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Merry Christmas

What’s inside:

Merry Christmas


Most families follow a tradition of giving

cards and presents to family members and
friends to celebrate Diwali, Hanukkah,
Make a lantern decoration using a
Christmas, birthdays, or other festivals.
square of black card folded in half. Cut
Those children who do not can still make
slits along the fold, then open it out,
cards or gifts for the people they love and
fasten it together and stick coloured
care about because this is a kind and happy
tissue papers behind the holes, then
thing to do.
attach a hanging loop to display it
beside a window, where light shines
Provide paper and card, craft pieces, stickers,
through the colours.
recycled and found materials, pens, pencils
and crayons, scissors, glue and sticky tape.
Home-made biscuits, cakes, pizzas or
Work alongside children to make cards and
fruit and vegetable kebabs make good
to offer support to enable them to create the
presents, although they must be given
effects they choose. Make calendars or
and consumed quickly. For longer
frames containing photographs of the
lasting gifts, use pastry cutters to make
children or pictures that they have drawn, or
hanging decorations from salt dough or
create fabric tray cloths, foam placemats and
clay. Take children to a local care home
coasters using fabric paints, pens or crayons.
to sing for residents and offer home-
made cakes and biscuits, or encourage
Make a pretend candle by rolling card into a
them to think of those less fortunate
tube and attaching a small length of pipe
by donating toys, clothes or food to
cleaner or string with shaped pieces of
charitable causes.
yellow and orange tissue paper to represent
a flame. Stick it onto a paper plate with a
small roll of card as a handle.


(AND ITS MEANING) Christmas was established on

December 25 as a solemn day by the
Christmas is a religious holiday in which Catholic Church in the year 350 thanks
Christians commemorate the birth of to Pope Julius. In the Bible, however,
Jesus Christ. It is celebrated on December the exact day of Jesus' birth is not
25 of each year. In fact, the word mentioned. Hence, the celebration of
Christmas, as such, comes from the Latin Christmas in principle was not part of
nativĭtas, nativātis which means 'birth'. Christian traditions. The reason for
This term, however, is used not only to setting December 25 as the date to
refer to the day on which the birth of celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ
Jesus is celebrated (Christmas Eve), but it responds to the Church's need to
is also extended to designate the replace the Saturnalia (or Saturnalia)
subsequent period, up to Three Kings festival, traditional in Ancient Rome,
Day. which coincided with the winter solstice
and which was celebrated by the so-
Currently, Christmas is celebrated in called pagans, and thus facilitate the
many places and in very different ways. acceptance of Christianity.
In general, one of the current
characteristics of Christmas is the CHRISTMAS SYMBOLS
increase in consumption, especially of
objects used as gifts and food. From the Christmas tree
Christian point of view, however, it is The Christmas tree has a Christian
considered that this is not the authentic meaning, although its use has become
meaning of Christmas. The meaning of widespread among people of different
Christmas, quite the contrary, responds beliefs. The Christmas tree refers to the
to the manifestation of certain human tree of Paradise, to original sin and to
values that remain more or less forgotten the figure of Jesus as redeemer of sins,
during the year. Values such as solidarity, but also the evergreen leaf is a symbol
union, love, peace and hope are more of eternal life.
typical of the Christmas season, and are
represented in the religious beliefs of Typical Christmas tree decorations are
Christianity. 1. The star, a symbol of guidance, in
reference to the star of Bethlehem;
2. The balls, originally apples, in
reference to temptations;
3. Garlands and tinsel, symbol of unity
and joy;
4. Lights, originally candles, symbolize
the light of Jesus that illuminates
the world.
SANTA CLAUS In the last few decades tourism has
Papa Noel is the name given in some grown very much, mostly because
countries to the character of Santa Claus, people’s lifestyles have changed. They
Santa, Saint Nicholas, among others. He don’t want to stay at home any more.
is a character dressed in a red suit, belt They spend more money on travelling
and black boots, who is in charge of than previous generations did.
manufacturing and delivering the toys Travelling has also become cheaper and
desired by children on the night of more affordable. The rise of budget
December 24-25. airlines has made it possible to afford
trips to faraway countries.
Crib, also known as a nativity scene or TYPES OF TOURISM:
birth, is an important symbol of
Christmas, as it represents the arrival of Beach tourism
Jesus into the world. Inside the manger, Many tourists spend their holidays on
the essential figures are the Virgin Mary, beaches. They relax, go bathing or just
Saint Joseph and the Child Jesus, together enjoy the salty sea breeze and the
with the mule and the ox. Other figures in ocean. Spending holidays on beaches
the manger are the three Wise Men has had a long tradition for over one
(Melchor, Gaspar, Baltazar) and the and a half centuries.
Winter tourism
CHRISTMAS WREATH OR CROWN Winter tourism started out in the
The Christmas wreath, also called an middle of the 19th century when
advent wreath, is used to represent the wealthy Europeans went to St. Moritz
fourweek period of Advent that precedes and other alpine resorts. In Europe and
the arrival of Christmas. It is made with in the American Rockies skiing resorts
pine or fir branches. Four candles are attract millions of people every year.
placed in it, one for each week. Various lifts bring skiers to altitudes of
over 3,000 meters.

TOURISM Adventure tourism

In the past few decades trips to faraway
exotic places have become popular.
Tourism is travelling for pleasure or to
Tourists looking for thrilling activities go
enjoy yourself away from the place you
mountaineering, rafting, trekking, or
live. People do this for many different
even to remote places in the rainforest.
reasons – to have fun, visit other
countries and learn about other cultures
or just relax from stressful working life.
Tourists go to various destinations -
countries with great landmarks, places
with lovely beaches or simply areas of
wilderness and untouched nature.

