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Early Career Forum

Authorship for Early Scientific Researchers: Ethics and Responsibility

Harsh Deora

S cientific knowledge is achieved through research, discus-

sion, and debate.1 For many fresh neurosurgeons, a
seminar, class, or instructional module is their first and,
regrettably, only formal exposure to responsible conduct in
research.2 Responsible conduct should be part of the surgical
must be followed to ensure that the data collection methodology is
clearly described and accurate. To be truly responsible, early re-
searchers must understand how to treat data responsibly.5
Depending on the level of research, this may require entering
data into bound and numbered notepads using permanent ink
curriculum.3 As neurosurgeons, our responsibilities are often or using a computer application with secure data entry fields
divided between clinical work and research. Here I explore the that identifies when and where work was done and retaining the
responsibilities of being a neurosurgeon scientist with a lens on data for a stipulated duration.1 Once the research conclusions
ethics in publishing. I discuss the specific reasons for actions have been drawn, the data need to be tendered along with the
rather than stating definite conclusions about what should or research.
should not be done in particular situations, and hope that this Negligence and errors must be differentiated. Even in the best
will be beneficial to neurosurgeons desiring to progress in this of environments, there can be instances where we must rely on a
field. theoretical or experimental technique or a hypothesis that is not
fully developed. Despite best efforts, human errors do occur;
however, this differs from negligence, which is usually the result
of haste, carelessness, or inattention—all of which can lead to
disaster. An honest error can be corrected subsequent to a pub-
Neurosurgery has not been shielded from the effects of unethical lication in a note, erratum (for a production error), or corri-
research. In a recent review of all the retracted English language gendum (for an author's error).1
articles published in Neurosurgery between 1995 and 2017, Wang
et al.4 found a total of 97 such articles with the most common
reason being duplicate publication by the same author in 2
different journals (26 articles), followed by self-plagiarism/ The US Office of Science and Technology has defined misconduct
plagiarism of others (22 articles), fraudulent data (13 articles), as “fabrication, falsification, or plagiarism in proposing, per-
data error (11 articles), author misattribution (7 articles), and 1 forming, or reviewing research, or in reporting research results.”
article each for copyright issues, withdrawal at the author's Essentially, misconduct comprises 3 key aspects: fabricating
request for fear of infringing the intellectual property of others, results or data; manipulating research materials, equipment, or
absence of informed consent from patients' parents, and lack of processes and changing or omitting data or results such that the
ethics approval. These retracted articles were from China (n ¼ 29), research is not accurately represented in the research record; and
the United States (n ¼ 24), Korea (n ¼ 6), and India (n ¼ 6), and appropriating another person's ideas, processes, results, or words
18 other 22 countries. The number of retractions increased from 16 without giving appropriate credit.1 It should be the responsibility
between 1995 and 1999 to 38 between 2015 and 2017. It is critical of all coauthors to cross-check the data before submission, and
that we review our policies before our integrity as researchers this should not fall only on the primary or corresponding author.
begins to be questioned.4 This can involve simple clarifications of the results or instituting
research integrity officers whose sole job is to ensure the cor-
rectness of represented facts.1 Misconduct can range from lesser
ETHICS offenses, such as “salami publishing” (dividing research into
Any falsified research can push back or deviate a field by centuries least publishable units) to the blatant fabrication of results.
as researchers are led on wrong paths or, worse, start testing an For neurosurgeons, the usual subjects of research are humans,
incorrect hypothesis based on the results. A researcher who gets and thus it is important to understand the “Common Rule,” which
away with bending the rules once shall forever be doomed by was published in 1991 and includes 4 parts: subpart A, also known
temptation. Ensuring the validity of research requires 2 steps that as the Federal Policy or the “Common Rule”; subpart B, additional

Department of Neurosurgery, National Institute of Mental Health and Neurosciences, Journal homepage:
Bangalore, India Available online:
To whom correspondence should be addressed: Harsh Deora, M.Ch., D.N.B. 1878-8750/$ - see front matter ª 2019 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
Citation: World Neurosurg. (2020) 134:510-511.



