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Round Square

On February 15th, we took part in an online Round Square conference. Special

thanks goes out to principle sir and other individuals who made this possible,
as well as to krishnendu sir who assisted us with the meeting itself.
We were all eager and dressed to the nines for the session, which began at
six. We were given an overview of the meeting’s procedures up to 6:10 in the
introduction session. We had the opportunity to meet lovely special guests up
until 6:20 and listen to their enlightening opinions on the subject of gender
stereotypes and eliminating bias.
After that, we were split up into groups called baraza, which provided us with
various sub-agendas to discuss the subject of gender stereotyping, including so-
cial media and literature, as well as how to link them to how gender stereotyping
refers to attributing particular characteristics, features, or roles to a certain gen-
der in that agenda. I, Yog Sinojia, and Master Anay Bhadoria were chosen to
serve as the heads of the Barazas to which we were invited. I was given the task
of discussing the social media issue and how it promotes gender stereotyping and
how it affects our conditioning. We saw a clip that demonstrated how social
media influences how we appear and how that is being stereotyped for boys and
girls by the influencers we follow today and society.
I even posed question to entertain the flow of the discussion, such as: ◦ How
does body image and the way that it’s marketed on social media impact gender
stereotypes and our conditioning? ◦ How have influencers that you know/have
heard of influenced gender stereotypes? ◦ Does the prospect of comments pre-
vent or make people second-guess what they post on social media? ◦ How do
you think popular trends are marketed on social media towards a particular
gender impact lifestyle choices? ◦ And lastly, What actions can we take in our
sphere of influence to make a difference?
It was amazing to watch other great minds analyze real-life circumstances and
come to conclusions. I got to know a lot of people who were a great logical
thinkers than me and I learned a lot through their views .
At our joint discussion, the group leaders gave a summary of the baraza’s talks
and fielded numerous questions from the participants. Being the group leaders,
Anay and I were the ones to share our opinions on the barazas we were in.
Sadly, the session came to an end, leaving us with many lingering questions and
a creative mind full of ideas. At 7:30, we said our goodbyes and parted ways.
I had a fantastic experience with this Round Square, which brought attention
to the world’s true problems and provided me with a platform to speak up for
those who are unable to do so and for those who would benefit from it in the

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