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1) Account for: Explain or provide a reason 40) Come across: Find or encounter

for. something unexpectedly.

2) Act up: Misbehave or malfunction. 41) Come along: Progress or accompany.
3) Add up: Calculate or make sense. 42) Come by: Obtain or visit.
4) Ask around: Inquire from various people. 43) Come down with: Become ill with.
5) Ask for: Request something. 44) Come forward: Volunteer or offer help.
6) Back down: Retreat or yield in an 45) Come in: Enter or arrive.
argument. 46) Come off: Succeed or detach.
7) Back off: Retreat or withdraw. 47) Come on: Start or hurry up.
8) Back up: Provide support or evidence. 48) Come out: Be published or become
9) Be in for: Expect or be prepared for. visible.
10) Be over: End or conclude. 49) Come out: Declare one's sexual
11) Be up to: Be engaged in or capable of. orientation.
12) Blow up: Explode or lose one's temper. 50) Come over: Visit or affect.
13) Blow up: Inflate or magnify. 51) Come up: Arise or be mentioned.
14) Break down: Stop functioning or 52) Come up with: Invent or create.
analyzing. 53) Count on: Rely on or trust.
15) Break down: Divide into smaller parts. 54) Count up: Add or calculate.
16) Break in: Enter forcibly or use something 55) Cut back: Reduce or decrease.
new. 56) Cut down: Reduce or decrease.
17) Break into: Enter unlawfully or start 57) Cut down on: Reduce the amount of.
suddenly. 58) Cut off: Disconnect or isolate.
18) Break out: Start suddenly or escape. 59) Cut off: Remove by cutting.
19) Break out: Develop or become visible. 60) Cut off: Interrupt or obstruct.
20) Break up: Divide or end a relationship. 61) Deal with: Handle or manage a situation.
21) Break up: Disperse or interrupt. 62) Do away with: Eliminate or abolish.
22) Bring about: Cause or make happen. 63) Do up: Fasten or decorate.
23) Bring back: Return or reintroduce. 64) Do without: Manage or survive without.
24) Bring down: Lower or cause to fall. 65) Dress up: Put on formal clothes or
25) Bring in: Introduce or include something embellish.
new. 66) Drop by: Visit informally.
26) Bring up: Raise a topic in conversation. 67) Drop off: Deliver or fall asleep.
27) Bring up: Raise a child. 68) Eat out: Dine at a restaurant.
28) Call back: Return a phone call. 69) Fall apart: Break into pieces or fail.
29) Call off: Cancel an event or activity. 70) Fall apart: Experience emotional
30) Call on: Visit or request. collapse.
31) Call on: Ask for input or assistance. 71) Fall behind: Lag or not keep up.
32) Carry out: Complete a task or action. 72) Fall behind: Fail to meet expectations.
33) Check in: Register or arrive at a hotel. 73) Fall for: Be deceived or attracted to.
34) Check off: Mark as completed. 74) Fall for: Believe a trick or deception.
35) Check out: Examine or investigate. 75) Fall out: Have a disagreement or fallout.
76) Fall out: Lose hair or teeth.
36) Check out: Leave a place. 77) Fall through: Fail to happen or
37) Check up on: Monitor or verify. materialize.
38) Cheer up: Improve someone's mood. 78) Figure out: Understand or solve
39) Cheer up: Become happier. something.
79) Fill in: Complete a form or provide 119) Grow into: Develop a particular
information. quality or role.
80) Fill out: Complete a form. 120) Grow up: Mature or develop from
81) Find out: Discover or learn information. childhood.
82) Get ahead: Succeed or progress. 121) Hand down: Pass on or bequeath.
83) Get along: Have a good relationship with. 122) Hand in: Submit or give to an
84) Get along: Manage or fare well. authority.
85) Get around: Circumvent or travel. 123) Hand out: Distribute or give to a
86) Get away: Escape or take a break. group.
87) Get by: Manage or survive. 124) Hang around: Wait or linger.
88) Get by: Make ends meet. 125) Hang on: Wait or hold tightly.
89) Get off: Disembark or avoid punishment. 126) Hang up: End a call or hang clothes.
90) Get off: Stop taking a vehicle. 127) Hold back: Restrain or conceal.
