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Volume 5 February 2022

Issue 1
Melissa White Catherine Wu
Caroline Du


Aris Arevian Maria Kiryukhina Catherine Wu

Celina Chang Kailey Liang Kai Xi Xiao
Felix Chang Cynthia Li Yihan Xu
Nico Dong Julie Liu Airan Zhang
Caroline Du May Makdisi Yue Qian Zhang
Juliette Gagne Shabibah Mir Emma Yiran Zhao
Mariia Gegiya So a Rassier Jody Zhao
Nina Geng Parhavy Vilvaratnam Pauline Zilic
Amanda Guo Hunter Wei
Elliot Homsy Luca Windisch


Caroline Du So a Rassier
Felix Chang Mme Claudine Samson
Juliette Gagne Romane Viola
Amanda Guo Catherine Wu
Cynthia Li Yihan Xu
Kailey Liang Emma Yiran Zhao
Aruni Phimmasone Jody Zhao

Camille Khamphouy
Sophia Wang
Zi Rui Zhao

Amanda Guo
Julie Liu
Aruni Phimmasone
Catherine Wu
Airan Zhang
Volume 5, Issue 1
February 2022
“ Pr e j u d i c e m e a n s t o p r e j u d g e something without knowing anything
about it."1

This is called gender polarization2etc3women 4.

The Ink Stain

“People fear what they do not understand” - Bruce Lee (1940-1973) 5

The Gender Gap:

Analyzing deep rooted stereotypes in our culture that
conduct our way of interacting with one another
within the gender spectrum
Emma Yiran Zhao

here are countless debates on “Prejudice means to prejudge something
whether boys and girls should study without knowing anything about it.”1
separately at school. Some argue
that mixed schools are too distracting, while What are stereotypes and where do
others claim that having mixed classes they come from?
would be a better way for the students to
socialize. Amongst these claims is the First o , how is this true? What are these
observation of an alarming e ect. Gendered stereotypes? The conservative culture has an
classrooms reinforce the fear and enormous in uence on children’s implicit
stereotypes of the other gender, which have biases. Parents and societal expectations
always been present in most societies. that a young lady should be thoughtful,
while a young man should be bold and
adventurous explain why women tend to

1 BAPTISTE, Tracey. 2009. Overcoming Prejudice. New York, Character Education, 126 p.
Volume 5, Issue 1

s t r i is
v ecalled
t o wgender
a r d s apolarization
c a r e f u l l yetcp lwomen
6 7
anned .
action reserved for the king and his knights,
perfection, while men, towards an audacious while blue was associated with women.4
“People fear what
and innovative they
fun. Bydo not understand”
placing a blue - Bruce Lee (1940-1973) 9
“People fear what they do not understand” -
truck into our sons’ hands, and a pink barbie Bruce Lee (1940-1973)5
into our daughters’, we are pushing our
children to identify their gender with set What problems does this generate?
characteristics while telling them that if How is it important?
they were to have the “characteristics of the
opposite sex,” it would be repulsive. This is Second o , what e ects do gendered
called gender polarization.2 It is also the classrooms have? Here is an example: class A
origin of many stereotypes such as coquetry is lled with girls which reinforces the
is for women, gendered jobs, women ght general politeness, cleanliness, and pressure
with words while men with sts, men should towards perfection in their environment.
not cr y, people should stay in their Class B is lled with boys, reinforcing chaos,
attributed clothing department, etc. Just 3 spontaneity, and audacious interruptions. If
like how racism stems from ignorance, we let these two classes of seventh graders
sexism does too. Little girls start thinking sit for 4 years, we obtain interesting results.
that boys are too loud, messy and rude, This case is not to be generalized as
while little boys begin to believe that girls experiences di er from person to person,
are too uptight, no fun and scaredy cats. As but it remains a large majority. Class A has
it is viewed under a negative light, it gone through much drama, gossip,
becomes harder to understand how there friendships. Now, there is a keen sense of
may still be beauty and good in the way the solidarity as they have known each other for
other sex behaves. If students socialize so long. Class B has gone through years of
separately at school, it is only natural for chaos and pranks. The class, which is now
such beliefs to be reinforced, as many have 1-2 feet taller than before, shares a unique
little to no contact with the opposite sex. If sense of humor that teachers do not always
anything, a fear of the other sex that appreciate. Over the years, the two groups
hyperbolizes stereotypes may be developed. have had minimal contact with the other
Misogyny may arise from misinformation in gender. Here and there, Class B students
such a heterogeneous environment. may see a few girls slacking o , chitchatting,
Did you know? Pink used to be a masculine and laughing during gym class, reinforcing
color, while blue was a feminine color. their prejudice that girls are chatty people.
History explains that women appropriated Class A students might come across a group
this color to themselves as it became of boys screaming excitedly while playing a
fashionable to dress in pink. In fact, pink, a mobile video game, reinforcing their beliefs
color close to red, used to be a symbol of in boys being loud. These characteristics are
not inherently bad. However, as it is

2 “Gender polarization”. 2021. Wikipedia. Online. [

Gender_polarization]. Page consulted Novembre 21st 2021.

3 DUVAL, Stéphanie and LABOUCARIE, Sandra. 2019. L’égalité es garçons pas bête. Montrouge
cedex, Bayard Jeunesse, 68p.

4 DUVAL, Stéphanie AND LABOUCARIE, Sandra. 2019. L’égalité es garçons pas bête. Montrouge
cedex, Bayard Jeunesse, 68p.

5 BAPTISTE, Tracey. 2009. Overcoming Prejudice. New York, Character Education, 126 p.
The Ink Stain

di erent from what they are accustomed to, the prejudices between genders that cause
andhighest result is
di erence of often
education is tolerance”
welcomed with- Helen Kellen (1880-1960)
connected to limiting gender
coolness, these characteristics are viewed in characteristics. This is true because knowing
an unfavorable light. As time goes on, if the that there is more to the other gender than
twomembers of socialize
groups never the Harvard
with oneGraduate
another, School itsof stereotypes
Educationmake11 suggest, here are some
us less likely to engage
questions you may want to think about
these biases might grow and transform into to help you better understand:
in thinking in a limited way.
fear and disgust of the opposite sex. This
misunderstanding is disadvantageous for the As members of the Harvard Graduate
society in which they will nd themselves in School of Education7 suggest, here are
the future, strengthening the existing some questions you may want to think
gender polarization. Although, it is a more about to help you better understand:
comfortable environment for both genders,
with teachers repeating these stereotypes on - What are the expectations society
where each gender should stand, class A have for men and women? How is it
would be pressured upwards, and class B challenging for both genders? How
would be pulled downwards. All the while, do these expectations negatively
transgender and non-binary people nd impact women worldwide?
themselves in this mix, with one foot in one - Think of a time when you heard
group, and the other elsewhere. Some will degrading remarks on one of the
have to be mindful of such prejudices, as genders. How did people react to it?
they meet the opposite sex and realize that Would it be harmful for someone to
they viewed them under false lenses. Others hear? Notice how deeply these
may never realize and keep perpetuating an stereoty pes are engrained in
erroneous view of life. They may even society.
radicalize and commit acts of - Develop empathy. Ask yourself how
discrimination. the typical person from the opposite
sex views our world. What if the
“The highest result of education is person is transgender? How does
tolerance” - Helen Kellen (1880-1960)6 this make viewing the world more
How can we solve problems?
The book Overcoming prejudice suggests that
Third o , what can be done? Even if asking questions respectfully, celebrating our
gendered classrooms condition students to di erences and communicating more often
form deep rooted stereotypes, there are still may also be of help. Just like the well-known
solutions to this. Reading this article, and saying “do not judge a book by its cover,” it
understanding this concept is already a step would be wrong to despise a guy for being
in the right direction. Next, as Judith Butler rude, since it might be considered normal in
says, we all use these terms to ght these an environment full of other boys. Although
problems, so it would be important to his manners may be questionable, he might
deconstr uct the deep-rooted gender still have a good heart. Likewise, avoiding a
struggles from an early age to ensure that we girl because she is a “goody-two-shoes” is
do not naturalize and internalize too rapidly quite judgmental. She might be considered

6 BAPTISTE, Tracey. 2009. Overcoming Prejudice. New York, Character Education, 126 p.

7 HARVARD GRADUATE SCHOOL OF EDUCATION. 2018. Preventing Gender Bias. Online.

[]. Page consulted December
3rd 2021
Volume 5, Issue 1

the norm between girls, and that does not make her company any less enjoyable. There will always
be people of the opposite sex who will react to people approaching them with contempt as they
may also wear the lenses of stereotypes, but that does not mean these people cannot be educated.
Art such as lms, painting, and music can also help spread this message as it sensibilizes people
through feelings and emotions. Finally, the author suggests speaking up when we see inequality, as
it gives others the courage to follow you... Or to correct you constructively if there are
improvements to be made!

The Ink Stain

Arti cial Light

Aris Arevian, Nico Dong, Hunter Wei & Luca Windisch

ave you ever looked up at the sky at night and wondered why you couldn’t see the
stars? The answer is quite simple: arti cial light emitted from streetlights, signs
or other such man-made xtures. Nevertheless, not being able to see the stars
isn’t the biggest problem with the over emission of these arti cial lights since certain
ecosystems are being harmed by the luminescence.

To start o , it’s important to understand that, unlike humans who are guided by
streetlights, there are some species of animals that are guided by the moonlight. For
example, sea turtles and birds that follow the moon during their migration period get
confused by the strong lights coming o man-made structures. This causes them to lose
their way and unfortunately most of the time, when these animals get confused and lose
their way during their migration, they end up dying. Another horrible consequence that is
produced by arti cial lighting, is in fact a ripple reaction in the food chain. There are many
insects that are attracted to these xtures, but the problem is that these little creatures die
upon contact with these helpful yet destructive infrastructures. These insects are a
primary food source for our feathery ying friends and other types of animals. The lack of
food causes some of these animals to starve and meet their end.

Volume 5, Issue 1

Marine ecosystems are just as equally a ected by underwater arti cial lighting.
According to National Geographic, there was a study conducted on the coast of Wales that
consisted of submerging brightly lit panels in order to see how marine animals would react.
They concluded that fewer lter feeding animals made their humble abodes near the
panels when they were lit up. This helped the researchers understand that nearby oil rigs,
harbours and even passing ships could be a ecting the marine ecosystems for certain
species of underwater creatures.

The challenges facing this front are so great that we can even detect traces of
arti cial light pollution in some National Park Services that are meant to protect animals.
What can an average Joe do to help? The truth is while there are a few concrete acts that
can lead to change, the everyday person can help spread awareness. Some municipal and
state/provincial governments have already put some laws in to place like turning o
building lights during bird migration season or produce and use more e cient lighting
systems to reduce the light pollution it can bring. On the other hand, a person sitting at
home could minimalize exterior lighting and if they are to use it, make sure it is facing
downward. Also, it is important to make sure shades and blinds are closed at night to make
sure that no light gets out of the house.

It’s important for everyone to band together to help stop or at least diminish the
impact of arti cial light pollution. It’s about time we brought this subject to light.

The Ink Stain

The Light Bulb

Cynthia Li & Julie Liu

In a dim corner at a re station in Livermore, California, a

remarkable object, the Centennial Light Bulb, has been burning
since 1901.

n January 1879, the famous inventor Thomas Edison
built his rst incandescent light bulb with a thin
platinum lament through which electricity would
pass. However, it only lasted a few hours until its eventual
melting. Thomas then tried other materials that could have
the potential of making the light bulb last longer and found
out that carbonized cotton thread lament could extend its
lifespan for almost 15 hours before it burned out. After his
insightful discovery, other scientists started working on The Centennial Light Bulb
improving his invention, leading to a swift rise of the
average longevity of a light bulb during the years of 1880 to 1920.

All these technological breakthroughs would however be halted by a group of

lightbulbs’ manufacturers. The
theory describing the cause of this
event is called the Light Bulb

Days before Christmas 1924 was

formed the Phoebus Cartel, an
organization comprised and founded
by the leading corporations of four
different countries: Osram,
representing Germany, Philips, the
Netherlands, General Electric, the
United States and Compagnie des
One of Osram’s light bulb factories
Volume 5, Issue 1

Lampes, France. The cartel’s only purpose was to control the manufacture and the sale of
light bulbs, since their rapid development placed a limit on how many of them one customer
would need to replace. The goal was to ensure reliable long-term pro ts to keep the market
stable. The cartel managed to reduce the average lifespan of a light bulb from 2,000 hours
to 1,000 hours in just a few years by telling customers the reduction was not a deterioration
of the lightbulbs, but instead an improvement of their quality. They had apparently
discovered that longer-lasting light bulbs did not put out as much light as shorter-lasting
ones of the same wattage. Reducing their longevity therefore was simply an amelioration
and would make them brighter.

Operational hours of incandescent light bulbs from 1879-1934

However, it is often believed that this was actually a strategy intended to bring in
more sales and pro ts to the organization. By obligating their customers to buy more of
their products, as the buying frequency would be higher, and by lowering the operational
costs of their manufacture, the gain would become much greater than the loss.

Unfortunately for them, the corporations’ organization was unable to run for as long
as they had planned in mind. Between 1930 and 1933, sales volume declined by as much as
twenty percent. Additionally, when World War II erupted, communication between
Germany, the Netherlands, the USA, and France became very di cult as these countries
went to war, causing the end of the Phoebus Cartel around the year 1940.

The Ink Stain

The Phoebus Cartel might not exist anymore, but we cannot deny the important
impact it had on the present. Even now, the manufacture of many incandescent lightbulbs is
still based on the cartel’s standardized rule of a lifespan of 1,000 hours. Customers can
therefore rarely and hardly have access to products that can last as long as the ones made
before 1924, like the Centennial Light Bulb.

The organization is also a major key point

in business history, as it was one of the rst to
e ver exercise the principle of Planned
Obsolescence, a strategy in which a
manufacturer deliberately designs a product
meant to fail prematurely after a certain
amount of time. It is either to help sell an
upgrade of the product or to increase the
frequency of its purchase.

Some will call this practice immoral; some will call it smart, but one thing is for sure:
the Centennial Light Bulb is the proof of how far we humans have come. Based on what was
invented over a hundred years ago, the expectations for today’s innovations are quite high!

Volume 5, Issue 1

The Long-lasting
Consequences of
Loud Noise on Us
Airan Zhang

e have all experienced cacophonic situations, such as concerts
where loud music is booming from the speakers, a hall or a stadium
packed with hundreds of people chattering. The overwhelming
noise makes us uncomfortable, so we start yelling to our friends to leave while
covering our ears with our hands. And as we pull away from the noise, we yell:
“My ears are bleeding!’’
Yes, atrociously loud music or noise can cause ear bleeding, but it is quite rare. Bleeding from the ears can
be caused by ear irritations, head injuries or ruptured eardrums (a thin membrane separating the exterior from
the interior of the ear). Long exposure to loud noise can cause most often hearing loss. One of the consequences
of hearing loss is tinnitus, which a ects lots of singers and musicians, such as Chris Martin from Coldplay, the
Belgian singer Angèle (who composed a song about her tinnitus: J’entends), Bob Dylan, Neil Young, Moby and so
many artists who su er in silence to not tarnish their reputation. Singers are prone to tinnitus because part of
their job is to produce and listen to music. The sound in their earphones, as well as the crowd chanting, makes
them more prone to this condition.

What is tinnitus?

Tinnitus is a medical disorder where the one a ected perceives sounds with no external source producing it. In
simpler terms, the person constantly hears noise (ringing, buzzing, ...) that others can’t. There are two types of
tinnitus. The rst, subjective tinnitus, is an abnormal nerve activity in the brain that processes electrical signals
di erently. The second, objective tinnitus, occurs when the sounds are produced by sources in the body. The
sound can also be heard by an examiner. Tinnitus is a side e ect of several conditions, such as noise-induced
hearing loss, ear infections, cardiac diseases, Ménière’s disease, brain tumors, hormonal changes in women, and
most commonly acoustic shock (sudden extremely loud noise). Surprisingly, some drugs such as anti-malaria and
anti-cancer can worsen the symptom too. Yet what is most shocking is the fact that most people have never heard
of this illness, when 10 to 15% of the population su ers or su ered from it. That is at least 50 million in the US, 5
million aged 16 to 79 in Canada and 600 million worldwide! Which means that 1 in 5 people will experience
tinnitus in their lifetime!

The Ink Stain
What happens in our ears that causes tinnitus?

