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Fabry Disease
Lysosomal Storage Disorders Support Society has sought the Union Ministry
of Health and Family Welfare’s immediate intervention for the treatment of
Fabry Disease patients.

● What is it?  Fabry disease is a rare genetic
disorder that is part of a group known as lysosomal
storage diseases.
● Caused by  The disease is caused by low levels of
an enzyme called alpha galactosidase-A due to a
problem in the genes.
Fabry Disease
◎ This enzyme is needed to break down fatty substances. The specific genes that
create the enzymes are faulty.
◎ Due to this, the enzyme cannot efficiently break down fatty materials known as
lipids into smaller components that provide energy to the body.
○ This allows lipids to build up to harmful levels in the body’s autonomic
nervous system (the part of the nervous system that controls involuntary
functions such as breathing and heartbeat), as well as in the eyes, kidneys,
and cardiovascular system.
◎ Vulnerable Group  Males who inherit the defective gene will have the disease.
Females who have a single copy of the gene are called carriers. Most will not
develop any symptoms, but they can pass the gene to their offspring.
Fabry Disease
○ However, some women do have symptoms. Women may sometimes be as
severely affected as men too.
◎ Cases  Fabry disease affects around 1 in 40,000 people worldwide.
○ In India, Fabry is one of the rare diseases notified under Group 3(a) of the
National Policy for Rare Diseases, 2021.
◎ Treatment  There is no cure for Fabry disease. There is medication to treat the
Ludhiana gas leak leads to 11 deaths. According to the air quality sensors
used by the National Disaster Response Force (NDRF) team, high levels of
Hydrogen Sulphide gas, a kind of neurotoxin, have been detected and it is
being ascertained how this gas might have led to the incident.

● Neurotoxins are poisonous substances which can
directly affect the nervous system.
● Neurotoxicity occurs when exposure to natural or
man-made toxic substances alters the normal
activity of the nervous system.
◎ These substances can eventually disrupt or even kill neurons or nerve cells, which
are important for transmitting and processing signals in the brain and other parts
of the nervous system.

◎ Methane, hydrogen sulphide, carbon monoxide and carbon dioxide are common
neurotoxic gases.
◎ While methane and carbon monoxide are odourless gases, hydrogen sulphide has
a pungent odour and in higher concentration it can be fatal for humans.
◎ To remove gases such as hydrogen sulphide from wastewater, chemical oxidation
is done where oxidants such as hydrogen peroxide are added to the wastewater.
ASEAN-India Maritime Exercise (AIME)
Q.1) Bisphenol A (BPA), a cause of concern, is a structural/key component in the
manufacture of which of the following kinds of plastics? (2022)
a) Low-density polyethylene
b) Polycarbonate
c) Polyethylene terephthalate
d) Polyvinyl Chloride

Answer (b
Recently, Andhra Pradesh police cautioned smartphone users to be wary of

● Bluebugging is a type of malicious attack that allows
hackers to gain access to your Bluetooth-enabled
● It can target devices such as phones, tablets, laptops,
and even earphones, speakers, and smartwatches.
● Bluebugging is conducted by exploiting a security flaw
in the Bluetooth protocol.
◎ Once a device or phone is bluebugged, a hacker can listen to the calls, read and
send messages and steal and modify contacts.
◎ It started out as a threat to laptops with Bluetooth capability. Later hackers used
the technique to target mobile phones and other devices.
◎ How does Bluebugging work? 
○ Bluebugging attacks by exploiting Bluetooth-enabled devices. The device’s
Bluetooth must be in discoverable mode, which is the default setting on
most devices.
○ The bluetooth enabled device must also be within a 10-metre radius of the
○ The hacker then tries to pair with the device via Bluetooth. Once a
connection is established, hackers can use brute force attacks to bypass
○ They can install the malware in the compromised device to gain
unauthorized access to it.
◎ Preventive Measures 
○ 1) Turning off Bluetooth and disconnecting paired Bluetooth devices when
not in use,
○ 2) Updating the device’s system software to the latest version,
○ 3) Limited use of public Wi-Fi and
○ 4) Using VPN as an additional security measure.
Try this PYQ 2018
Q.1) The terms ‘Wanna Cry, Petya and Eternal Blue’ sometimes mentioned in the
news recently are related to
a) Exo-planets
b) Crypto-currency
c) Cyber attacks
d) Mini satellites

Answer (c
Yellow Fever
117 passengers of Indian origin arriving from Sudan quarantined for not
being vaccinated against Yellow Fever.

● Yellow Fever is an acute viral haemorrhagic disease
transmitted by infected mosquitoes.
● Endemic  The virus is endemic in tropical areas of
Africa and Central and South America.
● Yellow fever is often associated with jaundice, hence
the name yellow.
Yellow Fever
◎ Transmission 
○ The yellow fever virus is transmitted by infected mosquitoes, most
commonly from the Aedes species – the same mosquito that spreads the
Zika, Chikungunya and Dengue virus. Haemogogus mosquitoes also spread
it and are mostly found in the jungle.
○ The disease cannot be spread by contact from one person to another.
◎ Symptoms  Fever, headache, jaundice, muscle pain, nausea, vomiting and
◎ A small proportion of patients who contract the virus develop severe symptoms
and approximately half of those die within 7 to 10 days.
Yellow Fever
◎ Prevention and Treatment 
○ Yellow fever can be prevented by a vaccine that is protective for life. As
single dose of yellow fever vaccine, known as 17D, provides life-long
immunity against the disease.
○ There is no specific treatment for yellow fever but good supportive
treatment of symptoms, such as dehydration, fever and infection,
improves survival rates. Associated bacterial infections can be treated with
Try this PYQ 2017
Q.2) Which of the following statements is not correct?
a) Hepatitis B virus is transmitted much like HIV.
b) Hepatitis B, unlike Hepatitis C, does not have a vaccine.
c) Globally, the number of people infected with Hepatitis B and C viruses is several
times more than those infected with HIV.
d) Some of those infected with Hepatitis B and C viruses do not show the
symptoms for many years.

Answer (b
Scary Barbie
A supermassive black hole is tearing apart a distant star that is now faced
with a fiery and dramatic death. The scientists who discovered it have
affectionately named the black hole “Scary Barbie,” after a beloved
children’s character.

● Scary Barbie is a supermassive black hole that is
devouring a star with a thousand times the
brightness of a supernova.
● Scary Barbie was first observed in 2020 and it was
named ZTF20abrbeie.
● It is one of the most luminous, energetic, long-
lasting transient objects in the sky.
Scary Barbie
◎ But it is also extremely far away and in a somewhat neglected corner of the sky.
◎ The researchers discovered it using an AI engine called REFITT (Recommender
Engine For Intelligent Transient Tracking).
◎ The AI engine looks through observations from many different telescopes
around the world.
◎ Spaghettification - It is a process in which the forces around a black hole, called
tidal disruption, pull other objects apart.
Digital Twin
India may soon join the ranks of cities and countries such as Singapore,
Yingtan in China, Dubai, Saudi Arabia, etc. that have built digital twins to
enhance their efficiency, coordination and governance.

● What is it?  A Digital Twin is a three-dimensional
(3D) virtual representation of an object or system
that delivers real-time insights into the performance,
operation or profitability of a physical object—even a
● It is therefore essentially a virtual replica of a real city
that can be used to improve its efficiency in several
Digital Twin
◎ For instance, one can simulate the installation of mobile networks on specific
rooftops and identify the obstructions within the specified parameters, thus
saving time and costs.
◎ Benefits 
○ It offers a model of urban planning and construction for future sustainable
development that effectively combines innovations in digital technology
with urban operational mechanisms and provides a feasible path for urban
○ It also promotes safer, more efficient urban activities and helps to create
more low-carbon, sustainable environments.
◎ Challenges  Requires large amounts of data collection and processing. Can be
costly and time-consuming to develop. Requires expertise in data analysis and 3D
Space Science and Technology Awareness Training (START) programme

The Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO) has announced a new

introductory-level online training programme called Space Science and
Technology Awareness Training (START).

● Initiative of  ISRO.
● Objective  The primary objective of the START
program is to help Indian students become
professionals in Space Science and Technology, as
ISRO’s Space Science exploration program
continues to expand into new domains.
Space Science and Technology Awareness Training (START) programme

◎ Target group  The program is aimed at postgraduate and final-year

undergraduate students of Physical Sciences and Technology.
◎ Features  The programme will cover various domains of Space Science,
including Astronomy and Astrophysics, Heliophysics and Sun-Earth interaction,
Instrumentation, and Aeronomy.
○ The programme will be delivered by scientists from Indian academia and
ISRO centres.
○ Academic institutions can submit applications for the programme through
the Jigyasa portal.
◎ Significance  The programme is part of the ISRO’s efforts to enable Indian
students to become professionals in Space Science and Technology, as the
organization’s Space Science exploration programme continues to expand into
new domains.
Space Science and Technology Awareness Training (START) programme

◎ It is also expected to help build a human capacity that will lead Space Science
and research in the future.
Respiratory syncytial virus
The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has approved the first vaccine —
Arexvy — for respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) to lower respiratory tract
disease in people older than 60 years. This is the first RSV vaccine to be
approved anywhere in the world.

● What is it?  Respiratory Syncytial Virus (RSV) is a
common respiratory virus that can cause illness in
people of all ages.
● It is a negative-sense, single-stranded RNA virus. Its
name is derived from the large cells known as
syncytia that form when infected cells fuse.
Respiratory syncytial virus
◎ It is the most common cause of lower respiratory tract infections in infants and
young children, and it can also affect older adults and people with weakened
immune systems.
◎ RSV is highly contagious and spreads through droplets when an infected person
coughs or sneezes, or by touching a surface contaminated with the virus and then
touching one’s face.
◎ Symptoms  Symptoms of RSV can range from mild to severe, including runny
nose, coughing, sneezing, fever, wheezing, and difficulty breathing.
○ In severe cases, it can lead to pneumonia, bronchiolitis, or death.
Respiratory syncytial virus

◎ In 2013, Barney Graham and other scientists identified the key protein, protein F,
responsible for the RSV virus to infect human cells.
◎ The protein, introduced in humans, elicited neutralizing antibodies against the
According to a recent study, scientists have observed a bloated Sun-like
star, identified as ZTF SLRN-2020, swallowing a Jupiter-sized planet, causing
the star to expel some material into space in an energetic belch.

● ZTF SLRN-2020 is a Sun-like star that swallowed a
Jupiter-sized planet, causing the star to expel some
material into space in an energetic belch.
● The star is similar to our sun in size and
composition and is located in our Milky Way galaxy
about 12,000 light-years from Earth in the direction
of the constellation Aquila.
○ A light year is the distance light travels in a year, 5.9 trillion miles (9.5
trillion km).
○ The star is around 10 billion years old, twice as old as the sun.
○ The constellation Aquila, the eagle, is visible in the northern hemisphere
from July through October. It is a mid-sized constellation, spanning 652
square degrees of the sky.
◎ After running out of fuel in its core, the star began to grow in size, shrinking the
gap with its neighbouring planet, eventually consuming it entirely.
◎ Importance of these findings? 
○ Life cycles of stars have been well studied and understood. Older stars,
eventually, ingest the nearby planets (like Mercury and Venus with respect
to our Sun), too are scientifically known.
○ Even Earth could face a similar fate five billion years from today. At the end
of its life, the Sun will swell up to a size that will certainly be bigger than
the present-day orbit of Earth.
○ So nominally, the Earth would get engulfed when the Sun runs out of fuel
in about 5 billion years.
○ However, what had never been observed until now was the actual process
of a dying star consuming a planet. Now, this has finally happened.
Try this PYQ 2019

Q. Recently, scientists observed the merger of giant ‘blackholes’ billions of light-

years away from the Earth. What is the significance of this observation? (2019)
(a) ‘Higgs boson particles’ were detected.
(b) ‘Gravitational waves’ were detected.
(c) Possibility of inter-galactic space travel through ‘wormhole’ was confirmed.
(d) It enabled the scientists to understand ‘singularity’.

