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55 Contoh Perilaku yang Mencerminkan Perwujudan Nilai Dasar Pancasila

a. Contoh Perilaku Perwujudan Nilai Ketuhanan

Nilai yang terkandung dalam sila pertama Pancasila adalah nilai ketuhanan. Contoh sikap
perilaku manusia sebagai warga negara yang mencerminkan nilai dasar Pancasila yang
pertama yaitu:

1. Mengembangkan sikap saling menghormati kebebasan menjalankan ibadah sesuai dengan

agama dan kepercayaannya

2. Percaya dan takwa kepada Tuhan Yang Maha Esa sesuai dengan agama dan kepercayaan
masing-masing menurut dasar kemanusiaan yang adil dan beradab.

3. Tidak melakukan penistaan terhadap suatu agama. Penistaan terhadap agama adalah
perilaku menghina atau merendahkan agama, contohnya melakukan pembakaran rumah

4. Membina kerukunan hidup di antara sesama umat beragama dan kepercayaan terhadap
Tuhan Yang Maha Esa

5. Mengembangkan sikap saling menghormati, bekerja sama, dan tolong-menolong antar

pemeluk agama dan penganut kepercayaan terhadap Tuhan Yang Maha Esa

6. Tidak memaksakan suatu agama dan kepercayaan kepada orang lain

7. Menjalankan perintah agama sesuai ajaran agama yang dianut, misalnya dengan rajin

8. Melaksanakan sikap toleran

9. Menghormati orang yang merayakan hari besar keagamaannya

10. Mempersilahkan teman untuk melaksanakan ibadah dengan nyaman

b. Contoh Perilaku Nilai Kemanusiaan

Nilai yang terkandung dalam sila ke-2 Pancasila adalah nilai kemanusiaan. Contoh perilaku
yang mencerminkan nilai kemanusiaan dalam Pancasila yaitu:

1. Mengakui persamaan derajat, hak, dan kewajiban asasi setiap manusia tanpa membeda-
bedakan suku, keturunan, agama, kepercayaan, jenis kelamin, warna kulit, kedudukan sosial,
dan sebagainya

2. Mengakui dan memperlakukan manusia sesuai harkat dan martabatnya sebagai makhluk
ciptaan Tuhan Yang Maha Esa

3. Mengembangkan sikap saling mencintai dan mengasihi antara sesama manusia

4. Tidak semena-mena terhadap orang lain

5. Gemar melakukan kegiatan kemanusiaan seperti bakti sosial, memberikan bantuan ke panti
asuhan, dan membantu korban bencana alam

6. Senang membantu teman yang sedang mengalami kesusahan

7. Mengembangkan sikap tenggang rasa

8. Menjunjung tinggi hak asasi manusia

9. Mengembangkan sikap saling menghormati dan bekerjasama dengan bangsa lain

10. Membela kebenaran dan keadilan

11. Berteman tanpa membeda-bedakan latar belakang

12. Tidak memihak dalam menyelesaikan masalah

13. Menjenguk teman yang sakit

14. Membantu orang lain yang kesusahan tanpa pandang latar belakang

15. Mengakui persamaan derajat, persamaan hak, dan persamaan kewajiban antara sesama
c. Contoh Perilaku Nilai Persatuan

Nilai yang terkandung dalam sila ketiga Pancasila adalah nilai persatuan. Contoh perilaku yang
mencerminkan perwujudan nilai persatuan dalam kehidupan sehari-hari yaitu:

1. Mengembangkan sikap bangga dan cinta tanah air

2. Mengutamakan persatuan, kesatuan, kepentingan, dan keselamatan bangsa dan negara di

atas kepentingan pribadi atau golongan

3. Rela berkorban untuk kepentingan bangsa dan negara

4. Memajukan pergaulan demi persatuan dan kesatuan bangsa yang berlandaskan Bhineka
Tunggal Ika

5. Melaksanakan kegiatan gotong-royong membersihkan sekolah, lingkungan rumah, dan

lingkungan sekitar

6. Mempelajari dan menghormati kebudayaan daerah lain

7. Menghargai kebudayaan asli daerah sendiri

8. Menghargai karya dan produk-produk buatan dalam negeri

d. Contoh Perilaku Nilai Kerakyatan

Nilai yang terkandung dalam sila keempat Pancasila adalah nilai kerakyatan. Contoh perilaku
yang mencerminkan perwujudan nilai dasar kerakyatan dalam kehidupan sehari-hari yaitu:

1. Mengutamakan kepentingan masyarakat dan negara di atas kepentingan pribadi saat


2. Melaksanakan musyawarah saat ingin membuat keputusan yang berdampak bagi kelompok
atau masyarakat

3. Menghormati dan menghargai pendapat orang lain

4. Tidak memaksakan kehendak dan pendapat diri sendiri kepada orang lain

5. Menggunakan hak pilih dengan mengikuti pemilu

7. Bermusyawarah dan menggunakan hak pilih dalam pemilihan ketua OSIS

8. Berjiwa besar dalam menerima keputusan hasil musyawarah

9. Melaksanakan keputusan bersama secara ikhlas dan bertanggung jawab

e. Contoh Perilaku Nilai Keadilan

Nilai yang terkandung dalam Pancasila sila ke-5 adalah nilai keadilan.

Contoh perilaku yang mencerminkan perwujudan nilai dasar keadilan dalam kehidupan sehari-
hari yaitu:

1. Menghargai hak dan kewajiban orang lain karena semua orang memiliki kedudukan yang
sama di muka hukum

2. Membantu melaksanakan pembangunan nasional, baik dari sisi pendidikan, budaya, sosial,
politik, ekonomi, kesehatan, dan lain-lain

3. Menikmati hasil pembangunan masyarakat Indonesia dengan bertanggung jawab

4. Menghukum dan mengadili sebuah tindakan sesuai undang-undang yang berlaku tanpa
pandang jabatan dan latar belakang

5. Peduli terhadap penderitaan yang dialami orang lain

6. Menjaga keseimbangan hak dan kewajiban sehari-hari

7. Tidak bergaya hidup mewah

8. Menghargai hasil karya orang lain

9. Bekerja keras

10 .Memberi pertolongan kepada orang lain

11. Tidak menggunakan hak milik pribadi untuk hal-hal yang bersifat pemborosan

12. Melakukan kegiatan yang membantu mewujudkan kemajuan merata dan berkeadilan sosial
The Examples of Behaviors That Reflect the Embodiment of the Basic Values of
a. Examples of Behaviors Embodiment of Divine Values
1. Develop a mutual respect for the freedom to practice worship in accordance with their
religion and beliefs.
2. Trust and piety in God Almighty according to their respective religions and beliefs
according to the basis of a just and civilized humanity.
3. Not committing blasphemy against a religion. Blasphemy against religion is derogatory
or demeaning behavior, for example burning a house of worship. Blasphemy is the action
or offence of speaking sacrilegiously about God or sacred things
4. Fostering harmony of life among fellow religious people and belief in God Almighty
5. Develop a mutual respect, cooperation, and help between religious believers and
believers in God Almighty
6. Not imposing a religion and belief on others
7. Carrying out religious orders according to the religious and beliefs, for example by
diligently worshipping
8. Carrying out a religiously tolerant attitude
9. Honoring the person who celebrates his religious holidays
10. Allowing friends to carry out worship comfortably

b. The Examples of Human Value Behavior

1. Recognizing the equality of degrees, rights, and human obligations of every human
being without discriminating against ethnicity, ancestry, religion, creed, gender, color,
and social standing.
2. Recognizing and treating man according to his dignity as a creature of God Almighty
3. Develop an attitude of mutual love and love between for fellow human beings
4. Not arbitrary towards others
5. Loves to carry out humanitarian activities such as social services, providing
assistance to orphanages, and helping victims of natural disasters
6. Happy to help friends who are going through distress
7. Develop an attitude of tolerance
8. Upholding human rights
9. Develop mutual respect and cooperation with other nations
10. Defending truth and justice
11. Make friends without discriminating against backgrounds
12. Visiting a sick friend
13. Helping others in distress regardless of background
14. Recognizing equality of degrees, equal rights, and equality of obligations between
fellow human beings
c. The Examples of Unity Value Behavior
1. Develop an attitude of pride and love for the motherland
2. Prioritizing the unity, interests, and safety of the nation and state above personal or class
3. Willing to sacrifice for the benefit of the nation and state
4. Promoting association for the sake of national unity based on Bhineka Tunggal Ika
5. Carry out mutual aid activities to clean the school, home environment, and the
surrounding environment
6. Studying and respecting the cultures of other regions
7. Respecting the indigenous culture of one's own region
8. Appreciating domestically made works and products

