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Work Immersion Narrative Report Submitted to The Faculty of

Senior High School Department Notre Dame of

Trece Martirez

In partial fulfilment of the requirements for the Work Immersion

Technical Vocational Livelihood-Home Economics


APRIL 12 TO MAY 04 2023




LIST OF APPENDICES……………………………………………………...iv

COMPANY PROFILE………………………………………………………...

DAILY LEARNING JOURNAL………………………………………………


• Resume…………………………………………………………………

• Endorsement Letter……………………………………………………

• Acceptance Letter……………………………………………………...

• Parental Consent……………………………………………………….

• Photocopy of Trainee’s Checklist………………………………………

• Work Immersion Performance Appraisal……………………………….

• Time Card……………………………………………………………....

• Photo Documentation……………………………………………………

• Grading Sheet……………………………………………………………

• Certification of Completion……………………………………………...

On-the-job training in restaurants is a common practice for new employees,
especially those who have little to no experience in the foodservice industry. The training
typically involves a combination of hands-on experience and classroom instruction.

During the training, new employees learn about the restaurant's policies and
procedures, menu items, food preparation techniques, and customer service skills. They
also learn about food safety and sanitation practices, as well as how to handle customer
complaints and resolve conflicts.The length of the training varies depending on the
restaurant and the position. For example, a server may receive a few days of training,
while a chef may undergo several weeks of training.

Overall, on-the-job training is an effective way for restaurant employees to learn

the necessary skills and knowledge to succeed in their roles. It also helps ensure that the
restaurant provides quality service and food to its customers.

MAY 04 2023

Kate Lyn B.Prangan



Dear Sir/Madam,

I am writing to express my sincere gratitude for providing me with the

opportunity to undergo BARRIO FIESTA at your esteemed institution. The experience
was truly enriching, and I have gained valuable skills and knowledge that I believe will
be instrumental in enhancing my future career prospects.

I would like to extend my appreciation to the trainers and staff members who have
supported me throughout the training program. Their guidance, encouragement, and
expertise have been invaluable, and I am grateful for their unwavering commitment to
ensuring that I had a fulfilling learning experience.

I would also like to thank my employer for sponsoring my participation in the

training program. Their investment in my professional development is a testament to their
commitment to nurturing their employees' growth and success.

Once again, thank you for the opportunity to undergo this training program, and I
look forward to applying the knowledge and skills I have gained in my future endeavors.

Kate Lyn B. Prangan


A.1 Resume

A.2 Endorsement Letter

A.3 Acceptance Letter

A.4 Parental Consent

A.5 Photocopy of Trainee’s Checklist

A.6 Work Immersion Performance Appraisal

A.7 Photo Documentation

A.8 Grading Sheet

A.9 Certification of Completion

I am excited to share my experience and insights gained during my on-the-job
training (OJT) as part of my work immersion program. My OJT was a crucial component
of my work immersion program that provided me with hands-on experience and practical
skills necessary for my future career.
During my OJT, I had the opportunity to apply the theories and concepts I learned
in the classroom to a real-world work environment. I worked alongside experienced
professionals, learned from them, gained valuable insights, knowledge, and skills that
will help me succeed in the workforce.
In this narrative report, I will be sharing my personal experience, the tasks
assigned to me, the challenges I faced, and the skills I developed during my OJT.My on-
the-job training (OJT) experience in a restaurant was an exciting and valuable
opportunity to learn about the food and hospitality industry.
As a trainee, I had the chance to work alongside experienced professionals,
gaining hands-on experience and practical skills necessary for a future career in the food
industry. Through my OJT in a restaurant, I learned about the importance of customer
service, food preparation, and teamwork.
I was tasked with various responsibilities, including taking orders, preparing food,
and ensuring that customers had an enjoyable dining experience. In this narrative report, I
will share my personal experience, the challenges I faced, the skills I developed, and the
insights I gained during my on-the-job training in a restaurant.



Barrio Fiesta Restaurant is a Philippine-based restaurant chain that specializes in

serving traditional Filipino cuisine. Founded in 1952, the first Barrio Fiesta restaurant
was located in Manila Philippines. Today the restaurant chain has expanded globally with
multiple branches in different countries.


