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Aziz Ilham Maulana





The author would like to express his gratitude to the presence of God Almighty because with
His mercy and grace, we were able to complete this paper on "Arduino". The purpose of
making this paper is to fulfill the assignment for an English course, although there are many
shortcomings in it, we really hope that this paper can be useful in increasing our insight and
knowledge regarding various aspects of "Arduino". The author hopes for criticism,
suggestions and suggestions to improve the papers we have written in the future,
remembering that nothing is perfect without constructive suggestions.

Hopefully this simple paper can be understood by anyone who reads it. We hope that the
paper that has been prepared can be useful for ourselves and the people who read it. We
apologize in advance if there are any unpleasant wording errors and we ask for constructive
criticism and suggestions.

Kediri, 29 December 2023


Aziz Ilham Maulana



TABLE OF CONTENT.....................................................................................................3

CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION......................................................................................4
1.1 Background......................................................................................................4
1.2 Problem Formulation......................................................................................4
1.3 Purpose.............................................................................................................4

CHAPTER II DISCUSSION............................................................................................5
2.1 Definition Arduino...........................................................................................5
2.2 Types Of Arduino.............................................................................................5
2.3 Arduino Parts...................................................................................................8
2.4 Software Arduino.............................................................................................10
2.5 Arduino Features.............................................................................................11
2.6 Arduino Advantages........................................................................................12
2.7 Arduino Disadvantages...................................................................................13

CHAPTER III CLOSING.................................................................................................14

3.1 Conclusion........................................................................................................14
3.2 Advise................................................................................................................14




1.1 Background

In this increasingly advanced and modern era, technology is also developing very rapidly
to meet the needs of human life. With technological developments, of course computer
science is also developing. In this case, computer science has a big influence on human
life. This encourages humans to create hardware and software that supports the
development of world technology and computer science to make it easier for users to
communicate with computers. Arduino is an open-source single-board micro controller,
derived from the Wiring platform, designed to facilitate the use of electronics in various
fields. The hardware has an Atmel AVR processor and the software has its own
programming language.

A micro controller (English: microcontroller) is a complete microprocessor system

contained in a chip. A microcontroller is different from a general-purpose microprocessor
used in a PC, because a microcontroller generally also contains minimum system support
components for the microprocessor, namely memory and an I/O interface, whereas a
microprocessor generally only contains the CPU. In this paper the author will explain
about Arduino.

1.2 Problem Formulation

1. What is meant by Arduino?
2. What are the features on Arduino?
3. What are the advantages of Arduino?
4. What are Arduino products like?

1.3 Purpose
1. To know the meaning of Arduino.
2. To find out the features on Arduino.
3. To learn the advantages of Arduino.
4. To find out the Arduino product specifications



2.1 Definition Arduino

Arduino is an open-source single-board micro controller, derived from the Wiring platform,
designed to facilitate the use of electronics in various fields. The hardware has an Atmel AVR
processor and the software has its own programming language. Arduino hardware is
programmed using the C/C++ programming language, which has been simplified and
modified. Arduino follows the Wiring programming pattern (syntax and libraries).
Meanwhile, the programming editor (IDE - Integrated Development Environment) was
developed from Processing.

Developed by a team consisting of people from various parts of the world. Core members of
this team: Massimo Banzi Milano, Italy; David Cuartielles Malmoe, Sweden ; Tom Igoe New
York, US ; Gianluca Martino Torino, Italy; David A. Mellis Boston, MA, USA. Arduino
software can be run on Windows, Macintosh OSX, and Linux operating systems. Many other
microcontroller systems can only run on Windows.
Arduino hardware configuration is divided into:
• Block regulator 5 volt and 3.3V
• Minimum standard microcontroller system blocks
• Block pins (analog, digital and power)
• Block ftdi for communication with computer

2.2 Types Of Arduino

1. Arduino Uno

Arduino Uno is one of the most widely used, especially for beginners it is highly
recommended to use this Arduino. There are lots of references that discuss Arduino
Uno. The final version, namely Arduino Uno R3 (Revision 3), uses ATMEGA328 as
the microcontroller. Arduino Uno has 14 digital I/O pins and 6 analog input pins. For
programming, just use a USB type A to type B connection, the same as that used on
USB printers.

2. Arduino Due

The Arduino Due does not use ATMEGA, but instead uses a higher-end ARM Cortex
CPU chip. Has 54 digital I/O pins and 12 analog input pins. For programming, use
micro USB which is usually found on some cellphones.

3. Arduino Mega

Arduino Mega is almost the same as Arduino Uno, both use USB type A to B for
programming. However, Arduino Mega uses a higher chip, namely ATMEGA2560.
Of course, there are more digital I/O pins and analog input pins than the Uno.