Spa Tourism Ecotourism

Spas have been popular since Roman Recently many people have chosen a
times. In 16th century Britain Bath type of tourism that does not damage
became the center of spa tourism for the the environment. They avoid travelling
rich population. During the 19th century by plane or do not buy souvenirs that
spas emerged all over Europe. Today are made out of endangered plants and
people go to spas for the healing effect animals. Some holiday offers give
of mineral waters as well as for offer tourists the chance to take part in
wellness treatment, massages, steam environmental projects.
baths and other services.
However, mass tourism, can also lead to
Medical tourism environmental problems. It can pollute
People go to other countries for medical beaches or create noise in otherwise
treatment and operations. Irish women, quiet regions. Popular tourist attractions
for example, go to the UK because must be controlled by authorities.
abortions are forbidden in their country.
West Europeans go to Eastern Europe for
dental treatment. Americans go to
Mexico for plastic surgery and other

Educational tourism
Young people live as exchange students
in other countries, where they go to CANDLES DAY: A
school and study the language and
culture of the host country. Sports FESTIVAL OF LIGHT
tourism An increasing number of sports AND TRADITION
fans travel to places where special events
are being held. The Olympic Games and Candles Day, or "Día de las Velitas" in
world championships attract visitors from Spanish, is a cherished Colombian
around the world. holiday celebrated on December 7th.
This vibrant festival marks the
Religious tourism beginning of the Christmas season and
Religious tourists go on pilgrimages to holds deep cultural significance for
holy sites. Roman Catholics, for example, Colombians. In this article, we will
travel to Lourdes, Fatima or the Vatican explore the history, traditions, and
in Europe. Muslims are required to go to festivities of Candles Day.
Mecca at least once in their lifetime.
Varanasi , on the banks of the Ganges The Origin of Candles Day
River, is the spiritual capital of the Candles Day has its roots in religious
Hindus. traditions. It commemorates the eve of
the Feast of the Immaculate
Conception, an important Catholic
holiday that honors the Virgin Mary.

Acording to legend, on this day, Religious Processions

Colombians light candles and laterns to In some parts of Colombia, especially in
guide Mary on her journey to bless the smaller towns and villages, Candles Day
world. is marked by religious processions.
Participants, often dressed in traditional
Festive Decorations attire, walk through the streets carrying
In the lead-up to Candles Day, Colombian statues of the Virgin Mary, accompanied
towns and cities are adorned with colorful by hymns and prayers.
lights, lanterns, and elaborate
decorations. Streets, parks, and plazas Family and Community Bonding
come alive with a magical glow, creating a Candles Day is a time for families and
warm and inviting atmosphere for locals communities to come together,
and visitors alike. strengthening bonds and creating
lasting memories. It provides an
Lighting the Way opportunity for reflection, gratitude,
On the evening of December 7th, families and a sense of belonging, fostering a
and communities gather together to light deep sense of unity among Colombians.
candles and lanterns. These flickering
lights illuminate the streets, symbolizing Candles Day in Colombia is a magical
hope, love, and unity. Many Colombians celebration that embodies the spirit of
place their candles in windows, on unity, faith, and tradition. The warm
balconies, and along sidewalks, creating a glow of candles, the festive decorations,
breathtaking display of light that stretches and the shared moments with loved
as far as the eye can see. ones create an unforgettable
experience for all who participate.
Traditional Colombian Treats Whether you're a local or a visitor,
No celebration in Colombia is complete witnessing the beauty of Candles Day is
without delicious food, and Candles Day is a truly special way to immerse yourself
no exception. Families come together to in Colombian culture and embrace the
enjoy a variety of traditional treats, such holiday spirit.
as buñuelos (fried dough balls), natilla (a
creamy dessert), and hot chocolate. These
mouthwatering delicacies add an extra
layer of warmth and joy to the festivities.

Fireworks and Music

Fireworks displays are a common feature
of Candles Day celebrations, lighting up
the night sky with bursts of color and
excitement. Additionally, lively music and
dancing fill the air, creating a joyful
ambiance that resonates throughout the
entire community.

BLACK FRIDAY AND nothing. Since 1997, Buy Nothing Day

has been held on the same day as Black
BUY NOTHING DAY Friday. The rules are simple. Just don’t
buy anything at all for 24 hours. Many
What is Black Friday? people are surprised how difficult this
Black Friday is the day after the American actually is. The aim is to make people
holiday of Thanksgiving, which is think more about their spending and to
celebrated on the fourth Thursday of make better decisions about what they
November. Because it is a holiday in the buy and where they buy it from.
United States, it has long been a popular
day for consumers to start shopping for Ethical spending
Christmas. Over the last 20 years big As well as spending less and not buying
retailers have started to offer discounts unnecessary items, Buy Nothing Day
and bargains on this day, and it has aims to raise awareness of how to be a
become more and more popular. Last more ethical consumer. For example,
year, people in the USA spent an you can avoid buying ‘fast fashion’, that
estimated $54.7 billion between Black is, very cheap clothes that are worn a
Friday and Cyber Monday (the Monday few times before being thrown away. Or
after Thanksgiving, when people often buy you could decide not to automatically
more online). The idea of Black Friday has upgrade your mobile at the end of a
also spread around the world. For contract. These kinds of decisions can
example, in 2017, people in the UK spent help to protect the environment as well
the equivalent of $10.3 billion, in Germany as saving you money.
$7.6 billion and in France $6.2 billion.
What else can you do on Buy Nothing
Is Black Friday out of control? Day?
Many of us love to get a bargain, but some Some people carry out protests at
feel that events like Black Friday shopping centers. Others avoid the
encourage people to buy things that they shops completely and go for a walk-in
don’t really need and can’t afford. Many nature instead. Another alternative, the
people seem to completely lose control of Buy Nothing Coat Exchange, is an idea
both their spending and their tempers. It is which is spreading. People donate
easy to find video online of customers winter coats throughout November and
physically fighting each other over anyone who needs one can come and
bargains. It is also argued that Black take one on Buy Nothing Day.
Friday is bad for small shopkeepers, who
cannot afford to offer the kinds of price
cuts that the big companies can.

What’s the alternative to Black Friday?

