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WA State Department of Natural Resources

DNR RFP 24-18

fpOnline – DNR Responses to Vendors
Ques�ons & Answers

Q1. Do the resources configuring the system need to be based within the US?
A1. Yes, resources configuring the fpOnline system need to be based within the United

Q2. What is the current system that DNR uses for its Forest Prac�ce Applica�ons?
A2. The system that is used for Forest Prac�ces Applica�ons is �tled Forest Prac�ces
Applica�on Review System (FPARS) and was built using Oracle.
The system that is used for water type modifica�on forms (WTMFs) is �tled Water Type
Applica�on Database (WTA) and was built using Oracle.
The system that is used for enforcement forms (ENF) is �tled Forest Prac�ces
Enforcement Tracking System (FPETS) and was built in Oracle.

Q3. A�er the new system goes live, will DNR want con�nued support of the system?
A3. The agency is considering at least 2 years of a hosted solu�on supported by the
chosen vendor. The Forest Regula�on Division has an IT System Administrator posi�on
and a GIS manager that will support por�ons of the administra�ve workload. IT Division
will support some of the technological administra�ve tasks related to interface with WA
Tech, Secure Access Washington, security, and assistance with GIS where connec�ons to
fpOnline documents (FPAs, WTMFs, and ENF) but the bulk of the technical work will be
done by the vendor.

Q4. How much data needs to be converted?

A4. Approximately 800 GBs.

Q5. Does the Department have a current document management system?

A5. No, the Opera�ons sec�on of the Forest Regula�on Division does not have a central
data repository.

Q6. In what digital format does the map need to be created?

A6. Feature services and/or a Geodatabase should be created.
WA State Department of Natural Resources
DNR RFP 24-18
fpOnline – DNR Responses to Vendors
Ques�ons & Answers

Q7. Can you provide more context of who an external reviewer is?
A7. External reviewers are by law Revised Code of Washington (RCW) 76.09 coun�es,
ci�es, Washington Departments of Fish and Wildlife (DFW) and Ecology (ECY), and
through our standard opera�ng procedure DNR also no�fies affected Tribes.
RCW 76.09.050(5)

Q8. Is it a State employee?

A8. No, reviewers are not all state employees. Reviewers are made up of local
governmental en��es from the State of Washington, as well as Ci�es and Coun�es that
by law are no�fied so that they can review forest prac�ces ac�vi�es where their
jurisdic�onal authority may pertain a�er the ac�vity is complete.
RCW 76.09.050(5)

Q9. Would this person need special access to the system to review certain applica�ons and
related documenta�on?
A9. Yes, each person that is provided reviewer access will need a Secure Access
Washington (SAW) account to access fpOnline.

Q10. What is the current process for providing the External Reviewer that informa�on?
A10. External city, county, state agency and tribal representa�ves sign up to be a
reviewer and provide a list of the geographic area(s) they want to receive no�fica�on on
for FPAs, WTMFs, and ENF documents. They receive an email each evening that matches
their criteria and sends them informa�on on the related ac�ons.

Q11. Is SAW based on Microso�’s Entra ID?

A11. DNR does not know. Please review the Secure Access Washington link to review
how external stakeholders obtain a SAW account.
WA State Department of Natural Resources
DNR RFP 24-18
fpOnline – DNR Responses to Vendors
Ques�ons & Answers

Q12. How many applica�ons/forms are submited annually?

A12. Approximately 30,000. Forest Prac�ces Applica�ons are es�mated at 5000/year
and include at minimum 1 – 5 or more Appendixes that are in each FPA packet.
Approximately 1000 water type modifica�on forms and 1000 enforcement forms with a
variety of other data (forms) atached.

Q13. Is the review process for each license type similar or materially different?
A13. The review process is similar and consistent based on the roles of reviewers. The
variability is based on the content s�pula�ons the reviewers have iden�fied in their
review profile request.

Q14. Do any of the review processes require inspec�ons?

A14. Yes. The forest prac�ces forester(s) conduct review of the FPA, WTMF, and ENF in
the field.

Q15. How many DNR users will need access to the system?
A15. Approximately 150 internal DNR staff.

