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Base on your reading of the Learning resource 17:

1. discuss the role of Salamanca Statement in the embracing inclusive education

in the Philippines.

- It requests that the United Nations and its specialized agencies "increase their
technical cooperation inputs" and "enhance their networking for more effective
assistance to integrated special needs service." The Statement begins with a
commitment to Education for All, recognizing the necessity and urgency of
providing education for all children, young people, and adults 'within the regular
education system.' It goes on to say that children with special educational
needs'must have access to regular schools,' and adds: "Regular schools with
this inclusive orientation are the most effective means of combating
discriminatory attitudes, creating welcoming communities, and building an
inclusive scholastic environment."

According to the Salamanca Statement:

These schools give an effective education to the majority of pupils while also
improving efficiency and cost-effectiveness.

2. explain the important points and findings on the research on differentiated


- Differentiated teaching may resemble tracking as some teachers strive to meet

the academic variety of today's classrooms. Blozowich (2001) discovered that
teachers employed a range of strategies but continued to plan lessons as they
would for a monitored classroom. Differentiated education allows us to provide
students with the assistance they require rather of grouping them all together.
Smaller groups make it easy to recognize who has mastered the class objectives
and is ready to go on. Larger class sizes make identifying specific student needs
more challenging. According to Lawrence-Brown (2004), differentiated teaching
may provide kids with a wide variety of abilities, from talented students to those
with mild or severe impairments, with an adequate education in inclusive
classrooms. Flexible grouping and respected tasks are two fundamental
characteristics of effective difference in education. Flexible grouping emphasizes
the necessity of proactive instructional preparation to ensure that students have
the chance to work with a diverse range of classmates on a regular and frequent

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