2022 - The New Major Girl Script

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The New Major

Narrator 1: When I was younger my grandpa used to tell me a story about a little town
called New Leaf Town where all the population is made of only Animals, once a year the
animals in this town need a new Major and they think that the best option for this is a
child, the story says that when kids sleep at night they could wake up in a bus going to
New Leaf Town and the animals would choose them as their new major.

One day a little girl was eating her dinner with her mom and dad and they said:

Girl: Thanks for the dinner mom. I loved it.

Mom: Your welcome sweetie. Now go and prepare your stuff for tomorrow, remember
that we are going to your grandparent’s farm for the weekend.

Dad: Yes and we are going to have a lot of fun playing with the animals from the farm.

Girl: I'm very excited! I can’t wait anymore. This is going to be the best weekend ever!
I’m going to ride a horse, play with the pigs and maybe we can hunt rabbits too.

Narrator 1: The girl went to her bedroom to prepare a backpack with some toys and
planting tools, then she went to bed to finally sleep all night. (the girl goes to sleep)

Narrator 2: In the night the girl started to sleepwalk, she took her backpack and went
out of her house in pajamas. She walked to the bus stop and moments later a yellow
bus appeared and took the kid.

Narrator 2: Some time passed and the kid finally woke up just to see something
incredible and scary.

Girl: God that was a good night. I better take a shower fast (yawn, stretching and
cleaning his eyes)

Girl: AAAAAAAAAAAAAAH! What am I doing here? And where’s my bed!?

Kap: Good morning girl, well you are going right to your new home and you better get
ready because we are almost there!
Narrator 2: The girl stood up and went to the driver to talk to him but she will get a
surprise very soon.
Girl: New home? What? Excuse me sir! AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH! YOU ARE NOT A
HUMAN, you are a turtle.

Kap: Yes, I’m a turtle and where we are going, everybody is an animal too.

Girl: What!? So the story is real!? My grandpa was right, there is actually a town where
all the population are animals, I thought it was just a story...

Kap: Stop staring at the space and sit or the police are gonna get me.

Narrator 2: The girl finally sat and waited until they arrived in town. After some time
they arrived and she never expected what happened next.

Narrator 3: The bus finally arrived! The kid took her backpack and got off the bus, but
just in the first step out she screamed.

Isabelle: Mayor! Welcome to your new home!

(the animals shoot fireworks and they cheer and scream for the new major)

Isabelle: But Major? Why are you in pajamas? Come, I'll show you your new home. My
name is Isabelle and I’m your new secretary. I’ll be at your service 24 / 7. Just say an
order and I’ll do it perfectly. (Isabelle took her hand and give her a coat)

Narrator 3: Isabelle took the girl for a tour around the town showing her the stores, the
train station and some neighborhoods too. The town was small but very beautiful and
there were many animals living in houses like normal people.

Isabelle: And we are finally here at your new home, the yellow house, before I go I
need to warn you about………. Her….

Girl: Her?...... Who’s Her?

Isabelle: (whispering) Shooooooo we can’t say her name or she will come out, She is
not bad but she wanted to be the mayor for years, So she would try to convince you to
give away your Major election

Girl: And who is she?

Isabelle: (took a paper and write a name then show it to the mayor)
Girl: SHI-NO

Isabelle: Mayor NOOOOOOOO…….

Shino: Did someone say my name? JAJAJAJAJAJAJAJA

(Shino has a dramatic entrance and performs her song.)

Shino: Hello my darling! My name is Shino Icon Fashion, Famous influencer,

supermodel and the owner from the town’s teather and this is Sasha my apprentice.

Sasha: Hi there, So…. you should be the new mayor…..

Girl: That’s right…… My name is………. (Shino shoos the girl before saying her

Shino: No one cares, the pleasure is ALL YOURS.

And tell me new mayor, aren’t you tired of hearing stupid compliments from the horrible
villagers? I mean they are animals……… literally.

Girl: Actually not, I think they are really cool and I want to help them all.

Shino: MMJ BORING…. Why don’t you let me be the new mayor? I would do amazing
things you know, I would destroy ALL THE HOSPITALS AND PARKS and create
luxurious fashion and Selfie Sticks stores, doesn’t sound amazing?