Ans: (b)
Carbon Dating
The Allahabad High Court recently ordered a “scientific survey”, including
carbon dating, of a “Shivling” said to have been found at the Gyanvapi
mosque complex in Varanasi after setting aside a lower court order on the

● What is it?  Carbon dating is a widely-used method
for determining the age of organic materials that
were once living.
● Based on  The method is based on the radioactive
decay of Carbon-14 (C-14), an isotope of carbon with
an atomic mass of 14.
Carbon Dating
◎ It works by measuring the ratio of C-12 to C-14 in the atmosphere, as well as in
plants and animals that acquire carbon through photosynthesis or food
◎ The half-life concept 
○ Carbon-14 has a half-life of 5,730 ± 40 years—i.e., half the amount of the
radioisotope present at any given time will undergo spontaneous
disintegration during the succeeding 5,730 years.
○ Because carbon-14 decays at this constant rate, an estimate of the date at
which an organism died can be made by measuring the amount of its
residual radiocarbon.
Carbon Dating

◎ In addition to radiometric dating, there are alternative methods to determine the
age of objects.
○ Cosmogenic nuclide dating  CRN is one such method that utilizes
radioactive decay to estimate age and is commonly used to study the age of
ice cores in Polar Regions.
○ Potassium-argon dating  A radiometric dating method that measures the
ratio of potassium to argon isotopes in rocks to determine their age.
○ Uranium-thorium-lead dating  A radiometric dating method that analyses
the ratios of uranium, thorium, and lead isotopes in rocks to estimate their
A second drug named “Donanemab” has been found effective in checking
cognitive decline in people with early Alzheimer’s disease.

● Donanemab is a drug being developed to treat
people with early Alzheimer’s disease.
● Developed by  the U.S.-based pharmaceutical
giant Eli Lill.
● Working  The drug works by targeting a
common hallmark of Alzheimer’s disease in the
brain: amyloid plaques.
○ Note: Beta-amyloid is a protein which plays an important role in brain
function for everyone. But in patients with Alzheimer’s disease, beta-amyloid
turns toxic – clumping together and disrupting the connection between brain
cells and their function. This leads to cognitive issues such as memory loss.
◎ Importance  Donanemab has been found to slow down cognitive decline by 35%
when compared with a placebo in a phase III trial.
○ This is the second drug, within a span of one year, that has been found to be
effective in checking cognitive decline in people with Alzheimer’s disease.
○ However, it is important to note that the two drugs don’t stop or reverse

◎ Alzheimer’s disease is a progressive neurologic disorder that causes the brain to
shrink (atrophy) and brain cells to die.
◎ The disease is the most common cause of dementia — a continuous decline in
thinking, behavioural and social skills that affect a person’s ability to function
◎ Caused by  Alzheimer’s disease is thought to be caused by the abnormal build-
up of proteins in and around brain cells.
○ One of the proteins involved is called amyloid, deposits of which form
plaques around brain cells.
○ The other protein is called tau, deposits of which form tangles within brain
Types of Hydrogen
Gujarat has set to become the country’s green hydrogen manufacturing hub
and retain its dominance over the industrial sector and has signed
memorandum of understanding (MoUs) with several big corporates,
including Reliance, Adani, ArcelorMittal and Torrent, which have pledged
huge investments in green energy projects and have been allotted land for
the same.

● 1) Green Hydrogen  it is generated by
renewable energy or from low-carbon power.
● when the energy used to power electrolysis
comes from renewable sources like wind, water
or solar.
Types of Hydrogen
◎ 2) Blue hydrogen  it is a hydrogen produced from natural gas with a process of
steam methane reforming, where natural gas is mixed with very hot steam and a
catalyst with carbon dioxide as a byproduct. Therefore, carbon capture and
storage (CCS) is a crucial part of the production of blue hydrogen.
◎ 3) Grey hydrogen  it is made from natural gas reforming like blue hydrogen, but
without any efforts to capture carbon dioxide byproducts.
◎ 4) Pink hydrogen  made with electrolysis powered by nuclear energy, which
does not produce any carbon dioxide emissions.
◎ 5) Yellow hydrogen  is a hydrogen made with electrolysis from the energy grid
and here carbon emissions vary greatly depending on the sources powering the
Types of Hydrogen
◎ 6) Turquoise hydrogen  produced from methane pyrolysis, or splitting methane
into hydrogen and solid carbon with heat in reactors or blast furnaces.
Earth Sciences Minister Kiren Rijiju said India is set to dramatically scale up
its super-computing prowess and install an 18-petaflop system over the
course of this year.

● Currently India’s most powerful, civilian super-
computers — Pratyush and Mihir — with a
combined capacity of 6.8 petaflops .
● Pratyush is housed at the Indian Institute of Tropical
Meteorology, Pune.
● Mihir is housed at the National Centre for Medium
Range Weather Forecasting(NCMRWF), Noida.

◎ They were made operational in 2018 at an investment of ₹438 crore.

◎ Both these are affiliated to the Ministry of Earth Sciences (MoES).
◎ Currently the fastest high performance computing system in the world is the
FrontierCray system at
◎ Oakridge National Laboratory, United States.
○ This has a peak speed of one exaflop (or about 1,000 petaflops).

◎ Flops (floating point operations per second) are an indicator of processing speed
of computers and a petaflop refers to a 1,000 trillion flops.

◎ Processing power to such a degree greatly eases complex mathematical

calculations required, for, among other things, forecasting how the weather will
be over the next few days all the way up to two or three months ahead.
Previous year Question 2022

Which one of the following is the context in which the term “qubit” is mentioned?
(a) Cloud Services
(b) Quantum Computing
(c) Visible Light Communication Technologies
(d) Wireless Communication Technologies

Answer - (b) Quantum Computing

Foucault pendulum
A Foucault pendulum swings inside the new Parliament.

● One of the features of the new Parliament building ,
is a Foucault pendulum suspended from its
Constitutional Gallery area.
● Designed and installed- by the National Council of
Science Museums (NCSM), Kolkata.
Foucault pendulum
◎ Foucault pendulum is named for Leon Foucault (1819-1868), the French
physicist who devised the apparatus in the 19th century.
◎ It is a deceptively simple device used to illustrate the earth’s rotation.
◎ The pendulum consists of a bob suspended at the end of a long, strong wire
from a fixed point in the ceiling.
◎ As the pendulum swings, the imaginary surface across which the wire and the
bob swipe is called the plane of the swing.
◎ A Foucault pendulum is not a simple matter of setting up a pendulum with large
○ It must be designed, installed, and set swinging in such a way that the
bob’s motion is influenced to the extent possible only by gravity.
Foucault pendulum
◎ At the time Foucault set up the first public display of the pendulum, the earth’s
rotation was a well established fact , but his achievement was to provide a
proof that didn’t involve intricate astronomical observations and calculations.
NVS01 Navigation Satellite
India’s navigation system gets a boost after ISRO successfully launches NVS-
01 satellite.

● The Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO)
successfully placed the NVS01 navigation satellite,
weighing about 2,232 kg, into Geosynchronous
Transfer Orbit.
● Placed by  Geosynchronous Satellite Launch
Vehicle (GSLV).
NVS01 Navigation Satellite
○ This mission is the sixth operational flight of the GSLV with indigenous
cryogenic stage.
◎ According to details provided by ISRO, NVS01 is the first in the series of five
◎ NVS-01 is the first of the second-generation satellites envisaged for the
Navigation with Indian Constellation (NavIC) services.
◎ NVS series of satellites will sustain and augment the NavIC with enhanced
◎ NVS-01 will augment India’s regional navigation system by providing accurate
and real-time navigation.
◎ The NVS01 carried navigation payloads L1, L5 and S bands.
NVS01 Navigation Satellite
◎ For the first time, an indigenous Rubidium atomic clock was flown in NVS01.
◎ The mission life of NVS-01 is expected to be better than 12 years.
Powassan virus disease
A person in the US has recently died from a tick-borne virus called Powassan

● Powassan virus (POWV) is a Flavivirus that causes
Powassan virus disease.
● People get Powassan virus disease through the bite
of a tick that is infected with the virus.
● It is named after the town of Powassan, Ontario,
where it was first identified.
Powassan virus disease
◎ Transmission  Powassan virus is generally transmitted to humans through
bites by infected deer ticks, groundhog ticks, or squirrel ticks, commonly found
in the Great Lakes region of North America between late spring and mid-
◎ Early signs of Powassan virus infection  fever, headache, vomiting, and
◎ Symptoms in severe cases  confusion, difficulty speaking, loss of
coordination, seizures etc.
○ Severe cases can cause encephalitis and the membranes around the brain
& spinal cord -meningitis
◎ Treatment  currently there are “no medications” that can prevent or treat
Powassan virus infection.
A new Jupiter-Sized exoplanet with the highest density known till this date
and mass 13 times than that of Jupiter, has been discovered by an
international team of scientists at the Exoplanet Research Group of the
Physical Research Laboratory (PRL),Ahmedabad.

● An exoplanet is any planet that orbits a star
beyond the solar system.
● It is also referred to as an extrasolar planet or
alien planet as it orbits a star other than the Sun.
● As per NASA, there are also some exoplanets,
known as rogue planets, that are not bound to
any star but instead orbit the galactic center.
◎ Closest exoplanet  is Proxima Centauri b and orbiting the Proxima Centauri
which is the closest star to the Sun.
◎ Exoplanets are made up of elements similar to those of the planets in our solar
system, but their mixes of those elements may differ.
◎ Some planets may be dominated by water or ice, while others are dominated by
iron or carbon.
◎ It is not easy to detect exoplanets directly through telescopes as they are
concealed by the “bright glare of the stars they orbit.
◎ What are Massive giant Exoplanets  they are those having mass greater than
four times that of Jupiter.
Previous year Question 2022
If a major solar storm (solar flare) reaches the Earth, which of the following are the possible effects on
the Earth?
1.GPS and navigation systems could fail.
2.Tsunamis could occur at equatorial regions.
3.Power grids could be damaged.
4.Intense auroras could occur over much of the Earth.
5.Forest fires could take place over much of the planet.
6.Orbits of the satellites could be disturbed.
7.Shortwave radio communication of the aircraft flying over polar regions could be interrupted.
Select the correct answer using the code given below:
(a) 1, 2, 4 and 5 only (b) 2, 3, 5, 6 and 7 only
(c) 1, 3, 4, 6 and 7 only (d) 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7
Previous year Question 2022
◎ Answer - (c) 1, 3, 4, 6 and 7 only
Acinetobactor baumannii
A group of scientists from McMaster University and the Massachusetts
Institute of Technology have discovered a new antibiotic that can be used to
kill a deadly hospital superbug , Acinetobactor baumannii.

● It is short, round, rod-shaped bacteria.
● Named after the bacteriologist Paul Baumann.
● Commonly found in the environment like soil and
● Life  The bacteria can live for prolonged
periods of time on environmental surfaces and
shared equipment, and can often be spread
through contaminated hands.
Acinetobactor baumannii
◎ The bacteria can also “colonize” or live in a patient without causing infections or
◎ According to the World Health Organization, this is a multidrug-resistant bacteria
that poses a particular threat in hospitals, and among patients whose care
requires devices such as ventilators and blood catheters.
◎ These bacteria have built-in abilities to find new ways to resist treatment and can
pass along genetic material that allows other bacteria to become drug-resistant as
◎ The WHO has listed it under the most critical group and among priority pathogens
listed for research and development of new antibiotics.
Acinetobactor baumannii
◎ Infections  WHO says that Acinetobacter can cause severe and often deadly
infections such as bloodstream infections, pneumonia, urinary tract infection or
infection in wounds in other parts of the body.
Genome Sequencing

