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You're not alone Harry, You have us.

{Under slight editing}

Posted originally on the Archive of Our Own at

Rating: Teen And Up Audiences

Archive Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death
Categories: F/F, M/M
Fandoms: Harry Potter - J. K. Rowling, 文豪ストレイドッグス | Bungou Stray
Relationships: Dazai Osamu/Nakahara Chuuya (Bungou Stray Dogs), Dazai Osamu
(Bungou Stray Dogs) & Harry Potter, Nakahara Chuuya (Bungou Stray
Dogs) & Harry Potter, Draco Malfoy/Harry Potter, Hermione
Granger/Pansy Parkinson, Ron Weasley/Blaise Zabini, Harry Potter &
Weasley Family, Sirius Black/Remus Lupin
Characters: Dazai Osamu (Bungou Stray Dogs), Nakahara Chuuya (Bungou Stray
Dogs), Harry Potter, Draco Malfoy, Hermione Granger, Pansy
Parkinson, Blaise Zabini, Molly Weasley, Arthur Weasley, Bill Weasley,
Charlie Weasley, Percy Weasley, Fred Weasley, George Weasley, Ron
Weasley, Ginny Weasley, Lucius Malfoy, Narcissa Black Malfoy, Remus
Lupin, Sirius Black, Peter Pettigrew, Severus Snape, Albus Dumbledore,
Minerva McGonagall, Mori Ougai (Bungou Stray Dogs), Fukuzawa
Yukichi (Bungou Stray Dogs), Ozaki Kouyou (Bungou Stray Dogs),
Original Dazai-Nakahara Child(ren) (Bungou Stray Dogs)
Additional Tags: Parental Dazai Osamu (Bungou Stray Dogs), Parental Nakahara Chuuya
(Bungou Stray Dogs), Dazai and Chuuya as Harry's Parental Figures
(Bungou Stray Dogs), Soft Dazai Osamu/Nakahara Chuuya (Bungou
Stray Dogs), Dazai Osamu Needs a Hug (Bungou Stray Dogs), Dazai-
Typical Suicide Mentions (Bungou Stray Dogs), Dazai-Typical Suicide
References (Bungou Stray Dogs), Dazai Osamu is a Mess (Bungou Stray
Dogs), Protective Nakahara Chuuya (Bungou Stray Dogs), Nakahara
Chuuya Needs a Hug (Bungou Stray Dogs), Caring Nakahara Chuuya
(Bungou Stray Dogs), Harry Potter Needs a Hug, Draco Malfoy Needs a
Language: English
Series: Part 2 of Crossovers that I made because of boredom
Stats: Published: 2023-05-27 Updated: 2023-06-07 Words: 3,688 Chapters: 2/?
You're not alone Harry, You have us. {Under slight editing}
by Mystery_GlitchYT


"Excuse me? May I sit in here? All the other cabins are full." The boy was very short and so
skinny that his clothes were swimming on him. He also had short jet black hair that looked
like it couldn't be tamed, his eyes were a bright emerald green, his glasses were held together
by some tape in the middle. Chuuya felt bad for the boy. So did Dazai. Dazai spoke in
English for the boy to understand him.

"Of Course!" He went in, closed the door behind him and sat down.

"I'm Dazai Osamu. This is my friend Nakahara Chuuya. What's your name?"

"I'm Harry, Harry Potter."


I haven't watched Bungo Stray Dogs in awhile, so if I get something wrong let me know. This
takes place at the same time the first book does. So when Harry is on the train, so are 11-year-
old Dazai and Chuuya. [Let's pretend that they met earlier and are both in the mafia] 100%
not canon to anything.

Edited 9/13/2023: I'm going to make them 15 for plot reasons.

Soukoku? In Hogwarts?

Dazai and Chuuya walked onto the Hogwarts Express. They had gotten all their stuff earlier
with a "Professor Snape". Dazai, surprisingly, can do magic. They'd thought No Longer
Human would nullify it but they were wrong. Soukoku were just talking in Japanese, when a
boy who looked younger than they were, opened the door.