The auditory canal transmits sound waves to the eardrum and three
tiny bones called the ossicles. The hammer, the anvil and the stirrup
amplify the vibrations as they enter the inner ear and into the cochlea
containing thousands of hairs who transmit an electrical signal to your
brain. Our brain then turns these signals into sound. Some scientists
think tinnitus occurs in the network of brain cells (the neural circuits)
that tries to make sense of the electrical signals sent by our ear. The
neural circuits compensate the loss of hair cells by turning up the
sensitivity to sound. These abnormal signals received stimulate the
neurons to create an illusion of sound, or tinnitus.

How does tinnitus affect a person’s life?

Tinnitus can harass the person all day and night, causing insomnia, depression, anxiety, stress and other
symptoms of psychological distress. They are generally dissatis ed by their doctor’s prescriptions because they
are ine ective to stop the ringing. Some people will have tinnitus their entire lives. Chronic tinnitus makes the
brain more attentive to the ringing and less relaxed. This can also lead to mental and physical exhaustion,
restlessness and fatigue because the brain is not used to being focused all the time.

How is tinnitus cured?

Sadly, there is no cure e ective to counter the subjective tinnitus sound. However, there are some treatments
that can improve the quality of life of the patient and reduce psychological consequences linked to tinnitus. Here
are some of them: cognitive-behavioral therapy, tinnitus retraining therapy, drug therapy, lifestyle change and
acoustic neural stimulation. Hearing aids, sound generators, cochlear implants and tinnitus masking can make
the tinnitus less noticeable.

Many people adapt to the sound and their brains tune out the sound, like how we forget the feeling of clothes on
our skin. Our brain lters repetitive stimuli, but it has trouble distinguishing life-threatening sounds from the
ino ensive ones. By focusing on the sound while meditating, some will nd it less disturbing.

How to prevent tinnitus?

Only avoiding long periods of constant noise and sound will help your ears. For example, you may want to rest your ears after
watching the rst Harry Potter movie if you’ve decided to binge-watch the entire series in one night (a very bad idea for your
eyes and ears). My best tip is to avoid staying too long in places or situations with a high intensity of noise, such as heavy city
tra c, motorcycling, snowmobile riding, hunting ( rearms), construction sites ( ee from chain saws, jackhammers and
sandblasting!), rock concerts and thunderstorms. If you are required to stay, then consider wearing earplugs or taking frequent
breaks. Regular hearing tests are also encouraged. In the next issue, I will address the importance of silence, to show how
much it can improve our quality of life. See you next time!
Volume 5, Issue 1

That Girl
Parhavy Vilvaratnam

You might scroll on TikTok and keep seeing the same tags: #thatgirl,
#thatgirlsummer, #thatgirlaesthetic, etc.; the list goes on and on. You
might ask yourself, who isthat girl? Why is she so special? And most
importantly, why does everyone want to be her?

According to TikTok, "that girl" is someone who wakes up early in the

morning, consumes an unholy number of smoothies, green juice, tea,
and co ee, journals and meditates, goes to the gym, and goes to school.
And, the most important part, she does this every day. She is a straight-
A student and studies hard, yet always nds time to cook healthy meals,
read, spend time with friends, and just about anything else. "That girl" is
pretty, popular, productive, and, most importantly, perfect. "That girl" is skinny, white, and wealthy. She
has a great fashion sense, a neat beautiful room, a beautiful house; the list goes on and on. She’s warm and
friendly, intelligent and thoughtful, calm and resilient. She has everything to brag about and does so
subtly on social media. She is the epitome of anything and everything someone could aspire to be.

"That girl" is a product of the ideals of our society. Whether it’s possible to be her is irrelevant because,
no matter the answer, people will keep trying to achieve it, though they might never make it. Of course,
you can masquerade as her on social media, posting healthy home-cooked meals and workouts, but to
truly be as perfect as our society demands is next to impossible, if it even is possible.

"That girl" is always someone pretty by our societal standards, someone that ts into the Eurocentric
standards that rule the lives of everyone, but especially women. To address the problem with “that girl”
needing to be beautiful, it’s necessary to address our beauty standards. The society in which we live
requires certain features from a woman for her to be considered pretty. However, while the standards are
Eurocentric, the features are usually prominent in coloured people. Many of the features people nd
attractive are features women of colour have, such as full lips, large breasts and buttocks, tan skin, “fox”
eyes, etc. However, these ethnic features are only considered beautiful on white people. The ideal woman
is someone white with ethnically ambiguous features. Women of colour are shamed for having the very
same features white women are praised for having. White women will go to extreme lengths to get these
features, sometimes even getting plastic surgery, to achieve the features women of colour are told to get
rid of. When we solely praise the beauty of the white girls exhibiting those characteristics on TikTok,
who post content related to the "that girl" trend, we are contributing to the culture of idealization of
ethnic features and uniquely the features, which involves ignoring the struggles that people of colour, who
naturally have these characteristics, face.

The Ink Stain

"That girl" is always someone skinny. She works out often and eats healthy. Her body is called perfect, as it
subscribes to every beauty standard. Seeing the praise "that girl" receives on social media and wanting to
t in with the trend, many people, especially young women, will do anything to be "that girl". They may
copy these people’s “What I Eat in a Day'' videos, which show the food eaten by a TikToker on a
particular day, whether they are accurate or not. Quite frequently, the food shown during these TikToks is
close to nothing, not even close to the amount of food recommended to be eaten. Usually, the meals are
calorie sparse and the snacks are little to non-existent.
What is even worse is that the TikTokers posting these
videos also vlog intense workouts, typically lasting a
few hours at a time. The people following these videos
will, in turn, eat close to nothing and exercise for very
long periods, thinking that they are doing so in the
name of health. Others might do so knowing that what
they are doing is harmful, doing anything to be
skinnier and look like the people they see on social
media. Eventually, they might develop disordered
eating habits or maybe even a full-blown eating

The point of the "that girl" trend may look like it’s to be healthy; it promotes exercising, eating
nutritionally dense foods, working hard, but in reality, it just promotes being skinny and looking
“aesthetic”. Most people posting the trend don't truly follow through with the lifestyle. Instead, they just
show a few moments of them “being that girl” on camera, then quickly turn it o and continue living a
regular life, not that that is wrong. My problem does not lie with eating healthy, working hard, or being
productive. My problem lies with the promotion of Eurocentric beauty standards and eating disorders, for
the sole purpose of a few seconds of footage where your life is “aesthetic” that people praise you for. My
problem lies with the pushing of aesthetics and the greed for likes disguised as health, tness, and
“focusing on you”. The “that girl” trend pushes a dangerous agenda, one where young girls are told to
prioritize pleasing society before their health and happiness.

The “that girl” trend is about being perfect: perfect face, perfect skin, perfect body, perfect scores, perfect
food, perfect everything. If something is not perfect, you are out of place and are not worthy enough to
participate in the trend. It also places the focus on being “aesthetic”.While taking care of yourself,
exercising, and eating well are critical, it doesn’t need to always be aesthetic. Just because you can’t have an
aesthetic meal or an aesthetic study session does not mean you shouldn’t have one at all. Of course, it’s
important to romanticize your life, but it’s ok to romanticize beauty just as much as aws.

"That girl" is someone perfect that a lot of people would love to be. To many, this trend appears bene cial,
inciting people to be healthier and take charge of their lives. In reality, this trend is just an excuse to
promote racist beauty standards, disordered eating habits, and a destructive search for constant
perfection. Instead of striving to achieve this impossible standard of perfection, people should focus their
e orts on truly bettering themselves, mentally and physically, whether that process is aesthetic or not.
And, if they truly want it, why not throw in a green juice or two?

Volume 5, Issue 1

The Dark Side of
Yue Qian Zhang & Nina Geng

ur lives are full of di culties, ranging saying “too much is like not enough” goes,
from nancial troubles to emotional being overwhelmed with “positive vibes” is
issues. Where do we look for comfort just as bad as having a pessimistic look on life.
to overcome these problems? Most people
turn towards their family members or their Toxic positivity consists of false
closest friends. Others look for resources reassurance instead of genuine empathy
outside of their social circle, whether it be on towards the person in di culty, which in
social media or from a therapist. Sayings such some cases is yourself. This way of thinking
as “everything will be alright” or “it’ll all work promotes always “looking for the silver lining”
out in the end” have become some of the or “thinking about the positive” in a tough
common way to reassure someone. But, situation, which can be hard. Of course, your
hearing these sentences after seeing a loved family and your friends probably don’t mean
one pass away, getting red and having no way to harm you in any way. They say this often
to sustain your family, or living a traumatic because they’re in a situation where they
experience does not make everything ne. don’t really know how to comfort you.
Especially during events like the pandemic
Of course, having a positive outlook we’re living in right now, it is di cult for
on life can bene t many aspects, including people to nd other ways to spread hope, so
our mental health. However, some negative they resort to those common sayings.
emotions still need to be felt and dealt with
as openly and as honestly as possible. Like the
The Ink Stain

Now, what impacts can these seemingly positive encouragements have on the mental wellbeing
of an individual?

When someone tells you to “think about the No t o n l y c a n t o x i c p o s i t i v i t y h a v e
positive, be grateful for what you have” when psychological harm, it is also accompanied by
you’ve lost your job, you can't suppress the various degrees of physiological harm. For
shameful sad emotion you feel brought on by instance, toxic positivity leads to suppressed
your unemployment when some people are emotions, which, studies show, lead to stress.
homeless, for instance. Toxic positivity highly In fact, a study where two groups were
validates good thoughts and stresses to brought to watch a video demonstrates this
eliminate any bad ones, thus making feeling a fact. On one side, one group was told to let
negative emotion something people feel their emotions show, while, on the other side,
guilty for experiencing when it’s just a part of they were told to act like nothing bothered
life. This shame in their negative feelings can them. In the latter there were evidently more
build up a stigma around them, thus signs of stress, which can lead to depression
deterring individuals from seeking help when or physical illnesses. The acknowledgement
they need it. of the vast array of emotions we feel helps us
regulate our stress response and teaches us to
embrace ourselves as we are.

Lastly, one of the biggest things our hardships teach us is how to grow as a person, but toxic
positivity doesn’t allow that. By suppressing our emotions, we might not feel the negative ones,
but it also denies us the ability to face these challenging feelings, to understand them, and to
grow because of them. Therefore, the only way we can truly be happy is to understand and
accept the negatives as well as the positives we are feeling.

Volume 5, Issue 1

It isn’t easy to change the way positivity is imprinted in our mind when we live in a society
where we see messages such as “positive vibes only” or “don’t worry, be happy” printed on every

However, we can try to change the way we approach our problems by:
• Recognizing that, as humans, it’s normal to live through hardships;
• Talking about our negative emotions to someone we trust;
• Identifying and understanding the root of our emotions rather than ignoring them.

If you identify as a “positive vibes only” hippie, you can try:

• Encouraging people to talk about their emotions without invalidating them;
• Getting to know your own negative emotions and understanding them;
• Stop using these toxic phrases, but rather use these healthy alternatives.

Toxic statements Healthy alternatives

Just stay positive! I'm listening.
Good vibes only! I'm here no matter what.
It could be worse. That must be really hard.
Things happen for a reason. Sometimes bad things happen. How can I
Failure isn't an option. help?
Happiness is a choice. Failure is sometimes part of life.
Don’t worry, be happy! Your feelings are valid.
Look for the silver lining. I see you. I’m here for you.

As you see, it isn’t always good to be overly optimistic, but the opposite is also true. The
best way to approach your problems and to learn from them is to nd a balance between being
positive, but also acknowledging and deeply feeling your negative emotions. We all must
acknowledge, despite the optimistic ways of life our society feeds us, that the best way to be
happy is to feel sad sometimes!

The Ink Stain

The Psychological E ects

of Social Media and the
Entertainment Industry on
So a Rassier & Catherine Wu

n the 21st centur y, social media has people who have the same interests as us, but
become an essential part of our daily lives. there are two sides to everything. While some
Whether it be for entertainment may use social media to view light-hearted,
purposes, communication, or nding that one uplifting, or funny content, others may have
song you just can’t remember the name of, we their feed ooded with carefully curated and
cannot deny that we have all, willingly or not, edited pictures of seemingly awless models and
fallen under the sometimes-noxious spell of in uencers. It presents unrealistic beauty
social media. Depending on the content we standards and snapshots of their “perfect lives”.
consume and the age at which we consume it, Some users prefer to view haul videos, as in
it can be a determining factor in our videos where a content creator shows their
development. audience everything they bought during a
shopping spree or received as gifts for special
The rapid expansion of the occasions. Sports and art content is also very
entertainment industry accompanied by the popular amongst adolescents, who can often get
rise of streaming companies such as Net ix, the impression that they are not up to par and
Hulu, Amazon Prime, Disney Plus, and others a r e n o t p e r f o r m i n g we l l e n o u g h . Ma n y
has entailed, among others, the creation of insecurities stem from what is di used online,
many television series and movies tailored for and many teenagers feel the need to portray a
a teenage audience. Actors who have been di erent, more “perfect” version of themselves,
playing teenagers for over fteen years can both physically and psychologically. They nd
very often create unrealistic body goals for importance in not showing any vulnerability,
youth. rather wanting to display an idealized facade of
While social media – or media in
general – can be a source of relief and o er a Based o of a survey we have conducted
form of escapism, there is no denying that among our social groups, most respondents who
what people see on television or on their cell view content related to influencers and
phone can have negative psychological e ects, celebrities and who spend a higher number of
notably concerning body image, performance, hours on social media admit having had their
social status, and many other factors. perception of themselves negatively impacted.
Adolescents, who, as mentioned, are very easily
Social media is not necessarily in uenced, have the sometimes-toxic habit of
detrimental to a teen’s health. It helps us comparing themselves to other people, in this
develop social skills and connects us with case, to people they see online. We believe it is

fair to say comparison is, in fact, the thief of joy.
Some may begin to imagine aws in their
physical appearance and in more severe cases, it
may lead to eating disorders or body
dysmorphia. On the other hand, some have
found that uplifting content has helped them
gain more con dence and self-esteem and learn
to embrace their insecurities. In short, social
media can be beneficial or detrimental
depending on the way we choose to use it.

Social media is not the only thing that

creates insecurities in young minds. The
entertainment industry also plays a viable role in
terms of self-esteem and body image: we often
subconsciously compare ourselves to characters
we see in our favourite series and movies. This
phenomenon is especially prevalent among
youths, who are very easily in uenced and who
desire to conform to the societal and unrealistic
beauty standards they have created in their
heads. The unjust portrayal of teenagers in
popular media gives adolescents the false
impression that they do not live up to their
personal and made-up criteria of what a
teenager is supposed to be, stemming from the
unrealistic image that the media has imposed on
them/us. For example, widely known shows and
movies such as Mean Girls, Gossip Girl, and
Euphoria cast adults in their mid-twenties and
early-thirties to portray high-schoolers. It paints
a very inaccurate portrait of what a developing
body should look like. Accompanying that, these
“teenagers” are depicted as having enviable and
exciting lives, making the actual teenage viewer
feel as if their own life is mundane and

It is crucial to understand that social

media and the entertainment industry are not
necessarily harmful in themselves. Insecurities
do not stem from these platforms, designed as
ways of communication and relaxation, but
r a t h e r f r o m h u m a n n a t u r e ’s h a b i t o f
comparison. Therefore, we should focus on
developing a healthy mind and on using social
media more wisely. Even though it is easier said
than done, reaching out for help can be the rst
step to a positive mindset.

Comments from our
"Social media, though very toxic, has been an outlet for
me and many other teenagers to let out anxiety. Although
it has a negative impact on our mental health, quitting
social media is a hard decision because it has become an
easy and accessible coping mechanism for many

"Social media has exposed me to knowledge I should not

have access to at my age. There are no limits, you can
nd everything you want and you can also nd everything
you don't want. I had to learn things I did not want to know
and I tried out things I should have never tried all
because of social media."

"I feel better about myself, because people I look at are

uplifting each other."

"Body image."

"Social media has helped me gain con dence by

following in uential people. Social media taught me how
to love myself."

"It pointed out aws I didn't even know I had."

"I often compare myself, my body, my life, my

achievements with people I see online and not
necessarily in the good way."

"I try to avoid negative content and only stick with posts
that boost my con dence and spread positivity."

"I feel like my life isn't as 'cool' as other's."

"Social media can be damaging, but can also do the exact

opposite e ect if used correctly."