In a Boost to pathology services in the hill districts, a genome sequencing

lab was opened at Srinagar Medical College in Pauri Garhwal district of

● Genome sequencing is the process of determining the
complete DNA sequence of an organism's genome.
● The DNA consists of a double-stranded molecule built
up by four bases – adenine (A), cytosine (C), guanine
(G) and thymine (T).
● The process of deciphering the order of base pairs, to
decode the genetic fingerprint of a human is called
genome sequencing.
Genome Sequencing
◎ Genome Sequencing Methods 
○ Clone-by-clone: This method requires the genome to have smaller sections
copied and inserted into bacteria. The bacteria then can be grown to produce
identical copies, or “clones,” containing approximately 150,000 base pairs of
the genome that is desired to be sequenced.
○ Whole-Genome Shotgun: As the name implies, “shotgun” sequencing is a
method that breaks DNA into small random pieces for sequencing and
reassembly. The pieces of DNA are also cloned into bacteria for growth,
isolation and subsequent sequencing.
◎ How does whole Genome Sequencing Work? 
○ Scientists conduct whole genome sequencing by following these four main
Genome Sequencing
○ DNA Shearing: Scientists begin by using molecular scissors to cut the DNA,
which is composed of millions of bases (A’s, C’s, T’s and G’s), into pieces that
are small enough for the sequencing machine to read.
○ DNA Barcoding: Scientists add small pieces of DNA tags, or bar codes, to
identify which piece of sheared DNA belongs to which bacteria.
○ DNA Sequencing: The bar-coded DNA from multiple bacteria is combined and
put in a DNA sequencer. The sequencer identifies the A’s, C’s, T’s, and G’s, or
bases, that make up each bacterial sequence. The sequencer uses the bar
code to keep track of which bases belong to which bacteria.
○ Data Analysis: Scientists use computer analysis tools to compare sequences
from multiple bacteria and identify differences. The number of differences
can tell the scientists how closely related the bacteria are, and how likely it is
that they are part of the same outbreak.
Genome Sequencing
◎ Application of Genome Sequencing 
○ Medical research and Diagnosis: Genome sequencing can be used for genetic
testing and diagnosis of hereditary diseases.
○ Drug development: Genome sequencing can be used to identify new drug
targets, optimise drug efficacy, and develop personalised medicine.
○ Agriculture: Genome sequencing can help breed crops and livestock with
desirable traits such as higher yield, disease resistance, and nutritional
○ Forensics: Genome sequencing can be used for forensic analysis, such as
identifying victims of crimes and natural disasters.
○ Bioengineering: Genome sequencing can aid in the design and development
of synthetic biological systems and biomolecules for various applications.
Genome Sequencing
○ Provides an insight in evolution: Scientists studying the genome sequences of
early and modern humans have shown that our ancestors interbred with
other hominins like Neanderthals and Denisovans.
Tomato Grand Challenge Hackathon(TGC)
Recently, the International Monetary Fund (IMF) issued a statement on the
use of cryptocurrency in the Latin American and Caribbean market, and
about the rising interest in blockchain based central bank digital currencies
● Definition  A cryptocurrency is a medium of
exchange, such as the rupee or the US dollar, but is
digital in format and uses encryption techniques to
both control the creation of monetary units and to
verify the exchange of money. For Example:
Bitcoin, Ethereum.
● Cryptocurrency works upon the principle of
‘blockchain’ technology.

◎ A central bank digital currency (CBDC) is the digital form of a country's fiat
◎ A nation's monetary authority, or central bank, issues a CBDC, which promotes
financial inclusion and simplifies implementing monetary and fiscal policy.
◎ CBDC, being a sovereign currency, holds unique advantages of central bank
money viz. trust, safety, liquidity, settlement finality and integrity.
◎ Motivations for exploring the issuance of CBDC in India 
○ reduction in operational costs involved in physical cash management
○ fostering financial inclusion
○ bringing resilience, efficiency, and innovation in the payments system
○ adding efficiency to the settlement system
○ boosting innovation in cross-border payments space
○ providing the public with uses that any private virtual currencies can
provide, without the associated risks.

◎ Difference between Cryptocurrency and CBDCs 

Cryptocurrency CBDCs

1.Decentralised digital currencies Digital currencies issued by central banks

2.Can be subject to high volatility and price Can be designed to maintain stable value and
fluctuations controlled volatility

3.Widely adopted by individuals, businesses, and Currently under development or pilot projects by
investors central banks

4.Not universally recognized as legal tender Legally recognized as a form of national currency

5.Publicly visible blockchain transactions Transaction data can be visible to the central bank
or government
Try this PYQ 2020

With reference to “Blockchain Technology”, consider the following statements:

1. It is a public ledger that everyone can inspect, but which no single user controls.
2. The structure and design of the blockchain are such that all the data in it are about
cryptocurrency only.
3. Applications that depend on the basic features of blockchain can be developed
without anybody’s permission.
Which of the statements given above is/are correct?
a) 1 only 2.
b) 1 and 2 only 3.
c) 2 only 4.
d) 1 and 3 only
Try this PYQ 2020

Option 4 : 1 and 3 only

Dark Patterns
The Centre has asked e-commerce companies to not use “dark patterns” on
their platforms that may deceive customers or manipulate their choices.

● Dark patterns are also known as deceptive patterns.
● It is the term used to describe the ways in which
websites or apps make their users
● do things that the users do not intend to do or
would not otherwise do
● to discourage user behaviour that is not beneficial
for the companies.
Dark Patterns
◎ Coined by  Harry Brignull, a user experience (UX) designer, in 2010.
◎ Examples  Annoying advertisement that keeps popping up on the user's screen,
and the user can’t find the cross mark ‘X’ to make it go away because the mark is
too small to notice (or to click/ tap).
○ When users try to click/ tap on the tiny ‘X’, users sometimes end up tapping
the ad instead.
◎ Types of dark patterns identified the Consumer Affairs Ministry 
○ False urgency: Creates a sense of urgency or scarcity to pressure consumers
into making a purchase or taking an action;
○ Basket sneaking: Dark patterns are used to add additional products or
services to the shopping cart without the user’s consent;
Dark Patterns
○ Confirm shaming: Uses guilt to make consumers adhere; criticises or attacks
consumers for not conforming to a particular belief or viewpoint;
○ Forced action: Pushes consumers into taking an action they may not want to
take, such as signing up for a service in order to access content;
○ Nagging: Persistent criticism, complaints, and requests for action;
○ Subscription traps: Easy to sign up for a service but difficult to quit or cancel;
option is hidden or requires multiple steps;
○ Bait & switch: Advertising a certain product/ service but delivering another,
often of lower quality;
○ Hidden costs: Hiding additional costs until consumers are already committed
to making a purchase;
○ Disguised ads: Designed to look like content, such as news articles or user-
generated content.
Dark Patterns
◎ Steps taken by other governments 
○ The United States and the United Kingdom have passed legislation to curb
dark patterns.
○ Companies have been sued for indulging in dark patterns behaviour in
Try this PYQ 2022
3. With reference to “Software as a Service (SaaS)”, consider the following
(1) SaaS buyers can customize the user interface and can change data fields.
(2) SaaS users can access their data through their mobile devices.
(3) Outlook, Hotmail and Yahoo! Mail are forms of SaaS.
Which of the statements given above are correct?
(a) 1 and 2 only
(b) 2 and 3 only
(c) 1 and 3 only
(d) 1, 2 and 3
Answer (d)
Carbon Molecules In Space

The CH3+ molecule, which is also known as methyl cation, has been
detected in space for the first time by the James Webb Space Telescope

● CH3+ is a very simple organic molecule, just one
carbon atom and 3 hydrogen atoms.
● It reacts inefficiently with hydrogen, the most
abundant element in the universe, while reacting
easily with other molecules, facilitating the creation of
more complex carbon-based molecules.
Carbon Molecules In Space
◎ Detection 
○ Scientists found the fingerprints of the CH3+ molecule in light coming from a
swirling disk of dust and gas around a young star.
○ It was detected in the star and protoplanetary disc system located about
1,350 light-years away in the Orion Nebula which is 1,350 light years from
○ (Protoplanetary discs are discs of dense gas and dust surrounding young
stars. The material in these discs eventually coalesces to form planets.)
◎ Significance 
○ Its presence in space tells us that basic building blocks for life are out there.
○ It has been theorised to be the cornersntone of interstellar organic
Carbon Molecules In Space
○ Its detection proves that ultraviolet radiation plays a critical role in the early
chemical stages of the origins of life by producing CH3+.

◎ Developed by  NASA with the assistance of European Space Agency (ESA) and
the Canadian Space Agency.
◎ Location  It is currently at a point in space known as the Sun-Earth L2 Lagrange
point, approximately 1.5 million km beyond Earth’s orbit around the Sun.
◎ Mission 
○ To look back around 13.5 billion years to see the first stars and galaxies
forming out of the darkness of the early universe.
Carbon Molecules In Space
○ To compare the faintest, earliest galaxies to today’s grand spirals and
understand how galaxies assemble over billions of years.
○ To see where stars and planetary systems are being born.
○ To observe the atmospheres of extrasolar planets (beyond our solar system)
along with the objects within our own solar system and perhaps find the
building blocks of life elsewhere in the universe.
Smart Bandage

A study was published in "Science Advances" that offered to help accelerate

healing of chronic wounds– using a wearable, wireless, mechanically flexible
smart bandage as big as a finger.

● A Smart Bandage is an advanced medical dressing that
incorporates various technologies to enhance the
healing process of a wound.
● It consists of integrated biosensors, soft drug loaded
hydrogels and signal processing and wireless
communication to provide real-time feedback and
facilitate better wound management.
Smart Bandage
◎ The device is assembled on a soft, stretchable polymer that helps the bandage
maintain contact with and stick to the skin.
◎ How does the Smart Bandage work? 
○ Smart bandages have built-in sensors to continuously monitor various
parameters of the wound, such as temperature, pH level, moisture, and
○ Data collected by the bandage is passed to a flexible printed circuit board,
which relays it wirelessly to a smartphone or tablet for review by a physician.
◎ Benefits 
○ Enhanced Patient Comfort: Smart Bandage doesn’t have to be removed
frequently to monitor the status and apply antibiotics.
Smart Bandage
○ Remote Monitoring: Smart bandages can connect to mobile applications or
remote monitoring systems, allowing patients to monitor their wounds from
○ Lesser Hospital Visits: Cleaning and dressing the wound increases chances of
bacterial contamination every time the wound is opened. So the bandage
could also reduce the number of hospital visits.
Try this PYQ 2022
1. Consider the following
(1) Aarogya Setu
(2) CoWIN
(3) Digi Locker
Which of the above are built on top of open-source digital platforms?
(a) 1 and 2 only
(b) 2, 3 and 4 only
(c) 1, 3 and 4 only
(d) 1, 2, 3 and 4
Answer (d)
CMV and ToMV: ‘Mosaic’ Viruses
Cucumber Mosaic Virus (CMV) and Tomato Mosaic Virus (ToMV) have
impacted crops in Karnataka and Maharashtra respectively.

● The two plant pathogens have similar
names and cause similar damage to
crops, but they belong to different viral
families, and spread differently.
● Both viruses can cause almost 100 per
cent crop loss unless properly treated on
CMV and ToMV: ‘Mosaic’ Viruses
◎ ToMV 
○ It belongs to the Virgaviridae family and is closely related to the tobacco
mosaic virus (TMV).
○ ToMV hosts include tomato, tobacco, peppers, and certain ornamental
◎ CMV 
○ It was identified in cucumber in 1934, which gave the virus its name.
○ CMV has a much larger host pool that includes cucumber, melon, eggplant,
tomato, carrot, lettuce, celery, cucurbits (members of the gourd family,
including squash, pumpkin, zucchini, some gourds, etc.), and some
CMV and ToMV: ‘Mosaic’ Viruses
◎ How do these two viruses spread?
◎ ToMV 
○ It spreads mainly through infected seeds, saplings, agricultural tools and
often, through the hands of nursery workers who have failed to sanitise
themselves properly before entering the fields.
○ It would require only a few infected saplings for the virus to take over an
entire field in a matter of days.
◎ CMV 
○ It is spread by aphids, which are sap-sucking insects.
○ Conditions of high temperature followed by intermittent rain, which allow
aphids to multiply, are conducive to the spread of CMV.
○ CMV too can spread through human touch, but the chances of that are
extremely low.
CMV and ToMV: ‘Mosaic’ Viruses
◎ Ways to Control the Virus Spread 
○ Follow biosafety standards in nurseries, and compulsory seed treatment.
○ Checking of the trays of saplings before planting, and discarding any visible
infected material.
○ Clearing the field of weeds and plant material before fresh planting.
○ Spraying quick acting insecticides or mineral oils on the plants to kill the
Ozempic Drug
Ozempic, a diabetes drug, is increasingly becoming popular due to its
advantage of weight- loss potential.

● Ozempic is a brand name for the generic drug
semaglutide, which is FDA-approved to treat
Type-2 Diabetes by controlling blood sugar
● It is administered by injection or can be taken
Ozempic Drug
◎ Ozempic works by mimicking the effects of a hormone- called GLP-1, which is
naturally produced in the body.
○ GLP1 helps to regulate blood sugar levels by stimulating the release of
insulin, slowing down the release of glucose from the liver.
◎ Concern  Ozempic face is the side effect of the drug that causes facial ageing,
skin sagging.
Hydrogen Fuel Cell

The scientific test experiment of hydrogen powered buses will be done

between Delhi and Faridabad.

