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The Business of Christmas

Discuss the questions below in small groups.

1. Describe what a traditional Christmas is like in your home.

2. What do you like best about Christmas?

3. Are there any things you don’t like about Christmas?


Look at the quotes below with your teacher. Then try to match each quote to the correct speaker.

A BUSINESSMAN “If Christmas isn’t in your heart, you won’t find it under a tree.”

A COMEDIAN “If Christmas did not exist, we’d have to invent it.”

A POET “Roses are reddish, violets are bluish, if it wasn’t for Christmas we’d all be Jewish.”

A PRIEST “The way you spend Christmas is more important than how much you spend.”

Read the text quickly to check your answers.

Below are the headings for each paragraph in the text. Match each to the correct paragraph.

Remembering The
Why Business A Season For All Whose Christmas
Real Message Of Christmas Is…?
Loves Christmas People Is It Really?

Six items in the text are highlighted . Find them in the text and use the context to help you work out what they
might mean.

put aside feel-good telling shaping amidst joy

Now match the items to the correct definitions.

1. a situation or activity which makes

2. in the middle of
you happier and more optimistic

3. happiness 4. stop doing something for a time

3. happiness 6. something which reveals a lot about the truth

© Pearson Central Europe, 2013 (update 2017)

Now use one of the words above to complete each sentence. You might need to change the word to make it fit.

1. The castle stood ________________ beautiful snowy mountains.

2. His face was ________________ - everyone knew what he was thinking.

3. The way people think is often ________________ by what they read.

4. Peace and ________________ to everyone this Christmas!

5. It’s a real ________________ film. You’ll leave the cinema with a smile on your face.

6. Let’s ________________ our arguments and be friendly to each other this Christmas.

Read the text once again and decide if the sentences below are true or false.

true false

1. Christmas is only celebrated in Christian countries. ❏ ❏

2. People see Christmas in different ways. ❏ ❏

3. Shops make 30-40% of their profits on Christmas day. ❏ ❏

4. The UK economy is strong at the moment. ❏ ❏

5. The first adverts for Christmas presents appear in October. ❏ ❏

6. The author thinks it we can have both a commercial and a traditional Christmas. ❏ ❏

Work in a small group to discuss the questions below.

1. How important are present at Christmas? Would you enjoy Christmas if there were no presents at all?

2. What are your plans for Christmas this year? Are they different from what you usually do?

3. What Christmas traditions from other countries do you know?

© Pearson Central Europe, 2013 (update 2017)

1. ____________________________ The last quote is telling: for business, Business has had a big role in shaping
Christmas is always a great time… the way Christmas looks.
Christmas is celebrated all over the
world, even in countries which are not 3. ____________________________ From cards to presents and Christmas
traditionally Christian such as Japan and songs to Christmas holidays, business
Korea. We often think of Christmas as a Children look forward to has helped to build the commercial side
season when we can come together and Christmas for months of Christmas for many years. And,
before it comes but shops of course, Christmas does
put differences aside, spending time
look forward to it all year come earlier every year:
with our friends and family, but is this
long. The Christmas nobody is surprised these
really true? Or is our romantic view of
period can be anything days to see adverts for
Christmas just a feel-good fantasy?
from 30% to 40% of a Christmas presents in
2. ____________________________ shop’s total profits for the October or even earlier, or
year! Christmas special offers in
How do we really see the Christmas November.
season? The answer, of course, depends In the UK this year,
on who you ask: shoppers will spend 5. __________________
around £23 billion this
THE POET: “The way you spend Some feel that the real
Christmas. Supermarkets
Christmas is more important than how message of Christmas is
will earn some £5 billion
much you spend.” lost amidst all the
and petrol stations will
commercialism. Perhaps
earn about £1 billion in
THE PRIEST: “If Christmas isn’t in your they have a point. And yet
December. This will be approximately it is not a question of one
heart, you won’t find it under a tree.”
4% more than in 2008 - and all this or the other:
THE COMEDIAN: “Roses are reddish, while the UK economy is officially in having – and enjoying – the commercial
violets are bluish, if it wasn’t for recession. It’s no wonder that business side of Christmas does not mean that we
Christmas we’d all be Jewish.” the world over loves the Christmas have to forget other aspects. We can
season. have the presents and the cards, the
THE BUSINESSMAN: “If Christmas did
shopping and the cinemas, but still
not exist, we’d have to invent it.” 4. ____________________________
remember the best traditions of
Christmas: family, friends, love and joy.
The choice is up to us; the question is
whether we will take advantage of it.

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