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Adolescent patellar instability


D. Clark, Patellar instability most frequently presents during adolescence. Congenital and infantile
A. Metcalfe, dislocation of the patella is a distinct entity from adolescent instability and measurable
C. Wogan, abnormalities may be present at birth. In the normal patellofemoral joint an increase in
V. Mandalia, quadriceps angle and patellar height are matched by an increase in trochlear depth as the
J. Eldridge joint matures. Adolescent instability may herald a lifelong condition leading to chronic
disability and arthritis.
From Bristol Royal Restoring normal anatomy by trochleoplasty, tibial tubercle transfer or medial
Infirmary, Bristol, patellofemoral ligament (MPFL) reconstruction in the young adult prevents further
United Kingdom instability. Although these techniques are proven in the young adult, they may cause
growth arrest and deformity where the physis is open. A vigorous non-operative strategy
may permit delay of surgery until growth is complete. Where non-operative treatment has
failed a modified MPFL reconstruction may be performed to maintain stability until physeal
closure permits anatomical reconstruction. If significant growth remains an extraosseous
reconstruction of the MPFL may impart the lowest risk to the physis. If minor growth
remains image intensifier guided placement of femoral intraosseous fixation may impart a
small, but acceptable, risk to the physis.
This paper presents and discusses the literature relating to adolescent instability and
provides a framework for management of these patients.
Cite this article: Bone Joint J 2017;99-B:159–70.
 D. Clark, FRCS, MSc, Fellow
Foothills Medical Centre, 1403
29 St NW, Calgary AB T2N 2T9,
The understanding of the aetiology, diagnosis frequently during activities of daily living
Canada. and management of patellofemoral instability (21%) or rarely as a result of direct trauma
 A. Metcalfe, PhD, FRCS, has progressed considerably in recent years. (7%).3
Associate Professor The specific anatomical abnormalities that Several studies have found that adolescent
University of Warwick, Clinical
Trials Unit, Coventry, CV4 7AL, predispose people to patellar instability are patellofemoral symptoms are the beginning of
UK. now well recognised, with multiple abnormal- a lifelong condition. Even without further dis-
 C. Wogan, BSc, MSc, ities often co-existing.1 location 70% of patients complain of residual
Extended Scope
Fithian et al2 and Atkin et al3 found that symptoms of pain or instability.7 The largest
 J. Eldridge, FRCS, Consultant 69% of individuals with first time patellar dis- longitudinal studies follow patients for
Knee Surgeon
Bristol Royal Infirmary, Upper
locations are between the ages of ten and 19 between four and 20 years.8,9 They report that
Maudlin Street, Bristol, years.2,3 The overall risk of dislocation was at final follow-up 20% to 45% of patients con-
seven in 100 000 annually and in the second tinued to experience pain and 36% had to
 V. Mandalia, FRCS, decade of life this rose to 31 in 100 000.3 A restrict their activities. There are no clear data
Consultant Knee Surgeon
Royal Devon and Exeter Finnish study calculated an incidence of 43 in on how many of these patients subsequently
Hospital, Barrack Road, Exeter, 100 000 in children under 16 years old.4 The develop osteoarthritis. It is reported that 10%
recurrence rate in all-comers to non-operative of knee arthritis involves the patellofemoral
Correspondence should be sent
to D. Clark; email:
treatment was reported in Stefancin and joint, but the amount that results from instabil- Parker’s5 systematic review as 48%. If a ity is uncertain.10 Utting et al11 investigated the
©2017 The British Editorial
patient dislocates the patella for a second time history of patellofemoral symptoms in a case
Society of Bone & Joint the rate of recurrence is then higher.2 controlled study of 150 patients who had
Amongst adolescents and young adults, undergone patellofemoral arthroplasty and
BJJ-2016-0256.R1 $2.00 patellar instability may present with a disloca- 150 patients who had undergone unicompart-
Bone Joint J
tion, or patients can present with a sense of dis- mental knee arthroplasty. Adolescent anterior
2017;99-B:159–60. comfort and unease, with “something out of knee pain was more common amongst the
Received 12 April 2016;
Accepted after revision 30
place” in the knee.6 The first dislocation fre- patellofemoral group (22% versus 6%) as was
September 2016 quently occurs whilst playing sport (72%), less patellar instability (14% versus 1%).

