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Let us put ourselves in the holy presence of God.

In the name of

the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit, Amen

Merciful and Loving God, /we acknowledge your presence today. /

We thank you for you are/ our infinite source of peace, love and

wisdom. /We know that your /Holy Spirit guides and directs us/.

We entrust to you everything in our lives. / As we start to do

our job of the week, / we always pray for your spiritual

guidance and direction /because we are nothing without you. /We

pray for our leaders, / grant them with your heavenly wisdom, /

help them to lead and govern with integrity /and always give

them the strength to do what is right /for the benefit of

everyone. /as an employee of government, /we likewise pray for

your guidance and direction./ Guide us in our work we do,/ that

we may not do it for self alone, /but for the common good./

Teach us always to perform our job faithfully and diligently /so

that we will always be a blessing and source of inspiration to

our co- employees,/especially to the people who need our

services./ Give us always the strength to do,/ patience to bear,

and let our courage never fails. /All of this things we ask in

Jesus Mighty Name. Amen.

In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit.


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