Volume 5, Issue 1

The Importance and Treatment

of Mental Health Throughout
Time and Across the Globe
Pauline Zilic & Caroline Du

hroughout the years, many primarily obtained by the comparison of the

T diagnoses of illnesses and

corrective methods to cure them
have appeared in the world. Some
patients have accepted the uncertain
beha viours of an individual and the
behavioural norms instilled by society. Thus,
people who are seen as “di erent” are put in
categories that allegedly de ne their
remedies that were prescribed to them, particular disorders. The diagnoses in
while others resisted to the tests that question are also set apart between di erent
humans have conducted for possible societies. For instance, the Inuhuit peoples
treatments. Recently, partly due to the discovered a mental condition called
global pandemic of Covid-19, the “ Pi b l o k t o q ” , a l s o k n o w n a s “A r c t i c
percentage of mental illnesses has been Hysteria”. This condition that a ects their
rising, especially in the younger age group. population is mostly caused by the harsh
Together, multiple experts from all around meteorological circumstances that the
the world have collectively been community has to face during the winters
researching to nd out what is believed to and the deprivation of essential nutritional
cause mental health problems. Although elements. This illness was unheard of for
the scienti c approach that modern Europeans that migrated to North America,
psychologists will take to gure out the as they have never experienced the same
root of this global deterioration in teen's conditions.
mental state is updated and reputable, I
nd it interesting to re ect on the steps Beliefs and causes of illnesses
that historical gures had undertaken in Long before anyone de veloped
the past. theories based on research, many thought
that mental illnesses were the result of evil
A quick look on our general spirits entering one’s body thus controlling
perception of mental health their actions. Throughout the Middle Ages,
Undoubtedly, the perception of it was common for Christians to practice
mental illness varies throughout time and symbolical puri cation of the patient’s soul
between di erent societies. Universally, to try to combat the demons that possessed
the dia gnosis of mental illnesses is them. Methods such as exorcism or shrines

The Ink Stain

emerged and were believed to cure their the following: blood, yellow bile, black bile
condition even though scienti c research and phlegm. Each of those conveyed strong
has later proven that it is false. Later on, emotions, for instance sadness and
asylums were funded and welcomed people melancholy were related to black bile, and
su ering from various diseases. The rst mania to yellow bile. By drawing out those
ever establishment of this kind was put in liquids from the patient's body, Hippocrates
p l a ce i n 1 2 4 7 i n L o n d o n , E n g l a n d . thought that the other humours would even
However, people started noticing that out, and they would nally be delivered
their methods were ine cient and often from their miseries.
in icted physical harm on the victims
which could only worsen their mental In conclusion, as time passed, more
state. The constant mistreatment and people found interest in this important
dehumanization of these people was seen medical subject. It was and is still believed
as an amusement when these that physical treatments could ease the pain
establishments rst welcomed visitors and for thousands of patients, but as for an
slowly became a widely known attraction. e cient cure that could actually help sick
people in a signi cant way, we still have to
Physical treatments wait for talented scientists to make
Amongst all the corrective or technological advances. Hopefully, progress
physical methods that were used to treat will be made in the future by making
mental illnesses in those times, the most psychology gradually more accessible to a
atrocious practice was trephination. This larger portion of the population and by
procedure consisted of drilling a hole in educating our younger generations on
the patient’s head in order to release the healthy ways to improve their mental state.
evil spirits that supposedly lived there. As society is currently trying to combat the
Trephination was mostly practiced in stigma surrounding mental illnesses, more
Europe, yet some studies suggest that people have the opportunity to open up
Incas, indigenous tribes of Peru, were about their past experiences. This can be
doing similar things to try to cleanse their seen as a sign of progression and modernity.
patients. Although this method may seem
extremely unintelligent, other ancient Sources
theories proposed medicinal treatments
for mental illnesses that were equally as ages
ineffective. Hippocrates, a Greek
physician that lived during the 5th century
b.c., believed that mental stability could be
obtained and rebuilt by the extraction of

bodily uids. Later on, he established that

there are four kinds of humours that are hospital-history-why-called-bedlam-lunatic-asylum/

Volume 5, Issue 1

Stress: A Daily Part

of a Student's Life
Elliot Homsy

ou must know because you are living

powerful stress reliever, in addition to having
it, but stress is a part of daily life for physical health bene ts. Second, stress and
most students everywhere around anxiety can a ect how you breathe, which has
the world. To relieve the stress, you consequences on how your body and mind feels.
should know what it is, the causes of that self- Taking a few deep breaths can help slow your
imposed pain and the consequences of long- breathing and heart rate, relax your muscles and
term stress. For Timothy J. Legg, Ph.D., calm your mind. Third, it is hard to feel anxious
‘’Stress is a situation that triggers a particular when you’re laughing. Laughing relieves your
biological response. When you perceive a stress response and relaxes your muscles as well.
threat or a major challenge, chemicals and Last but not least, meditation: it is easily one of
hormones surge throughout your body’’. It is the most science-backed and proven methods of
simply a reaction to a physical or psychological relieving stress and anxiety. There are several
threat. types of meditation, such as focusing on music,
breathing, postures, and more so you can easily
Now that you clearly understand what nd a method that relieves stress for you.
stress is, there are multiple ways to ease it.
First of all, exercise; it has been shown to be a

The Ink Stain

Students have many sources of daily

stress. There are two types of causes: external
and internal. External stress comes from your
entourage and internal from yourself. External
stress can be caused by major life changes,
exams or projects, lack of time, family problems
and bullying. On the other hand, internal stress
can be caused by pessimism, negative self-talk or
perfectionism. Both types are equally bad for
your health and should be avoided with the tips

Long-term stress or chronic stress can

trigger several bad e ects on someone’s body.
For your brain it can cause headaches, mental
health problems and forgetfulness. It can also
result in skin and hair problems, such as acne,
eczema and permanent hair loss. Long-term
stress can also make it more likely to catch a
cold or the u, increase risk of diabetes as well
as cause weight increase or decrease and a lot of
other harmful effects. Chronic stress is
considered a disease, therefore if you feel this
applies to you should go see a doctor and get
some help. It should not be ignored.

Stress can be relieved with exercise,

breathing, laughing and meditating. It also has
causes such as external or internal. Chronic
stress can also be injurious for the body. If you
are ever overwhelmed with stress or need any
kind of help, reach out – it will help you. Stay
positive and ease your stress.

Volume 5, Issue 1

Felix's Film Review

Felix Chang

hang-Chi and The Legend of The Ten Rings is a 2021 American superhero movie,
produced by Marvel Studios. The lm is directed by Destin Daniel Cretton who also
wrote the screenplay alongside David Callaham and Andrew Lanham. The lm stars
Simu Liu as the hero Shang-Chi, Awkwa na as Katy Chen, Benedict Wong as Wong, Ben
Kingsley as the Mandarin and others.

This movie is about Shang-Chi’s struggle to save both his family and his exigent,
controlling and misguided father, Wen Wu, leader of the powerful Ten Rings criminal
organization. In short, Wen Wu wants Shang-Chi and his sister to help to nd their dead
mother, but he is unaware of the dangerous repercussions of his intentions. Shang-Chi and
his sister must confront him and save him from the greater consequences of their father’s

The Ink Stain

My review
The movie is generally entertaining and it was enjoyable.

Parts that I liked

The action! The ghting scenes are well made and captivating, especially the
sca olding ght. It resembles the classic sca olding ght in Rush Hour. It’s a great touch
to add. The ghting choreography is also excellent and well-coordinated. Fun fact: Simu
Liu had to actually train in martial arts to lm the movie.

The costumes are made with care and they look great. The CGI (computer-
generated imagery) is smoothly integrated into the characters’ costumes and weapons, like
the Ten Rings. However, the animated animals/dragons aren’t as good.

Another part that is interesting about the movie is the fact that Ben Kingsley has a
role in the movie. He comes back as Trevor Slattery, the British actor who impersonates
the Mandarin in Iron Man 3. It’s a nice way to clarify the fact that he is not a part of the
Ten Rings Organization (a reference to Iron Man 3), and Ben Kingsley’s character adds
more humour to the movie.

Parts that weren’t as great

Some characters are slightly annoying, like Katy and Morris. They don’t add much
to the story and they disrupt the ow of the movie. Sometimes, there are jokes that just
feel forced and that aren’t that funny.

The movie feels out of place in the Marvel Cinematic Universe, but this isn’t
necessarily a bad thing. It simply doesn’t feel as Marvel-esque. The style is quite di erent
from other Marvel movies. However, it’s a good thing that Marvel is trying to change
things since they want to diversify the styles of their movies. It makes the movie really
interesting and unique.

Final verdict
Yes, it’s a decent movie. The acting and storytelling can sometimes be a bit weak, and the
humour isn’t always that funny, but it doesn’t matter as much because this is a Marvel
superhero movie. The most important part is the action and the ght scenes, which are
well executed. Very entertaining!

Volume 5, Issue 1

Juliette's Film
Juliette Gagne

e’ve all heard of it sometime during the past few months, and we’ve all most
likely seen clips, images, or episodes of this series, if not the entire thing.
Squid Game; a drama action thriller work of ction, released worldwide on
September 17, 2021, in which people in need of money are assembled to play children’s
games, so as to win the prize money at the end. The series rapidly became the most
popular series on Net ix, making the company a fortune within the rst four weeks of its

Squid game is both the name of the series, and of an actual game, popular in Korea
during the 70s and 80s, similar to tag, played on squid shaped board on the ground.

The Ink Stain

Directed, written, and created by Hwang Dong-Hyuk, starring Lee Jung-Jae (Gi-
Hun), Park Hae-Soo (Sang woo), Oh Young-Soo (Oh Il-nam), Wi Ha-Joon (Joon-Ho), Jung
Ho-Yeon (Sae-Byeok), Anupam Tripathi (Abdul Ali), and countless other actors, Squid
Game is well lmed, each episode revealing new secrets, encouraging viewers to keep
watching. Despite its interesting plot, Squid Game is not for the faint-hearted, due to the
large amount of gore, nor is it for young audiences, as it is rated TV-MA, containing
graphic violence, sexual content, and mature themes. The series has an ambiguous, open
ending, leaving the viewers on a cli anger of sorts. It is well done, inspiring curiosity,
intrigue, and a wish to know more.

Squid Game explores inequality in society, especially concerning income and

money, by having 456 people - or players, as they are called - participate in children’s
games. The catch? Losing means death. Each player is to be equal in each game, all having
no knowledge beforehand of what will be played, forcing them to rely on their own skills
to determine their actions and how they will manage to survive. This is similar to real life,
in which people must rely on their individual skill set to earn a living, whether it be an
o ce job or other, and even if the skills are adapted to the situation at hand - in the game,
or in reality - it doesn’t always guarantee success, as the series shows with the glass factory
worker in episode 7, or in the episodes in which teams must be formed - like the tug-of-war
game, in episode 5.

The series is also excellent metaphor for capitalism, where the strongest will
prevail. To become the strongest, to become ‘important’ to society - to be vital, to have
more power over others, to gain respect - a person must have more money than others.
Despite the indications that the games have been going on for several years, meaning the
deaths of many participants, most of which are people who’d been in debt, we aren’t shown
people in society looking for the deceased and missing people.

Volume 5, Issue 1

Episode 1:
Gi-Hun, broke and needing money, accepts to participate in a few games to win money,
unaware of the horrors that await until he plays the rst game : red light, green light.

Episode 2:
The survivors, now aware of the risks of playing, vote to end the games, just barely gaining
the majority vote. However, as Gi-Hun and the other players return to their outside lives,
they realize that their lives outside are almost just as deplorable as when in the games.

Episode 3:
Having returned to the games, the players begin the second game. Players begin forming
groups, and some returning players have snuck in tools. A cop, Jun Ho, searching for his
brother, manages to slip in, taking the place of one of the pink guards.

Episode 4:
Now, it is no longer necessary to wait till day time to play - the players can turn on each
other after lights out, kill at that time, and the guards won't intervene. Alliances begin to

Episode 5:
After the game of tug-of-war, Gi-Hun and his team barricade themselves in for the night,
still wary of the others, and take turns to keep watch. In the meantime, an illegal operation
with a player and some of the pink guards is discovered, and severely punished by the
Front Man.

Episode 6:
Every remaining player must pair up in twos, and are given marbles so that they may play
the 4th game; some players are more than happy to kill their partners, while others are
faced with moral dilemmas - save their partner, or themselves. The remaining players
dwindle to half the original amount before this game.

Episode 7:
The front man welcomes the VIPs - old, rich white men - to watch the fth game.
Meanwhile, the remaining players must cross the glass bridge without falling, the players
(and the glass) cracking under pressure.

Episode 8:
Jun Ho begins escaping the island, and attempts to send the game’s secrets to his boss, and
discovers the Front Man’s identity. The last three players no longer trust each other as
much as before.

Episode 9:
The nal game: two players remain. One player emerges victorious, and falls into a sort of
depression. He has the money, but his life on the outside is somehow worse than before he
left. He meets the true creator of the game. This episode leaves us with an open ending.

Rap Album Reviews

Shabibah Mobasher Mir

All in all, Squid Game is an excellent series, with clever metaphors and a practically
awless plot, as well as the interesting character development. A few issues with the series
may be the slow progression of the plot at certain times, but otherwise a highly
recommendable series to watch.

Volume 5, Issue 1

Rap Album Reviews

Shabibah Mobasher Mir

1. DONDA — Kanye West

DONDA! DONDA! DONDA! This album, beautifully written

for his mother Donda West, was quite a success and will certainly
impact many people in the future just like his previous albums
have done. I will be honest, I was really excited to hear the
featuring artists such as Playboi Carti, Fivio Foreign, and Kid
Cudi. Hearing Carti’s voice was the highlight of the album for
me: he never disappoints. This album was perfectly executed, and
the production was amazing. I have to say, compared to his
previous work, this will have to be placed at the bottom of his
discography. On a positive note, this album will hold its name for
a long time.

Overall rating: 8/10 Personal favourites:

• O the Grid
• Moon
• No Child Left Behind
• Praise God
• Junya, Junya pt2

2. Certi ed Lover Boy — Drake

When this album was rst announced, I had high expectations.

Who wouldn’t keep their expectations high for Drake, also
known as the greatest artist of our generation? Throughout my
rst listen, I enjoyed every track on this album. The production
and sampling were some of my favourite aspects of it. I played
this album for a few weeks and found that it did have enough
replay value for it to be considered a successful release. However,
it does not compare to his previous work such as Nothing Was The
Same and Take Care. Even though Drake is currently at the top of
the chart, Certi ed Lover Boy did not have that energy most fans
were expecting. Even though, this album isn't as legendary as his
previous albums, Drake de nitely knows how to secure his spot
at the top.

Overall rating: 8.2/10 Personal favourites:

• Champagne Poetry
• Fair Trade (ft. Travis Scott)
• 7 am on bridle path
The Ink Stain

3. The O -Season — J.Cole

Writing a review for this album has de nitely proved to be a

challenge. When it comes to J. Cole, is there really anything
negative to say? His delivery, his wordplay, his demeanor, and just
the overall energy behind every track was perfection. He was
rapping like he had something to prove and quite frankly, he did.
I would not rank this album as one of the best compared to his
previous releases such as 4 your eyez only and 2014 Forest Hills
Drive. Obviously, every album has its perks. Honestly, I would
de nitely rank A.m.a.r.i as my least favourite song because it felt
like a ller and the album would have done just ne without it.
In conclusion, J. Cole’s album, The O -Season, is my favourite
album of 2021.

Overall rating: 8.5/10 Personal favourites:

• the . climb. back
• hunger . on . hillside (with Bas)
• Let. Go. My. Hand
• 100. Mil ‘ (with Bas)



After listening to Tyler’s album, I was sure this would earn its
title as the best rap album of the year. He never disappoints, and
always manages to give his fanbase something new and creative. I
really love how he tries to come up with new themes and always
keeps his music interesting. You can see that he delivered this
album with the utmost con dence. Moreover, every feature was
performed perfectly; Tyler even manages to make NBA
YoungBoy sound good. Although a feature from A$AP Rocky
would have made this album top-tier, it is still a very well-
produced album. Quite like Cherry Bomb and Wolf, it ranks
relatively high in Tyler’s discography. However, it will never reach
the level of IGOR and Flowerboy.

Overall rating: 9/10 Personal favourites:

• JUGGERNAUT (feat. Lil Uzi Vert and
Pharell Williams)
• RUNITUP (feat. Teezo Touchdown)

Volume 5, Issue 1

5. The Melodic Blue — Baby Keem

I highly anticipated this album’s release seeing as Kendrick

Lamar, Travis Scott, and Brent Faiyaz were on the album.
Listening to Kendrick’s voice after such a long time really
brings joy to my ears. Brent’s verse was one of the best on the
album. Baby Keem has de nitely made a name for himself
despite only being in the rap game for a few years. He’s a new
artist on the rise and I’m eager to see how he’s going to
progress as an artist seeing as the rap industry is very

Overall rating: 7.5/10 Personal favourites:

• 16
• lost souls (with Brent Faiyaz)
• rst order of business
• range brothers (with Kendrick Lamar)

Dear Maria
Hello everyone,
It can be di cult to decide by yourself in certain
situations. Are you worried people might see you
di erently after asking them for help? No need to
worry! By lling out this form, you can let out your
emotions without feeling like a burden to society.
This is anonymous.