VOL. 99-B, No. 2, FEBRUARY 2017 159


for recurrent dislocation. They included age, gender, prior

dislocation, family history of problems involving the
patella and risk factors for developmental dysplasia of the
hip (DDH) in the model. Previous dislocation carried an
OR 6.6, whereas advancing age imparted protection (OR
0.92). Risk factors for DDH imparted risk of dislocation in
the non-index knee.
Several authors have described a high prevalence of
hypermobility amongst patients who have suffered a patel-
Fig. 1
lar dislocation.32,33 However, the prevalence of hypermo-
bility is not uncommon and in the general population may
Ultrasound image of the neonatal
trochlea (provided by Christian
be as high as 10% to 20%.34 Rünow35 used a case con-
Øye).27,28 trolled methodology to describe a six times higher incidence
of patellar dislocation amongst those with hypermobility.
Bilateral instability was also more common amongst these
Adolescent patellar instability is a distinct entity from con- Morphological risk factors. Early work by Dejour et al13 has
genital and infantile instability which have been described in formed the basis of a structured approach to treating insta-
numerous complex and overlapping classifications12-21 and bility by restoring normal anatomy. They described major
are beyond the scope of this review. and minor anatomical factors implicated in patellar insta-
bility. The major factors include trochlear dysplasia, patel-
Aetiology lar alta, a laterally placed tubercle and patellar tilt. The
Precisely what initiates the pathway to abnormal anatomy importance of a secondary medial patellofemoral ligament
or unmasks instability in a previously stable joint in adoles- (MPFL) rupture and what they termed minor factors were
cence remains unclear. Patellar instability has been demon- also described. These minor factors included excessive
strated to have a familial association in 15% of cases but external femoral or tibial rotation and genu recurvatum or
the patterns of inheritance have not been identified.22 Ana- valgum. Patellar tilt is seen as a marker of instability as it is
tomical risk factors may be evident in utero. The formation secondary to the other causes.13
of the patella has been described in some detail in the liter- Trochlear dysplasia is commonly found amongst patients
ature.23-26 Soon after the limb bud appears at four weeks, who have had a patellar dislocation. Dejour et al13 reported
the quadriceps muscle can be identified, although the motor that trochlear dysplasia was present in 96% of 143 patients
unit is undeveloped and the knee remains at a right angle. who underwent surgery for patellar dislocation and in only
At seven weeks, the first evidence of a patellar condensation 3% of patients who did not. Lewallen et al36 published a
is evident between the quadriceps and the femoral condyle. study of risk factors for recurrent dislocation in the adoles-
By 13 weeks of development the femoral condyles have a cent population. They found that age, gender, body mass
similar geometry to the adult knee, and by 23 weeks the lat- index and patellar alta were not independent predictors of
eral patellar facet is dominant. recurrent dislocation. Where trochlear dysplasia and an
The sulcus angle of the trochlea using ultrasound has been open physis was apparent the recurrent dislocation rate was
evaluated in 348 neonates (Fig. 1).27,28 By applying a defini- 69%.
tion of trochlear dysplasia as a sulcus angle of > 159° they Patellar alta appears to have a strong association with
identified 17 cases. Using a case controlled methodology, patellar instability and may be found in 50% to 60% of
they found an odds ratio (OR) of 15 for the presence of cases with a primary dislocation.1,3 The abundance of
trochlear dysplasia in neonates who had been in a full breech patellofemoral height indices is indicative of their short-
position (with the knees held in full extension in utero). comings. There are difficulties in the measurement of patel-
These findings suggest a moulding process is involved that lar height in the more cartilagenous knee of the child on
contrasts with an underlying genetic aetiology. plain radiograph. This may partially explain Lewallen et
General risk factors. Several authors describe patellar dislo- al’s36 finding that patellar alta measured on a plain radio-
cation, like shoulder dislocation, to be more likely to recur graph was not a risk factor for patella dislocation. Patellar
amongst the young.29-31 In Buchner et al’s29 series of 126 alta also frequently co-exists with trochlear dyplasia.1,37
primary and 13 recurrent dislocations they found that A laterally placed tubercle as measured by the tibial
patients younger than 15 years had a 52% recurrence rate tubercle to trochlear groove distance (TTTG) is associated
compared with 26% in their overall sample. Most recurrent with patellar instability and is an important consequence of
dislocations occurred within one year of the first disloca- torsional abnormality. Walch38 studied the tubercle place-
tion and there was a contralateral patellar dislocation in ment in patients with permanent dislocations, episodic dis-
10% of cases. Fithian et al2 reported a two- to five-year fol- locations, potential dislocations and a control group.
low-up after primary dislocation and evaluated risk factors Amongst the 413 patients with episodic dislcations the