Instead of taking the opportunity to buy as
much as possible on Black Friday, you
could do the opposite and buy absolutely

3. China
PLACES WHERE While Christmas is increasingly
CHRISTMAS ISN'T recognized and celebrated in urban
areas, it's not a traditional holiday in
THE MAIN EVENT China. The main festive season in China
is the Lunar New Year (Chinese New
While Christmas is celebrated with great Year), which falls sometime between
fervor in many parts of the world, there late January and mid-February.
are regions where it isn't the focal point
of holiday festivities. In some places, 4. Thailand
cultural, religious, or historical reasons Predominantly a Buddhist country,
have shaped different traditions. Let's Thailand doesn't traditionally celebrate
explore a few of these locales where Christmas. However, with the influence
December 25th might not be as of tourism and globalization, you may
prominent. find some decorations and festivities
inlarger cities and tourist areas.
1. Japan
In Japan, Christmas isn't a national 5. India
holiday, and it's not tied to any religious In India, Christmas is celebrated by a
significance. Instead, it's more of a significant Christian population, but it
secular and commercial event. You'll find isn't a national holiday. Other religions
dazzling illuminations, festive and cultural festivals often take
decorations, and it's common to precedence. Goa, with its historic
celebrate with a special meal, like fried Portuguese influence, stands out for its
chicken from KFC. vibrant Christmas celebrations.

2. Saudi Arabia 6. Bhutan

Due to the dominant Islamic faith, As a predominantly Buddhist country,
Christmas is not a widely celebrated Bhutan does not celebrate Christmas
holiday in Saudi Arabia. It's not a public Eve. Their cultural and religious
holiday, and the majority of the traditions revolve around Buddhism,
population doesn't participate in and Western holidays like Christmas do
Christmas festivities. However, expatriate not play a significant role.
communities may observe the holiday in
private. 7. Israel
Surprisingly, in Israel, Christmas Eve is
not a major event. While Bethlehem,
the birthplace of Jesus, does celebrate,
the rest of the country doesn't observe
it in the same way as Christian majority

8. Morocco Difficult words: access (the right or

As a predominantly Muslim nation, possibility to have something), tap (a
Christmas isn't a widely celebrated device through which water comes in
holiday in Morocco. Instead, they observe homes), require (to need).
Islamic festivals and cultural events.

While Christmas Eve is a cherished

tradition in many parts of the world,
there are places where this day holds
little to no significance. These unique
locations, each with its own rich cultural
heritage, offer a glimpse into the
diversity of global celebrations.
Understanding and appreciating these
differences can be a valuable reminder of
the richness and complexity of our global HAPPY XMAS
Christmas dinner in the United Kingdom
usually consists of roasted turkey,
PROBLEMS WITH stuffing, gravy, pigs in blankets, bread

BOTTLED WATER sauce, redcurrant jelly, roast potatoes;

vegetables (particularly Brussels sprouts,
broccoli, carrots and parsnips) with
Around 800 million people around the dessert of Christmas pudding, mince pies
world have no access to safe water to (both served with brandy butter, custard
drink. For many others, it is a normal or cream) or trifle.It is estimated that
thing. Bottled water is the most popular nine million turkeys are consumed at
drink in the US, but many problems Christmas in the United Kingdom. This
come with the drink. Some cities have represents a halving of consumed turkeys
only bottled water, as the pipes for tap in the past twenty five years as younger
water are too old. Bottled water is much adults opt for alternatives. Pork, beef,
more expensive than tap water. At the chicken, goose, and duck are also
same time, tap water is safer, and bottled popular.
water has a very bad impact on the
natural world. In England throughout the 16th and 17th
centuries, goose or capon was commonly
A factory usually needs three liters of served, and the rich sometimes dined
water to make one liter of bottled water. upon peacock and swan. The turkey
Also, to make bottles, it is necessary to appeared on Christmas tables in England
burn oil. To make bottled water requires in the 16th century.The 16th-century
2,000 times more energy than tap water farmer Thomas Tusser noted that by 1573
requires. turkeys were commonly served at English
Christmas dinners.

The tradition of turkey at Christmas With films, you need to understand

rapidly spread throughout England in the what is being said and with books, you
17th century, and it also became common need to be able to read, but music has
to serve goose which remained the no boundaries, no prerequisites, and is
predominant roast until the Victorian era. accessible to all. I don’t think there are
(it was quite common for Goose "Clubs" many things in life that have such a
to be set up, allowing working-class direct and visible impact on someone’s
families to save up over the year towards mood. Obviously, there are some
a goose before this).A famous English people who are less bothered by music,
Christmas dinner scene appears in Charles and of course, it depends on what sort
Dickens' A Christmas Carol (1843), where of music they’re into but watching
Scrooge sends Bob Cratchitt a large someone react when they hear one of
turkey.[35] The pudding course of a their favorite songs is actually the best
British Christmas dinner may often be thing ever.
Christmas pudding, which dates from
medieval England. Trifle, mince pies, Personally, I’m a big disco/soul/funk
Christmas cake or a yule log are also kind of girl. I like to just call it boogie
popular. By the 21st century, some British music because, for me, I don’t see how
citizens were changing their Christmas you can’t dance when you hear it. It
dinner traditions with a growing number instantly changes my mood and you
selecting vegetarian and vegan versions of can see it in my face straight away (I’m
traditional UK Christmas meals. that idiot bounding down the street
with their headphones on and a great
big smile on their face). But I don’t care,
because music makes me feel good and
has the power to join you with other
people in this shared moment where
exchanging words isn’t necessary.

I think music has such an impact on

people because it taps into their
feelings and always carries a story. And
I don’t just mean in the lyrics but in the
THE IMPORTANCE history of where the genre has
OF MUSIC originated from, how it’s evolved over
time, who performs it, who listens to it.