Dear Maria,
Do I have to be myself in front of
people or continue hiding my real
identity that de nes who I am? I'm
afraid that people will see me di erently
and not accept the real me.

Hi, thank you so much for

reaching out! I wish there was a
simple answer to this question,
but it really depends. We all have
parts of ourselves we decide to
keep hidden because we aren’t
sure about the e ect that it will
cause. However, pretending to be
someone else can be di cult,
stressful, and exhausting. Do you
ever start feeling disconnected
from people? It might be more
complicated to live your everyday
life by keeping your identity a
secret. To x this problem, you
should ask yourself what you’re
trying to hide. Why are you
keeping this a secret? What do
you think would happen if you
revealed it? If you don’t feel ready
to reveal your identity yet, it’s
totally ne. However, I’d suggest
you try talking about it to some
of your closest friends to see their
reaction, or if you know someone
going through a similar situation
as you, you could ask them how
they deal with it. I wish you the
best of luck! <3

Dear Maria,
What to do when you feel like this
particular person hates you but when you
two talk it's quite dynamic and fun?

Hi, thanks for the question. First, please don’t

blame yourself for this; I’ve noticed this
misunderstanding in quite a lot of friendships.
What makes you feel hated by them? What
happened lately that might in uence the way
this person sees you? Maybe this person has a
lot going on in their life currently, which
causes them to distance themselves from
others. In cases like this, it’s so complicated to
express our feelings because a barrier is
created between our words and the way we
feel. For this reason, some people choose to
remain silent instead of talking about their
personal problems. The best solution would be
to talk to the person in private and address
this issue. I hope you get an answer soon!

Dear Maria,
How do I start talking to someone new?

Hi, you could start by simply greeting the

person, so they’ll feel appreciated. If you have
decent socializing skills (unlike me), start small
talk with them on the spot. Otherwise, you
might want to talk with them on social media,
it’s much easier to start a conversation that
way. Consider yourself lucky if you already
know what common interests you might share
with them. If not, people generally talk about
topics like school, music, friendship, books,
movies/series, family, and love. Mention the
weather if you’re truly desperate. You could ask
them a question you already know the answer
to just to get used to talking. Friendships can
go a long way, so it’s worth getting out of your
comfort zone occasionally and to talk to
someone new, even if it might feel awkward
and uncomfortable in the beginning. Good
luck! :)

Dear Maria,
There is this person that I talk to
sometimes, not often. But I want to
try and become friends with them.
When we are with a group of people,
and we talk together there is no weird
tension between me and them. But,
on a normal day, we both avoid each
other. So how do I change that
without seeming desperate?

Hi, thanks for asking. If you want this

person to become friends with you, you
should stop avoiding them! (That’s probably
not helping, I’m sorry.) In all seriousness,
you just need to say something. Say
anything. You could tell them a dumb joke,
and if they actually laugh, that means they
have some sort of interest in developing a
friendship (or even more, wink wink) with
you. Try spending more time alone with this
person, you’ll both get to know each other
easier. Remember, you don’t have to change
just to please a person you want to be
friends with. Good luck!

Dear Maria,
So, there’s this person that I feel has a small
crush on me. We've talked sometimes but
we usually ignore each other when we meet
somewhere. Sometimes we make eye
contact when we cross each other in a
hallway and sometimes since we have the
same friends, they often come next to me in
the group circle. Also, I sometimes feel like
they do some things on purpose just to get
my attention or to get closer to me. But our
relationship doesn't really go any further we
still ignore each other in hallways :/ What
can I do to change that? Because I feel like
maybe I have small feelings for them

Hi, this is such an interesting question; thank

you! What do you usually talk about? You must
already know some things about this person. If
you truly have feelings for them and you think
they like you too, you should try spending more
time with them. You could communicate with
them through social media if it’s hard to meet in
person. Whenever they do something to get
your attention, make sure to make them feel
noticed... unless it’s something particularly
dumb. Another fun thing you could do is to tell
them you have a crush on someone and need
their help to make a move. Their reaction will
probably be funny, and it’ll motivate them to
confess their love to you before your other
“crush” does. Maybe they’ll even realize the
crush you’re mentioning is them. There are a lot
of things you could do, but the most important
one is to stop ignoring them every time you see
them. That way the relationship will progress! :)
Please update me on the situation, I’m dying to
know what’ll happen!

How do I make teachers notice me and
remember me?

Hi, thank you for asking! I’m guessing teachers

remember students that participate the most in
class. Therefore, to be noticed, you need to
show your interest by raising your hand in class.
You don’t have to answer extremely di cult
questions to be appreciated by a teacher.
Participation isn’t always about being right
(unless your teacher sucks), it’s about learning by
occasionally making mistakes or
misunderstanding things. If speaking in front of
the entire class makes you anxious, you should e-
mail the teacher and talk to them after school.
Teachers are here to help you! (At least I hope
so.) I should probably apply this advice to my
own life because I haven’t raised my hand even
once this year! (Haha!) Anyhow, please get
noticed and remembered by your teachers on
my behalf, because they’re probably so tired of
their boring and silent students.

The Ink Stain

So a's Picks
So a Rassier

ith the rise in popularity of books in media, many of us have rediscovered our
elementary- school-founded love for books. However, it can often be relatively
di cult to nd ones that spark our interest, aside just the fact that they are
getting recognized online. Thankfully for you, I’ve read many, popular and not, and I’m
here to talk about some of them.

Here are So a’s Picks, my take on Indigo’s CEO’s “Heather’s Picks”.


First o , “The Seven Husbands of Evelyn Hugo”. Although this one has
been getting a lot of fame recently, I think it has such beautiful writing
so I couldn’t not include it. This is the story of Evelyn Hugo, an actress
that has been in seven marriages during her life, trying to make her way
through Hollywood, going through the motions of angst, love,
heartbreak, lies and violence. Explaining her life through Monique
Grant, a writer for the “Vivant” journal, she retells every aspect of her
life in the spotlight during the sixties, seventies, eighties and nineties,
omitting no details, not even the most treacherous and
unexplainable ones…
With every emotion perfectly well represented and explained, Taylor
Jenkins Reid has probably written one of the most page turning books I
have ever had the luck of reading.
Next is a book that I nd to be extremely undervalued. “The Five
People You Meet in Heaven” is one of the most eye-opening stories
you will ever read. We have all wondered what happens after we die,
considered this concept of “life after death”; whether you think we
land in heaven or hell, or that it’s just the end, we all have an inkling
of what we believe happens. Mitch Albom dives right into that
through the story of Eddie, an ex-army man who is also a widower.
Eddie had worked at an amusement park his entire life. When he
tragically knocks at death’s door, he meets ve people, he might’ve
known them personally or not, each one tasked at explaining a part
of Eddie’s life to him through their point of views. They’ve all had
their life gravely a ected by Eddie or the other way around, going
through a shrilling tale of uncovered secrets all the while learning
ve important life lessons. Finding a way to be sad and
heartwarming all at the same time, within Albom’s elegant writing,
we truly feel as if we are also in this phase of life after death
meeting ve people.

Volume 5, Issue 1


I found this book for the rst time at my local thrift book store for ve
dollars. I decided to buy it under the premise of wanting to expand the
genre of books I read. It saddens me that I had never even heard of it
before deciding to buy it. I was truly on the tip of my toes while reading
this. We follow Jess, a panic-attack-prone lawyer who is still su ering
through the trauma of her mother’s disappearance. During the book,
she starts seeing a man, Adam, who appeared in her life quite suddenly.
Same as the man, rather odd patterns started occurring in her day-to-
day life. Her ex-husband, Don, who is still holds an important part in
her life, tries to warn her about this new man. On top of that, she has to
deal with a gory case at her rm, against none other than Don. This
book provides a thrilling read just as much as it does a shocking ending.


I think it’s fair to assume that we have all heard of Madeleine Miller’s
“The Song of Achilles”, and although that book holds a very special
place in my heart, today I’m going to pay special attention to Madeline
Miller’s second book “Circe”. Although it is not written in verses like
most mythology, the writing is nonetheless poetical. Miller’s rendition
of Circe’s life, the witch of Aiaia, is absolutely bone chilling. Banished
to an island for eternity, Circe, the daughter of Helios, must learn to
use her powers in order to live her eternal life peacefully. When she
meets Odysseus, her entire preconception of mortals is changed
forever. She must make sacri ces while being torn between her
superiority as a titan and her love for mortals. I already knew a part of
her myth before reading it for the rst time, but I was nevertheless
shocked by the ending and the lovely way it was recounted.

Although I love plot twists, “Chronicles of a death foretold” a book
known for the fact that we learn the ending at the very beginning, is
still a favourite of mine. I read it for the rst time last year in order to
do a French presentation, but quickly got entranced by the story, the
characters, and the quality of the writing. Gabriel Garcia Marquez has
a unique way of describing certain events that I nd so intriguing. The
story is exactly what the title claims, a death that had been announced.
The entire village knew it would happen and yet, no one tried to stop
it. We walk through the last day of the main character, expecting for
something crazy to happen or some event to truly shock us, which we
only discover at the very end…
If you are looking for a quick book to read, or for something with
marvellous writing, “chronicles of a death foretold” is the perfect one
to pick up.

The Ink Stain

Oscar Wilde is one of the few 19th century writers that I believe, we
can all agree, writes wonderfully. He shows psychological evolution in
a way that I’ve never seen. Especially with Dorian Gray, where we can
see the demonic aspects of his life become very prevalent without
making it the only focal point of his story. “The Picture of Dorian
Gray” is a novel that created my love for literature thanks to the
shock and wonder I felt while reading.
It is the story of Dorian Gray, who somehow trapped his soul in a
painting. His body consequently stays beautiful and young forever. He
commits sin after sin, with almost no evidence but his painting of
himself, that becomes uglier by the day. He is confronted by it more
than once, and every time he plays it o to others and himself as just
being lucky in genetics. Eventually, he decides enough is enough…
Oscar Wilde only wrote one book, but he also has many plays that
take di erent routes but are just as spectacular.


I've never been very interested in fantasy, but every book in the Grishaverse, or any book written by
Leigh Bardugo, is an automatic read. She writes the type of characters that have you rooting for them
and the type of world you want to be in, even if it's just to visit the same places you favourite character
was in. With heartbreak, love, humour, and addiction, Bardugo dives into a fantastical world we would
probably all die in. The Six of Crows duology follows six teenagers, each with special skills and
devastating backgrounds, who attempt to pull o the most daring heist possible.
Each book took me a day to read, because I could not put them down. The story and style are simply
captivating. If you're looking for good world building, Leigh Bardugo never, in my experience, misses.

Volume 5, Issue 1

Kai Xi Xiao

Her jumpy hostage kept complaining but she
Life goes on and on and on…” hummed a fruity couldn’t hear him; she plugged in her earphones and was
and silvery voice. It came from the driver of a sky-blue off to her own world, enjoying the song.
1967 Volkswagen Beetle. The vintage car clumsily glid its
way across the zigzag mountain pass. Brie might be what most people would call “a
strange woman,” as she had a cottage on top of a
While the driver was busy maneuvering her way mountain with tortuous roads and dwelled in it most of
through the ever-extending mountain pass, something was the time. The bungalow concealed itself in the shadows
wriggling on the back seat. thanks to its cedar-coloured exterior. Just like her house,
she had bobbed dark chocolate hair. She also had thin
“MMMFGHGH MMMM BRHMMMM!” eyebrows, medium-sized almond-shaped eyes, a button
nose, thin and sickly lips covered by purple lipstick, and an
At first, she didn’t hear the muffled noise, until oblong face shape. She was 25 years old. She had a slender
one of her earphones fell out. and a door-like frame. She liked to sport a black beanie, a
black biker vest, black skinny jeans, and black leather
“MFMMMFMMMFFGH!” gloves. Growing up, she had always been a silent person,
often left out from conversations. She still was a person of
“What? Give me a second, I’ll rip the tape off.” few words but she had also gained an imposing aura
throughout the years.
Brie hit the brake and bent over to the back seat,
her slender body slipping between the gap of the driver’s On the other hand, Horace didn’t have a problem
seat and the passenger seat. Her short nails dug into her fitting in society; he was conventionally attractive, he also
hostage’s skin and clung to the tape. She ripped it off in thought the whole world was in love with him—a rather
one go, along with the facial hair lying underneath it. conceited vision of the world. He was tall, had a superb
build, a flashing grin, had hazelnut curly hair that reached
“Oow! Be gentler, will you? Women are supposed his ears, huge grey-green eyes, and features of a Greek
to be gentle!” sculpture. He was 18 years old. He would pay attention to
every single little detail relating to his appearance, except
Brie rolled her eyes and slapped Horace. his inner self. He was a coward and could not have less
respect for people around him. He was used to having
“Stop with the violence, woman! I don’t even everyone catering to his needs without having to lift his
know you! Why am I even in your moldy little car?” pinky. It was baffling how they couldn’t see past his looks,
but how was that even surprising, anyway?

The Ink Stain

The car kept rolling for a while, until Brie braked “Well, it’s true that you have the huge beady eyes
abruptly. She stepped out of her Beetle, slammed the door and the intelligence of a sloth. In other words, you’re not
and left. Horace had long since fallen asleep. She later so bright.”
came back, with scissors so sharp they were gleaming.
Horace sheepishly opened his eyes, went back to sleep, “Befoooore you get mad, I’d like to feed you a
then jolted awake. His eyes widened in shock, his jaw sleeping pill so that you can stay quiet. Here, open your
nearly dropped. Despite his reaction, Brie’s steps didn’t mouth, say ‘Aaaaah’ for me. There you go, good boy!”
slow down. Instead, she kept approaching him, grasping
her scissors. Horace closed his eyes and began praying to Daylight waned, as the moon slowly replaced the
God, even though he’s an atheist. She was so close he sun, leaving place for the night.
could feel her minty breath on his face. The sound of
something snapping joined his singular breathing. She Horace and Brie both slept soundly, the former
freed him from his bonds. She lightly tapped his cheeks, sleeping on the cold floor, while the latter stayed in her
signaling him to open his eyes. His eyes flew open and his cozy bed.
ear-splitting scream filled the car.
The alarm clock rang at 7AM sharp, deeply
“AAAAH! Oh God, I was brutally murdered after annoying Brie. She extended her arm out of her covers to
being kidnapped by an ugly woman. Am I up in heaven? If turn it off. Her hand accidentally pushed it and the alarm
so, why does it look like a car? Wait-I’m not dead! Oh-oh fell right on Horace’s face. However, not even that could
my!” wake up the sleeping beauty. Brie made breakfast and her
bed groggily, whilst dressing herself. She accidentally
Brie snickered and that snicker grew into a loud kicked the huge pill bug sleeping on her floor, but he didn’t
cackle. The cackle distorted, warped her usual wake up, nonetheless. After packing copious food rations
expressionless face into an uncontrolled, witch-like as well as clothes, essential supplies and money, she
grimace. grabbed her car keys. She was about to leave, then
remembered that she needed Horace too. She dragged his
“I can’t believe such a clueless and dumb person body on a wheeled cart for furniture, transported him to
exists in the face of this earth! If that dumbness of yours the car trunk, pushed him inside, closed the car trunk’s
was distributed equally to everyone on earth, we would be door, returned the cart, installed herself comfortably in the
stuck in the stone age! Hahahaha!” driver’s seat and started the car.

Horace was left agape. She went through the tortuous mountain roads
one more time, seemingly paying more attention to a map
“Alright, I’ll tell you why I went through the rather than the road ahead of her. Naturally, she nearly
trouble of kidnapping you and bringing you here. It goes crashed multiple times, but it was nothing new to her. She
back to a very long time ago, when your grandparents stopped for a short break by the mountain’s base. She
weren’t even fetuses-” stepped out of the car, slammed the door behind her and
pulled out a cigarette with her Hello Kitty-themed lighter
“Can you make it shorter? I might fall asleep from her pocket. While she was busy deciphering the map
again.” smoking a cigarette, Horace stepped out of the car for his
daily morning stretch. He made big movements and one of
“Alright, so, long story short, both of us were a them would cause a disaster. His long crane-like arm
witch’s familiars in our past lives. I was a cat and you were bashed the top his partner’s head. The cigarette in her
a crow. Merinda, the witch, was supposed to have been mouth lit the map, burning the yellowed crusty paper to
burnt to death, on the stake, but it seems that she’s still cinders. They both stood still, both shocked.
alive, kept captive by someone and she needs us.”
“You-are you aware of what you’ve done?”
“Me? A crow? Such a heroic and beautiful face? A
crow? Come on, you need to make up better lies than “Apparently not; I don’t even know what just
that.” turned to ashes!”