91) Get on: Board or have a relationship. 128) Hold on: Wait or grip tightly.
92) Get on with: Continue or progress. 129) Hold on: Continue or persevere.
93) Get over: Recover from something. 130) Hold up: Delay or obstruct.
94) Get through: Complete or endure. 131) Keep away: Avoid or stay distant.
95) Get through: Successfully communicate. 132) Keep down: Control or suppress.
96) Give away: Donate or reveal 133) Keep in: Retain or restrict.
unintentionally. 134) Keep off: Stay away from.
97) Give back: Return something. 135) Keep on: Continue or persist.
98) Give in: Yield or surrender to something. 136) Keep out: Prevent entry.
99) Give off: Emit or release. 137) Keep up: Maintain or match a pace.
100) Give out: Distribute or stop working. 138) Let down: Disappoint or betray.
101) Give up: Quit or stop doing 139) Let in: Allow to enter.
something. 140) Let off: Forgive or release.
102) Give up: Surrender or yield. 141) Let out: Allow to leave or make
103) Go after: Pursue or chase. larger.
104) Go ahead: Proceed or give 142) Look after: Take care of.
permission. 143) Look back: Reflect on the past.
105) Go back: Return to a place or time. 144) Look down on: Disparage or feel
106) Go by: Pass or be guided by. superior.
107) Go down: Decrease or be 145) Look for: Search or seek.
remembered. 146) Look forward to: Anticipate or be
108) Go down: Be swallowed or excited about.
consumed. 147) Look in: Visit briefly.
109) Go off: Explode or spoil. 148) Look into: Investigate or examine
110) Go off: Stop liking or lose interest. closely.
111) Go on: Continue or happen. 149) Look out: Be cautious or watch.
112) Go out: Exit or date. 150) Look over: Examine or inspect.
113) Go over: Review or examine. 151) Look up: Search for information.
114) Go through: Experience or endure. 152) Look up to: Respect or admire.
115) Go through: Examine or check. 153) Make out: Understand or see clearly.
116) Go up: Increase or rise. 154) Make out: Kiss or engage in sexual
117) Go with: Match or choose. activity.
118) Grow apart: Develop separate 155) Make up: Invent or fabricate.
interests or drift apart.
156) Make up for: Compensate or balance 191) Think over: Contemplate or reflect
out. on.
157) Pass away: Die. 192) Throw away: Discard or waste.
158) Pass out: Lose consciousness. 193) Try on: Test the fit of clothing.
159) Pass out: Distribute. 194) Turn down: Reject or lower the
160) Pass up: Decline or miss an volume.
opportunity. 195) Turn in: Submit or go to bed.
161) Pay back: Repay a debt. 196) Turn into: Transform or become.
162) Pay off: Repay a debt or have a 197) Turn off: Deactivate or stop a device.
successful outcome. 198) Turn on: Activate or start a device.
163) Pick out: Choose or identify. 199) Turn up: Arrive or increase in
164) Pick up: Lift or acquire something. volume.
165) Point out: Identify or draw attention 200) Use up: Consume completely.
166) Pull off: Accomplish successfully.
167) Pull over: Stop a vehicle by the side
of the road.
168) Put away: Store or save for later.
169) Put back: Return to its original place.
170) Put down: Criticize or write down.
171) Put off: Postpone or delay.
172) Put on: Wear or start a performance.
173) Put out: Extinguish or inconvenience.
174) Put up: Erect or tolerate.
175) Run into: Encounter unexpectedly.
176) Run out of: Deplete the supply of
177) Set up: Arrange or establish
178) Show off: Display or boast.
179) Show up: Arrive or appear.
180) Stand out: Be noticeable or
181) Stand up: Rise from a sitting position.
182) Take after: Resemble a family
183) Take back: Revoke or return.
184) Take down: Record or dismantle.
185) Take in: Understand or deceive.
186) Take off: Remove or start to fly.
187) Take on: Accept responsibility or
188) Take out: Remove or treat someone.
189) Take up: Begin a new activity or
190) Talk over: Discuss or consider.

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