I have always been a big fan of music but

to be honest, I don't know anyone who
has ever overtly disliked it. And that’s
why it’s one of life's true delights because
it can be enjoyed by anyone and

Everyone who partakes in experiencing 1. "Inception" (2010) - Unraveling the

music develops the story that bit more Layers of Reality Christopher Nolan's
and winds it into a page of their own "Inception" challenges not only the
story. characters within its narrative but also
the audience, urging them to question
Discovering new styles is a great way into the nature of reality. The film's central
a new culture. I’m currently in Madrid and message lies in the power of ideas and
have been enjoying salsa and reggaeton the subconscious mind, emphasizing
which are historic here but thanks to La the impact of our thoughts on the world
Movida Madrileña, there’s a huge array of around us. "Inception" encourages
genres and clubs. From disco at Bogui to viewers to contemplate the boundaries
house at Mondo, techno at Sala Sol, and between dreams and reality and the
salsa at Son, Madrid has it all. So consequences of blurring those lines.
wherever you’re living right now, I
recommend you to get involved in the 2. "Get Out" (2017) - A Socially
music scene and you might stumble Conscious Horror Jordan Peele's "Get
across something you really love, or at Out" goes beyond traditional horror
the very least, you’ll partake in tropes to deliver a powerful social
something special with other people. commentary on racism and cultural
appropriation. The film's underlying
message explores the insidious nature
of systemic racism, challenging
CINEMATIC MARVELS: audiences to confront uncomfortable
truths about society. By merging horror
FIVE MUST-SEE with social critique, "Get Out" sparks
MOVIES OF THE LAST conversations about privilege,
DECADE exploitation, and the need for social

Over the past decade, the world of

cinema has witnessed a remarkable
evolution, with groundbreaking films
leaving an indelible mark on the industry.
From thought-provoking narratives to
visually stunning spectacles, the last ten
years have brought forth a cinematic
renaissance. This article explores five
movies that stand out as the most
important, each contributing uniquely to
the cultural and artistic landscape of the

3. "La La Land" (2016) - Reviving the "Parasite" encourages reflection on the

Musical Genre "La La Land" carries a consequences of societal divisions and
timeless message about the pursuit of the lengths people may go to in order to
dreams and the sacrifices one must make break free from oppressive systems. It's a
for artistic success. The film underscores stark reminder of the disparities that exist
the importance of passion, resilience, and and a call to question and challenge
staying true to oneself in the face of established norms.
adversity. Through its musical sequences
and poignant storytelling, "La La Land" As we bid farewell to the last decade,
inspires audiences to embrace their these five films stand out as cinematic
aspirations while acknowledging the milestones, each contributing to the
inevitable challenges that come with the diverse and ever-evolving landscape of
pursuit of excellence. the film industry. Their powerful
messages about reality, racism, dreams,
4. "The Shape of Water" (2017) - A Tale of love, and social inequality resonate
Love Beyond Boundaries Guillermo del deeply, reinforcing the idea that cinema
Toro's "The Shape of Water" is a visually has the potential not only to entertain
stunning fantasy that tells the story of but also to provoke thought and inspire
Elisa, a mute cleaning woman who forms change. As we look ahead, these
a deep, unconventional connection with cinematic marvels serve as a testament
an amphibious creature. The film's to the enduring impact of storytelling on
message goes beyond the fantastical the human experience.
elements, exploring themes of love,
acceptance, and the power of
communication. "The Shape of Water"
challenges societal norms and prejudices,
urging viewers to look beyond surface VITAES: TIPS THAT
differences and appreciate the beauty of CAN HELP
human connection. Through its
enchanting narrative and visual poetry,
Six out of ten CV’s which are prepared by
the film communicates a timeless
Information Technology professionals fail
message about the transformative nature
to meet the basic standards and are
of love and the strength found in
turned down without even being read
embracing the unfamiliar.
fully, according to a recruitment
company. As a consequence, thousands
5. "Parasite" (2019) - International
of candidates are excluding themselves
Triumph Bong Joon-ho's "Parasite" serves
from attractive job opportunities.
as a biting critique of social inequality and
Although the company handles over
the rigid class structure. The film's
60,000 CV’s per year, it estimates that
message lies in the interconnectedness of
at least 60% would not be admitted if
society, highlighting how the fates of the
they were sent directly to potential
rich and poor are intertwined.
clients due to basic errors.

The company Marketing Director said,

“Sadly it’s often the most highly qualified
candidates whose CV’s are so poorly IS A CONDITION THAT
constructed that they are literally dead on OCCURS IF YOU
arrival. Attractive job opportunities in the
IT industry often generate intense
competition and there is often little to SLEEP
choose between the candidates”.
Sleep deficiency is a broader concept. It
“Advice on the presentation format of occurs if you have one or more of the
CV’s in relation to the requirements that following:
they are being submitted for should be an You don’t get enough sleep (sleep
Industry standard so as to add real value deprivation)
to the candidates that you are You sleep at the wrong time of day
representing and indeed to fulfil your You don’t sleep well or get all the
professional obligations to your clients”. different types of sleep your body
“Writing a CV can be extremely difficult You have a sleep disorder that
and too often a CV turns out to be a prevents you from getting enough
generic overview including a lot of sleep or causes poorquality sleep
information that is irrelevant. People This topic focuses on sleep
should remember that an employer deficiency.
typically spends between 15 and 30
seconds scanning each CV and you have Sleeping is a basic human need, like
that one chance to make an impression”. eating, drinking, and breathing. Like these
other needs, sleeping is vital for good
“A good CV is more than just health and well-being throughout your
documentation of your career path; it is a lifetime. According to the Centers for
marketing tool designed to present your Disease Control and Prevention, about 1
professional in 3 adults in the United States reported
career experience according to the new not getting enough rest or sleep every
job specification. It should also include day.
details of past professional successes that
effectively demonstrate your ability to Nearly 40% of adults report falling
undertake the job responsibilities asleep during the day without meaning to
outlined”. at least once a month. Also, an estimated
50 to 70 million Americans have chronic,
or ongoing, sleep disorders. Sleep
deficiency can lead to physical and
mental health problems, injuries, loss of
productivity, and even a greater
likelihood of death.