Volume 5, Issue 1

“You talk one more time and I’m going to kick “What?” asked Brie disagreeably who had driven
you there!” for 6 hours straight.

“What? Why are you getting mad? You asked me “What’s your name? Mine is Horace. Horace
something so I answered. You know, maybe if you told me Quillington.”
what it was before, we could work together and that
wouldn’t happen.” “Mine’s Brie Biermann. I already know your
Brie rolled her eyes and began to warm up,
stretching her legs. The conversation ended. But only for a short
“Not the passive aggressive and the cold
treatment from the Ice Queen!” “I know where to go to find Melany.”

The driver’s hands tensed up, turning into fists. “It’s Merinda and yes, tell me.”

“Fine, I’ll tell you. Get into the car.” “I remember how the map looks like. She’s
trapped in a forest.”
They both buckled up and were ready for another
long drive. Brie took out a paper and handed it to him. He
drew the eastern part of the map, in which a road and
“So? Tell me.” forest could be seen. He proudly handed it back, careful
not to ruin it this time. Brie scrutinized it, frowning
“The thing that you burned was a map that led us multiple times while trying to understand the drawing.
right to the witch that we’re looking for. I found it in my The drawing looked like a 5-year-old’s doodle. It had all
belongings last month and that’s how I realized this whole the essential characteristics of a kid’s scribble: the yellow
‘past life’ thing. And now that it’s been burned to ashes circle with rays to represent the sun, the broccoli-like trees
thanks to you, I’m lost.” and the wobbly writing.

“How about we stop all of this? We’re not Brie let out a small “Huh”, before looking for a
obligated to find her; we were her familiars in our past modern map of the city. She fumbled everywhere then
lives. It’s all behind us now.” realized she was sitting on it this whole time. After
comparing both maps by placing the drawing on top of the
“That’s because you didn’t give me the city map, she saw a road that matched the drawing.
opportunity to explain until the end. She placed a spell,
well, more like a curse on us, that will end our current “Buckle up! We’re going to take care of this right
lives and erase us from our family and friends’ memory if now!”
we don’t find her in the next 7 days.”
Cold silence answered her. She looked back, only
“Proof?” to notice that Horace escaped while she was concentrated
on the maps. She took a paintball gun out of her trunk,
“The curse marked us with a crescent-shaped loaded with a few bullets. She set off to find him,
mark. I believe you have a birthmark that looks like that as following the footprints in the mud. The cold and humid
well.” weather drowned her in a thick fog, rendering her
surroundings into a blurry haze. The fog thinned the
Horace pulled up his shirt to reveal the birth further she advanced, revealing a pinetum. Ensuing a five-
mark in question. He was in awe, but some part of him minute-long jogging, she caught sight of a tall man that
told him that something wasn’t right. He dismissed his gut looked out of breath. Grabbing this opportunity, she shot
feeling and leaned back, deep in thought. him down with a bullet that splashed red on his left inner
thigh. He fell on his knees, hands wrapping his thigh. He
“Oh wait!” glanced back to identify the culprit and saw Brie

The Ink Stain

standing pictured people around her like small insects. She doesn’t
with a weapon that looked like a rifle. He panicked and do anything even though they’re annoying, but, if
put his red hands up to his face. Realization struck him necessary, she can crush them anytime.
after seeing his hands. He fainted, thinking it was blood.
In most cliché stories, the two would develop
Brie painstakingly dragged him back into the car feelings for each other, fall in love, hide their feelings and
and readied herself to reach the destination. She pulled act shyly whenever they talked with each other. Let’s be
the city map out of her pocket, tried to flatten the honest, it’s impossible to fall in love in barely three days.
crumpled paper with her hand and drew a red line to mark Besides, Brie is lesbian. She only fell in love with one
the road she must follow. Horace quickly woke up, but person in life, and it was her best friend in college. She
didn’t say anything, out of fear for his dear life. confessed but was promptly rejected. Her best friend never
told others that she was lesbian, since she’s not that type of
They only stopped at night when everyone was person, thankfully. They are still friends and meet up once
sound asleep, including the animals in the surrounding a year.
perimeter. She took out covers for herself and left Horace
naked to face the merciless cold. Horace still managed to Brie and Horace didn’t talk at all, even less than
fall asleep despite that and a space too small for his bigger their previous short and sparse conversations in the car.
frame. That is until Horace finally ran out of patience.

Surprisingly, Horace woke up before Brie when “Hey, woman! How long until we reach
morning came. He considered escaping a second time, but destination?”
the memory of his last attempt vivaciously sent him back
to reality. He gave the curled ball underneath the covers a Brie was off listening to music, bopping her head
vigorous shake. It didn’t work. He screamed in her ear. It accordingly to the beat of the song.
didn’t work either. He slapped her. She opened her eyes
and her hand hit his face when she stretched while “Hey! I’m talking to you!”
yawning. He fell back from the unwelcome push that
might’ve damaged his handsome face. His patience ran thin, his string of patience being
very close to snapping. At last, it snapped. His arm reached
He rubbed his nose for the rest of the morning, for her earphones, snatching them, grabbing them rudely.
staring at his reflection on the car window. He shed a Brie stopped the car and shoved him in the back seat.
single tear, pitying himself who was unwillingly caught up
in this weird medieval story. “Now that I have your attention, how long until
we arrive?”
Horace noticed a lot of things about Brie. It had
only barely been 3 days, yet she was already at the top of “How about you drive yourself, you useless piece
the list of the people that he hated the most. Strangely of scum!”
enough, he didn’t harbour any hate towards her; he was in
a rather confused state during the whole duration of the “You’re the piece of scum! You always use
trip and he still was. Frankly, it is a lot to digest and violence and even shot my leg with a rifle! It still hurts!”
process, especially the fact that he will be erased from
people’s memory as well as the surface of this planet in 7 “A rifle? That was a paintball gun! How blind are
days if he doesn’t find a witch from the medieval times you?”
who’s probably barely able to walk and covered in
wrinkles. “That still doesn’t dismiss everything you did!”

On the other hand, Brie only had one thing in “I’m doing this for you, but if you want to
mind: driving without excessively scraping her car since embrace death with open arms, go ahead!”
she couldn’t afford more repairs. She didn’t particularly
hate Horace: he was just as annoying and insignificant as She opened the door for him and pointed the
the people she met when she was in high school. She thick bosquet that lay endlessly ahead of them.
Volume 5, Issue 1

The cottage was small, painted pink, and had a

He stomped his way out of the car. veranda at the front ornamenting the plain cabin. Small
lights were hung on the edges of its roof covered in white
Brie screamed “Good riddance! Get lost!” and tiles. Despite being daytime, fireflies where swarming
hurled a bag of spoilt milk in his direction. around the bungalow.

They both went their own ways: Brie, to find When they reached the front door, they hesitated
Merinda and Horace, to find his way back home. to open the door. Before, they could decide who was going
to do it by settling it with “rock, paper, scissors”, someone
After another whole day of driving, Brie was at opened the door. Light bathed the svelte silhouette and
the end of the road and spotted a group of trees that blinded the two standing on the veranda.
looked different from those she saw on the road. She could
finally rid herself of this painful quest and soon go back An uneasy feeling invaded Horace. His heartbeat
home! grew faster, his queasy stomach felt like it was suspended
upside down by a string.
She hesitated whether she should carry a
backpack with all her supplies in the forest or simply drive Horace opened and rubbed his eyes. It was
through it. She settled for the second option; it was less morning. He was in bed, in his dinosaur covers, bathed in
physically demanding. a familiar lavender scent. He was no longer 18, he was 40
years old, confined to a 9 to 5 office job, no longer
As soon as the Beetle penetrated the entrance of attractive, no longer a brat. “What a sweet dream,” he
the forest, it swallowed the vehicle whole. The trees were thought. “That is, until Brie died. Maybe I miss her. Maybe
swaying, moving, then revealed a path. Brie was
indifferent to the unusual behaviour of the vegetation: she
simply wanted to reach Merinda, since it would benefit her
too. The roads weren’t bumpy at all and just right for a car
in terms of width as well as consistency, despite heavy rain
the day before. She drove for a while and didn’t even
brake when she saw a human silhouette. She reacted at
the last moment and stopped at one millimetre of the

“This silhouette sure looks familiar,” thought Brie

while squinting.

Upon a closer look, she realized that it was

Horace! Horace made the same realization at the same
time. She invited him inside, only after Horace begged,
cried, and put on a dramatic performance worthy of an
Oscar. Violet-blue bruises covered his face and there were
twigs nesting in his once glorious and flowy hair.

The roads were less friendly the further they

went, but they didn’t pose a problem. They only stopped
when they saw an adorable cottage, straight out of a
videogame. They stepped out of the car, and slowly
approached the lodge, each with a weapon in hand. Brie
carried her paintball gun and Horace held on firmly to a

The Ink Stain

Jody Zhao

had found solace – Will questions the accuracy of the word
‘Is Hannibal… in love with me?’” employed – but his mother insists that she found sanctuary
in the dim but ever-present glow, the warmth of a feeble
“‘Could he daily feel a stab of hunger for you and light that was his father. Will does not think he would ever
find nourishment at the very sight of you? Yes. But do hold his father in the same regard as he does Light. Light is
you… ache for him?’” free, she is victorious and burns with an ardent passion
that Will wants to dissect; to divide and class its
components by wavelength. And yet his father is a middle-
It’s late, so late that even the moon is eerily dim aged white man, with nothing particularly remarkable save
with her exhaustion. Will kicks a pebble into a fissure of for his fair cheekbones, which Will had not inherited, to his
the sidewalk, a small thing that worsens with each passing dismay. His father has a slight diastema, ironically made
winter. The town hall has overruled long ago the less obvious by the plaque that clings between his front
restoration of his cul-de-sac and the few that still live in it teeth. He wears plaid suits to work, plaid sleepwear at
do not complain. Will wonders oftentimes when he is home and skips showers when he is tired. He is the
weighed down by oppressive exhaustion and minding his product of flawed idiosyncrasies and be as it may his
feet, so they don’t catch in the cracks, why the scarce few mother turns a blind eye, quite literally. And his father is
neighbours never protest against the blatant neglect. He all the same regarding his wife. Will shifts in his seat,
doesn’t understand the way this dingy street corner, not so palms sweaty around the worn cutlery he holds. The nerve
far off the downtown, seems to wilt and cave in on itself, stamens that protrude from the cavities of his parents’ eyes
as if to ward off trespassers? He doesn’t understand how unnerve him, especially so when they gaze upon him to
they can love the slums in which they live, but he doesn’t ask how his day at the bookstore was. He has never asked
query. why evolution had forgone a pair of eyes for the twain,
among many a besotted couple. He wonders if divorce
Will deigns to play along with this trite, genteel rates would rise if eyes did not pop out when people fell in
dinner small talk for now. Every Sunday he returns to the love with each other. It would make the world a much
family house to dine with his parents, more out of courtesy more interesting place, he thinks.
than of appreciation for his parents. He is too aware that
his parents only have eyes for each other, or dearth of, Will His parents dismiss him with a cursory smile and
only a byproduct of their love. His mother recounts, more a gentle tilting of the head, but he feels he was dismissed
to herself and her husband than to Will, the story of their the instant he stepped foot in this house. He retreats to his
meeting. She evokes the colours that had burst forth room in the attic, where he can see the lights of the city,
behind the veil of her eyelids in immediate response to the glinting like flint in the moonlight, wavering with the
gentle touch of this man, before all had gone dark. She wind, winking in and out of existence, like virtual particles

Volume 5, Issue 1

the quantum fluctuations that he is told of in the books he machine, flinching when they make a too-loud clinking
pores over. They appear in pairs, a particle and an anti- noise. She turns to scout a free seat and freezes. Will
particle, to annihilate one another mere seconds later. One follows her gaze curiously from the back of the bus. A
cannot exist without the other, and one exists for the other. flaxen-haired student is watching the still landscape
distractedly, dawn casting her face in shadows that dance
I should relate a story that Will was often across the apple of her cheeks. He watches as Woolen-
subjected to endure in his early youth. In the beginning, Scarf-Girl (he has decided to nickname her as such – he
Man was an entity borne of two conjoined humans. They doesn’t have the leisure of knowing her name) fumbles
shared two heads, four arms, four legs and two minds. It with her bag, retrieving a half-crushed box of Valentine’s
was said the power they held, shaped by the unshakeable chocolates. Right, today was the day of lovers. No wonder
bond between the two, rivalled that of God, and he, in his parents were especially enamoured and seemed to gaze
light of the risk to his Self posed by Man, sent his wrath – as much as they could- into each other’s empty eye
down on them, striking each Man and halving them so sockets. The girl with flax locks breathes a laugh and slips
irrevocably their progeny would be unable to return to the a few unheard words to the still-standing one, who is
status quo antebellum. And so, the new bipeds were presenting her gift with both eyes squeezed shut and a
cursed to roam barren earth in search of their other half. I searing face. Will leaves the two to share an intimate
must inform the reader that Will did not like this part, but moment. On their way off the bus, the two schoolgirls link
he was loath to tell his mother. Should he ever remind his pinkies, albeit shyly, in an open display of affection. The
mother, she would reprimand him. To punish the humans whole scene is rather heartwarming, heads huddled close
who had found their long-lost love, He would assure they together, save for the blood seeping from the Scarf-Girl’s
were privy of sight, in the most horrific means possible. tightly clutched fist. Through the windowpane he sees her
This part Will largely enjoyed. And mankind would freshly marred eyes, sclerae lovingly excised. Perhaps that
continue to put up with this burden. Now, Will is pushing is what love does.
his twenties. He doesn’t remember this story.
Will gets off near the middle of downtown and
Hitherto the stalks of his parents’ eyes have never rounds the corner to open his bookstore. He is a buyer and
bothered him. Now, he wonders where they have gone. seller of rare books; first print editions of Do Androids
Humans are not so uncaring as to sacrifice sight for a Dream of Electric Sheep, a few Huxley firsts, some
pattern in which their synapses fire in the presence of Heinlein. Today, Will would rather be at home, in bed. It’s
another. What good does ignoring your lover’s flaws in a not like he has a choice, but he should not have let himself
relationship do if it is intrinsically based on acceptance? sleep so poorly last night. He dreamed in fits, jolting
There is no adequate explanation, any rational one, that awake with the lingering feeling of phantom hands trailing
Will can come up with by any stretch of the imagination. across his face, his eyelids, his clavicle.
That was his best trait, his practicality, and he tried to hone
it daily into a wise pragmatism that has always been the He ensconced himself in work, exhausted by his
mainstay of his beloved authors. Will is immune to love, dreams. Just one more email, another quick search for a
insofar as Will can deliberate. hand-bound Kafka, and then sleep. One more, he would
repeat, before he stopped lying to himself and sat there,
He nods in quiet resolution. One time, then again, half tucked in his bed, bent over his computer until he
firmly, because an avalanche doesn’t stop for the trees in tipped over and jerked awake.
its way and Will’s mind will not so easily be swayed.
And then he slept.
The grey light of predawn was just creeping over
the horizon when the dusty gold of Helios’ rise threatened A bell jangles his nerves as the door to his shop
to overtake it and paint the sky with the first streaks of tips open. He is in no state of mind to deal with his
dawn. He lurches forwards suddenly, as the bus comes to customers – and they are usually quite polite. He closes his
an abrupt stop for a girl who had almost missed it. She eyes, hoping to quell the festering headache he feels in his
clambers up the sill of the bus door, hastily thanking the temporal lobe – or maybe his parietal one. It doesn’t. He
bus driver for letting her on and drops a few coins in the doesn’t recognize the man who enters, which is rather

The Ink Stain

strange, because no one walks into an antique bookstore in It has just been a very long time since he had
the twenty-first century, not even on a whim. It’s always given his name to anyone not wanting to trade him a
auctioneers or rich old men in search of something to put priceless antique.
up for auction. This man smells of ground coffee grains, an
honest-to-god welcome distraction to Will’s morning. Will “Hannibal Lecter,” the man – Hannibal finally
watches the man browse his shelves, all elegant responds. And Will offers his own full name in return –
movements and inquisitive hums. He draws a breath, and– Will Graham.

