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Republic of the Philippines

Region XII
Mabini St., Zone 5, Barangay Libertad, Surallah Cotabato
S.Y. 2023-2024
2 Final in Writing-Kinder 2
Name: ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
General Direction: Read and follow the directions, choose the correct answer carefully.
Prepared by: Teacher Christine Camile S. Palencia
Test I. Complete the sentences by writing baby letter m in the blanks.
1. The __ailman delivered the letters.
2. Please light the __atch and start the fire.
3. The __onkey is looking for food.
4. We are going to the __ovie at 7 o’clock.
5. There were lots of ani__als on the ark.
Test II. Trace the mother N and baby n.

Test III. Complete the sentences by writing baby letter n in the blanks.

1. The __uts is so yummy.

2. It’s rai__y day.
3. My favorite __umber is 1.
4. I __eed to by foods at the canteen.
5. My __ame is Anna.

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