Sleep deficiency can interfere with work, Improve your sleeping environment
school, driving, and social functioning. in any way you can – for example,
You might have trouble learning, focusing, keep it dark and soundproof, turn off
and reacting. Also, you might find it hard lights and wear earplugs if you have
to judge other people’s emotions and noisy neighbours.
reactions. Sleep deficiency also can make Don’t have any distractions in the
you feel frustrated, cranky, or worried in bedroom such as TV or a computer.
social situations. Use relaxation techniques to help you
fall asleep quickly.
The symptoms of sleep deficiency may Seek professional assistance for sleep
differ between children and adults. disorders such as snoring.
Children who are sleep deficient might be
overly active and have problems paying
attention. They also might misbehave,
and their school performance can suffer
Sleep deficiency is also linked to a higher
chance of injury in adults, teens, and
children. For example, sleepiness while
driving (not related to alcohol) is
responsible for serious car crash injuries
and death. In older adults, sleep
deficiency may be linked to a higher THE NEGATIVE SIDE
chance of falls and broken bones. OF JUNK AND FAST
Sleep deficiency has also played a role in
human mistakes linked to tragic accidents,
such as nuclear reactor meltdowns, Junk foods are food and drinks with low
grounding of large ships, and plane nutritional value (e.g. vitamins, minerals
crashes. A common myth Is that people and fibre) and high in kilojoules, fat,
can learn to get by on little sleep with no sugars and/or salt. On the other hand,
negative effects. However, research fast foods are a type of food you get
shows that getting enough quality sleep at from a restaurant designed to be
the right times is vital for mental health, delivered to you in the quickest way
physical health, quality of life, and safety. possible. Some fast foods can be healthy,
but typically most fast foods are junk
Sleep suggestions food. For example, salad, sushi and
Suggestions on how to get more sleep sandwiches are healthy forms of fast
include: food. However, most fast food
Purposefully go to bed earlier each restaurants, such as McDonalds or KFC
night. serve unhealthy junk food. In Australia,
Don’t smoke or drink alcoholic or 35% of an average adult’s daily energy
caffeinated beverages in the hours intake and 41% of children’s daily energy
before bedtime. intake comes from junk food.

While the occasional night of junk food

won’t hurt much, eating Junk foods regular DAY OF CANDLES
has been shown to lead to increased risks IN COLOMBIA
of obesity and chronic diseases.
Cardiovascular disease, type 2 diabetes, Day of Candles (Día de las Velitas) or
non-alcoholic fatty liver disease and some Immaculate Conception's Eve is a
cancers all have causes in excessive junk widely observed holiday tradition in
food consumption. Further, the specific Colombia that marks the beginning of
content of many fast foods can have the Christmas season. In this writing,
negative side effects for your body; we will delve into its origins, practices,
and the reasons why this festivity is
One of the most common and significant for Colombian citizens.
perceivable effects of junk food is a rise in
obesity in an individual. Junk foods are CANDLE’S DAY
loaded with sugars, calories and fats that Day of Candles was celebrated for the
are a prime factor resulting in weight gain. first time on December 7th, 1854,
Further, obesity is the starting point for when Pope Pius IX defined the
issues that originate like diabetes, joint Immaculate Conception of the Virgin
pain, and various heart ailments. Mary as dogma. This declaration was
published in his Apostolic constitution
Excess consumption of junk foods titled "Ineffabilis Deus," where the
changes the chemical composition of your Pope emphasized the belief that Jesus
brain. This change makes your body more was born of an Immaculate Conception
dependent on such junk foodstuffs and on the Virgin Mary's day, and Mary was
craves them more and more. It almost exonerated from the original sin
acts like an addiction and people go throughout her life. Under this belief,
through withdrawal symptoms and can many religious believers lit candles and
lead to depression. It further causes paper lanterns to show their support
hormonal imbalance in the body leading and faith in the idea.
to wanting more of those junk foods.
The Catholic Church of Colombia has
kept the tradition alive with the annual
tradition of lighting candles during the
Eucharist on December 7th.
Nevertheless, in recent years, it has
been losing its religious meaning until
the point that Day of Candles is
considered a popular holiday tradition
regardless if you are devout or not.

PRACTICES The fact that you are reading this

On Immaculate Conception Eve, at article possibly means that you had a
sunset, people from various regions fortunate childhood that shaped you
across Colombia place candles and paper into the motivated adult you are today
lanterns on balconies, windowsills, – here, improving your English skills.
porches, streets, plazas, sidewalks But what helped to get you this far?
throughout neighborhoods to celebrate Who inspired you along the way? For
this day. Besides, in most of the cities and many of us, a special adult helped us to
towns, streets are decorated with striking learn and grow as children and led us
and dazzling lights to welcome Christmas. to love learning. For some, it was a
great teacher or wise neighbour. Others
Also, Colombian families prepare a variety had parents, grandparents or other
of delicious desserts or meals such as, relatives who encouraged them to be
buñuelos, natilla and dulce de mora to curious and study hard. Even if your
share with neighbors or relatives during childhood wasn’t easy, you probably
this date. had at least one inspirational adult in
your life who encouraged you and was
Even though the original religious
intention mentioned above has been What difficulties do children face?
disappearing, Colombian people continue Unfortunately, not everyone has a
to light the candles to make wishes for good childhood. Proportionately, more
the New Year. In fact, each candle children live in poverty than adults.
represents a wish that is granted in terms 19.5 per cent of the world’s children
of health, money, prosperity, etc. live in extreme poverty, and even
though children are only one third of
the global population, they are half of
the poor. Around the world, many
children live without access to clean
water, enough food, or decent
healthcare. Others live in extremely
dangerous places and some are forced
to join armies to fight wars they don’t
UNIVERSAL understand. Over 120 million children
do not attend school and even those
CHILDREN'S DAY who do are not always learning: two
out of five students leave primary
What was your childhood like? school not knowing how to read, write
Childhood is a universal experience, or do basic maths. Even those who may
something every adult across the world have happy memories of childhood did
has gone through. For many, childhood is not necessarily have an easy life as a
a time we are nostalgic for. It’s a time of kid. Children are dependent on the
curiosity, imagination, exploration and adults in their life for support, and not
incredible development. all adults treat children well.

