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The Catholic Week

Editor, Rob Herbst

356 Government St.
Mobile, Alabama 36602


Date: Jan. 5, 2024

Archdiocese of Mobile Announces Laicization of Alex Crow is Complete

MOBILE, ALA. - The Archdiocese of Mobile has received notice that the laicization of
Alex Crow is complete, effective immediately. Mr. Crow once served as a priest in the
Archdiocese, but is no longer a member of the clergy, confirmed in a letter by our
Holy Father, Pope Francis.

In late July, Archbishop Thomas J. Rodi announced he had suspended all the rights
and responsibilities of Crow to act, dress, or present himself as a priest. The
Archbishop took action immediately upon learning that Crow had abandoned his
ministry in Mobile and left suddenly for Europe with a young woman. Though the
Archdiocese had no reason to suspect Crow of any crime, out of an abundance of
caution, it immediately notified the civil authorities who began investigations, and
the Archdiocese began its own internal investigation by outside counsel. The civil
authorities closed their investigations finding insufficient evidence to make criminal
charges against Crow, a conclusion consistent with that of the Archdiocese. Despite
the lack of criminal charges, the Archbishop shared in August that he saw no way back
to the priesthood for Crow, considering his scandalous behavior.

A Bishop can begin the process for laicization after a priest has been absent from his
ministry for six months, or the priest, himself, can request laicization at any time.
Before the six-month period was over, Crow initiated the process for his own
laicization, a move the Archbishop supported. It has now been granted. Crow is no
longer a member of the clergy, nor has any of the privileges or responsibilities of the
priesthood. This decision of Pope Francis is final. There is no appeal.

Archbishop Rodi expressed his gratitude for the decision by Pope Francis, which was
desired by all parties, saying, “I pray that this decision is one more way in which we
can all move toward peace after these unsettling events. I continue to pray for God's
grace to bring healing for all.”

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