● A hydrogen fuel cell is an electrochemical cell that
converts the chemical energy of hydrogen into
● The cell consists of a positive anode and a negative
cathode and it uses electrolysis to generate
● The fuel cell's core is made of solid or liquid
electrolyte to aide the process.
Hydrogen Fuel Cell
👉 Advantages of Hydrogen Fuel Cell:
◎ Higher efficiency  Hydrogen-powered fuel cells have two or three times the
efficiency of traditional combustion technologies.
◎ Fuel Abundance: It is a basic earth element and is available in abundance.
◎ Clean fuel  When it burns, it doesn’t emit harmful substances. The only by-
product or emission from the usage of hydrogen fuel is water. It makes this fuel
100% clean.
◎ Environmentally Friendly  It is a non-toxic substance which is rare for a fuel
◎ Renewable source  Hydrogen can be produced again and again, unlike other
non-renewable sources of energy.
Hydrogen Fuel Cell
◎ No recharging needed  Fuel cells work like batteries but, unlike batteries, they
will not run down or need recharging and can continue to produce electricity
while the fuel source (in this case, hydrogen) is supplied.
◎ No moving parts  Being comprised of an anode, cathode and an electrolyte
membrane, there are no moving parts in a fuel cell, making them silent in
operation and highly reliable.

👉 Applications:
◎ Stationary fuel cells can be utilised as a backup source of power, power for
remote locations, distributed power generation and co-generation.
Hydrogen Fuel Cell
◎ Fuel cells have the capacity to power any portable application that uses batteries
– from hand-held devices to portable generators.
◎ Fuel cells power transportation such as personal vehicles, trucks, buses and
marine vessels; it can also provide auxiliary power to traditional transportation
Brain-Eating Amoeba

Recently, a 15-year-old boy in Kerala’s Alappuzha district died due to a rare

infection caused by Naegleria fowleri or “brain-eating amoeba”.

● Naegleria fowleri, commonly known as “brain-
eating amoeba,” is a single-cell organism.
● It is found in warm freshwater environments such
as lakes, hot springs and swimming pool.
● It is so small that it can only be seen with a
● Only one species of Naegleria, Naegleria fowleri,
infects people.
Brain-Eating Amoeba
◎ Spread 
○ The amoeba enters the body through the nose and travels to the brain,
leading to a severe and usually fatal brain infection known as primary
amebic meningoencephalitis (PAM).
○ It does not spread from person to person.
◎ Prevention Measures for Swimmers 
○ Avoiding warm freshwater bodies with inadequate chlorination
○ Using nose clips during water-related activities
○ Using sterile water for nasal cleansing rituals
○ Maintain clean swimming pools and practice proper hygiene
◎ Symptoms  Severe headache, fever, nausea, vomiting, stiff neck, confusion,
seizures, hallucinations
Brain-Eating Amoeba
◎ Death Rate  97%
◎ Treatment  US-based Centers for Disease Control (CDC) recommends treatment
with a combination of drugs, often including amphotericin B, azithromycin,
fluconazole, rifampin, miltefosine, and dexamethasone.
ISRO will launch its Chandrayaan 3 mission on July 14, 2023 onboard an

● The Launch Vehicle Mark-III or LVM3, is a three-
stage medium-lift launch vehicle developed by the
Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO).
● Previously known as the Geosynchronous Satellite
Launch Vehicle (GSLV) Mark–III
● Developed by  Liquid Propulsion Systems Centre
of ISRO.
◎ Payload capacity  LVM3 will be capable of placing
○ 4 tonne class satellites of the GSAT series into Geosynchronous Transfer
○ 8 tonne heavy payloads into Low Earth Orbits of 600 km altitude.
◎ Stages of LVM3 
◎ First (or bottom most) Stage:
○ It has two S200 boosters strapped to the sides of the rocket body.
○ Fuel used: Solid fuel called hydroxyl terminated polybutadiene.
◎ Second Stage:
○ It is powered by two Vikas engines
○ Fuel used: liquid fuel – either nitrogen tetroxide or unsymmetrical
◎ Uppermost Final Stage:
○ It is powered by a cryogenic engine.
○ It combusts liquefied hydrogen with liquefied oxygen.
○ Hydrogen has a very high specific impulse as rocket fuels go, but using it in
an engine requires it to be liquefied first.
○ Liquified hydrogen must be stored at very low temperature, and with special
pumping and transport systems.

Launch Orbit Polar orbit & GEO & GSO. LEO, sun
GTO. synchronous orbit
Number of stages 4. 3 3
Payload capacity 1800kg 2200-4000kg 500 kg
Propulsion Solid & liquid Solid, liquid, Solid

Application Earth resources Launch of To launch Nano,

monitoring communication Micro and Mini
satellites satellite
Try this PYQ 2018
Q. With reference to India's satellite launch vehicles, consider the following statements:
1. PSLVs launch the satellites useful for Earth resources monitoring whereas GSLVs are
designed mainly to launch communication satellites.
2. Satellites launched by PSLV appear to remain permanently fixed in the same position in
the sky, as viewed from a particular location on Earth.
3. GSLV Mk III is a four-staged launch vehicle with the first and third stages using solid
rocket motors; and the second and fourth stages using liquid rocket engines.
Which of the statements given above is/are correct?
(a) 1 only
(b) 2 and 3
(c) 1 and 2
(d) 3 only
Try this PYQ 2018
Answer (a
PBW RS1: New Wheat Variety
Punjab Agricultural University Develops PBW RS1 Wheat Variety for
Nutritional Security.

● The new variety called PBW RS1, with RS being
short for resistant starch.
● The variety has been developed over a period of
10 years by a team of wheat breeders led by Dr V S
Sohu, head, department of plant breeding and
PBW RS1: New Wheat Variety

◎ The high amylose and resistant starch ensure that glucose is released slowly into
the bloodstream, preventing an immediate rise in glucose levels and reducing the
risk of diabetes and cardiovascular diseases.
◎ It has a total starch content similar to other wheat varieties but contains 30.3%
resistant starch, compared to only 7.5-10% in other varieties.
◎ Concerns  It has lower productivity compared to other wheat varieties, with an
average grain yield of 43.18 quintals per hectare, below the average yield in
◎ Benefits 
○ Reduce the risks of type-2 diabetes and
○ Cardiovascular diseases.
PBW RS1: New Wheat Variety
○ Tastes and feels like normal wheat, making it a viable alternative
○ Completely resistant to “yellow rust” and "moderately resistant" to brown
rust fungal diseases.

◎ Type 2 diabetes affects how your body uses sugar (glucose) for energy.
◎ It stops the body from using insulin properly, which can lead to high levels of
blood sugar if not treated.
◎ Over time, type 2 diabetes can cause serious damage to the body, especially
nerves and blood vessels.
PBW RS1: New Wheat Variety

◎ The glycemic index (GI) is a value used to measure how much specific foods
increase blood sugar levels.
◎ Foods are classified as low, medium, or high glycemic foods and ranked on a scale
of 0–100.
◎ The lower the GI of a specific food, the less it may affect your blood sugar levels.
Majorana Zero Modes

Researchers at Microsoft announced that they had figured out a way to

create a strange kind of particle called Majorana zero modes, that could
potentially revolutionise quantum computing.

● Majorana zero mode is a unique particle or bound
state that belongs to the class of Majorana
● It was first proposed by the Italian physicist
Ettore Majorana in 1937.
Majorana Zero Modes
◎ Distinct characteristics  Majorana zero modes are bound states of particles that
are their own antiparticles (counterpart particle with opposite quantum
properties such as charge).
◎ This distinguishes Majorana zero modes from other particles in the quantum
◎ Enhanced Stability 
○ It provides increased stability for qubits, the fundamental units of
information in quantum computing.
○ Qubits: Just like bits (1 and 0) are the basic units by which computers process
information, ‘qubits’ or ‘quantum bits’ are the units of process by quantum
Majorana Zero Modes
○ A quantum computer stores information in the form of quantum bits (qubits)
that can take on various combinations of zero and one.
○ Even if one entity within the bound state is disturbed, the overall qubit
remains protected and retains encoded information.
◎ Topological Quantum Computing 
○ Majorana zero modes enable topological quantum computing, utilizing non-
Abelian statistics.
○ Non-Abelian statistics introduce an additional degree of freedom, allowing
for different outcomes based on the order of computational steps.
○ It provides enhanced stability for qubits in quantum computing.
Majorana Zero Modes
◎ It is a subatomic particle having the same mass as a given particle but having an
opposite electric or magnetic property.

◎ All subatomic particles that make up matter are called fermions.
◎ The Dirac equation predicted the existence of an antiparticle for each particle,
such that if the two meet, they annihilate each other.
◎ Fermions which have their own antiparticles are called Majorana fermions.
Minister of Ports, Shipping and Waterways, recently inaugurated the
indigenous Differential Global Navigation Satellite System (DGNSS) called

● It is a terrestrial based enhancement system that
corrects the errors and inaccuracies in the Global
Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) and provides
more accurate positioning information.
● Aim: Ensuring safety  To help mariners in safe
navigation and will reduce the risk of collisions,
groundings, and accidents in the port and harbour
○ Aiding radio signals: To assist the Director General of Lighthouses and
Lightships (DGLL) to provide radio aids to ships for marine navigation
◎ Significance 
○ Minimising error: A GNSS receiver has the potential to achieve accuracies of
up to 10 centimetres. Sagar Sampark will help mariners to error correction
accuracy from 5 to 10 metres to less than 5 metres for 100 Nautical Miles
from Indian coastlines.
○ Augmenting correction: It will improve the accuracy of GPS positioning and
reduce errors caused by atmospheric inferences, satellite clock drift, and
other factors.
○ Enhancing Compliance: It will fulfil India's obligations towards International
Maritime Organisation (IMO), Safety of Life at Sea (SOLAS) and International
Association of Marine Aids to Navigation and Lighthouse Authorities (IALA).

◎ Working of GNSS  In order to establish a position, GNSS receivers use timing
signals from at least four satellites, and any number of errors or delays can occur
during the signals’ transit to earth.
◎ Accurate positioning  DGNSS is an enhancement to GNSS that was developed
to correct these errors and inaccuracies in the GNSS system, allowing for more
accurate positioning information. Access to this correction information makes
differential GPS and GNSS receivers much more accurate than other receivers.
James Webb Telescope (JWST)
Recently, NASA celebrated the anniversary of the James Webb telescope by
sharing a new image of sunlike stars being born. The picture is of the Rho
Ophiuchi cloud complex, the nearest stellar nursery to Earth.

● The James Webb Space Telescope is an orbiting
infrared observatory that will complement and
extend the discoveries of the Hubble Space
Telescope, with longer wavelength coverage and
greatly improved sensitivity
● Developed by  NASA with the assistance of the
European Space Agency and the Canadian Space
James Webb Telescope (JWST)

◎ Launched in  It was launched in 2021, with the mission duration of 5-10 years
◎ Location in space  It is placed at Lagrange point 2, approximately 1.5 million
km beyond Earth’s orbit around the Sun.
◎ Size  Webb’s primary mirror is approximately 6.5 metres in diameter, giving it
a significantly larger collecting area than the mirrors of the current generation of
space telescopes
◎ Wavelength  It will provide wavelength coverage from 0.6 to 28 microns (the
infrared part of the electromagnetic spectrum).
◎ Objectives 
○ Search for the first galaxies and luminous objects formed after the Big Bang.
○ Determine how galaxies evolved from their formation until now.
James Webb Telescope (JWST)
○ Observe the formation of stars from the first stages to the formation of
planetary systems.
○ Measure the physical and chemical properties of planetary systems,
including our own Solar System, and investigate the potential for life in
those systems.
Try this PYQ 2022

Consider the following communication technologies:

(1) Closed-circuit Television
(2) Radio Frequency Identification
(3) Wireless Local Area Network
Which of the above are considered Short-Range devices/technologies?
(a) 1 and 2 only
(b) 2 and 3 only
(c) 1 and 3 only
(d) 1, 2 and 3

Answer (d)
Assessments of the health impacts of the non-sugar sweetener aspartame
have been released by the International Agency for Research on Cancer
(IARC) , the World Health Organization (WHO) and the Food and Agriculture
Organization (FAO) Joint Expert Committee on Food Additives (JECFA).

● Discovery  It was discovered in 1965 by
American chemist James Schlatter.
● Approval  Approved by the FDA in 1974, it is
used in various food and beverage products since
the 1980s, It gained popularity due to its zero
calories and lack of bitter aftertaste.

◎ Uses  It is used to enhance flavoring of baked and canned foods, powdered

drink mixes, candy and puddings. Other uses include sweetening agent in diet
drinks, chewing gum, gelatin, ice cream, dairy products such as yogurt, breakfast
cereal, toothpaste and medications such as cough drops and chewable vitamins.