What’s so special about 20 November?

Even though every day is, or at least should
be, a day to nurture and celebrate children,
Universal Children’s Day is celebrated as a
special day around the world on 20
November. In 1989 the United Nations
Convention on the Rights of the Child – a
54-item list describing the universal rights
of children – was signed. This document
came out of the work of a lot of experts and WORLD KINDNESS
representatives from many nations who met
to create a child-specific version of the DAY
Universal Declaration of Human Rights that
was signed in 1948. The Convention on the Can you remember a time when
Rights of the Child is the most widely and somebody was kind to you?
quickly signed treaty in history, meaning it Perhaps a person allowed you to go in
was quickly adopted into the civil codes of front of them in a queue. Maybe your
most countries around the world. sister phoned you to ask how your week
was going. Or perhaps a stranger or a
What are human rights? And what are the friend helped you in a much deeper way.
rights of a child? There are a million ways to offer kindness.
The Universal Declaration of Human Rights And at a time when the world seems to
says that there are basic rights and freedoms have so many problems, some people
that every human is entitled to, regardless have started to take the issue of kindness
of race, sex, language, religion, or anything very seriously indeed!
else that may divide people. The Rights of
the Child recognises that people under the Why be kind?
age of 18 have specific needs and are Few people would disagree with the idea
entitled to their own rights. There are four that a kind action is good for the soul. It is
main principles that these rights follow: a win-win situation, leading to a sense of
nondiscrimination, the best interests of the well-being both for the receiver of this
child, the right to life, including survival and kind gesture, as well as for the person
development, and the right to be heard and who does the action. As a simple
taken seriously. According to this, every example, let’s imagine you have a
child has the right to safety, to care, to workmate who always does a very good
education, to play, to rest and to know their job. How about taking a moment to
rights! mention this to them, just in conversation
or perhaps by email? The effects of this
What can we do? will probably be quite clear: your
The Convention on the Rights of the Child is workmate will be happy to receive some
the world’s promise to children that we, the praise and, in addition, you will probably
adults, will do everything in our power to feel good about yourself for having
protect them, to educate them, and to help spread a little joy.
them grow.

What are ‘random acts of kindness’? What is World Kindness Day?

Many organisations try to encourage This is an annual celebration which
people to do kind acts, wherever and takes place on 13 November each year.
whenever they can. The idea behind this is The day is marked in many countries,
that it doesn’t take any major plan to be drawing attention to the amazing work
kind, just a little bit of effort. Perhaps the of organisations and individuals in local
strongest supporters of this idea are the communities. How do people celebrate
Random Acts of Kindness (RAK) this day? Well, by being kind … and
Foundation, who work with schools and having lots of fun. One typical event is
companies to teach people kindness skills. to use ‘kindness cards’. These are small
They operate under the beliefs that cards which you hand to somebody
kindness can be taught and that it is when you do a kind act for them – with
contagious. Their activities range from the message that now it is the other
suggesting kind acts to allowing their person’s turn to ‘pass on’ the card by
website-users to become ‘RAKtivists’ doing a kind act for another person.
(people who officially register themselves Most experts on kindness agree that it
as activist of kindness.) has a sort of ripple effect. This means
that one kind action tends to lead to
How can I be kind? more and more. So don’t wait for
Apart from using your own common kindness to find you today, go and start
sense, the RAK website suggests some a new ripple.
more imaginative ways to show kindness.
Generally, these fall into three categories.
The first is interpersonal kindness. Some DIWALI
examples are donating old clothes to
charity or writing a positive online
Diwali comes from the word deepavali,
comment about a restaurant that you like.
which means ‘rows of lighted lamps’.
The second is environmental kindness,
During the festival, these lamps, called
which could mean simply recycling or
diyas, are used everywhere. They
organising a group event to clean a local
symbolise the victory of light over
park or beach. The third category is less
darkness, or good over evil. Diwali is
obvious: personal kindness, which means
celebrated differently in different regions
treating yourself kindly. Some examples
and by different religions and is a bank
are taking a walk in nature or setting
holiday in many countries, including India,
yourself an objective to complain less.
Sri Lanka, Nepal, Myanmar, Singapore,
The logic is that by being kind to yourself,
Malaysia, Mauritius, Fiji, Guyana, Suriname
you will automatically be kinder to the
and Trinidad and Tobago. It is often
world around you.
considered a Hindu festival, but in fact it
is also celebrated by Sikhs, Jains and
Newari Buddhists. Here are some of the
things that happen during the five days of

Day One – Dhanteras, or Day of Fortune take it to the temple to celebrate the
The first day has a focus on fortune, both beginning of the new year. Food is
good luck and money or valuables. People important throughout the period of
may wash money to show that they Diwali, especially traditional sweet
intend to use it to do good in the world. It treats such as gulab jamun (a very sweet
is also a day for helping people who are deep-fried doughnut), kheer (a creamy
not as well off. It is a lucky day for buying dessert made with rice) or barfi (a sweet
gold and silver and other metals, so made with condensed milk and sugar).
people often buy jewellery or cars, or
anything made of metal. It is estimated Day Five – Bhai Dhooj
that last year Indians spent about $3.9 This is the last day of Diwali, and it also
billion during Diwali. sometimes celebrates the relationship
between brother and sister. Brothers
People also make sure that their houses may visit their married sisters’ homes,
are clean, ready to welcome in Lakshmi, and they will take gifts.
the Goddess of Wealth and Prosperity, in
the evening. A universal symbol Diwali is celebrated
by millions of people in India and across
Day Two – Naraka Chaturdashi the world. The festival marks different
According to Hindu stories, the demon historical events and stories for each
Narakasura was killed on this day. The day faith that celebrates it, but for all the
is all about getting rid of anything bad. faiths it symbolises the victory of good
People get up early and wash and put on over evil, and light over darkness, which
clean or new clothes. Afterwards, they will means something to all of us.
celebrate by having a special breakfast
with their friends and family. This day,
also known as Chhoti Diwali, is a day for
visiting friends, business associates and
relatives, and for exchanging gifts.

