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21 Days the Anti-Hustle Way

Welcome to the challenge!!

Over the next month, we are going to radically change the way you show up for yourself and start
building the muscle of devotion.

You see, ‘Anti-Hustle’ doesn’t mean lying back on an imaginary chaise longue being fanned with
ostrich feathers by some adonis whilst we wait for the Universe to deliver the goods on a silver platter
(sadly!). You still gotta do the work!

Anti-Hustle means having a clear strategy instead of throwing spaghetti at the wall and hoping
something sticks. It means stepping away from shame stories and choosing new empowered ones for
ourselves. It means cultivating stickability and follow-through - in other words, showing up for
ourselves above all else. It means committing to the vision, pouring into our self-care and going for it,
no matter what. It’s focusing on only the 20% of tasks that will actually move the needle in our
business and showing up, selling and serving in a way that feels good, not doing things that make our
skin crawl because we think we should.

By the end of this month playing together you’ll have stepped outside your comfort zone, had a shit
load of fun, made new friends, got lots of new eyeballs on your stuff and hopefully made a fck tonne
of money! Whoop!


21 Days The Anti-Hustle Way Playbook © The Anti-Hustle Club 2023

All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying,
recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods, without the prior written permission of the publisher, except in the case of brief quotations
embodied in critical reviews and certain other noncommercial uses permitted by copyright law.
21 Days the Anti-Hustle Way...............................................................................2
SOS Guide….........................................................................................................5
Introduction.......................................................................................................... 9
Challenge Activities and Rules.........................................................................13
Activity 1 Coffee Dates...................................................................................... 16
Activity 2 Podcast Hopping, Guest Expert Sessions and Collaboration......22
Activity 3 Livestreams....................................................................................... 24
Activity 4 Interaction..........................................................................................28
Activity 5 Short Form Video.............................................................................. 29
Activity 6 Written Content................................................................................. 32
Activity 7 Email like a Boss...............................................................................40
Activity 8 Instagram and Facebook Stories.................................................... 46
Activity 9 - Networking (in person or virtual).................................................. 48
Activity 10 - An experience............................................................................... 49
Summary of Activities....................................................................................... 51

21 Days The Anti-Hustle Way Playbook © The Anti-Hustle Club 2023

All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying,
recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods, without the prior written permission of the publisher, except in the case of brief quotations
embodied in critical reviews and certain other noncommercial uses permitted by copyright law.
SOS Guide…..

The Central Nervous System (CNS) is a group of cells in the body, including the brain and spinal
cord, that helps control everything we do. When we experience stress, our body responds in a certain
way that involves the CNS. This response is controlled by two parts of the body called the
sympathetic nervous system (SNS) and the parasympathetic nervous system (PNS). These two parts
work together to help our body deal with stress by increasing our heart rate, breathing rate, and
making us more alert.

Stress only becomes problematic when it is ignored. Pretending you aren’t stressed and trying to
battle on through is what causes BURNOUT. If the CNS is too active, it can cause things like
headaches and anxiety. If it's not active enough, we might feel fatigued and have a hard time fighting
off illnesses. To keep our CNS healthy, we can do things like relaxing, exercising, and making sure we
are sleeping enough.

A stress response happens when we are way outside our comfort zone - for example, imagine being
pushed out to deliver a speech in front of 20,000 people, or dangled from a cliff on a rope. It can feel
like going blank, freezing up, heart racing, panicking, sweating etc and it is beyond our control in the
moment it happens. It is an automatic response.

What we want to be doing is learning to manage and work with these responses. Not ignoring them
and burning out and not backing off every time we feel triggered because then we make no progress.

21 Days The Anti-Hustle Way Playbook © The Anti-Hustle Club 2023

All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying,
recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods, without the prior written permission of the publisher, except in the case of brief quotations
embodied in critical reviews and certain other noncommercial uses permitted by copyright law.
So how do we identify and manage our stress response?

The more in tune with your body you are the more you will feel stress in your body. It can feel like
physical symptoms as described above or just a general feeling of constriction.

Stress Management Tool 101

Check in with your body regularly. If you don’t already do this, try to work it into your life as a daily
essential. Simply take some quiet time (it can even be a few moments in your car before you get out
to go somewhere) and take a few deep breaths. Drop into your body and run your focus down your
body from head to toe in your minds eye. Notice if you feel any constriction or tension anywhere. If
you do notice anything, just take a moment to acknowledge it and take some deep breaths. It doesn’t
mean anything about you, it is just a biochemical response, so try not to attach stories to it.

Notice your thought patterns. Stress response often shows up in the mind through negative thought
loops, difficulty focusing, overthinking, slipping into old patterns, stories and beliefs, feeling fatigued
and unable to focus, distracting and procrastinating and slipping into shame spirals and
comparisonitis. Again, don’t make it mean anything about you! Simply notice when this is happening
and give yourself compassion. Try to bring yourself back to the present moment through mindfulness
techniques like observing 5 objects in the room you are in.

Regularly checking in with your body like this can really help you to tune in to your gut intuition and
guide you to better alignment. If you find you are experiencing stress a lot or feel that you may have a
lot of stored stress in the body I highly recommend looking into some self-care practices that focus on
moving your body. Some examples include breathwork, kriya practice for clearing the arc line, yoga,
dance, etc. Self-care doesn’t have to look like meditating for an hour daily, it can look however YOU
want it to look, it simply means disconnecting from what is happening externally and connecting to
your body for a period of time instead.

21 Days The Anti-Hustle Way Playbook © The Anti-Hustle Club 2023

All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying,
recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods, without the prior written permission of the publisher, except in the case of brief quotations
embodied in critical reviews and certain other noncommercial uses permitted by copyright law.
Help! I’ve identified stress in my body! Now what????

Don’t panic! We are designed to manage stress! Your body will do what it needs to, all you need to do
is acknowledge it without judgement. It is very important to detach from your stress response and
not build a story around it.

Breathing is a great tool to help you de-stress, either through breathwork exercises or simply
breathing normally through your nose (rather than your mouth).

Sleep - this old chestnut! It is important! So try to make sure you are getting a decent amount of
quality shut-eye. Things like limiting caffeine and screen time before bed will help.

Design an emergency self care tool kit that you can turn to when you are feeling triggered. What feels
really good to you? Getting out in nature? Stroking animals? Having a bath? Dancing? Figure it out
and have it in your back pocket in case of emergency.

JOURNAL. Seriously, record the data! If you keep a written diary of what triggered you, how this
showed in your body and what you did to move through it it will help you a tonne with future triggers.

Breathe into your emotions. Feel your feelings. Don’t try to dismiss or bypass them because this is
when the stress gets stuck and the feeling won’t go away. When you feel that surge of emotion
breathe into it for 30-60 seconds and then dive into your tool kit. Personally, I find movement is a
great way to reset the body (notice how Tony Robbins constantly has his audiences on their feet?
That’s not just for fun!).