◎ Lack of clarity  JECFA has declared that the aspartame sweetener is a ‘possible
carcinogen’, as per JECFA, it did not have convincing evidence of harm caused by
◎ Safety Limit  It remains safe to be consumed in agreed quantities , JECFA
recommended to keep consumption levels of aspartame below 40mg/kg a day.

◎ Further research required  The assessments of aspartame have indicated that,

while safety is not a major concern at the doses which are commonly used,
potential effects have been described that need to be investigated by more and
better studies.
◎ Limited evidence  There was also limited evidence for cancer in experimental
animals and limited evidence related to the possible mechanisms for causing
Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy (DMD)

A team of doctors from Tamil Nadu along with scientists from Japan have
developed a disease-modifying treatment for Duchenne Muscular
Dystrophy (DMD).

● DMD is a genetic disorder that is characterized by
growing muscle degeneration and weakness.
● Cause  It is caused due to the DMD gene failing
to produce any functional dystrophin because of
mutations in the dystrophin gene, found in the X
Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy (DMD)
◎ Onset  The onset of this genetic disorder is generally in early childhood, usually
between the ages of two and three, and is typically known to affect boys.
◎ Diagnosis  A thorough clinical assessment, a complete review of the patient’s
medical history along with a number of specialist testing, including genetic tests, are
used to diagnose DMD.
◎ Treatment  Currently available treatments are gene therapy, exon-skipping and
disease modifying agents (anti-inflammatory medicines such as steroids).
◎ Why are Women affected rarely by DMD? 
○ Role of Mother: Women are usually carriers of the genetic trait and aren’t aware
of carrying a mutation until they have an affected son. A carrier mother’s son has
a 50 per cent possibility of inheriting the defective gene from her while the
daughter of a carrier mother has a 50 percent chance of carrying the gene in two
healthy copies and a 50 percent chance of becoming a carrier herself.
Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy (DMD)
◎ Role of Father  An unaffected father always either transmits a normal X to his
daughter or a normal Y to his son whereas in an affected father it is an X-linked
recessive disorder caused by a mutation in the dystrophin gene.

◎ Dystrophin is a protein that maintains structural integrity in muscle cells and is
subject to mutations that can either be inherited or arise spontaneously during
germline transmission.

ISRO is set to launch the Chandrayaan 3 spacecraft using the LVM3 rocket
from Satish Dhawan Space Centre in Sriharikota, India.

● Chandrayaan-3 is India’s third lunar mission as well
as second attempt to achieve a soft landing of a
robotic lander on the moon's surface. If the soft-
landing succeeds, India will become the fourth
country in the world to have achieved this.
● It is a follow-up to the 2019 Chandrayaan-2 mission,
which partially failed after its lander and rover
couldn’t execute a soft-landing on the Moon.
◎ Chandrayaan-3’s objectives 
○ To demonstrate Safe and Soft Landing on Lunar Surface
○ To demonstrate Rover roving on the moon and
○ To conduct in-situ scientific experiments

◎ Launch and Launch Vehicle  The mission starts with a launch aboard India’s
LVM3 rocket (the country’s heavy lift vehicle capable of placing about 8 metric
tons into low-Earth orbit).
◎ Orbit Placement  The LVM3 will place the spacecraft and an attached
propulsion module into an elongated Earth orbit with an apogee, or high point, of
about 36,500 kilometers above the planet.
◎ Propulsion module  This module will take the lander and the rover to the
moon. Module itself does not land on the moon and instead settles on a parking
orbit of 100 km x 100 km around the moon.
◎ Landing site  The site has been moved slightly from the previous location on a
plateau between two craters. The site, at around 70 degreeS near the Southern
pole of the moon, was selected as there are several craters here that remain
permanently in shade, and can be the store-house of water ice and precious
◎ Lander and rover module  The lander and rover will separate from the
propulsion module to land on the moon.
◎ Preventing crash landing  The lander has engines that will slow down the fall,
so that it descends gently onto the moon rather than crash-landing on it.
◎ Touchdown of Lander and Rover  After the touchdown, the lander will remain
stationary at the landing site, while the rover, which is a tiny, trolley kind of
device with wheels will explore the moon.
◎ Activity Duration  The lander and rover will be alive for 14 earth days, which
corresponds to one moon day. Since the solar panels that provide electricity to
the lander and rover need sunlight, they will be alive for one moon day, which is
14 earth days.

◎ Altimeters  To measure altitude

◎ Velocimeters  To measure velocity, and cameras for hazard detection and
◎ Laser Doppler Velocity Meter  A new laser sensor has been added to better
judge the lunar terrain before landing.

◎ Laser Induced Breakdown Spectroscope (LIBS)  Determines the chemical and
mineralogical composition of the surface.
◎ Alpha Particle X-ray Spectrometer (APXS)  Determines the elemental
composition of the surface.
◎ Radio Anatomy of Moon Bound Hypersensitive ionosphere and Atmosphere
(RAMBHA)  Measures how the local gas and plasma environment changes over
◎ Chandra’s Surface Thermophysical Experiment (ChaSTE)  Studies the surface’s
thermal properties.
◎ Instrument for Lunar Seismic Activity (ILSA)  Measures seismic activity at the
landing site in order to delineate the subsurface crust and mantle.
◎ Laser Retroreflector Array (LRA)  A NASA-provided retroreflector that allows
for lunar ranging studies. Laser ranging is the process of zapping a reflector with a
laser and measuring the time it takes for the signal to bounce back.
◎ Lander and rover will study 
○ The surface and atmosphere of the Moon,
○ The low-height atmospheric characteristics and electrostatic characteristics
of the Moon.
○ Constituents of the regolith (planetary surface)
○ Examine the ionised atmosphere’s behaviour in day and night
◎ Orbiter 
○ The orbiter will focus on Earth to look at signatures of life on the Pale Blue
Dot so that it can aid in the search of exoplanets (planets beyond the solar
system) that may support life.
G20 Conference on ‘Crime and Security in the Age of NFTs (Non-Fungible
Tokens) AI and Metaverse’
Recently, the Ministry of Home Affairs (MHA) conducted the G20
Conference on ‘Crime and Security in the Age of NFTs (Non-Fungible Tokens)
AI and Metaverse’ in Gurugram, Haryana.

● Non-fungible tokens, often referred to as NFTs, are
blockchain-based tokens that each represent a
unique asset like a piece of art, digital content, or
● An NFT can be thought of as an irrevocable digital
certificate of ownership and authenticity for a
given asset, whether digital or physical.
○ For example, Amitabh Bachchan NFT’s were on sale, Bachchan’s NFT
collectable series included his father’s famous poem “Madhushala”,
autographed vintage posters of himself, along with his other works.
◎ NFTs are created through a process called minting, in which the information of
the NFT is recorded on a blockchain.
◎ They have become a popular way to buy and sell digital artwork.
○ For Example: In 2020, the market capital of NFT bloomed, climbing 338
million from 41 million (2018)
◎ Characteristics of a non-fungible tokens 
○ Uniqueness: Each NFT is unique and distinguishable from other tokens. It
has its own specific characteristics, metadata, and ownership history.
○ Indivisibility: NFTs cannot be divided or broken down into smaller units.
They are treated as whole assets and cannot be exchanged on a like-for-like
○ Ownership and Authenticity: NFTs serve as proof of ownership and
authenticity for a specific digital asset or item. They provide a verifiable
record of the asset's origin, ownership history, and attributes.
○ Scarcity: NFTs can represent assets with limited availability or scarcity,
adding to their value and collectibility. The scarcity may be predefined or
determined by the creator or platform issuing the NFT.
◎ What types of assets can non-fungible tokens be used for? 
○ Non-fungible tokens can be created to represent virtually any asset,
whether physical, digital or metaphysical.
○ However, the most common NFT assets are digital art, digital collectible

◎ Benefits 
○ Disincentivize Plagiarism: They enable artists to create and sell unique and
scarce digital works, without the risk of duplication or plagiarism.
○ New Artistic Forms: They create a new form of artistic expression and
innovation, where digital art can be interactive, dynamic, or collaborative,
and where new genres and styles can emerge.
○ Verifiability: The ownership of an NFT is recorded on a blockchain, which
makes it easy to verify.
○ Transferability: NFTs can be bought, sold, and traded on NFT marketplaces.
This means that they can be used as a form of currency or investment.
○ Authenticity: NFTs can be used to prove the authenticity of digital goods.
This is because the ownership of an NFT is recorded on a blockchain, which
makes it difficult to forge.

◎ How is an NFT different from Cryptocurrency?

NFT Cryptocurrency

•Represents ownership of a unique •Represents a form of digital currency

item or asset.

•Non-fungible: Each token is unique •Fungible: Each unit of the

and not interchangeable. cryptocurrency is interchangeable with
another unit.

•Often used to represent digital art, •Primarily used as a medium of

collectibles, virtual assets, etc. exchange and store of value.
National immunization coverage
The projections for national immunization coverage for 2022 from WHO and
UNICEF have recently been made public. India recorded all-time high of 93%
DPT3 immunization coverage in 2022: WHO

● Diphtheria  It is a serious infection caused by
strains of bacteria called Corynebacterium
diphtheriae that make a toxin.
● Mode of spread  The bacteria spread from
person to person, usually through respiratory
droplets, like from coughing or sneezing. People
can also get sick from touching infected open
sores or ulcers.
National immunization coverage
◎ Pertussis  Whooping cough, also known as pertussis, is a very contagious
respiratory illness caused by a type of bacteria called Bordetella pertussis.
○ Mode of Spread:The bacteria that cause whooping cough spread easily from
person to person through the air. When a person who has whooping cough
sneezes or coughs, they can release small particles with the bacteria in them.
◎ Tetanus  Tetanus is an infection caused by a bacterium called Clostridium tetani.
Spores of tetanus bacteria are everywhere in the environment, including soil, dust,
and manure.The spores develop into bacteria when they enter the body.
○ Mode of Spread: Unlike other vaccine-preventable diseases, tetanus is not
spread from person to person.The spores can get into someone’s body through
broken skin, usually through injuries.
National immunization coverage

◎ Genesis  In 1978, the Expanded Programme on Immunisation was introduced.
When its reach was extended outside of metropolitan areas in 1985, it was
redesignated as the Universal Immunisation Programme.
◎ Vaccines covered  Under UIP, immunization is being provided free of cost against
12 vaccine preventable diseases: Nationally against 11 diseases: Diphtheria,
Pertussis, Tetanus, Polio, Measles, Rubella, severe form of Childhood Tuberculosis,
Rotavirus diarrhea, Hepatitis B, Meningitis & Pneumonia caused by Hemophilus
Influenza type B and Pneumococcal Pneumonia and sub-nationally against 1 disease -
Japanese Encephalitis (JE vaccine is provided only in endemic districts).
National immunization coverage

◎ Formation  7 April 1948
◎ Type  United Nations specialized agency
◎ Headquarters  Geneva, Switzerland
◎ Parent organization  United Nations Economic and Social Council
◎ Mandate  to promote health and safety while helping the vulnerable worldwide.
National immunization coverage
◎ Formation  11 December 1946
◎ Headquarters  New York City, New York, U.S.
◎ Parent organization  United Nations General Assembly
◎ Mandate  to advocate for the protection of children's rights, to help meet their
basic needs and to expand their opportunities to reach their full potential.
Self-Healing Metal
For the first time, scientists have witnessed metal fragments demonstrating
a remarkable self-healing capability. As these fragments cracked, they
spontaneously fused back together without any human intervention.

● Self healing structures  This inherent ability could
be engineered into metals, leading to the creation of
self-healing machines and structures. For example,
self-healing engines, bridges, and airplanes.
● Reversing damages  These innovations could
effectively reverse damage caused by wear and tear,
significantly enhancing the safety and longevity of
various structures and machinery.
Self-Healing Metal
◎ Mitigating fatigue damage  Self-healing can reduce fatigue damage, a common
machine failure cause. After repeated stress or motion, machines develop
microscopic cracks that grow and eventually lead to machine failure. Self-healing
properties could automatically repair such damage, preventing catastrophic
breakdowns and lowering maintenance costs.
'Akira' Attack
The Indian Computer Emergency Response Team (CERT-In) has issued a
warning about a new internet ransomware virus called 'Akira,'.