Q16. How many data tables will need to be migrated?

A16. The number of tables migrated will be dependent upon the data migra�on strategy
the vendor provides.

Q17. How many records will need to be migrated?

A17. Approximately 300,000 records.
WA State Department of Natural Resources
DNR RFP 24-18
fpOnline – DNR Responses to Vendors
Ques�ons & Answers

Q18. How would you describe the complexity of the forms/applica�ons in terms of length,
condi�onal logic, etc.
A18. The FPAs, WTMFs, ENF forms are straigh�orward with minimal condi�onal logic,
and the condi�on logic required is fairly simple.

Q19. Under Workflow Management, are the tasks referenced related to applica�ons and
reviews, or to general opera�onal tasks?
A19. Both. The workflow is founded on the review process and opera�onal tasks
associated with the FPAs, WTMFs, and ENF. The vendor selected should be prepared to
support both.

Q20. Would the State consider extending the submission deadline by two weeks?
A20. No.

Q21. Requirement FR-131 – Ability to export dashboards to common formats, including, e.g.,
PDF and Excel. Can you please clarify if the solu�on should export Dashboards or Data?
A21. The solu�on should support expor�ng the data and relevant infographics for

Q22. FR-039 REQUIREMENT STATES: The solu�on must provide a mapping tool that allows
proponents to create an ac�vity map online and submit the map with the online applica�on or
form. We read that we need to integrate with the Department’s GIS system. We also see a
requirement sta�ng the vendor needs to provide a mapping tool. Please confirm the
Department has ArcGIS applica�on that we are to integrate with to use for mapping.
A22. The DNR operates an ArcGIS Server Enterprise environment. The mapping
applica�on needs to integrate with DNR’s ArcGIS Server.
WA State Department of Natural Resources
DNR RFP 24-18
fpOnline – DNR Responses to Vendors
Ques�ons & Answers

Q23. FR-108 ASKS: Ability for users to access folders/files/documents while offline and
automa�cally sync changes when back online.
For SaaS solu�ons, when a user is offline, they cannot access the system. Should the
requirement read “Ability for users to open and use various forms they download when
connected. When they return to an internet-connected area have the system synch the new
information when back online?”
A23. Yes, the requirement should read: Ability for users to open and use various forms
they download when connected. When they return to an internet-connected area have
the system synch the new information when back online.

Q24. What is the current system used for Document Management (Office 356 or Google suite or
something else)?
A24. The current system being used for document management is BOX for document
storage and we use Microso� 365. DNR staff has access to their own M365 storage
loca�on. The overall system of record for all business data is the J: drive, or appropriate
shared local storage space. OneDrive (a part of the M365 tools) is designed to replace
the personal drive of users. As such, data contained there is either personal informa�on
(such as evalua�ons or pay slips) or business data in progress (such as shared dra�
documents that require team involvement or offline availability). Due to costs associated
with migra�ng to a cloud only environment, the agency will con�nue to u�lize a on-
premises storage solu�on.

Q25. Can you please provide us different personas included in the Internal Agency processes?.
A25. The roles that are ac�vely engaged are Office staff located in one of the 6 DNR
Region offices (Forest Prac�ces Program Coordinators and Forest Prac�ces Technicians),
forest prac�ces foresters, forest/road specialists, District Managers, Assistant Region
Managers, Civil Engineers, Licensed Engineering Geologists, Geologists, Environmental
Planners, Natural Resources Specialist 3s, 4s, and 5s, Assistant Division Managers, and
other assorted Division headquarters staff.
WA State Department of Natural Resources
DNR RFP 24-18
fpOnline – DNR Responses to Vendors
Ques�ons & Answers

Q26. Does DNR have any preference for Integra�on tool?

A26. No preference for DNR.

Q27. Can you describe the exis�ng challenges and pain points in your current system?
A27. The largest pain points are: the current system is paper based, does not have a path
for an electronic signature, does not allow ACH/debit/credit card payments, does not
have a tool that allows landowners to send GIS shapefiles, does not create a map, does
not have all of the FPA ques�ons, WTMF ques�ons, or Enforcement document data
available to populate with informa�on, does not have a drop down list with all
landowner, reviewer, DNR staff names to ensure accurate one name only data entry,
ability to send documents back and forth between DNR and the landowner to correct
the data online, or the ability for the FP forester to look at associated documents in one
place electronically.

