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1. Read all the instructions carefully.

2. When you are told to start, choose one correct answer from the suggested answers
and shade it very dark as shown in the examples at the top of the answer sheet.
3. If you wish to change your answer, erase it completely with a pencil rubber and then
shade the new choice.
4. If more than one circle is shaded for any answer, that answer will be regarded as
5. Answer all the questions on the separate sheet provided.
6. If you do not understand the instructions, ask the invigilator to explain them to you
before you start.


1. Name the tool used for ploughing large pieces of land.
A. garden fork B. spade C. ox-plough D. rake

2. Tools are coated with oil so that they do not:

A. rust B. break C. wear fast D. harm workers

3. Select a crop which is used for manufacturing stockfeed.

A. Sugarcane B. Maize C.Peanuts D. Tobacco

4. Humid air is -------

A. dry B. dusty C. cold D. moist

5.The following instrument is used to measure

A. temperature B. rainfall C. humidity D. wind direction

6. What type of farming is mainly practiced in Region 5?

A. Intensive B. Semi-intensive C. Extensive D. Specialised

7. The following diagram shows the main soil components. Which component is

A. Organic matter B. Air C. Water D. rock particles

8. Ammonium nitrate adds ------to the soil

A. ammonia B. nitrogen C. oxygen D. hydrogen
9. Trees release water vapour into the atmosphere through
A. condensation B. evaporation C. infiltration D. transpiration

10. Irrigation
A. increases crop yields B. waste water
C. washes out fertilisers D. increases labour

11. The following diagram is showing ------- of a tomato plants.

A. spacing B. mulching C. weeding D. staking and mulching

12. What do you call a bed where seedlings are raised?

A. Planting hole B. Compost heap
C.Nursery bed D.seedbed

13. Transfer of pollen grains from male to female parts of a flower is called
A. chlorophyll B. transpiration
C.pollination D. propagation

14. Which one of the following is not a legume?

A. Round nuts B.Carrots C. Peas D. Beans

15. A pest which eats maize leaves is

A. red spider B. cutworm C. armyworm D. maize stalk borer

16. ------- fertilizer increases the growth of maize.

A. Ammonium nitrate B. Potassium
C. Phosphorus D.Calcium

17.Plants protect the soil by:

A. providing shade B. binding particles
C. providing firewood D. producing sewn timber

18. Select a fruit vegetable from the following list.
A. onion B. beetroot C. sweet potato D. egg plant

19. Perforated pipes are used to:

A. increase water pressure B. conserve nutrients
C. absorb oxygen D. direct drip irrigation

20. Give an example of specialised farming.

A. Rabbit B. Poultry C. Dairy D.Cattle

21. The gestation period of a woman is ------months.

A. 6 B. 7 C.8 D.9

22. The process of producing a baby is called

A. reproduction B. fertilization C. menstruation D. gestation

23. Lack of Vitamin C causes

A. beriberi B. scurvy C. pellagra D.goitre

24. The following document is a--------- health immunization card.

A. Covid 19 B. polio C. child D. tetanus

25. ---------fight harmful bacteria in the body.

A. Antibodies B. Pathogens C. Germs D.Viruses

26. Firewood has been burnt to produce ashes. This is a -------change.

A. physical B. chemical
C. substance D. compound

27. Animals breathe in a gas called---------

A. carbon dioxide B. oxygen C. nitrogen D. potassium

28. Bulk goods are carried using a--------

A. car B. goods train C. bicycle D. lorry

29. The power we get from water is called------

A. solar B. thermal C. bio-gas D. hydro-electricity

30. In a nuclear power plant, the nuclear energy heats water to produce ________
which turns the turbines that produce electricity.
A. steam B. hot water C. drops of water D. heat

31. Infections that attack the body due to a weakened immune system are called
A. fungal B. bacterial C. germs D.opportunistic

32. ------ mineral is responsible for the growth of bones and teeth.
A. Iodine B. Iron C. Vitamin D. Calcium

33. A -----is an electronic device that inputs, accepts, processes, outputs and stores
A. calculator B. computer C. software D. hardware

34. Putting the same kind of information or data on another external drive is called----
A. maintaining B. duplicating C. back up D.deleting

35. All the following are antivirus except


36. The CPU is the ---------------of the computer.

A. input B. device C. desktop D. brain

37. When you do not want to see all the information in a table you-----
A. delete it B. save it C. toggle it D. filter it

38. Microsoft Access is an example of a

A. database B. table
C. database management system D. software

39. A table holds the same kind of -------

A. primary key B. database C. form

40. Which of the following ICT tools is used for data back up?


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