Our mission is to provide an authentic filipino dining this is a food that you’re not
going anywhere this is a popular food in our Filipino. to experience to our customers in
SM Dasmarinas Cavite. We are committed to using only the freshest ingredients,
delivering excellent customer service, and promoting sustainability in our operations. We
aim to preserve the rich culture and heritage of Filipino cuisine and bring it to the local


Our vision is to be the go-to restaurant for traditional Filipino cuisine in

Dasmarinas Cavite. We aim to promote Filipino cuisine and culture by providing

Day 1 APRIL 12 2023

Today is the day I start my immersion, it's the on the job training or more simply
called OJT, I was hired by a company which is special that I pay is the barrio fiesta, it's a
restaurant that where I was going to train, I was assigned to make drinks and dessert, or
what they call the bar, I was embarrassed because I was the only one who went out today,
the staff was talking to me, and the person I was closest to was the cashier, which means
si Ate Lai, who used to be an ojt at that restaurant, talked about their lives and there were
customers who entered as I was assigned to the bar. This is what I do. I will ask Cap, our
captain waiter, how many people will be eating and he will say 5. person, I will take five
spoons and the pair of spoons is also a five-piece fork, I will put them in a glass or better
known as beer mugs, I will put 5 spoons and 5 forks in those mugs and I will boil water
in which in order to be clean when it is served by the customer and the water has already
boiled, I filled that mug with hot water and first put it on the round tray where that tray is
for serving, then I took glasses or called a water glass, five glasses are also water glasses
and I put them together with the mug with a spoon and fork, I put the mug in the middle
and I put each glass in between the mugs and I passed the five water glasses around and
before it was served you have to order first, the order was taken by sir lan, who used to be
at this restaurant and that's what I've been doing all day and after a few hours it's 2:30 it's
my break time my back hurts I told my mom that I will let our captain know, but my
mom didn't agree because it was my first day at my OJT. She said that she can't just let
me know because she said that it's not just like that. at school to just say goodbye just
because of my feelings, my mom told me that I could do it and made me drink herbal
medicine to relieve stomach pain and put a salve on me so that the heat of the salve
would be absorbed by my stomach ache and that's it mom immediately sent me back to
the barrio fiesta and I started walking to go there and that's when they invited me to eat
and I immediately partied. Previously, the ojt couldn't go with the staff in the barrio but
they said I was okay when I was alone It's just theirs, so that's when we finished eating, I
immediately stood up because a customer came in and did what I should have done, and
someone ordered drinks, that's the mango shake, the mango shake they have here is pure
mango. ripe to take one cheek and ask you to take the one that water glass after that I put
the remaining mango in the fridge and then I put the glass with the mango in the blender

I put the syrup in it and start blending until you can't see any half of mango and
that's it I put it in of evaporated milk after I put it in, I covered the blender and blinded it
again, I turned off the blender first and I took tube ice from the ice box and I put the tube
ice on the side of the ice, this is the crash ice so that the ice is pure and that crash kona
the ice and I put the crashed ice in the blender I just put a medium crash of ice and I
closed the blender and I blended it again until it is blended and becomes a mango shake
after that take I have a sexy glass as they call it here, it is filled with shakes and cans of
drinks here in the barrio fiesta and that's when I also took a white straw for the mango
shake and I put it in the sexy glass and then he took the I blended mango shake and put it
in the sexy glass and after I put it in there was a little left in the blender and I took a soda
spoon and I dropped the remaining shake on my spoon and I tasted it first before I served
it and that's it so the shake I made was just right and he served it to our captain waiter so
that it could be served to the customer who ordered it. after a long time, it was 6 in the
evening I immediately said goodbye to our captain and the other staff I immediately took
my bag and said goodbye and that's when my day 1 at the barrio fiesta ended and my
heart didn't hurt that's because it disappeared right away and thank you very much for day
2 again until the next day again

Day 2 (APRIL 14, 2023)

Today was my second day of on-the-job training (OJT) in a restaurant, and I feel
more excited and motivated than ever. I arrived at the restaurant early in the morning and
was greeted by the friendly staff. They showed me around the restaurant and introduced
me to the different areas, including the kitchen, dining area, bar, and storage room.

My first task for the day was to assist in preparing the ingredients for the day's
menu. I was responsible for washing and chopping vegetables, marinating the meats, and
preparing the sauces. Although it was a bit overwhelming at first, I quickly got the hang
of it and was able to complete the task efficiently.

During the lunch rush, I was assigned to help the wait staff in serving the
customers. It was a bit challenging at first, as I had to remember the orders and serve
them promptly while maintaining a friendly and professional demeanor. However, with
the help of the experienced wait staff, I was able to adapt quickly and provide excellent
service to the customers.