Q28. Is integra�on with any data visualiza�on tool required? Like Tableau or PowerBI?
A28. Yes. The Requirement is FR114 – FR118.

Q29. How many reports & Dashboards does DNR require to be configured at the �me of
A29. Approximately 60 reports and approximately 12 dashboards.

Q30. Do field prac��oners need the ability to submit applica�ons or no�fica�ons from the field
using mobile devices?
A30. Yes.

Q31. How many DNR users need offline Access?

A31. Approximately 200.
WA State Department of Natural Resources
DNR RFP 24-18
fpOnline – DNR Responses to Vendors
Ques�ons & Answers

Q32. How do you currently handle compliance monitoring for forest prac�ces?
A32. Compliance is conducted through the Forest Prac�ces foresters, Forest/Road
Specialists, and Compliance Monitoring staff that conduct field visits. Some forms have
been cra�ed in Survey 123 which allows field staff to document informa�on that is most
commonly used.

Q33. Are there field visits/Inspec�ons to collect data?

A33. Yes.

Q34. Should these visits / inspec�on be a part of the future system? If yes, please provide high
level steps.
A34. This is currently out of scope for this phase of the project. DNR field staff for the
forest prac�ces program are using Survey 123 to collect data in the field to then upload
into relevant databases. A high-level push of a roll-up of this data will be used to inform
deliverables for this par�cular project.

Q35. What steps are expected in the future system when someone is not in compliance?
A35. The current steps will be used in the future system. Documents are filled out by the
Forest Prac�ces Forester and a signature is obtained from the landowner. The ability to
collect their signature electronically (not with DocuSign or other so�ware) with the
vendor solu�on in the field. Then the forester would send the document on to relevant
internal Forest Prac�ces staff (Program Coordinator and District Manager) for review and
storage in applicable loca�ons. At �mes this documenta�on is sent up the chain of
command and/or to headquarters for review.

Q36. Are there privacy considera�ons, especially if the system involves public access or sharing
of informa�on?
A36. Yes. There is some Category 3 data where data sharing has been provided by DNR
signing Memorandums of Agreement with other State Agencies for state/federal listed
threatened and endangered species and for archaeological data which is not available
for public disclosure. This data needs to be encrypted at rest. Also, Personally
WA State Department of Natural Resources
DNR RFP 24-18
fpOnline – DNR Responses to Vendors
Ques�ons & Answers

Iden�fiable Informa�on (PII) such as forest landowner and staff home addresses, phone
numbers, email addresses, and other sensi�ve informa�on.

Please review OCIO Policy on their Category 1 – 4 defini�ons.

Q37. Does DNR need training guides for external users?

A37. Yes. DNR would like the vendor to train internal DNR forest prac�ces program staff.
The forest prac�ces program staff will then train the landowners, reviewers, etc.

Q38. Can the agency confirm that there is no M&O services required? If yes, determine the
number of an�cipated months for M&O
A38. Yes. Maintenance and Opera�ons (M&O) services are required from the vendor
with a 90-day stabiliza�on period. M&O will begin a�er the system is deployed with the
90-day warranty to fix bugs, etc. DNR is also pursuing a hosted solu�on for the first two-
years and poten�ally long-term.

Q39. Who are the primary users of the system within your organiza�on?

A39. The roles that are primarily engaged daily are Office staff (Forest Prac�ces Program
Coordinators and Forest Prac�ces Technicians) located in one of the 6 DNR Region
offices, forest prac�ces foresters, forest/road specialists, District Managers, Civil
Engineers, Licensed Engineering Geologists, and Geologists.
WA State Department of Natural Resources
DNR RFP 24-18
fpOnline – DNR Responses to Vendors
Ques�ons & Answers

Q40. What is the User count ? (Internal/DNR State Staff)

A40. Approximately 200.

Q41. How many external users/applicants require access to the system?

A41. ~5000 users at the �me of implementa�on. Currently there are 2,804 users.