“Your latest, Moby Dick, did you get it?” “It is a pleasure to meet you, Will.”

His thick accent makes Will’s lips purse in And just like that, Will closes up his store,
intrigue, and his eyes dart quickly to the front of the shop. because he owns the place, and who’s to tell him what to
Right, he put up a poster asking for white-end paper do. He tells Hannibal of his endeavours in the book trade
editions of Moby Dick in a desperate last attempt to bring world, and they both muse upon the wonders of science-
one in his possession. fiction.

“No. Wouldn’t it be ironic to keep chasing after it? Occasionally, he catches Hannibal’s smile, that
The more you love something, the harder you make it on soft, almost profound thing that rattles him more than he
yourself when you lose it. Love blinds when buying, it wants to admit. He imagines the touch of Hannibal’s
makes you spend more than you would if you didn’t care thumbs across his eyes, the ridges of his bloodied fingers
about whatever you’re after. And it makes it that much tracing the pit of his retina. He knows Hannibal’s thinking
worse when you have to give them up. It becomes an the same.
amputation, self-administered.”
It may just be that he is not so immune to love
His throat clicks as he swallows harshly. He tends after all.
to get carried away when talking about books, or lack
thereof, and he doesn’t want to scare off the man he
intends to ask out for coffee. In his café, Will snickers in
his head.

“Sorry, I shouldn’t have kept you listening. Is

there anything you’re looking for? If you would care to
follow me in the back, I have a few more books you can
select from,” Will offers sheepishly, an apology of his
previous spiel.

“It is quite alright; I did not mind in the slightest

– I had enjoyed it. I am fond of people with passion, and a
certain connoisseur of books. May I be graced with the
pleasure of knowing his name? This Mr. Bookkeeper,” the
man smiles, soft and intimate, the joking nickname more a
term of endearment.

“Only if he may learn that of his client,” Will

breathes. He studies the coffee-monger; he’s all broad
shoulders, clean-cut lapels, tantalizingly snug waistcoat
and ash-blonde hair. Will hadn’t really thought his curiosity
would come free, and there should be nothing problematic
in giving his name, surely. He is not on the run or in
protective custody. His name is known, in fact, among
those in the book trade. It is hardly a secret.

Volume 5, Issue 1

Lady Edith
Celina Chang

vow she’d made when she hit rock bottom so many years
s she marched into battle, she knew that it ago.
would be her last. She could feel it in the
depths of her bones. And so, she carried her No matter how it was put, people were cruel.
bow and arrow, sword at hand. Had there been anybody Even though she was torn down every day, she used to
waiting for her return, she would’ve acted differently. She have something to live for. But now, when even that was
would’ve fought to survive. But ever since her partner’s taken away from her, she only had one more duty left. If
passing there was no one. Even when they thought they she were to go down, she’d have to take all of them with
were safe, the stupid ideology of witches, people who only her. Not a single one could be left behind.
wanted to love who they wanted to, needing to be tortured
to death, stripped of everything, and burnt at the stake, As she stood alone, she took a deep breath and
followed. They had dedicated their lives for the empire. roared into motion. A swipe there, a tug of the string next,
But it was never enough. Treason was always a possibility, she slashed at her own army, for they had betrayed her. A
and they got the short end of the stick. It was never crimson blanket covered the area and as she heard the
enough. satisfying howls of pain, she pushed herself until she stood
on a mountain of bodies, wearing the smile of insanity.
As tears flowed down her cheeks, she held the
picture to her chest. Revenge had crossed her mind more As the enemy stared in horror, she grinned at
than once. The grief had become unbearable. And the them and stalked to the middle of the field. She dropped
idiotic society in which she lived never gave her the time her weapons. Thunk. “Kill me,” she said. “FINISH ME OFF,”
to mourn. She’d worked her whole life to climb up the she cried. And they could only stand still in shock as tears
ranks, but people always stuck theirs noses in other streamed down her face and her eyes shone in pain. A
people’s matters. Gaining the title of Lady had only been puddle of sanguine red was splashed around her feet.
the beginning. What followed was worse than what she’d
endured beforehand. Worse than having to kill her best Hesitantly, a young man stepped forward. He’d
friend. As rumours flowed through the streets, she stayed recognized her from his childhood. When he was beaten
holed up in her dwelling, desperate to avoid them, to and starving, she was the only one to lend him a hand. At
avoid everything. Perhaps things would’ve turned out the time, he hadn’t realized that meager piece of bread
differently had the poor little orphan chosen to remain at she’d shoved into his hands was her only meal for the
the bottom. Perhaps then they would’ve left her alone. entire day. At the time, though her face was sunken in, dirt
Perhaps then they wouldn’t have stripped her piece by and grease adorned her hair, there was a fire in her eyes.
piece until she broke. Until she was forced to break the As he eyed her, that sparkle in her eyes had vanished and
in its place was pure agony. “What happened?” he

The Ink Stain

She’d changed so much in the span of a decade, made a name for herself, became Lady Edith Arteaga, the
complete opposite of little orphaned Nara. But her blazing inferno of passion was gone, and she was nearly unrecognizable
now. He studied the warrior, now kneeling, before the unit. As he realized how alone she must’ve felt, his heart ached for
the selfless individual. Thus, the decision was made.

“Please,” she begged, “end me.” He raised his blade and swiftly ran it across her neck. She dropped with a final
smile but not before choking out a “thank you”. Briskly, the general shuffled away from her body and whispered, “No…
Thank you.” He then rallied the troops back into the territory, leaving behind the purest soul he’d ever met.

Volume 5, Issue 1

Kailey Liang

the bus to work, sit in his cubicle until lunch break, pray
e quietly shut the door behind him and turned that his coffee break would come soon, and sign off at five
on the lights. They flickered to life as he peeled o'clock. Go home by bus, eat, sleep, and repeat. On the
off his overcoat, the pale light reflecting off of weekends, he would take a morning walk around the
the soaked garment. As usual, he hung it on the metallic neighborhood and let the sounds of the city jolt him into
coat rack, watching the coppery liquid drip slowly onto the waking world. Maybe he'd even get a cup of coffee or
ceramic tiles — now soiled by a repulsive mixture of two with a friend; usually, he drank it alone. During long
rainwater, mud and blood — placed his rain boots beside evenings, he'd stare at the old clock in the kitchen and
it, and headed to the bathroom in a slow, deliberate count the seconds. Wish for something to happen.
shuffle. Anything would do. He didn't really care what the
consequences were. If a corpse were to drop dead through
He felt around the wall for the light switch with his bedroom window, he'd welcome the change with open
his left hand; upon discovering its presence, he turned on arms.
those lights too and, consequently, the deafening fan that
sputtered to life on command. With clumsy fingers, he The call had closed after the start of a breath, a
opened the tap. A steady stream of hot water burst out of clipped, hollow beginning that might've been the start of a
the faucet, gushing over his hands. The water swirling wet cough. There was no number displayed, or anything at
down the drain was tainted a murky pink; and still, his all to indicate that he should call back. He didn't think too
hands were stained crimson. much of it, though. He wasn't interesting enough to be
bothered by something as important as a person's vitality.
It was an unfortunate accident, he told himself. He returned the phone to his back pocket and sipped the
Just another one of life's unexpected presents, the type he hot coffee. The bitterness enveloped his tongue and seared
had never received beforehand. One he wasn't expecting as it all at once, like all coffees did. Although that time,
a guest that night. Maybe he should've walked away instead of having just shy of a minute to scuttle back to his
instead of opening its contents, but it was too late for such seat with a third cup in hand, he was caught enjoying his
thoughts — after all, what had happened could not be last gulp by none other than his superintendent's wife,
altered. Angelica Goldsmith.

Now, how did he get himself into this mess? Contrary to himself, Goldsmith was well-liked by
Perhaps the root cause traced back to a few days ago, almost everyone, and not only by the many employees of
when he had picked up a ghost call during his coffee break the company: she was kind-hearted, smart, witty, open-
at work, maybe even before. The weekdays consisted of a minded, jovial, prone to laughter, confident — the list
very mundane schedule: wake up, eat a slice of toast, take went on forever. However, he was a part of the

The Ink Stain

minuscule fraction of people who held a grudge against He tediously made his way through the virtual
her. stacks of lists. There was maybe an hour and a half left
until the end of his work shift, but time seemed to slow the
One thing Goldsmith never tolerated was wastage of time, longer the day dragged on. His eyelids started drooping
and tardiness slotted perfectly onto that shelf. Generally, despite himself — if Goldsmith were to catch him snoozing
she would stalk out of her office during afternoon coffee on the job, he'd be kicked out of the office faster than his
breaks Mondays and Thursdays to round up the slackers, friend could say 'deal'.
and make sure that no one hung around the vending
machines after Wednesday lunches, and this meant that he Speaking of Antoine, where was his cubicle
couldn't take more than a second cup of coffee, since the neighbour? He peered over the left glass panel, where the
machine always brewed it piping hot and he was already space was oddly unoccupied that day. The name plate
pushing the human limits of his tongue. "Antoine Lévesque" was still sitting pretentiously on a stack
of printer paper, and his pen holder was still stuffed to the
"I suggest you return to your post," she said with brim. There was a sticky note adhered to the computer
a radiant smile. "After all, running a company is a team screen, supposedly a reminder to pay his office neighbour
effort, and your work contributes to its functioning." back — that money was long overdue. There were a few
more below the monitor: some of the bigger amounts were
The coral lipstick matched her black suit and linked to bank loans; Antoine was a betting man, but he
curly hair. Red would've made her bold personality stand won very little. Snapshots of various tropical destinations
out too much, and it would've clashed terribly with the were taped on either side of the screen. He didn't
little purse she bore, just large enough to fit a human hand recognize any of them.
or two. Of course, there were no hands stuck in the bag,
just a phone, a handkerchief and some extra makeup from "Ahem. Lévesque requested a sick leave;
what he had previously observed. It really was a shame; if something about catching a cold, I think." The new voice
he had seen any extra human appendages on the lady, startled him, making his spine snap into a perfect posture,
maybe he would've been able to wiggle himself out of the something he had neglected to do for years.
situation he was in.
"I've never spoken to you before; the name's Kris."
She folded her hands in front of her, awaiting his
response, her smile thinning imperceptibly. "I really must "Pleasure."
ask you to take a seat, or I will be forced to report this
incident to Mr. Goldsmith, and I don't fancy doing that." He straightened his tie for a moment or two,
He snapped out of whatever stupor enraptured his brain. made sure that he wouldn't lose his nerve, and looked up.
"Oh. Yes, of course, ma'am. I wouldn't want to put you in He found the steady gaze of the facing cubicle's occupant
such a position." That was a load of baloney. Everyone stare right back at him. They didn't really look special in
knew that Mrs. Goldsmith basically ran the company in her any way, just like himself, but they still held an air of
husband's place, and thus, was held in high regard by all. importance and dignity around them, something he
He then decided that it was in his future's best interest to might've envied in another life.
hurry back to his cubicle.
"Ah. I was hoping that he'd show up today."
"Good day, Mrs. Goldsmith," he expressed with a
hint of urgency. Thankfully, she let him go his merry way. "Any particular reason as to why? You don't have
to deny it: he's a bit of a pest."
There was no real stress in his body, though.
Instead, he felt oddly light, like a huge burden had been He did deny it. Although Antoine always made
lifted from his shoulders. Alas, it came crashing back just bets he never won, complained too often about small
as soon as he focused on the opened documents littering misfortunes that had happened throughout the day, and
the computer screen. They weren't of much importance; he never paid his dues, he was still the one familiar
wasn't of much importance in this building. He was only acquaintance he had.
one data clerk out of dozens.

Volume 5, Issue 1

"He owes me a couple hundred." That was true. Seeing as his hands were about as clean as they
Plus, it was best to cater to this person's opinions. Not could get, he shut the faucet and wiped them on his black
many knew him, so it was best to leave a decent shirt. Perhaps, taking account of the irregular day, he
impression on those who did. should’ve just stuck with his usual schedule and ignored
the next coffee break-phone call. After all, monotony had
"Oho, that's new," chuckled another. This one sat suited him just fine; nothing good or bad ever happened.
to the right of Kris. "He usually leaves the poor sod alone
after a hundred. What made you give so much to that But of course not. No, he just had to stick his
lump?" long, Pinocchio-like nose into affairs that didn’t concern
him. And for what? Now he had a dead body, the
"He was investing last month and lacked a bit of knowledge of illegal affairs and a case of murder on his
money, so I lent him some. He'll pay me back this week." hands. It wasn’t really an accident, not after he had
intentionally dug his own grave and lined his coffin with
"I wouldn't trust the little businessman. Gave him secrets.
a fifty for a 'very important project', saw the same bills the
next day at the casino." It did give him a sick sense of satisfaction, but
that was besides the point. If he was lucky, then the
"How'd you know it was the same bill, Fred?" authorities would take him away and might listen to his
Asked Kris. side of the story. If not, then he would be found dead in a
ditch by dawn.
"Well, someone scribbled out the face on one of
the twenties," Fred explained. “I decided to spend a little He stepped outside of the bathroom and stretched
of my evening over there — I live a few bus stops away — out his arm to bolt and lock his front door. At least no one
and lo and behold, I saw Lévesque at the slots with a would be breaking in without him noticing. Then, he
couple of bills. He didn’t see me, though, he was too collapsed onto the dining room chair as the evening’s
invested in the game. Utterly useless one, if you ask me. stress caught up to his brain, wholly unused to this type of
You’d have better chances at Blackjack.” pressure.

“Sounds like the guy, all right.” His spine dug uncomfortable into the groove of
the backrest and his arms couldn’t stop clenching his
He stayed silent. This meant that he’d have less trousers. His socks were cold and damp. His head hurt.
chances of getting his money back, but that was fine: it Everything seemed to be blurred by a film of rainwater
wasn’t like he’d be spending that money on anything clinging onto his eyelashes. Breathing in the apartment’s
notable in the foreseeable future. stale air, he wondered how he could’ve ever agreed to such
an adventure.
The sharp sounds of heels drew close, and that
was the signal to refocus. Before long, Goldsmith padded The answer lay in the second call. A day or two
past their small section, shoulders relaxed but eyes alert. later — he could never keep track of the days without a
She stopped right in front of Antoine’s desk. calendar, and his was already a year too old — the same
faceless caller had contacted him, this time a few minutes
“So he is absent. It’s a shame. Whatever he earlier to the first call. To his surprise, it was Antoine.
wanted to tell me seemed important,” she said to no one in
particular. Then, she continued her customary sweep of the “Hey, bud ! Uh, I’ve got a favor to ask of you,” he
area. said.

The day moved along much faster after that. The “Yeah, I’m all ears.”
monotonous work allowed a fraction of his brain to think
about Antoine and his overdue loans. “Could you meet me outside of the building after
work? I have to give you something.”
After the end of his shift, he had followed his
usual routine and slept until the next morning. “I hope that ‘something’ is the missing

The Ink Stain

money,” he said impatiently. Tax season was over in a week “Antoine,” he greeted. “What do you have for
or two, and some extra cash never hurt in case he forgot to me?”
fill them in by the deadline.
“Just these documents. Important ones. Say, can
There were a few breaths of nervous laughter we go somewhere a little more… reserved? It’s a tad too
from the other end of the line. “Not exactly, but that stuff’s open here,” Antoine whispered, gesturing vaguely to the
somewhere in my house. Maybe tomorrow?” general hullabaloo of workers racing to get home.

“Maybe. I’ll meet you outside.” “Sure. Whatever’s more convenient.”

“Great! Great. I’ll see you soon, then.” Without another word, Antoine pivoted on his
heel and led him to the alleyway separating their building
“Goodbye.” The dial tone rang loudly in his ear. from the adjacent one.
Strangely, Antoine didn’t sound sick at all.
“So, what do you have for me?”
Again, he only had time for two cups of coffee.
Being scolded by Angelica didn’t seem like such a welcome “Well, first of all, Miss Angelica here is actually
prospect, so he carried the second cup to his seat, where something like a small criminal.”
his fellow workers had overheard parts of the
conversation. It was as expected; no effort had been made “Huh?” A criminal? Angelica Goldsmith?
to conceal his words. Beautiful, strict, hard-working Goldsmith?

“Still not paying you back, eh?” Fred “Yeah, her. Turns out she’s got herself a little lover
sympathized. “He’ll have to eventually. Say, that’s the most on the side, one with a big company. They’ve been sharing
worked up I’ve heard you be in a while!” inside news with each other to raise their stocks, and her
husband is completely unaware — that might actually be a
“I have been waiting.” blessing,” Antoine grimaced.

