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1. All people should have the right to own guns.

2. how you can handle situation when you stammerer in a shop and
shopkeeper lough
3. if you won a lottery of 1 million how you can spend the money
4. what you think about insurance and is health insurance should be
mendetory for everyone
5. when we get pain, is it good to eat parastomal without prescription
6. if you get 2 job offer , one is govt job that paid you 30000 per mounth and
another is private job that pay you 1 lack which one you chose and why
7. minimum job salary should be paid 15000
8. in your oppion human organ donation is good or bad
9. Smoking should be ban
10. Violent video games should be banned.
11. Plastic bags should be banned.
12. How we can make education system enjoyful
13. Homework should be banned.
14. Advantage and disadvantage of AI
15. How robotic help in manufacture company
16. which school is good govt or private
17. how we can ensure education for poor people
18. advartage and disadvantage of social media
19. how you can identify is he a real begger or not
20. Smoking should be banned in all public places.
21. If you are a health minister for one year, how thaing you should do to
improve heathcare
22. As you opinion which one is better job or business
23. How you can handle phone call , as you know you have stammering problem
24. If you get opportutity which country you want to go
25. Tell me your feedback about stammering support group

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