4. Arduino Fio

Arduino Fio has a more unique shape, especially the socket. Even though the number
of digital I/O pins and analog inputs is the same as the Arduino Uno and Arduino
Leonardo, the Arduino Fio has an XBee socket. XBee allows Arduino Fio to be used
for wireless-related projects.

5. Arduino Lylipad

The Arduino Lilypad has a circular shape, so the Arduino Lilypad can be used to
create unique projects. Like making an Ironman amor for example. Only the older
version uses ATMEGA168, but it's still enough to make a cool project. It has 14
digital I/O pins and 6 analog input pins.

6. Arduino Nano

As the name suggests, Arduino Nano is small, very simple and has many facilities. It
is equipped with FTDI for programming via micro USB. Has 14 digital I/O pins and 8
analog input pins (more than Uno). There are also those who use ATMEGA168 or

7. Arduino Mini

Arduino Mini memiliki fasilitas yang sama dengan Arduino Nano. Hanya saja tidak
dilengkapi dengan micro USB untuk pemograman dan memiliki ukuran yang hanya
30 mm x 18 mm.

2.3 Arduino Parts

Information :
 14 Pin Input/Output Digital (0-13)

Functions as input or output, can be regulated by the program. Especially for the 6
pins 3, 5, 6, 9, 10 and 11, they can also function as analog output pins where the
output voltage can be adjusted. The value of an analog output pin can be programmed
between 0 – 255, which represents a voltage value of 0 – 5V.


Function to :
• Loading programs from the computer onto the board
• Serial communication between the board and the computer
• Provides electrical power to the board
• SV1 connection

Connection or jumper to select the board's power source, whether from an external
source or using USB. This connection is no longer necessary on the latest versions of
Arduino boards because the selection of the external or USB power source is done

 Q1 – Kristal (Quartz Crystal Oscillator)

If the microcontroller is considered as a brain, then the crystal is the heart because this
component produces beats that are sent to the microcontroller to carry out an
operation for each beat. This crystal was chosen to beat 16 million times per second

 S1 Reset Button

To reset the board so the program will start again from the beginning. Note that the
reset button is not for deleting programs or clearing the microcontroller.

 In-Circuit Serial Programming (ICSP)

The ICSP port allows users to program the microcontroller directly, without going
through the bootloader. Generally Arduino users do not do this so ICSP is not really
used even though it is provided.

 IC-Microcontroller Atmega

The main components of the Arduino board include CPU, ROM and RAM.

 XI-External Resources

If it is to be supplied with an external power source, the Arduino board can be

supplied with a DC voltage between 9-12V.

 6 Pin Input Analog (0-5)

This pin is very useful for reading the voltage produced by analog sensors, such as
temperature sensors. The program can read the value of an input pin between 0 –
1023, which represents a voltage value of 0 – 5V. Without doing any configuration,
once an Arduino board is removed from the packaging box it can be directly
connected to a computer via a USB cable. Apart from functioning as a connector for
data exchange, this USB cable will also supply a 5 Volt DC current to the Arduino
board so that practically no external power source is needed. When it gets a power
supply, the power indicator LED on the Arduino board will light up indicating that it
is ready to work.

On the Arduino Uno board there is a small LED connected to digital pin number 13.
This LED can be used as an output when a user creates a program and he needs a
marker for the progress of the program. This is a practical way when users are testing.
Generally, the microcontroller on the Arduino board has loaded a small program that
will light the LED to blink in one second intervals.

2.4 Software Arduino

In connection with the current discussion, the Arduino software that will be used is the driver
and IDE, although there is still some other software that is very useful during Arduino
development. The Arduino IDE is very sophisticated software written using Java.

The Arduino IDE consists of:

• Program editor, a window that allows users to write and edit programs in the Processing
• Compiler, a module that converts program code (Processing language) into binary code.
However, a microcontroller will not be able to understand the processing language. What the
microcontroller can understand is binary code. That is why a compiler is needed in this case.
• Uploader, a module that loads binary code from the Jomputer into memory on the Arduino

The following is an example of the Arduino IDE display

2.5 Arduino Features

Power supply
• VIN. Input voltage for the Arduino board when not using USB. For example from an
adapter. You can also supply Arduino voltage on the available DC jack.
• 5V. Regulated voltage. This can come from the input voltage at the VIN pin or also from
• 3V3. The voltage is 3.3 volts produced from the FTDI (USB to TTL) chip. The maximum
current on this pin is 50 mA.

