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“ToXo Plasmosis Def. Disease Caused by obtgate iokea Cellular Parasite (Tetoplasma gondit) yy Definitve Ther nuddide Prev lank “fest yg — “tn hot sb Coudtries [AC lading War bled anions ret —Ticluding Humans Mode of Transmission) Congenibal. “repel Bees 700 “Transmission sees though Ws te Gea!) ITOK Although ee Ingestion of Lofected faul or uaderGoked LofeFed Teuagte tye oF tensa sston ie St Gn ocac ct any Meat of Sheep Gtle Oige0 teas time of Preaneny or dee | From — @ @ Hangin of rad Lofeck Tipeckd lhe fate olepends Oni. Meat then Iicletng of Fingers lonor : ‘Viraelea ce of tatoplasma @ Ingestion of Infected Faae) Age of fetus at time “lth Cet Fecer/ fofected a Thfection floodton Colostrum of goat mi|k Te may leadsto CX st bith 2 ri lymphadenopathy Fel ay be horhe Norm) they GG tnechaniaal hee eel opi Sign of Sifection ai OF oocyte by hous Flies 4-12 Uleelss of age 4 Huan Rese 7 Clinical manifestations OF Toxoplasmosis If In Congenital Tetplasmosis GS Othess roe — lymphadenopeh 22 Hepato splene se @Gluame nt & optic Arophy oe ne aa Me microphthadmia 3- yo Grdif's - & Ye 2 Deak ess - 6F Gtoract ~Psycho-mator cal CO iton TF Acpuied foXoplasmosis Ln Limo Competent Tp: @-N day | Most Common 50 aclults aged 25-35 yx LA major'ty of Cases Bat Lrapprotienately lok of Cases It (a |eac) fr Self” fim ffing illness 4 The most Common Preseatetion Lo Lmmuno Compoteot Patents isPaidless lymphadenopathy] either local or general. i2ed SPectelly Ceeticel Node) gat other lymphnodes maybe Tnebied as mediastinal, Aedropettoneal E Mesenteric [els ¥ Some Pes Come ubith F 3s Co, f - Fever 5 Malaise» Cad: Ue 5 al iq, + rote theat 5 Headache € Madi)ePapular os : ois ha zr elete eColution coo thin Nee > Symptom € bumphadeno ao Preahct: bly ESome pr se tren ote As a Or More - * Rarely 5 Toxoplasmosis Causes Chororefrat bis 3 go Cadets, Pheumonia y Pokj myesitis or he Pats Lo Lomune bi cid con SIF Acquited toxoplasmosis In Laman empremr ced __ adwiduals was) ectally AIDs* * “Ihe discase 1s Gevece * Cpt tere are dacto Readvation) of(Chrenic) echion LA, * feler , lym , adeno athy sCherie rehiaik) Preamon'as myocarditis 5 sitn Rath: 4 r Diagnosis + Qveet detection of acas Fes ™ Okephime Tachy cothe /Gsts Con he detected on issue “ Fobsies or Rody Flusd: Octection of Taxoplaima Dna ley PcR TY Seclogiat teh l- Elisp = Sabin Feldman dye test; YAodirect Fluorescent 4 UF imaging antledy titre CT/MRE > lesion with Ring enhanemert * esther single Or mulliple Treatment > (SPkramy cn drug of choice "9 Pq) p-During Preqnen Una Gee ie 10 Gdwided Coser B> tor Y ulecks Then Re Peated after Qweelvs) B- othec drug 4 ¥ Pyri Methamine ¥ Fansidar C pyrimethamine 4. Sulfadexin I % Trimethopain 4 asi meth olatole C- Godtastecoids In Chorio refines | Cerebral abs Gass —_ Heat Related disorders Present as Peckam OF Nagy © overload ing effects of exposure to Including > Hest Strole ~> most dangerous a Cramps ~ Heat Syncope > Heat ed i S- Pirckly heat ° til wn OMcucs Queto heat Nesload In case oF Falure of Gente e. Fequlatary Mechaniom - ¥ occurs more In mers \- Extreme @ of age 2- Continded erection fee a 3-unsuttable cloth Classic trade th Seams Deeg ert elggics Of Heit stroke Q Hypedherinia (4o%c ocmore) @ severe Nr olstuchenG Citenching to Coma O Hat clog skin elt absence of Sweating. § Plgcions Lasummer 5 miltacy traops e— OO _OoovO™= 1 © Pahodenes's “ Wides Pread Cellular damage [cel membrane 5 Cal eames » Cll organells] sh edema, Congestion > Wet NecroS's] especially 10 brain, hearts lungs slers Kidneys » muscle & QIc ] Cals 5 Usually ade onset 5 Glllep% 5 Joss of Coascousnes othoub Warning > May be Prodromal Symptoms =) Heaclache 5 Nausea , omitting 5 AizZinas 5 Malaise =? may be Fited Pupils ep a WS. 2 Tachy care EHypotens ion Chest > Res Picatory Mistress tly one >A Renal PePusion x Penal Fatlure uscles os, Myoglob iaur fq Are > abd. pang Muscle Camps leck 1 @idity a} Technest of Ya sk —S—S ee «The mast Important measuce Ce Te Gal the Paint I. SPrai ing ulder at 2-250 + Fannin Yoh] Rectal tem Pere ace drops to 29% * IN Diazepam (10-90 m9) can be given for Sedation 8 Prevention of shiveang 3- TV Fluid SF there t's dehydration: Peopnosis Recovery acacs Inabout gor of Cases Hioteatinn I- Avord Worl jn extreme heat Cond'fiions 2- surtable Clothing € umbrella 3. Shading € Geed Yentlation 4 Resalac alate © Salt Replacment a Acchimati tion lay ProgresNe €¥PaSuce te heat reHoad over 7-12 loys. (Heat ekhaustion eat V, . et lel eth ete Suleding bingo Sled @ marked) thist € Wealtness @Normal booly Tempered ure gr ® Heaclache > hEzpen Tnibebilty Ore) Pho elecholyte ®bdop feplacemen 8 delerium& Cona Ih Sele Qtes UHV ii severe7 t @ may Change jate Stroke lnsevere Cases Cases = \s hachion Heat Oler lead leads te Painful mc 0 ¢ G ACalarl In louler kbs) as. ayesu ° i ate ue 2. electalyte depletion From ~ Muscle "q Profuse Sweating "Rodtemperbi is decal (Fede) Rest 0 Oral mild Cao! place Fluid analgesics. ekcholyte RepkGemegt * Head Ne rloac) leads to Pec'pheal © Citaheous Vasocliletdion ~ ¥ Venous Reucn-3 Orfhostedvc * Poly temperature 1S Normal Place the Pk tig Trl lou * Mill feck 8 aaldle eclema as sult of O Vasoclilchition E Nenous Stasis fn leg 5 with P. ‘olonge-| Standing Or Siting Secrehon of aldoskrone & AoH @ Usually disappears in afey day s hy Peteaston€ Syne Pasttten 10 Cool Place GS * occug dete heat overload Jeading to Contin yous etting of skin by sulealng => laceration of Stratum Comeum Blockage of Suleat Gud! > Erythematous Vesicular Resh Cmilaca yubra) Which has Pric ly Sensation PactGularly in areas Calered by cloths” w Tnchonic Gates -2 dlermal Vesicles ulithout Enythema or Preucbis => goose Skin (mike Pofurde] a o eavitonmeit 4 Topic aut biokcs to Prevea eCondiar Lnfection 4 Mreratohyhe agents

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