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Q1: How do we access the value of 'd' later? $a = array( 'a', 3 => 'b', 1 => 'c', 'd' );?

a $a[4]

b None

c $a[0]

d $a[1]

e $a[2]

f $a[3]

Q2: This volume type can be used to share contents within containers in a pod, but will not
persist beyond the life of a pod.?

The correct Answer is: None

The correct Answer is: None

c FlexVolume

d Local

e ConfigMap

f EmptyDir

Q3: Which tag is used to create a checkbox in HTML??

a None

b < Input type "checkbox">

c <checkbox>

d <cb>

e None

f < Input type = "checkbox">

Q4: If the Plesk server can't run Docker locally, you can still connect to a remote Docker
server to manage containers. You'll need:?
a The Plesk Docker extension

b A virtuozzo 6 container

The correct Answer is: None

d One separate ready-to-code environment

The correct Answer is: None

f A Windows Server

Q5: How to list only the running containers??

a docker ps

b None

c docker list

d docker run

e docker print

f None

Q6: What is the correct HTML for making a text area??

a <textarea>

b None

c <input type="textbox">

d <input type="textarea">

e None

f <textbox>

Q7: Text within <EM> … </EM> tag is displayed as ________?

a indented
b bold

c None

d italic

e list

f None

Q8: In what case we cannot recommend WordPress to a client??

a If a site wants complex or innovative e-commerce

b If the client is working on a non-CMS base project

c None

d Sites are requiring custom scripting solutions.

e If the client wants to create a quick e-commerce website

f If the client wants to create a website for puppies or any kind of animals

Q9: What does HTML stand for??

a None

b Hyper Text Markup Language

c None

d None

e Home Tool Markup Language

f Hyperlinks and Text Markup Language

Q10: What will be the output of the following query. SELECT * FROM `sales` WHERE amount
> 200.?

a None

b the query will output sales records with the amount equal to 200.

c None
d the query will display all the sales records with amounts starting from 200 and

e the query will display all the sales records with amounts greater than 200

f the query will display all the sales records with amounts less than 200

Q11: How can you detect the client's browser name??

a None


c None

d client.navName

e None

f navigator.appName

Q12: The __________ Element represents a span of text that is isolated from it's surroundings
for the purposes of bidirectional text formatting?

a Bdi

b None

c Base

d Bdo


f None

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