mean TTTG was 18 mm and amongst the control group it angular alignment. Thorough examination of the knee
was 11 mm. In a case controlled study with 109 cases and should exclude an alternative cause of instability. Patellar
136 controls, Balcarek et al39 found the TTTG to be 4 mm height, tracking and apprehension can be helpful when
greater amongst young athletes with a history of patellar gauging the severity of instability.
Steensen et al1 performed a case controlled study with 60 Imaging
cases and 120 controls to evaluate the prevalence of the Investigation should include plain radiographs and axial
major anatomical abnormalities amongst patients with and imaging of the chondral surfaces. This enables the surgeon
without a history of recurrent patellar instability. They to determine any morphological factors underlying the
found all factors to be more common amongst the group instability. Where necessary the bone age of the patient is
with recurrent instability than those with a stable patella. calculated.
Risk factors evaluated included patellar alta with an Insall- Patellar height. In 1930, Boon-Itt45 provided the first com-
Salvati Ratio (ISR)40 > 1.2 (60% versus 21%), trochlear prehensive attempt to measure patellar height, and since
dysplasia defined as a flat or convex trochlea (68% versus then many others have followed.40,45-60 The ISR remains
6%) and a TTTG of more than 20 mm (42% versus 3.2%). the most frequently used method.40 It has been criticised
Multiple factors were identified in 58% of the patients with due to its vulnerability to variations in the distal insertion
recurrent instability. of the patellar tendon and the patellar shape. Aparicio et
Dejour et al13 describe excessive femoral anteversion, al61 evaluated the plain radiographic techniques for assess-
excessive external tibial rotation, genu recurvatum and ing patellar height in children, finding ISR to be an inappro-
genu valgum as minor factors contribution to the presence priate tool. Of the methods they compared they state a
of instability. Atkin et al3 evaluated physical examination preference for the method of Caton et al,47 citing superior
findings in patellar instability patients and found that limb intra- and inter-observer reliability and independence from
alignment and hip rotation were not significantly different the influences of skeletal maturation.
when compared with normal published values or the con- We favour Biedert and Albrecht’s60 patellotrochlear
tralateral limb. Although these factors did not meet statis- index as assessed by MRI (Fig. 2). It has the advantage of
tical significance this may be due to their rarity rather than directly measuring the overlap between femoral and patel-
lack of clinical significance and they should remain a con- lar cartilage. Their original description in knees without
sideration. patellofemoral instability found the mean overlap to be
The MPFL contributes 60% of the static restraint to dis- 31.7%. The upper and lower 95% range was used to
location of the patella in the normal knee and is the primary describe patellar alta (12.5%) and patellar baja (50%). Bar-
stabiliser when the knee is in full extension to 30° of flex- nett et al62 found a significantly lower average overlap in
ion.41 In the adult it is approximately 55 mm in length and patients with trochlear dysplasia (15%).
it is a relatively elastic ligament, failing at up to 49% strain Trochlear dysplasia. Dejour et al’s13 classification of troch-
compared with the posterior cruciate that fails at 18%.42,43 lear dysplasia is a well-established research tool; clinical
Due to the large excursion of the dislocated patella the examples can be seen in Figure 3. For clinical practice the
MPFL is inevitably ruptured or avulsed. It is most com- indication for trochleoplasty includes a domed or laterally
monly injured at the femoral origin amongst adults, facing chondral surface with closed physes. A flat trochlear
whereas the injury is usually on the patellar side in children or a shallow groove is not considered an indication for
and frequently includes an avulsion fragment.44 trochleoplasty.63
TTTG offset and the MPFL. The TTTG offset is a marker of
History and examination pathology but it is a measurement that is subject not only to
A comprehensive history is required including the preg- variations in tubercle position but also to the anatomy of
nancy, birth and development and any family history. There the distal femur. In the presence of trochlear dysplasia, a
may be an associated undiagnosed syndrome, which may raised TTTG may incorrectly be attributed to a lateralised
require the involvement of a geneticist.45,46 tubercle rather than a medialised groove. Careful consider-
The symptoms of instability can be extremely disabling, ation should be given before proceeding to a tubercle medi-
hard to describe and easily dismissed. Vigilance is required. alisation.
Often, a dislocation of the patella is preceded by several The MPFL may be visualised and measured on axial
years of anterior knee symptoms including pain, giving way MRI scans but defining its functional length is more diffi-
and a sense of unease. Patients frequently express poor cult.64 If a true patellar dislocation has occurred, it is rea-
confidence in their activity levels and sports performance sonable to assume that the MPFL has been ruptured and is
and may describe low self-esteem. incompetent. We do not recommend routine evaluation of
Examination will include a general musculoskeletal the MPFL by MRI.
assessment and specific knee examination. Features of skel- Patellofemoral indices in the developing joint. Dejour et al13
etal dysplasia, syndromes and joint hypermobility are described three signs on the lateral radiograph that may indicate
recorded in addition to overall lower limb torsional and trochlear dysplasia including a double contour, a supratrochlear

