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OMMITTED SIGNIFICATION: Exploring the ethos of social manipulation.

Original draft written on January 17th 2017.
Updated final January 4th 2023
by Peter Kaleb Theodoropoulos.







40 The following is from an online Database of my word program files I have converted this into a PDF
file. I have made some minor edits of the work on January 4th 2023, to make it ready for publication at and I wrote this when I was more or less a socialist form of a
communist in my thinking and approach. I have changed much since then, but the work is good to be
critical of authority so I am still publishing it. I now consider myself a Civilist or a sort of Civil
45 Libertarian which is a centrist libertarianism of sorts.

Omitted Signification or OS theory by Peter Kaleb Theodoropoulos aka Rockwell Wilder.


Omitted Signification (OS) is an attempt by a ruling elite to operantly condition the critical
cognition and awareness of it's citizenry. This approach is developed primarily through systematic
deception, organized unspokenly permitted misfeasance (meaning corrupt practices in government
office such as taking bribes), obstructions of justice and misrepresentation of the people's interests in
50 government. OS is a clandestine (meaning hidden) approach in policy formation, that concerts hidden
or overt abuses in the distribution of benefits and burdens and that indicates to those who are truly
critically engaged, that a government, industry or institution is corrupt.

When we omit the signification of something we limit how it can be understood. By doing this
55 powerful people have a tool to keep the populace ignorant and prevent them from organizing the
government in ways that benefit the people.

Omitted Signification involves the systematic unjust treatment of systematically oppressed

people, or groups, usually minorities, aboriginal peoples, immigrants, the poor, the weak, the elderly,
60 youth, the disenfranchised, ex-convicts, the sick, whistleblowers, eccentrics and or outcasts who are are
all ostracized for usually superficial and corrupt reasons. Such groups are alienated by way of what
upon review becomes unethical methods of correction equivocal to Salem witch hunts. These unethical
methods are highly organized and highly systematic and engrained in how a society function. OS
theory as a systematized ideology achieves and maintains a corruption and imbalance of power and is a
65 kind of hegemony, in the sense of being a system of dominance of certain groups and classes over

The purpose of this paper is to educate the reader through definitions of what “OS abuse” is,
this perhaps is a redundancy but in stating OS abuse I believe the term implies that there may in future
70 be a means of systematic approaches involved in cultivating advantage for one group over another that
is not unethical that does involve omitting what is significant to certain people who could do harm to
the system we establish together, however, how this is done is what is to be resonant and important.

OS can generate harmony in cases where we are constructing vitality out of what we do and do
75 not share, on what grounds we suppress information and the justified results in which information is
repressed (for example in health care records being made private and kept private). OS's insularity is a
question for liberal or conservative policies under the rubric of notions of sovereignty where in the
reality of our social responsibility we are left clueless about what decisions governments have made
this effecting adverse trust in government. Beneficial OS is all organized by elites working to
80 gradually extend power to all individuals using fair policies and fair and consistent means to correct a
society when it veers off path of its chosen moral destiny.

For the purpose of this paper all further OS refers to OS abuse, or the unethical extraction of
power of one group over another. What strategies and methods OS uses, how OS uses (in terms of what
85 we are kept from understanding as individuals and groups): the media, the military, religious
institutions, government, healthcare systems, corrupt and coercive lobbyists and business and various
institutions to reinforce it's mandates, establishing irrational and irresponsible agendas as a pre-
requisite for those in power, are part and parcel of what OS abuse actually tangibly is as manifest
through a concertation of policy and reality forming socially reinforced means and methods. WE the
90 people construct reality by what we have been conditioned to understand and we wish to be free to

Omitted Signification or OS theory by Peter Kaleb Theodoropoulos aka Rockwell Wilder.


explore what the government is doing to protect our interests, individually and as groups where
applicable. I will show the importance of becoming mindful of the strategies used by people that abuse
power and the public trust, the dangers of this abuse and I will mention benefits to eliminating OS
abuse, as we more and more collectively struggle to make authorities more accountable.
The aim of OS is to push the marginalized to the fringes of society, to limit their advantages and
to make forms of justice selective and biased. This paper makes these methods overt to highlight the
nature and character of this kind of oppression, so that we may in being more aware of it find ways to
confront and transform it. As we make people internalize the virtue of developing a deeper level of
100 accountability, society is free to evolve only if society can detect corruption. In today's world where
surveillance by police and private groups is made possible through cellphones, where independent
government agencies can be set up to critique policies and violations of public and professional
expectations yet never do, we are left with an empty space in place of a purpose crying out for the
event of true justice, where our rights to privacy are honoured, but people are still policed under
105 warranted conditions to find those who like myself conspire to change society in extremely necessary
ways using an uncustomary approach, as well as other criminally minded individuals who seek to bring
harms to society.

In a place where paper trails and the “hidden calculus” imputed (meaning processed and
110 internalized) by corrupt practices leaves a trail that we can trace through proper reporting by socially
responsible citizens and whistleblowers and peer-critical intervenors in such way that accountability
and not corruption becomes the hidden and overt standard. We organize our clandestine motivations in
the systematic mechanization of incentives toward the building of checks and balances that do not
allow for unfair and unethically arrived at forms of propriety, by organizing OS to be examined by the
115 people in courts and tribunals set up by the people to keep the government in check. It all involves
what I shall call power-chain imposition, or relations of social form through hierarchies that respond to
the common need for common interests in ways that do nor marginalize the weak or underprivileged
nor the elites of a society. A society is fair, just and harmonious when all of its members are rewarded
and awarded status fairly. OS should in my opinion thus never blindly become a tool to eliminate
120 social status, but a tool to import a standard in future that shares power ethically. I will deal with that
in my future paper IOS 2.0. Integral Omitted Signification 2.0.

Omitted Signification is a term I have coined which represents a kind of 'reticulated Hegemony',
meaning systematic hegemony, hegemony being that system established by those in control to maintain
125 control. There's nothing innately wrong with such a system unless it constitutes abuses and it often
does in our social histories, from totalitarian governments, unaccountable and unresponsive
government, racist governments, to governments that take bribes to get anything done, to the forming
of government policies which unfairly favour the rich, it all leads to how we omit the signification of
our actions in ways that lead to abuses of society against itself. OS abuse involves abuse occurring
130 across many privileged social groups, professional roles and through intermediary and direct social
and/or governmental functions within society.

OS is especially overt and obvious as a kind of corruption occurring across governance through
various professional capacities involved in systems which select, reinforce and regulate the public
135 image of certain groups and individuals. Due to the principle of freedom, the government forcing

Omitted Signification or OS theory by Peter Kaleb Theodoropoulos aka Rockwell Wilder.


people to comply with seemingly ethical policies that obscure evidence of wrongdoing is sometimes
problematic as it forces people to make decisions against the interests of the people that the general
public further resents. Government policies like affirmative action and representation of minorities in
government is seen as a threat by those wishing to not become a minority within their own boundaries
140 (unlike the rich who as a minority embrace what it means to be a minority for they have power). Those
groups make efforts to concentrate power in the hands of elites and in various so called “racially
qualified” members of society who award their own race with immunity, while punishing members
from selective races with extreme prejudice all while conditioning the submission of all other groups to
the will of the dominant class and groups. The powers that be use coercion that is arrived at using
145 systematically imported tactics (the reticulated part of reticulated Hegemony) which take steps to
mitigate for what is perceived as a hostile take-over of their traditional and often biased government
practices. I promise to form the first non-violent revolution which is also a reform practice, that is to
say a practice of gradually perfecting our political reality by forming the Civilist Party in the USA and
Canada to radically change the political landscape in the west for all time. Politics in the face of this is
150 the establishment by force of representatives who enforce a potentially rare point of view with the
intention of facilitating the replication of aspects of the cultural imagination into the unfolding
potentials and realities of the otherwise obscure cultural realities of the cultural landscape.

Objectively what is being omitted and what is being signified when one uses OS in an abuseful
155 manner? Well two things are being omitted being accountability and ethical integrity and instead of
signifying a crisis, OS signifies a willing collusion, a silent agreement, toward extremely prejudiced
selective discrimination, when one uses OS tactics. OS originates from impulses of individuals to
concert dishonesty, conspire together against others, fabricate and maintain bias, punish people for
superficial reasons, in a hard line tactic against criminals with money spent on jails as opposed to
160 diversion tactics and social programs to train those people to be self sustaining and develop workin
skills. OS involves picking and maintaining the enemies of the state, using underhanded and
manipulative tactics, of things like wrongful detainment, intimidation and not following legal
obligations and professional procedures.

165 When OS becomes transparent to people, when they en mass awaken to how misdirected they
have been, revolutions generally take root. When corruption, professional incompetence and unethical
approaches of those in positions of authority become systematically apparent, a society revolutionizes
its methods, gradually or radically in ways that seek to re-FORM society. When a society has been
saturated and hijacked by people who stop at nothing to maintain their own jurisdiction and power, by
170 building alliances with others who collude to help them maintain that power, they become so anti-state
configured power that revolutions become necessary. Justice and the rule of law (or integrity of the
legal system) are there to counteract this potential abuse.

As implied, Omitted Signification is a social and political tactic used by those colluding with
175 official or unspoken unethical policies, mandates or processes which are truly kinds of societally
protected professional misfeasance. These systems rely on the systematic placement of persons into
positions of authority that cannot easily be withdrawn or drawn to the same criticism as other positions,
Judges for example have more privilege in the decision and shaping of the law, but police also legalist
and engrained in a potential position of authority over others, when the task demands it, import and
180 embody the rule and law in a way that privileges their testimony over say the reporting of a criminal.

Omitted Signification or OS theory by Peter Kaleb Theodoropoulos aka Rockwell Wilder.