"Excuse me? May I sit in here? All the other cabins are full." The boy was very short and so
skinny that his clothes were swimming on him. He also had short jet black hair that looked
like it couldn't be tamed, his eyes were a bright emerald green, his glasses were held together
by some tape in the middle. Chuuya felt bad for the boy. So did Dazai. Dazai spoke in
English for the boy to understand him.

"Of Course!" He went in, closed the door behind him and sat down.

"I'm Dazai Osamu. This is my friend Nakahara Chuuya. What's your name?"

"I'm Harry, Harry Potter." Dazai and Chuuya sat in between Harry. They are sitting that way
to give the little guy some protection. Dazai by the window, Chuuya by the door. He was
definitely a victim of abuse. Dazai recognized himself in Harry, Chuuya can see similarities
and differences between Dazai and Harry. Dazai looked, for the most part, healthy. All he had
were bandages on his neck, arms, and face. Though he knew there were more under his
clothes. Harry on the other hand was malnourished, but no visible signs of beating or
physical abuse.

"Anything from the trolly dears?" Dazai stood and walked over to the trolly lady.

"Would you like anything Slug and Harry?"

"Some chocolate frogs and those jelly beans please!"

"Pumpkin pastries, and STOP CALLING ME SLUG!" Dazai ignored Chuuya; he paid for
some licorice, the pumpkin pastries, the jelly beans and chocolate frogs.

"Thank you ma'am!"

"You're welcome dearies." The trolly lady walked away and Dazai closed the door.

"Namekuji, kyatchi." {Slug, catch.}

Chuuya caught Harry's jelly beans and chocolate frog then handed it to him.

"Osamu no katei seikatsu ni tsuite o kiki shimasu" {We need to ask about his home life

"Ato Chuuya." {Later Chuuya.}

Harry wasn't listening when he started to open his chocolate frog, when he jumped out the
window. 'Honestly, same-' Dazai thought as he sat next to Harry.

"I got Dumbledore!"

"That's the Headmaster, right?" Chuuya bit into the pumpkin pastry.

"This is pretty good." Dazai and Chuuya sat in silence listening to Harry talk about Diagon
Ally and how he found out he was a wizard.

"-although it makes sense now. Why Aunt Petunia and Uncle Vernon favored Dudley over
me was because I was different. They don't like different. I don't know why they put my
bedroom in the closet under the stairs though." Chuuya's eyes widened slightly. 'Under the

"Harry... Did your Aunt and Uncle... hurt you?" Chuuya asked carefully. The color was
drained from Harry's face. He nodded.

"I know this isn't the most comfortable subject but you'll feel better if you do..." Dazai spoke
from experience. He talked to Chuuya about what happened to him in the past and he felt
much better afterwards. Harry looked like he was gonna cry; which was understandable.

"They barely fed me anything, they shaved my head cause my hair was growing too fast, they
hated me because I had magic, I was bullied at school, I hated it there... It never felt like
home..." Dazai and Chuuya trapped Harry in a hug. Poor boy was crying.

"You'll be ok now Harry. We'll protect you, ok? We'll never, ever hurt you. Not even if you
were the worst person ever." Chuuya kept comforting Harry; swaying side to side, massaging
his head, rubbing his back, meanwhile Dazai kept his eyes on Chuuya and thinking of
something so that Harry could have a better life. Him and Chuuya could adopt him, they
aren't of age though.

"We should probably change into our robes. I suspect we're near Hogwarts." Dazai said not
wanting to think about Harry's Aunt and Uncle. Harry looked up at Dazai. He wasn't crying
anymore so that's a plus.

"O-ok... Sorry about c-crying and being a baby..." Harry sniffed. Chuuya's face softened,
almost looking motherly.

"Harry, never apologize for showing emotion. Especially, when you're sad." Harry looked at
Chuuya and nodded.

"Would you like to change here or in the bathroom?" Harry hiccuped.