Girl: What!? That’s horrible!

Sasha: Horrible your feet and your outfit….. No one appreciates your vision Shino,
these people are a bunch of villagers….

Isabelle: Ex… ex.. Excuse me Miss Shino……. I don’t want to interrupt you but the
mayor has important things to do tomorrow and she needs to rest….


Shino: Stop Sasha, we need to go anyway….. Me and the mayor will have a business chat
another time RIGHT?

Girl: I guess….

(Shino and Sasha leave the stage)

Isabelle: I hate those two. They are so dramatic and evil…. Anyway I gotta go but
before I go take this, Some money and If you ever need my help just ring this bell I will
be here to help you (Isabelle take a bell out of her pocket)

Narrator 3: Isabelle put a bell on the desk, gave a bag to the girl and left after that the
girl checked on the bag and there were turnips…..?

Girl: What!? Turnips? I don’t even like turnips.

Tom: So I’ll take them, yes? It’s always a pleasure to make deals, yes?
Hi my name is Toom nook and I’m a business racoon, hm. You should be the new
major, yes? I’m here to gather your first paycheck, yes? These turnips will be enough,
but now you owe me 9,980 more turnips, yes?

Narrator 3.5: The girl was in shock. How is she going to get 9,980 turnips?
She rang the bell for help and screamt:


Isabelle: Yes, mayor?

Girl: Why is this racoon asking me for 9,980 turnips!? I don’t even have dollars here.

Isabelle: Dollars? I don’t know what dollars are but the turnips are money here. The
major always pays for a new house and Toom Nook built it, So you owe him all these

Girl: And how am I going to pay for all these turnips?

Isabelle: Just like every other major, working for the animals in New Leaf Town. But
don’t worry! I already have a bunch of tasks that the animals from the town can’t do

Narrator 3.5: Isabelle took a loooong list of things to do and she started to read it. The
girl was shocked! How is she going to do all these jobs before christmas?
The girl continued in shock until the next morning, she couldn’t even sleep. (the girl
goes to bed still in shock and in pajamas)
Narrator 4: The next morning, the girl didn’t sleep and she was super tired, but Isabelle
helped her to change and she took her to the first job at Goucho and Pinky the bear’s

Goucho: Hi major, I'm happy that you are here. I need help peeling these potatoes but
my claws are too strong and I always crush them and make mashed potatoes.

Pinky: Hi Isabelle. Thanks for bringing the major. She is always a great extra help.

Narrator 4: Goucho the bear gave a peeler to the girl and left with Pinky. The girl
peeled potatoes for hours and hours but finally finished. A little later Goucho appeared
again and paid the girl.

Pinky: Wow Goucho look! She peeled all the potatoes fast and well.

Goucho: Thanks for the help major, here is your money.

Girl: Ten turnips!? I peeled and peeled for hours and you just give me TEN turnips?

Goucho: You are right major, Here are two more. Bye.

Pinky: Oh! and take this honey. Honey is always great for a desert.

Isabelle: Good job major! Now let’s go to the next task.

Girl: But I’m hungry….

Isabelle: Mmm here is a protein bar. Let’s go. The next task is at Clay’s house.

Narrator 4: Isabelle and the girl went to the hamster’s house and there were many
trees with many apples.

Hamlet: Hello guys. You are right in time for the job.

Clay: Hi Isabelle, hi major, thank you for coming. We need help to gather all these
apples. We are very short and we can’t do it ourselves. Take this sack and collect them
please. We would do it ourselves but we are practicing for the gamer tournament and
we don't have time….
Isabelle: Come on major. I’m here to help you. We’ll finish faster than you think.

Narrator 4: They gathered and gathered apples from the trees and from the floor and,
after some time, they finally finished.

Girl: Ufffff that was hard, but we finally got all the apples in the sack.

Clay: Wow those are many apples, now we can prepare for the gamer hibernation after
X-mas. Thank you major, thank you Isabelle. Here is your money.

Girl: What!? We gathered and gathered apples and all you gave me are fifteen turnips!?

Hamlet: Mmm sorry, I forgot! Here are two apples for you. Now shoo shoo. We have to
prepare for the gamer hibernation.

Isabelle: Thank you, they are my favorite. Come on major, just one more task and we
would finish for today.

