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Homelessness (A) Use the verbs from the box below to fil the gaps in sentences I - 18. Use each verb once only. Change the form if necessary. 13 14, 15, 16, 17, 18. weather struggle prey cry exploit pilfer tive expose obligate —_bottle cast sponge ride tear live it plunge carry lead turn addict take scrounge turn thrust | The loss of both her parents at such an early age its toll on her mentally and she became disturbed during her adolescent years. ‘Those living on the streets are at their most vulnerable during the cold winter months when they are to the elements. Society as a whole is to protect the most vulnerable within our midst; young people who find themselves ‘out oft the streets are in particular need of our help and care. The temptation to ‘blind eye to the plight of the homeless is ever-present, but we must not let ourselves forget the most vulnerable and needy, Many of the homeless have been roughshod over by the unscrupulous elements within our society, people prepared to them Tor their own immeral ends and ‘them down the path to life of crime. (Often, young people who run away from home and escape from an abusive environment mistakenly believe that they have ‘the worst of the storm; that i, until they realise what awaits them in their life on the streets. Emotional instability is only worsened when the affected individual attempts to everything up inside: ‘eventually, their issues will explode forth and the consequences may be very far-reaching. We cannot yet seriously consider our society a civilised place in which to live when we are content to pass by the anonymous street-folk en our dally sojourn to work and stand by idly ignoring the squalor in which they Those to make ends meet are but one missed mortgage or rent payment away from being thrown out onto the streets and into alife of dire poverty. . It is always the most vulnerable who are upon, but the predatory tendencies have seldom come from such an alarming source as the government; howaver, the announcement that the minimum wage is to be cut in the next budget is nothing short of an attack on those on the very margins of society. + People who their noses up at the homeless as they walk past them on the street would do well to reconsider; afer all, given the right combination of calamitous circumstances, it could very well be any one of us in their position. To so scornfully ignore their plight is to surely only them further into the pits of despair Some of the young people who make up the majority of the homelesss on the streets of our city look as though they the weight of the world on their shoulders. ‘The homeless are ‘out for help, but no one is listening to their pleas. ‘They are effectively from hand to mouth, unable to think about tomorrow because they are constantly having to worry about just making it through today. Ahhomeless man came up to me and tried to a cigarette; | told him | don’t smoke. Many of the homeless do not qualify for dole payments, so the accusation that they are off the government is fallacious at best. ‘When his wife and children left him, he rock bottom and turned to drink; he has been now for the best part of a decade and it has ig life apart. He was caught sweets from a local shop. (B) Match the phrase in Column A to its meaning in Column B. You will not need all the Column B options. | | | | | | | L (anes a eaten) (a) to be on the margins (of society) () waiting around with the intention of causing trouble (b) to run amok having no money, luck or opportunities (©) to be down-and-out (ii) t0 behave in a wild and dangerous manner (d) to be on the game (iv) working as a prostitute (©) to be loitering with intent (¥) focused on what needs to be achieved (wi) determined to escape something (vii) perched on the edge of greatness (vill) excluded/isolated/not significantly involved Poverty and Social Issues (€) Now use the phrases in Column A of (B) above to fill the gaps in the following sentences. You may need to change the form, tense, word order or phrase structure slighty. 1. Those: have few if any friends and lack the means, faculties or desire to make a meaningful contribution to the community; they are utterly alone and despondent, 2. Fewof us however wellintentioned would be prepared to welcome someone in off the streets and into our home for fear they would if we let our guard down and took our eyes off them for even a moment. 3. He was pulled in by the police for. . but the realty is that he was simply and innocently passing the time watching the passers-by go about their daly Business, 4. Shewas_ and her once glamorous life was in pieces; she held litle hope of finding a way back to her _slory days 5. She was forced to go ‘0.earn enough money to support her abusive husband's drug addiction. (D) Match the word in Column A with its strongest collocate from Column B. Column A oT rn | @) domes (history 1 (@) chequered Gil) sears | (© kerb Gili) violence | | @itiex (iv) uidance | | © soup (©) market | @ black (i) kitchens | @ sleeping (ai) trafficking I | (h) people (il) abuse I | @ substance (od drugs I | @) parental (rough I ‘emotional (xi) craw (©) Now use the answers fom (D) above o fill the gaps inthe following sentences. Use each collocation once only 1. Hehas a history of and | would regard him as a loose canon with the potential to explode again at any given point in time without warring. It is tragic that he has been thrown out onto the streets but his as Both a parent and a father moderate the level of sympathy | have fr him somewhat. 2. She has severe {rom her time under the guardianship of her foster parents, who, i later turned out, were serious deilers ir ‘and psychologically unstable themselves. Ths gl was lt down badly by the system 3. She's lacking and the absence ofa role model and authority igure in her life has made her especially susceptible t suggestion; Iris Fardly surprising that she had Been led astray by the group of troubled youths she fel in swith wile . 4 is rife amongst the homeless: you only have to look atthe huge queues of people lining up outside the ‘methadone dlnie each day to tell you that. You'd seldom observe as big a queue outside the ironically 5. Those who engage in ‘must realse that they are endangering the women they pick up and that their money simply lines the pockets of pimps involved n a seedy network: ‘which stretches across the ‘whole of Europe not to mention shady dealings in the ‘The Role of Education in the Developing World Use the word in brackets as a clue to help you find the correct answer for each gop in the exercise below. Levels ofl. {lierate] and 2. [number] remain startlingly high in the developing world, and will continue to be so until the West provides or sponsors new education 3. [initiate preferably also getting directly invohed. A better educa- tion isa prerequisite should the 4. [poverty] masses of Africa ever wish to hold any genuine hope of gaining their 5. [emancipate] from the metaphorical shackles of poverty. Education 6. [initiate] for young people as well as fe fong learning programmes will alo help to breach the gui that separates the working dasses from their ruling elite, a7. [privilege] few who enjoy the 8. [trap] of Western weaith and the Iifestye that goes with t, while those in their midst are completely [o

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