21 Days The Anti-Hustle Way Playbook © The Anti-Hustle Club 2023

All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying,
recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods, without the prior written permission of the publisher, except in the case of brief quotations
embodied in critical reviews and certain other noncommercial uses permitted by copyright law.
Building the Muscle…

Now you have some tools to help you through getting triggered it’s time to get in the ring and give it
your best shot! Understand that running a business is one big stressor and you’ll be well prepared!

Things will activate and trigger you DAILY in business and in a challenge like this:

You may put out an offer and get no response

You may write a post and get no response
You may make an offer and someone says no to you
You might get trolled on social media
You might get activated by someone in this container
You might get activated by what I am teaching and coaching on in this container
You may feel like you are less than or further behind your peers
You might plan to do something and then feel too tired and shame yourself

Turn to your body check-ins and tool kit when you feel like this but remember, we want to stretch the
edges of our comfort zone here. Growth doesn’t happen inside the comfort zone so keep gently
pushing yourself!

Remember, your energy naturally ebbs and flows from hour to hour, day to day, and week to week.
Try to set yourself up to win by not taking on too much and honouring your natural ebbs.

Finally, done is better than perfect. You’ll be amazed at your progress after 30 days - just keep going!

21 Days The Anti-Hustle Way Playbook © The Anti-Hustle Club 2023

All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying,
recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods, without the prior written permission of the publisher, except in the case of brief quotations
embodied in critical reviews and certain other noncommercial uses permitted by copyright law.

Visibility is a measure of how easily users can find and engage with a social media account or
content. It is determined by various factors such as the algorithmic ranking of posts, the frequency of
activity, the size of the audience, and the engagement rate (likes, comments, shares, etc.). In other
words, how easy is it to find you on social media?

I’m always amazed at how many people miss the basics of their social media optimisation. There’s no
point putting loads of effort into showing up if your profiles are out of date or unclear! So let's take a
quick detour and audit your socials!

Your Bio…

Listen, we will all have different opinions on this and here’s mine: you cannot sum up the brilliance of
what you do in one simple ‘I help’ statement or in 150 characters. So play with it! Bring your
personality through! Change it regularly.

Here are mine at the time of writing:

21 Days The Anti-Hustle Way Playbook © The Anti-Hustle Club 2023

All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying,
recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods, without the prior written permission of the publisher, except in the case of brief quotations
embodied in critical reviews and certain other noncommercial uses permitted by copyright law.
Your Banner

Again, horses for courses but personally I can’t stand banners that scream MAKE MONEY ONLINE.

In reality, it does depend on what sector you are in but I don’t think there is anything wrong with
having a little mystery. What you are aiming for is for a stranger to know within 20 seconds of visiting
your page whether they want to follow you. So it’s an art but also a science. If you are too vague and
mysterious people won’t know what you can do for them.

What is crucial is to make sure that all of the text on your banner can be easily read on both desktop
and mobile. Head to Canva to make your banners and then when you upload to Facebook make sure
you align it so all your text can be read and then make sure it still works on mobile view.

Tip! If it takes you several goes at altering and uploading your banner like it does me you’re going to
want to go through your feed afterwards and delete all the status updates saying you updated your
picture! Facebook will post to your feed every time you change the picture so you could end up with
several such posts if it takes a while to get it right!

Tip! You can use your profile picture to send your followers somewhere else. If you add a ‘click here’
button in Canva you can then edit the picture description on Facebook and add a link to anywhere
you like (Facebook group, lead magnet, website etc).

Turn to the next page to see some examples of mine. As you’ll see, graphic design is not really my
area of expertise! The key is to get the information and vibe across and just get the thing up! It
honestly doesn’t matter if you want to change what you call yourself or what your expertise is. No one
cares honestly and people spend waaaaaay too much time agonising over this stuff! If you dabbled at
being a sobriety coach and now you want to be a marketing coach guess what? No one cares! I say
this with so much love; you don’t need to make a big announcement or get all up inside your head
about what people will think, just do it!

21 Days The Anti-Hustle Way Playbook © The Anti-Hustle Club 2023

All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying,
recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods, without the prior written permission of the publisher, except in the case of brief quotations
embodied in critical reviews and certain other noncommercial uses permitted by copyright law.
Banner Examples…

21 Days The Anti-Hustle Way Playbook © The Anti-Hustle Club 2023

All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying,
recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods, without the prior written permission of the publisher, except in the case of brief quotations
embodied in critical reviews and certain other noncommercial uses permitted by copyright law.
Your Profile

Finally, a word on your profile bio. Keep it succinct so it’s clear where people can find your links and
groups. Keep it up to date! Remove old sales pages and offers. Take out all your old towns, schools,
favourite TV shows etc, no one cares and it puts too much information in the way of the meat and
potatoes. Make sure you have links to where people can 1) buy your stuff and 2) follow you on other
platforms. That’s it!

21 Days The Anti-Hustle Way Playbook © The Anti-Hustle Club 2023

All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying,
recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods, without the prior written permission of the publisher, except in the case of brief quotations
embodied in critical reviews and certain other noncommercial uses permitted by copyright law.
Challenge Activities and Rules

The rules are super simple in this challenge. In fact, there is only one rule!

The rule is this:

Show up on social media and/or in your emails EVERY DAY for 21 Days

That’s it! The challenge will be broken down into 3 separate weeks with a prize available for
completion of each week. There are also ‘spare days’ within the program to make up for any lost days
- setting you up to win folks!

21 Days The Anti-Hustle Way Playbook © The Anti-Hustle Club 2023

All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying,
recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods, without the prior written permission of the publisher, except in the case of brief quotations
embodied in critical reviews and certain other noncommercial uses permitted by copyright law.
Listen, we all know we ‘should’ be showing up, but most of us have it totally upside down and back to
front. Starting with ‘should’ is a surefire way to either 1) show up in a wobbly energy or 2) make
showing up into a boogie man and just not do it at all. Telling ourselves we ‘should’ be doing things is
a conditioned shaming energy stemming from our conditioning and operating in this energy isn’t the
most positive way to achieve things.

As the graphic above says, hustling harder does not = success.

So how does this work then? Hustling doesn’t work but we can’t sit back and wait for the universe to
deliver on a silver platter either. So what is the answer? How are we meant to show up?

