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Copyright © 1992 by The American Association of Endodontists VOL. 18, NO. 7, JULY1992

Adverse Response to Vital Bleaching
Gerald N. Glickman, DDS, MS, Howard Frysh, BDS, DDS, and Frank L. Baker, DDS

A case study is presented that described an acute maxillary central incisor. The case illustrates the importance
flare-up of a tooth following a vital bleaching pro- of determining the preoperative pulpal states prior to any
cedure. The case illustrates (a) the importance of vital bleaching procedure and suggests that bleaching agents
assessing the pulpal and periradicular status of a in a vehicle gel can diffuse into the pulp system and cause an
alteration of both the pulpal and periradicular status of a
tooth prior to any vital bleaching procedure; and (b)
the alteration of the local adaptation syndrome by
the bleaching agent.

A 28-yr-old man reported to the Baylor College of Dentistry

In-office power bleaching systems along with in-home "night- for evaluation of tooth 9. The patient stated that his
guard"-type bleaching systems have recently surfaced as the tooth had been bleached and that 24 h following the treat-
"new wave" of treating discolored vital teeth (1, 2). The in- ment, he experienced intense pain and swelling. Upon further
office power bleaching systems are administered by the clini- questioning, he stated that a blow had been dealt to the
cian and utilize high concentrations of hydrogen peroxide (30 maxillary anterior region during a boating accident 10 yr
to 35%), often in conjunction with a bleaching light or other previously and that the tooth had been slowly discoloring
type of heat source, to lighten the teeth. The in-home matrix over the past 5 yr.
or carder types use weaker solutions of hydrogen peroxide or It was determined that a consultation with his dentist could
10 to 15 % solutions ofcarbamide peroxide in stents fabricated provide valuable information about the bleaching procedure
from 0.020 coping material. These are placed and controlled used. The following are details of the evaluation and bleaching
by the patient according to the individual instructions. Al- procedure as provided by the practitioner. The patient was
though esthetic satisfaction produced by either method has concerned about his discolored "front tooth" and wanted it
proven to be dependent on a number of factors including case bleached. The dentist indicated that the tooth had a slight
selection and patient expectations, these methods for bleach- brownish tinge and that it appeared to be normal radiograph-
ing discolored vital teeth have proven to be relatively effective. ically (Fig. 1); no diagnostic tests were performed. After
Recently, in-office bleaching systems using gels have been consultation with the patient, a vital bleaching procedure was
developed to allow for a more controlled chairside delivery of done using the Starbrite Bleaching System (Stardent Labora-
oxidizing agent (1). These systems simplify the application tories, Salt Lake City, UT). Prior to placement of the gel
and do not advocate the use of heat or light that could cause mixture, the patient's eyes and clothes were protected and the
pulpal problems. The viscosity of some of these gels is con- maxillary anterior teeth were pumiced to ensure sufficient
trolled by the practitioner; the thicker the gel, the lower the debris and stain removal. Vaseline was used to protect the
concentration of H202 delivered. A slower release of a less soft tissues before placement of the rubber dam. The dentist
concentrated form of hydrogen peroxide, such as 25 %, would stated that Starbrite bleaching solution (35% H202) was mixed
not only retard the penetration of hydrogen peroxide but also with the gelling agent to a viscosity similar to that of phos-
reduce the possibility of delivering sufficient bleaching agent phoric acid gel. The bleaching gel was then placed with a
to the pulp to cause irreversible pulpal damage. Although cotton tip applicator in a 2-mm thick layer on both the facial
studies (3, 4) have supported the penetration of bleaching and lingual surfaces of tooth 9. After a period of 20 min, the
agents through enamel and dentin, there has been little doc- tooth was rinsed with water and air-dried. The dentist as well
umentation that these power bleaches can cause irreversible as the patient stated that the tooth was significantly lighter.
pulpal damage as long as the materials are used properly and He informed the patient that an additional appointment
the pulpal states of the teeth to be bleached are diagnosed as would be necessary to try to achieve the desired esthetic
normal. results. Twenty-four hours after the procedure, the patient
The following report describes a case of an acute flare-up reported back to the dentist with pain and swelling associated
following the use of a gel bleaching system on a discolored with the tooth. The patient's lip was slightly elevated and the
352 Glickman et al. Journal of Endodontics


FIG 2. Pedapical radiograph of tooth 9 taken 4 wk after bleaching.