VOL. 99-B, No. 2, FEBRUARY 2017


Fig. 2a Fig. 2b
Patellar height measurement by Biedert and Albrecht’s technique. To calculate the index two parameters are measured:
(a) baseline patella; (b) baseline trochlea overlapping of the patella. These parameters are usually measured at the sagittal
image through the patella with the maximal length of the patellar bone and with the thickest articular cartilage. The index
is expressed as a percentage. A figure less than 12.5% indicates patellar alta and more than 50% patellar infera.

Fig. 3a Fig. 3b Fig. 3c

Fig. 3d Fig. 3e

Radiographs showing normal patella (a) and trochlear dysplasia as assessed by

Dejour et al’s13 classification where: A = fairly shallow trochlea, morphology
preserved (b); B = flat or convex trochlea (c); C = asymmetry of facets, lateral
facet convex, medial hypoplastic (d); D = asymmetry of facets, cliff pattern (e).

bump and a crossing sign. Lippacher et al65 found that these formed a correlation analysis of measurable osseous mor-
signs performed adequately amongst children with trochlear phology with age, gender and physeal patency. They found
dysplasia but that MRI should remain the benchmark for no significant variation in trochlear facet asymmetry, troch-
assessment. lear depth, TTTG or patellar height ratio in 97 children and
Dickens et al66 studied 618 knees in children and adoles- young adults aged between five and 22 years. This study
cents and described the TTTG distance increasing with age has been criticised as most of the children were over ten
as a natural logarithm and plateauing at 16 years (Fig. 4). years old and half of those had undergone closure of the
Kim et al67 also studied the developing joint. They per- femoral physis. Mundy et al68 performed a study of 144



16 97th

TT=TG distance (mm)

15 95th
14 90th
11 75th
9 50th
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16
Age (yrs)
Fig. 4

Tibial tuberosity (TT) to trochlea groove (TG) percentile growth chart.

near normal knee MRIs (some patients had Baker’s cysts, to relocate the patella, avoid unnecessary visits to the emer-
discoid menisci or small effusions) in children aged between gency department and return to normal activities as soon as
one and 16 years old. They assessed TTTG, patellar height able.
and various measures of trochlear morphology. The meas- A progressive closed chain eccentric loading regimen
urements from younger children differed from those of promotes return of activity and strength following injury.
adults, having a shallower trochlea, greater sulcus angle, This should include proximal control of the gluteal and
more medial tuberosity and a smaller patellar height ratio. core muscles, alongside quadriceps and hamstring strength-
The absolute values of patellofemoral indices can be ening.73-75 The use of an elastic resistance band is a func-
expected to increase as the joint increases in size but the tional method of strengthening the quadriceps in terminal
changes in sulcus angle and patellar height ratio point to extension. Recruitment of the vastus medialis obliquus and
age dependant morphology. When these studies are taken the quadriceps complex post-injury in the presence of swell-
together, we can infer that morphology is age dependant ing is otherwise challenging.72 Recognition and rehabilita-
and that normal ranges need to be adjusted in younger tion of any hip weakness is also crucial.73
patients. The indices amongst adolescents have been
scarcely and inconsistently described, but none has corre- Surgical management
lated with any clinical findings. The surgeon cannot be so The surgical management of patellar instability may be pur-
reliant on radiological measurements in the growing, or sued according to one of two philosophies.76 One view is
incompletely ossified joint. that patellar instability is a discreet problem addressed by a
single operation. The other approach involves identifying
Non-operative management any individual anatomical factors responsible for the dislo-
The entirety of non-operative management is not within the cation and correcting them. Janssen51 recognised instability
scope of this review, but some important observations are as an endpoint of a range of anatomical abnormalities as
made. early as 1978. Surgical treatment of the unstable adolescent
Historically, acute patellar dislocation has been managed knee is complicated by the distal femoral and proximal tib-
by immobilisation in a cast or brace in extension with ial physes that can generate debilitating deformity if dam-
restricted weight-bearing. Immobilisation leads to wasting aged.
of the quadriceps and stiffness in the knee,69 followed by Distal re-alignment and the tibial tuberosity physis. The
fear avoidance for the patient, loss of confidence and func- distal tibial tubercle begins ossification at between seven
tion and likely recurrence of dislocation.70,71 These treat- and nine years of age. This progresses proximally and ante-
ments are counter-productive and patients should be riorly, while the main tibial ossification centre also expands
treated with early mobilisation and weight-bearing as toler- downward into the tubercle.77 A section of epiphyseal car-
ated, an elasticated bandage and ice therapy to reduce tilage usually remains between these two ossification cen-
swelling and referral for urgent physiotherapy. Reducing tres until close to physeal maturity. This physis is both
pain and swelling after injury is essential to enable quadri- sensitive and unpredictable. Growth arrest may come
ceps re-activation and aid return to function.72 For subse- about as a result of trauma, surgery or even prolonged plas-
quent dislocations, the patient is advised to extend the leg ter treatment.22,78,79

