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Core Java Assignment - Library Management System


You are tasked with implementing a Library Management System in Java. The system should allow users to add
books to the library, search for books, borrow books, and return books. Additionally, it should incorporate Java
8 features, handle exceptions, and utilize collections.


1. Create a Book class with the following attributes:

● title (String)
● author (String)
● isbn (String)
● Genre (String)
● available (boolean)

2. Create a Library class that manages the books. It should have the following methods:
● addBook(Book book): Adds a book to the library.
● searchByTitle(String title): Searches for books by title and prints the details of matching
● searchByAuthor(String author): Searches for books by author and prints the details of
matching books.
● searchByGenre(String Genre): Searches for books by Grnre and prints the details of
matching books.
● IssueBook(String isbn) throws BookUnavailableException: Marks a book as borrowed by
setting its available attribute to false.
● returnBook(String isbn) throws BookNotFoundException: Marks a borrowed book as returned
by setting its available attribute to true.
● displayAllBooks(): Prints the details of all the books in the library.
● displayAvailableBooks(): Prints the details of available books in the library.
● addUser(): add the user to borrow the book.
● Issuedtouser(): prints the details of all the books issued to the user.

3. Implement the BookUnavailableException class that extends Exception. This exception should be thrown
when a user tries to borrow an unavailable book.

4. Implement the BookNotFoundException class that extends Exception. This exception should be thrown
when a user tries to return a book that is not found in the library.

5. Utilize Java 8 features wherever applicable. For example, use lambda expressions or method references
to perform operations on collections.


1. Create the necessary Java classes and ensure they are properly organized.
2. Implement the methods in the Library class according to the provided requirements.
3. Test your implementation by creating a main method and performing the following operations:
● Add a books to the library
● Display all the books in the library.
● Search for books by title, genre and author.
● Issue a book and handle any exceptions that may occur.
● Return a book and handle any exceptions that may occur.
● Display all the books in the library after the operations.
● Add muliple users in the library to take the book.
● Issue the book with timestamp only for 90days
● Add fine into user’s Library card if book has been issued for more than 90 days
● Calculate the fine at the rate 2% of cost of the book per day
● Display the library card of each user.

Note: You are free to add additional methods or classes as needed to complete the assignment.

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