
utilizar de dos formas distintas.

1. We’ll wait down here until the manager comes back from lunch!

2. Don’t start writing until I tell you to!

3. Switch off the cooker as soon as you have finished cooking.

4. When you get to Paris, call me and I’ll come and meet you at the station.

5. Until I retire I’m sure I won’t get bored.

6. He’ll be the president until the next election.

F) Oraciones condicionales. Completa las frases utilizando contracciones siempre que
sea posible. Ten en cuenta que las oraciones pueden ser condicionales simples o

1. If you didn’t like (not like) the job, what would you do (do)?

2. I’m sure you will get (get) the job if you apply (apply) for it.

3. They won’t offer (not offer) him the job if he isn’t (not be) very qualified.

4. She won’t eat (not eat) it if it has (have) meat in it because she’s a strict

5. Monica would look (look for) a job abroad if she didn’t find (not find) a job in

6. They wouldn’t have (not have) so many money problems if they didn’t waste (not
waste) so much on expensive holidays.

Inglés Avanzado
A) Verbos modales. Completa las frases con una forma correcta de must, have to o

1. You mustn’t tell anybody. It’s a secret.

2. It’s Sunday so I don’t have to go to work.

3. That skirt is perfect for you. I think you should buy it.

4. We must wear a uniform at school. I hate it.

5. I have to remember to give you back the money I borrowed.

6. You shouldn’t eat too much white bread. It’s not very good for you.

7. Peter bought the cinema tickets and dinner last night. I didn’t have to pay for

8. Our car broke down on holiday so we had to rent a car for a week.

B) Pretérito pluscuamperfecto. Completa las frases poniendo los verbos entre paréntesis
en pasado simple o pretérito pluscuamperfecto.

1. I was too late. When I arrived, the meeting had finished. (finish)

2. She was so exhausted last night that she overslept this morning. (oversleep)

3. She didn’t want to come with us because she had seen the film before. (see)

4. I didn’t realize that I had gone through a red traffic light, until a policeman
stopped me! (go)

5. He was furious. Someone had broken the car window and had taken the radio.
(break) (take)

6. He woke up when the alarm clock rang. (ring)

C) Oraciones de relativo. Completa las frases con who, which o that donde sea

1. Is that the film --- you saw last week?

2. Is that the film which won seven Oscars?

3. The man --- you met is our neighbour.

4. The man who lives next door makes a lot of noise.

5. A close friend is someone --- you can trust.

6. A close friend is someone who will help you in a crisis.

7. I work for a company that makes furniture.

8. That’s the company --- I work for.

D) Relativos. Escribe frases con which, who, whose o where.

Ejemplo: That’s the shop. They sell Italian food there.

That’s the shop where they sell Italian food.

1. We stopped to help a man. His car had broken down.

We stopped to help a man whose car had broken down.

2. It’s a new kind of car. It doesn’t use petrol.

It’s a new kind of car which doesn’t use petrol

3. I like restaurants. They don’t play music there.

I like restaurants where they don’t play music

4. At the party I meat a girl. Her father’s a millionaire.

At the party I meat a girl whose father is a millionaire

5. She’s the person. She won the competition.

She’s the person who won the competition

6. I complained to the man. His dog was always barking.

I complained to the man whose dog was always barking.

E) Los tiempos verbales narrativos. Escribe los verbos en pasado simple, pasado
continuo o pretérito pluscuamperfecto según corresponda.

The first record I bought (buy) was “Satisfaction” by The Rolling Stones. I was 12
years old, and until then my father had never let (never let) me buy any pop records.
But then one day in an act of rebellion my sister and I went (go) and bought (buy) it.
When we got home, we immediately put (put) it on the record player, but while we
were listening (listen) to it my father suddenly came (come) in and shouted (shout),
“Where did you get (get) that from?” We didn’t hear (not hear) him come into the
room, because we were singing (sing) at the top of our voices. He took (take) the
record off the player, and broke (break) it in two. We were furious.


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