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Part 1: You will have to talk about the topic for 1 minute. You can make some notes to help you
if you wish.

Describe a time when you or your acquaintance had to see a doctor.

You should say:
● when it was

● why you had to see him/her

● what advice you got from him/her

and how the meeting was important to you.

Part 2: Take your side. Discuss this topic with your partner in 2 minutes.

Some people claim that prevention is better than cure. To what extent do you agree or
disagree with this claim? Give reasons and examples to support your view.

Part 1:
A few months ago, I had to accompany my younger sister to see a doctor. It was a Thursday
afternoon when she complained about severe stomach pain. Worried about her well-being, we
immediately decided to schedule an appointment with a healthcare professional.

The reason why we needed to see a doctor was quite evident - my sister's prolonged stomachache
was causing her extreme discomfort and hindering her daily activities. We were concerned that it
might be a potential symptom of a more serious underlying condition, so seeking medical advice
was imperative.

Upon reaching the doctor's clinic, we were greeted by a friendly receptionist who asked us to fill
out some necessary forms. After a brief wait, the doctor called us in for the consultation. He was
a middle-aged man with a warm smile, which helped to alleviate our anxiety about the visit.

After explaining my sister's symptoms, the doctor began his examination. He listened attentively,
asked follow-up questions, and performed a physical examination to identify the possible causes
of her stomach pain. While we were anxious, the doctor's calm and professional demeanor helped
reassure us that we were in capable hands.

The doctor diagnosed my sister with gastritis, an inflammation of the stomach lining, which he
believed was caused by her irregular eating habits and stress from school. He emphasized the
importance of maintaining a healthy diet and reducing stress through relaxation techniques. He
also prescribed medication to alleviate her symptoms and advised her to follow up after a week to
monitor her progress.

The meeting with the doctor was highly important to me as it helped put our worries to rest.
Getting a professional diagnosis and treatment plan for my sister's condition brought us much-
needed relief. Additionally, the doctor's advice helped us understand the underlying causes of her
health issue, allowing us to make necessary adjustments to her lifestyle to prevent any relapses in
the future.

Moreover, the doctor's empathetic attitude and thorough explanation further contributed to the
significance of the meeting. His ability to not only diagnose and treat but also to provide us with
guidance and reassurance showed his genuine care for his patients. As a result, my sister and I
both left the clinic feeling more hopeful and confident in her recovery.

In conclusion, the experience of accompanying my sister to see a doctor was a crucial moment as
it provided us with valuable medical advice and peace of mind. The doctor's expertise,
understanding, and professionalism created a positive environment during the consultation.
Overall, this meeting highlighted the importance of seeking timely medical care and the impact
that a caring doctor can have on a patient's overall well-being.

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