21 Days The Anti-Hustle Way Playbook © The Anti-Hustle Club 2023

All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying,
recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods, without the prior written permission of the publisher, except in the case of brief quotations
embodied in critical reviews and certain other noncommercial uses permitted by copyright law.
Sadhguru said “There is no such thing as a work-life balance- It is all life. The balance has to be in
you.” This is so relevant to how you show up in your business because not only do you want to be
striking a balance in how you fit your business into your life but you also want to be finding ways to
reframe your thoughts around it. We’ll dive into this in the trainings but notice how you think about
showing up online, and what words you use. Do you think of it as a chore and a drag or are you
excited to connect with your community? If it feels like a chore and a drag, guess what energy comes

Throughout the challenge, we’ll look at ways to reframe your thoughts and build your ‘showing up
muscle’ (technical term, LOL). We want to be leaning into our vision (some people call that a ‘why’),
really thinking about the legacy we are building and our vision for the future.

Inside this playbook, there are lots of different strategies to try on in your business. See what looks
and feels good and give it a fair chance. Everything is hard at first - you can’t expect to get off the
couch and be able to run a marathon, and refining habits and skills are really no different.

You can totally ‘tick off’ this challenge the easy way - show up each day and do the easiest possible
thing, and there may well be days where you do exactly that because life happens and we only have
so many hours in the day. However, you will get much more out of this challenge if you walk your
edges and stretch yourself out of that comfort zone. Don’t attempt to do a bajillion things and set
yourself up to fail but do use this time as an opportunity to lean into experimentation and adventure.

Now get to work!

21 Days The Anti-Hustle Way Playbook © The Anti-Hustle Club 2023

All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying,
recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods, without the prior written permission of the publisher, except in the case of brief quotations
embodied in critical reviews and certain other noncommercial uses permitted by copyright law.
Activity 1 Coffee Dates

One of my favourite activities and something I hadn’t given nearly enough thought to until I was
introduced to this concept by another coach. This is also one of the most daunting things for people to
do so this is a bumper section - I hope the tips here give you the confidence to get out there and get

21 Days The Anti-Hustle Way Playbook © The Anti-Hustle Club 2023

All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying,
recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods, without the prior written permission of the publisher, except in the case of brief quotations
embodied in critical reviews and certain other noncommercial uses permitted by copyright law.
You’re going to go out and find as many people as possible to have coffee with over the next 21 days.
This can be virtually or in person - or both! This is really useful whatever stage you’re at. A lot of
people have alarmingly little experience in talking to actual real-life human beings and it’s pretty
crucial for most service providers.

Now, don’t overthink this - I see you!!!

You can do this for free or you can charge for it. You can do it in an office, on Zoom, at the local
coffee shop or even in a pop-up shop! It doesn’t matter! (Most things don’t, actually!)

If you feel some resistance to speaking to actual real-life human beings then you should definitely
pick this activity. Speaking to people is beneficial in so many ways:

You grow your network

You get to share your gifts
You get to bounce ideas off people in real time
You get to hone your coaching and listening skills
You get heaps of material for your content.

What’s not to love!

Why is this coming in at the top of my list of suggestions? Well, like I said earlier on, a lot of people
have alarmingly little experience in dealing with actual real-life human beings. A lot of programs out
there encourage ‘fast action’ and there is a culture online of setting up as a coach with really no
experience and slapping a high ticket price on a coaching offer. Now I’m all for taking imperfect action
but just to bring a little reality check into proceedings… working an online business can be conducted
at quite a safe distance from actual real-life human beings. Think about it - we are sitting behind a
screen, putting out content, designing sales pages and lead magnets and websites, writing content
and generally being quite removed from actual real-life human beings.

21 Days The Anti-Hustle Way Playbook © The Anti-Hustle Club 2023

All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying,
recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods, without the prior written permission of the publisher, except in the case of brief quotations
embodied in critical reviews and certain other noncommercial uses permitted by copyright law.
And this doesn’t just apply to coaches. In my experience, communication is one of the most important
skills you will ever learn in business, and indeed, in life. Similarly, miscommunication is at the root of
almost all failed working relationships - it’s a really important skill!

Finally, as members of the Anti-Hustle community, I’m guessing you don’t want to sound like an
American infomercial in your marketing, which means that a lot of the marketing ‘rules’ out there (that
were developed around getting products in front of customers on busy supermarket shelves) don’t
apply. The skill you want to hone in on is connection. Have you ever sat and thought about how truly
absurd most of the ‘Ideal Client’work is? Can you tell me why is matters what brand of coffee your
people are drinking? Nope, didn’t think so!

Instead of thinking of your tribe as the faceless mass of people ‘out there’, start seeing them as warm,
beautiful souls and start calling them in by sharing yours. Yes, speaking 1-1 with people can be
awkward and uncomfortable and stretchy and all the things but if you are looking for quantum growth
this is the way to do it. And guess what? It’s so obvious who talks to actual real-life human beings
and who doesn’t because the former group use the data they collect from those actual real-life
human beings to write brilliant copy that captures their client’s exact thoughts, words, emotions and
experiences. There is no guesswork, no staring blankly at a screen, it’s all just……easy.

21 Days The Anti-Hustle Way Playbook © The Anti-Hustle Club 2023

All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying,
recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods, without the prior written permission of the publisher, except in the case of brief quotations
embodied in critical reviews and certain other noncommercial uses permitted by copyright law.
21 Days The Anti-Hustle Way Playbook © The Anti-Hustle Club 2023
All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying,
recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods, without the prior written permission of the publisher, except in the case of brief quotations
embodied in critical reviews and certain other noncommercial uses permitted by copyright law.
STILL overthinking this??? I got you!

Here are some ways you can frame this when you put it out into the world:

I’m looking to connect with more fabulous humans and I’m offering _____________ in
exchange for your time. I’d love to meet some new people and I’m inviting you to a coffee date
with me which you can book by _______________.

I’m looking to improve my skills in ______________ and I wondered if you would mind coming
on a coffee date with me where we can hang out and I will _________________. You don’t
have to pay me anything at all, I’m only asking for your time! A testimonial would obviously be
highly appreciated though!

I’m testing a new framework and I’m looking for beta testers to run through this with for free!

I’m thinking of offering _________________ and I’d love to offer this to a select few clients free
of charge whilst I fine-tune it.

21 Days The Anti-Hustle Way Playbook © The Anti-Hustle Club 2023

All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying,
recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods, without the prior written permission of the publisher, except in the case of brief quotations
embodied in critical reviews and certain other noncommercial uses permitted by copyright law.
OK, OK Gin I’m gonna take the leap and do this - how do I get the word out????

Some ideas for you…

Go to an in-person networking event

Call your friends and ask them
Put something on your social media
Go into Facebook groups and make the offer there (make sure to read the rules)
Chat about it when you are getting your nails/hair/make up done and make the offer there

What to offer???

Get creative! You can help people to overcome something, cut down on something, do more or less
of something, learn a specific skill, talk about a specific problem etc - the possibilities are endless!