“Indeed you have,” chimed Kris. “I also have to “Are you the only one who knows?” he asked.
get back at him for ruining my filing system. I need to re-
arrange all of the documents, and that’s going to take ages. “For now, only me, her and — what’s the guy’s
I have a husband and family, you know? All of this name? Tucker. There we go.”
overtime is killing me.”
“What do you plan to do with this? How did you
“I bet,” said Fred. There was a pause. “By the way, even get your hands on this information?” He was quite
where’s Mrs. Goldsmith? She’s usually out supervising our curious. Angelica had always kept this perfect image of
work.” herself. To reveal this to the public would be disastrous —
or maybe no one would believe him.
“That is pretty weird. I feel bad for the lady,
though. Her husband should do more.” “I dunno. Maybe send all the proof to the press
anonymously. I spent quite a bit to get all of this stuff, by
“Definitely. But hey, at least she’s a decent boss!” the way. Totally worth it. She wants to fire me for my bad
work ethic, you see, and I spent a long time working to get
Without a solid conversation topic, they dissolved my current salary. There’s no way in Hell that I’m giving
once more into silence. that up.”

Five came by quicker than he would’ve liked. “Can I go, now?”

Tired and slightly grouchy, for once, he took the bumpy
elevator ride down to the ground floor, and walked Antoine sputtered. “Can — Can you go? Don’t
outside, where Antoine was anxiously awaiting his arrival. you want to know all of the nitty, gritty details? We can

Volume 5, Issue 1

meet at a restaurant later tonight, if you want! You know,

chat over a nice burger or something.” A short while later, he hopped out of the bus to
walk the last stretch of the way. The setting sun was
“I don’t know about that-” shrouded behind the smokescreen of angry rainclouds,
unleashing their wrath on the pavement below. As he
“That wasn’t a choice,” he said in a sing-song walked, his boots stepped into every invisible puddle on
voice. “The Hare’s Den, eight o’clock, tomorrow night. I the way, dirty water seeping through the seams near the
might even bring your money.” soles. At eight o’clock sharp, he was inside the homely
establishment, ears and nose warmed substantially by the
Now he was hooked. “Fine. I’ll go, but if you heat of twenty people packed into one small building. If
forget to pay me back, I won’t hesitate to sell you out to Antoine wanted quiet and secrecy, this wasn’t the place for
Goldsmith.” Of course, he wouldn’t, but Antoine didn’t it.
need to know that.
A hand stuck out of the crowd and waved in his
“Cool, cool. I’ll see you tomorrow, then!” direction. Assuming that it was his work partner, he gently
Lévesque rushed out as abruptly as he came, leaving him squeezed his way through the rows of tables and stools, to
to make his way to his bus stop. find Antoine sitting at a table in the corner furthest away
from everyone else, pint of lager in hand.
The bus had left, and the next one was to come in
half an hour. He only shrugged half-heartedly. With the “Welcome to my favorite place in the whole
number of unusual events that had occurred over the world!” He exclaimed.
course of a week, another setback didn’t affect him in the
slightest. “It’s quite nice,” he said as he took a seat facing

There, he definitely should’ve stopped, thought “As dry as ever,” he remarked with a sip of beer.
about how stupid of an idea it was, and kept Antoine “But yes, anyways, about those stocks-”
waiting at the pub. Getting that money back was not worth
the ensuing trouble, especially considering that he had “Stop. Money, first, Antoine. That was my
filled out all of the required tax forms that same evening, condition for meeting up with you.”
like every other year. Nevertheless, he had carried on with
this appointment of his, and, at seven and a half the next “About that...” he trailed off. “It’s not ready yet.”
day, took the southbound bus to the Hare’s Den. Antoine exhaled loudly, and downed the rest of his mug.
“Sorry about that.”
The day at work was surprisingly normal, save for
Mrs. Goldsmith’s absence for a good chunk of the He stood up, pushed in his stool, and started to
afternoon. That meant no constant coffee break pave his way through the crowd again.
supervision, but he was punctual as usual, since there were
no more phone calls to disrupt his quiet coffee-sipping. She Panicked, Antoine chased after him. “Now wait a
did show up near the end of the work day, though, as if minute! Slow down there. We can talk about this! Just
searching for someone. She seemed quite distraught, don’t tell her, alright? I’ll get your money tomorrow! I
which sent the workplace abuzz with concern and promise!”
empathy. Whoever she was searching for, she obviously
couldn’t find. Frankly, he had zero intentions of snitching, but
his friend seemed to think otherwise. It wasn’t his fault,
Kris and Fred, his newest acquaintances, though, he had made it quite clear to the other that he
speculated that Antoine had something to do about her would not tolerate any more delay on his part. Maybe if he
plight. After all, he had been absent these past few days, had held his tongue rather than take his discomfort out on
his self-accorded record of ‘most money borrowed within a Antoine in that secluded alley, he could’ve avoided the
week’ had been broken, and her strange behavior had following events.
begun around that time period. If only they knew.

The Ink Stain

“We had a deal. You took it.” holes in Antoine’s skull. His body now lay pliant on the
floor, like a recently-gutted fish. Antoine was dead. He
“Yes, but- Well, I- I’m working on it! I’ve almost turned away before he had properly registered the
gathered all that I owe you, so just- just hold it off for gruesome sight before him; to his regret, he could not
another day, yeah? Let’s talk things out a little, sound escape the metallic tang of blood in the air. He was close
good?” enough for his palms to be coated in a thick layer of his life
“If you want to talk, we can take this outside.” He
stuck his hands into the pockets of his trench coat. The The papers were gone as well — taken, no doubt,
damp poplin was a familiar shade of soft black, and was by the same person who had just shot Antoine — and the
generally unworn. He felt it suitable for this special cold metal in his hand revealed itself to be a pistol.
occasion. Startled, he dropped the firearm, and heaved
himself upright, tottering violently to the side. Standing
“Fine, then! Let’s take this outside,” he meant having a perfect view of the corpse. Standing up
stammered. The din simmered down. All eyes were on meant that he had to escape. Flee. He couldn’t stay; the
them and their dispute. killer didn’t know and could never find out that he knew
somewhat about the contents of that folder.
Without looking back, he left the restaurant in
long strides, taking a sharp left to yet another alley. It was With shaky steps, he hobbled out of the alleyway,
better than the sidewalk, at least, where at least a dozen where his migraine had reduced marginally into a violently
people passed every minute from restaurant to restaurant. throbbing headache.

“Please, don’t tell her,” Antoine begged in the He had walked home that night, pistol, friend,
smallest, most pathetic voice he’d ever heard. “I’ll be appetite and future lost all at once.
roasted alive!”
And here he was, nursing a head wound and
“I won’t.” lamenting the past as the old kitchen clock ticked on. He
had never done this before, and would likely never do it
“You won’t?” A glimmer of hope shone in his again. The evidence against him was quite damning: the
dark, beady eyes. documents were missing, his fingerprints were surely
recorded on that gun, and plenty of people had heard the
“No. I’m not a habitual tattletale.” He usually escalating with Antoine. And now he was dead, and he had
wasn’t much at all, let alone a rat. run away.

“That’s a huge relief, actually. We could profit a For most of his life, he had wanted change; and
lot off of this.” he procured the folder of papers from his he had gotten it. He was Pandora opening the box, and he
briefcase again. “So, as I was saying yesterday… Hey, had cursed himself with misfortune and suffering. Even
Jackie. Is that someone behind-” hope had left, this time. There was nothing left for him to
do, no one left for him to talk to.
The next thing his brain registered was sharp bits
of gravel digging into his face, and a great ringing in his So, when his door burst open the next morning,
ears. It was as if someone had cracked open his skull like a he didn’t resist as they took him away.
coconut and left the milk to run by itself. There was a loud
bang, then another, which worsened his agonizing
migraine, and a flurry of steps. Something cool was
pressed into his limp hand.

Groaning, he propped himself up onto his


Like coconut milk, blood oozed out of two neat

Volume 5, Issue 1

Bitter Honey,
Dark Nights
May Makdisi

places both on the iron coat stand. Margaret runs a hand
elting snow and dirt swirl together on the through her locks and looks around once more. She
floor, mud fills the cracks of the worn wood. hesitates before taking another step. It’s too warm and too
The air is stale, a mixture of burnt pine and bright – Margaret doesn’t think she can handle so many
tobacco – distinctly bitter, irritating Margaret’s nose that flickering lights. Still, she strides forward, trying not to be
hasn’t gotten used to the sudden warmth. She sniffs. too loud or too quiet.
Snowflakes slide off her long black coat and join the slush
on the ground. Margaret wrinkles her nose and steps Only one table in the room is occupied. Margaret
forward, the floorboards creaking under her feet. halts next to it and grips the back of an empty chair. The
woman doesn’t look up, though she freezes, sensing she
The redhead looks around the inn, painted has company. Margaret takes a moment to study her. The
golden by the candlelight and Christmas decorations. woman’s burgundy shirt looks thin and there’s no coat in
They’re tacky and battered, failing to give the inn a cheery sight. She must have rented a room and come down for a
feel and instead reminding Margaret of a pile of old late-night drink. The cheerful, hovering lamp illuminates a
ornaments hidden in the attic, having lost their lustre. The lengthy article with a large black and white photo of the
radio is on, playing a soft, joyful tune with tinkling bells Prime Minister.
between every note. The place looks deserted, and Margaret’s throat is dry, and she struggles not to
Margaret thinks of following the wisdom of the masses and cough.
leaving this place before its depressing apparel sinks in.
“Small world,” sounds tempting, as does “Fancy
A chair scrapes the ground in the distance and meeting you here,” but Margaret bites it down and says,
Margaret is pulled away from her thoughts, whipping her “Blanchet.”
head around quickly, finding the source of the noise.
There’s a woman sitting in the corner, newspapers in front Blanchet looks up. Her hand twitches, then
of her and a flickering lamp hovering above her head that clenches into a fist, right atop the Minister’s photo. Instinct
looks more hazardous than helpful. The firelight reflects is a curious thing, Margaret thinks. Blanchet has calmly
softly in her glasses and Margaret is mesmerized. ignored the unexpected company, but the mere sound of
Margaret’s voice has made her tense and set her jaw.
Margaret still thinks that it would be wiser to
leave the inn, but she doesn’t have the luxury of wisdom. “Wright.” Blanchet startles, not bothering to hide
her surprise. She looks around, as though expecting to find
The dripping of water on her back reminds her to more old classmates hiding behind Margaret and declaring
take off her coat, and she pulls off her scarf with it and it’s time for a High School reunion. Margaret can

The Ink Stain

hardly blame her – they’ve barely interacted since she intends to speak, but no words come out. It must have
graduation. worked. Margaret must have looked like a frozen puppy
about to be kicked out in the cold.
Blanchet looks expectant. It’s Margaret’s turn to
speak, she’s aware. Don’t ask why she’s here, she instructs “Well, if you want…” The reluctance in Blanchet’s
her mouth, willing it to obey her. Don’t explain why you’re tone doesn’t stop Margaret. She pulls out a chair and sits.
here. Don’t comment on the weather. The list of topics grows
thinner and thinner. The reflecting fire in Blanchet’s “I do want.” There’s no need to look wretched
glasses hides her eyes – not seeing which emotion they anymore and she smiles. “My choices are limited.” She
hold isn’t helpful. jerks her head toward the old man sitting at the counter.
“It’s either him or you. I’m afraid he won’t appreciate my
Margaret’s eyes flick to Blanchet’s unruly mop of jokes.”
hair. “Still don’t own a comb, I see,” she says.
Blanchet glances at the man before focusing her
Oddly, Blanchet relaxes at the dig, as though gaze on Margaret and raising her bushy eyebrow. “And I
Margaret’s insult has reassured her that all is right in the will?”
world. “If I comb my hair, people might not be able to
recognize me. It’d cost me free drinks and autograph “You were always a responsive audience, if not
requests.” The corner of her mouth quirks up as she adds, appreciative.”
“Well, which will it be?”
“And you must have an audience?”
Margaret stares. “Pardon?”
“Obviously. It’s the holidays, Blanchet. Am I to
The brunette’s lips stretch into a wide smile she drink alone, read and listen to the radio? How sad. No
tries to contain, as though the hilarity of the situation has offense meant, of course,” she adds, insincere.
made her unable to. “Are you here to buy me a drink or to
ask for an autograph?” Margaret can see Blanchet’s eyes now; her copper
eyes twinkle in the firelight, her gaze is sharp and
It takes Margaret a moment to recover. “I’ll buy disconcerting. She looks too suspicious not to ask the
you a drink, Blanchet, if it keeps you from begging,” she question Margaret wants to answer as soon as possible.
replies haughtily, “That would be rather unseemly. I’d
rather not witness it.” Sure enough, she sighs and asks, “What are you
doing here, Wright?”
“That’s quite alright. I’m sure you have better
things to do.” She looks down at her newspaper and falls “Following you around, obviously,” is her prompt
silent. Margaret has been dismissed. It’s not a surprise – reply, “Hoping to catch a glimpse of our much-worshipped
the handful of words they’ve just exchanged is more than hero. Caught the last train to Edinburgh just for that.”
they’ve said to each other in five years.
Blanchet waits, the picture of patience.
A log cracks in the fireplace, disrupting the
silence. Margaret runs her hand through her hair again; it’s The redhead laughs and shakes her head. “I’m
wet and resembles a light maroon more than her usual here on business, what else? I was supposed to meet
fiery red, and the movement only serves to ruffle it further. someone not far from here.” She gauges Blanchet’s gaze.
She bends her neck, pulls her sleeves down and relaxes her “It seems I’ve been stood up, though. Thought it better to
shoulders. wait somewhere warm, either way. Certainly didn’t expect
to run into Lucy Blanchet…” Stop, her mind screams and
She came here for a reason. she shuts up. Blanchet stares at her, silent. “And you?”
Margaret blurts out. Blanchet’s eyes narrow and Margaret
“You won’t ask me to join you, will you?” regrets asking. She attempts to fix it, knowing she’ll regret
that too. “No, wait, don’t tell me, you’re on very important
Blanchet looks up, her mouth agape as though Police business. Let’s see…” She looks around, pausing on

Volume 5, Issue 1

the man behind the counter. “You’re investigating our He quirks an eyebrow before turning away and
esteemed yet uninterested host? Or the man he’s Blanchet chuckles. “Has it ever occurred to you that it’s
entertaining? I have to say, he does look suspicious. The simply easier not to be rude?” she asks.
pipe could be used as a weapon.”
“Well,” she sniffs, “I’m not the only rude one here.
Blanchet opens her mouth to speak. But Margaret You haven’t closed your newspaper, Blanchet. It would
continues – she can’t stop. only be polite considering you have company.” She stands
up to dim the lights.
“No, of course not. I’m sorry – I forgot. You didn’t
comb your hair; you couldn’t possibly be undercover.” “Have the lights been so rude that you had to kill
them?” Blanchet asks when she sits back down, her voice
“I had no plans to investigate anyone in this inn,” full of false sympathy.
Blanchet says. “Nothing here seemed particularly
suspicious. Pipes notwithstanding.” Now your poor myopic self can’t read”, she says.

Margaret notes the past tense and smiles “How will this stop me? It might be difficult for
wickedly. “Until now,” she says ominously, mocking. “Sorry you to think so far ahead, Wright, but I can simply turn the
to disappoint, my business here is merely illegally tedious, lights back on,” she says slowly, emphasizing every word,
but hardly illegal. But please,” she leans forward, as if speaking to a small child.
“investigate me, Officer, if you so desire.”
“You can, but you won’t.” Margaret smiles, smug.
Blanchet’s eyes widen and only then does
Margaret realise how suggestive her tone had been. The “I won’t?”
innkeeper finally appears, and she has no time to ponder
Blanchet’s reaction. “If you turn them back on, I’ll just turn them off
again – it would be very childish. We can’t stoop to that.
“Anything for you, ma’am?” he asks. What would Mister Torres think of us?”