Narrator 4: Isabelle took the major again and went to complete the last task for that
day. They went to Peanut and Mint’s house. They were two lazy little squirrels that live
near the lake.

Girl: Yikes Isabelle! I’m very tired. Can we stop for today?

Isabelle: Sorry major but if we stop now you will never end your debt with Tom Nook
and the taxes will grow and grow. For every week that passes your debt grows 25
turnips more.

Girl: Really!? That’s ridiculous. I will never finish working like this.

Tom: That’s right girl! Your destiny is to work for me the rest of your life, yes?. And I’m
going to take this, thank you little dog, yes.
(Tom snatches the turnip’s bag from Isabelle then leaves)
(Peanut and Mint come out of her house)

Narrator 4: Isabelle and the Major continued their way to Mint and Peanuts house.

Minty: OMG Isabelle!!! I love when you visit us. We should go for some coffee later.
Ah, Hi major……
Isabelle: Hi Minty. It sounds fun, Good morning Peanut, it’s good to see you again.

Peanut: Good night my major, good night Isabelle. Thank goodness you finally came.
We are so tired. Can you help us to carry wood? It’s very windy now and we don't really
want to catch a cold, and we are also watching T.V right now.
Girl: Hi Peanut, hello Minty, nice to meet you! Now where should we put all the wood?
Peanut: Right here in my house entrance. (peanut and minty got into the house)
Girl: Ok let’s start before it gets dark, You know Isabelle I'm getting used to this work
but why can’t they do these things for themselves? I think all these jobs are really easy.
Isabelle: It has always been like this, the humans always do the work that the animals
don’t want to do. That’s why we need a new major every year. The children get tired
very fast and we need a new major every year.
Girl: What!? But you are treating us like animals...
Narrator 5: In that moment the girl realized that in this town the kids are treated like
how people treat animals in his home. The girl was a little scared but most importantly
she realized how terrible the people treat animals.
Girl: That’s why nobody here asked for my name! Because they see me as a worker
more than a friend. They just need me for their dirty work.
Isabelle: What are you saying major?
Girl: DON’T CALL ME THAT! (The girl points at Isabelle aggressively)
Isabelle: Sorry ma… ma… ma… (Isabelle cries and the other animals come to
comfort her)
Mamma mia by Glee cast. Just one look and I can hear a bell ring
I’ve been cheated by you since I don’t know One more look and I forget everything
when Mamma mia, here I go again
So I made up my mind, it must come to an My my, how can I resist you?
end Mamma mia, does it show again
Look at me now, will I ever learn? My my, just how much I've missed you?
I don't know how but I suddenly lose control Yes, I've been brokenhearted
There's a fire within my soul Blue since the day we parted
Just one look and I can hear a bell ring Why, why did I ever let you go?
One more look and I forget everything Mamma mia, even if I say
Mamma mia, here I go again "Bye bye, leave me now or never"
My my, how can I resist you? Mamma mia, it's a game we play
Mamma mia, does it show again "Bye bye" doesn't mean forever
My my, just how much I've missed you? Mamma mia, here I go again
Yes, I've been brokenhearted My my, how can I resist you?
Blue since the day we parted Mamma mia, does it show again
Why, why did I ever let you go? My my, just how much I've missed you?
Mamma mia, now I really know Yes, I've been brokenhearted
My my, I could never let you go Blue since the day we parted
I've been angry and sad about things that you do Why, why did I ever let you go?
I can't count all the times that I've told you "we're Mamma mia, now I really know
My my, I could never let you go.
And when you go, when you slam the door
I think you know that you won't be away too long
You know that I'm not that strong

Girl: Wait, sorry sorry. I didn’t mean it in that way. Forgive me Isabelle. It’s just that I felt
used… Like nobody cares about me. They just want me to work and I... I... felt like an

In my home the people treat animals like workers. Like how you are treating me right

Isabelle: Wait what? We never knew that. No kid told us that before. They just work and
work until they get too tired to continue. We thought you were happy just working. I’m a
terrible dog! I didn’t even asked your name, sorry major, I mean… What is your name?