Here are some examples:

How to create a Facebook banner in Canva

How to make a YouTube thumbnail
How to cut down your drinking
How to overcome procrastination
How to maintain your exercise regime
1hr Relationship advice session
Angel/Tarot card reading

21 Days The Anti-Hustle Way Playbook © The Anti-Hustle Club 2023

All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying,
recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods, without the prior written permission of the publisher, except in the case of brief quotations
embodied in critical reviews and certain other noncommercial uses permitted by copyright law.
Activity 2 Podcast Hopping, Guest Expert Sessions and

Being a guest on a podcast or in some other container like a Facebook group means that you are
invited to participate in a conversation as an expert or knowledgeable person in a particular field. As a
guest, you may be asked to share your experiences, expertise, or opinions on a particular topic or

To find podcasts to be a guest speaker on, you can start by searching for podcasts in your industry or
niche. You can use search engines or podcast directories such as Apple Podcasts, Spotify, or Google
Podcasts to find relevant podcasts, and there are several groups on Facebook dedicated to swapping
Guest Expert slots with others. Once you have identified the podcasts/spaces that you would like to
be a guest on, you can reach out to the hosts by email, social media, or through their website. In your
message, you should introduce yourself, explain why you would make a good guest, and suggest
topics that you could speak about.

There are several benefits of being a guest expert as a business owner. First, it provides an
opportunity to reach a wider audience and to showcase your expertise in your industry. Podcasts in
particular are a growing medium, and they can help you to build your brand and increase your
visibility. Second, being a guest can help you to establish relationships with other industry experts,
which can lead to future collaborations or opportunities. Being a guest can also be a valuable source
of content for your own marketing efforts, as you can share the session with your own audience and
use it as a way to build credibility with potential customers. Finally, back to those connections with
actual real-life human beings, speaking on your topic will REALLY help you to gain confidence and
clarity and identify which parts of what you do set your soul on fire to talk about.

A word of warning…make sure you check the quality of the podcast/group you are applying to be a
Guest on and that your values align, and do the host the courtesy of listening to their show before you
apply to be a Guest.

21 Days The Anti-Hustle Way Playbook © The Anti-Hustle Club 2023

All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying,
recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods, without the prior written permission of the publisher, except in the case of brief quotations
embodied in critical reviews and certain other noncommercial uses permitted by copyright law.
Getting these sessions arranged can take time so I’d use this activity as something additional during
this challenge, do it on the side, don’t make it your main focus.

21 Days The Anti-Hustle Way Playbook © The Anti-Hustle Club 2023

All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying,
recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods, without the prior written permission of the publisher, except in the case of brief quotations
embodied in critical reviews and certain other noncommercial uses permitted by copyright law.
Activity 3 Livestreams

Livestreaming on social media can be a powerful tool for you to connect with your tribe, increase
engagement, and build your brand. Here are some advantages of livestreaming on social media as a
business owner:

Authenticity: Livestreaming allows you to connect with your audience in real-time and provides an
opportunity to showcase your authenticity. It allows for a more natural and unscripted interaction with
customers, which leads to greater trust and loyalty.

Reach: Livestreaming on social media platforms like Facebook, Tiktok, Instagram, and YouTube can
help you reach a wider audience. Live videos are often given priority in newsfeeds and can attract
people who may not have come across your brand otherwise.

Cost-effective: Livestreaming is a cost-effective way to create content and engage with customers.
All that is required is a smartphone or computer with a camera and an internet connection. It can also
be a great way to repurpose content, as live videos can be saved and shared later on social media
and other platforms.

Engagement: Livestreaming encourages engagement and interaction from viewers, as they can ask
questions and provide feedback in real-time. This can lead to a more engaged and loyal audience, as
viewers feel a sense of connection with you and your brand.

Analytics: Social media platforms provide analytics on livestreams, which can help you to better
understand your audience and improve your content. You can see metrics such as viewer count,
engagement, watch time etc.

21 Days The Anti-Hustle Way Playbook © The Anti-Hustle Club 2023

All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying,
recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods, without the prior written permission of the publisher, except in the case of brief quotations
embodied in critical reviews and certain other noncommercial uses permitted by copyright law.
Best Practices

Understand your audience: Find out what kind of content your followers want to see and use this
knowledge to plan your live broadcasts.

Notify your followers: Let your followers know when the live broadcast will take place and what it will
be about so they can spread the word.

Check your connectivity: Make sure your internet connection is strong before you start filming to avoid
delays or interruptions.

Do Not Disturb Mode: An incoming call will disrupt your livestream and you risk losing the audio or the
entire connection.

Go live: Once you've completed the previous steps, it's time to go live! It's normal to feel nervous at
first, but the more of these you do, the more confident you will become.

Have fun: Don't forget to enjoy yourself! Going live is a great way to show off your brand and connect
with your audience on social media. You don’t need to plan long trainings, keep it short and sweet
and mix it up. Film from your car before school pick up, film when you are out for a walk or out
shopping or cooking.

Interact: Facebook is notoriously glitchy in Livestream mode. You may need a second device to see
your viewers comments. If you can do this then do try because interacting with your viewers is
courteous if nothing else! Obviously it’s difficult to do this if you’re out and about in which case go
back and reply to comments later on.

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Hook: You a captivating hook in your title and description to draw your viewers in and tell them
immediately why they should watch the video. If you don’t get to the point immediately they will drop

Is video the biggest boogie man out there?

Video seems to be the one thing that really terrifies people and here’s my thoughts on that: people
are not as interested in you as you think they are! Most people aren’t paying attention to you,
honestly! So you might as well just crack on. You are never going to get confident at something if you
keep shirking from it, that’s not how it works, unfortunately. You can practice live streaming by just
spontaneously recording yourself using your video camera if it helps you to build up the courage.

Don’t ‘should’ yourself into it

Don’t force and shame yourself into making video because you think you SHOULD. Do it because
you want to, or you wish you could, or there’s at least something inside you that is keeping you open
to it. Not all ways of showing up are a good fit or aligned with who we are, your business is supposed
to be fun so please don’t force yourself to do things you hate!

What if it diminishes my authority?

Look, let’s be real. If you are terrified of showing up on camera and speaking your truth and your
passion then there is work to do in the area of embodiment. Instead of worrying about what you’ll look
like I would encourage you to be open with your audience. Tell them it’s a big fear of yours and show
them by example what self-leadership looks like. I promise you it will earn you huge respect. Super
successful people who have their shit together are great to have up on a pedestal and aspire to but
they aren’t relatable to most people. Show your people your humanness and they will love you even
more for it.

Ok, Ok I get all that but I’m still terrified!

Think of ways of starting small.. Don’t be the person that has their camera off on Zoom calls.
Organise livestream sessions with a friend where you can just have a conversation together, debate a
topic maybe - anything goes! I’m not a therapist or a trauma expert but having been through my fair

21 Days The Anti-Hustle Way Playbook © The Anti-Hustle Club 2023

All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying,
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share of shit what I can tell you is that nothing moved in my business until I turned and looked myself
square in the eye and learned to love myself exactly as I am. You cannot expect other people to have
faith and belief in you if you don’t have that yourself, so I would really prioritise this.