VOL. 99-B, No. 2, FEBRUARY 2017


In a small series Harrison80 found it safe to perform a tib- Medial soft-tissue reconstruction. In the 1990s, the main-
ial tubercle transfer after the age of 13 years. When per- stay of treatment was a medial plication and a lateral
formed before that age, a recurvatum deformity occurred in release. As in the adult population, several studies have
four out of five cases. Crosby and Insall22 noted a recurva- now demonstrated this to be an ineffective treatment. In a
tum deformity in five of 27 cases in children aged under 14 randomised controlled trial Palmu et al90 found a 71%
years. recurrence rate amongst 36 young adolescents who had
The Roux-Goulthwaite procedure has been used exten- undergone direct repair of the medial structures. Ma et al91
sively by paediatric orthopaedic surgeons.81,82 The patel- demonstrated a 30% redislocation rate amongst adoles-
lar tendon is split longitudinally and the distal portion of cents after medial capsule reefing. They recommended,
the lateral half rerouted beneath the medial half. Fre- instead, advancement of a large portion of the medial reti-
quently it is combined with other procedures including naculum. Hartmann et al92 demonstrated better results in a
lateral retinacular release, plication of the medial retinac- cohort of 33 patients aged 11 to 17 years with a 12% recur-
ulum and advancement of the vastus medialis.83 The rence rate. Edmonds and Glaser93 compared the effect of a
objective of the procedure is to re-align the patellar ten- medial plication and of an MPFL reconstruction on the
don without threatening the physis.83 Sillanpää et al84 per- forces applied to the articulation. The biomechanical study
formed a retrospective study of 47 patients, comparing used radiographs and MRI to calculate the patella and
outcomes of young adults (median age 20.2 years; inter- quadriceps moment arms so that joint reaction force at the
quartile range (IQR) 19 to 22) who had undergone MPFL patellar articulation could be extrapolated. They found
reconstruction with adductor magnus tenodesis or a that medial plication resulted in an increase in joint reac-
Roux-Goldthwaite procedure. Malecki et al85 performed tion force and failed to restore the normal moment arm of
a similar study in children and adolescents (65 knees) the patellofemoral joint. No significant differences were
(median age 14 years; IQR 6 to 18). Neither study found found between the mechanics of the patellofemoral joint in
statistically significant differences in patient reported out- the MPFL reconstruction patients and the normal knee con-
comes or redislocation rates. Malecki et al85 described trol group.
more frequent complications and worst pain scores MPFL reconstruction and the distal femoral physis. The
amongst those patents who had undergone the Roux- femoral insertion of the MPFL has been well described in
Goldthwaite procedure. Sillanpää et al84 found more than the adult with most investigators agreeing that it is located
25% of the patients in the Roux-Goldthwaite group had anterior to a midpoint between the medial epicondyle and
developed osteoarthritis. None was seen in the MPFL the adductor tubercle.94-97 In the adult population, the use
group. The results of these studies suggest that the func- of the anatomical insertion point for location of an isomet-
tional outcomes and redislocation rates are similar for the ric reconstruction is the goal.98 In the presence of a physis
two procedures but that MPFL reconstruction has a there may be a conflict between perfect isometry and phy-
reduced complication rate. seal preservation.
Grammont et al86 described a further method of altering The relationship between the footprint of the MPFL and
the vector of the patellar tendon without compromising the the physis changes during development.67,99,100 Nelitz et
tuberosity insertion. The procedure involves undermining al101 performed a radiological study of 27 children (mean
the patellar tendon insertion (except for the most distal sec- age 14.3 years; 12 to 16) and found that the insertion of the
tion) so that it may slide more medially; it is then held in the MPFL was a mean of 6 mm (2.9 to 8.5) distal to the physis.
new position with sutures through the periosteum. Savarese Shea et al99 performed cadaveric dissection of six children
et al87 also reported on this technique, noting that as the ranging from one month to 11 years. This small study
periosteum is released, the alignment of the tendon is auto- found that the insertion of the MPFL is distal to the physis
matically corrected. Although the objective is to avoid in younger children, but overlies it by the age of ten years.
growth disturbance this remains a concern. Garin et al88 MPFL reconstruction – extraosseous femoral fixation. Fol-
noted in a series of 50 knees that 10% of patients under- lowing Avikainen at al’s102 description of an MPFL recon-
going this procedure developed a reduced tibial slope (< 5°) struction with extraosseous fixation on the femoral side
which they attributed to a vascular phenomenon. Several there has been a surge of interest in this procedure. They
authors have expressed concern that the procedure may used the distal adductor magnus tendon as a graft, leaving
cause growth disturbance or result in catastrophic failure of the adductor insertion in place as the femoral fixation. Sev-
the extensor mechanism.12,88 Kraus et al89 reported on the eral variations have since been described including differ-
results of 65 knees of adolescents with patellar instability ences in patellar fixation, medial fixation and graft.
where this technique had been used; they demonstrated no Extraosseous femoral fixation may use the adductor inser-
growth disturbance. In 11 cases, the patella dislocated after tion or medial collateral ligament origin as an anchor or a
surgery and arthritis developed in six. pulley. In some techniques, a hamstring graft is left attached
Distal re-alignment amongst the adolescent population to the pes anserinus, looped around the adductor origin and
has been largely superseded by MPFL reconstruction due to secured to the patella.12,103 Patellar fixation may involve
the reduced risk of damaging the physes. weaving the tendon through patellar periosteum, a suture



