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Optimizing Fetal Health Assessment and Mortality Prevention: An In-depth

Exploration of Ensemble Learning Techniques on Cardiotocogram Data

Article · November 2023

DOI: 10.1729/Journal.36830


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2 authors:

Soumit Roy Mainak Mitra

Jade Global inc Conviva


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Optimizing Fetal Health Assessment and Mortality

Prevention: An In-depth Exploration of Ensemble
Learning Techniques on Cardiotocogram Data
Soumit Roy
Head of Data Analytics Presales Mainak Mitra
Jade Global Inc Technical Project Manager
Chicago,IL,USA Conviva

Abstract—This research offers a thorough analysis understanding of the factors impacting these
of sophisticated ensemble learning approaches for outcomes. This problem [2] extends beyond
the crucial classification of fetal health. Using a individual individuals and has a profound impact
dataset of more than 2000 records from on broader maternity and child healthcare systems.
cardiotocogram exams, the research makes use of The urgency rests in proactively tackling these
techniques such as Random Forest, LightGBM, challenges in order to lower mortality rates, raise
and Decision Tree that are methodically optimized the standard of prenatal care, and assure healthier
for best results. Then, to smoothly merge these outcomes for moms and infants alike. This study
models and improve prediction accuracy, a addresses this need by researching improved
methodologies in prenatal health classification that
stacking classifier is used. By appropriately
make use of complex ensemble learning
categorizing fetal health into Normal, Suspect, and
algorithms. It hopes to give unique insights that
Pathological categories, the research hopes to have the potential to dramatically improve the
considerably contribute to the prevention of mother whole landscape of reproductive healthcare,
and child mortality. This work creates a standard emphasizing the significance of proactive
for predictive modeling in reproductive child intervention and new techniques in the sector.
healthcare through extensive testing and
assessment. The results provide important new This study's research technique includes a thorough
information for obstetricians and gynecologists as strategy to studying fetal health classification. We
use a multifaceted strategy that incorporates
well as evidence of the effectiveness of ensemble
advanced data analysis tools to reach our goals.
learning in this discipline. The first phase is a thorough examination of
Keywords: Fetal Health Classification, Ensemble current literature, which provides a foundational
Learning, Cardiotocogram Exams, Reproductive understanding of earlier research, identifies gaps in
knowledge, and informs our study topics.
Child Health Care, Predictive Modeling, Stacking
Following that, we describe the dataset used, which
included over 2000 records taken from
I. INTRODUCTION Cardiotocogram tests and was painstakingly vetted
to ensure relevance and dependability. The
The current panorama of fetal health and death is a
implementation of ensemble learning techniques,
major source of concern in modern medicine.
specifically the Random Forest, LightGBM, and
Despite significant advances in medical research
Decision Tree algorithms, is our core focus. These
[1], there are still significant hurdles in ensuring models are subjected to regular parameter
optimal outcomes for both fetuses and mothers. adjustment in order to improve their performance.
Fetal health issues, if not recognized and treated
The completion of these distinct models is reached
promptly, can result in increased death rates,
using a Stacking Classifier, which is carefully
underscoring the crucial need for a full designed to integrate and improve their
IJCSP23D1096 International Journal of Current Science (IJCSPUB) 851 © 2023 IJCSPUB | Volume 13, Issue 4 November 2023 | ISSN: 2250-1770
capabilities. Transparency and reproducibility are pregnancy and childbirth-related complications,
prioritized in the research approach, allowing for a with over 800 women dying each day, the study
full review of each phase. We investigate essential emphasizes the critical need for preventive care to
aspects, validate model performance, and gain reduce such risks. With 3 million newborn deaths
valuable insights during the data analysis process. each year, the link between mother and fetal health
This methodical methodology ensures the becomes further clearer, highlighting the
robustness of our findings and helps to the study's importance of meticulous care throughout the
overall reliability. We are committed to delivering maternity cycle. The authors advocate for the
a research framework that not only tackles the safety of both mother and child by focusing on
difficulties of fetal health classification but also anticipating risk levels before, during, and after
serves as a baseline for future studies in this crucial delivery. Cardiotocography (CTG) is an important
domain of reproductive healthcare as we progress monitoring method devised specifically for
through the approach. pregnant women dealing with complex difficulties,
providing essential insights into fetal well-being.
The findings of this study not only provide
important insights into the use of ensemble This study [5] explores the deep significance of
learning in reproductive child health care, but they pregnancy as a transformational life cycle,
also contribute to the broader discussion of emphasizing its intrinsic power. The importance of
predictive modeling for mother and child well- a stable and safe pregnancy is emphasized by the
being. We identify patterns and trends in fetal authors, who emphasize the need of timely and
health dynamics through a careful evaluation of consistent fetal therapy in increasing the likelihood
key features and model performance measures. of a secure pregnancy. The notion of fetal welfare
These findings have implications for improving is introduced as a complete program aimed to
current healthcare practices, encouraging proactive monitor pregnant women throughout their
intervention measures, and, ultimately, minimizing maternity cycle, emphasizing the importance of
the risks associated with bad fetal outcomes. By raising awareness among expectant moms. The
describing our study's findings, we hope to provide distressing global number of about 800 women
a solid platform for future reproductive healthcare dying each day from pregnancy and childbirth
research. The potential contributions lie not only in problems underlines the critical need for
the immediate implementation of ensemble comprehensive maternal and fetal care. With
learning approaches, but also in establishing a roughly three million neonatal deaths each year,
