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Can you supply the missing body part in each of the idioms & phrases below?

1. The kids gave Anthony a …………………………… start in the bicycle race because he was the youngest.

2. Don’t worry! I won’t tell your parents how much you spent – my ……………………… are sealed.

3. It makes my ……………………………… boil when dog owners don’t clean after their pets.

4. The movie was so funny I almost laughed my ………………………………. off.

5. I have read somewhere that all great discoveries were made in the blink of a(n) …………………..

6. I’m a bit thick in the …………..………………….. when it comes to reading a map.

7. My sister didn’t get cold ……………………………… until she put her wedding gown on.

8. Poor Jane really cried her …………………………….. out during the funeral service.

9. The event organizers deserve a pat on the ……………………………….. for a job well done.

10. The rule of ……………………………… is that the students wear black pants and white shirts.

heavy -eyed =
tight-fisted =
big- headed=
heavy- hearted =

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