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Flores, Darlene Ybañez

Cybersecurity and Operating Systems Management

Term 4.1, AY 2023-2024

Introduction to Cybersecurity Tools and Cyber Attacks

Diving into the whole Introduction to Cybersecurity Tools and Cyber Attacks gig was quite the ride. In my
Professional Electives 4 module, we got the lowdown on the wild world of digital threats and the artillery
we've got to fend them off. From malware and phishing to those pesky denial-of-service attacks, we went
knee-deep into the different types of cyber threats. And oh boy, did they drill into us the importance of having
a fortress of cybersecurity measures to keep our sensitive info and systems safe.

What really grabbed my attention was the tour through various cybersecurity tools – firewalls, antivirus
software, intrusion detection systems – you name it. It wasn't just about pointing fingers at threats; it was
about understanding how these tools are the unsung heroes preventing cyber chaos. It felt like I was gearing
up with the knowledge and skills to be the digital superhero my workplace needs.

And let's not forget the time travel through the history of cyber attacks – from the OG hacks to the fancy
breaches of today. Knowing the motives behind these attacks? Mind-blowing. It's a whole cast of characters
out there, from hacktivists doing their thing to state-sponsored entities pulling strings in the background.

But wait, there's more. We got into some serious security talk, stressing the need to be proactive in the
cybersecurity game. Learning about the crazy array of security tools hit home the point – this field is a
rollercoaster, and you gotta be nimble to stay on top. The hands-on bit with intrusion detection systems and
malware analysis was like finally getting the keys to the cool club. Practical insights galore, making me feel like
I could spot and squash cyber threats like a pro.

What really stuck was the lesson on teamwork and info-sharing in the cybersecurity crew. Being in the loop
on the latest trends and vulnerabilities? Essential. The module didn't just boost my tech skills; it made me feel
a sense of duty. Cyber threats are like sneaky ninjas, always changing their game. It drilled into me that staying
on top means constant learning and keeping my radar up in the cybersecurity jungle.

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