continual dialogue on innovative methodology and the intimate link between maternal and fetal health
best practices for safeguarding the health and well- becomes clear. The study calls for comprehensive
being of both mothers and infants. treatment that includes risk assessments before,
during, and after delivery to guarantee the well-
II. LITERATURE REVIEW being of both mother and child. The study uses
This paper [3] addresses the critical global issue of cardiotocography (CTG) as a fundamental
perinatal mortality, emphasizing the imperative for monitoring tool and focuses on an evolutionary
immediate attention to ensure sustainable national multi-objective genetic algorithm (MOGA) to
growth. Acknowledging the significance of both extract significant parameters impacting fetal
intrapartum and antepartum fetal health health.
monitoring, the authors highlight the pivotal role of
This paper [6] navigates the complexities of fetal
assessing fetal and maternal risk through
health analysis, considering the fetus as an unborn
continuous monitoring of the fetal heart rate.
child in its basic state until birth. The trimester, a
Employing Cardiotocography to record
three-month phase during pregnancy, is critical for
simultaneous data on the fetal heart rate and uterine
fetal growth, necessitating regular health checks.
contractions, this study proposes an efficient
The key equipment used to analyze the baby's
method for predicting high-risk pregnancies based
health, particularly the heartbeat, collects data that
on fetal health status, utilizing the Classification
clinicians need to assess and provide informed
and Regression Trees (CART) algorithm.
guidance. The nine-month pregnant period
Leveraging a dataset comprising 2126 recordings
provides possible threats to newborn health,
from the UCI machine learning repository, the
necessitating close monitoring to avoid problems
authors conduct a rigorous 5-fold cross-validation,
or death. Recognizing the limitations of manual
quantifying the proposed methodology's
examination, the research investigates innovative
performance through precision, recall, and F-score
machine and deep learning algorithms to examine
and forecast fetal health, responding to the pressing
This research [4] emphasizes the crucial necessity need for dependable solutions. Global data
for early and comprehensive fetal care to enhance highlight the seriousness of the problem, with 9 out
pregnancy outcomes, emphasizing the of every 100 babies having health difficulties at
fundamental link between maternal and fetal delivery and a startling 7 million cases of atypical
health. Recognizing the global difficulty of fetal health recorded globally in 2020. Prior
IJCSP23D1096 International Journal of Current Science (IJCSPUB) 852 © 2023 IJCSPUB | Volume 13, Issue 4 November 2023 | ISSN: 2250-1770
research utilizing various categorization strategies A. Data Collection
sets the framework for this study, which dives into The dataset used in this study consists of over 2000
the comparative efficacy of neural network records derived from Cardiotocogram (CTG) tests,
algorithms, demonstrating that artificial neural expertly classified into three unique classes by
networks outperform other models in the field of three obstetricians—Normal, Suspect, and
fetal health prediction.
Pathological. These classes are associated with
This study [7] digs into the issues of maternal and critical fetal health features such as baseline fetal
newborn health, which are aggravated by limited heart rate (FHR), accelerations, fetal movement,
access to vital maternal healthcare services as a uterine contractions, light decelerations, severe
result of COVID-19 preventive efforts. The decelerations, prolonged decelerations, abnormal
influence of preventive interventions on maternal short-term variability, mean value of short-term
and fetal monitoring is significant, with clinicians variability, and the percentage of time with
experiencing increased difficulty. The dread of abnormal long-term variability. An exploratory
getting COVID-19, combined with pregnant data analysis stage involves the evaluation of
mothers' limited mobility to experienced health
relationships among variables to verify data
practitioners in resource-constrained situations,
contributes considerably to maternal and newborn quality.
death and morbidity. To address these issues, the
study uses existing health data to build
interpretable Machine Learning (ML) models. By
identifying biological signals acquired from fetal
cardiotocograms (CTGs), these models promise to
enhance precision maternal and fetal care.
This research [8] focuses on the critical function of
the cardiotocogram (CTG) as the major clinical
tool for assessing fetal states. The study begins by
applying twelve machine learning single models to
the CTG dataset. Following that, the soft voting
integration method is used to combine the four
most effective models, resulting in the Blender
Model, and a comparison with the stacking
integration method is performed. Notably, when
compared to traditional machine learning models, Fig. 1. Heatmap of the Correlation Matrix
the suggested approach outperforms them across Figure 1 depicts the correlation matrix heatmap,
multiple Classification approach evaluations. This which is an important stage in data preprocessing.
study contributes to the advancement of fetal state This visualization aids in the discovery of links
identification efficacy through machine learning by between variables, which is critical for identifying
offering a solid framework for improving the potential dependencies and multicollinearity in the
precision and reliability of CTG evaluations in dataset.
clinical settings.
The methodology used in this study incorporates
the use of machine learning techniques to improve
fetal health classification. Starting with the
selection and preprocessing of a large dataset, we Fig. 2. Fetal Health Distribution
proceed to the feature selection and extraction Figure 2 depicts the distribution of fetal health
operations. Following that, a set of machine classes as a bar plot, which provides a visual
learning models is trained and optimized, including depiction of the dataset's class distribution. This
Random Forest, LightGBM, and Decision Tree. knowledge is useful in understanding the balance
Ensemble learning is then used to combine or imbalance among many fetal health categories.
individual model strengths using approaches such
as stacking and soft voting. The evaluation
includes a number of indicators, ensuring a full
examination of model performance and feature
significance. The goal of this methodology is to
improve the precision of fetal health classification
and to contribute to the field of reproductive
IJCSP23D1096 International Journal of Current Science (IJCSPUB) 853 © 2023 IJCSPUB | Volume 13, Issue 4 November 2023 | ISSN: 2250-1770