That criminals lie to get out of a problem is pandemically apparent, but so do people in
positions of power. The design of OS is that those with privileged levels of abuse (police, judges,
lawyers, insurance personnel, bankers, white collar criminals), do not have the same kinds of treatment
as criminals when they are caught for an offence. Some of this is practical, it takes many years of
185 education and experience for example to form a judge, if we were to be as critical of the engrained
offences of elites as we were of criminals, meaning if they did not have SOME degree of privilege that
allowed for the forgiveness of certain kinds of error, society would be much more likely to break down,
or form itself anew in unpredictable and unstable ways. Error is part of how we learn and to do away
with it or use it as a resource to limit our capacities to optimally organize society is wrong to organize
190 in the case of the Judges of this world and in the case of the criminals of this world indeed for all
persons and citizens of the world.

In Canada the government works to form “peace, order and good government” which exist in
ways that are often hidden from criticism. We shall in subsequent writing OSI 2.0 go over the formal
195 expectations of government upon government, the role of the people in conditioning social harmony
and the balance between interests that mediates between perceived preconditioned false-positive
registries of a notion of crimes and actual crimes (IE why do white collar crimes mostly go
unpunished?). People with an OS mindset may quietly object to a set of policies by not adhering to
certain mandates and by targeting various groups that depending on the corruption in government could
200 be seen as an official gradual coup d'estat working to installing due process for others who likewise
usurp power at the expense of the interests of the people but are they doing so? Is it criminal to do
what is best for all people? That is the question for Integral OS, however the usual state of OS takes
the form of not making beneficial suggestions to the unaware innocent minorities who may be
struggling to find good jobs and good wages and who go from job to job. OS in this regard of keeping
205 people from aid and services is a tactic that betrays the common good.

OS is most apparent in this regard in things like child poverty, the abuse of the mentally ill, the
pandemic of homeless people and widespread challenges of poverty and poor education in general. OS
is based in a kind of social Darwinism where the strongest survive, whereas I-OS is based on the
210 greatest and most integral fit between all members of a society. I got this idea from my professor Evan
Thompson cognitive science critic and Buddhist scholar the idea of the survival of the fittest standing
for the bond between people not the mere strength of individuals within a society.

OS involves systematic abuses of power and privilege. Such abuses seek to instantiate and
215 import realities, by those who in their official capacities and creation of policies shape people's
impressions of their options and future possibilities by way of using what objectively may be called the
extremely subtle and nefarious tactics of a ruling elite. OS is for example reinforced through the
manipulation of the public imagination via the media's proliferation of oppressive tropes and
stereotypes. In effect, this media manipulation approach is so insidious and widespread that it often
220 manages to cast automatic kinds of speculation and judgment about individuals, groups or policies.

As masses are polluted with messages that target those who do not represent the characteristic
ideologies of the ruling elite, by a biased and often insecure elite which deems who is worthy of
advancement through public development of social policy that hinders and occludes some and helps
225 others. Society builds up tactics to shut down critical inquiry if people begin to demand power. The

Omitted Signification or OS theory by Peter Kaleb Theodoropoulos aka Rockwell Wilder.


impression using the prevalence of negative social tropes is that ubiquity is our teacher in our cultural
instincts and socio-political (or social rendering of what our policies mean) nature. We are conditioned
to know that a snake is dangerous by the prevalence of it's impact on people, so too those in power
consider that a prevalent trope can condition a reflex and it is the conditioning of reflexes that is the
230 concern of any and every effective social engineering project.

While on its own not necessarily wrong, social engineering as practised by people who for all
the wrong reasons take an interest in oppressing you rather than correcting you, punishing you rather
than reforming you when you do wrong, suppressing you rather than advancing you when you are
235 worthy and contradicting your awardship and advancement within society, all while justifying their
work, which is to some great degree the work essentially of maintaining a perceived autonomous
identity, that is superior to any other identity, may or may not always be corruption in the eyes of the
oppressed who has internalized the colonization of their own imagination by way of the internalizing of
impressions of others and themselves in ways that seek to establish normativity that does not challenge
240 power and allows for elites to remain elites.

OS abuse works diligently in things like messages in movies, IE the African American person in
movies is often a thug or a criminal or a miscreant or immoral in some way. OS works in things like
advertising newspapers and news report selection IE all of the stories are predominantly a selection of
245 sensational crimes committed by blacks or hispanics or people of colour in our western white culture,
OS uses the popular media to shape uncritical impressions of a very constructed public enemy. We the
people are beyond colour and know that it is not our skin which is our passport to success. We demand
a better world where we are formed into a vessel of social progress that is how our best options in life.
I myself consider myself of every race and culture of this species. I consider myself asian, white,
250 black, aboriginal, many things for I like you am the personified achievement of all groups working
together and I am like you their shared purpose.

OS is especially ubiquitous in those with power to direct public records, in systems of

processing laws and justice proceedings and which involve the shaping of public perceptions in the
255 context of emerging public policies. A clerk can have as much power as a judge, by destroying an
important file. A police officer who sees to it that evidence goes missing from the evidence holding
can have as much power as a supreme court decision... the person who assaults a member of a minority
on unprincipled grounds (IE not self-defence) and who goes free, can have as much social status and
personal power as a hero. A police officer who kills several gang members can be perceived by his
260 peers as the epitome and example of true law enforcement who under OS, are more exterminators than
maintainers of true social justice. I am proposing that the governments of the world buy their guns from
myself in future they shall all be tranquilizer guns and tranquilizer bullets called redtooths that do not
kill that work in regular guns such as tazer bullets that I shall make in future that release a charge into
the system by a small but powerful battery in the bullet. This latter bullet may be more fiction than
265 factually possible in our era, however, it's clear that the world could use my Viper, Asp, Cobra, Stingray
and Rhino guns. I swear to you these shall work to revolutionize policing worldwide.

Perception and reality ARE shaped by social constructs and the manifest properties of the tools
we use to socially enforce and reward public behaviours that enforce the publicly perceived status quo.
270 OS in this regard is a system of marginalizing the interests and advancement of others in society and

Omitted Signification or OS theory by Peter Kaleb Theodoropoulos aka Rockwell Wilder.


the purpose of OS is to concentrate advantage in those who sympathize or are effective in the
oppression of various marginalized groups, by every reasonable means possible. Ethics in the minds of
some of those affected by OS, is at best a creative and imagined category without substance. Ethics for
those in power is what those in positions of power chose to do to preserve power, this is not wrong and
275 it's desirable to keep power in the hands of the qualified. It's simply a case that the poor must be given
a chance to have power and develop wealth those most worthy who have a good charachter, charisma
charm and capacity, those who can represent the interests of the people in business in government and
in social development, they too must be given opportunities as well as other oppressed groups, such as
the disabled, LGBTQ, youth and the elderly, the mentally disabled and those who are qualified to lead
280 the people who are of the traditional ruling elite as well.

The powerful create as if out of thin air the authority of what is relatively a call to power
through the preservation of powerful interests vs purely ethical considerations that are organized by the
greater populace of the people with their own interests in mind. Dominant power elites believe they
285 create the status quo and those holding governments to account never deny that we make reality on the
basis of importing and reinforcing a dominant stance in the realm of seizing power politically speaking.
Where those who challenge elites differ is that the general public hold elites to account via conventions
for authority and the power paradigm of a power-chain elite (that network of elites who only serve the
interests of elites) with violent else non violent results. Crime is a form of rebellion to an oppressive
290 social system in some cases for example. Crime by elites is scarcely punished and this is because they
have privilege. We need to ask ourselves whether this tendency contributes to war between nations and
hold all authorities whether elites or not to account.

I am for an accountable responsible elite, it's just that we must have representation of all groups
295 as part of those elites on the basis of a right to compete. The oligarchs of the world are guilty of anti-
competition developments in monopolies of opportunities that the government ought to help organize
where those who are qualified have a chance to develop great wealth. I am one such person, I shall
grow to become one of the wealthiest persons in world history due my ambition, drive and power to
shape government interests, mark my words, I am a force of nature.
OS involves often clandestine abuses of power. Such abuses are instantiated through compiling
information regarding consensus decisions influencing how others are treated. These dispositions are
based on profiling threats that are founded on: no critical investigations of said threat, erroneous
generalizations, uncritical engagement, scrutiny and coercion, in a system that inherits bias uncritically
305 from a single authority or from a series of authorities. Such authorities are: corrupt in their means,
unprofessional in their moral scrutiny, sadistically drawn to punish and correct and who promote
sociopathy, engage in social engineering, promoting philosophies of fear and perceived crisis
prevention (for example warranting the pulling over of people whose only infraction is driving while
coloured). These authorities promote the development of uncritical responses to crisis and react in
310 collusion from people who support their authority through implicit threats to THEIR privilege by the
elites retracting the measure of authority that non-elites have by way of those elites using the apparatus
of the state, its courts, the police, the laws and the politicians to suppress those who call for an end to
their own suffering. Such authorities use official systems to: treat people prejudicially, oppose and
oppress people and organize abuses against a person, individual or group. What is being Omitted in the
315 establishment of authority is truth and justice, morality and fairness, objectivity and due process.

Omitted Signification or OS theory by Peter Kaleb Theodoropoulos aka Rockwell Wilder.


Omitted Signification signifies a progression from options to harmonize a society unless it is

Integral Omitted signification. OS is a moniker that defines a tactic or strategy that restricts: benefits,
opportunities, access to power, privilege and entitlement, access to resources, public respect, social
economic status, the security of the person, liberties and options, through controlling how we think,
320 how we imagine, how we organize and develop, all through colonizing our agency and directing our
imagination on possibilities on the shape of our social perceptions which are founded on the agency of
our political leanings and ideological dispositions.

Social corruption of OS is not in the respects I have mentioned absolute. People can counteract
325 it by educating themselves and ensuring that people conform through speculative discourse and active
injunctions on increments of abuse, in ways that generate consensus concerns regarding consensus
problems. Because OS's strategies are both invisible and widespread no one person can correct it, it
requires us all working together to develop reasonable strategies to achieve this and I posit that most of
the world is functioning in OS with the west leading the way in IOS development. It requires our
330 educating ourselves about abuses of power and developing creative and innovative strategies that
incorporate well enforced rules to protect new policies that seek to properly diagnose and correct
imbalances of power.