Girl: I’m glad you asked. My name is … (A little band passes playing their little
pianos, the people can’t listen to the girl's name)

Isabelle: I like your name major, but I prefer calling you major. Now we can really be
friends and no matter what you are still my boss. Now let’s finish this job and go back
home for now.
Narrator 5: Isabelle and the girl continued working and after some time they finally
collected all the wood. They put all the wood in Peanut’s entrance and knocked on her

Peanut: Hi major, thanks for your help. Here is your payment.

Minty: Bye Isabelle. Come to visit another time. (Mint double kisses Isabelle on her
cheeks to say bye)

Girl: Thanks Peanut. It’s getting late and we gotta go now, good night girls.

Isabelle: Thank you girls, bye.

Peanut and Mint: Bye.

Narrator 5: Isabelle and the mayor finally arrived to the yellow house. But there were
some animals waiting for them.


Isabelle and the girl: AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!


The girl: Uuh hi guys. Isabelle! What am I supposed to do?

Isabelle: You are the major, major. It’s your work to solve the animal’s problems.

The girl: (clears her throat) Ok, tell me guys what is the problem?

Olivia: Ok major listen. X-mas is coming and every year Christmas is super boring,
We want to do something fun and exciting. But we can’t decide what to do...
These two want to make a fashion show and it’s gonna be super boring.

Shino and Sasha: Hey!

Shino: It is going to be amazing. You are just a farm animal that can’t appreciate
Sasha: Yes, and at least we have talent. What are you bunch of felynes going to do? A
meow contest?

(Cole and Isabelle laugh)

Kitty: What are you laughing at? You don’t even have a talent big ears. That’s not
funny, and we have a talent, we are making a dance routine.

Lolly and Kitty: Yes, and not any dance routine...

Olivia: That’s right. We are making the best Christmas dance ever. The whole town is
gonna love us. No girls?

Rosie, Kittyand Lolly: Yes! Everybody.

Olivia: And what about you Cole? Do you have any talent?

Cole: Thank you for asking Olivia. Now, prepare yourself for the amazing, the
wonderful, the greatest magician of all the time. Cole the Magic Rabbit! Keep
applauding! Come on!

Rosie: OMG! Can you take a rabbit out of the hat? Can you? Can you!?

Cole: Haha, so funny Rosie! Anyway, I’m preparing a magic routine for the town. I’m
going to amaze everybody.

Sasha: You see the problem now!? Major, we can’t decide what to do.

Kitty: Yes and as our major you have to solve the problem or we’ll scratch your sofa at
night and drink all your milk.

Cole: Yes major, decide before these talentless animals ruin X-mas.

Olivia: Who are you calling talentless? You little hobbit!

Sasha: Yes, you are a bunch of milk drinkers. Why don’t you catch a mouse or

Rosie: How dare you! Your routine is gonna suck.

Shino: That’s all. Here comes the horns!

(the cats and other animals were ready to fight)

Narrator 5: The animals couldn't decide what to do, the girl and Isabelle didn’t know
what to do either and the situation started to get dangerous. All the animals were about
to fight when the girl finally got an idea.

The girl: STOOOOOOOOOOP! Listen guys, I think I have the solution. Everybody
wants to show their talent right?

Everybody: Yes, so?

The girl: Why don’t we have a talent show In your Theater Shino!?
(everybody looked amongst them and cheered the major)

Shino: Your idea is actually very good, Ok I will let you use my teather for the show.

Narrator 5: All the animals loved the idea. They even stopped fighting and started to
organize and give ideas to help each other. The major’s idea couldn’t be better.

Isabelle: Good job major! You are a great maj…. I mean friend.
(Toom nook got in the room)

Toom: What’s all this chit chatter, huh?

Rosie: Tom! We are making a talent show, can you get us costumes for the dance?

Cole: I’m going to need a new cape and hat too!

Tom: Uum of course, but you have to pay for them, yes? Major! You had the best idea,
yes? If I sell tickets and the people donate money, I will be rich…. Um, um, sorry, I
mean, you will pay me your debt and return home, yes?