"Here p-please." Chuuya nodded, pulled away from Harry and pulled the blinds of the cabin
down. He then went into his backpack and got his and Dazai's robes.

"Where are your robes, little one?"

"They're right here." Harry pulled his robes out of a bag that Chuuya didn't notice before.
All three of them changed into their robes, sat back down and waited.

When they got off the train Harry ran towards a huge man and hugged him. Chuuya and
Dazai ran behind.


"Hello 'Arry! And who might you two be?" Chuuya bowed briefly.

"Nakahara Chuuya. I'm one of the students from Japan." Dazai did the same bowing while
introducing himself.

"Dazai Osamu. I'm the other student from Japan."

"Well, any friend of 'Arry's is a friend of mine! Welcome to Hogwarts! We 'ave to travel by
boat the rest of the way so just go to the pier and we'll be on our way!"

Chuuya smiled a little. "Thank you Hagrid-Sensei."

"You're welcome!"

Harry, Chuuya, Dazai, another ginger boy and a brown-haired girl were in the same boat.

"Hello. I'm Harry. What's your guys names?"

"I'm Hermione Granger."

"Ron Weasley. What about you two?"

"Nakahara Chuuya.

"Dazai Osamu."

"Woah! You're the students from Japan! Bloody hell that's cool!"

"I suppose it is." Dazai nodded his head at Hogwarts.

It's a huge castle! Dazai and Chuuya were speechless. They didn't think that the school was a
big castle but oh well. They both actually felt comfortable, like they did in Fukuzawa's
(Mori's husband) and Kouyou's hugs.

When they finally reached Hogwarts they all got out of the boat and headed into Hogwarts.
They were all walking up the stairs and saw an old lady at the top. She must be one of the

"Good evening students. Before you take your seats, you must be sorted into your houses."

Dazai and Chuuya didn't think they would be in the same house but oh well.

"They are Gryffindor, Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw and Slytherin. During your time here, your
houses will be like family." She continued on for a little bit longer before going inside the
dining hall.

"So it's true then! Harry Potter has come to Hogwarts." A voice behind Soukoku spoke.
Whispers and murmurs went around on the stairs. The boy in question had blond hair that
was slicked back with way too much hair gel and striking silver eyes.

"That is Crabbe, that's Goyle, and I'm Malfoy. Draco Malfoy." Malfoy said walking to Harry
then reaching his hand out to shake.

"Don't shake his hand, Harry. Who knows what kind of disease this snobby brat has." Dazai
snickered at Chuuya's comment.

"Something funny?" Malfoy turned to try to glare Chuuya. Chuuya's striking ocean blue eyes
didn't falter.

"1) I think the fact that you have too much gel in your hair makes your forehead look bigger.
2) You're trying to shake someone's hand solely because he's famous. 3) You're obviously a
snobby, rich brat and I'd much rather Harry not get his golden heart infected with that kind of
illness." Dazai was trying to so hard not to burst out laughing.

"And you are?" Malfoy spat.

"Nakahara Chuuya. One of the Japanese Muggleborn transfer students." Chuuya smiled

"Filthy Mudblood." Malfoy spat.

"The fuck did you say to me?" Chuuya started to get pissed off.

"Did you not hear me? I said, Filthy Mudblood." Chuuya was about to say something when
the old lady came back.

"We're ready for you now."

The doors opened to reveal a large dining hall, with four tables that are vertical and one that's
horizontal. The horizontal one had what they assumed to be teachers while the other tables
seated students. The ceiling had pretty stars and floating candles. The students were wearing
four different colors. Red, Green, Yellow and Blue. There was a stool with an old, brown hat.

"When I call your name sit on the stool and the Sorting Hat will put you in your house." The
lady picked up the hat and a list.

"Chuuya Nakahara."

Chuuya walked up and sat on the stool.

'Hmm. Very brave, and cunning. Hmm.'

"Better be... SLYTHERIN!"

The kids from the table that were wearing Green hesitantly clapped. Chuuya smirked and
made his way over to that table.

"Osamu Dazai."

