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DATE: 12/12/2023

TEACHER: Aygen Dilşad Yalçınkaya

AGE LEVEL: 18-22


CLASS: College Class

SUBJECT: Gender norms/stereotypes and equality

OVERALL OBJECTIVES: To empower students with a comprehensive understanding of

societal implications of gender norms, enabling them to confidently articulate their
perspectives on gender equality while demonstrating empathy and critical awareness of
diverse gender perspectives.

BEHAVIOURAL OBJECTIVES: By the end of this lesson the students will be able to;

 Express their opinions on gender equality confidently and respectfully.

 Demonstrate understanding and empathy towards diverse gender perspectives.
 Reflect on their own biases and understanding of gender norms.

PERSONAL AIMS: I aim to foster a classroom environment that encourages open dialogue
and respectful discussion, allowing students to independently navigate and explore diverse
perspectives on gender norms and equality without imposing my personal viewpoints.

ASSUMPTIONS: Students are at least on B2 CEFR level. They can comprehend complex
texts, engage in fluent and detailed discussions.

SYLLABUS TYPES: Content-Based syllabus


METHODS AND TECHNIQUES: Communicative Approach, Direct Method

POTENTIAL PROBLEMS AND SOLUTIONS: Some students may feel uncomfortable

discussing gender related issues or personal reasons. In this case teacher should foster an
inclusive and respectful classroom atmosphere by setting ground rules for discussions,
allowing voluntary participation, and emphasizing mutual respect.

TIMETABLE: 50 Minutes

MATERIALS: Laptop, videos, visual posters

LEXICAL AIM: Expressing agreement and disagreement, gender stereotypes, gender




Good morning everybody…

How was your weekend?..


Teacher introduces the topic of gender norms and equality by asking questions:

-“What comes to your mind when you hear the term 'gender equality'?”

-“Do you think gender norms affect our daily lives?”

Aim: To engage students, introduce the topic of gender norms and equality, and stimulate
initial thoughts and awareness regarding societal perceptions of gender roles and equality.

Pre-Stage (5 Minutes)

Activity 1: Video presentation

Teacher opens a short video that shows different scenarios about gender norms. The video
will be shown once. While the video is playing the the teacher will pause and ask questions
about the scenarios that take place in the video.

T: What do you think she feels in this situation and why?

T: Why do you think he doesn’t want him to show emotions?


-To introduce the concept visually

-Prompt discussion
-Set the stage for the topic via cartoon video

While-Stage (25 Minutes)

Activity 1: Analyzing Advertisements

Teacher divides the class into small groups or pairs. Then distrubutes different
advertisements that potray gender stereotypes to each group. Teacher asks each group to
analyze their assigned advertisement by:

-Identifying the representation of the gender roles and stereotypes within the

-Discussing how the advertisement might influence socieal perception of gender.

Then each group presents their analysis to class, showcasing the advertisement and their
opinions. After all groups have peresented student will compare the different advertisements
and their portayals of gender.


-To develop critical thinking skills among students by examining how media influences
societal perceptions of gender.

-Prompt discussions that raise consciousness of the complexities of gender representation

in advertising.

Post Stage (20 Minutes)

Activity 1: Debating Gender Norms and Equality

Teacher again divides the class in two groups and explains the format of a debate and assigns
roles of the groups and provide student with key points related to both supporting and
challenging gender norms for reference.

T: For example one team can argue that traditional gender roles maintain stability and order
in society while the other team can emphasize the importance of individual choices and
freedom from stereotypical constraints.

Each group prepares their arguments, emphasizing clear and persuasive opinions. Then one
group starts the debate and the other group presents their counterarguments. At last debate
comes to a conclusion with a reflection on the debate, as teacher allows students to share their
thoughts on the effectiveness of the argumants presented.


-To encourage critical thinking, public speaking and communication skills as student
engage in a structed debate on the complexities of gender norms and equality.

-By taking on roles that may differ from their personal beliefs, students may develop
empathy and a better understanding of diverse viewpoints.


The teacher asks the following questions to the students:

- How comfortable were you participating in the discussions? Did the classroom environment
support respectful and inclusive dialogue?

- How did your understanding of gender norms and equality evolve throughout the lesson?

The teacher asks the following questions to herself:

- Did I establish a respectful and inclusive atmosphere for discussing sensitive topics like
gender norms?

- What areas could be improved or adjusted for future lessons on similar topics?


Students will conduct interviews or surveys with individuals from different age groups or
backgrounds about their views on gender norms and equality. They can create a set of
questions, gather responses and compile their findings to share in the next class.

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