21 Days The Anti-Hustle Way Playbook © The Anti-Hustle Club 2023

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embodied in critical reviews and certain other noncommercial uses permitted by copyright law.
Activity 4 Interaction
There's nothing more important than building relationships with your rockstar tribe, whether you're
replying to comments, sliding into the DMs, or responding to messages, interaction is the key to
creating a loyal fanbase that will support your brand for years to come.

So what does interaction look like? Well, it can take many forms, from answering questions and
offering advice to sharing funny memes and personal stories. It's all about connecting with your
audience on a human level and showing them that you're more than just a faceless brand - you're a
real person who cares about their needs and interests.

When it comes to replying to comments, it's important to be timely and genuine. If someone takes the
time to comment on your post, make sure to respond in a way that shows you value their input. You
don't have to write a novel, but a simple "thanks for your comment!" can go a long way in building
goodwill and loyalty.

As for sliding into the DMs, this can be a great way to establish a more personal connection with your
audience. Whether you're responding to a question or just saying hi, make sure to be friendly and
approachable. And if someone sends you a message, don't leave them hanging - respond as soon as
you can to show you're invested in the relationship, even if that looks like having your team handle
your inbox or simply replying back ‘Sorry I don’t respond to DMs’.

Just be careful with DMs and treat others as you would wish to be treated. Think about how you feel
about DMs. Personally, I debated actually included this chapter because I am not a big fan of them as
any sort of ‘strategy’. Most of the unsolicited DMs I receive are immediately archived without even
being read and there is nothing worse than getting ‘pitch slapped’ by a stranger in your inbox - gross.
Use them intentionally and genuinely. Say hi to people, connect to people, and treat others as you
would wish to be treated.

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Activity 5 Short Form Video

(See Activity 4 notes to help you with this too).

Everyone’s talking about it…. Reels, shorts and Tiktoks. What is so great about short-form video?!

Videos are easier to remember and connect with compared to other forms of content. Plus, they show
off your personality in a way that's more authentic and trustworthy. That means your viewers will love
you more!

And get this, short-form videos get way more engagement and are three times more likely to
outperform other content types. Plus, they're more likely to get shared on social media. Who doesn't
want that?

There are a couple of different ways of approaching this. None of the major platforms like you cross
posting and they will penalise you for it. So you can either put a lot of time into recording and editing
on different platforms or you can stick two fingers up and just aim for omnipresence.

Here’s what I do:

I film inside Tiktok because I love the editor. Once I have filmed my video and edited it I screen record
it with no captions and no music.

Then I add captions and screen record it again.

Then I add music and post it to Tiktok.

I then take the first screen recording, crop and trim it and upload it to IG Reels and add captions and
music to it in IG.

21 Days The Anti-Hustle Way Playbook © The Anti-Hustle Club 2023

All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying,
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Then I crop and trim the second screen recording (with the captions) and upload it to Facebook reels.

Sometimes I upload videos to Youtube shorts if I want to embed them in an email and sometimes if I
think I’ve recorded something particularly relevant I will chop it up in the Cutstory app and add it to my
IG stories that way instead of sharing the reel to stories.

So I guess I’m kind of meeting the platforms halfway. Certainly, I wouldn’t advise uploading
watermarked videos to any of the platforms, there are lots of apps that remove watermarks like
snaptik but I found that often the audio ends up out of sync which drives me nuts. Screen recording is
the best way I have found to keep the dubbing in sync.

Probably the most important piece of advice I can give you is to get to the point immediately with your
script. Use a good hook and don’t introduce yourself or say Hello or anything like that - no one cares
and they will scroll off your video (savage lol). When you have finished recording take the time to edit
out all your ‘Millennial pauses’. I.e. trim your videos right up to the moment you start and stop


Be sure to record your video in lots of short clips. Approx one clip per sentence. This will help you
massively with editing (you can delete unnecessary sentences and move things around). Also change
angles and scenes between clips to improve watch time.

Cut the Crap

When you have finished your recording, listen with a critical objective and remove any sentences that
aren’t absolutely necessary to the story. Absolutely no filler or explanations unless the video doesn’t
make sense without it.

21 Days The Anti-Hustle Way Playbook © The Anti-Hustle Club 2023

All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying,
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Dare to Bare Your Soul

The type of content people want to see varies from platform to platform (which is another reason
cross posting doesn’t always work) but in general people don’t go to short form video to sit through
long homilies and lectures, they want to be entertained or captivated. Think about what you like to
consume on social media. If you hate gimmicky trends then don’t do them. If you can’t stand dancing
then don’t do it. If you want to sit and get something off your chest then do that. Video is fabulous
because it allows you to bring your full self-expression to the world. There honestly are no rules and
people are starting to want more depth than trends and gimmicks.

Some Example Hooks (Speak these and write them onto the video as text on screen)

Here is the easiest way If you want (desire) but are Do you ever wonder what it’d
to….. stuck doing (bad habit) this is be like if you just…..
5 Ways to… what to do… More people need to know
3 Things I wish I’d known… Here’s how to get out of that about this…
Let’s dive into the science (pain point) cycle… Don’t watch this unless you
of… This one’s for the (your care about______…
As someone who’s rockstar tribe) who refuse to Knowing what I know now,
into_______ I cannot live (pain point).... here’s what I would do
without ___________… Rant incoming…. differently in my (niche)
Here’s exactly how I…. Not enough people know journey…
Here’s exactly What I would about this… This one’s for those of you
do If I wanted to start Why does no one talk who are over (industry
over/achieve (result).... about…. enemy)....

Final Thoughts
Raw videos do best. Hot takes, rants, get ready with me, behind the scenes etc. So you absolutely do
not need to be perfect and polished and neither do you need any special equipment. The only thing

21 Days The Anti-Hustle Way Playbook © The Anti-Hustle Club 2023

All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying,
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embodied in critical reviews and certain other noncommercial uses permitted by copyright law.
that matters is that you record your video in decent light (in front of a window with the window behind
the camera for example) and that your voice is nice and clear. Good luck!

Activity 6 Written Content

This is probably the way most of you are showing up online at the moment. Again, you do not need to
be some sort of copywriting genius, just show the internet who you are.

Think about who you follow. What do you love to read? Do you like long form or shortform? As with all
marketing, they key is to test different things out and see what works for you. I like to do a mix of the

Long form story telling

Long form value
BTS rants or observations (often about my life as a parent)
Short posts - questions or statements
Straight sales posts

Please please please don’t worry about the engagement on your posts. I know it can be
disheartening but it literally means nothing about you and very often the people that actually buy from
you are the lurkers, not the cheerleaders. Write content because you want to. Don’t do it for anyone

There is a myth circulating that we only have a short attention span so long form is out, videos over 7
seconds are out……annnnnnnnnd I call BULLSHIT.