Dazai walked up and sat on the stool the same way as Chuuya did.

'Hmm. This is a difficult one. Very brave, cunning but also kind and smart. Hmm'

"Better be... RAVENCLAW!"

The kids from the table wearing blue erupted into clapping. Dazai was kinda sad because
there was a table in-between Chuuya and his tables. Maybe he could eat with Chuuya and
Harry at Harry's table! It'll be hard to sleep though, Dazai imagines it being as they most
likely have different sleeping chambers. He'll have to buy a body pillow for him and Chuuya
then. His thoughts were interrupted by the lady.

"Draco Malfoy"

The hat was just about to be placed on the boy before it made its decision.


"Hermione Granger."

She was placed in Gryffindor, along with that Ron Weasley kid.

"Harry Potter."

Harry's turn took a while before the hat finally made its decision.

"Better be... GRYFFINDOR!"

Dazai and Chuuya stood clapping for Harry. They were his first friends, they're proud of him.

When Chuuya stood up he got angry glares and glances like he was crazy. When Dazai stood
up, however, his classmates looked at him with respect. After everyone was sorted the
headmaster gave some sort of speech before they ate. Something about the Forbidden Forest,
the third floor, and whatnot.

The food looked and smelled delicious. Dazai was hesitant at first, not knowing if what he
would touch automatically made it poisonous but he shook his head and decided to eat at
least a little bit. It wasn't his canned crab, nor was it something Kouyou or Chuuya made but
it was acceptable. Dazai glanced at Harry and Chuuya. Chuuya was death glaring at some of
his classmates while Harry was talking to the two kids they all met earlier and some other
kids while chowing down on his food. Dazai smiled constantly while eating. The classmates
around him were engaging in small talk except for this girl with platinum blonde hair. She
looked kinda ditsy, like she was in her own little world. Dazai decided to talk to her; maybe
she would like to commit a double suicide with him!
"Hello. I'm Dazai. What's your name?"

The girl turned to face him, she smiled softly. "I'm Luna. It's nice to meet you Dazai."

Luna reminded him of Kouyou, a little. The two engaged in some small talk. Mostly talking
about what their subjects might consist of, or whatever came to mind. After dinner was over,
they were gonna be led to their dorms. Dazai wanted to say Goodnight to Chuuya and Harry
before going to bed. He bid Luna goodbye for now before going to Chuuya.

"Goodnight Slug! I'll see you tomorrow!" Dazai said before giving Chuuya a peck on the

"Night Mackerel. See you tomorrow. I guess. Say goodnight to Harry for me." Chuuya spoke
with a light pink blush covering his cheeks.

"I will! Love you Slug!" Dazai spoke while speed walking to Harry.

"I love you too, Shitty Dazai!" Dazai smiled when he reached Harry.

"Goodnight Harry! See you tomorrow!" Dazai quickly hugged Harry before jogging over to
his classmates.

"Goodnight Dazai! See you tomorrow!" Harry yelled back at Dazai.

Dazai ran to where the Ravenclaw students were walking and walked when he caught up.
The students made their way to Ravenclaw tower to get to the common room. The password
would always change but it would always be a riddle.

'So Ravenclaw's the smart house? I wonder what the other houses are!'

After the Prefect answered the riddle all the first years went in. The room was pretty. It was
decorated in different blues and bronze. The walls had tall bookselves lining each of the
walls. The ceiling was breathtaking in Dazai's opinion. It had stars, showing constellations.
He could stare at the ceiling for hours. There were couches and armchairs in a pale blue color.
The dorm rooms looked somewhat like royalty. Comfy blue beds, a soft pale blue rug and a
few desks. Their trunks were also there as well as their pets. Dazai had a ginger, blue-eyed
cat named Fruit Loops. He let her out of the cage on the bed.

(I'm not sure what the Ravenclaw common room looks like- Sorry if I get anything

"Stay here for a moment Fruit Loops. I'm gonna change into my pajamas real quick."

