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Oleh : Ibrahim Guntur Nuary

He found something that always made him in the high level of love. The love that he felt
right now was difference as usual. Marina came to his life with a lot of feeling, but she really
love him, Andika. Andika had bad story in his life. Worried about people really hate him so
much. But Marina gave him motivation to be strong to hearing what people say to him. Because
someone who live in this world must have lover and hater. It depends on people themselves to
see other people act, what kind of action that people see of other. Andika came from unusual
family, his family really do not know about how to be good people. Andika’s life fill of
something bad, he often drank of alcohol, and went to night club. It was very dangerous for him,
his life never be useful.
Marina felt sad of Andika’s life, she is trying to make his life to be normal like other
people. His parents did not care about Andika, they regard that Andika’s life was yours. It
something terrible for Andika. Marina is going to change of Andika’s life. Tomorrow, in the
morning at 9.a.m. Marina came to his home, she is trying to make his lafie valueable. Marina
asked him to pray dhuha together. At the first time, Andika refuse the request of Marina, but
Marina says slower to him, in order to listened by him. After syaing persuasive of him,
eventually he wanted to pray together. For her, it was the best thing for Andika. The little thing
make huge different for his life.
Marina like an angel for his life, there were no people like her to heal his life till now.
Marina knew that Andika is the good boy. In her eyes, he was the best man. Even he did bad
deed, but once again she knew that he was good boy and weak in attitude.
“Andika, I want you to be like this all the time, can you?” Marina asked Andika
“I don’t know exactly, but if you still by my side, I will” Andika answer softly.
“You don’t have to worry, I always by your side” Marina answer softly too
Andika feels alive with Marina, her love like a candle, lit in the dark and make someone
bright. Marina really want to made Andika difference with the other boy. Andika sometimes
worry that he able to change or not. But he decided to change from his heart. He released his old
world. The world made him forget everything, the world made him in the darknest. He shy to be
taught by Marina, because Marina is the girl, but Andika really happy had ne direction of his life
because of her. Marina asked Andika to meet her every sunday in mosque. Sunday was the free
day of them. Both of them able to meet up without any distraction, even Marina had activity in a
home to help her mother. But in sunday, she free of helping her mom.
Maghfirah is the name of the mosque, near both home. Marina brought some books and
books of motivation. Marina wanted her book read by Andika. Not only gave his a books, but
also Marina taught him ngaji, she believed that one day he will be a leader of her family. Once
again, at the frist time, he did not want to read and ngaji, but Marina forced him to do what her
want. Because all the things that Marina did, its for Andika’s life. First book that he read was
Mario Teguh’s book. In his book exist a lot of motivation quote that easy to memorize. He
swallowed a book only in a week, it means he enjoy to read. Rude of him suddenly disappear,
the softens attitude come out of him, because of that book.
The most important thing for her was Andika’s attitude change slowly. Until Andika
know who he is. After read a lot of book, Andika tested by Marina regarding of ngaji. Is he able
to ngaji or not. Marina ordered him to read Al-Qur’an, His face turned to pale, he worried that
she will be laugh at him because he could not ngaji. He was trying to read as long as possible,
even the sound was quiet freak. Marina just smile at him and touch his cheek to make him
“Don’t look at me with your adorable eyes, I feel so nervous” Andika say in shy
“I don’t look at you, I just see your mouth” Marina answer still look at him
Marina started to teach him the way droing right in ngaji, in every sunday also she invited
him to go to same mosque. Andika cried a lot in front of her. Marina was shocked, he suddenly
cry without something happen. Immediately, she took a tissue to erase the tears in his eyes that
flow in his cheek. She told him to stop crying, because he was a man, a man forbide to cry. There
was a reason of crying, Andika felt lucky man that meet Marina. Because of her, his life
changing a lot in all aspect. His parents are accepted him again, she was really like an angel in
his life.
“Hei macho man, don’t cry, I was here for you” She rub the tears of his eyes
“I feel so sad of myself, I don’t even thinking met you” He still crying louder
Andika changed right now because of her love, he was in different level right now.
Marina had another planning with Andika after graduation, the must work on the same company,
because they did not want to be separated. And the have another project to buy home together,
they keep the money together to buy home. For her, money is not everything, but everything is
love of him. Without love, they could not life forever. Until the planning that they have arranged
was going well, and the life happily forever.

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