Q42. Can DNR confirm that there is no standard cost sheet required for this RFP?
A42. Yes, currently there is not a standard cost sheet in the RFP. We would like all
interested vendors to submit their costs in the format below:
A rate card will be provided from interested vendors/contractors with the following
Func�onal Title of Contractor and Hourly Rate for each person on the vendor team.

Q43. Can DNR provide more explana�on on how they want Cost to be broken out by bidders?
A43. The Agency requests separate cos�ng for a hosted solu�on for 2 years, 3 years and
5 years. Addi�onally , the cost of each resource on the proposed project team and
es�mated cost by EACH project phase: Discovery, Configura�on / Development, Tes�ng,
Training, Data Conversion and Migra�on, Implementa�on and Warranty Period
(Minimum of 90 days).

Q44. "Per the DATA requirements, it states "Performing systemic data clean-up, conversion, and
migra�on from old applica�ons to new pla�orm".
How many old applica�ons are there from where the data needs to be migrated?"
A44. This work needs to be scoped out with the Vendor upon contract award. Migrate data
from FPARS from 1/1/2014 to present.
Current Totals are: ~300,000
• Approximately 115,000 Forest Prac�ces Applica�on IDs in FPARS,
• ~10,000 Enforcement forms in FPETS, and
• 21,000 number of WTMFs in WTA
WA State Department of Natural Resources
DNR RFP 24-18
fpOnline – DNR Responses to Vendors
Ques�ons & Answers

• Approximately 154,000 Region Box documents.

Q45. What is/are the source system(s) for your data?

Need to understand the pla�orms or systems from which the data will be extracted. E.g.
Microso� SQL Server, IBM DB2, etc."
A45. Oracle is the system.

Q46. What is the volume of data in each of those legacy systems/applica�ons that need to be
A46. This is a duplicate ques�on. See Q&A 44.

Q47. What objects will be migrated?

A47. PDF forms and atribute Tables.

Q48. What is es�mated data volume of each object?

A48. This is a duplicate ques�on. See Q&A 44.

Q49. How is DNR organizing it's data today?

A49. The data is organized in the applicable applica�ons/systems FPARS/WTA/FPETS.
Data retained was informed by forest prac�ces program staff/management at specific
points in �me.

Q50. Does DNR have a exis�ng Database to store all the documents / forms / templates /
agreements / applica�ons data? If yes, please provide details of it
A50. Yes, the J:Drive and Box. A central repository/central managed system does not
exist for these documents.
WA State Department of Natural Resources
DNR RFP 24-18
fpOnline – DNR Responses to Vendors
Ques�ons & Answers

Q51. Are there any data extrac�on limita�ons from the source system?
A51. There are Bandwidth limita�ons on the DNR and WaTech network.

Q52. Are there any compliance requirements or regula�ons that need to be considered?
A52. Yes.
WA Office of the Chief Informa�on Officer (OCIO) Policy 141.10 Policies | WaTech
RCW 42.56 Public Records Act.
OCIO Policy on Storage of Data in the cloud:

Q53. "Under the sec�on ""Desired System Func�onality and Project Objec�ves"", the RFP states
that the successful bidder will provide Project Management Services including: OCIO U�liza�on
of a DNR internally designed hybrid methodology and the standard Office of The Chief
Informa�on Officer( OCIO) ga�ng process as outlined on the OCIO webpage here: Gated
Funding | OCIO (
As per the website link above it looks more like a grants funding process where in the agency
submits an applica�on for gated funding applica�on & the OFM reviews & approves & releases
the fund.
A53. This is a dual approval process through OCIO and OFM to release funding.
Gated Funding | WaTech

Q54. Does the State intend to implement this process workflow in the new solu�on?
A54. No, Q53 is solely for the Agency to acquire funding for the project. The new
solu�on will not include this process.
If you want to verify the process please go to the OCIO website for more informa�on.
Gated Funding | WaTech
WA State Department of Natural Resources
DNR RFP 24-18
fpOnline – DNR Responses to Vendors
Ques�ons & Answers

Q55.If yes, will OFM staff require access to the system to be able to review & approve the
agency applica�ons.
A55. No – see Q&A 54.