Hands up who subscribes to Netflix?

Hands up who binge-watches box sets on there?

21 Days The Anti-Hustle Way Playbook © The Anti-Hustle Club 2023

All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying,
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Right….. There is nothing wrong with our attention spans. Choose a different story. Put your heart into
your writing and put it out into the world with love, it will be seen by the right people. The online space
is noisy and our lives are busy so what you want to maintain here is interest. We do this through
learning to tell a captivating and uplifting/empowering story as well as through the use of some
technical strategies like using a good hook, having a beginning, middle and end, cutting out
unnecessary fluff etc. A personal brand is just about the longest form of content you can possibly
have, it’s a continuously evolving piece of art. You are building a body of work and each piece is just a
piece, it’s not the be all and end all.

A lot of marketers will talk about using controversy in your content and it can definitely attract
engagement and separate your tribe from everyone else but personally, I like to stay in my own lane
and I think the type of people who are attracted to polarising posts that throw rocks at other people is
not the kind of people I want in my tribe.

I’d like to dive a bit deeper into storytelling since this is probably the most powerful tool in your

Probably the most important piece of wisdom I can impart here is this:

Learn to tell uplifting, aspirational and empowering stories

It sounds kinda obvious when you see it written down but I learned this lesson the hard way; if you
focus on the adversity part of the story you will attract people who are in their victim stories and those
are not usually the easiest people to work with or even convert to paying clients in the first place.

Live a Good Story

Again, sounds obvious, but if you want to write good content you need something to write about and
you aren’t going to get that content hiding under the duvet at home. I’m not saying you need to try
and emulate the Insta Chic Luxe Lifestyle but are you embodying what you are selling or are you just
learning endless amounts of information and trying to regurgitate it? If you’re a confidence coach, are

21 Days The Anti-Hustle Way Playbook © The Anti-Hustle Club 2023

All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying,
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you embodying confidence? If you’re a mindset coach, are you embodying the practices you are

Perfection is Pish

Stop trying to be IT, because IT doesn’t exist and waiting to be IT is the thing that’s stopping you from
getting to where you want to be. Thinking that you need to exude perfection in your content is a huge
misconception, show your journey, and share your vulnerabilities with your audience - take them with
you and show them the leader you are.

A Word on Vulnerability

Usually, your deepest shame and your darkest secrets hold the key to your superpowers and sharing
your truth online can be hugely liberating. However, be careful to mind the GAP between empowered
vulnerability and airing your dirty laundry. No one wants to see you publicly falling to pieces or ranting
and raving online. It’s OK to share something as you are going through it but wait until you are at a
place where you can see and integrate the lessons and convey them in your content.

The Vulnerability Hangover

The term "vulnerability hangover" was made famous by Brené Brown, who talks a lot about how important it is
to be vulnerable in our relationships with others, even though it can be scary. A vulnerability hangover is when
you feel kind of cringey and uncomfortable after opening up about personal stuff. You might regret sharing too
much or worry about how people will react. It's like a hangover from being emotionally naked and exposed.

Feeling a vulnerability hangover is totally normal and happens to a lot of people. It's a sign that you're being
brave and trying to connect with someone on a deeper level. But it can also be tough, so it's important to take
care of yourself afterwards.

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Relatable Content

One of the greatest tools in your tool kit - figure out how you are relatable to your rockstar tribe. What
links you and them?

Here are some suggestions:

Chronic illness
Lifestyle choices
Political beliefs

Talk about your relatable pillars often. It’s part of your humanness and your rockstar tribe loves to
connect with you on that level. We so often mistake ‘giving value’ as delivering education but
honestly, it can just be this - just showing up in all your glorious humanness can give so much value!
Expressing yourself is a service just as much as designing a program like this is. Humans crave
connection and we love to feel like we know someone on a deeper level.

Hear me well:

The Money Is In The Relationships

So treat content creation as an exercise in deepening the relationship you have with yourself and that
will have a profound effect on the relationship you build with others because they will energetically
feel that authenticity emanating from you.

So when it comes to your written content I would invite you to stretch your edges; step outside of your
comfort zone and experiment with relatability. Experiment with taking some risks in terms of being

21 Days The Anti-Hustle Way Playbook © The Anti-Hustle Club 2023

All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying,
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seen. Notice where you’ve been showing up behind a mask, playing small, or even pretending to be
someone else.

The art of storytelling and content writing could honestly be an in-depth program in itself but I hope
some of this section has given you pause for thought. Like with everything, the key is to just show up
and be yourself. Share your heart!

Trash Posting

If you find it hard to be yourself in your content you might want to think about ‘trash posting’. In other
words, anything goes. Post literally whatever comes to mind and do it OFTEN. I think the coach I
learned this method from (Simone Seol), recommends 100 posts in 30 days or something - so it’s a
LOT. And the idea is just to get you to take that scary leap into the abyss of ‘BUT WHAT WILL
PEOPLE THINK’ and realise that trash posting is fun and creative and gets your juices flowing.

Again, don’t overthink this. A ‘post’ includes email, written posts, an Instagram story etc so it’s easier
than you’d think to get to 3 a day. When you set yourself the challenge of posting regularly without
overthinking it you are giving yourself a giant permission slip to just be yourself and it really impacts
positively on your creativity, confidence and the way you think and feel about showing up.

Joyful Journalling

If you can make time to build a writing practice into your day it will pay you back in spades, both in
terms of content ideas and working through something that is bothering you. You can also journal on
prompts and turn your musings into wonderful creative pieces of art to share with your people!

21 Days The Anti-Hustle Way Playbook © The Anti-Hustle Club 2023

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Activity 7 Email like a Boss

Your email list should be a priority in your business because it’s the one place where you can gather
your tribe without relying on algorithms or the whims of a social media platform. It’s also a place
where you sadly can’t guarantee people are reading your musings so you should definitely be doing
other things to reach out to your people besides email - but it is a very important addition and can
make you a lot of money.

It’s also a place where you can be more intimate and more exclusive. Talk to them like besties - these
people have signed up to hear from you - they want to pick up what you’re putting down.

Your Mission:

*To start or reinvigorate your email list, send 5 emails out

and make them an offer to work with you*

I can already see you overthinking this - stop micromanaging everything! Take up space!

Yes, some people will get irritated by your emails. Some people may even go to the trouble of
emailing you back to tell you LOL. Trust your people to be grown-ass adults and hit the unsubscribe
button if they don’t enjoy reading your emails. Don’t worry about unsubscribes, all this data is telling
you useful information. If your entire list unsubscribes then you probably have a content problem, if
the same 200 people open every email then you’re onto a winner - keep going.

