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How to see wealth by D-11 chart*

When a zodiac sign is divided into 11 equal parts, then this division is called D11. It is the extension of
the 11th house of the natal chart indicating gains, profits, the success of all types.

The Ekadashamsha, the 11th divisional chart, is used to check out the individual's total wealth potential.

D11 chart is also called the Rudamsha chart, based on the eleven forms of Lord Shiva. These forms of
Shivas are supposed to be inferior manifestations of Lord Shiva..

The rules for seeing the divisional charts are more or less similar. To interpret, you have to have the birth
chart and divisional chart both open in front of you.

Evaluate the D-11 chart to check the potential of the 11th house; a powerful D-11 chart can indicate easy
gains without too much struggle. E.g., lottery, stock markets,

legacies, speculation, inheritance.

If more than two planets in the D-11 chart aspects the 11th house, then it will show easy money.

*How to evaluate D-11 Chart:*

Step 1: Open your Lagan chart and see which planets occupy 2nd, 5th, 9th, and 11 houses. Now open
the D-11, check and check if the 2nd, 5th, 9th, and 11th house lords of Lagna chart are placed in Kendra
or Trine houses.

Step 2: Open your D-11 chart and see which Planets occupy (Benefic or Malefic) your 2, 5, 9, and 11"
houses. Now open the D-1 chart (Lagna Chart), and check if the 2nd, 5th, 9th, and 11th house lords of
the D-11 chart are placed in Kendra or Trine

Suppose benefic planets making sambandh with 2nd, 5th, 9th, and 11th houses of D-1 into D-11 charts
or vice versa. In that case, these planets will add to the ‘Gains' possibilities in their dasha or antardasha
in the form of past life good deeds, and as a result, it will unlock Purva Punya.

If 5th and 11th house lords of D-1 are in the 6th, 8th, and 12th houses in the D-11 chart or vice versa, it
could be difficult for 'Gains' during the dasha of these houses lords.

If malefic planets making sambandh with 5th and 11th house, then gains will be difficult during the
dasha of these malefic planets due to past life deeds which one has to go through.

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