Fig. 3. Selected Columns Pair Plot Fig. 6. Radar Chart of Fetal Health Features
Figure 3 shows a pair plot of selected columns that
provides a thorough perspective of the interactions Figure 6 shows a radar graphic that compares
between baseline value, accelerations, uterine features based on 'Fetal Health.' This image
contractions, and fetal health. This visualization provides a multidimensional perspective, showing
facilitates the identification of patterns and differences in feature values across health groups.
potential predictive correlations between variables.
Figure 7 depicts a parallel coordinate plot of the
B. Feature Selection and Workflow Analysis association between selected features and 'Fetal
This study's feature selection process tries to find Health.' This visualization provides an in-depth
and prioritize variables important for fetal health look at feature trends across several health
classification. Key elements and their classifications.
interrelationships are thoroughly studied using
various visualization approaches such as
histograms, scatter plots, distribution plots,
heatmaps, radar charts, and parallel coordinates

Fig. 4. Baseline Value Histogram

Figure 4 depicts a histogram of the 'Baseline Fig. 7. Parallel Coordinates Plot of Selected Fetal
Value,' which provides insight into its frequency Health Features
distribution. This helps to understand the
variability of the baseline fetal heart rate, which is
an important aspect for fetal health assessment.

Fig. 5. Uterine Contractions Distribution Plot

Figure 5 shows a distribution plot centered on
'Uterine Contractions,' with a density-based
representation of its distribution. This contributes
to feature selection by helping to understand the
range and concentration of contractions.