So what motivates OS? We live in a political world that involves people sometimes intimidating
335 each other and using tactics to build up legal precedent to treat a person in a particularly demeaning
way. Many of these methods seem underhanded because they are. Such approaches use ignorance
based methods that seem to shape and use ignorance as a weapon to implicate innocent people based on
speculation or bias and maintaining the status quo. People in power use OS to pick a foreign threat to
attack and to manufacture the consent of the public through the manipulation of media censorship. Its
340 motivations are control over the possibilities of others taking over the reigns of OS such that the errors
of the group conducting errors are edited out of the systematic record, which imposes hardships on the
groups that are without power as those in power use the 'machinery of the state' in order to generate
systematic advantages always at the expense of the poor, who are seen strictly as a resource for cheap
Some elites and their supporters seek to cultivate public ignorance by manipulating the public
impression, of a common enemy. The victims of this process, the public, often remain ignorant that
they have been tricked into believing a false claim based on false information. The public are not even
aware they have been manipulated. The manufactured and manipulated opinions of the public become
350 tools preventing authentic informed scrutiny and which maintain a mindless stance that is indifferent to
power under the impression that elites are protecting its citizenry and preventing harm to its citizens.
The underprivileged are savvy to some aspects of the abuses of power, as they are critical of the
motivations behind all of the micro-manipulations and micromanagement of their freedoms and
privileges by a ruling elite.
Minorities who are victims, have seen the true character of the powers that be and know all too
well the character of the establishment's (that is to say those who are powerful) power to organize
difficulty, stigma and the public perception of being an enemy of the state. Muhammad Ali knew to
draft dodge, he was not deluded as to the nature of the monstrosities that so called “responsible elites”
360 might be capable of in threatening him if he did not fight a war for them. I am for the en mass

Omitted Signification or OS theory by Peter Kaleb Theodoropoulos aka Rockwell Wilder.


deescalation of the military industrial complex and the abolishment of conscription internationally, with
few exceptions.

It is through the examples set by intelligent and charismatic counterculture that OS is kept in
365 check. In a sense we are all elites in some future ideal world where power sharing is shaped by integral
option, in a world however where resources are limited and advantage is seen as the prime limited
resource, we are all slaves to being the only elites in a model that does away with partnership in
government, brotherhood and sisterhood, society, culture formation and the cultivation of nobility in
the context of potentially peaceful circumstances, such that perpetual war and disease due technological
370 entropy due GMO development in the wrong age are being developed as we speak possibly leading to
our species future extinction.

Culture is an act of importing order over chaos and good or bad it is an exercise in sometimes
demanding experimental standards as well. OS abuse takes root when we no longer establish our
375 standards with qualificatory standards that shape our ethical landscape. With OS in place people are not
encouraged to experiment with social structures in the political landscape such as my proposed
Civilism, we must effect change by being fully transparent and working in only the fairest ecology
where we are not ensnared by the traps of political abuses. The Civilist party shall grow to be the third
party in the USA and shall be a centrist party compared to Democrats on the left representing a mix of
380 socialism and liberalism and Republicans on the right representing the interests of elites who organize
benefit or seek to organize benefit for all groups, but predominantly the wealthy elite.

Once OS gets internalized into one's value system and becomes part of one's ideology,
predominantly through unquestioned submission to policies, it is designed to keep you ignorant, self
385 serving, apathetic and blind to the manipulations of elites some of which are narcissistic sociopaths and
veritable power hungry psychopaths who are in control of fostering impressions and official treatments
of others. These elites enforce their will using media censorship (one of the implied notions of Omitted
in OS), in order to dictate public discourse and shape the public imagination. For example IF I own a
radio station and a TV station and I receive a memo that airing a public interest story in the news that is
390 critical of a group that owns two percent of my corporation and which airs its commercials on my
program content on both radio and TV, I am not very likely to go ahead with airing that public interest
story and I don't need a memo to make that decision. OS works through shared self-interest in that
respect and this part is normally somewhat practical. Where it's unethical is where the news story
involves things that the public has a right to know. Instead OS focuses on things like celebrity and
395 vacuous popular culture rather than news stories that matter. OS abuse is a common feature of our
cultures as by abstraction where we learn to not even demand better programming of the media that
would fill up our curiosity for a better world, though over the past fifty years this has been changing in
the west and in other parts of the world.

400 OS depends on the public not questioning, scrutinizing or inquiring into the workings of
authority. The whole system depends on the public's trust being abused and the public's ignorance,
indifference and apathy being taken advantage of. The victims of this process often out of fear of
punishment or loss to their own security, eventually adopt the attitudes, beliefs and speculations of the
dominating classes in order to thrive within the system with its limited rewards. I am such a person, I
405 would think it's wise to want to be dominant in relation to those who are dominant and to help them to

Omitted Signification or OS theory by Peter Kaleb Theodoropoulos aka Rockwell Wilder.


be responsible in the process. Every system needs new input to thrive, no person or group lives in a
vacuum, we thrive together because we contribute in ways that cause us to thrive together.

A study of OS sharpens our critical sense of the world and helps us to be more active in
410 attempts to limit corruption and preserve human excellence. Studying OS preserves and improves
accountability and maintains human virtue, because the more aware we are of the corrupting tactics
people use, the more we can correct such tactics. In such a manner we help to gradually remove the
mental, social, financial, emotional and immoral disempowerment of abused groups within society.
This act toward accountability emancipates us from a sort of ideological slavery that dissociates us
415 from each other. In being more accountable we do not grow as suspicious of each other, in ways that
build either uncritical assessments of others, or too critical an approach with select others for the wrong
reasons in ways that atomizes us socially.

A study of OS builds social connection, by being critical of things like social stigma. As critical
420 responses to OS makes us aware of unethical approaches in ways that present two benefits: firstly we
are not deluded by the misinformation and manipulations of the mass media and secondly we organize
different social realities for each other that are far healthier and much more ethically rational,
intelligent, compassionate and balanced.

425 Over time, a study of OS abuse and IOS in schools and Universities shall help people to
gradually ensure that all forms of media are properly regulated, in balanced ethically robust ways that
authentically preserve social harmony through freely arrived at identification with each other. I firmly
believe this hinges on our ethical development of our education systems and the education provided by
our social systems (friends family colleagues), which serve the possibility of helping to bring a great
430 degree of accountability to all governments, militant religious groups and socially diverse institutional
social system paradigms that condition culture. This development includes the media and the cultural
elites who own the media work together to form our standards para-locally, with responsibility to a
strong ethical standard (which elites generally have this is why they are elites after all). OS as a study
shall showcase what we responsibly take into account with respect to realities that are taking shape all
435 around the world, in ways that preserve integrity over identity, lucid justice over misfeasant
manipulations, education over propaganda and social harmony over imported social chaos coerced and
enforced through corruptive socially corrective measures. War and rage against injustice in all its

440 OS is a kind of 'psycho-social virus' taught to people, often infecting people through
conditioned appeals to their fears, especially through narratives of good and evil. The sanctity of the
group is the ideology promoted here. We are good and they are evil. This “othering” (to borrow the
term from Edward Said it means to make the person alien to one's own interests essentially) is
sometimes accurate, sometimes there are people who have evil intentions, evil approaches and who
445 promote evil outcomes. The problem is that in an atmosphere of fear, one cannot be critical of A)
whether people authentically are the threat and whether people are targeting the right groups for the
right reasons and B) whether the group using the OS is not masking its own evil else mislead motives
in order to extract the compliance and consent of a populace to do things like go to war based on
mandates of greed or a lust for preserving power that generally is something whose benefits trickle into
450 a society only insofar as it maintains a 'status quota' let's call it, a 'normative amount of expectations

Omitted Signification or OS theory by Peter Kaleb Theodoropoulos aka Rockwell Wilder.


met' that is which builds the conformity and passivity of a general populace rather than having them
disrupt the government with constant protest say.

OS seeks to become systematic, through fear infecting people's perceptions, then their hope,
455 then their response to power, then their powers to organize. Once OS becomes the conventional tactic
taken by authority...once people become mindless, heartless and insensitive, they are as uncritical
slaves to the social system. These people infected by the fear OS utilizes work to go along with
anything that those in a position of authority and dominance will do in order to preserve unfair,
intimidating and unethical power relations. People develop immunities to this psycho-social virus, by
460 way of improving their social and governing systems, creating political checks and balances and,
systematizing a fair distribution of opportunity in order to make their societies more accountable and
by educative discourse organized into a populace as a means to qualify the generation of our social

465 People that use omitted signification attempt to label a person as an outcast, or enemy of the
state, selecting people who do not deserve to be an outcast or enemy strictly to exert power and deter
people from opposing the state (IE the civil rights issues presently in China and every nation of the
world). OS abusers are, many of them, sociopathic narcissists with no empathy who use ways to
manipulate what people know, think and believe in ways that have massively negative impacts on other
470 people's lives. These sociopaths and narcissists are valuable to the system because they appear to keep
society in check, however this is in fact not what they are doing. Like a virus that spreads cell to cell,
they infect people's way of thinking and together form a sort of organic attack on society in ways where
society is crippled and made unaware of the attack.

475 OS abuse becomes an infection of the system and becomes as a sort of political virus that seeks
to paralyze all agents who are not aligned with the consensus expectations that those who have inferior
values ought to be excluded from discourse and removed from critical engagement, removed by force if
necessary. It should be noted that members of the left and right take this OS approach and that the left
is not immune, consider Stalinism and Lenninism as the legacies of historical figures who used an
480 oppressive amount of OS, where the minorities are dictated by ideological opposition to a regime made
up of ideas, something internal to the person, which bred an enormous amount of tyranny in the
labelling of potential threat, in veritable dystopian “thought crimes” (to borrow the term from the book
1984 written by Eric Arthur Blair also known as George Orwell), where anyone is a threat for even
criticizing the government and where OS can be sharpened into a weapon to completely eliminate
485 opposition by all measures of extreme prejudice. I am a criminal for devising a system to oppose
oppression for all time. I am the subversive of subversives and a discontent who shall change the
world for all time with my writing, business developments and political ideologies in the form of the
Civilist party.