d. The Examples of People's Value Behavior

1. Prioritizing the interests of society and the state above personal interests when
2. Carry out deliberations when you want to make decisions that have an impact on the
group or community
3. Respect the opinions of others
4. Not imposing one's own will and opinion on others
5. Exercising the right to vote by participating in elections
6. Deliberating and exercising the right to vote in the election of the student council
7. Great spirit in accepting the decisions of the results of deliberations
8. Implement joint decisions sincerely and responsibly

e. The Examples of Justice Value Behavior

1. Respect the rights and obligations of others because everyone has equal standing before
the law
2. Assisting in carrying out national development, both in terms of education, culture, social,
political, economic, health, and others
3. Enjoying the development results of Indonesian society responsibly
4. Punishing and adjudicating an act in accordance with applicable law regardless of
position and background
5. Care for the suffering experienced by others
6. Maintaining a balance of daily rights and obligations
7. Not having a luxurious lifestyle
8. Appreciating the work of others
9. Carry out activities that help realize equitable progress and social justice
10. Not exercising private property rights for things of a wasteful nature
Develop a mutual respect for the freedom to practice worship in accordance with their
religion and beliefs.

Trust and piety in God Almighty according to their respective religions and beliefs
according to the basis of a just and civilized humanity.

Not committing blasphemy against a religion. Blasphemy against religion is derogatory or

demeaning behavior, for example burning a house of worship. Blasphemy is the action or
offence of speaking sacrilegiously about God or sacred things

Fostering harmony of life among fellow religious people and belief in God Almighty

Develop a mutual respect, cooperation, and help between religious believers and believers
in God Almighty

Not imposing a religion and belief on others

Carrying out religious orders according to the religious and beliefs, for example by diligently

Honoring the person who celebrates his religious holidaysAllowing friends to carry out
worship comfortably

Allowing friends to carry out worship comfortably

Recognizing the equality of degrees, rights, and human obligations of every human being without
discriminating against ethnicity, ancestry, religion, creed, gender, color, and social standing.

Recognizing and treating man according to his dignity as a creature of God Almighty

Develop an attitude of mutual love and love between for fellow human beings

Loves to carry out humanitarian activities such as social services, providing assistance to
orphanages, and helping victims of natural disasters

Not arbitrary towards others

Happy to help friends who are going through distress

Develop an attitude of tolerance

Upholding human rights

Develop mutual respect and cooperation with other nations

Defending truth and justice

Make friends without discriminating against backgrounds

Visiting a sick friend

Helping others in distress regardless of background

Recognizing equality of degrees, equal rights, and equality of obligations between fellow
human beings

Develop an attitude of pride and love for the motherland

Prioritizing the unity, interests, and safety of the nation and state above personal or class

Willing to sacrifice for the benefit of the nation and state

Promoting association for the sake of national unity based on Bhineka Tunggal Ika

Carry out mutual aid activities to clean the school, home environment, and the surrounding
Studying and respecting the cultures of other regions

Respecting the indigenous culture of one's own region

Appreciating domestically made works and products

Prioritizing the interests of society and the state above personal interests when consensus

Carry out deliberations when you want to make decisions that have an impact on the
group or community

Respect the opinions of others

Not imposing one's own will and opinion on others

Exercising the right to vote by participating in elections

Deliberating and exercising the right to vote in the election of the student council president

Great spirit in accepting the decisions of the results of deliberations

Implement joint decisions sincerely and responsibly

Respect the rights and obligations of others because everyone has equal standing before
the law

Assisting in carrying out national development, both in terms of education, culture, social,
political, economic, health, and others

Enjoying the development results of Indonesian society responsibly

Punishing and adjudicating an act in accordance with applicable law regardless of position
and background
Care for the suffering experienced by others

Maintaining a balance of daily rights and obligations

Not having a luxurious lifestyle

Appreciating the work of others

Carry out activities that help realize equitable progress and social justice

Not exercising private property rights for things of a wasteful nature

Carrying out a religiously tolerant attitude

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