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"There were moments when Shun wishes he could reload his save from the day when Adrian

Hunt had thrown down that final pronouncement on 'Gonna Make It'."

"'The five of you will become one group. A male vocal group.'"

"He wasn't sure why Adrian always insisted on using the expression 'male vocal group' when
everybody in the world knew what they were, a boy band, but there it was."

r neutral "Shun, are you getting a signal in here? I'm trying to text the others, but my messages
keep failing."

s neutral "Yep, same."

d drugged "Hnnnnnghhhhhh."

"An ominous moan from the corner. Sounds like Damian."

"Shun wonders what his followers on social media would think if he were to reveal the truth:
that working together with Not Guilty was really all award shows and swanky parties."

"It was more like working on a group project for school. One where the other group members
had stopped answering your texts."

r concerned "You all right over there, Damian?"

s concerned "Shit. What did he take?"

r concerned "Why are you asking me? I'm not his mum."
"Rob always got snide when he was knackered. Usually best to just ignore it."

d drugged "Nnnnhhh."

s neutral "Right. Soulful, let me see your pupils."

"That's Shun down to the ground, always the group project leader (if 'leader' meant the only
one who actually did any of the bloody work). He kneels by Damian and tries not to prod him in
the eye as he checks him over."

d drugged "Nnnhhh, don't... Don't."

s concerned "Shhh. Hang on..."

r neutral "Go through his pockets, maybe he still has the stuff on him."

"Pocket raid: successful."

"Loot gained: An ancient flavoured condom (banana), several crumpled train tickets, a tube of
strawberry lip balm, and a rather dodgy prescription bottle."

s neutral "Ah. Alprazolam."

d drugged "Nerrrr, they're mine, mine... Gibb 'em back..."

r angry "Oh, it just had to be benzos. As if this shoot wasn't going badly enough."
r angry "Goddammit! Damian, you-- you tremendous twat!"

"At this point, Shun feels like an old hand at dealing with the other members' emotional
outbursts. Frankly, in this case, it's a logical reaction. Damian can indeed be a tremendous

s neutral "Robbie, calm down. What's the point in shouting at him?"

r angry "I don't know! It makes me feel better, at least!"

r concerned "Okay. Um."

r concerned "Let’s get him a double espresso. That should wake him up."

"Shun holds back a smile. It's the thought that counts."

s neutral "Good idea, except, y'know."

s neutral "There’s no catering."

r neutral "Right."

r concerned "Well, fuck."

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