490 OS abusers proliferate crimes against humanity by going to war, the abuses of the largess,
misusing taxpayer money to fund oppressive work projects IE look at the number of prisons in the
United States (not enough on one level in some states- there should be more with real rehabilitation
systems that work in all of them), white collar crime going unpunished, building up police and
corrections and surveillance till on is in a police states in everything but name the world over. We are
495 at the precipice of financial totalitarianism (totalitarianism being a government ruling everything by

Omitted Signification or OS theory by Peter Kaleb Theodoropoulos aka Rockwell Wilder.


force and military force, Nazism was an example of a totalitarian regime).

By controlling financial capacities of various groups society organizes the financial fluency of
persons and groups to keep them from opportunity. People maintain power by making OS a product of
500 tacit rules, based on a certain implied monopoly on threat and through reticulated self-interest. People
promote people with similar values and people who they trust will work with others on their team to
protect and maintain the status quo. This status quo, like OS, is maintained by self-interest. The boss in
an organization can always fire you, promote or demote you and your submission is ensured by your
self-interest, expressed as your taking on an approach that endorses your not questioning your boss'
505 integrity. OS is actually the result of extremely corrupt and systematic self-interest. Those using OS as
what we don't speak of to reproduce, modify, adapt and evolve abuses within society, do so by
implementing not only fear, but also ignorance, in the form of the selective flow of information, by
establishing laws, rules, policies and legal practices that maintain unfair social hierarchies (just watch
how long it will take before my proposed corpus pleas enter into the cannon worldwide as a practice in
510 law).

People use the imbalanced flow of information and power to generate opportunity internally for
the select few, making advancement a limited resource essential in the designs to oppress a populace.
Why do I say this process is essentially a key factor to the formation of an oppressed society? Because
515 in order to design the formation, maintenance and flow of channels of power people in the process
unfairly distribute benefits and burdens in ways that oppresses the rights and entitlements of whole
groups and individuals in unfair ways that preserve systems of oppression. WE as people SAY we are
for freedom but it's not for the freedom of all people, some people are subjugated and it is welcome to
be the case. IF everyone had a billion dollars in a matter of centuries there would be classes of
520 trillionaires and quadrillionaires as people would dissolve wealth into the hands of the more adept, also
society would completely break down as no one would go to work; money and wealth is an
incentivization system. OS is a doctrine of covert manipulation with IOS to convert social
manipulation to more civil liberalism; both use tactical restriction of information but one is to protect a
populace the other is to exploit it. This social systematic process follows a social policy formation
525 where what we do not know and what we do not understand either causes us to function better as in the
case of IOS or causes us to malfunction as in the case of OS. It's very difficult as such to identify and
process without developing the correct political tools such as equality, strategic temporary or
permanent non-equality (as those stigmatized by severe crimes) and social economic prosperity, putting
such tools in place and priming them for use by all as one practices and improves the authentic
530 developing of healthy versions of society.

OS creates a system of abuses that often go undetected and this creates many victims. OS
essentially facilitates: a pipeline or revolving door to crime and punishment, mental illness, social
division, religious oppression OF religions and religious oppression BY religious organizations who are
535 oppressive and other kinds of social disease like widespread poverty. OS targets the poor, the
underprivileged, aboriginals, the uneducated and ignorant, as well as the unorganized (people who
could not afford to pay for an army and police- the poor essentially pay half of the money say to pay
for police and military worldwide, however the elites the top one percent of elites control ninety
percent of the world's wealth allegedly). The victims of tactical discriminations facilitated by OS
540 experience suffering from a sort of cognitive/psycho-social Stockholm syndrome, where they go along

Omitted Signification or OS theory by Peter Kaleb Theodoropoulos aka Rockwell Wilder.


with authority to be like them and be liked by them. OS works off the basic human need to be loved,
respected and appreciated, using rejection as a tool in the forging and manipulation of other people's

545 To understand OS we must attempt to understand slavery, wage slavery, poverty and
powerlessness. In dealing with OS, our empathy must be built up and established so that we can be
impervious to it's temptations and seductions, so that we can help others. In order to do this most
effectively, it helps to understand the nature and history of the unprivileged as well as underprivileged
people. For a slave to be a slave or impoverished one has to be trapped in an exploitative system that
550 prevents social balance, or that prevents ethical solutions to problems. Today such a situation exists and
is called wage slavery. IF you are working just to live and just to facilitate working with minimal
enjoyment and minimal connection in order to build a society that you secretly know is maximally
pathological and corrupt, you feel no sense of liberty or worthwhile value with respect to your
contribution and effectiveness within society. Wage slavery makes you work to just get by, works to
555 exploit you. Many people go along with OS tactics because they feel the unspoken need to appeal to
authority in order to preserve their security, many people become wage slaves because the alternative
of being homeless or poorer and more powerless than they already are is far more horrific.

OS works by way of people in power bringing the worst out of the oppressed. This involves
560 those in power crafting and shaping unpleasant experiences. While we may not have the dungeons of
old, we still have many corruptive institutions of society with their departments and divisions, that each
work to collude in ways to collective suppress freedoms and organize threat, violence and punishment.
For this to be the case, those in charge pick a group, who does not on balance represent the same values
or accepted beliefs and way of life, as they exploit those groups. Those in power amplify and escalate
565 offences up in the courts, through newspaper and TV and the internet, as well as the radio and other
media, in order to maintain oppressive norms. We shall examine how organized this form of lying is,
later, but first let's understand what the purpose of the media IS.

The purpose of the media is to play a role in shaping the political structure of society through
570 directing culture formation. The media does this by shaping public opinion in order to direct and
maintain a sense of who is culpable for error, what we aspire to change, what our values are, what our
tactics are, advertising in the process what we think is worthwhile. The media seeks often to target and
focus on groups that the power elite and governments have made enemies, or to overlook examining
the offence of groups that the power elite considers its allies. The media is in this sense a sort of
575 abusive propaganda machine, an influencing device and it's selective process is the direct power of OS,
we know this because a critical assessment of the content of various kinds of media stories show
important trends that we would be wise to take to account. Empowered elites for example use the
media to omit criticism of their allies and omit a true assessment of what their perceived enemies are
The media is structured by the policies of courts and legal professionals, as well as by
regulatory officials and government employees. These groups and institutions make it their duty to
create, regulate and censor what the media can and cannot say. The media is also regulated by special
national or international corporations who own shares in the media companies and those special
585 interests generally shape what the media will and with not report or represent to the people, by

Omitted Signification or OS theory by Peter Kaleb Theodoropoulos aka Rockwell Wilder.


controlling the production and distribution of the media. This gives the corporations internal censorship
powers, that affect what a populace can be informed of through the mass media.

OS depends on the following list of things in order to achieve its goals:

1) OS depends on people taking advantage of professional relationships, sometimes betraying
oaths and working standards in order to implicate people,
2) OS depends on establishing power and dominance through suggestion in how documents are
formed that implicate others in wrongdoing when they have not done so and thus also works by
595 organized inference
3) OS depends on gradually limiting away people's options and access to services that may cater to
and build up an advantage for that individual or preserve that individual's rights and
4) OS depends on people not standing up for their rights or being ignorant of their options to
600 protect their rights.
5) OS depends on the multiple duplication of misinformation,
6) OS depends on authority not correcting others in positions of authority.
7) OS depends on people kissing up to and placating authority in order to avoid backlash and
unnecessary correction.
605 8) OS depends on authority mindfully remaining uncritical, insincere and corrupt regarding their
professional conduct.
9) OS depends on people creating and fostering often purposefully ignorant and mislead
assumptions in order to shape other people's ignorance and assumptions in order to exhibit
power over what others significant to an elite power-chain/chain of command who with their
610 “privilege of impact” can conform their assertions to the formulaic treatment of certain
individuals or groups, who fall under the systematic scrutiny of people.
10) OS depends on people's general fear of mockery, fear of people's threat to continue to meddle
and intervene in unpleasant ways further involving: dishonest manipulation, restriction,
limitation and intimidation in order to shape and maintain a victim's intimidation and
615 submission through things like slander, libel and defamation.
11) OS sometimes to often depends on racism, ageism, plutism (bias and prejudice against the rich)
and prejudice against the sick (agnatism) and poor (lorpetism) my three new neologisms or new
words there.
12) OS depends on people colluding with others to establish and preserve negative impressions of
620 others.
13) OS depends on people policing others in efforts to govern over them, judging, behaving
unempathetic, using immoral and unethical tactics out of a sense of abusive, privilege and
entitlement and mindful of their ignorance as a tool of their power as they not listen to reason,
attempts at 'correction from below' a valid standard (instead of from a validly just governing
625 authority).
14) OS depends on people having no interest to truly being criticized for their code of conduct,
unless it perhaps comes from a governing body, at which point they use OS to cover up their
error, by using the elements at their disposal to shape a positive impression of themselves and a
negative understanding of others.
630 15) OS depends on concerting unnecessary interventions as a means to manipulate and control the

Omitted Signification or OS theory by Peter Kaleb Theodoropoulos aka Rockwell Wilder.