Please confirm the scope here (refers to Q52-Q54)

Refer to the RFP for scope.

Q56. The RFP requires the solu�on to convert 30 paper/pdf forms to electronic applica�on
A56. Yes.

Q57. How materially are these forms different from each other?
A57. Each form asks different ques�ons, and some have very different formats to
answer the ques�ons. See Forest Prac�ces Forms and Instruc�ons | WA - DNR

Q58. Are some forms that are similar or all are unique forms?
A58. Some forms are similar with a Ques�on and Answer format and others have
specific data that is being requested (Example: western WA Forest Prac�ces Applica�on,
Appendix A. Water Type Classifica�on worksheet, or Appendix D. Slope Stability
Informa�onal Form Forest Prac�ces Forms and Instruc�ons | WA - DNR)

Q59. In con�nua�on to the above ques�on, does it mean 30 different licensing applica�ons
need to implemented in the new system?
A59. No.

Q60. Is DNR currently using any electronic signature tool?

A60. Yes, DocuSign.
WA State Department of Natural Resources
DNR RFP 24-18
fpOnline – DNR Responses to Vendors
Ques�ons & Answers

Q61. If yes, determine which tool? (related to Ques�on 60)

A61. DocuSign.

Q62. If yes to above ques�on, would DNR like the exis�ng tool to be integrated with the new
system or would DNR like the vendor to propose an e-signature tool?
A62. DNR is tool agnos�c. The FPA is a contract and other documents are supplemental
informa�on. DNR is interested in a vendor solu�on for documents to reduce costs.

Q63. Is DNR currently using any GIS/Mapping tool? If yes, can you determine which?
A63. Yes. DNR is using ArcGIS Pro 2.9.11 and ArcGIS Server Enterprise/Portal version 10.9

Q64. "In the Business Requirement as per FR-098, DNR requires ""The system should support
mul�ple types/formats of no�fica�on (text, email, US mail, etc.).
A64. Yes.

Q65. Determine the number of text messages and US Mail sent annually?
A65. DNR does not currently regularly use text or U.S. mail. The most common
no�fica�ons are sent through FPARS and emails. Approximately 5000 no�fica�ons for
new FPAs and renewed FPAs. The text no�fica�ons are es�mated at 60,000 annually.

Q66. As per Business requirement FR - 141, "The system must provide the ability to add invoice
and payment informa�on associated to an applica�on." Please explain the workflow here.
A66. The Forest Prac�ces Ques�ons have specific informa�on that is triggered when a
landowner/landowner representa�ve/forestry consultant fills out the FPA form.
• Based on their answers to being a small forest landowner – yes (Ques�on #5)
this will trigger the fee to be $100 for the FPA.
• By default, if they answer no – then you are a large forest landowner which will
trigger the fee to be $150.
WA State Department of Natural Resources
DNR RFP 24-18
fpOnline – DNR Responses to Vendors
Ques�ons & Answers

• If the respond that yes, they are conver�ng their property (Ques�on #2) then the
fee will be $1500 for the FPA.
This informa�on is then expected to coordinate with the ability to generate the cost of
the FPA based on these simple criteria.

Q67. Does the applicant pay the fees which submi�ng the applica�on or does the state
generate an invoice & send it to the applicant for making the payment?
A67. The applicant pays for the fees at the same �me they submit the FPA/applica�on.
The fee is required as part of a complete FPA/applica�on in order for the document to
begin its path to be reviewed and processed for approval/disapproval. No money =
incomplete FPA/applica�on – return to sender.
The new system should not allow the FPA to be submited un�l payment has been
Yes, fpOnline should be able to generate invoices for payment and associated repor�ng
for FPAs and enforcement ac�ons that require a payment.

Q68. "Under the Organiza�on Change Management Sec�on, it states ""Awareness of OCM best
prac�ces when collabora�ng with the DNR OCM Team as materials need to be developed for
end user consump�on. a. DNR will change business processes, not associated with statues/law
or rules, to align with out of the box func�onality to avoid high amounts of customiza�on. Some
business processes are directly associated with state law and/or rules and must follow the
specific expecta�ons in law and/or rules."”
Does that mean DNR will be responsible for the change management, however vendor needs to
provide the relevant content/materials for end user consump�on? Please confirm.”
A68. Yes, the Agency has contracted with an OCM firm to provide those specific services.
The chosen vendor will offer support as necessary to the OCM team.