IJCSP23D1096 International Journal of Current Science (IJCSPUB) 854 © 2023 IJCSPUB | Volume 13, Issue 4 November 2023 | ISSN: 2250-1770
forest (n_estimators) are among the criteria taken
into consideration. The performance of the model
is optimized by experimenting with different
settings for these parameters. In order to
thoroughly assess the effect of hyperparameters on
the model's accuracy, precision, recall, F1-score,
sensitivity, specificity, and loss, the tuning process
entails iterating through various splits and test
2. Light Gradient Boosting Classifier:
LightGBM, a gradient boosting framework, is used
because of its efficiency in handling big datasets
and speed in training models. Its capacity [10] to
prioritize features that contribute significantly to
the target variable corresponds well with the goal
of extracting key fetal health indicators from the
dataset. When fine-tuning the LGBMClassifier's
hyperparameters, variables like the number of
boosting rounds (n_estimators), learning rate
Fig. 8. Workflow diagram of the overall (learning_rate), maximum depth of tree growth
implementation (max_depth), number of leaves in a single tree
The implementation of three independent machine (num_leaves), training instance subsample ratio
learning models is depicted in a pipeline diagram (subsample), and training instance column
encapsulating the technique. Following that, an subsample ratio (colsample_bytree) are
ensemble model [12] is built by combining investigated. The goal of this optimization
findings from these three models. This procedure procedure is to use LightGBM's speed and
ensures a thorough and diverse approach to fetal efficiency for the classification of fetal health. A
health classification. The workflow diagram in variety of metrics are used to evaluate the model's
figure 8 demonstrates how model creation is performance across different splits and test sizes,
iterative, with each stage adding to the overall including accuracy, precision, recall, F1-score,
improvement of classification accuracy and sensitivity, specificity, and loss.
resilience. 3. Decision Tree Classifier:
C. Machine Learning Model Implementation Decision Tree, a fundamental yet powerful model,
The selection of machine learning models in this is featured for its interpretability and ease of
study is supported by careful assessment of the visualizing complex decision-making processes.
qualities and needs inherent in fetal health Decision trees [11] excel at capturing non-linear
classification. Three notable models, Random correlations, providing useful insights into feature
relevance and enhancing model interpretability.
Forest, LightGBM, and Decision Tree, were
Similar hyperparameter tuning occurs with the
intentionally chosen to use their distinct
DecisionTreeClassifier, where the emphasis is on
capabilities in handling complicated datasets and the minimum number of samples needed to split an
capturing intricate correlations within features. internal node (min_samples_split), the maximum
1. Random Forest Classifier: depth of the tree (max_depth), the criteria for node
Random Forest [9], a robust ensemble learning splitting (criterion), and the minimum number of
technique, is chosen for its ability to reduce samples needed to be at a leaf node
overfitting and improve predictive accuracy by (min_samples_leaf). The decision tree model is
aggregating predictions from several decision being fine-tuned in order to extract the most
trees. This makes it particularly well-suited to the pertinent features for the classification of fetal
complicated task of fetal health classification, health. A variety of splits and test sizes are used to
where multiple variables may contribute assess the performance indicators, which include
differentially to the total outcome. Grid search accuracy, precision, recall, F1-score, sensitivity,
technique is used to implement a systematic specificity, and loss.
hyperparameter tuning method for
RandomForestClassifier. The minimal number of 4. Ensemble Classifier Technique:
samples needed to split an internal node Recognizing the complementing characteristics of
(min_samples_split), the minimum number of separate models, an ensemble technique known as
samples needed to be at a leaf node Stacking Classifier [13] is used to improve the
(min_samples_leaf), the maximum depth of the predicted performance of the fetal health
trees (max_depth), and the number of trees in the categorization. Three basis models—
IJCSP23D1096 International Journal of Current Science (IJCSPUB) 855 © 2023 IJCSPUB | Volume 13, Issue 4 November 2023 | ISSN: 2250-1770
DecisionTreeClassifier, LGBMClassifier, and B. Individual Model Performance
RandomForestClassifier—are used to generate the The research carefully assesses the effectiveness of
ensemble model that is produced by stacking every single machine learning model used,
classifiers. Each base model's hyperparameter is concentrating on three well-known models:
adjusted separately, bringing the best Random Forest, LightGBM, and Decision Tree. To
configurations into the group. Logistic Regression
give a thorough insight, the assessment includes a
is employed as the meta-classifier in the creation of
variety of performance measurements and
the final ensemble. To optimize overall
performance, the Stacking Classifier's visualization strategies.
parameters—such as the selection of base models 1. Loss Values and Iteration Analysis:
and meta-classifier—are adjusted. The assessment Loss Values and Iteration Analysis: The study
measures are uniformly applied across different provides insights into the convergence behavior
splits and test sizes to guarantee a thorough and optimizing techniques by visualizing the loss
evaluation of the ensemble model's performance in values during the course of iterations for each
classifying fetal health. model.
A thorough assessment of the machine learning
models used for the classification of fetal health is
provided in the Results and Analysis section. The
section starts by describing the performance
metrics for each of the three models (Random
Forest, Decision Tree, and LightGBM) separately, a) Random Forest b)Decision
including accuracy, precision, recall, F1-score, Trees
sensitivity, specificity, and loss. There is a detailed
discussion of the hyperparameter tuning procedure
and how it affects the performance of the model.
Moreover, the ensemble model, which is built
using the Stacking Classifier, is examined to
demonstrate how well it combines the advantages
of the separate models. The comparative study that c) LightGBM
follows sheds light on the practical consequences Fig. 9. Loss Values and Iteration Analysis
of each model and the ensemble approach in fetal
health evaluation by highlighting their respective
These charts help determine the stability and rate
advantages and disadvantages.
of convergence of the model.
A. Evaluation Metrics 2. Accuracy Trends:
The evaluation of model performance in the By presenting accuracy trends across several splits,
classification of fetal health is dependent on an the study makes it possible to compare the
extensive set of critical indicators. The evaluation performance of the models.
methodology is based on these parameters, which
also include sensitivity, specificity, recall,
accuracy, precision, F1 score, and AUC-ROC.
While precision assesses the accuracy of positive
predictions, accuracy gauges the overall soundness
of the model's predictions. Recall, also known as
sensitivity, measures how well the model can a)Random Forest b)Decision
detect true positive cases; the F1 score finds a Trees
compromise between recall and accuracy. The
model's ability to accurately detect positive and
negative examples is further outlined by its
sensitivity and specificity. The model's capacity for
class distinction is measured by the AUC-ROC
metric. In order to give a comprehensive picture of
the model's performance in classifying fetal health
c) LightGBM
and support well-informed decision-making in
Fig. 10. Accuracy Trends
clinical settings, each statistic is essential. This
thorough assessment guarantees a solid
examination of the models' strengths and
weaknesses in the crucial area of perinatal care.
IJCSP23D1096 International Journal of Current Science (IJCSPUB) 856 © 2023 IJCSPUB | Volume 13, Issue 4 November 2023 | ISSN: 2250-1770
These patterns provide insight into how
consistently and dependably each model performs
in different scenarios.

