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1 In the pursuit of success and personal development, we people inevitably encounter the specter

of failure. However, rather than viewing it as a setback or a problem, we must embrace failure as a
natural and crucial part of our learning and growth process. This video explores the life-changing power
of failure, providing insights into how we can shift our perspectives, develop resilience, and cultivate a
mindset that sees failures not as roadblocks and hindrance, but as a stepping stone towards our success.

2 Fear of failure is a natural human emotion, and many of us are experiencing it to some degree…
because nobody’s perfect. The fear of failure commonly came from different sources, some of us are
concerned about being judged by others, some of us has low self-esteem, and some of us are pressured
by parental and societal expectations.

3 The degree to which people fear failure can vary significantly from person to person. There are
some people who may be more resilient and view failure as an opportunity for learning and
development, while there are some who are anxious and concerned, which makes them avoid trying and
taking risks to prevent the possibility of failing.

4 Failure is inevitable… It’s one of the possibilities that could happen when you are building and
doing something. Do not make it stop you from trying and doing all the things you want. Throw away the
mindset and thoughts that makes you weak and doubtful to yourself. Be a man and do something! Do
you want to build an empire? Do it! Start by defining your visions and build strong connections. Do you
want to start a business? Do it! Identify a business idea that matched your skills and interests. Do you
want to conquer the world? Do it! No one’s stopping you man but yourself… if you failed, do it again. You
can have an infinite amount of energy that you can use to do something and make your lives
extraordinary. Be a man and face it like a responsible, resilient individual!

5 Most people are afraid to fail, that’s why they do unethical, immoral things. I believe most of you
here experienced cheating in school looking at your phone while taking the exam due to the fear of
failing and getting low grades… and most of you here I believed experienced snaking and backstabbing
people, even your own peers. Don’t do such things! Cheating for grades or exams is like selling your soul
for a piece of paper. As a student, if you didn’t review for the quiz or exam, embrace yourself to failure.
You must accept it and change the way you think and act. Would you rather pass the test but no dignity?
No shame? How can you say that you’re a man if you can’t stand such things. Take accountability to your
actions, get up and learn your lessons, and NEXT TIME READ THE MODULES AND REVIEW!

6 Embracing failure forces you to change your perspective to a lot of different things. Instead of
viewing it as a reflection of incompetence, try to see it as invaluable feedback. Every problem and
adversary offer an opportunity to learn, adapt and refine one’s approach. Approaching failure with a
stoic, positive mindset will help you to be able to extract valuable important lessons where even your
peers or professor can’t even teach or learn… Paving you the road for the continuous improvement.

7 As I have said earlier, failure is inevitable… It is the most essential part of the journey… You and I
know that no one achieves success without encountering obstacles and adversary along the way… In life,
we have to be more realistic… We must imagine and see the bigger picture, so that we can navigate
challenges with ease and with sense of resilience… Acknowledging that difficulty is not the indicators of
failure but rather the stepping stones on the path to success. We must think why and how, and we must
8 Failing and not doing anything about it is the real failure that most people are afraid of. If you
keep on trying and doing something about it to recover, to learn, and to adapt. It’s impossible for you to
be called a failure. As long as you’re trying and do it again, over and over. Your time will come, and you
will succeed! Believe that.

9 In life, in whatever you do, maybe starting a business or building a house. Its important to shift
your focus from the end result to the process and obstacles that you’re going to face along the way of
achieving the goals. Success is not only determined by the outcomes but by the efforts and actions that
you have invested. By concentrating on your journey, you can extract meaning and growth from every
experience, regardless of the immediate result. You have to work hard for it, so you won’t take it for

10 Failure is a better friend that your peers and a powerful teacher than your professors. Each
mistake is an opportunity to analyze, reflect, and improve. By understanding the factors of why you
failed, you can improve and make informed decisions, you can refine strategies, and ultimately progress
toward your goals with newfound wisdom.

11 A growth mindset is one of the important key elements that you must have for achieving
success. You must analyze and see which qualities of your skills or life that needs more improvement and
development through dedication and hard work. Individuals with a growth mindset embrace challenges,
perseverance in the face of difficulty, and see failures as opportunities for improvement.

12 As a man you have to be resilient, you must have a power to get up and work no matter what
you feel. Facing challenges head-on, learning from failures, and adapting to change are all components
of resilience. Building this mentality will help you to gain strength and determination needed to
overcome all the obstacles on your journey toward success.

13 Also, do not be afraid to seek help. There’s nothing wrong about it. If there’s something that you
didn’t know, ASK! Seek support from your friends, family, and mentors. This is crucial in a time of failure.
This is the time where you will see who’s your true friends or not. If you have a supportive circle, then
good. You will be encouraged to go on and do better. If you don’t have anyone, then do it yourself. Push
yourself! Your friends and family are like a bonus energy and encouragement for you to work even
harder. You still can do it without them.

14 If you’re all alone and you don’t have anyone. You have to start changing your language towards
yourself. Instead of saying “I can’t do this”, tell yourself “I can’t do this yet”. It is a powerful shift in
mindset. The inclusion of the word “yet” implies that your current limitations are just temporary, and
with dedication and effort, you will have the potential to improve over time. This subtle change fosters a
sense of optimism or positivity and belief in the possibility of your growth and success.

15 Embracing failure as a natural part of the learning and growth process is not a concession to
defeat but a declaration of resilience and determination. By changing perspectives, setting realistic
expectations, and cultivating a growth mindset, individuals can transform setbacks into opportunities for
improvement. Learning from mistakes, celebrating small wins, and building resilience are essential
components of a mindset that sees failure not as an end but as a vital chapter in the journey toward
success. In this way, failure becomes a catalyst for learning, growth, and ultimately, triumph.

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