Margaret looks up. “I’ll have – is that mead?” She Blanchet rubs her temples and reaches for her
glances at Blanchet’s glass, filled with golden liquid. She glass. She leans her head back and swallows the sweet
shakes her head and tsks. “I’ll have some mead, too.” drink. Her throat is long and dark, Margaret notes,
“Of course. We have the finest mead you can find
in Edinburgh. Oak-matured, of course. We use cinnamon-” “Fine,” Blanchet says. She sets the glass back on
the table and folds the newspaper. “Tell me a joke, then.”
“Yes, yes,” Margaret waves him off. “That will be
fine.” The mead in her glass is disappearing more
rapidly than expected. Margaret smiles and thinks of a
He turns sharply and leaves, his head high, joke.
sniffing with disdain. ——
“I don’t believe you,” Blanchet says, her face red
Blanchet’s gaze is fixed on Margaret. “He’ll spit in from mead and laughter.
your mead, you do realize?”
“It’s true,” Margaret says, fake-serious. “Poor him.
Margaret frowns and considers the brunette’s Would you believe Millie dumped him after that?”
conclusion. She calls out, “Mister Torres – it’s Mister
Torres, isn’t it?” He turns and nods. “Just bring the whole That sets Blanchet off again. Her laughter is
bottle,” she instructs. “And… I’ll open it myself, thank quiet, but her smile is wide, showing off a set of yellowing
you.” teeth. “How unfair!” she cries.

“That’s what I said. I said ‘Millie, the bloke is

The Ink Stain

prepared to make a fool out of himself for you – he’s a you don’t look very busy to me. May I suggest something?”
keeper’, but…” Margaret gives a long-suffering sigh. “Say she whispers conspiratorially. “At this point, I’d go after the
what you will about Cedric, he was a good bloke. Dimmer bachelors above me on the list. Matt’s fiancée… that’s a
than a tree, but more harmless than anything,” she adds lost battle.”
Margaret must have hit a nerve because Blanchet
Blanchet has stopped laughing; she must have sits up straighter in her chair. “This won’t be as
picked up on something in Margaret’s voice. “Was?” she entertaining in a few days once you read all about what
asks, her tone gentle. I’ve been doing here today.”

Margaret’s throat constricts. She pours more “Blanchet Saves the World by Sitting In a Dodgy
mead into her glass and takes a sip. The sweetness burns Inn. Oh yes, that will certainly make the papers.”
her tongue and leaves her with a slightly bitter aftertaste.
“He died a few years ago. Owed some money to the wrong Blanchet gives her a filthy look. “As will cracking
people.” a smuggling ring that has been distributing illegal
substances out of the country for years.”
“I’m sorry,” Blanchet says quietly.
Margaret’s smile widens; it feels frozen on her
Margaret shrugs. “We hadn’t really kept in touch.” face. “I’m sorry, I really am,” she lies, “I just… I’m not a
She huffs, suddenly angry. “Idiot. He could have still asked cop, but if you can crack a smuggling ring by drinking
me for a loan.” mead, I have to ask myself, why the hell aren’t I one? I
think I’ve found my true calling.”
Pity creeps into Blanchet’s gaze. Margaret ignores
the heavy feeling in her chest and changes the subject. Blanchet reaches for her glass and finds it empty.
She stares at it for a second before looking up at Margaret.
“What about you? I assume you’ve kept in touch She seems to hesitate, but she eventually speaks.
with all your admirers?” She doesn’t wait for Blanchet’s
answer but instead looks at her left hand. “No ring. I’d “I apprehended a man this morning. He was in
expected you to become Mrs. Matt Mitchell by now.” charge of sending the drugs across the border. He doesn’t
seem too bright, but I’m certain he knows quite a bit.
Blanchet’s smile is forced. “I find it hard to He’s… incapacitated at the moment, but I’m sure he’ll be
believe you’ve missed all those headlines two years ago, cooperative and provide me with a list of names.”
Margaret bites her lip to keep herself from
She laughs. “Matt Mitchell Replaces Blanchet with smiling. “I see… let me get this straight. You’ve arrested a
a Football,” she quotes, “Is Quarterback Career Better Than potential witness, and then left him unprotected and went
Our Hero?” to have a drink? I see this ending well. Truly.”

“You made those up!” “As do I.” Blanchet leans forward; there’s barely
any distance between them. Margaret finds it hard to focus
“It’s how I remember them.” She laughs at on Blanchet’s words. “See,” she continues, “right before
Blanchet’s outrage. “Damn football players,” she says, I’d… incapacitated him, he sent a message to someone. His
imitating Blanchet’s outraged tone. “They even pushed you associates, I imagine. I expect them to be quite worried by
down on the Celebrity Magazine’s Most Eligible Bachelors now.” She pauses and then grins. “Which would be
list. Only number seven,” Margaret gasps. “How fortunate. We might not even need him to talk. He might
scandalous! At least Mr. Mitchell’s fiancée is number lead us straight to the people involved.”
Margaret forces a laugh. “Don’t you think they’ll
Blanchet scowls. “You’re a gossiping old lady. I’ve anticipate that trick?”
always known it.”
“I did think you were on business, but… Well, “You haven’t thought of it.”

Volume 5, Issue 1

For the third time that night, the innkeeper wipes

“I’m not a hardened criminal.” Margaret looks their table with a dirty rag.
away, but she can still see Blanchet’s piercing gaze; it
follows her. She blinks to clear her vision. “I can’t be, “Think he fancies me?” Margaret asks after he
remember?” leaves.

“I remember,” she nods. “Your parole ends soon.” Blanchet snorts. “I think he’s eager to see us retire
for the night. It is quite late.” Her tone suggests she agrees
“Yes, a few more weeks and I’m free of it,” with the innkeeper’s sentiments. Margaret pretends not to
Margaret says, smiling. She looks up again. notice.

Blanchet doesn’t smile back. “Until it does, your “Just as well. I don’t fancy him, either.”
movements will be observed. Performing illegal activities
would not be impossible, though, merely foolish.” “Why not? He’s attractive. His family is of
status…” She grins teasingly.
“Fortunately, I find foolishness impossible to
achieve.” Margaret tilts her head and feigns surprise. “My
personal life has yet to make headlines, but surely you’ve
Blanchet bursts out laughing. “Saying that after read the Social pages? If you did, you’d know that my
all those jokes! Quite bold, I must say.” dating preferences aren’t based on status these days.”
Blanchet’s gaze sharpens. “But you knew that,” Margaret
“I know it pains you to admit it, but I have some concludes. “You merely wanted confirmation. Who’s a
good jokes. I recall you laughing. Uproariously.” gossiping old lady now, Blanchet?”

“Yes, well, I’m drunk.” The woman shrugs. Margaret laughs; the sound is
too loud to her own ears. She can feel her cheeks burn, not
“Yes, you are. It’s the only thing that explains from embarrassment or heat, but from the copious amount
your belief you’ll catch any criminals tonight.” of mead she has consumed.

Blanchet’s laugh sounds forced this time. “No, I “Well, Mr. Mitchell always did have good taste in
think not. I know how these people think. It’s a small women, I’ll give him that.” Blanchet’s cheeks look red, too.
organization. Just like you,” she grins, “they aren’t Margaret can’t be sure if it’s the mead’s doing. “Present
hardened criminals. I think they’re merely desperate company excluded, of course. Nobody’s infallible.”
individuals trying to earn some money on the side. They
aren’t ruthless enough to eliminate the witness. They’re Margaret awaits Blanchet’s reaction, but a
only anxious not to be mentioned, which’ll make them buzzing noise distracts her, and the room darkens.
panic and make a mistake.” She stops smiling. “Not very
wise. They’ve all but been caught. It’s inevitable. It would “Did Mister Torres just turn off the heating?” she
be smarter to cooperate at this point. The consequences asks in a stage whisper.
would be minor, if they would only come forward.”
“He seems quite cross,” Blanchet murmurs,
Blanchet’s eyes are as maroon as the curtains amused.
behind her. “Well then,” Margaret says and raises her glass.
“Here’s to foolish criminals falling into Blanchet’s trap. Margaret glances his way. He’s scrubbing the
May they rot in prison, just as they deserve.” counter vigorously, as though the grubby wood is the only
thing keeping him from going to bed.
Blanchet stares at her for a moment longer, then
straightens and accepts the toast. “How subtle of him.” Margaret sighs loudly and
adds, “We really should go to bed.” She nods. “You should
Margaret lets the mead burn her throat. invite me to your room.”

The Ink Stain

She can’t see Blanchet’s face clearly – only owns a townhouse in the vicinity. I was meeting a potential
colourful Christmas lights twinkling in her glasses. It looks buyer.”
funny, but Margaret is too nervous to laugh.
“You’re in dire need of money, then?”
“Is there a reason you can’t rent a room?”
Blanchet asks, “Or go home?” “I don’t need the house, and I can always use the
money. It was a generous offer,” she shrugs, “Too generous,
“I’d go home if I planned to sleep. I had obviously. It seems the woman changed her mind. Though,
something more… pleasurable in mind.” I suppose I could have waited a bit longer.” Margaret
purses her lips.
The radio isn’t on anymore; Margaret hasn’t
noticed until now. It’s eerily quiet and she can hear herself Blanchet doesn’t believe her. She stares at
swallow. Margaret as though waiting for a better explanation.

The silence stretches, until Blanchet breaks it by “All right, then,” Blanchet says. “All right, let’s go
asking, “What makes you think I’d be interested?” up to my room.”

Margaret can’t stand not seeing her expression Margaret’s mind mulls over Blanchet’s words
anymore. In the dim light, Blanchet looks composed; she slowly, “Oh.”
doesn’t even look drunk, though her cheeks are still
flushed. She waits for Blanchet to laugh and say she’s only
joking, but instead, Blanchet hesitates and then says,
“It’s quite simple,” Margaret replies, “Let me “Unless you’ve changed your mind.”
demonstrate.” She picks up her glass, frowning. “Observe”,
she instructs. “No!” Margaret exclaims, grateful her dry throat
has allowed her to speak.
Blanchet looks baffled, but she stares at Margaret
as asked. The latter takes a sip, licking the sweetness off Blanchet nods, then pushes her chair back as she
her lips. stands.

“There it is,” she says, grinning. “How very Margaret feels dizzy and wonders if she’ll manage
focused your gaze is, Blanchet.” Her eyes snap back to to stand as well. Her feet are unsteady, but she doesn’t
Margaret’s, but she must have known it was too late. A stumble as she leads the way up the stairs.
blush creeps down toward her neck. “Do you know you’ve ——
been staring at my lips the entire evening?” Margaret The room fills with candlelight the moment they
lowers her voice to a whisper. “You know what I think? I enter. Candles stand proudly near the ceiling, their soft,
think you want to kiss me.” She waits for Blanchet to deny flickering lights hiding the dust. The bed is small, but it
it; she looks forward to proving her wrong. still takes up most of the space in the room. The sheets are
old and grey, and Margaret hopes they’re clean. There’s a
Blanchet’s reaction is not one Margaret expects. small closet behind the door, a dirty green backpack on the
floor beside it and a sturdy-looking table with two wooden
“What sort of business?” chairs next to the window. A black fur-lined coat with the
Ministry emblem is tossed haphazardly over the back of a
“Pardon?” chair.
The door clicks shut and Margaret turns. Blanchet
Blanchet’s jaw tightens. “You said you were here watches her like a predator stalking its prey.
on business. What sort of business?”
Margaret shakes her head in genuine disbelief. Margaret forces a smile. “Nervous?” she asks.
She had expected the question sooner, certainly not now.
“You’re paranoid, Blanchet,” she says, setting her glass The word barely leaves her mouth before
down. “But if it will make you feel better… My family Blanchet leaps forward, heading, unexpectedly, to the

Volume 5, Issue 1

closet. “I’m drunk,” she says. She sounds tired. She takes ago. “You knew I had the drugs. If you hadn’t guessed
out a wooden box and sets it on the desk. “The drugs. before, you knew the moment I told you about the trick.
They’re here.” You knew I wouldn’t leave the evidence with the bait. You
knew I haven’t been to the Ministry. You knew they had to
Margaret blinks. For the briefest second, be in my room.” She pauses as though waiting for
Blanchet’s statement makes no sense. Margaret to deny it.

“What?” she asks, even after confusion has I didn’t know I’d feel sorry, Margaret wants to say,
cleared. Her stomach twists in anxiety. but instead she says, “I’m not… I don’t do this for a living,
Blanchet. I just—”
Blanchet isn’t looking at her. “The drugs I
confiscated today. You’ve dabbled in some of them. Your “Wanted to earn some easy money? Better than
location matches their conception perfectly. That is why selling properties, isn’t it? This probably looked like it was
you’re here.” made for you. Once out of the country, no one would
bother to trace their origins – stop looking like that.” She
Pressure builds in the back of Margaret’s skull; snaps. “You have no right to look like the injured party.
it spreads to her ears and face, burning her skin along Just take them and get the hell out.”
the way. It edges to her throat, constricting it painfully.
Margaret looks up, shocked. “You won’t arrest
“You knew?” she asks as loudly as her aching me?”
throat allows her to. It is like her perfect illusion has
shattered around her, leaving nothing but emptiness “Arrest you?” Blanchet scoffs. “Your plan worked
around her. so well. You volunteered to deal with me, sacrificed your
friends, and then made sure I’d never mention what
Blanchet’s eyes snap to Margaret’s. They mirror happened here after you disappeared with the drugs.
the hurt Margaret feels, as well as surprise. She laughs Wasn’t that the plan? Blackmail? You have a witness, Mr.
suddenly; it sounds hollow and bitter. She turns away, Torres, who couldn’t possibly have any doubts as to what
shaking her head. “Goodness, I’m such an idiot.” happened in this room, not after all the flirting, and your
monitor ensures our connexion in this magical little tale.”
It feels like a punch to the stomach. Margaret She grimaces.
wants to turn back time and deny everything while she
still has the chance, even though she knows it would Margaret’s vague, scattered thoughts merge to fit
have been pointless. Blanchet would have found out withing the plan Blanchet has outlined. “I didn’t know
eventually. Postponing the moment made no difference, you’d be… interested,” she says, omitting that she’d hoped
except that Margaret had never planned to see for it.
Blanchet’s face and listen to her voice as she found out.
“Well, aren’t you lucky?”
“Knew.” Blanchet spits the word. “I was sure
they’d send someone to distract me. I was waiting, and Margaret doesn’t feel lucky.
then you were just there. I told you about the monitor,
expecting you to warn the others. But you never left my Blanchet huffs and tosses the box on the bed.
sight. I thought… I thought I was wrong. Paranoid, just “Another officer will be here in a minute. Just… go.”
like you said.” She snorts. “I forgot how selfish you are.
You don’t care about the others. You just wanted to save She burns whole as she leaps out of the room,
yourself. Get hold of the evidence that incriminates you.” box secured in her arms. She pauses to stare at the back of
Blanchet’s dark hair, her shadow lingering in the doorway.
Margaret wants to defend herself, but she She runs away before she can say something stupid, like
doesn’t know how. “I didn’t know—” thank you.

“Didn’t know what?” Blanchet turns sharply,

her brown eyes burn as brightly as her anger moments

The Ink Stain

Take a Deep
Caroline Du

hen Ellen was still a child, her mother would when I’m at the worst point of my illness, when I’m about
repeat a sentence to ease the pain in certain to leave this world of mine forever?”
circumstances. Now, these four words couldn’t
leave Ellen’s mind and continued to make her whole soul Astonished, Ellen let herself fall on the wall she
vibrate to the rhythm of her pounding heart. was facing to support her weight. She was lost, confused
and she didn’t know where to go anymore.
She could still hear her mother’s voice:
“Take a deep breath.”
“Take a deep breath.”
As her mother addressed her for the last time,
Ellen shut her eyes, waiting for other words to Ellen cried, gasping. Finally, could that be it? After all this
come after this, but she was stuck there. Her brain couldn’t time, could she have found a little harmony in her
work, it couldn’t control itself; it was just replaying the wretched soul?
phrase with each passing minute. Slowly, Ellen visualized
her mother’s face in front of her, the imaginary fingers “I will remember you, mom,” Ellen whispered to
touching her cheeks as invisible tears streamed down her the dead spirit, thankful. “I will remember you and we will
cheeks. The unbearable torment she once felt as a kid be able to see each other sooner than you can imagine...”
seized her. Her legs shook as an indistinct sound, one like
the wind makes, surged, taking possession of her ears. Her One last smile illuminated her face as Ellen said a
mother and the voice disappeared, a cruel flash burned her final goodbye to everything that was once dear to her in
eyes, and a cold sensation made her shiver unexpectedly. this world.
Afraid, Ellen abruptly opened her eyes. A drop of sweat
rolled down her forehead and dripped on the ground.
Ellen pushed back her front bangs with an unsteady

“Take a deep breath.”

There, her mother’s advice came back to her, and

for once, she followed it. Then, something struck her with
surprise: it was the unusual silence reigning in her soul,
the apparent peace that was installed.

“No, this is impossible,” she thought to herself,

not wanting to believe what was happening. “I never found
balance in my soul despite all my efforts. How could I now,



The Ink Stain

to our partners for making this
issue possible

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