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Hi Ashanti, this is what you should do to prepare for this Saturday!

If you have any questions let

me know! You will need to use your Project 2 Day 1 materials, as well as the bag of extra
materials that includes the markers, tape, scissors, and ruler (the bag is labelled General

Step 1:

First step, please get your two plastic cups like shown in the picture below!

Step 2:
Second step, please get your bag of dirt! It should be in the Project 2 Day 1 bag, as shown in
the picture below.
Step 3:
Third step, once you have your bag of dirt, I want you to fill up both of your cups to the halfway
point with dirt. Like I did in the picture below.

Step 4:
The fourth step, once you have filled both of your cups to the halfway point with dirt. I want you
to now take the 6 seeds you have in the little baggie that is in your Project 2 Day 1 materials
and put 3 seeds in each cup. So each cup should have 3 seeds. Like I did shown in the picture
Step 5:
The fifth step, once you have added three seeds to each cup, as shown before. I want you to
add a little bit more dirt to cover the seeds. So add about 3 spoonfuls of dirt to cover the seeds
and the dirt should fill about ¾ of the cups, like it’s shown in the pictures below.

Step 6:
The sixth step once you have planted three seeds in both cups and added more dirt to cover the
seeds. I want you to get your spray or squeeze bottle from your bag (the bag of materials
labelled project 2 day 1) as shown below (I have a squeeze bottle). I want you to fill the spray
bottle or squeeze bottle with water, like shown below.
Step 7:
The seventh step once you have filled the spray bottle or squeeze bottle with water, I want you
to water both cups until the soil is damp, but not soaking wet. So either 10 drops or sprays of
water or count to three while you are squeezing the bottle. Again the soil should not be soaking
wet for both cups, but it should be damp to the touch. Like shown below.

Step 8:
The eighth step, once you watered both cups and the soil is damp for both. I want you to label
your cups. So Ashanti, you are going to label one of your cups ​LIGHT and the other ​DARK​.
Using your scissors, makers, and tape that you have in your General Materials bag.This is
because you will be growing each cup in a different condition. You will place the light cup, where
there is sunlight, for example near a window. And you will place the other one in a darker place,
like away from the window, under your bed, in a cupboard or drawer for example. I have shown
you how to label your cups below.
Step 9:
The ninth step, so once you have planted your seeds, watered both cups and labelled both cups
you have finished most steps. But, what we need to do for the next few days is to water our
cups every day. So tomorrow (Thursday), Friday and Saturday, and so on I would like you to
water your seeds so that hopefully they can grow. Also, I need you to measure your seed
growth every Tuesday and Friday. Because you planted your seeds today, you can measure
your seeds today (the growth will be 0 for today, which is expected) and you can also measure
your seed growth this Friday to see if anything has changed. To measure your seed growth, you
will need to take your ruler which is in your General Materials bag and you will need to place
your ruler using the cm/centimeter side and place the edge of the ruler in the soil. Don’t dig with
the ruler in the soil, just gently place the ruler into the soil so you can measure the growth of the
seeds each week. Like shown below. As you can see below, there is no growth after a few
days, so the growth is 0.

Step 10:
The tenth step is to create the log book in your notebook! So basically because we are
recording our growth every Tuesday and Friday, we want to create a table in our notebook so
we can easily record this information. I put a sample table below, please copy this table into
your notebook. Use this table to record your growth for this week, so measure your seed growth
today and this Friday. Please see my table below. I created different columns and rows, so that
the different days you will record seed growth are on the left and you will record the seed growth
for each seed. As there are three seeds in each cup, each seed has its own column and you will
record the growth for the seeds grown in the ​DARK​ cup and the seeds grown in the ​LIGHT​ cup.

Those are all the steps! If you have any questions, please feel free to email me at​ or give me a call at 647-937-1794.

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