protections for pregnant women, human fetuses, and neonates; pursuing collaborative efforts if the author roles have been
subpart C, additional protections for prisoners; and subpart D, defined clearly.
additional protections for children. In addition, while conducting
animal research funded by the US Public Health Service's Policy on INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY AND CONFLICTS OF INTEREST
the Humane Care and Use of Laboratory Animals should be fol- Intellectual property is defined as the legal right to control the
lowed.1 Approval of the Institutional Review Board usually ensures application of an idea in a specific context (through a patent) or to
that these guidelines have been adhered to. control the expression of an idea (through copyright). It thus
allows the author or the organization to benefit from its idea while
PEER REVIEW AND AUTHORSHIP allowing it to be disseminated widely and hence made available for
Henry Oldenburg, the secretary of the Royal Society of London, future work.1 Legal action can be initiated in the event such an
was to first to send submitted manuscripts to experts who could idea is copied without consent or proper reimbursement.
judge their quality, and thus gave birth to the modern practice of Publication can be delayed, especially if the work involves a
peer review.3 Because of this, any new publication could cite the patent, so as to allow time to replicate the same. Institutions
previous paper from which the idea was inspired, and hence the usually own the data or patents generated by a researcher, and a
citation index became a measure of the value of a paper. Proper contract specifying this should be established before publication.4
citation is very important. As journals and publications expand, Conflict of interest is another topic that many early authors are
it has become even more difficult to organize, with a number of unaware of, apart from the mandatory disclosure statement. “In-
papers having incorrect spellings, titles, years, or page numbers tellectual conflict” implies forcing researchers to work on com-
of citations, leading to loss of valuable credit. Publication mercial projects that might not be a part of their academic work or
practices need to be smart. Some authors may attend accepting a grant to do work that will help researchers financially
conferences just to steal an idea for publication and then while ignoring the work of their students. “Financial conflicts of
conduct quick and incomplete research to publish before the interest” arise from authors receiving a payment for an invention
presenting team. This practice has also been seen in peer or a bonus to promote the product or manufacturers funding the
reviewers, who reject a publication and steal the idea just to research that demonstrates their product's superiority.1 These
publish their own article in the same journal.6 To prevent this conflicts should be managed through a formal review process in
practice, all presented papers should have already been sent which potential conflicts are identified, disclosed, and
for peer review or at the very least be completed and ready for discussed. There can be a limit on the time allowed to
review before being presented at a conference. researchers to promote or discuss other products, and any
Authorship order in an article determines each author's relative strong philosophical, religious, cultural, or political beliefs that
importance to the work.3 An early and frank discussion on the could influence scientific judgments should be identified before
same at the conception of the idea is always a good choice. assigning research to a particular individual.1
Interdisciplinary collaborations are often difficult, and first and Individuals who complain about unethical practices may expe-
corresponding authors should be determined beforehand, and rience a negative impact on their careers and opportunities. It is
the researcher who spends most of his or her time working on important to safeguard the interests of whistleblowers against any
the project should be credited. “Gifted” or “honorary” retaliatory repercussions.4 On the other hand, deliberately making
authorship is often the result of inclusion of an author with false accusations is highly unethical and must be avoided.
“considerable influence,” either as a favor or to increase the
likelihood of publication. “Ghost” authorship is the case where CONCLUSIONS
the person who has actually written the paper is not included, Responsible research and authorship is extremely important for
usually when “professional” authors write the paper for neurosurgeons. Many rules are not followed because they are not
researchers. A footnote accompanying the list of authors that known or fully understood. Neurosurgeon-scientists’ knowledge
apportions responsibility for different parts of the paper is a of these rules at an early stage in their careers is essential for
useful methodology.1 However, this should not deter one from establishing good publishing practices.

4. Wang J, Ku JC, Alotaibi NM, Rutka JT. Retraction commercial or financial relationships that could be construed
REFERENCES of neurosurgical publications: a systematic review. as a potential conflict of interest.
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Washington, DC: National Academies Press;
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2. Deora H, Tripathi M, Yagnick NS, Deora S, Available online:
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3. Deora H, Yagnick NS, Tripathi M. Letter to the

editor: the career of an academic neurosurgeon: Conflict of interest statement: The authors declare that the
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WORLD NEUROSURGERY 134: 510-511, FEBRUARY 2020 511

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