Table I. Reconstruction of the medial patellofemoral ligament in adolescents by different techniques98,102-118

Age (yrs), Follow up (mths),
Author (yr) Study type mean (range) n Medial fixation Graft Patella fixation mean (range) Outcomes description Complications

Avikainen 1993102 Cohort 20 (15 to 27) 14 Adductor tendon Adductor Sutured to medial 83 (SD 7) Post-operative mean 1 redislocation.
insertion magnus patella and to Lysholm Knee Scoring
tendon residual native Scale116 84 (SD 15)
Deie 2003103 Cohort 8.5 (6 to 10) 6 Distal insertion of Semi-t Sutured to surface 89 (60 to 120) Post-operative mean Kujala No redislocation,
semi-t around a MCL of patella Scoring Questionnaire117 no complications
pulley score 96.3 (89 to 100), pre- reported
operative unavailable
Brown 2008104 Surgical 11 2 Distal semi-t insertion, Semi-t Tendon suspended 14 (13 to 15) Mean pre- to post-operative No redislocation,
technique through patella then in patella tunnel, Kujala Scoring Question- no comlpications
sutured to MCL held by transpatella naire scores: 46.5 (43 to 50)
sutures to 93 (88 to 98) and Lysholm
Knee Scoring Scale: 46.5 (35
to 55) to 96 (95 to 97)
Sillanpää 2009105 Surgical - - Adductor tendon Two thirds Suture anchors - - Not described
technique insertion width of
Nietosvaara Surgical - - Semi-t insertion and Semi-t Longitudinal tunnel - - Not described
2009106 technique biotenodesis screw at in patella
adductor tubercle
Yercan 2011107 Cohort 8.7 (5 to 13) 4 Tenodesis to adduc- Semi-t U-shape tunnel or 17.7 (15 to 20) Mean post-operative Kujala No redislocation,
tor magnus periosteal weave in Scoring Questionnaire score no complications
young 89.5 (87 to 92) reported
Giordano 2012108 Surgical - - Bone suture anchor at Gracillis and Longitudinal bone - - Not described
technique adductor tubercle semi-t tunnel in patella
Kumahashi Cohort 13.6 (11 to 15) 5 Pulley around Semi-t 1x biotenodesis 27.8 (24 to 36) Mean pre- to post-operative No complications
2012109 proximal MCL screw and suture Kujala Scoring Question- reported
onto patella naire scores: 67.4 (SD 12.6) to
95.4 (SD 3.2) (p =0.01) and
Lysholm Knee Scoring
Scale: 64.4 (SD 14.1) to 96.0
(SD 2.2) (p = 0.006)
Ladenhauf Surgical “skeletally 23 Biotenondesis screw Gracillis or 2x biotenodesis 16 “Excellent stability” No dislocations,
2013110 technique immature” distal to physis semi-t screws in patella no growth disturbance
Parikh 2013111 Cohort 14.5 (6 to 21) 179 Biotenondesis screw Gracillis or Patella bone tunnel 16.2 - 8 redislocations,
distal to physis semi-t 6 patella fractures,
8 stiff knee, 5 pain and
Nelitz 2014112 Surgical - - Biotenondesis screw Superficial Quadriceps tendon - - Not described
