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The Old Man and the Sea

The novella was awarded the Pulitzer Prize for Fiction in 1953. A year later, the Nobel
committee awarded Hemingway the Noble Prize for Literature and cited The Old Man and
the Sea as a major influence in their decision-making process.

The novella was dedicated to Charlie Scribner, the president of the publishing company,
and to Max Perkins Hemingway’s literary editor. The book was a huge success. The first
edition ran 50,000 copies and made Hemingway an international celebrity. Since its initial
publication, the novella has become a staple in English classes around the world.

The Old Man and the Sea is part of the Modernist period of literature that originated in the
late 19th and 20th centuries. The movement is characterized by a break with traditional
ways of writing. It touched both poetry, prose fiction, and drama.

Hemingway’s Personal History

It is believed that the “old man” in the novella, Santiago, is based around Gregoria
Fuentes, Hemingway’s first mate. But Hemingway most certainly saw himself in the figure
of Santiago. He lived a distinctly adventurous life, serving as an ambulance driver in Italy
and eventually winning the Italian Silver Medal of Bravery. Hemingway spent a great deal
of time after World War I hunting and camping. Most importantly in the context of the
novel, Hemingway adored fishing, specifically on his boat The Pilar. He also went on
safari and hunted in the Serengeti, exemplifying the characteristics of many of his
protagonists. These included soldiers, hunters, and other people he portrayed as
courageous, often fighting back against society or nature.

During the 30s Hemingway spent time in Paris. It was there he became part of the “Lost
Generation” of American writers who had moved to Europe post-WWI. He spent time in
the company of Ezra Pound and Gertrude Stein. Themes of alienation, separation, and
disillusionment can be found throughout Hemingway’s novels and short stories.

It was in the late 1930s that Ernest Hemingway first sailed to Cuba. He lived there briefly
before returning in the 40s. In total, he spent 20 years of his life there. Part of this period
was one in which he went without literary success and many critics considered his career
finished. For some, after a prolonged period of poor reviews, the imagery of sharks
tearing apart the marlin seemed to symbolize an attack on those who had degraded
Hemingway’s repetition and future prospects as a writer. In the end, Hemingway
triumphed over his critics.

After receiving the Nobel Prize in 1954 Hemingway dedicated the award to the Cuban
people who had been so influential in his creation of The Old Man and the Sea. The
novella was a worldwide success and incredibly important in bolstering Hemingway’s

career. It prompted a general reassessment of Hemingway’s entire oeuvre. His words
were reexamined, and his position in the annals of literary history elevated.

The Legacy of The Old Man and the Sea

Since its publication, three separate films have been made in attempts to profit off of, and
do justice to Hemingway’s narrative. The first, directed by John Sturges, was finished in
1958 and starred Spencer Tracy. The second was a miniseries/television movie in 1990.
It was directed by Jud Taylor and starred Anthony Quinn. This adaption was nominated
for three Emmy Awards. The third was an animated short film released in 1999 and
directed by Aleksandr Petrov, a Russian animator. This version is arguably the most
successful. It won the Academy Award for Best Animated Short Film in addition to several
other awards.


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