Q69. Approximately how many documents/templates will need to be generated in the system?
A69. Approximately 30 forms.
WA State Department of Natural Resources
DNR RFP 24-18
fpOnline – DNR Responses to Vendors
Ques�ons & Answers

Q70. Can DNR please confirm that OCR is not needed for the future system.
A70. No, OCR is not needed for this phase of the build. DNR would like the system to
evolve to include OCR as a future enhancement.

Q71. Is DNR looking for post produc�on warranty support?

A71. Yes. We have asked for a 90-day warranty period. If a hosted solu�on is agreed the
support would con�nue through the life of the Maintenance and Opera�ons contract.

Q72. If yes, determine for how long?

A72. Poten�ally 5 years or longer.

Q73. Due to �me constraints with the Upcoming Holidays, can DNR provide a two week
A73. No.

Q74. Exhibit E is not listed in the evalua�on criteria or the Bidder's Checklist. Can DNR confirm if
a response to this Exhibit is required as part of our proposal Submital?
A74. Exhibit E is the Requirements document for both Business and Technical
Requirements and is a separate document.

Q75. Can you please provide us with some addi�onal details/process flow on the three
Enforcement forms men�oned in the documents provided by DNR.
A75. The current process flow includes but is not limited to the following:
Forest Prac�ces Foresters, Forestry/Road Specialists, or District Managers fill out these
forms to document conversa�ons through email, phone call, or in-person mee�ngs to
note what took place, who was there, the date, the agreement, or next steps in rela�on
to work with an FPA, WTMF, or other in-person mee�ng that may be related to
enforcement ac�ons. The document is signed by all in atendance and then the
document is uploaded into the Forest Prac�ces Enforcement Tracking System (FPETS).
WA State Department of Natural Resources
DNR RFP 24-18
fpOnline – DNR Responses to Vendors
Ques�ons & Answers

Q76. Is this going to be a direct contract between WA DNR and the contractor or if there is any
preference for a contract vehicle to be used? (ex: NASPO through Carahso�)
A76. No. We are using open solicita�on which is why the RFP was posted to WEBS.

Q77. How many internal users will be u�lizing the so�ware?

A77. Approximately 200.

Q78. What are the roles and responsibili�es of internal users?

A78. The roles that are ac�vely engaged are Office staff located in one of the 6 DNR
Region offices (Forest Prac�ces Program Coordinators and Forest Prac�ces Technicians),
forest prac�ces foresters, forest/road specialists, District Managers, Assistant Region
Managers, Civil Engineers, Licensed Engineering Geologists, Geologists, Environmental
Planners, Natural Resources Specialist 3s, 4s, and 5s, Assistant Division Managers, and
other assorted Division headquarters staff.

Q79. How many applica�ons do you receive annually?

A79. Approximately 5000 FPAs/year.

Q80. How many grants do you award annually?

A80. The Forest Regula�on Division does not award grants as part of the current work.
We do review and approve or disapprove Forest Prac�ces Applica�ons ~ 5000 per year.
We review and concur/non-concur with water type modifica�on forms ~ 1000 per year.
We create and issue documents such as informal conference notes and “No�ces to
Comply” ~ 1000 per year.

Q81. What is the annual fund size that you will be disbursing?
A81. We do not disburse annual funds. If you are referring to the payment process
please see Q&A 84 below.
WA State Department of Natural Resources
DNR RFP 24-18
fpOnline – DNR Responses to Vendors
Ques�ons & Answers

Q82. Will you require historical data migra�on and if so what format is historical data in (.csv,
excel, etc.)?

A82. Yes. The historical data is required to be migrated. The format the data should be
available in is .CSV files. The DNR data is in Oracle.

Q83. When is the fund distribu�on expected to go live?

A83. The payment por�on of fpOnline is expected to go live at the same �me as the
en�re fpOnline applica�on – January 1, 2025, with 3 months of stand-up support to
resolve issues (bugs, errors, etc.).