Narrator 6: Isabelle wrote all the ideas from the animals and they finally went home.
Isabelle and the girl went to sleep. The next day promised to be full of work and a new
experience for all the animals.
Try everything Look how far you've come
I messed up tonight You filled your heart with love
I lost another fight Baby you've done enough that cut your breath
I still mess up but I'll just start again Don't beat yourself up
I keep falling down Don't need to run so fast
I keep on hitting the ground Sometimes we come last but we did our best
I always get up now to see what's next I won't give up, no I won't give in
Birds don't just fly Till I reach the end
They fall down and get up And then I'll start again
Nobody learns without getting it wrong Though I'm on the lead
I won't give up, no I won't give in I wanna try everything
Till I reach the end I wanna try even though I could fail
And then I'll start again I won't give up, no I won't give in
Though I'm on the lead Till I reach the end
I wanna try everything And then I'll start again
I wanna try even though I could fail No I won't leave
I won't give up, no I won't give in I wanna try everything
Till I reach the end I wanna try even though I could fail
And then I'll start again I'll keep on making those new mistakes
No I won't leave I'll keep on making them every day
I wanna try everything Those new mistakes Oh oh, try everything
I wanna try even though I could fail
Oh oh oh oh oh try everything X3

Narrator 6: The next morning Isabelle and the girl hang a sign up page for the talent
show. All the animals went to sign and show their talent, but only some can get the
phone call.

(all the animals run over the boy and Isabelle, they come out of the crowd

Then Isabelle and the girl went with Tom Nook to prepare the show.

Tom: Ok everything is perfect now, yes? The show will be next week, so all the animals
should be ready, yes? There is just one more problem… we need a host and a hostess,

Isabelle: I think I have the best guys for that, just let me make a phone call. (Isabelle
takes her phone and calls someone)

Hi? Hey there, I have a talent show next week, are you available?
Great! I’ll see you next week. (Isabelle hangs the phone) Ready guys we have our

Toom: Wow Isabelle, you truly are a master in your job, yes?

Isabelle: Thanks Toom. Now let’s rest for now.

Narrator 7: Everybody had a lot of fun preparing for the talent show. The animals were
super excited and they were going to get a lot of turnips. The major could finally go
home and the day finally came.

Girl: Ok places people places. This is the first call for the talent show.

Eugene: Hi guys sorry for being late! Everybody is ready?

Girl: Yes we are all in our places and all the acts are ready.

Ozzy: Do you have the program? And where is my make up? MAAAAKEE UP!
(Minty and Peanut come to make up Ozzy)

Eugene: And who is going to give me a mic? I need a mic to start the show.
(Isabelle gives Eugene a mic)
That’s a great service, thank you pretty dog. Now let’s start the show!

Ozzy: But Eugene... here says that we don’t have an end for the talent show!

Eugene: Let me see that! (He pretends to read) Ok I have an idea, let’s improvise.
Now we really are going to begin.

Narrator 7: Please animals and people sit and get ready because the show is going to
start now.

Eugene: Good night female and male animals, we are happy to present, for the first
time in history: Leaf Town Wild Talent Show. We can’t be anymore excited, right Ozzy?
Ozzy: That’s right Eugene, We have many different talents in scene. We have magic
tricks, dance and even comedy. The animals from the show are a little nervous, so let’s
give them a great applause to begin the show

Eugene: Here come the animals! Applause, everybody, applause!

(The animals from the show walk the runway as they applaud)

Eugene: Before the talent show begins, we remind you that the whole purpose for this event is
to raise money for our beloved major __________ (Music sounds hard)

If you like any show just send us some turnips. Our phone operators are waiting.

Ozzy: Ok, now it is the time, female and male animals. Please give a big applause for the
talented Cole, the Magic Rabbit!

(Cole act)
Eugene: OMG! He was amazing wasn’t he? Our Operators are answering calls and calls. We
have many donations. Great job Cole, have you something to say?

Cole: You can hire me to entertain birthdays, graduations, quinceañeras, barnitzbas, dances,
proms... (Ozzy interrupts)

Eugene: Thank you Cole you are amazing but we have a show to continue…. (Push Cole out
of the stage)

Ozzy: That’s great Cole, now let us continue. The next act is going to blow your mind.

Eugene: We have the most beautiful kitties from the town performing an adorable song: Jingle
bell rock! Applause for theeeem!

(The cats show)

Ozzy: Well, I think it was beautiful girls. A little clumsy in the beginning but you did a great job.
Anything you like to say?

