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Nowadays, social networks are popular and speedy source of information for many people using

internet. However, in my opinion, they should not be considered as an only reliable source of
information for some reasons.
First of all, because of its quickness in spreading the news, there are a lot of misinformation and
fake news on social networks. On such networks, users could share information without prior
verification, which may lead to the spread of rumors and misleading content. Therefore, it is
essential to exercise discretion and verify information before considering it reliable.

Secondly, social networks tend to favor viral content, which can lead to news distortion.
Complex and nuanced topics can be simplified in favor of more entertaining content. Therefore,
it is important to consult varied and reliable sources of information to obtain a more complete
vision of the news.
Finally, news on social networks is often limited in terms of depth and analysis. The information
disseminated is often not allowed for in-depth exploration of different aspects of a subject. For a
thorough understanding of current events, it is necessary to consult more trustworthy sources of
information such as newspapers, magazines or online news sites.
In conclusion, although social media can provide an insight into the news, it is not enough to
fully understand them.

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