There are many schools of thought when it comes to email. Some people like to work their lists hard,
others barely at all. As with all things - what do you like most as a recipient? Do that. Don’t set
yourself up to some impossible standard that you can’t possibly uphold and will stress you the F out
(like committing to a weekly newsletter for example). But equally don’t expect to be able to sell to your
list if you literally NEVER email them about anything EVER.

21 Days The Anti-Hustle Way Playbook © The Anti-Hustle Club 2023

All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying,
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I know I don’t really like to get loads of emails from people and I will eventually unsubscribe for my
own sanity. Equally, when I’ve sold hard to my list I’ve had a lot of unsubscribes. I think 3-5 times a
week is a sweet spot but once a week is fine too, or even a little more sporadically than that.

So let's get real here for a sec. A lot of us put on this whole "business persona" act like we're some
kind of superhuman expert who's got it all figured out. But let's face it, we're all just normal people
with our own quirks and imperfections. And you know what? That's what makes us relatable and

The funny thing is, when we try to hide our true selves behind our fancy Instagram bios or "I help"
statements (don’t get me started on those), we actually push people away instead of drawing them in.
Because deep down, we all just want to connect with other humans, not some soulless "brand" or

The Money Is In The Relationships

Please don't be afraid to let your personality shine through in your marketing. After all, marketing is
really just about building meaningful connections through honesty, service, and care.

So…email is the OG when it comes to building connections with your tribe. But here's the thing, it's
not just some cash machine where you push a button and expect money to come spitting out at you.
How would you feel if the people you are subscribed to treated you that way???? Email is more like a
relationship: You don’t just wine and dine someone and expect to get lucky. You have to put in the
work to get to know them, find out what they're into, and genuinely care about their needs.

When you're writing an email, don't just think about what you can get out of it, think about what you
can offer your readers. Maybe it's a nugget of wisdom, a funny story, or just a friendly hello. Whatever
it is, bring your whole human self to the table and show them why you're worth their time.
If you do it right, your subscribers will love you for it. They'll trust you, look forward to hearing from
you, and gladly open their wallets when you've got something to sell.

21 Days The Anti-Hustle Way Playbook © The Anti-Hustle Club 2023

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Right then, now that’s out of the way let’s get to the meat and potatoes!

This is how this activity looks:

1. Email List
2. Lead magnet (freebie)
3. Invite people to join your list
4. Make offers to work with you (or coffee date you!)

Email List

If you already have one, that’s super! Let’s sprinkle some magic into it. If you don’t, then you’ll want to
open an account. I use Goldstar Pro because it’s an all-in-one system that does everything from
calendar bookings and emails to websites and course hosting all in one place and you can take a
look at that using my referral link here. If you are starting from scratch, get an account set up with a
provider of your choice and move on to the next step. Please don’t use this as a reason to spend
days and weeks comparing and agonising, you can easily export your list later so just pick something
and move.

Landing Page

Again, keep it super simple! Most platforms have a basic template and a support desk that can guide
you through it - also YouTube is your friend! Simply ask it ‘how to create an opt-in page on (your
platform)’. Get a super simple landing page up that says “Get my (freebie) here’ maybe a sentence or
two if you think it’s necessary, and an opt in form for them to submit their email.

21 Days The Anti-Hustle Way Playbook © The Anti-Hustle Club 2023

All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying,
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embodied in critical reviews and certain other noncommercial uses permitted by copyright law.
Opt-In Email

Next you’ll want to write a super simple ‘Welcome’ email to thank them for subscribing to your list.
Keep it short and sweet and have it triggered on submission of the opt-in. (Again, Google, YouTube
and Chat support will help you out with this - ANYONE can do it so give it a whirl).

Your Freebie

You can’t expect to take a place in someone’s prime real estate (aka their inbox) without offering them
something in return so we use a ‘lead magnet’ (or freebie) to sweeten the deal. If you haven’t already
got something you regularly give away then I would politely suggest that now, during this challenge, is
not the time to go down that particular rabbit hole. If you’re like most of my clients you’ll open Canva
and we won’t see you for another three months LOL.
Listen, your freebie can be ANYTHING (as long as it’s valuable of course!) You don’t need to go
anywhere near Canva. It can be a video of you teaching something (10 minutes in length is fine if it
gets the message over!), it can be a Google doc explaining how you did something, it can be a
checklist, journal prompts, all sorts of things! You want to make it juicy enough to tempt people to sign
up and over-deliver on value without turning it into a passion project that takes you three months to
put together. So if you want to do this activity and you don’t have a lead magnet please think of
something you can put together in one afternoon!

So you have your Freebie - now what?

Now we are going to plan out your next 5 emails:

1. When did you last introduce yourself? Maybe it’s time to do it again! Do it reasonably often so
people don’t forget who the heck keeps landing in their inbox.
2. The power of story… It’s time to tell yours. Try not to write a thesis though! If it’s long, break it
into two parts (just find a suitable place to round it off and say something like ‘more on this
tomorrow’ or, ‘I’ll be back tomorrow to tell you how I________”)
3. Talk about what makes you feel alive and what burns your ass, let your people in on the real

21 Days The Anti-Hustle Way Playbook © The Anti-Hustle Club 2023

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4. Talk about what you like to spend your money on, what’s your self-care routine, what does a
night in or day out look like to you? Talk about ways you have invested in yourself.
5. Today’s the day! You are going to, GASP! Take Up Space!!
You are going to make an offer to your list - how exciting! Keep it short and sweet. I like to
loosely follow this framework:
What is it
Who is it for
What is the transformation
How much is it
How can they buy it

P.S. If you don’t have any offers yet, can you offer your time in exchange for a fee or a
testimonial? Like a consultation?

Obviously, my suggestions for your emails are just suggestions but hopefully, it helps get you
started to sprinkle a little magic back into that list.

How to get people to join your list?

Simple! Invite them.

Mention your list in all the other places you show up with regularity and give your audience a
link to opt-in and your list will grow. Especially if you do something via email that you don’t do
anywhere else, then you can play on FOMO to get people in. That could even be “Hey! Did
you know my email list always get a super early bird discount on all my offers before they go
live to the general public? If you want to be first in the know, sign up here!”

From time to time give previews or updates about what you are sharing exclusively to your list
- humans are incredibly curious creatures so play on that and have fun with it.

21 Days The Anti-Hustle Way Playbook © The Anti-Hustle Club 2023

All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying,
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embodied in critical reviews and certain other noncommercial uses permitted by copyright law.
How to get inspired to write emails?

Emails are quite a fun place to really be yourself, cuss freely, talk more privately and really get
intimate with your subscribers. Trust them with your soul truth and they will trust you with
theirs. Show them how you lead yourself through stuff and they will look to you for help with
the same.

How often should I email my list?

Whenever you damn well want to and make no apology about it! Nothing will diminish your
authority faster than starting your emails with a litany of feeble reasons as to why you haven’t
emailed them recently. Remember, no one really cares that much so just do you, boo.