Olivia: We don’t sign autographs! But if you want a picture just tell us.
Rosie: I want to say thank you to my mom, my dad, my siblings, my friends and the teacher
Alan for letting us perform today.
Kitty: And remember, you love us more than you love yourself!
Isabelle: Major! We don’t get enough turnips. What are we going to do?

The girl: Mmm I think I have an idea! Let’s go, tell all the animals to get on the stage and we
are going to have a last performance!

(Isabelle whispers in the animal’s ears and they get on the stage, then the girl talks to
Eugene and Ozzy)

Eugene: Ok, my boss told me that we have a last show. We hope you like it.
(The animals and the boy perform __________________ )

(________ Get in performing a Quick Rap)

You've got a real type of thing You've got a real type of thing going down,
going down, gettin' down gettin' down
There's a whole lot of rhythm There's a whole lot of rhythm going 'round
going 'round (rhythm going 'round and round and round)
You've got a real type of thing
going down, gettin' down We want the funk, give up the funk
There's a whole lot of rhythm We need the funk, we gotta have that funk
going 'round We want the funk, give up the funk
We need the funk, we gotta have that funk…..
We want the funk, give up the funk X2
We need the funk, we gotta have that funk
We want the funk, give up the funk
We need the funk, we gotta have that funk

Na, na, na, na, na

Doo, doo, doo, doo, doo, doo, doo, ow
Na, na, na, na, na
Doo, doo, doo, doo, doo, doo, doo, ow

We're gonna turn this mother out

We're gonna turn this mother out

You've got a real type of thing going down,

gettin' down
There's a whole lot of rhythm
going 'round
You've got a real type of thing going down,
gettin' down
There's a whole lot of rhythm
going 'round

Isabelle: Major! We did it. We got all the turnips!

The Girl: Yes, now I can go back home!

Narrator 7: After all the work, the girl finally got all the turnips she needed. Now she can pay
Toom nook and return home. The next morning the girl was almost ready to go. She was
preparing his stuff to depart and all of the animals were waiting for her at the bus stop.

The girl: I finally end with my things.

Isabelle: Thank you for all major.

The girl: Why are you saying thanks Isabelle, You were more helpful than I. You are the best
secretary ever.

Isabelle: Thanks again but I say thank you because you were not only my boss, you were also
my friend and thanks to you now all the animals will treat the next majors like friends too.

The girl: I’m happy for that, now the next major is going to have more fun than me haha.

Isabelle: Now let’s go, all the animals will be waiting for you at the bus station to say bye and
let’s bring the turnips.
(the girl and isabelle go to the bus station with the turnips bag)

Kapa: Hey girl, long time no see! Give me your things, I’ll put them on the bus and I will let you
say bye.

Toom: Oh hi there, so you have my turnips now yes?

The girl: That’s right Toom. Here are your turnips. Now I can go back home.

Toom: mmjj it’s funny. After all this time I never cared about your name, but now I want to know,
what is your name girl?

The girl: My name is Romi and now I gotta go home, bye guys! Thanks for everything!

Narrator 8: The animals said bye to Romi, they were sad but at the same time happy because
now they have not only a major but instead they got a new friend. And who knows? Maybe the
next major will be a boy, a girl or maybe you. The end.

Jingle Bells
Dashing through the snow,
in a one-horse open sleigh.
All the fields we go,
laughing all the way.
Bells on bob-tails ring,
making spirits bright.
What fun it is to ride
and sing a sleighing song tonight ,oh!

Jingle bells, jingle bells, jingle all the way.

Oh what fun it is to ride
in a one-horse open sleigh,hey!
Jingle bells, jingle bells, jingle all the way.
Oh what fun it is to ride
in a one-horse open sleigh.

Now the ground is white,

Go it while you’re young.
Take the girls tonight,
sing this sleighing song.
Get a bob-tailed bay,
Two-forty for his speed,
and hitch him to an open sleigh

Jingle bells, jingle bells, jingle and you will take the lead,oh!all the way.
Oh what fun it is to ride
in a one-horse open sleigh,hey!
Jingle bells, jingle bells, jingle all the way.
Oh what fun it is to ride
in a one-horse open sleigh! X2

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