technique distal to physis quadriceps insertion
Lind 2016113 Cohort 12.5 (8 to 16) 24 Proximal MCL inser- Gracillis Patella tunnel 39 (17 to 72) Mean pre- to post-operative 4 redislocations
tion and adductor exiting anterior Kujala Scoring Question-
origin naire scores: 61 (SD 13) to 71
(SD 15), pain at rest and
walking also improved
Monllau 201598 Cohort 25.6 (SD 9.4) 36 Adductor magnus Gracillis V-shape tunnel in 37.6 (SD 18.1 Mean pre- to post-operative 2 had reduced ROM
pulley, graft sutured patella Kujala Scoring Question-
to itself naire scores: 63 (49 to 70) to
90 (79 to 98) and Lysholm
Knee Scoring Scale: 53
(41 to 65) to 95 (85 to 99) and
IKDC:118 51 (39 to 72) to 85
(78 to 96) and Tegner
Activity Scale:116 4 (3 to 4)
to 5 (3 to 7) and visual
analogue scale: 6 (5 to 7)
to 2 (0 to 3)
Malecki 2015114 Cohort 16 (8 to 18) 39 Adductor tendon Adductor Suture through 31 (24 to 36) Mean pre- to post-operative 4 redislocations
insertion magnus patella bone tunnel Kujala Scoring Question-
tendon naire scores: 66 (38 to 80) to
92 (70 to 100) and Lysholm
Knee Scoring Scale: 64 (30
to 95) to 91 (59 to 100)
Nelitz 2013115 Cohort 12.2 (10 to 13) 21 Bioresorbable Gracillis V-shape tunnel in - 18/21 patients satisfied with Reduced ROM and
interference screw patella surgery, 3/21 partially satis- prolonged rehab in
distal to physis fied and mean pre- to post- 1 case
operative Kujala Scoring
Questionnaire scores: 72.9
(37 to 87) to 92.8 (74 to 100)
and Tegner Activity Scale: 6
(3 to 9) to 5.8 (3 to 9)
SD, standard deviation; semi-t, semitendinosus-tendon; MCL, medial collateral ligament; MPFL, medial patellofemoral ligament; ROM, range of movement; IKDC, International Knee
Documentation Committee knee scoring system

anchor or a bone tunnel. Follow-up studies have small fixation under image intensifier guidance where minimal
numbers and short follow-up. They have been summarised growth remains.119-121 Ladenhauf et al,110 Parikh et al111
in Table I.98,102-118 and Nelitz et al115 described a technique using screw fixa-
MPFL reconstruction – intraosseous femoral fixation. A tion in the femur (Table I). Whether screw position is
MPFL reconstruction may be considered with intraosseous selected by isometry or anatomy, the fixation in the femur is

VOL. 99-B, No. 2, FEBRUARY 2017


Fig. 5a Fig. 5b

The medial patellofemoral ligament footprint identified with Schöttle et

al’s122 technique on lateral radiograph. Line 1 is drawn along the poste-
rior cortical line. Two lines perpendicular to line 1 are drawn, line 2 inter-
sects the contact point of the medial condyle and the posterior cortex.
Line 3 intersects the most posterior point of the Blumensaat line.