Q84. What is the expected transac�on volume per day/per month?

A84. The transac�on volume per day is approximately on average 12 – 20 per day with
Mondays having a bit more volume and before 3-day weekends.
The transac�on volume per month is approximately 350.

Q85. FR-119: Can you elaborate on what “comprehensive drill-down and roll-up capabili�es”
A85. The ability to provide ad hoc repor�ng bi-direc�onally.

Q86. FR-39 – FR-49: Do you have sample maps?

A86. Yes. Sample maps can be reviewed through the link to the Forest Prac�ces
Applica�on Mapping Tool viewer Forest Prac�ces Applica�on Mapping Tool (FPAMT)
We recommend reading the PowerPoint, so you are able to navigate the system to locate
an FPA PDF to view a map. PowerPoint Presenta�on (
You can zoom into the extent where you get the selec�on to click on polygons which
provides a link to a PDF. Here’s a sample: fp2419886.pdf (
WA State Department of Natural Resources
DNR RFP 24-18
fpOnline – DNR Responses to Vendors
Ques�ons & Answers

You could also use the FPARS search tool, click on the Advanced Search Criteria at the
botom, and put in criteria to look at Class III FPAs in a Region. This will provide you with
a list of FPAs in PDF form which most have associated maps depending on the proposal.
Forest Prac�ces Applica�on Review System (FPARS) | WA - DNR
Forest Prac�ces Applica�on Review System - FPA/N Search (

Q87. Are you currently using any mapping tool?

A87. Yes. DNR is using ArcGIS Pro 2.9.11 and ArcGIS Server Enterprise/Portal version 10.9

Q88. Is an integra�on with a mapping tool acceptable?

A88. Yes.

Q89. FR-01: Are samples of these forms available?

A89. Yes. All forms are available here: Forest Prac�ces Forms and Instruc�ons | WA -
The eastern and western WA Forest Prac�ces Applica�on (FPA), the Forest Prac�ces
Aerial Chemical Applica�on form, Step 1 Long-Term Applica�on Form eastern and
western WA, Step 2 LTA eastern WA, LTA western WA, Appendix A. Water Type
Classifica�on worksheet, Appendix D. Slope Stability Informa�onal Form, Appendix E.
CMZ Assessment Form, Appendix F. Share, Water Type Modifica�on Form, Appendix G.
Western WA Type NP RMZ Worksheet, FPA/N Renewal Form, etc.

Q90. General: How many users do you an�cipate accessing the system?
A90. Approximately 200 internal users and approximately 4800 external users.
WA State Department of Natural Resources
DNR RFP 24-18
fpOnline – DNR Responses to Vendors
Ques�ons & Answers

Q91. Atachment E (RFP Requirements) refers to "the proposed COTS solu�on". Will DNR accept
proposed solu�ons that maximize the use of COTS components, but that is a custom-developed
integra�on of those components into an applica�on solu�on?
A91. Yes, condi�onally based on the selected vendor managing and controlling the

Q92. How much weight and preference will DNR be giving to a fully COTS solu�on versus a
custom integra�on of COTS components?
A92. None, the requirement is that it appears seamless to the Agency , meaning that it
is managed and controlled by the selected vendor.

Q93. When is the an�cipated go-live date for the new solu�on?
A93. January 3, 2025, is the target date for go-live.

Q94. Does the $3.9M budget include hos�ng of the applica�on a�er go-live and for how long is
the ini�al hos�ng period?
A94. No. The Maintenance and Opera�ons (M&O) and/or hos�ng costs are separate
from this amount.

Q95a. Does the $3.9M budget include payment processing fees paid to Key
Bank Merchant Services?
A95a. No. The processing fees are expected to be paid by the proponent choosing to
submit the Forest Prac�ces Applica�on and pay for it using a debit or credit card.

Q95b. What are the terms of any exis�ng payment processor account and the volumes of
payment transac�ons we need to budget for?
A95b. The current system does not have a payment processor account. The new system
will work through the WA Treasury and a 3rd party banking ins�tu�on. The fees
associated with the transac�on for debit and credit will be passed on to the customer
for payment.
WA State Department of Natural Resources
DNR RFP 24-18
fpOnline – DNR Responses to Vendors
Ques�ons & Answers

The es�mated numbers of Forest Prac�ces Applica�ons that require a paid fee for the
transac�on are approximately 2500 per year.

