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DOH Programs and Activities (Month of June)

1. Prostate Cancer Awareness Month

2. National Cancer Survivor Day
3. Scoliosis Awareness Month
4. Dengue Awareness Month
5. National Kidney Month
6. National No Smoking Month
7. National Safe Kids Week (3rd Week)
8. National Poison Prevention Week (4th Week)
9. National Organ and Blood Donation Awareness Week (Last Week)
10. World Blood Donor Day (Jun 14)
11. ASEAN Dengue Day (Jun 15)
12. International Day Against Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking (Jun 26)

1. Prostate Cancer Awareness Month:

Significance to the community:
Raises awareness about prostate cancer, its risk factors, symptoms, and treatment options. Aims
to encourage men to get screened for early detection.
Educate the public about prostate cancer, promote screenings, and provide support for
individuals diagnosed with prostate cancer and their families.
Roles as a student nurse:
Conduct educational campaigns, organize screening programs, provide counseling, support
individuals undergoing treatment, and offer information about available resources.

2. National Cancer Survivor Day:

Significance to the community:
Celebrates cancer survivors, raises awareness about life after cancer treatment, and supports
survivors in their journey.
Honor and support cancer survivors, raise awareness about the challenges they face post-
treatment, and advocate for survivorship care.
Roles as a student nurse:
Participate in survivorship events, provide emotional support, share information on post-
treatment care, and advocate for survivorship programs and resources.
3. Scoliosis Awareness Month:
Significance to the community:
Aims to increase awareness about scoliosis, a spinal condition characterized by an abnormal
curvature of the spine.
Educate the public about early detection, available treatments, and support for individuals living
with scoliosis.
Roles as a student nurse:
Organize awareness campaigns, provide information on screenings and treatment options,
support affected individuals, and offer guidance for managing scoliosis.

4. Dengue Awareness Month:

Significance to the community:
Raises awareness about dengue fever, its transmission, symptoms, and preventive measures.
Educate communities on dengue prevention, encourage mosquito control, and promote early
detection and treatment.
Roles as a student nurse:
Conduct community outreach, provide education on preventing dengue, assist in identifying
potential cases, and offer guidance on seeking medical care.

5. National Kidney Month:

Significance to the community:
Highlights kidney health, prevention of kidney diseases, and the importance of early detection.
Educate the public about kidney health, promote healthy lifestyles, and provide support for those
affected by kidney diseases.
Roles as a student nurse:
Organize kidney health screenings, raise awareness about risk factors, support lifestyle
modifications, and assist individuals undergoing dialysis or kidney transplants.
6. National No Smoking Month:
Significance to the community:
Aims to reduce smoking rates, prevent tobacco-related illnesses, and promote smoking cessation
Raise awareness about the dangers of smoking, encourage quitting, and provide resources for
smoking cessation.
Roles as a student nurse:
Engage in anti-smoking campaigns, educate on the health risks of smoking, provide counseling,
and support smoking cessation programs.

7. National Safe Kids Week (3rd Week):

Significance to the Community:
National Safe Kids Week emphasizes the importance of child safety and injury prevention. It
serves as a platform to educate parents, caregivers, educators, and the general public about
potential risks to children's safety and ways to mitigate those risks.
Raise awareness about common childhood injuries and accidents. Educate parents, caregivers,
and children about safety measures and injury prevention strategies. Empower families and
communities with knowledge and resources to create safer environments for children to grow
and thrive.
Roles as a student nurse:
Offer basic first aid training sessions, specifically focusing on child-related injuries, to equip
parents, caregivers, and educators with essential skills to handle emergencies effectively.

8. National Poison Prevention Week (4th Week):

Significance to the Community:
National Poison Prevention Week aims to educate and inform individuals, families, and
communities about the dangers of accidental poisonings, especially among children. It highlights
the importance of safe storage and handling of potentially hazardous substances such as
household chemicals, medications, and poisonous plants.
Raise awareness about common household poisons and potential risks. Reduce accidental
poisonings, particularly among children, by promoting safe practices.
Roles as a student nurse:
Organizing educational campaigns within communities, schools, or healthcare facilities. Create
informational materials, conduct presentations, and distribute resources that emphasize poison
prevention strategies.

9. National Organ and Blood Donation Awareness Week (Last Week):

Significance to the Community:
Educates the public about the impact of blood and organ donations on saving lives and
improving health outcomes for individuals in need of transplants or blood transfusions.
Encourages individuals to become regular blood donors and register as organ donors to
potentially save or enhance the lives of others
Increase public awareness about the constant need for blood donations to support medical
procedures, surgeries, and treatments. Encourage individuals to register as organ donors and
understand the process and impact of organ donation on improving and saving lives.
Roles as a student nurse:
Lead educational campaigns within communities, educational institutions, and healthcare
settings. Create and distribute informational materials, host seminars, or organize talks to educate
people about the importance of blood and organ donation. Organize and participate in blood
donation drives by collaborating with blood banks, hospitals, or community organizations.

10. World Blood Donor Day (Jun 14):

Significance to the Community:
Raises global awareness of the critical need for safe blood and blood products for transfusions in
various medical conditions, emergencies, and surgeries. Acknowledges and appreciates
voluntary, unpaid blood donors' selfless contributions to saving lives.
Promote voluntary, unpaid blood donations to ensure a stable and sufficient blood supply for
transfusions. Highlight the role of blood donors in saving lives and improving health outcomes
for patients in need of blood transfusions.
Roles as student nurse:
Collaborate with healthcare institutions, blood banks, or community organizations to organize
blood donation drives or events on World Blood Donor Day and assist in setting up donation
centers, managing donor registration, and providing information to potential donors.

11. ASEAN Dengue Day (Jun 15):

Significance to the Community:
Highlights the impact of dengue fever, a mosquito-borne viral infection prevalent in many
ASEAN (Association of Southeast Asian Nations) countries. Raises awareness about dengue
prevention strategies, symptoms, treatment, and the importance of early detection to reduce the
disease's spread and its impact on public health.
Educate communities about dengue fever, its transmission, symptoms, and preventive measures.
Encourage public participation in mosquito control efforts and promote community-based
initiatives to reduce mosquito breeding sites.
Roles as a student nurse:
Conduct educational campaigns in collaboration with healthcare institutions, schools, and local
authorities. Organize workshops, seminars, or awareness sessions to educate the public about
dengue prevention, symptoms, and available treatments. Engage in community-based activities
to control mosquito breeding sites. Participate in campaigns promoting proper waste
management, eliminating standing water, and using mosquito repellents to prevent mosquito
breeding and dengue transmission.

12. International Day Against Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking (Jun 26):
Raises awareness about drug abuse, its impact, and advocates for prevention and treatment.
Educate about the dangers of drug abuse, reduce stigma, and promote access to treatment and
Roles as a student nurse:
Participate in anti-drug abuse campaigns, educate on substance abuse prevention, and provide
support and resources for individuals seeking help.

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