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colegio de
bachilleres 3
subject: english
team made up of:
osiris solano galvan
Michelle Betsabe
Montes De Oca
melani camila cortes
Ariadna Danae
Alfaro Suarez
This legend is originally from Mexico, there are different versions of how the
legend of La Llorona arose. One alludes to the myths of pre-Hispanic times,
such as Xtabay from the Mayan culture, as well as the Tzitzimimes or
Cihuacóatl from the Mayan culture.
It is about a woman who loses her children and becomes a
lost soul who wanders the world searching in vain for her
children, disturbing those who hear her with her crying.
It is said that the woman wanders through the town of
Xochimilco looking for her dead children, whose children
had died “drowned” in some lake but it is said that she
herself drowned her own children.
It is said that she suffered rejection from her husband
and, as a sign of spite, she murdered her children. Which
feeling of guilt makes me shout in the streets at night “Oh
my children!”
Her physical appearance is said to be long black hair,
bright eyes and dressed in white.

Al: Michelle Betsabe Montes De Oca Sánchez

1.- The first talks about an indigenous woman named Luisa who falls in
love with a Spanish conquistador with whom she has 3 children. When she
is abandoned by him she loses her mind and kills her children.
Since then, the pain continues in her searching for her children near
bodies of water.

2.- The second version talks about an

artisan who sold her items in her town
One day when he went to sell his products,
he left his children alone. A serious
accident happened since there was a fire in
their house and the children died
Since then the mother's soul has
desperately searched for them.
3.- The third version talks about a woman
who was upset that her husband's
abandonment of her for another caused
her so much pain that she decided to
drown her children and hang herself.

AL: Osiris solano Galván

The legend of La Llorona, or the Weeping Woman, is one of the most well-
known and prominent folklore tales in Mexican culture.
Since La Llorona is a legend, it has the importance of being part of the
culture of the Mexican population (depending on its state or region).

In addition, the legend of La Llorona has

various symbolic elements: the woman,
tormented motherhood, the night, the
water, the voice and the silence, the death
of the children, taking into account that
the weeping woman represents Cihuacóatl,
which is at the same time the goddess
giver of life and death, capable of creating
and destroying her children. a mother who
cares and destroys.

AL: melany nahomi huerta

La Llorona was a very gentle and loving woman with her
children, she lived like any other person, a very quiet
One day he went out with his children to take a break;
Their sad story began when they
drowned in a river... It is still said
that late at night you can hear her
cries, crying for her children, and
that under no circumstances should
you go near the rivers, much less
with children since she will leave the
mark of her hand on them and it only
means a stuff...
She will come for the children no
matter what, wherever you are, she
will find you to seek the love of her
children in other children.

Al: melani camila cortes flores,

Ariadna Danae Alfaro Suarez

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