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 Original passport
 Original International Student Identity Card (in case you have applied for a
student discount).
 Day pack.
 Trekking pants/jacket
 Thermal underwear set
 3 pair of socks
 Rain gear (jacket and pants if available) or rain poncho (plastic ponchos).
 Waterproof trekking shoes recommended
 Sandals
 Headlamp/Flashlight
 Quick dry travel towel
 A refillable water bottle
 Water purification tablets (optional)
 Sunscreen
 Sun hat
 Sunglasses
 Mosquito repellent
 A pair of trekking poles (optional)
 A pair of gloves
 Warm clothes
 Wet and dry bags
 A couple of long-sleeve T-shirts/ a couple of short-sleeve T-shirts
 Rain cover for your backpack
 Sleeping bag (sleeping pad)
 Toilet paper
 A little bit of soap/ hand sanitizer
 3 Masks
 Camera (Extra battery pack)
 Personal medical kit (Band-Aids, aspirin, painkiller, 2 bandages or knee
braces, moleskin or another type of blister treatment, Ibuprofen (or another
preferred pain-relief medication, Insect sting treatment, Antihistamine for
allergic reactions)
 etc)
 Snacks (Energy bars, dried fruts, granola, etc)
 Toothbrush
 Toothpaste
 Swimsuit (if you wish to go to the hot springs in Cocalmayo)
 Cash in soles and/or US$
 You can bring what you consider important.
Note: Avoid drinking alcohol.

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