Day 3 (APRIL 16,2023)

Today was my third day of on-the-job training (OJT) in a restaurant, and it was
another exciting and educational experience. I arrived at the restaurant early in the
morning and was greeted by the head chef, who gave me a task for the day.

My task for the day was to prepare the restaurant for a private event that was
scheduled for later in the evening. This included setting up the tables, arranging the
decorations, and ensuring that everything was in place for the event. It was a bit
challenging at first, as I had never done this before, but with the guidance of the head
chef and the rest of the team, I was able to complete the task efficiently. Afterward, I was
given the opportunity to work in the bar and assist the bartender in preparing the drinks. I
learned how to mix different types of drinks, including cocktails, mock tails, and other
beverages. I was also taught how to interact with customers and provide excellent
customer service. During the private event, I was assigned to assist the wait staff in
serving the guests. It was a bit nerve-wracking at first, as the guests were high-profile
individuals, but I remained calm and professional and provided excellent service to the
guests. I also had the opportunity to interact with the guests and learn more about their
experiences and preferences. Overall, it was a challenging but rewarding day, and I
learned a lot about event planning, bartending, and customer service. I am grateful for the
opportunity to be part of this OJT program and the chance to work with such a fantastic
team. I look forward to learning more and developing my skills further.

Day 4(APRIL 17,2023)

Today was my fourth day of on-the-job training (OJT) in a restaurant, and it was a
challenging day for me. I woke up with a backache, which made it difficult for me to
move around and complete my tasks. Despite of my back pain, I decided to go to the
restaurant and try my best to complete my tasks. I arrived at the restaurant and was
greeted by the head chef, who noticed that I was not feeling well. He advised me to take
it easy and rest for a while before starting my tasks. My first task for the day was to assist
in preparing the ingredients for the day's menu. However, I found it challenging to stand
for long periods and lift heavy objects due to my back pain. I informed the head chef,
who immediately assigned me to a less physically demanding task, such as preparing the
salad ingredients. Throughout the day, I struggled with my back pain, which made it
difficult for me to focus and complete my tasks efficiently. However, the rest of the team
was very supportive and understanding, and they helped me whenever they could.

Despite the challenges I faced today, I still learned a lot about teamwork,
communication, and perseverance. I realized that it is essential to take care of myself and
my health, especially when working in a physically demanding job. As I left the
restaurant, I felt tired and sore, but also proud of myself for pushing through and
completing my tasks to the best of my ability. I am grateful for the support and
understanding of the team and look forward to learning more in the coming days.

Day 5 (APRIL 19,2023)

Today was my fifth day of on-the-job training (OJT) in a restaurant, and it was a
new experience for me. I was assigned to work as a receptionist, which was a different
role than what I had been doing for the past few days. As a receptionist, my main task
was to greet customers as they entered the restaurant, assist them in making reservations,
and provide them with information about the menu and the restaurant's services. I was
also responsible for answering phone calls and directing them to the appropriate
department. At first, I was a bit nervous about this new role, as I had never worked as a
receptionist before. However, with the guidance of the head chef and the rest of the team,
I quickly got the hang of it and was able to perform my tasks efficiently.

Throughout the day, I interacted with many customers, and I realized the
importance of excellent customer service. I learned how to listen to customers' needs and
provide them with the information they needed to make informed decisions. I also
learned how to handle difficult customers and resolve conflicts in a calm and professional
manner. As the day went on, I became more confident in my role as a receptionist, and I
enjoyed interacting with the customers and providing them with a positive experience. I
also appreciated the opportunity to learn a new skill and gain experience in a different
area of the restaurant. Overall, it was a fulfilling day, and I learned a lot about customer
service, communication, and adaptability. I am grateful for the opportunity to be part of
this OJT program and the chance to work with such a fantastic team.

Day 6 (APRIL 21,2023)

Today was my sixth day of on-the-job training (OJT) in a restaurant, but I was
absent yesterday due to unforeseen circumstances. I was disappointed to miss a day of
work, but I was eager to make up for it and present myself well on this day. I was
assigned to work as a waiter, which was a different role than what I had been doing for
the past few days.

As a waiter, my main task was to take orders from customers, serve them their
food and drinks, and ensure that they were satisfied with their experience. I was also
responsible for handling payments and providing customers with information about the
menu and the restaurant's services.