● Akira is a malicious software designed to target both
Windows and Linux-based systems.
● It steals vital personal information and encrypts data
leading to extortion of money from people.
● In case a victim refuses to pay, their data is leaked
on the dark web blog.
'Akira' Attack
◎ Prevention  Users should enforce strong password policies and multi-factor
authentication (MFA) and avoid applying updates/patches available in any
unofficial channel.

◎ Ransomware is a computer malware that infects and blocks users from using their
own data and system and they can get it back against a pay-off.
'Akira' Attack

◎ CERT-In is the national nodal agency for responding to computer security
incidents as and when they occur.
◎ Mandate 
○ Collection, analysis and dissemination of information on cyber incidents.
○ Forecast and alerts of cyber security incidents
○ Emergency measures for handling cyber security incidents
○ Coordination of cyber incident response activities.
Recently, the primary patent of Janssen Pharmaceuticals, over bedaquiline
expired. As a result, Indian manufacturers will now be able to supply
generic versions of bedaquiline.

● Bedaquiline is a medication used in the treatment of
drug-resistant tuberculosis (DR-TB).
● It is an antibiotic that targets the bacteria responsible
for TB and is considered a cornerstone of DR-TB

◎ Drug-resistant tuberculosis (DR-TB) is a form of tuberculosis (TB) caused by bacteria
that are resistant to one or more of the standard anti-TB drugs.
◎ Tuberculosis is caused by Mycobacterium tuberculosis.
◎ Burden of Drug-resistant TB 
○ Each year, nearly half a million people develop drug-resistant TB and nearly
10.4 million people develop drug-sensitive TB.
○ One-third of the world’s population has latent TB, a version of the disease that
can turn active as immunity falls.
○ Nearly 2.8 million patients live in India making it a national public health

◎ When a patent over a medicine expires, it means that the exclusive rights granted
to the original developer (usually a pharmaceutical company) to produce and sell
that medicine are no longer in effect.
◎ As a result, other manufacturers can now produce and sell generic versions of the
◎ Generic versions of medicine are identical copies of brand-name drugs that have
the same active ingredients.
◎ These are produced after the patent protection on the original brand-name drug
has expired.
One Web
Gujarat's Department of Science and Technology (DST) signed a MoU with
OneWeb India Communications Pvt Ltd to establish India's first 'satellite
network portal site' in Mehsana, Gujarat.

● It is a UK-based global communication network
powered from space, enabling connectivity for
governments, businesses, and communities.
● It is implementing a constellation of LEO satellites.
● India’s Bharti Enterprises serves as a major
investor and shareholder in OneWeb.
One Web
◎ Satellite Network Portal Site 
○ The satellite network portal site will serve as a signal and data downlink and
uplink terminal on the ground, facilitating data transmission through satellite
tracking antenna systems.
○ Low Earth Orbit (LEO) satellites, operating at 500 to 1,200 km altitude, offer
high-speed and low-latency communications compared to geostationary
○ OneWeb has 648 satellites in LEO, making 13 orbits per day, covering the
entire globe.
○ To achieve global coverage, 40 such satellite network portal sites are
required, with India planning to have at least 2 sites – one in Gujarat and
another likely in Tamil Nadu.
Try this PYQ 2018
With reference to India's satellite launch vehicles, consider the following statements:
1. PSLVs launch the satellites useful for Earth resources monitoring whereas GSLVs are
designed mainly to launch communication satellites.
2. Satellites launched by PSLV appear to remain permanently fixed in the same position in the
sky, as viewed from a particular location on Earth.
3. GSLV Mk III is a four-staged launch vehicle with the first and third stages using solid rocket
motors; and the second and fourth stages using liquid rocket engines.
Which of the statements given above is/are correct?
(a) 1 only
(b) 2 and 3
(c) 1 and 2
(d) 3 only
Try this PYQ 2018
Answer (a
Nipah Virus (NiV)
Indian Council of Medical Research’s National Institute of Virology (ICMR-
NIV) has found evidence of the Nipah virus circulation in the bat population
across nine states and one Union Territory.

● The first outbreaks of the Nipah virus among
humans was reported from Malaysia (1998) and
Singapore (1999).
● It belongs to the family Paramyxoviridae, genus
● Fatality Rate  The WHO estimates that
between 40% and 75% of cases can result in
Nipah Virus (NiV)
◎ Spread 
○ It is a zoonotic virus, transmitted from animals to humans.
○ Reservoir: The fruit bat, also known as the flying fox, serves as the animal
host reservoir for the virus.
○ Fruit bats transmit the virus to other animals such as pigs, dogs, cats, goats,
horses, and sheep.
○ Humans can get infected through direct contact with these infected animals
or by consuming food contaminated with their saliva or urine.
◎ Symptoms  Fever, headache, drowsiness, disorientation, mental confusion,
coma, potential death.
◎ Preventive Measures 
○ Avoid physical contact with an infected person.
Nipah Virus (NiV)
○ Wash hands after caring for an infected person.
○ Stay away from consuming raw date palm sap or toddy.
○ Discard fruits with signs of bat bites.
◎ Treatments  No specific treatment for Nipah Virus, primary treatment is
intensive supportive care.
India AI and Meta India MoU
Recently, 'India AI,' and Meta India signed a memorandum of understanding
(MoU) to promote collaboration in the field of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and
emerging technologies.

● Objective  To foster collaboration and cooperation
between 'India AI' and Meta India in the field of
Artificial Intelligence (AI) and emerging technologies.
● Sharing of Open-Source AI Models  Meta India will
make its open-source AI models, including LlaMA,
Massively Multilingual Speech, and No Language Left
Behind, available for use by the Indian AI ecosystem.
India AI and Meta India MoU
◎ Centre of Excellence for AI and Emerging Technologies  The organizations may
consider establishing a Centre of Excellence to nurture the start-up ecosystem
and promote innovation in AI and other emerging technologies.
◎ Building Datasets in Indian Languages  It aims to enable translation and large
language models, with a priority on low-resource languages.
◎ Enhancing AI Compute Resources  The collaboration aims to enhance
accessibility to AI compute resources for researchers, start-ups, and organizations
with limited resources.
◎ Knowledge Sharing and Skill Development  The MoU will facilitate knowledge
sharing and collaboration in AI and emerging technologies through workshops,
seminars, conferences, and similar platforms.
India AI and Meta India MoU
◎ Significance 
○ Foster social inclusion and improve government service delivery through AI-
driven innovation.
○ Spur innovation using large language models, Generative AI, cognitive
systems, and translation models.
○ Strengthen India's digital leadership and ensure AI tools are tailored to
India's unique needs.
○ Boost AI talent development, contributing to the growth of AI expertise in
India AI and Meta India MoU

◎ INDIA AI is a knowledge portal, research organization and an ecosystem building
initiative, which was launched on 28th May 2020.
◎ It stands to unite and promote collaborations with various entities in India’s AI
◎ It is a joint venture by the Ministry of Electronics and Information Technology
(MeitY), National e-Governance Division (NeGD) and National Association of
Software and Service Companies (NASSCOM).
Guidelines on Information Security Practices: CERT-In
Recently, the Indian Computer Emergency Response Team (CERT-In) issued
“Guidelines on Information Security Practices” for government entities for a
safe and trusted Internet.

● Aim  To ensure an open, safe and trusted and
accountable Internet for its users.
● Need  India’s digital landscape has witnessed
tremendous growth, with over 80 crore Indians
(Digital Nagriks) actively utilizing the Internet
and cyberspace.
Guidelines on Information Security Practices: CERT-In
◎ Applicability 
○ All Ministries, Departments, Secretariats, and Offices specified in the First
Schedule to the Government of India (allocation of business) Rules, 1961,
along with their attached and subordinate offices.
○ Public sector enterprises
◎ Appointment of Chief Information Security Officer  Government organizations
should appoint a Chief Information Security Officer (CISO) along with a dedicated
cybersecurity team, independent of the IT operations team.
◎ Password Management and Browser Security Guidelines  The guidelines
recommend the use of complex passwords with a minimum length of 8 characters.
◎ Comprehensive Security Domains Covered  The guidelines include various security
domains such as network security, identity and access management, application
security, data security, third-party outsourcing, hardening procedures, security
Guidelines on Information Security Practices: CERT-In
◎ Data Encryption and Protection  Organizations should identify and encrypt
sensitive data during transmission and storage.
◎ Threat Analysis and Mitigation  Organizations must analyze potential threats and
adopt strategies to counter them.
◎ Vulnerability Assessment  Conducting vulnerability assessments helps identify
weaknesses in devices, systems, and potential threats related to specific ports and
◎ Mandatory Cybersecurity Incident Reporting  All government and private
agencies, including internet service providers, social media platforms, and data
centers, must report cybersecurity breaches to the appropriate authority within
six hours of detection.
Guidelines on Information Security Practices: CERT-In
◎ Significance 
○ Roadmap for Government and Industry: These guidelines are a roadmap for
government entities and industry to reduce cyber risk, protect citizen data,
and continue to improve the cyber security ecosystem in the country.
○ Facilitating Audits for Security Assessment: They will serve as a fundamental
document for audit teams, including internal, external, and third-party auditors,
to assess an organization’s security posture against the specified cybersecurity
Guidelines on Information Security Practices: CERT-In

◎ CERT-In is the national nodal agency for responding to computer security incidents as
and when they occur.
◎ Mandate 
○ Collection, analysis and dissemination of information on cyber incidents.
○ Forecast and alerts of cyber security incidents
○ Emergency measures for handling cyber security incidents
○ Coordination of cyber incident response activities.
DESI Initiative
In News

● Finland will help India develop and build
quantum computers under its DESI
● DESI stands for ‘Digitalisation, Education,
Sustainability and Innovation’.
Semicon India 2023
Recently, the Prime Minister of India addressed the inaugural session of
Semicon India 2023, which is being attended by industry executives from
across the world.

● It is the second edition of ‘Semicon India 2023’ in
Gandhinagar, Gujarat.
● Organized by  India Semiconductor Mission
● Aim  To showcase India’s remarkable progress in
becoming a prominent global player in Semiconductor
Design, Manufacturing, and Technology Development, in
alignment with the vision of the India Semiconductor
Semicon India 2023

◎ It has been set up as an Independent Business Division within Digital India
○ Digital India Corporation is a not-for-profit Company set up by the Ministry
of Electronics and Information Technology(MeitY) under Section 8 of the
Companies Act 2013.
◎ Mandate  It has all the administrative and financial powers and is tasked with
the responsibility of promoting the Indian Semiconductor ecosystem in
manufacturing, packaging and design.
India Stack
The Union Ministry of Electronics and IT (MeitY) and Papua New Guinea
signed a memorandum of understanding (MoU) for sharing India Stack.

● India Stack is a collective name for a set of open
AIs and digital goods that will allow
governments, businesses and other
organisations to leverage identity, data and
payments infrastructure at scale.
India Stack
◎ The following APIs are considered to be a core part of the India Stack.
○ Aadhaar Authentication
○ Aadhaar e-KYC
○ eSign
○ Digital Locker
○ Unified Payment Interface (UPI).

◎ An open API is a publicly available interface that allows developers access to a
proprietary software application.
India Stack
◎ Examples include the Google Maps API used for food delivery and travel portals,
and the UPI API enabling easy payments in various apps.
Post Quantum Cryptography Standardisation Project
The National Institute of Standards and Technology(NIST) of the US has
started the Post Quantum Cryptography(PQC) Standardisation Project.

● The project would allow companies to have the proper
encryption algorithms in place throughout the
organization to defend against the quantum computer
● The PQC standardization project is working to
standardize the quantum-safe algorithms.
● The idea behind this project is to prepare organizations
for quantum cryptography before it becomes a real
Post Quantum Cryptography Standardisation Project

◎ A quantum-safe algorithm is resistant to attacks from both classical computers,
which are the types of computers used today, and quantum computers.
◎ This allows private information stored on devices or in transit in organizations to
be the most secure possible, as even a quantum computer will not be able to
break a quantum-safe algorithm within hours or days.

◎ Post-quantum cryptography refers to cryptographic algorithms (usually public-key
algorithms) that are thought to be secure against an attack by a quantum
Post Quantum Cryptography Standardisation Project

◎ Quantum cryptography uses the principles of quantum mechanics to send secure
messages, and unlike mathematical encryption, is truly unhackable.
PSLV-C56 Places Seven Singapore Satellites Into Orbit
The Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO) successfully launched PSLV
rocket carrying seven Singaporean satellites from Satish Dhawan Space
Centre in Sriharikota, Andhra Pradesh.