3. Confusion Matrix:
Showing true positives, true negatives, false
positives, and false negatives, the confusion matrix a)Random Forest b)Decision
offers a thorough analysis of the model's predictive Trees

c) LightGBM
a)Random Forest b)Decision Trees Fig. 13. Calibration Curve
The accuracy of the estimated probability is
indicated by how close they are to the fully
calibrated line.
The study uses measurements including accuracy,
precision, recall, F1-score, sensitivity, specificity,
and AUC-ROC for a quantitative assessment in
c) LightGBM addition to these visualizations. This diverse
Fig. 11. Confusion Matrix approach guarantees a thorough and nuanced
The interpretation of the classification performance evaluation of the advantages and disadvantages of
is improved by this visual representation. each model in relation to the classification of fetal
4. Receiver Operating Characteristic (ROC) C. Ensemble Model Performance
Each of the three classes' ROC curves provides a Using stacking or soft voting, the ensemble model
detailed assessment of the models' interclass is created and then carefully tested. It is an example
discrimination capabilities. of a combination of several machine learning
models, including Random Forest, LightGBM, and
Decision Tree. A thorough summary of the
ensemble model's effectiveness is provided by the
evaluation, which is enhanced with a variety of
performance measures and visualization strategies.
1. Confusion Matrix:
This shows the true positives, true negatives, false
a)Random Forest b)Decision positives, and false negatives for the ensemble
Trees model and illustrates how accurate it is in making

c) LightGBM
Fig. 12. Receiver Operating Characteristic (ROC) (a) (b)
Curve Fig. 14. Ensemble model a) Confusion Matrix , b)
ROC curve
AUC-ROC, or the area under the ROC curve, is a
metric used to quantify classification performance. The classification performance of the ensemble
5. Calibration Curve: model is easier to grasp thanks to this visual
This graphic illustrates how expected probability depiction.
and actual results compare, offering information on
how accurate the models are calibrated.