social structure of our society based on its engrained entitlements and the privileges it creates.
16) OS effects circumstances such that people willingly and without resistance reinforcing their
submission to authority, in ways where people are systematically NOT critical of others in
positions of authority. (Critical here in the sense of the way I am using it means holding OS
635 abusers to account and creating roles to keep those abuser's power in check. Such people appear
to be non-submissive and challenge and question authority.) OS depends on people not
questioning the motives and approach of those in power in order to critique and correct abuses
of power.
17) OS seeks to create a system of intimidation and force, often using aggressive tactics in order to
640 control people and keep people in line. This can happen from the people towards the people as
well it's not just authorities who abuse power in the ways I am mentioning in this paper.
18) OS depends on replication of oppression, through the internalization of restrictive ideologies.
19) OS depends on those in authority not being influenced by experimental attempts to truly
improve ethical consistency and the system. OS abuse destroys democratic innovation
645 essentially and keeps people from organizing in the interests of the people.
20) OS depends on people working to build a portfolio of your social, personal, financial and
psychological profiles in order to establish ways to deal with you in the future, again often
worded in certain ways so as to limit options for people. This is not wrong to do to collect
information on people it's just as this is done on groups it gives us information of oppression
650 and tools to deal with it in future in some measurably fair way. IF all loans to the rich for
example were leading to loans to the poor instead, and the rich were out money they would
ensure that the police raided banks doing this. The system is organized to protect the social
structure and that's both good and bad. It's only right that the authorities maintain that authority
and so IOS should be the way to do this... OS abuse is not.
655 21) OS is founded on people making things like respect and just treatment a limited resource for
those who the State targets as potential threats to its structure. This is normal to some extent if
you treated people who are bad to you with respect you would be in a terrible predicament. The
state is seeking to organize who gets prioritization, the ONLY problem with this is that people
who are good get little and those who are great sometimes get nothing at all. The system I am
660 proposing is a meritocratic democratic Civilism that organizes our societies where we optimize
accountability as they have attempted to do with some greater success in the USA, where I plan
on becoming a citizen (while maintaining citizenship with Canada and also becoming a citizen
of Greece).
22) OS is founded on wrongful escalations to do things like maintain police budgets, keep people
665 with jobs that would otherwise dwindle away and maintain what I call the STATUS QUOTA.
Maintaining the status quo by degrees such that a person must behave a certain way for a
certain time before they are given any status according to normative expectation that time
ongoingly deferred by way of the status quota's social implications of empowering some groups
over others others having endless social and economic obstacles to their goals as a result.
OS is a method of criticism, taught early on in institutions like public schools and universities
by teachers who would physically punish certain students, or vigorously insult other students publicly.
OS as a means or form of systematic personal social bias, is arguably also taught within the family, as
well as within friendships and interactions with peers. OS is taught by what people don't say, how
675 people seek to avoid punishment, how people seek relationships that primarily give them advantages.

Omitted Signification or OS theory by Peter Kaleb Theodoropoulos aka Rockwell Wilder.


IN that sense OS is woven into our social programming. Truly ethical and effective social institutions
seek to play an essential role in evolving OS abuse into OS integrity, as we grow into adulthood,
through our present kinds of social structure, primarily through the influence of government, laws and
the media.
Institutions are essentially social organizations made of individuals that contribute to the
policies of the institution, the modus operandi (meaning purpose and intended actions) of the institution
including the philosophy of the institution. The history and future character of institutions are declared
by legal agreements that proscribe the authority and jurisdictions of its members, through working
685 contracts, accreditation and by selecting members who will maintain the work ethic and status quo of
the organization. The kinds of moral concerns regarding the tactics used to maintain that status quo,
are conditioned by one's approach to through one's OS.

OS as presently practised by governments and institutions seeks to condition a neutral response,

690 or no corrective response to corrupt authorities. These authorities mistake freedom for liberty from
restriction and accountability. Freedom is wonderful, but there is some things that we should have
BEFORE freedom and that informs our moral obligations and that is social responsibility to one
another. Before freedom we should have scrutinized propriety, empathy, intelligence and responsibility,
for without these things, freedom is meaningless.
OS seeks to reward those who punish others without mercy and who without compassion label
and restrict the rights and entitlements of those with a questionable moral compass, or unacceptable
way of life. OS seeks to reward OS ideological adherence by not paying any mind to their abuses, or
Omitted signification is a set of strategies that people use, to internalize in the minds of others
that they as a team should be in power and that they alone have the power, responsibility and foresight
to maintain order in the social system. This perennially malqualifies others who are deserving for
positions of authority and this works not solely in government it also works in business developments
705 and in social organizations who employ hegemonic types of OS abuse to maintain power in unfair
ways. Note in the private industry it's their privilege to organize their organizations as they so wish,
public pressure must be placed on those groups by boycotts of products in order to adversely influence
their options. Those who utilize OS abuse are using tyrannous systematic punishment, designed to
decimate the hope in the innocent, eliminate the rights of the weak, decimate the freedom of those
710 deserving of freedom. OS seeks to police creativity and in the process manages to design a very
corrupt notion of responsibility.

Omitted signification sometimes works by a certain class of those submissive to authority

obsequiously (grovelling and submissive) and sycophantically (praiseful and flattering) appealing to
715 the rich, empowered and powerful in order to affirm and maintain the power of all persons along what I
call the “power chain” that chain of command that socially coheres social intention to social agency
and the influence that that has in organizing our societies. This power chain has its potential abuses and
yet when organized properly is an optimal production of society as a group avoids OS abuse, as IOS
functions of a society but as OS theory holds it's by default based in abuses by people that share power,
720 using some of the following elements in their approach in order to apply the hegemonic OS abuse

Omitted Signification or OS theory by Peter Kaleb Theodoropoulos aka Rockwell Wilder.



1) Multiple signification or corrupting the record- the ability to populate as many resources from
officials with information that is damaging is appealing to the person using OS and the act of
725 doing this is those officials engaging in Multiple signification. Multiple signification only needs
us to doubt a person, this approach exploits the human need to be critical of others, but it does
this by way of people eventually not being critical of the official story and its means of
information gathering. Just as there is misleading news, Multiple signification, builds up
multiple often damaging spin doctored impressions of people, so that those down the “power-
730 chain” get and maintain a skewered sense of reality in order to facilitate their agenda. Multiple
signification works on using the redundancies of systematic attempts to generate inaccurate
information in efforts to give people a primer on how to interact. People who take this
approach make abuse normative. Multiple signification is a social syndrome or social disease
as MSS Multiple Signification Syndrome that is part of the tactics used by the slave inculcating
735 mentality of oppressive people. In effect when you learn that those with abusive power are
slaves to their own convenience, you can empathize with the challenge and degree of systematic
countermeasures implicit to the social kinds of work necessary for liberating all people, as you
improve society.
2) OS often uses the approach of proliferating Misinformation by compiling alternative
740 (ultimately often irrelevant) facts which are generated through the effect of multiple
signification. Any kinds of socially mediated systems that can populate and saturate the media
and personal as well as professional relationships with misinformation, abusive tactics, cruel
assessments, inconsiderate discernment, prejudice, discrimination, ignorance, arrogance,
unwillingness to confront and correct authorities, hopelessness...misinformation that creates
745 disrespect of minorities, or the poor, or the sick, or misinformation that keeps us from spending
time trying to understand people fairly, manages to divide and conquer and control people.
3) OS uses an approach that fosters Uncritical Judgment. Using censorship those in power control
what people don't say and don't do, or cannot even wrap their minds around because they have
heard nothing about a particular issue. People can be responding to certain ways of thinking of
750 people based on stereotypes in the media, which invites people to discriminate against people,
in effect leading to people alienating their victims from their potential entitlements and just
treatment. As long as people can continue to be uncritical in their judgment and infect others to
be uncritical in THEIR judgment people can proliferate a system of being unjust. OS abuse also
has to do with what people populate into the record, in ways that entrap a person and make a
755 group uncritical of that person through inactive applicable non-disclosure that endangers those
at risk groups and individuals. Court files that are shared which relate to mental health issues
stigmatizing a person for life may be considered a sort of OS abuse. People do have the right to
their own mental health care being private to what extent possible, where possible.
4) OS uses fears of “Recursion”, or recidivism: if one's OS targets are criminals or those who
760 generate civil unrest, this develops as a popular attitude and which is especially true of what
motivates people. Fears that people will repeat a negative behaviour is reinforced into society,
criminals of minor offences perhaps get treated like criminals permanently, people who suffer
an experience of getting mentally sick once or twice are seen as permanently sick. People using
OS foster much ignorance on the basis of this fear of recursion and recidivism by arguing that a
765 person has a bad nature, that they are by their dispositions unfit for responsibilities, that those

Omitted Signification or OS theory by Peter Kaleb Theodoropoulos aka Rockwell Wilder.


people are in some way harmful to society, that they are unethical, flawed, irrational, unable to
be helped or cured, untreatable, uncivil, uncouth and unresponsive to treatments or correction.
People that take on this ideology that people cannot be helped, run out of creative ways to
intervene pretty quickly and they become what I call a “wall”, knowing who your walls are
770 once you walk into a room or into a meeting, let's you know who's using OS against you and
knowing to what degree they are your walls keeps you safely from trusting them too too much
and keeps you at a healthy distance from the labyrinths of social interaction that keep you from
getting that sense of being 'closed in' and confined by other's ignorance or influence. Once you
internalize these walls and colonize your imagination with their influence you are in effect
775 institutionalized and are in a self styled prison. Removing your walls, involves taking time to
figure out how to get away from punishment and intimidation and ignorance long enough to
replenish your creativity in order to pursue the best possible tactic and intelligent approach
available to you. People who take time to recharge and eliminate confrontations that cause
recursion through spite, intelligently forge their progress and are the most useful to our
780 “revolution” they become the role models of the social movement we should all try to instill in
people, of any race, colour, or creed and that is being just to everyone, fair minded in all of your
dealings, embracing of necessary changes, morally not opposed to social duty over dogma,
intelligent in your approach and compassionate in all of your tactics.
5) Marking the Enemy. They exploit things they can like low education, behaviours that are
785 questionable, approaches that do not follow proper social mores and all of that gets processed in
your file or dossier, the less privilege you have the worse you are treated. The terror is that your
privilege can be taken away at any time and if you do not support those with authority and
security and protect them, they will not offer you security and protect you, but they will
intimidate and take away your entitlements by force if you do not comply with their
790 manipulations. OS seeks to mark you as an enemy and process you as a threat which results in
the unfolding potential coercion that are based on a threat to people's security. The
manufacturing of the impression that African Americans and Hispanics are all criminals or
enemies of the State is an example of what I mean.
6) Perceptions of incurable retaliation. IE racist blacks hating whites and racist whites hating
795 blacks, are groups who are conditioned to realize there is no possible great hope for justice. For
some people they are right, until people like judges and police can be made to be punished and
made accountable, there is no great hope. The destruction of hope towards the group that seems
to have limited that hope, or who take concerted efforts to destroy that hope results in hatred.
In order for groups to facilitate the hatred which ensures there can be no loving revolutions,
800 which promise to transform our societies and make people more: autonomously conscious,
conscientious, responsible, more human, more humane, more ethical and considerate: there is
first the perception that people are beyond hope and this perception is an enemy to true ethical
evolution of our social systems. Progress in some cases can be rare or next to impossible, but in
all phases of our personal growth there is a chance for personal reform and development.
805 Taking these steps to transform society helps people become more real....what do I mean by
saying this? Well basically when you are lead all of your life to be a slave to other people's
ignorance and arrogance and abuse, you become less authentically free from strife and live in a
distressed state. So knowing how to put a stop to people taking advantage not only of you, but
of all people, that is the AIM of our looking at OS critically (and is the aim of Civilism my
810 political movement which functions on the principle of social ergonomics or building society in