● This is the 58th flight of PSLV and using the 17th
vehicle with Core Alone Configuration.
● Core Alone version of the rocket means the
vehicle would not use solid strap-on motors on its
sides in the first stage as compared to other
variants like PSLV-XL, QL, and DL which use six,
four or two boosters.
PSLV-C56 Places Seven Singapore Satellites Into Orbit
◎ Launch Vehicle  Polar Satellite Launch Vehicle (PSLV)-C56
Worldcoin Project
The Worldcoin project has recently been reintroduced which was earlier
overshadowed by the popularity of ChatGPT.

● Worldcoin is an initiative to establish a digital
network accessible to everyone, allowing them to
have a stake in the digital economy.
● This involves Worldcoin volunteers, known as 'Orb
operators,' using a device called "Orb" to scan
people's iris patterns and gather their biometric
Worldcoin Project
◎ With this data, individuals can obtain a World ID through the World app, enabling
them to receive the Worldcoin [WLD] cryptocurrency at regular intervals or
conduct transactions using their World ID where applicable.
◎ This process, known as "proof of personhood," ensures that individuals cannot
register multiple times to gain crypto rewards.
Translunar Orbit
Chandrayaan-3 spacecraft moved into the translunar orbit in the early hours
beginning its journey towards the moon.

● Translunar orbit injection is the process
whereby the moon-bound spacecraft has
escaped from orbiting the earth and is now
following a path that would take it towards
the Moon.
Single-Pill strategy to beat cardiovascular diseases
In a major policy change, the WHO has recently included three fixed dose
combinations of cardiovascular medicines or polypills 2023 for use in
primary and secondary prevention of atherosclerotic cardiovascular
● Evidence from large randomised-controlled trials
shows that use of the polypill is associated with
reduced risks of cardiovascular events, including fatal
and non-fatal myocardial infarction and stroke.
● The polypill is thus an important low-cost public
health intervention which can prevent over millions
of cardiovascular events and deaths every year.
Single-Pill strategy to beat cardiovascular diseases

◎ The polypill is not a new drug but a drug delivery mechanism, which improves
medication adherence (because it is a single pill) and saves money by preventing
◎ One of the polypills that has been included in the EML is Polycap. This four-drug
combination includes simvastatin, ramipril, atenolol, hydrochlorothiazide along
with acetylsalicylic acid or aspirin.
◎ Fixed Dose Combinations refer to products containing one or more active
ingredients used for a particular indication(s).
◎ These FDCs combine two or more active drugs in a single dosage form, like a
tablet or capsule.
Single-Pill strategy to beat cardiovascular diseases

◎ APIs are the active components in a pharmaceutical drug that produce the
required effect on the body to treat a condition. APIs are produced by processing
chemical compounds.
◎ APIs are broadly categorized into two types: synthetic and natural , synthetic
drugs are processed in the labs to produce therapeutic effects unlike natural
drugs which are found in nature.
Recently, South Korean researchers claimed that a lead-based compound
they had developed, had shown superconducting properties at room
temperature, under normal pressure conditions.

● Superconductivity refers to a state in which a
material offers zero, or near-zero, resistance to
electric current.
● While resistance is a property that restricts the flow
of electricity, superconductivity allows unhindered
electric flow.
○ Electricity is essentially the movement of free electrons in a conducting
material like copper.
○ While the movement of electrons is in one particular direction, it is random
and haphazard.
○ They frequently collide with one another, and with other particles in the
material, thus offering resistance to the flow of current.
◎ As of now, superconductivity can be achieved only at very low temperatures,
more than 250 degree Celsius below zero, very close to absolute zero which is –
273 degree Celsius.
◎ In some cases, materials can exhibit superconductivity at slightly higher
temperatures as well, but under increased pressure conditions.
◎ Significance of Superconductivity 
○ Zero Electrical Resistance: Conduct electricity with zero resistance leading to
efficient current transmission without energy loss as heat.
○ High Magnetic Fields: Generate very high magnetic fields, which makes them
useful in a variety of applications such as MRI machines and particle
○ Efficient Energy Storage: Store energy very efficiently, which makes them
useful for energy storage applications such as in batteries and power grids.
○ Faster Computing: Enable faster and more efficient computing devices,
which could revolutionize the field of computing.
○ New Innovation: Advance the field of quantum computing, as
superconducting qubits can store and process quantum information with
high coherence and fidelity.
Voyager Mission
NASA detected a signal from its Voyager 2 spacecraft on August 1, after
losing communication for over a week.

● It is a space exploration program conducted by NASA
(National Aeronautics and Space Administration) that
launched two spacecraft, Voyager 1 and Voyager 2, in
 Voyager 1: Sept 5, 1977
 Voyager 2: August 20, 1977
● Objective  To study the outer planets of our solar
system, including Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune.
Voyager Mission

◎ Exploration of Outer Planets  Voyager 1 and Voyager 2 conducted flybys of
Jupiter and Saturn.
○ Voyager 2 was then directed to continue its mission to Uranus and Neptune,
becoming the only spacecraft to visit these distant ice giant planets.
◎ Interstellar Mission  After completing their primary planetary missions, both
spacecraft continued to travel outward from the solar system into interstellar
○ Voyager 1 crossed the heliopause (the boundary between the solar system
and interstellar space) in 2012, becoming the first human-made object to
enter interstellar space.
Voyager Mission

◎ Discoveries: The Voyager missions provided significant scientific discoveries,

including detailed images and data on the planets' atmospheres, magnetic fields,
and moons.
○ Voyager 1 discovered active volcanoes on Jupiter's moon Io and the intricate
ring structure around Saturn.
○ Voyager 1 and Voyager 2 discovered three new moons of Jupiter: Thebe,
Metis and Adrastea.
◎ Longevity: The spacecraft have been operational for decades, both spacecraft are
still functional making them some of the most enduring and successful space
missions in history.
Voyager Mission

◎ It is a U.S. government agency that is responsible for science and technology
related to air and space.
◎ Established under the ational Aeronautics and Space Act in July 1958.
◎ Headquarters  Washington, D.C
Threads will be the Meta’s first app to join the fediverse - a network of
servers operated by third parties.

● The Fediverse is a group of federated social networking
services that work on decentralised networks operated
using open-source standards.
● Essentially, the fediverse is a network of servers run by
third parties.
● These servers are not controlled by any one entity and
can be used by any member of social media platforms to
facilitate communication between their users.
Project Devika
Recently, the Union Minister of State (Independent Charge) for Science &
Technology; stated that North India's inaugural River Rejuvenation Project,
Devika, is nearing its completion.

● Project Cost  Rs 190 crore on the lines of ‘Namami
● Sharing of allocation  90:10 by the Centre and UT
● constructed by  Devika Rejuvenation Project is
being constructed by Urban Environmental
Engineering Department (UEED).
Project Devika
◎ Devika River  It originates from the hilly Suddha Mahadev temple in Udhampur
district of Jammu and Kashmir and flows down towards western Punjab (now in
Pakistan) where it merges with the Ravi river.
ASEAN India S&T Development Fund (AISTDF)
Recent meeting of the Governing Council of ASEAN-India Science and
Technology Development Fund (AISTDF) highlighted the importance of
India's ASEAN technology partnership for prosperity of today and for the
next generations.
● It was established in 2008, jointly by the Ministry
of External Affairs and Department of Science and
Technology (DST).
● Aim  To support R&D (Research and
Development ) projects and associated project
development activities.
ASEAN India S&T Development Fund (AISTDF)
◎ Objectives of AISTDF 
○ Encourage cooperation in science, technology, and innovation, including
joint research on areas such as health, infectious diseases, environment,
agriculture, energy, biodiversity, food processing, materials development,
and space technology.
○ Promote biotechnology through capacity building and joint research.
○ Institute the "ASEAN-India Collaborative R&D Program" to support
collaborative research and sharing of facilities between ASEAN MS and India.
◎ Eligible institutions in India  Universities, Publicly Funded Research Institutes
and Labs and educational /academic Research Institutes.
◎ Eligible institutions in ASEAN  All Research Institutions, Universities, other
Research and Academic Institutions which are eligible to receive funding through
ASEAN are eligible for receiving funding under AISTDF.
Maya Operating System
The Ministry of Defence has decided to replace the Microsoft Operating
System (OS) with a new Operating System- Maya.

● It is based on open-source Ubuntu developed
● It is being done amid increasing cyber and
malware attacks on defense as well as critical
infrastructure across the country.
Reducing Activation of Tuberculosis by Improvement of Nutritional Status
Lancet published results of ‘Reducing Activation of Tuberculosis by
Improvement of Nutritional Status (RATIONS) trial.

● Improved nutrition can reduce the incidence
of all forms of TB by up to 40 per cent, and of
infectious TB by up to 50 per cent among
those in contact with patients suffering from
infectious lung TB.
NavIC Integration into Aadhaar Enrolment Devices
The Centre has been pushing cell phone makers in India to make their
instruments compatible with NavIC.

● ISRO has established a regional navigation
satellite system (NavIC) to meet the positioning,
navigation and timing requirements of the
● It was erstwhile known as Indian Regional
Navigation Satellite System (IRNSS).
NavIC Integration into Aadhaar Enrolment Devices
◎ NavIC is designed with 
○ Three satellites placed in geostationary orbit. Four satellites are placed in
inclined geosynchronous orbit with equatorial crossing.
○ The ground network: It consists of control centre, precise timing facility,
range and integrity monitoring stations, etc.
◎ NavIC offers two services  Standard Position Service (SPS) for civilian users and
Restricted Service (RS) for strategic users.
◎ NavIC coverage area includes India and a region up to 1500 km beyond Indian
◎ NavIC signals are designed to provide user position accuracy better than 20m and
timing accuracy better than 50ns.
NavIC Integration into Aadhaar Enrolment Devices
◎ NavIC SPS signals are interoperable with the other global navigation satellite
system signals namely GPS, Glonass, Galileo and BeiDou.
Try this PYQ
With reference to the Indian Regional Navigation Satellite System (IRNSS), consider the
following statements:
1. IRNSS has three satellites in geostationary and four satellites in geosynchronous orbits.
2. IRNSS covers entire India and about 5500 sq. km beyond its borders.
3. India will have its own satellite navigation system with full global coverage by the
middle of 2019.
Which of the statements given above is/are correct?
(a) 1 only
(b) 1 and 2 only
(c) 2 and 3 only
(d) None
Try this PYQ
Answer (a
Proposal for medical devices controller
Recently, Union Health ministry proposed a separate post for the medical
devices controller.

● The Union Health Ministry has presented a draft of
the New Drugs, Medical Devices and Cosmetics Bill,
2023, which seeks to replace the Drugs and
Cosmetics Act of 1940.
● Draft proposed the creation of a separate post for a
drugs and medical devices controller general in India,
under whom a separate wing of officials would
operate as regulators for the medical devices sector.
Proposal for medical devices controller
◎ As of now, medical devices are treated as drugs and there is no separate
definition for those.
○ Currently, manufacturing activities relating to drugs and cosmetics are
regulated by only the state governments through their drug control
◎ Medical devices officers independent of drug control officers and creation of
medical devices testing laboratories and the appointment of medical devices
testing officers.
Proposal for medical devices controller
Russia’s space agency Roscosmos launched the Luna-25 from Russia’s
Vostochny spaceport.

● Its lunar lander is expected to reach the moon on
August 23, the same day on which Chandrayaan-3 is
expected to land on the lunar surface too.
● Roscosmos says there is enough space on the moon
for everyone and it is open to India’s participation in
the International Scientific Lunar Station.
National Space Innovation Challenge 2023 (NSIC 2023)
Atal Innovation Mission (AIM), NITI Aayog in collaboration with the Indian
Space Research Organisation (ISRO) and Navars Edutech successfully
launched the NSIC 2023 on August 11, 2023 for all school students across
the country.
● NSIC 2023 is a National-level campaign designed
for space enthusiasts to understand and
contribute towards growing the Indian space
economy and future space workforce.
● Goal  Fostering innovation and curiosity among
school students across the nation, NSIC is open
for all the school students across the country.
Metagenome Sequencing
Recently, scientists from the Nigerian Centre for Disease Control applied
metagenomic sequencing for pathogen surveillance and detection in three
cohorts of patients.