IJCSP23D1096 International Journal of Current Science (IJCSPUB) 857 © 2023 IJCSPUB | Volume 13, Issue 4 November 2023 | ISSN: 2250-1770
2. Receiver Operating Characteristic (ROC) the three individual models that consistently
curve: perform worse than the ensemble in Table 2 across
The ROC curve, along with the area under the ROC all major performance characteristics.
curve (AUC-ROC), provides a thorough
assessment of the discriminating abilities of the
ensemble model. The capacity of the model to Model Precis Rec F1- Specifi
discriminate between several classes is evaluated s ion all score city
by this graphical representation. Rando
This comprehensive assessment guarantees a m 0.93 0.93 0.93 13.42
comprehensive comprehension of the ensemble Forest
model's performance, enabling well-informed Decisi
comparisons with individual models and on 0.91 0.91 0.91 9.90
demonstrating the possible gains attained by Trees
combining several machine learning techniques. LightG
0.94 0.94 0.94 16.19
D. Model Comparison BM
An extensive comparison of important measures Ensem
0.96 0.96 0.96 25.29
demonstrates the superiority of the ensemble ble
model in classifying fetal health. The performance
metrics are displayed in Table 1, which The ensemble demonstrates a remarkable capacity
demonstrates the exceptional accuracy (0.94) of the to accurately identify positive cases while
ensemble above the individual models, Random minimizing false positives and false negatives, as
Forest (0.90), Decision Tree (0.89), and LightGBM seen by its maximum precision (0.96), recall
(0.91). (0.96), and F1-score (0.96). The group also
demonstrates high sensitivity (0.96) and specificity
TABLE I. COMPARATIVE ANALYSIS I (25.29), demonstrating that it is adept at correctly
categorizing positive and negative cases. This
Val Val Log Val
Model Accur thorough investigation confirms the ensemble
Accur Log Los Los
s acy model's efficacy and offers strong support for its
acy loss s s
position as the best option for reliable fetal health
m 0.94 0.90 0.21 0.06 0.08
Decisi Using ensemble approaches and sophisticated
on 0.93 0.89 1.71 0.08 0.11 machine learning models, this research concludes
Trees with a thorough investigation of the classification
LightG of fetal health. The study developed a
0.95 0.91 0.40 0.00 0.07
BM comprehensive method for monitoring and
Ensem forecasting fetal well-being using machine learning
0.95 0.94 0.13 0.03 0.04
ble algorithms, in addition to addressing the crucial
problem of perinatal death. As the highest
When it comes to certain criteria, such as log loss, performing model in terms of accuracy, precision,
overall accuracy, and validation accuracy, the recall, and overall classification efficacy, the
ensemble model routinely produces the best ensemble model was created by stacking separate
results. The ensemble's remarkable achievement in models. There is a promising future ahead of us,
lowering the validation and overall loss metrics even though the current work has produced
(0.04) is especially significant as it demonstrates its impressive findings that recognize the dynamic
skill in producing a reliable and well-balanced nature of technology and healthcare. More work
prediction result. This thorough investigation may be done to improve the current models,
validates the ensemble model's effectiveness, investigate different feature engineering
making it the recommended option for classifying techniques, and include larger datasets. Ongoing
fetal health. cooperation with medical specialists can improve
the model's comprehensibility and enable its easy
The superiority of the ensemble model in fetal incorporation into clinical procedures. The
health classification is further supported by a accuracy and dependability of fetal health
careful analysis of measures such as precision, prediction can also be improved by investigating
recall, F1-score, sensitivity, and specificity. real-time monitoring apps and utilizing cutting-
Random Forest, Decision Tree, and LightGBM are edge technology like explainable AI.
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