96. Does the $3.9M budget include fees paid to 3rd party eSignature companies (e.g. Adobe,
DocuSign, etc.)?
A96. No. The costs for a 3rd party vendor for eSignatures would be part of the M&O.

Q97. Does DNR have an exis�ng eSignature vendor to use?

A97. Yes. The Enterprise solu�on is DocuSign. The only document(s) requiring a 3rd
party eSignature company are the forest prac�ces applica�ons. The COTS solu�on is
expected to provide an alterna�ve signature capability that does not require an Adobe
or DocuSign license.

Q98. What are the terms of any exis�ng vendor rela�onship and the volumes of eSignatures we
need to budget for?
A98. A wet signature is currently provided. Digital cost would be incurred to DNR.
The possible es�mate related to fee required FPAs is approximately 2500 per year. An
es�mate of approximately 2500 DocuSign or Adobe envelopes.

Q99. Have complete use cases, process flow diagrams, and other data diagrams been created
and can we get copies?
A99. Yes, use cases, process flow diagrams and other data diagrams have been created.
We will not be releasing copies prior to the proposal due date.

Q100. FR-001 - Can we get copies of all 30 paper/PDF forms to be converted?

A100. Yes. Most are available at Forest Prac�ces Forms and Instruc�ons | WA - DNR.
The successful vendor/contractor will get all copies – Gil.
WA State Department of Natural Resources
DNR RFP 24-18
fpOnline – DNR Responses to Vendors
Ques�ons & Answers

Q101. FR-109 - How should reports and PDF packages be made available for offline users if the
data covers an en�re region?
A101. The data should provide a unique iden�fier for each Region to differen�ate the
data. Each Region currently has a different FPA number system to differen�ate between
Regions. If the COTS solu�on has the ability to blend leters and numbers for each region
or another solu�on that could meet this business requirement.

Q102. Does this mean every user's offline database needs to be complete enough to generate
these reports while offline?
A102. No.

Q103. Or, are they generated centrally, but sync'd to a user the next �me they are online?
A103. Reports are typically generated internally. The successful vendor/contractor will
be able to explore this during the repor�ng process discovery process.

Q104. FR-112 - Offline document access for mobile & laptops devices; can there be a
requirement for users to flag documents and folders for offline access prior to going offline or
should a user's en�re access library of docs always be available offline?
A104. The successful vendor/contractor will be able to explore this during the repor�ng
process discovery process.

Q105. NFR-025/NFR-046 - What users use Azure AD SSO vs. DNR's SAML SSO (assuming SAW is
used for all user authen�ca�on external to WA state agencies)?
A105. Internal to DNR, Azure/SAML is the same. External users use Secure Access
Azure Single Sign On (SSO) uses Entra ID and SAML configura�on together to ensure the
connec�on is secured end to end. The SAML configura�on requires coordina�on
between DNR IT Division staff and the successful vendor/contractor to share the SAML
metadata files and some end-to-end tes�ng. Entra ID is the new name for Azure AD, and
WA State Department of Natural Resources
DNR RFP 24-18
fpOnline – DNR Responses to Vendors
Ques�ons & Answers

we (DNR IT Division staff) manage the members for both the overall agency and for the
access to specific so�ware applica�ons.

Q106. NFR-047 - What data is to receive and/or sent to the DNR data warehouse?
A106. Currently, DNR does not bring all the data to the warehouse. Any data that is
needed with the new system will be migrated. This is part of the data migra�on plan.

Q107. NFR-061/NFR-062 - What # of concurrent users (internal & external) is expected?

A107. Approximately 200 internal users and approximately 4800 external users.

Q108. What are the peak �mes of year/day?

A108. The peak �mes are 10 a.m. – 2 p.m. Tuesday – Thursday. The peak �mes of year
are March – July. At �mes due to market condi�ons there are up�cks in amounts of
FPAs submited in the summer are a�er a bad fire season.

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