Inputs and Outputs

Each of the 14 digital pins and 6 analog pins on the Arduino can be used as input and output,
namely using the pinMode(), digitalWrite(), and digitalRead() functions. Each pin operates at
5V. The maximum current on each of these pins is 40mA and has an internal pull-up resistor.
Besides that, there are several special pins, namely:
• Analog: A0 to A6. Used to read analog input with a resolution of 10 bits or with values
between 0 – 1023. For example, used to read voltage on sensors, potentiometers, and so on.
• Serial: 0 (RX) and 1 (TX). Used to receive and transmit serial data in TTL form. The pins
are connected to the FTDI USB to TTL chip.
• External interrupts: 2 and 3. These pins can be configured to trigger (trigger) interrupts in
low, rising/falling, or change states. See the explanation of the attachInterrupt() function for
more details.
• PWM: 3, 5, 6, 9, 10, and 11. Provides an 8-bit PWM output that can be operated with the
analogWrite() function.
• SPI: 10 (SS), 11 (MOSI), 12 (MISO), 13 (SCK). These pins support SPI communication.

• LED: 13. Provided LED attached to digital pin 13.
• I2C: 4 (SDA) and 5 (SCL). Supports I2C (TWI – Two Wire Interface) communication
which can be operated using the Wire library.

Additional pins
• AREF: Voltage for analog input. Used by the analogReference() function.
• Reset: If this pin is given a LOW state, it will reset the microcontroller. Usually used to add
a reset button to the shield to make it easier to press the reset button which is covered by the

2.6 Arduino Advantages

• Open Source
Arduino hardware and software are open source. This means that we can make imitations or
clones or boards that are compatible with Arduino boards without having to buy original
boards made in Italy. Even if we make a board that is exactly the original design, we will not
be considered pirating.

• Does not use a programmer chip

The chip on the Arduino is equipped with a bootloader which will handle the upload process
from the computer. With this bootloader, we no longer need a programmer chip, except for
implanting a bootloader on a chip that is still blank.

• USB connection
The connection from the computer to the Arduino board uses USB, not a serial or parallel
port. So it will be easy to connect Arduino to a PC or laptop that doesn't have a serial/parallel

• Quite complete chip facilities

Arduino uses the AVR ATmega 168/328 chip which has PWM, serial communication, ADC,
timer, interrupt, SPI and I2C facilities. So Arduino can be combined with other modules or
devices with different protocols.

• Small Size And Easy To Carry

The size of the Arduino board is quite small, easy to carry around with your laptop or put in
your pocket.

• Relatively Easy Programming Language

Even though the Arduino programming language is C/C++, the addition of standard libraries
and functions makes Arduino programming easier to learn and more humane. For example, to
send a HIGH value to pin 10 on the Arduino, simply use the digitalWrite(10, HIGH) function;
Meanwhile, if you use the original C language, it is PORTB |=(1<<2);

• Free Library available

There are lots of libraries available to connect Arduino with various sensors, actuators and
communication modules. For example libraries for mouse, keyboard, servo, GPS, etc. Since
Arduino is open source, these libraries are also open source and can be downloaded for free
on the Arduino website.

• Easier Application Development
With an easier language and a complete basic library, developing electronic applications is
relatively easier. For example, if we want to make a temperature sensor. Just buy a
temperature sensor IC (for example LM35) and connect it to Arduino. If you want to display
the temperature on the LCD, just buy an LCD and add the LCD library to the same program,
and so on.

2.7 Arduino Disadvantages

• Hex code is relatively larger.

• Fuse bit errors often occur when creating the bootloader
• Must modify the old program, because on the Arduino the use of pins must be "disciplined"
• Flash storage is reduced, because it is used for the bootloader



3.1 Coclusion

Arduino is an open-source electronics platform based on easy-to-use hardware and software.

It is designed to be accessible to everyone, from beginners to experts. Arduino is a versatile
platform that can be used for a wide range of projects, from simple LED blinkers to complex
robots and home automation systems. It is an excellent platform for learning about electronics
and programming.

In conclusion, Arduino is a great platform for anyone interested in electronics and

programming. It is easy to use, versatile, and accessible to everyone. Whether you are a
beginner or an expert, Arduino has something to offer. If you are new to electronics and
programming, Arduino is an excellent place to start. If you are an experienced programmer,
Arduino can be used to create complex projects and systems. I highly recommend Arduino to
anyone interested in electronics and programming.

3.2 Advise

If you are new to electronics and programming, I recommend starting with the *Arduino
Uno* board. It is the most popular board among the community and is easy to use, versatile,
and easily available everywhere ¹. The Arduino Uno board consists of the core
microcontroller with its supplementary components and the necessary circuitry to
communicate with the PC which we will be using for both communications as well as
programming the microcontroller ¹.

If you are an experienced programmer, Arduino can be used to create complex projects and
systems. There are plenty of board variants available, with an entirely different set of features
like different microcontrollers, layout, number of I/O ports, etc.


Banzi, Massimo.2008 “Getting Started with Arduino”. Jhon Wiley & Sons . New York

Brown, Stephen & Zvonko Vranesic. 2005. Fundamental of Digital Logic with VHDL
Design, 4th.. McGraw-Hill. (Diakses 06 Mei 2018). (Diakses 06 Mei 2018)


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