Omitted Signification or OS theory by Peter Kaleb Theodoropoulos aka Rockwell Wilder.


a way that reduces stress and a malfunctioning society by way of its being ordered more
harmoniously). Our aim is to put a stop to both wrongful kinds of hegemony and people
manipulating our minds to program us to be veritable slaves to their oppressive uses of power,
wage slavery or making the most minimal amounts of money legally possible is an example of
815 what I mean. I personally learned a great deal from Martin Luther King who I very much so
admire. King essentially said...An injustice to people anywhere is a threat to justice
7) Intimidation and/or systematic rights violation. People using OS, use this primarily in a
passive way if they have only figurehead authority and in an aggressive way if they have the
820 powers of a policing or socially regulative body. In certain cases people can be forced on
medications even when they are on balance very well behaved and have no significant history
of mental illness and who may have a mental disturbance instead of a mental disorder. The
treatment of the mentally ill, as policed by doctors pressured to protect their licences (IE if a
doctor assesses that a person is not well after an offence they could be kept under long term
825 supervision- this serves many purposes providing jobs and making the doctor seem that they are
a disciplinarian and not a pushover who is easily manipulated, however, there are other
motivations regarding harsh assessments, if a possibly mentally ill client is released into the
public and they harm people the doctor could lose their license to practice medicine. The doctor
is intimidated by consequences into a situation where he must intimidate and violate the rights
830 of the patient in order to protect his own interests. OS often works like this, it ratchets people
into potentially abusive power relations and maintains the violations of rights under the false
premise that it protects the common good. Indeed hundreds of years of now people will be
alarmed at the barbarism of present instantiations of industries like our contemporaneous
professional standards, the amount of time it takes to reverse bad court decisions, social stigma
835 against the mentally ill or criminally ill and criminal, policing and the treatment of the mentally
ill and the common oppressive standards which manage to do little more than systematically
intimidate and violate the rights of others.
8) Imposing unethical kinds of hardships in an abusive way, these are difficult, a mentally ill
person can have a hardship like being forced on a medication and that medication can do
840 extreme damage, but the person is forced to be on that medication until lawyers or rights
advisors advocate for the person...and by this time the person suffers incredibly at the
manipulative tactics of others. A person can be put in solitary confinement and that can do
incredible harm...OS works by staggering policies such that a person has to go through an
elaborate process to reverse the abuses of the powers of the state, by this time the victim has
845 suffered immensely. In Canada, this is referred to as “clear and unusual punishment” and it
claims to protect its citizens from this but it in effect does not actually DO so.
9) Relentless punishment. Omitted signification is a psychological weapon of sorts, that results in
people being unfairly removed from society's “safe list”. OS may essentially result in life long
punishment. Perhaps it is some exposure to what things like Omitted Signification does to a
850 society that inspired Jean Paul Sartre to write “Hell is other people”. When we grow too
judgmental and vindictive, insensitive and cruel, all things achieved by OS infecting a person's
psychology, results in something similar to the philosophy that Gandhi observed in his
statement “An eye for an eye makes the whole world blind” (note that's not accurate there
would be one person left with one eye). It seems that only by fostering a civilization of
855 unconditional love, in order to help us correct each other, treating everyone with respect no

Omitted Signification or OS theory by Peter Kaleb Theodoropoulos aka Rockwell Wilder.


matter what, is the only solution available to us, as long as we don't in the process think that say
all corrections are wrong or all policing is bad, or all government is inessential. Rather than
become nihilists and abandon the system, we must reform it and stop those who are relentlessly
punishing others from doing what is harmful to society, by 1) investing more in education and
860 educating people more on how to be good and ethical people 2) punish those who are corrupt
and lastly 3) reward people more consistently who are good and do a great many positive things
for society, this of course includes the rich, we as Civilists are not anti-wealth, that would be
absurd, we are IOS or Integral Omitted Signification seekers.
10) Internalization, or Imprinting. People end up internalizing authority's approach, uncritically
865 just doing what seems right on the basis of its being accepted. This is a natural part of our
evolution, we model the behaviours of others when we are young and much of our ideology
happens to rest on how we internalize patterns of behaviour. The authority figures are assumed
to be professional in their approach and so people, many of them, assume that the authorities are
on balance good and noble. The general populace seeks to copy the conclusions, beliefs and
870 attitudes that their authorities have. This process imprints on a populace in two respects, firstly
with the belief that all authority is deserving of our respect and cooperation and secondly in our
belief that we should treat some people as more superior and more worthy than others. The
internalization of unquestioned authority leads to a blockage of true self-knowledge and
hampers our own creative voice. My friction writing is a tool to reverse the imprinting process
875 and organize minds to organize their own lives with their own influences. It's essentially the
practice of character writing in a spontaneous improvised extemporaneous manner,
11) Lastly, one of the prime elements that OS uses, is invisible terror and invisible error. In
constantly punishing an individual or group, constantly processing that person, those in abusive
positions of power instill a sense of terror in people that seems invisible to all but those affected
880 (this is very true of every nation but is in our modern era especially true of some Muslim
countries these Muslims requiring our help). It would seem to be both idiotic and thankless for
a person to critique the police who work so hard to protect us, but not doing so keeps them from
improvement and accountability and promotes a system whereby some percentage of police
exploit the errors made possible by an uncritical populace. This exploiting of error, that goes
885 unnoticed or at least unprotested results in the kinds of invisible terror that we permit and
remain in a sense thus complicit in promoting. Those who use OS depend on the fact that
people remain ignorant of the terror they create and it's not just corrupt police but a corrupt
citizenry that create this, for it is a corruption to prefer to remain ignorant. Gangs and gang
violence is wrong, thieves should be punished, people that harass others should be corrected,
890 people that fail to do anything to help improve a catastrophic situation like extreme poverty and
homelessness are responsible and deserve correction and intervention. The public response to
terror and the radicalization of elites, through the concerting of a sort of en mass delusion, that
permits harms paralyzes a populace and makes them ineffectual unless they organize, OS abuse
and terror creates a very real sense of paralysis through its invisibility. Clearly beyond
895 education, we need tactics to deal with this sort of thing, so in a sense, before during and well
after our education, we need courage and intelligence.

What should we do to correct OS? In order to correct OS, we must know our enemies and not
judge them, we must show people love, sternness and respect and correct them by changing society's
900 understanding, as well as by protesting en mass in working together educating people on how to

Omitted Signification or OS theory by Peter Kaleb Theodoropoulos aka Rockwell Wilder.


effectively shape and change laws. We must hold governments accountable, by being accountable
ourselves, hold officials who are responsible for abuses of justice, accountable in the measure due and
no more. We must hold shareholders and stakeholders of a society to a great deal of scrutiny, without
repeating the problems of OS where we demonize and mistreat those who indeed while acting quite
905 wrongful and unprofessional as well as irresponsible in their approach, happen to also be human beings
prone to failure and unbalanced selfish behaviour from time to time. In order to address how we should
treat narcissists we must first understand their behaviours and the nature of their unethical and
insensitive motivations, as a need for power and control over destiny and do nothing to harm that
destiny, while simultaneously not giving way to the permissability of supremacy which harms
910 everyone's approaches. Second, we must understand OS abuse as a pathology, of a sort of social
disease, whose etiology rests in delusion, revenge, war, oppression and dominance.

OS is often invisible, because people understand political correctness and the importance of
maintaining perceptions that the people are truly in control and have rights, that are fought for and
915 preserved by a very civil society. As a result of this social pressure to preserve the illusion that the
common people have rights, as opposed to ensuring in reality that they do and that society is civil,
professional people can be very polite, but all the while they are sometimes seeking to entrap, ensnare,
limit, hinder the progress of others. Professionals are not necessarily true power deserving elites.
Professional comes from the root word to profess and it is the consistency between utterance and
920 freedom, that preserves nobility and quality work that makes a professional a true elite. Professionals
who uncaringly and bureaucratically go about the business of slowly decimating the rights and liberties
of persons and groups are not worth their salt (meaning that they have a bad approach that is not
worthy of our support to have their interests preserved, just as salt preserves) and in an ethical society
their powers and entitlements are slowly diminished till the point that they have little social status.
925 Social status should be based on two aspects, being human and having an equal share of status in terms
of your impact on society and contributing to everyones improvement so that impact has importantly
qualitatively distinguishable aspects. When we award our leaders, elites and all of our citizens, for their
choices and contributions it is on the grounds that they have contributed to all of society's improvement
through their contributions via this qualitatively distinguishable status that is theirs to create, which
930 radically improves a society. It is the focusing on celebrating and protecting our rights that challenges
the invisibility of OS abuse.

