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1) According to the writer romance is the privilege of the…..
(a )poor
(b) rich
(c) talented
(d) deserving
2)Hughie’s father has bequeathed him a History of the
Peninsular war in fifteen volumes and a ………….
(a) beautiful bungalow
(b) ten thousand pounds
(c) cavalry sword
(d) gun
3) Laura Merton adored Hughie but she was not prepared to
disregard her …………
(a) mother's ambition
b) father's wishes
(c) own aspirations
(d) dear friends
4 ) Alan Trevor was not only a painter but also ...
(a) a musician
(b) a dancer
(c) an artist
(d) a businessman
5 ) The beggar-man in Trevor's studio had in one hand a stick
and ……………….. in the other.
(a) a bag
(b) a begging bowl
(c) a few currently notes
(d) a battered hat
6) Trevor Says, "Such beggars are not to be met with everyday".
In which tone is this sentence spoken?
(a) humorous
(b) ironical
(c) contemptuous
(d) all of the above
7 ) "Don't run away, Hughie," he said, as he went out, "I will be
back in a moment.” Where had 'he' gone?
(a) to the kitchen
(c) to see the frame maker
(b) to talk to Baron Hausberg
(d) to fetch paint
8) To see what money he had, Hughie felt in his pockets. What
could he find?
(a) a sovereign
b) a sovereign and some coppers
(c) some stray coins
(d) all of the above
9 ) According to Trevor, an artist's heart is in his ……
(a) mind
(d) all of the above
(c) soul
(b) head
(d) feelings
10 ) When they were married ,who made a speech at the
wedding breakfast?
(a) Alan Trevor
(b) Baron Hausberg
(c) Laura Merton
(d) None of the above
1) What did the father bequeath to him?
2) What was Hughie's only source of income?
3) What quality did Hughie not have?
4) What is Hughie compared with on the stock exchange?
5) Describe Hughie’s appearance.
6) Which 2 things did the colonel lose in India?
7) What was the hindrance in Hughie’s engagement with
8) Who are the only people a painter should know?
9) What is Hughie’s opinion about beautiful people?
10) What does Alan tell Hughie about the old beggar?
11) What does Alan tell about the ‘old beggar’s financial
12) How is Baron Hausberg a friend of Alan?
13) What did Baron Hausberg give commission to Alan for?
14) Why did Hughie receive a charming scolding from
15) Why does Alan think that the work of an artist is more
difficult than that of a model?
1. If you were to rewrite the ending of "The Model Millionaire,"
how would you change it? What message or lesson would
you convey through the altered ending?
2. Imagine you are one of the characters in the story, and you
have to write a letter to Hughie or Lord Murchison. What
would you say, and how would you express your feelings
toward them?
3. What if the story were set in a different time period or
location? How would the themes and character dynamics
change if it were placed in the modern world or a different
4. Discuss the role of appearances and social status in the
story. How do they influence the characters' actions and
perceptions of each other? Can you draw parallels between
these themes and contemporary society?
5. If you were to create a sequel to "The Model Millionaire,"
what would happen to Hughie and his newfound wealth?
How might his character evolve in a continued narrative?
6. Explore the symbolism of the beggar in the story. What
deeper meanings or messages might Wilde have intended to
convey through this character's transformation?
7. Consider the story's title, "The Model Millionaire." What
qualities or attributes does Wilde suggest make someone a
"model" millionaire? Do you agree with his portrayal of Lord
Murchison as such?

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