Fruit Loops meowed at Dazai cooed before going into his trunk to look for his favorite pair
of pj's. They were orange with slugs on the pants. He made him and Chuuya a matching set.
When Dazai finished changing and getting ready for bed he got comfortable on his bed while
petting Fruit Loops. Said cat purred every time Dazai scratched under her chin or behind her
ears. Dazai eventually settled down under the covers cuddling Fruit Loops on his chest and
fell asleep.

Chuuya's common room was in the dungeon.

'Seriously? The damn dungeons'? Is it too late to change houses?'

The password was Pureblood. Like really? Is everyone in Slytherin house stuck-up snobs?

The common room wasn't bad but it looked worse than Mori's office-

It had green walls that looked like it had mold, the windows were disgusting, and everything
looked dirty. Nothing had dust on it, which meant it was safe to use. It wasn't Chuuya's cup of
tea for furniture but oh well.

The dorm rooms were much better. There was slightly more light making it comfortable. The
beds were a little stiff but were comfortable nonetheless. They had a pretty, dark emerald
green with silver accents. It was cozy in the right places. He looked at the top of his trunk and
saw his cat in his cage. Chuuya had a dark brown, hazel eyed cat named Fruit Salad. Chuuya
opened the cage and left Fruit Salad on the bed. He went into his trunk and took out the
pajamas' Dazai made for him.

They were hazel with mackerels' on the pants. Chuuya wasn't really sleepy so he picked up
Fruit Salad and sat on the window sill. Fruit Salad purred when Chuuya was petting him. He
wasn't used to not having Dazai to sleep next to but this wouldn't be the first time he didn't
pull an all-nighter. Chuuya was looking at the stars, the constellations. The stars were always
his favorite. He was so relaxed that his eyes started getting heavy and he fell asleep.
Chapter 2
Chapter Notes

All fanfics will be on Hiatus on June 13th to around September. I will unfortunately not
have much time to write during that time. I will also not be replying to comments during
that time as well because like I said before, I don't have the time. I hope you'll

Chuuya woke up at the crack of dawn, mostly because of the 8 hour difference between
Scotland and Yokohama. He sat up, legs hanging off the window sill and stretched until his
back popped. Fruit Salad must've gotten down at some point in the night because he was
laying on Chuuya's bed. He put on his slippers, and went into the bathroom to start his
routine. He washed his face and brushed his teeth. When he's done he goes back into his
dorm room; his dorm mates are just starting to rub the sleep out of their eyes.

He grabs his school robes and starts to dress. He ties a knot perfectly for his tie before
loosening it and unbuttoning the top button. He grabs his choker and puts it under his collar.
Chuuya pet Fruit Salad before walking to the Great Hall.


Dazai had gotten barely any sleep. At first he slept maybe an hour before staying up until
dawn seeped into the windows on his bed. They decided to just get ready for the day. He
went into the bathroom, quickly brushed his teeth and washed his face before he started the
process of replacing his bandages. They started at their thighs, then their chest, then their
neck, and finally both their arms. He went into his dorm room to change into his school
robes. Dazai was too lazy to do a good job at the tie so he just kinda tied it. (It looks like
how Atsushi's looks-) They went to the Great Hall to have some breakfast with his two
favorite people.

Harry wasn't there yet so Dazai just went to the Ravenclaw table, put some food on his plate
and sat next to Chuuya at the Slytherin table.

"Hello Slug-san!"

Chuuya's voice muffled into the oak wood of the table. "Osamu, please... I'm really not in the

Dazai's eyes widened very slightly. The only time Chuuya uses his birth name was when he's
being serious. A thought hit Dazai like a fright train.

"Chuuya, when did you take off your binder?"

Chuuya sighed and lifted his head off the table. "I didn't. I slept in it and I still have it on."

Looking at Chuuya now that his head was off the table, he was a little pale and he was
swaying slightly side to side, indicating he was either lightheaded or dizzy. Either, or that
wasn't a good thing. Chuuya didn't bind correctly and was having a hard time breathing. It
was evident in the way he heaved in and out with his breaths.