Because people who use OS, often cover for each other and refuse to punish each other and
because society is absorbed or invested in the brainwashed assumption that all authorities are by some
935 kind of a default, moral and noble people, people just comply with authority and adopt a submissive
stance to our unqualified and overprivileged authorities, who underprivilege others thus perpetuating
social disease in ways that affirm social imbalance. In this way by intimidation and excessive force
and excessive punishment authorities perpetuate and indeed to some extent validate crime. Women did
not have the vote and their protests were seen by some as criminal, some women who were vehement
940 about their entitlements were assessed by doctors as hysterical, pathologically affected by “the
vapours” as it was called and defiant independent women were placed in medical hospitals and beaten.
Rather than integrating opposition, society slowed its progress and ethical resolve, by sequestering
threat to the political structure, seeking to draw it out of the general populace and deeming it
undesirable. Women of today have rights because people fought for it. Criminals and the mentally ill
945 have rights too and do not deserve their unfair treatment and stigma. Just because someone does

Omitted Signification or OS theory by Peter Kaleb Theodoropoulos aka Rockwell Wilder.


something wrong on one or two occasions, does not mean they are a threat to the public and should be
stigmatized for life. People buy into stigmatizing all criminals and they cannot get work. People go
along with stigmatizing not only criminals, but the poor, the weak, the elderly, minorities, immigrants,
the disenfranchised, the mentally ill, the criminally insane, the developmentally challenged, the
950 handicapped and by doing this next to NO one acts like they care for the rights of these people, so these
groups and individuals regularly have their rights trampled on. Indeed it is police, lawyers and
lawmakers who refine the law as well as the attitudes and support of friends and families and even kind
and compassionate strangers who employ critical judgments that generate positive social balance and
develop the rights and entitlements of people.
In attempting to emphasize this again and again, I mean only to have you focus on aspects of its
widespread integration in most paradigms of society by way of unchecked power, so that you devise
ways to make people accountable through things like protest; People who use OS are people who show
duplicity in their approach and hide evidence of their wrongdoing from being tracked and processed
960 Some who use OS, (like corrupt police officers who are crooked racist police who don't deserve the
badge and who are essentially criminals with permits to kill-this can be remedied by giving them guns
with tranquiler bullets that I shall produce worldwide), on a regular basis target poor coloured youth, by
shooting unarmed people down in the street, in cold blood, yes, those people deserve to be put in jail,
not left to decimate a people's future. And people who say that these police should be prosecuted are
965 not anti-police they are anti-corruption and are a good source of critical social progress. Let us
remember that Hegemony vis-a-vis secrecy of method, is a kind of dominance over people or persons,
no one wants to be dominated by others, so the more people such as these pathological police officers
can hide their activities from the public, the more that they can gain what we know to be a legitimately
false and yet via corruption effective sense of empowerment. Addressing entitlement and
970 empowerment is not the first step to remedying OS abuse, the first step is educating ourselves further
regarding how officials bypass being criticized and prosecuted by hidden abuses of one's authority.
Since this element is so hidden it's best that we examine what the behaviours are of those infected with
an OS approach, this will help us be more aware of what the corrupt authority's tactics are.

975 I will now introduce a list of thirty seven things that are key elemental behaviours of those who
have an OS approach. Before I do this I want you to understand omitted signification attacks both
people and people's rights through ideology, in the sense of enforcing strategies on how you believe
things ought to be done. This ideological framework is based in large part on how you've been taught to
think. The following is a list of tactics often used by officials or people in power and positions of
980 authority, to intimidate, entrap, avoid detection, avoid correction and beguile their victims. I should
note that these individuals may seem very polite and take on a very passive or aggressive way of
dealing with the perceived threats to their security, privilege and authority, by way of seeking to
control, monitor, label and process society's ever growing list of “person's of interest”- that's a moniker
meaning the people that they perceive to be a possible threat to society in some way. This is the list of
985 some of the main behaviours/tactics of OS people:

1) Misquoting people.
2) Repeating misunderstandings.
3) Avoiding the qualification of claims.
990 4) Critiquing irrelevant details.

Omitted Signification or OS theory by Peter Kaleb Theodoropoulos aka Rockwell Wilder.


5) Seeking to escalate interventions without warrant, in ways that showcase the OS abusers
bigotry, rudeness and unprofessional approach designed to intimidate and degrade people that
OS abusers are seeking to correct through misguided and inappropriate and often unnecessary
escalations which treat others without respect insulting them, insulting their intelligence and
995 integrity, through a violation of their privileges and rights.
6) Holding people to outdated offences.
7) Keeping people ignorant.
8) Destroying the repute and peace of mind of those who are in need.
9) Creating obstacles for the poor and disenfranchised.
1000 10) Getting the opinion of doctors and specialists who are not truly either authorities, or
professionals, in virtue of their deceptions and lies, just like that DNA specialist who essentially
lied for years before being caught by a whistleblower and who put thousands of innocent people
behind bars through fabricating test results. (and who was punished I believe with only five
years in jail, so someone who resulted in tens of thousands of life years incarcerated getting just
1005 five years in jail for that-it's pathetic.
11) Authorities falsely reporting threats in order to generate a response.
12) Misrepresenting details under the guise they cannot recall given information where they clearly
know what they have done to make the person a 'mark' or target, in attacks of the person's
innocence and integrity that challenge that person's repute.
1010 13) Libel and the slandering people.
14) Misusing the media.
15) Covering the tracks of people who do not follow proper policies and procedures.
16) Making conclusions on incomplete evidence, in some cases going as far as to fabricate
1015 17) NOT punishing people of a privileged position, who break the law, or giving them a slap on the
wrist, IE cops that kill, white collar crime, the treatment of famous people who break the law.
18) Colluding with others in efforts to shape, direct and maintain the status quo.
19) Abusive teachers, charismatic leaders or religious group leaders displaying disappointment and
vehemently or vociferously publicly shaming others in ways intended to make others feel
1020 uncomfortable, in ways that riddle others with guilt and make them feel rejected and feel that
under no condition do they belong to the group, someone unworthy of noble treatment. (this is
the sort of treatment of people you see on trash talk TV shows like Jerry Springer, or Dr. Phil)
20) Saying things intended to intimidate.
21) Being hypocritical and selectively sociopathic or anti-social with certain people or groups.
1025 22) Organizing public discourse in only limiting ways.
23) Refusing to punish those who are supporting criminal approaches against the people,
24) Not offering people full disclosure on the details regarding their case(s) in court
25) Suppressing court records.
26) Limiting options for a person to progress socially who's been targeted by the group.
1030 27) Discriminating en-mass against individuals who oppose the state.
28) Bringing up irrelevant facts, in order to target the person identified by society as unwanted.
29) Go on an agenda of proliferating ignorance, intimidation and hatred, through: a) attempting to
correct people who took no wrongful approach, b) covering for each other when they do
something wrong by not reporting anything properly, c) by manipulating the media and it's
1035 stories to misrepresent people, d) use the media to cast suspicion, e) overstepping their

Omitted Signification or OS theory by Peter Kaleb Theodoropoulos aka Rockwell Wilder.


jurisdiction, f) co-opting and manipulating police by lying about and misrepresenting someone,
g) jumping from suspicion to judge and jury. h) acting in no way congenial or respectful toward
you but expecting to get respect and honour and submission from you. i) being unhelpful, not
directing you to people that can help you, j) not being professional or holding themselves to
1040 critical forms of contact, k) seeking to entrap people.
30) Limit people's freedoms or seek to take the steps necessary in order to limit people's freedoms
and liberties.
31) Process you as if you have done something wrong in efforts to warrant permanent negative
treatment of you as an individual or on the basis of being from a certain group or associated
1045 with a certain group.
32) Use suspicion with incredible prejudice.
33) Earn and abuse the trust of the public.
34) Destroy public harmony.
35) Absence of transparency.
1050 36) Division of opposition.
37) Destroying the development of just laws (IE regulation on the pricing of Pharmaceuticals).

The more we understand about HOW people work together to concertively omit truths, LIE,
cheat, steal, deceive, misshape policy and act corrupt in order to signify to others that others are a threat
1055 when they are not, the more society grows aware enough to transform these conditions in just ways.
Society cannot simply by any and all of the most deplorable means move forward to corrupt the
integrity of groups and seek to bring harm to the security, benefit, contributions and rights to self
evolution of autonomous, responsible, self directed, sensitive and sensible groups and individuals.
Preserving the liberties of people is important and we should all work to include everyone in the bounty
1060 of our collective social production.

It's the case that the world is sick as evidenced by the history of oppression and war, and that
people need help before they implode and go extinct from war, or from things like the misuses of
technologies LIKE GMO (genetically modified organisms) which can cause widespread death and
1065 disease. OS abuse is a key contributor to such a sickness. OS abuse is the prime tactic of corrupt
governing officials, many of them who pander to big business in order to go to war in order to control
foreign government administrations, in order to control everything from food and food distribution (the
world's largest market), wages, prices of goods and services and the ideological evolution of foreign
nations. There is more to the world than selling people products that they don't need and producing en
1070 mass distractions that do not truly improve people's lives.

In order to help preserve the evolution of our species, we should fairly and without exploitation
or stressing people economically ethically control and bring balance to the following sectors of
business and government: Genetic modification, patents, oil and energy production, transportation,
1075 shipping, immigration and emigration, state sponsored war, livestock production, education, media and
entertainment industries, newspapers and publishing, space and colonization. Before we can do any of
that properly we need to all of us understand that in many branches of government and in many
societies, pathological liars are in power and we need to keep their powers in check. We need to
understand that these people have people who lie, cheat, steal and in some cases even kill in order to
1080 preserve their power (that's the whole purpose of a military as well as organized crime syndicates isn't

Omitted Signification or OS theory by Peter Kaleb Theodoropoulos aka Rockwell Wilder.



We must try to understand what the applications of OS are. We can use OS to build our
understanding and demand world peace and severely limit our conflicts by way of making people and
1085 their governments accountable. We must indeed eventually de-fund and de-stabilze military powers
around the world but in the interim we must convince our governors and politicians to de-escalate wars
preemptively and draw funding from arms acquisitions for governments to make money off the sales of
weapons. We must find the means to heal the sick, help the poor, feed the hungry, providing aid to the
needy, bring progress to decimated aboriginal communities and ethically provide equal rights and equal
1090 pay for women. We need to end religious intolerance, religious fanaticism, as well as the persecution
of atheists, or agnostics and end religious fundamentalism in all faiths. We need to take a fair and
balanced approach to helping the needs of LGBTQ communities, preserve rights to asexuals and non-
binary peoples. We need to process people for war crimes, processing people that take advantage of
people's rights and who purposelessly abuse people's peace and entitlements and restore harmony and
1095 sanity to the planet.