Day Three – Diwali

In most regions, this is the most
important day of the festival. It is the last
day of the year in many regions of India.
The story goes that on this day, Lord
Rama rescued his wife, Sita, from the
demon Ravana. Candles are lit to
celebrate his victory, and to light his way
home after the battle. In the evening,
people may set off fireworks.

Day Four – Annakut

Annakut means ‘mountain of food’.
Hindus prepare a great deal of food and

Bonfire Night can be a hard celebration to explain. It’s also sometimes called Guy Fawkes
Night – but who was Guy Fawkes and what’s it all about? Well, Guy Fawkes tried to blow
up London’s Houses of Parliament in 1605 because he wanted to kill King James I. So
British people celebrate that night, 5 November, with bonfire parties, including huge
bonfires in public parks, and firework displays.

But isn’t it strange to celebrate a plot to kill the king? Well, yes, it would be. But if you
know more about the history of Bonfire Night and the Gunpowder Plot, its traditions
make more sense. You see, the first Bonfire Night, on 5 November 1606, wasn’t exactly a
celebration. It was a warning: ‘This is what happens if you commit treason.’

Who was Guy Fawkes? Guy Fawkes was a soldier and he was not the only person
involved in the plot to blow up Parliament. He made his plan with a group of 12 English
Catholic gentlemen. The leader was Sir Robert Catesby. As a soldier, Fawkes was in
charge of the gunpowder. The men rented a room underneath Parliament and filled 36
barrels with gunpowder – probably about 2,500 kilograms. Fawkes stayed to blow up the
barrels and then escape. But someone sent a letter to Lord Monteagle, a
Catholic, to tell him not to go to Parliament that day. In this way, the plot was
discovered, and Guy Fawkes was caught before he could carry it out.

All the members of the plot were either killed or arrested and then killed in public.
Parliament ordered a national day to give thanks for the safety of the king on 5
November. People had to go to church and they celebrated with a big bonfire. By the
1650s, the celebration included fireworks and later a ‘guy’ – a man made of straw and old
clothes and burned on the bonfire.

What was there a plot? Guy Fawkes and the other members of the plot didn’t like the
way Protestant James I (and Queen Elizabeth I before him) treated Catholics like them.
At that time, Catholics couldn’t have their own churches. They had to practise their
religion in secret, and it was very dangerous if they were caught. The Gunpowder Plot
was not the first Catholic plan to try to kill the king, but it was the biggest. Afterwards,
many people were suspicious of Catholics, even as late as the 18th and 19th centuries.
This was very unfair, as most Catholics were peaceful and were also shocked by the

Bonfire Night Today The celebrations have remained mostly the same for hundreds of
years, although people nowadays don’t go to church as part of the day. Most towns and
villages organise public displays where you can stand by huge bonfires and watch the
fireworks as you eat a toffee apple or a hot snack. Many children learn this poem about
Bonfire Night at school, and they look forward to a special evening out: Remember,
remember the 5th of November, Gunpowder, treason and plot.

I see no reason why gunpowder treason Should ever be forgot. So if you’re ever in the
UK on 5 November, you’ll now know what all the noise is about!

Comparing youth against elderly, sometimes results complicated. Different life styles,
learning and upbringing are some of the biggest differences, which mark some
generational milestones. The way of life is not the same for teenagers nowadays
compared with teenagers thirty years ago. Taking into account technology, working and
new tendencies which influence our lives. I´m going to tell you from my personal
experience what has changed through the years and molded many of our behaviors and,
too, that no matters the generational differences, but how we are able to conform to
the times.

Seven things to talk about new generations

The way the last generations learned was somewhat different. For instance, in past,
people used to go to libraries, do homeworks under the light of a candle, even some of
them, took classes from the radio or by correspondence. Those are unthinkable things
presently. On the other hand, today, we have the chance to pay for internet service and
get as much information as we need immediately.

The manners, the ways to request anything and common expressions are changing with
the new generations. Normally, people would say often, “good morning, please, excuse
me, etc…” in the past. Youth, in contrast, say contractions, easier and sometimes shorter
expressions. For instance, mixing the words chill and relax, they get the verb to chillax,
or the case of “take it easy. Equally, as some of them in Colombia, when we say “las
lucas, caerle a alguien, el parche, parcero”, etc…

Games like, Marbles, Spining Top, Yermis, among others are so memorable for many
people in Colombia. However, those games could be less interesting for children and
teenagers in 2022. Is very common to listen to the kids to talk about the brand new
tendency, challenge or what´s new to be in, even though it is dangerous.

Probably you have listened something like women didn’t need a hospital to give birth,
but they did it at home with a midwife, or parents hit children when responded them
wrong. However, they obeyed their parents and family were closer together.
Nowadays, if anyone touch a child then he will have a big problem. What do you think
about it?

The kind of garments used in the past were so different. If we compare the 50’s vs
today, we can observe the formal outfits even in children. Presently, we look for
comfort, changing suits for tracksuits and trainers. Sometimes, we can go to formal
meetings and work, using informal clothes on the weekends.

Music were discreet and romantic most of the cases, which could be very boring for
new generations. Instead, they normally prefer new rhythms, accelerated beats and
more aggressive lyrics. In many cases urging to uncontrolled sex, violence and even
decadence. Don´t get me wrong, I enjoy many musical genres, not only one.