distal to the femoral physis, with position confirmed by of the tibial tubercle, trochlear dysplasia by a trochleo-
image intensifier. No growth disturbance was reported by plasty and if no major abnormality exists, then an MPFL
any of these authors. No authors have described a trans- reconstruction using a standard adult technique may be
physeal suspensory fixation. used. If major rotational abnormality exists, correction of
Inspection of an anteroposterior radiograph shows the these by de-rotational osteotomy may be considered before
physis curving proximally at its most medial extent. focal knee surgery.
Intraosseous fixation can still be safely achieved whilst There are numerous reports in the literature of non-ana-
preserving the physis by judicious use of image intensi- tomical reconstructions failing. The eventual recurrence of
fier. Figure 5a demonstrates that when applying Schöttle instability when an isolated lateral release is performed is
et al’s122 technique for identifying the footprint of the well documented; Latterman et al124 demonstrated that
MPFL, in the adolescent it may appear to overlie the studies which reported outcomes for less than four years
physis on the lateral view. If fixation on the femur is reported patient satisfaction of 80% compared with 64%
used, it may be necessary to direct the screw distally to in studies with a longer follow-up. Hopper et al125 found a
avoid the physis (Fig. 5b). Consideration should be given recurrence rate of 100% for a MPFL reconstruction in the
to how the graft is to be pulled into the tunnel and ten- setting of severe trochlear dysplasia. Nelitz found that 89%
sioned without exiting within the joint. of patients with recurrent dislocation after a Roux-Goldth-
Complications of MPFL reconstruction in the adolescent. Nelitz waite procedure had severe trochlear dysplasia compared
et al123 evaluated the causes underlying failed MPFL recon- with 21% of satisfied patients.126 Several studies demon-
struction in 19 young adults (aged 16 to 27). Patients suf- strate an increased risk of developing osteoarthritis when
fered ongoing symptoms including disabling pain, all-comers are treated with a medialising tubercle trans-
recurrent dislocation or feeling of instability after MPFL fer.22,124,127
reconstruction. The most frequent complication was re-dis- The techniques and complications of patellar stabilisa-
location associated with trochlear dysplasia or graft failure. tion in this age group are better described than the out-
They also reported medial pain associated with over-ten- comes. The flow diagram (Fig. 6) is based on the best
sioning of the graft or femoral tunnel malposition. Patello- available literature, it highlights some of the pitfalls of
femoral pain was associated with cartilage damage and operating in this age group and the alternative management
unidentified gross rotational abnormality. plans that are available.
Parikh et al111 found 38 complications amongst 179
knees (16.2%) of adolescents and young patients (mean age Conclusions
14.5 years; 6 to 21) who had undergone MPFL reconstruc- Recurrent patellar instability is a disabling problem causing
tion including recurrent lateral patellar instability, stiffness pain and anxiety during simple functional tasks and may be
with flexion deficits, patellar fractures and patellofemoral the onset of lifelong symptoms. More than half of all ado-
arthrosis and pain. They attributed half of these to avoida- lescents with instability experience recurrence and risk sec-
ble factors related to surgical technique such as erroneous ondary degenerative change. The assessment of the patient
placement of patellar drill holes. should include an evaluation of anatomical factors known
to predispose to instability and should also consider the
Treatment beyond skeletal maturity possibility of associated genetic syndromes.
Once growth is complete, all abnormalities may be Trochleoplasty and tubercle transfer are contraindicated
addressed. Patellar alta can be addressed by a distalisation when physes are open. Non-operative management is the



Are the tibial and femoral

physis open?

Yes No

Does clinical Await Identify major

picture permit Yes physeal anatomical
delay? closure abnormalities

More than
1 yr of Domed/ Normal
Biedert patellar
growth Lateral
ratio < 10% height and
remaining facing
trochlea trochlea

Yes No

MPFL MPFL Tibial Trochleoplasty Adult

Extraosseous radiograph tuberosity +/- MPFL
reconstruction guided distalisation soft-tissue reconstruction
reconstruction re-alignment

Fig. 6

An algorithm for decision-making and indications for surgery in adolescent patellar instability where major rota-
tional deformity is not present. Surgical procedures can be combined if required (for example tibial tubercle dis-
talisation and medial patellofemoral ligament reconstruction).

mainstay but where the effect of instability is severe, an Author contributions:

D. Clark: Data analysis, Writing the paper.
MPFL reconstruction may be required until an anatomical A. Metcalfe: Data analysis, Writing the paper.
reconstruction can be performed. If significant growth C. Wogan: Data analysis, Writing the paper.
V. Mandalia: Data analysis, Writing the paper.
potential remains, reconstruction of the MPFL may be per- J. Eldridge: Data analysis, Writing, Review the paper, Oversight.
formed by an extraosseous technique. If only minor growth
No benefits in any form have been received or will be received from a commer-
remains, image intensifier guided placement of femoral cial party related directly or indirectly to the subject of this article.
screws allows for fixation with minimal risk of deformity. This article was primary edited by G. Scott.
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