Day 7 (APRIL 22,2023)

Today is my seventh day on OJT at a restaurant, and it is also my last 80 hours on

my work immersion. Unfortunately, I was absent for a few days due to some personal
matters, but I am back and ready to learn.

As soon as I arrived, I was greeted by my supervisor, who briefed me on the tasks

for the day. My main responsibility was to assist the kitchen staff in preparing the
ingredients for the day's menu. I started by washing the vegetables and fruits and then
cutting them into the desired size and shape. I also helped in marinating the meats and
preparing the sauces.

After that, I was assigned to assist the servers in taking orders and serving the
customers. It was a busy day, and I learned how to balance multiple tasks at once. I also
improved my communication skills by interacting with the customers and addressing
their needs.

During my break time, I took the opportunity to observe the ambiance of the
restaurant and how it affects the customers' dining experience. I noticed that the music
played a vital role in creating a relaxing and enjoyable atmosphere. As the day ended, I
reflected on my experience and realized how much I have learned during my OJT. I am
grateful for the opportunity to work in a real-life setting and gain practical skills that will
be useful in my future career. Overall, it was a productive day, and I am looking forward
to the remaining hours of my work immersion.

Day 8 (MAY 1,2023)

Today, I was assigned to work in the dishwasher area of the restaurant for my
OJT. It was a busy day, with a lot of plates and utensils to be washed. The dishwasher
area is a small and cramped space, with a large industrial dishwasher taking up most of
the room. I had to work quickly and efficiently to keep up with the constant flow of dirty

One of the most important things I learned today was how to properly load the
dishwasher. It may seem simple, but there is a specific way to arrange the plates and
utensils so that they come out clean and undamaged. I also learned how to operate the
dishwasher, adjust the temperature and speed settings, and troubleshoot any issues that
may arise. I quickly realized that working in the dishwasher area is not an easy job. It can
be hot and humid, with steam and water splashing everywhere. I had to be careful not to
burn myself or slip on the wet floor. Despite the challenges, I found the work to be
rewarding. It was satisfying to see the pile of dirty dishes shrink as I worked my way
through them.

Overall, I had a good experience working in the dishwasher area. It may not be
the most glamorous job, but it is an essential part of any restaurant. I gained valuable
skills and knowledge that will serve me well in my future career in the food service

Day 9 (MAY 2,2023)

Today as I walked into the restaurant for my OJT, I was excited to learn about the
different aspects of the food service industry. Today, I was assigned to work behind the
bar. so I was a bit nervous about what to expect.

The bartender showed me around the bar area and introduced me to the different
types of equipment and tools used to make drinks. I learned about the different types of
glasses used for different drinks and the proper way to pour and mix them. I also learned
about the different types of alcohol and the various ingredients used to make cocktails.

As the night went on, the bar became busier, and I was tasked with making drinks
for customers. At first, I was a bit nervous, but with the guidance of the bartender, I
quickly got the hang of it. I was surprised at how many different drinks I was able to
make, and how quickly I was able to do it. One of the most important things I learned
while working behind the bar was the importance of customer service. I learned how to
greet customers, take their orders, and make them feel welcome. I also learned how to
handle difficult customers and how to diffuse tense situations.

Overall, it was a fun and exciting experience working behind the bar. I gained
valuable skills and knowledge that will be useful in my future career in the food service
industry. I also learned the importance of teamwork and communication in a fast-paced
Day 10 (MAY 3-4 2023)

Today as I watched the other students working hard in the restaurant, I couldn't
help but feel a sense of nostalgia. It seemed like only yesterday when I started my own
OJT in this very same restaurant. Now, my journey was coming to an end.

I walked around the restaurant, taking in every detail as if it were my last. I said
goodbye to my senior high school and thanked them for the opportunity to learn and
grow. I also gave some advice to the new OJT students, telling them to take advantage of
every opportunity and to always be willing to learn from their mistakes.

As I left the restaurant, I couldn't help but feel a mix of sadness and excitement. I
was sad that my OJT experience was over, but I was excited to take the lessons I had
learned and apply them to my future endeavors. I knew that this experience had prepared
me for the challenges that lay ahead, and for that, I was grateful.

Parental Consent
Photocopy of Trainee’s Checklist
Work Immersion Performance Appraisal
Photo Documentation
Grading Sheet
Certification of Completion

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