Life Style
The way of life is different today. Thanks to technology, we can do impossible things
in past, that go from working at home and getting a university grade. In addition,
troubles like illnesses are changing our behaviors because we must use masks and
keep distance to be safe. Besides, we want to do many things at the same time, which
is stressful and keep us exhausted most of the time.

You might not know these words: Upbringing: the way in which you are treated and
educated when you are young, especially by your parents. Milestone: an important
event in the development or history of something or in someone's life. Mold:
influence on how that person develops. Conform: to behave according to the usual
standards of behaviour that are expected by a group or society. Urge: a strong wish,
especially one that is difficult or impossible to control.


The tasty beginnings of a beloved winter tradition: drinking hot chocolate.

After skating, skiing or shoveling snow, nothing warms you up better than a cup of hot
cocoa. Although today’s typical toppings— whipped cream, marshmallows, crushed
peppermint candy—may be modern marvels, chocolate was first consumed in liquid
form by the Olmec people of northwestern Central America around 1500 B.C. It was
even enjoyed by the Aztec emperor Montezuma, and the Aztec word for it (xocolatl,
pronounced shoh-kwah-tl or shoh-kwahlah- tl) evolved into the English word chocolate.

But the Aztecs didn’t serve their cocoa hot. And since sugar had not yet arrived from
Europe, back then, the drink was often flavored with peppers and spices. It may not have
been quite as indulgent as today’s version, but it was more palatable if you believed, as
the Aztecs did, that chocolate was a gift from the gods and had healing properties.

After the Spanish arrived in the Americas in the 1500 s, liquid chocolate made its way
across the pond, where wealthy Europeans added sugar and drank it warm. In Chocolate:
History, Culture and Heritage, author Bertram Gordon says hot chocolate became “the
beverage of the aristocracy,” as sugar was still a luxury. (Marie Antoinette even had a
servant with the title Chocolate Maker to the Queen.) Doctors also began using it to
mask the unpleasant taste of medicines—and some doctors today still suggest that
parents try that.

Soon enough, though, hot chocolate caught on with the masses. Chocolate houses—a
cross between cafes and casinos— started popping up around 17th-century Europe. In
these lively places, hot chocolate was poured from gilded pots into elegant cups.
(Anyone looking for such a posh experience can still find it today at the famed Parisian
tearoom Angelina’s, which also has a location in New York City.) But by the end of the
18th century, chocolate houses had mostly died off, partly because the cost of chocolate
was much higher than that of coffee or tea.

In Colonial America, meanwhile, George Washington is said to have enjoyed a breakfast

of cornmeal pancakes alongside a warm chocolate drink—rumored to have been spiked
with brandy. Marshmallows first came into the picture in 1917, when the company
Angelus Marshmallows published a recipe for hot cocoa topped with their product. (In
another genius marketing move, the company also hitched its wagon to sweet potatoes
with a recipe for the side dish that has since become a Thanksgiving staple.)

Instant cocoa is another American invention, created in the late 1950s when dairy
company owner Charles Sanna faced an oversupply of powdered coffee creamer. His
solution: mix the creamer, sugar and cocoa powder together, thus creating the original
Swiss Miss formulation.

Taking a tour of international cups of cocoa, in Italy, you can try cioccolata calda, a
thick, puddinglike version. In Colombia and Ecuador, chocolate caliente is served with
a dollop of soft farmer cheese—a divinely gooey experience. And Filipino hot
chocolate, sikwate, is served with mango chunks.

However you choose to jazz up your own cup, the simple pleasure of drinking a warm,
chocolaty beverage is one that hasn’t gotten old for thousands of years. A gift from
the gods? Perhaps. But it’s certainly one that keeps on giving.


Many people are afraid of flying in airplanes, but they shouldn’t be. Flying is actually one
of the safest ways to travel. In fact, when measured per mile, flying is actually far safer
than driving, or travelling by train. Not only is flying the safest mode of transport, but it
is also the fastest. Just a hundred years ago if you wanted to travel from China to the
United States, you would have to travel by boat for many weeks. Now, you can get there
in less than 24 hours. Airplanes are also quite comfortable, and often offer in-flight
entertainment, such as movies. This helps explain why travelling by plane is now the
preferred choice for long distance journeys.

Of course, that doesn’t stop some people from being afraid of flying. The idea of hurtling
through the atmosphere at hundreds of miles per hour can be intimidating for many.
One of the main reasons that people are afraid to fly is that passengers lack any control
over the airplane, and have to place their trust in the hands of the pilots. Many people
would prefer to remain in control!

Comparing the number of deaths caused by cars, trains, and airplanes is very difficult.
Many more people drive than fly. The easiest way to compare deaths is per billion
kilometers. This means, how many people will die per billion kilometers travelled?
Motorcycles, for example very dangerous and 108.9 people will die per every billion
kilometers traveled. Cars are less dangerous, with 3.1 people dying per billion killometers.

Trains are quite safe, with only 0.6 people dying per billion kilometers traveled.
Subway and metro rails are even safer, with only 0.24 people dying per billion
kilometers traveled. Do you know what’s even safer? Air travel! Only 0.05 people
were killed per billion kilometers. This is far lower than most other forms of

Commercial flying is especially safe. When a commercial aircraft crashes, it gets a lot
of attention. Sometimes, hundreds of people can die in a single crash. Yet part of the
reason these crashes get so much attention is because they are so rare. In fact,
aviation accidents involving civilian aircraft carrying 19 or more people have actually
declined over the years. In 1972, there were more than 40 accidents. In 2014, there
were fewer than ten. This is especially reassuring given that there are far more people
flying now than there were in 1972.

Most crashes that do occur actually involve smaller personal planes, which lack the
advanced features found in modern commercial aircraft. Another reason people fear
flying is “terrorist attacks”. Terrorist attacks are extremely rare, however. You are far
more likely to die of the common flu, than you are to die from a terrorist attack.
Furthermore, increased security at airports and on airplanes makes it even less likely
that a terrorist attack will bring down an airplane.

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