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PERILAKU PETANI DALAM BUDIDAYA TANAMAN MENTIMUN DI KALURAHAN CANDIBINANGUN, KAPANEWON PAKEM, SLEMAN, DAEARH ISTIMEWA. YOGYAKARTA Romzi', Totok Sevenek ‘Munanto®, Sukadi> ABSTRAK: Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk m¢ lurahan Candibinan; yak 34 sampel. Pengambilan sampel dilakukan sh ‘Stratified Random Sampling. Pengambitan data —— likert. Analisis data menggunakan analisi Kata kunci: Mentimun, Perilaku, Petani ABSTRACT: This study aims to determine the behavior of farmers about the cul cucumber plants in Kalurahan Candibinangun Kapanewon Pakem, Sleman Re Yogyakarta Province, This research uses a descriptive method with « quantiaun ‘approach, The study was conducied from January 202 to July 2022. Ste selection s carrey oe by purposive sampling. The determination of the number of samples was carried ont using the Harry King Nomogram method with a significance level of 12% and a sample of 44 samples was obtained. Sampling was carried out using the Proportionate Stratified Random Sampling method, Data collection is carried out using a questionnaire with a likert scale. Data anutras using descriptive analysis. The results showed that the behavior of farmers regarding the cultivation of cucumber plants in Kalurahan Candkbinangun was included in the hh categors with a percentage of 86.80%. In the farmer knowledge variable , it is included in the high category with a percentage of 87.75%, the farmer altitude variable is included in the high category with a percentage of 88.85%, and the farmer skill variable is also included in the high category with a percemage of 83.82 %, tivation of egeney, DJ Keywords: Cucumber, Behavior, Farmers nail Penulis Koresponder -!, Totoksm2020@gmail.con , Sukadisukadii84@" Dipindai dengan CamScanner

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