There is obvious destruction of the lamina dura in the apical one third
and a periradicular radiolucency.

Ca(OH)jBaSO4 interim dressing was placed. The tooth was

FIG 1. Prebleaching periapical radiograph of tooth 9. The canal system sealed with a dry cotton pellet and an IRM (L. D. Caulk/
appears to be enlarged and there is discontinuity of the lamina dura Dentsply, Milford, DE) temporary restoration.
in the apical one third.
At the subsequent visit, tooth 9 was reopened without
anesthesia and the Ca(OH)2 paste was removed with files. The
apical 1V_~mm extent of the Ca(OH)2 paste was left as an
tooth was extremely painful upon percussion. The dentist
apical plug. A #100 master gutta-percha cone was custom fit
prescribed 500 mg of penicillin V (28 tablets) and 800 mg of
using chloroform as a softening agent (Fig. 3). Lateral con-
ibuprofen (12 tablets) and informed the patient to return if
densation with gutta-percha and Roth's 801 sealer (Roth Int.,
the signs and symptoms did not dissipate.
Chicago, IL) was used to obturate the canal system. An IRM
At the time of examination at the dental school, the patient
temporary restoration was placed to seal the access (Fig. 4).
was asymptomatic and there was no indication of swelling.
A 6-month recall radiograph indicated healing of the
However, due to the recent episode of pain and swelling and
osseous defect and incomplete absorption of sealer (Fig. 5).
due to the past history of trauma to the region, a complete
The patient was asymptomatic. Although the tooth had main-
evaluation of the pulpal and periradicular status of tooth 9
tained its postbleaching color, the patient was advised to
was made. There was no response to ice and no response to
return for a final bleach.
the electric pulp tester (Analytic Technology, Redmond, WA).
The tooth was not tender to percussion or palpation. A new
periradicular radiograph was taken which clearly indicated DISCUSSION
destruction of lamina dura in the apical one third with an
associated periradicular radiolucency (Fig. 2). A diagnosis of Bleaching vital teeth has become an integral part of the
pulpal necrosis with chronic periradicular periodontitis was practice of cosmetic dentistry. The increasing concern for a
made. The tooth was planned for nonsurgical root canal "whiter" smile along with the advent of in-home, patient-
therapy. controllable procedures has led to the marketing of a number
Local anesthetic was administered. Upon access opening of products which both the practitioner or patient can use
no evidence of hemorrhage or vital pulp was found in the with ease in order to achieve an esthetic result. As with any
canal. The canal was instrumented using a step-back tech- bleaching procedure, however, results cannot be guaranteed
nique. Due to canal weeping and apical resorption, a and there are still many unknowns to vital bleaching (1, 2).
Vol. 18, No. 7, July 1992 Adverse Response to Vital Bleaching 353

FfG 3. Master gutta-percha cone radiograph. Note apical plug of FiG 4. Postobturation radiograph of tooth 9.