"Chuuya, Do you want me to take you to the infirmary?"

Chuuya nodded his head slightly, putting his face in his hands. Dazai kissed the top of
Chuuya's head before making his way over to the teachers table. He got the attention of the
older women that called their names last night.

"Excuse me Sensei but my friend Chuuya Nakahara, isn't feeling very good. I was wondering
if I could take him to the infirmary?"

The woman was slightly taken aback. "Of course Mr. Dazai."

Dazai slightly ran back to Chuuya. "Chuuya? Can you stand up?"

Chuuya tried to stand but immediately sat down again to catch his breath. Dazai thought for a
few seconds. Chuuya can't stand without needing to stop so he'll need to carry him. Dazai
was definitely not the strongest, but right now they were fueled with adrenaline to get his
friend to the infirmary as fast as possible before he seriously hurt himself. Chuuya was sitting
facing his so they'll pick him up bridal style. Dazai quickly put one arm under Chuuya's legs
and one around his torso. Chuuya was barely registering anything at this point so he just got
somewhat comfortable and started drifting. Dazai ran as fast as he could to the Hospital
Wing. They quickly pushed open the doors and looked around for a nurse.

He found one. She was on the older side and walked up to Dazai.

"Put him in a cot and you can tell me what happened."

Dazai laid Chuuya down on a bed and sat in the seat next to him.

"I'm Osamu Dazai and this is my friend Chuuya Nakahara. He's Trans Masc and hasn't taken
off his binder since... What? Yesterday morning?"

"Oh dear. I'll take off his binder. Can you go get something you know will make him

"Yes, I'll be back."

Dazai ran back to their dorm room and rummaged through his trunk. He eventually found the
sweater Chuuya loved to steal and wear. It was a burgundy sweater that was swimming on
Chuuya. Dazai was multiple sizes up from Chuuya. He wasn't exactly short like Chuuya but
he wasn't that tall yet either. He ran all the way back to the Hospital Wing and when he
opened the door Chuuya looked more alive. Color was more present on Chuuya's face and
that relieved Dazai. They sat on the chair next to Chuuya, tangling their hands in his bright
orange hair. Chuuya opened his eyes after a while. He looked disoriented.
"Good. You're awake." Chuuya turned his head to face Dazai's.

"What...the hell?"

"You passed out Chuuya. You unsafely binded for way more than 8 hours and I brought you
to the Hospital Wing." Dazai gently caressed Chuuya's face with his hand before resting it on
his cheek.

"Sorry Osamu. It got really bad and I acted on impulse." Chuuya relaxed under Dazai's touch.
They were both very touchy with each other. It was always like that with them. They both
craved the touch of each other and acted on it. After a while Dazai spoke again, holding up
the burgundy sweater.

"I went to my room and got your favorite sweater. Pomfrey-kankoshi (Kankoshi means nurse.
idk the honorific for nurse-) wanted me to get something to make you feel comfortable, so I
got this." Chuuya smiled softly. Of course Dazai has that exact sweater. It was a comfort for
both Dazai and Chuuya. Dazai because it smelled a little of Chuuya and Chuuya because it
was one of his favorite sweaters. He finds it very comfy.

Chuuya sighed fondly. "You're such a sap."

Chuuya sat up and took it nonetheless. Dazai turned his head around to give Chuuya some
privacy. Chuuya put on the sweater and inhaled. It smelt of Yokohama a little. He smelt the
ocean, the sand, and gunpowder. It smelt like home. Madam Pomfrey came in and talked to
Chuuya. Saying that what he did was unhealthy and could've severely harmed him. She gave
him a quick Check-up before giving him a note saying to give it to all his teachers and gave
him the clear to go to class.

Chuuya has Transfiguration with Gryffindor, while Dazai has Potions with Hufflepuff.
Chuuya gave Dazai a hug and a quick peck on the cheek before parting ways.

"I'll see you later, Mackerel."

"I'll see you later, Slug!"

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