Final Thoughts on Emails

Utilise the power of story - if you try to lecture or teach or oversell people will quickly tire of you
and unsubscribe. With that being said, don’t get hung up on unsubscribes, just focus on being
yourself and coming from a place of love and service and trust your tribe

21 Days The Anti-Hustle Way Playbook © The Anti-Hustle Club 2023

All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying,
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embodied in critical reviews and certain other noncommercial uses permitted by copyright law.
Activity 8 Instagram and Facebook Stories

Stories are a great place to sell so it’s worth learning how they work. Lots of people, myself included,
frequently limit their social media activity exclusively to browsing stories. Others never look at them at
all. Again, think about what you like to do and go from there.

Instagram recommend around 6 stories a day (2 in the morning, 2 in the middle of the day and 2 in
the evening) but as with all things, do what makes you happy and feel good! I follow plenty of people
who post bajillions of stories!

One story is 15 seconds so it’s easy to get up to 6 in a day. You can talk direct to camera (add
captions if you’re on Instagram), post photos, videos, polls, questions etc. The great thing about
Instagram stories is you can add links and shoppable stories to help sell your products.

Note: You can link your Facebook and Instagram pages together so that you can use the (much
better) features in IG stories and have them post to Facebook as well.

Try to keep the vibe interactive and fun on Stories and remember that people will usually drop off after
the first couple so don’t post lots of stories in one go and put your best ones first!

Story Highlights

21 Days The Anti-Hustle Way Playbook © The Anti-Hustle Club 2023

All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying,
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embodied in critical reviews and certain other noncommercial uses permitted by copyright law.
Use these to organise important stories so that visitors to your profile can instantly explore stories of

Use Stories to share your posts and reels and promote your blogs, groups, email list and offers. Think
of it like a sandwich board outside of your store - throw out crumbs that will garner curiosity and lead
to your other things.


Again, something you can have a bit of fun with in your stories (eg ‘#throwbackthursday”) and you
can also claim your own # and start building that up (e.g. #yourname/brand).

21 Days The Anti-Hustle Way Playbook © The Anti-Hustle Club 2023

All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying,
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embodied in critical reviews and certain other noncommercial uses permitted by copyright law.
Activity 9 - Networking (in person or virtual)

Networking is like the marmite of the business world, you either love it or hate it. However you feel
about it though, business is all about connections and relationships, and networking (whether
in-person or online) is a real needle mover.

First off, networking helps you build relationships with folks who share your interests and are in your
industry. These connections can lead to new ideas, opportunities, and support for your business. You
can score collaborations, partnerships, referrals and new clients by networking and some of my
closest peers are people I’ve met this way. If you go to actual networking events you often get the
opportunity to learn what’s hot and what’s not in your industry and take part in summits, lectures,
demos etc where you can gain new insights and learn from others. It’s also a great way to show off
your own expertise and brand and begin to be recognised as a thought leader in your industry.

Finally, networking can be a source of support when running a business gets tough. By chatting with
other business owners who get it, you can find advice, encouragement, and a shoulder to cry on
when you’ve had a crap day. Entrepreneurship is lonely, so take those connections where you can.

I don’t think Networking can be an activity in its own right for the purposes of this challenge because
it’s unlikely you can attend something daily however you could build the concept of networking into
your daily action plan by simply communicating with your audience (responding to comments, DM’s

21 Days The Anti-Hustle Way Playbook © The Anti-Hustle Club 2023

All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying,
recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods, without the prior written permission of the publisher, except in the case of brief quotations
embodied in critical reviews and certain other noncommercial uses permitted by copyright law.
Activity 10 - An experience

If you offer things like card readings, reiki, meditation etc these things seem to be extremely popular
when offered as group experiences. Again, I’m not sure for the purposes of this challenge you’d want
to be doing this daily but you could certainly build an experience into your 21-Day Plan. These can be
free or paid.

Here’s how I would do it:

Choose a platform: There are many platforms available for hosting virtual events, such as Zoom,
Skype, Google Meet, Facebook live etc. Choose a platform that suits your needs and that your clients
are comfortable using.

Set a date and time: Decide on a date and time for your event and make sure to communicate this
clearly to your clients. Be mindful of different time zones and try to schedule the event at a time that is
convenient for as many people as possible.

Prepare your space: Whether you're leading a group meditation or offering tarot card readings, it's
important to create a calm and peaceful environment for your clients. Make sure your space is clean,
clutter-free, and free from distractions.

Promote your event: Spread the word about your event through your website, social media channels,
and email newsletter.

Prepare your materials: Depending on the type of event you're hosting, you may need to prepare
materials in advance, such as guided meditation scripts or tarot card spreads. Make sure you have
everything you need ready to go before the event starts.

Test your equipment: Make sure you have a reliable internet connection, a good quality microphone
and camera, and if your tech goes wrong, stay calm and reconnect - it happens more often than you’d

21 Days The Anti-Hustle Way Playbook © The Anti-Hustle Club 2023

All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying,
recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods, without the prior written permission of the publisher, except in the case of brief quotations
embodied in critical reviews and certain other noncommercial uses permitted by copyright law.
Set the tone: As the facilitator of the event, it's important to create a welcoming and inclusive
atmosphere for your clients. Set the tone at the beginning of the event and make sure everyone
knows what to expect.

Follow up: After the event, follow up with your clients to see how they enjoyed the experience and to
gather feedback. This will help you improve future events and make sure your clients are satisfied.

21 Days The Anti-Hustle Way Playbook © The Anti-Hustle Club 2023

All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying,
recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods, without the prior written permission of the publisher, except in the case of brief quotations
embodied in critical reviews and certain other noncommercial uses permitted by copyright law.
Summary of Activities
1. Coffee dates
2. Podcast/Guest Expert Hopping
3. Livestreaming
4. Interaction
5. Shortform Video
6. Written Content
7. Email
8. Stories
9. Networking
10. Experiences

Don’t try to take on too much - Rome wasn’t built in a day! Focus on 1 or 2 things and give them your
undivided attention.

For the duration of this challenge, you are going to STOP doing everything in your business that isn’t
ESSENTIAL and focus ONLY on the needle-moving activities, of which visibility is key. Aim to chop
out more tasks than you add back in via these activities and leave plenty of room for mindful self care
- this is what allows your own essence and magic to filter through!

Now go get VISIBLE!

Your Anti-Hustle Queen

21 Days The Anti-Hustle Way Playbook © The Anti-Hustle Club 2023

All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying,
recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods, without the prior written permission of the publisher, except in the case of brief quotations
embodied in critical reviews and certain other noncommercial uses permitted by copyright law.
Visibility Daily Tick Sheet

21 Days The Anti-Hustle Way Playbook © The Anti-Hustle Club 2023

All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying,
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