onstrated that a number of pulpal enzymes became very

These may include longevity of the bleach and the possible sensitive to combinations of H202 and heat, although the
need for additional bleaching procedures; the short-term and actual quantities of H202 required for inhibition were quite
long-term effects on the pulp, periradicular tissues, restorative large. More significantly, in a recent study by Cooper et al.
materials, and oral soft tissues, especially if multiple trials are (7) in 1991, it was demonstrated that even the 3 to 5% H_,O~
necessary; and the exact amount of time and concentration that is released from 10% solutions of carbamide peroxide
necessary to achieve the desired results since studies demon- can reach the pulp.
strating optimum contact time and concentration have not Most reports (8-10) in the literature suggest that there are
been done. Tooth hypersensitivity following vital bleaching minimal short-term risks (e.g. hypersensitivity) to pulpal tis-
along with the possibility of cervical root resorption which sues following vital bleaching with 30% H202 and local heat
has been associated with nonvital bleaching are additional application. However, in order to reduce postoperative com-
concerns with any of the power bleaches or in-home bleaching plications and other risks case selection is critical. Therefore,
techniques. it is mandatory that before using any bleaching procedure the
The ability of substances to penetrate the enamel and following should be ascertained: a complete dental history
dentin and reach the pulp is relatively well established. In with particular attention to any previous trauma, a recent
1951, Bartelstone (5) demonstrated the existence of a pathway preoperative radiograph of diagnostic quality, the clinical
from the enamel to pulp. In his study, radioactive iodine condition of the crown including assessment of leaky resto-
penetrated intact enamel, dentin, and pulp of feline teeth with rations, and, most important, the pulpal and periradicular
subsequent uptake by the systemic circulation and the thyroid status of the teeth.
gland. In 1987, with particular concern about the penetrability This study is the first reported cases of an acute exacerba-
of bleaching agents during vital bleaching techniques and its tion of a chronic lesion following the application of an in-
potential effects on the pulp, Bowles and Ugwuneri (3) found office power bleach such as Starbrite. Although the gelling
low concentrations (1 to 10%) of H202 in the pulp chambers agent reduces the effective concentration of H202 from 35%
of extracted teeth following external application. These to approximately 25% and there is no heat application, it can
amounts significantly increased upon the application of heat be surmised that some concentration of H202 penetrated the
(50"C) indicating that permeability increases with increases in chamber and altered the existing pulpal and periradicular
temperature. Bowles and Thompson (6) in 1986 also dem- state. Based upon the report from the patient's dentist, it was
354 Glickman et al. Journal of Endodontics

at the time of the power bleach. The penetration of the

bleaching agent into the pulpal system without the use of heat
suggests that the agent itself was a sufficient noxious stimulant
to cause an alteration of the local adaptation syndrome as
proposed by Selye ( 1 l). This phenomenon is used by some to
explain the increased incidence of flare-ups following root
canal therapy on asymptomatic teeth with chronic lesions.
Pushing the necrotic debris/microorganisms beyond the root
end, for example, can be enough of an irritant to "stir up" a
lesion to which the host has adapted (12). Similarly the H202
that entered the quiescent "diseased" pulp in this case may
have been enough to upset the delicate balance between host
resistance and a disease process.
Dr. Glickman is associate professor, Department of Endodontics, Dr. Frysh
is assistant professor, Department of General Dentistry, and Dr. Baker is
assistant professor, Department of General Dentistry, Baylor College of Den-
tistry, Dallas, TX. Address requests for reprints to Dr. Gerald Glickman,
Department of Endodontics, Baylor College of Dentistry, 3302 Gaston Ave.,
Dallas, TX 75246.

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Dent Assoc 1991 ;122:55-6.
2. Haywood VB, Heymann HO. Nightguard vital bleaching: how safe is it?
Quintessence Int 1991 ;22:515-23.
3. Bowles WH, Ugwuneri Z. Pulp chamber penetration by hydrogen per-
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4. Fuss Z, Szajkis S, Tagger M. Tubular permeability to calcium hydroxide
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5. Bartelstone HJ. Radioiodine penetration through intact enamel with
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6. Bowles WH, Thompson LR. Vital bleaching: the effect of heat and
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7. Cooper JS, Bokmeyer T J, Bowles WH. Penetration of the pulp chamber
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J Endodon 1980;6:645-9.
10. Seale NS, Wilson CFG. Pulpal response to bleaching of teeth in dogs.
Pediatr Dent 1985;7:209-14.
concluded that this tooth, due to the past history of trauma, 11. Selye H. The part of inflammation in the local adaptation syndrome. In:
the discoloration, and the "questionable" radiographic ap- Jasmin G, Robert A, eds. The mechanism of inflammation. Montreal: Acta,
pearance of the prebleaching radiograph (Fig. 1), probably 12. Seltzer S, Naidorf IJ. Flare-ups in endodontics: I. Etiological factors. J
had a necrotic pulp with chronic periradicular periodontitis Endodon 1985;11:472-8.

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Contraction of rabies by a human is a tragic occurrence and is associated by most people with a bite from a
rabid dog. However, in the past 10 years only four people in the U.S.A. have acquired rabies and three of the
four were infected by a bat bite (JAMA 265:1365).

J. Bowser

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