Everyone in every nation must take pride in their right to enmodel positive attributes and adapt
to a more ethical society that IS more ethical because of the types of work we have done to help our
societies grow stronger and more aware. Whistle-blowers like Edward Snowden need not be enemies
1100 of the State but victors and heroes of the State. In a sense people like Snowden helped us to see what
the tools of OS are and how widespread and pathological a level of suspicion we are under here in the
west. We must help people like Chelsea Manning, who are serving egregiously unfair amount of jail
time for whistle-blowing, [update status report, I was happy to discover Chelsea Manning was offered a
complete pardon by President Obama]. Indeed people like Snowden and Manning help us to
1105 understand how deep rooted our problems are due to corruptions of the public record and policies, as a
result of what omitted signification is doing in the background of culture, by way of their highlighting
the transparency our leaders have as a result of OS abuse.

As the name implies OS is like a kind of “operating system” an operating system in the sense
1110 that represents computation as a kind of social calculation and agency. OS is a way to “program our
social programming and protocols” so to speak, through coercion and force, through manipulation and
political tactic. Those curious to see where things like OS stemmed from, in the modern age seek to
understand the need for dungeons in the middle ages and our evolution from an era of emperors and
kings of old and study books like Machiavelli's The Prince. OS is a means to organize a society and it's
1115 not the easiest, it requires many resources and collaboration between co-opted groups and colluding
authorities. OS is essentially bad because it does not allow for people who are monitored by the state
to monitor and qualify and rightfully correct the governing civil servants whose duty it is to manage the
affairs, interests and security of the people as a whole, before they advance the interests of any one
individual or social group. Of course a society must punish certain discontents but how that is done
1120 and in what ways that is done is significant.

In order to grow our social operating system into IOS an accountable network, for Omitted
Signification to evolve into our omitting nothing salient to our problems and being of sound judgment
and healthful integrity as we collectively grow more and more motivated by love and balance, we must
1125 first understand that economic revolutions have been co-opted by an oligarchy, who use things like

Omitted Signification or OS theory by Peter Kaleb Theodoropoulos aka Rockwell Wilder.


fractional reserve banking, interest and national debt, selective quantitative easement deals,
misinformation on the internet, as well as propaganda in education systems and corrupt political checks
and balances in order oppress the citizenry of the world. We must understand that ethics that work on
exclusion are very counterproductive and that unethically grounded stigma is very unhealthy.
People need to hold their government to account. Our philosophies, our work ethic and
business acumen must establish, qualify and exact systems where accountable people fairly distribute:
money, advantage, permit and privilege to people as justly as possible, forming opportunities for all. In
order to do this we must pay special attention to the funding approaches generated by officials in order
1135 to establish balance in the following fifty five social sectors and social issues (in no particular order):

1) Creativity and the Arts,

2) Construction, Manufacturing and Industry,
3) Corrections,
1140 4) Pacts like the Geneva Convention
5) nuclear disarmament,
6) Ethical review boards, especially governing research and development standards,
7) Big Pharma,
8) Food industry,
1145 9) Justice system and the legal industry,
10) Education,
11) Our private industries,
12) Corporate sector,
13) Legal industry and social policy agreement,
1150 14) The manufacture of new laws,
15) The improvement of constitutions through amendments to laws,
16) Reduction of gun violence,
17) Taxation laws,
18) Fisheries and natural resources sectors,
1155 19) Banking,
20) Imports,
21) exports and
22) Trade agreements,
23) Tax policy,
1160 24) Tariff agreements,
25) Help and aid to crisis in the first second and third world,
26) Government crisis relief funds,
27) Religious Organizations,
28) Job Creation,
1165 29) Military and
30) the Military Industrial Complex (munitions and weapons manufacturers),
31) Alternative energies and green energy development,
32) Research and Development,
33) Regulating innovations industries like GMO's
1170 34) The deescalation of war,

Omitted Signification or OS theory by Peter Kaleb Theodoropoulos aka Rockwell Wilder.


35) Fights against terrorism,

36) The war on highly addictive drugs,
37) policies for marijuana legalization.
38) Racial equality
1175 39) LGBTQ rights,
40) Rights to women
41) Rights of the disabled,
42) Rights of the elderly,
43) Rights of children,
1180 44) Support to the widows of the world,
45) Support for orphans,
46) Rights of the homeless,
47) Rights of the poor,
48) Development of charities and foundations,
1185 49) Rights of criminals,
50) Rights of mental patients,
51) Rights of immigrants,
52) AI regulation,
53) Future Space Travel and Space mining development and regulation,
1190 54) Just media practices,
55) Healthcare.

OS involves a seizure of power through nefarious means. Corruption like ignorance remains
largely invisible to others through the kinds of nefarious tactics that validate and qualify an approach
1195 that is corrupt. Such corruption seems impossible to stay the effects of as it represents the careful
protection of mechanisms that ensure the vitality and survival of that corruption. OS bypasses ethical
consideration through systematic treatments of inclusion and exclusion that are reinforced through
asserting an ultimately unquestioned or unprocessed immoral groundwork in order to establish a
desired result.
OS abuse must be replaced with OS integrity for a society to become truly empowered. Those
with true political clout social capital and power in the world must seek to have control if not over
industries directly, then over the social and legal mechanisms and policies that form and promote social
balance. Those with political influence ought to power seek to maintain and guide the maintenance of
1205 government agents and agencies who together facilitate and administer the policies and protocols that
correct how certain privileged persons get through a system unscathed. These layers of government and
industry policy forming sectors of government, make it extremely impossible and in some cases very
dangerous to preserve one's own interests due to the retaliation of the corrupt unless people actively
work together to oppose corruption.
OS integrity takes this opposition into account and incorporates the needs of the underprivileged
in ways that improve conditions for everyone according to a good rigorous approach to developing
ethically informed dynamic and evolving harmonic social policies. OS integrity is a response to OS
abuse and organizes a much more moral approach to power sharing that does not oppress people on the
1215 basis of difference and which celebrates unity as much as it celebrates variation along with the duty to

Omitted Signification or OS theory by Peter Kaleb Theodoropoulos aka Rockwell Wilder.


harmonize oppressive modes of conduct and gradually transform society to become more ethical.

One of the tactics of OS is to make systems impenetrable to critical articulation, criticism and
rational opposition. Government organizations create legal systems which use archaic language whose
1220 specialization make it difficult for criticism unless one is versed in law. Government organizations use
policies to punish whistle-blowers often without compensation for their sacrifices. Government
organizations draft up unethical laws or else ethical laws which are never properly enforced which
establish power sharing on enormously unfair and unethical social principles that have enormously far
reaching consequences in how free a society is to evolve on well founded policies. This all produces a
1225 system devoid of appropriate checks and balances that would avoid unethical exploitation by one
group over another.

OS is complex, it can be used by social justice warriors, people at the top of a power pyramid or
at the bottom of it and it's synonymous with collusion to produce and maintain power by whatever
1230 nefarious tactics one can imagine and cover up through an unethical training of the public imagine
through the media or through policies enacted by a State that refuses to intervene to protect interests
and promote social harmony. The question remains regarding the extent to which social harmony is
challenged under corrupt harmful mandates and to what extent conflict and the organizing of
opposition to oppressive approaches is not simply an option, but a duty and obligation. When
1235 concerned with the needs of a populace and not merely the results of coercive oligarchy or the
hierarchies of regional and paralocal dictators all the way up to federal levels of government and
industry the gaining of fair and ethical control over the eighteen levels of industry and government
departments or social sectors that I mention in the aforementioned list is a very important mandate,
towards establishing social harmony.
When people silence criticism and one's creative contributions to social evolution, when the
kinds of opposition that you can create become impossible because you are seen as sick, a minority, or
are a person of a certain unpopular sexual preference or sexual identity and have a history of escalated
infractions on the basis of some wrongful treatment by government officials. If there are no
1245 interventions possible based on the law of the land, what should your options be? Should it not be to
reform the system? The silencing of a citizenry by the State or its legal apparatus for the State's failing
to take things into account in a conventional way is potential grounds for malfeasance and people must
be drawn to account, whether they are OS abusers or not. IF social stagnation is not met with vehement
opposition and people can force you into any condition based on their malfeasance and abuse, then
1250 society is sick and should it fail to see the irony of its conditional bias and should it fail to correct itself,
it and itself alone via the powers that structure laws unfairly and people who are pathetic in their
overreaction and hard-lined approach to violations of the law, are responsible for a maddening level of
corruption indeed.

1255 OS is a system of abuses brought about by hiding our discrimination as we do away with
accountability. To correct this our officials should: punish white collar crime, punish guardians like
police officers, judges and lawyers who are corrupt, punish companies who pollute, punish legislators
who draft up unethical laws and reward people who set a good example instead of using OS to slander
them and endanger their security, IE Snowden and whistle-blowers. We must effectively considerately
1260 prioritize the education of our societies and advance ethically responsible people to positions of power,

Omitted Signification or OS theory by Peter Kaleb Theodoropoulos aka Rockwell Wilder.


fairly distributing power, correcting people when they do wrong. We must attempt to instill fair
treatment by demanding responsible approaches, IE the fair treatment of criminals and the mentally ill,
as well as fair punishments that reform approaches to the treating and cure disease whether social,
physical or psychological. What we should learn from OS is we must treat all members of society with
1265 dignity, making people sensitive and civil to the needs of everyone including the poor, the uneducated,
the weak, the needy as well as those who are ignorant in society be they poor or wealthy. Studying OS
will teach us to be more humane and more compassionate, more just and more ethical as well as more
intelligent while changing laws in a Civilist tradition of doing so ethically in non violent and peaceful
ways via protesting in order to protect privacy rights and all other personal rights in order to hold
1270 people accountable in ways that assure, affirm and guarantee our freedoms and liberties are protected.

Omitted Signification or OS theory by Peter Kaleb Theodoropoulos aka Rockwell Wilder.

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