● The first cohort represented population-level
surveillance of individuals presenting with symptoms
consistent with Lassa fever.
● Lassa fever is a viral haemorrhagic fever caused by the
Lassa virus endemic to West African countries.
Metagenome Sequencing
◎ The second cohort consisted of people
from outbreaks with suspected
infectious aetiologies.
◎ The third cohort consisted of people with
clinically challenging but undiagnosed

◎ is a
sequencing method whereby billions of
nucleic acid fragments can be
simultaneously and independently
Metagenome Sequencing

◎ The genome is the blueprint of life, a collection of all the genes and the regions
between the genes contained in our 23 pairs of chromosomes.
◎ Each chromosome is a contiguous stretch of DNA string. In other words, our
genome consists of 23 different strings, each composed of millions of individual
building blocks called nucleotides or bases.

◎ Genome sequencing is the process of determining the complete DNA sequence of
an organism's genome.
Metagenome Sequencing
◎ The DNA consists of a double-stranded molecule built up by four bases – adenine
(A), cytosine (C), guanine (G) and thymine (T).
◎ The process of deciphering the order of base pairs, to decode the genetic
fingerprint of a human is called genome sequencing.

◎ Genome-Based Technologies: Genome sequencing technologies developed post-
COVID-19, like the CovidSeq assay, drove various SARS-CoV-2 genome
surveillance initiatives.
◎ India initiated a national SARS-CoV-2 genome-sequencing and surveillance
program, supported by state governments and private initiatives.
Metagenome Sequencing

◎ Faster identification  Genome surveillance furnishes crucial information for
early response strategies, identifying emerging strains, and monitoring key
◎ Future Ready  Genomic technologies are poised to become essential tools in
combating future pathogenic challenges.
Try this PYQ 2017
With reference to agriculture in India, how can the technique of 'genome sequencing',
often seen in the news, be used in the immediate future?
1. Genome sequencing can be used to identify genetic markers for disease resistance and
drought tolerance in various crop plants.
2. This technique helps in reducing the time required to develop new varieties of crop
3. It can be used to decipher the host-pathogen relationships in crops
Select the correct answer using the code given below:
(a) 1 only
(b) 2 and 3 only
(c) 1 and 3 only
(d) 1, 2 and 3
Try this PYQ 2017
Answer (d
Aditya-L1 Mission
◎ Application  It will provide greater advantage of observing the solar activities
and its effect on space weather.
◎ It contains seven payloads on board to observe the photosphere, chromosphere
and the outermost layers of the Sun (the corona).
Try this PYQ 2016
Consider the following statements:
1. The Mangalyaan launched by ISRO is also called the Mars Orbiter Mission
2. made India the second country to have a spacecraft orbit the Mars after USA
3. made India the only country to be successful in making its spacecraft orbit the
Mars in its very first attempt
Which of the statement(s) given above is/are correct?
(a) 1 only
(b) 2 and 3 only
(c) 1 and 3 only
(d) 1, 2 and 3
Try this PYQ 2016
Answer (c
Demon Particle
Researchers at the University of Illinois discovered a massless particle,
dubbed the "demon particle."

● The prediction of demon particle was first made
by theoretical physicist David Pines in 1956,
who believed that electrons would behave
strangely when passed through a solid.
● It is a transparent, massless, and neutral
particle, with the capacity to manifest
regardless of temperature, making it useful for
Demon Particle

◎ Superconductors conduct electricity without resistance but require low
◎ Uses  Levitating trains and highly accurate magnetic resonance imaging (MRI)
Nanomechanical Testing Technology
An Indian scientist develops a novel method to improve accuracy and
precision of nanomechanical testing technology.

● Nanomechanical Testing Technology refers to
the set of techniques to study the mechanical
properties of materials at the nanometer scale.
● It allows researchers to investigate how
materials behave and respond to mechanical
forces on extremely small dimensions,
providing insights into their unique properties
and behaviors.
Try this PYQ 2015

With reference to the use of Nano-technology in health sector, which of the

following statement(s) is/are correct?
1. Targeted drug delivery is made possible by nanotechnology.
2. Nanotechnology can largely contribute to gene therapy.
Select the correct answer using the codes given below.
(a) 1 only
(b) 2 only
(c) Both 1 and 2
(d) Neither 1 nor 2
Answer (c
Pig's Kidney Transplanted into Humans
American surgeons have reported successful functioning of a pig kidney
transplanted into a brain-dead human patient's body, with the organ
performing effectively for over a month.

● Pigs are easier to genetically modify. They also
breed better with large litter, grow faster, and are
less likely to transmit infections. The size of their
organs is also similar to humans.
● The transplant involved using a pig kidney that had
been genetically modified to disable a gene
responsible for producing the sugar molecule
known as Alpha-gal.
Pig's Kidney Transplanted into Humans
○ Alpha-gal is a molecule that is typically absent in humans, but its presence
can trigger a severe immune reaction in human bodies.
◎ If found compatible in the long run, this process of Xenotransplantation, or
transplanting organs between different species, could help provide an alternative
and additional supply of organs for people facing life-threatening diseases.
Chandrayaan-3's Lander Module has successfully undergone a deboosting
(slowing down) operation taking it closer to the Moon.

● In space missions spacecraft often need to perform
various maneuvers to change their orbits or adjust
their speed.
● Deboosting is the process of slowing down the
Chandrayaan-3 lander "Vikram" to position it in an
orbit around the Moon where the closest point to
the Moon (Perilune) is 30 kilometers and the
farthest point (Apolune) is 100 kilometers.
India’s First 3d-Printed Post Office
Recently, India's first 3D-printed post office inaugurated in Bengaluru's
Cambridge Layout.

● Built by  Larsen & Toubro Limited with
technological support from IIT Madras.

● 3D printing, also known as additive manufacturing,

is a process that involves creating three-
dimensional objects layer by layer.
● Material Used  wax or plastic-like polymers
India’s First 3d-Printed Post Office

◎ Notable Example 
○ Aerospace Innovation: In May, aerospace manufacturer Relativity Space
achieved a significant milestone by launching a test rocket constructed
entirely from 3D-printed parts.
The Indian Council of Social Science Research (ICSSR)
The ICSSR plans to develop “Indianised research methodology tools” to
study the country’s social and economic changes

● ICSSR was established in 1969 by the Government
of India to promote research in social sciences in
the country.
● Nodal Ministry  Ministry of Education
● Aim  Review the progress of social science
research and give advice to its users;
The Indian Council of Social Science Research (ICSSR)
○ Sponsor social science research programmes and projects and administer
grants to institutions and individuals for research in social sciences.
Methylotuvimicrobium Buryatense 5GB1C
According to a new study Methylotuvimicrobium Buryatense 5GB1C could
potentially remove methane from major emission sites such as landfills,
paddy fields, and oil and gas wells.

● The bacterial strain Methylotuvimicrobium
buryatense 5GB1C consumes methane , which is
over 85 times more potent than carbon dioxide
(CO2) on a 20-year timescale and responsible for
nearly 30 percent of the total global warming
● Harnessing this bacteria on a large scale can keep
240 million tonnes of methane from reaching the
atmosphere by 2050.
Methylotuvimicrobium Buryatense 5GB1C
◎ Global average temperature rise can be reduced 0.21-0.22 degree Celsius by
removing 0.3-1 petagrams of methane by 2050.
○ Petagram: A unit of mass equal to 10^15 grams.

◎ Methane-eating bacteria, also known as methanotrophs, are a group of
microorganisms that have the unique ability to utilize methane as their primary
source of carbon and energy.
◎ They play a crucial role in mitigating the impact of methane emissions by
converting methane into carbon dioxide (CO2), which is a less potent greenhouse
Methylotuvimicrobium Buryatense 5GB1C
◎ Habitat: Methanotrophs are found in various environments, including wetlands,
soils, oceans, and even within the digestive systems of some animals.
Try this PYQ 2022
Among the following crops, which one is the most important anthropogenic source of
both methane and nitrous oxide ?
(a) Cotton
(b) Rice
(c) Sugarcane
(d) Wheat

Answer - B
Bird Flu Outbreaks in Finland
Recently, Finland issued culling order for 1,20,000 farmed foxes and minks
in response to bird flu outbreaks.

● Bird Flu: It is a disease caused by infection with
Avian Influenza Type-A Viruses.
● Bird Flu Outbreak: Since late 2021, Europe has
been gripped by its worst-ever outbreak of bird
● WHO Warning: A surge in bird flu outbreaks
among mammals could help the virus to spread
more easily among humans.
Bird Flu Outbreaks in Finland

◎ Symptoms in Humans: Includes very high temperature, aching muscles, headache,

cough and shortness of breath.
Shortage of TB Drugs
India is facing an acute shortage of tuberculosis drugs, including medicines
used for treating drug-resistant TB such as Linezolid, Clofazimine, and

● TB is a bacterial infection caused by a bacterium called
Mycobacterium tuberculosis that usually affects the
● Bacille Calmette-Guérin (BCG) vaccine is given to babies
or small children to prevent TB.
BA.2.86 Partnerships
India’s Green Hydrogen
According to World Health Organization (WHO), a mutated COVID variant
named BA.2.86 has been identified in Switzerland, South Africa, Israel,
Denmark, the US, and the UK.

● It is an offshoot of the Omicron virus.
● It carries over 35 mutations in crucial parts of the
virus when compared to XBB.1.5 (predominant
variant in most of 2023).
● BA.2.86 was first detected in Denmark on July 24.

◎ BA.2.86 is unlikely to trigger a devastating wave of severe disease and fatalities,

considering the global immunity built up through vaccinations and previous
Shiv Shakti Point
Recently, Global Biodiversity Framework Fund (GBFF) was adopted at the
Seventh Assembly of the Global Environment Facility (GEF).

● Shiv Shakti Point  It is a place where lander
‘Vikram’ touched down on the lunar surface on
23rd August, 2023.
● Tiranga Point  It is a place where the
Chandrayaan-2 lander crash-landed on the
Moon’s surface in 2019.
Shiv Shakti Point

◎ National Space Day  August 23 would be celebrated as National Space Day, the
day the Chandrayaan-3 lander touched down on the lunar surface.
NMC Guideline
India’s Greenfor GenericPartnerships
Hydrogen Drugs on Hold

Recently the National Medical Commission (NMC) put on hold its new
regulation that made it mandatory for doctors to only prescribe generic

● National Medical Commission Registered Medical
Practitioner (Professional Conduct) Regulations,
2023 was released on August 2.
India’sSomatic Genetic Variants
Green Hydrogen Partnerships
Recently, there has been an explosion in the amount of data on somatic
variants due to increasing ability to sequence the genetic material in
individual cells using advanced microfluidics and high-throughput

● The human genome is the blueprint of our

genetic makeup and it has 23 pairs of
chromosomes, one inherited from each of
our parents.
Somatic Genetic Variants

◎ Process of Human Genome Formation 

○ The ovum and the sperm carry these blueprints from our parents.
○ After fertilisation, the combined single cell starts to divide by copying the
genetic material to nearly a trillion cells that make up the human body.
◎ Various studies have estimated that there is an error rate of 0.64-0.78 mutations
per billion base pairs per division.

◎ The U.S. recently launched a programme focused on understanding the breadth
of somatic mosaicism called the Somatic Mosaicism across Human Tissues
(SMaHT) Network.
Somatic Genetic Variants

◎ Mosaicism is when a person has two or more genetically different sets of cells in
their body.
◎ Aim  Discovering somatic variants, developing tools and resources with which
to study them, and improving the ability to analyse, interpret, and organise them
in different biological and clinical contexts.

◎ An error that occurs in the DNA after birth but during development is called a
somatic genetic mutation.
◎ For example, Skin Cancer, Lung Cancer etc.
Somatic Genetic Variants

◎ Their occurrence is driven by the repeated copy and pasting of the genome which
means there will be more somatic genetic mutations in the older individuals.
◎ Sometimes, a somatic genetic mutation can render a cell fitter than others, which
lead to the formation of tumours. So these mutations are called driver mutations.
It plays an important role in the development of cancers.
Try this PYQ 2017

What is the application of Somatic Cell Nuclear Transfer Technology?

(a) Production of biolarvicides

(b) Manufacture of biodegradable plastics
(c) Reproductive cloning of animals
(d) Production of organisms free of diseases

Answer (c
Antimicrobial Resistance
Experts at Centre for Science and Environment (CSE) said that the Indian
small and medium companies stepping into antibiotic development can play
an important role in rejuvenating the global pipeline.

● Antimicrobial resistance (AMR) refers to the
ability of microorganisms, such as bacteria,
viruses, fungi, and parasites, to adapt and
become resistant to the drugs designed to kill or
inhibit their growth.
● This includes resistance to antibiotics, antivirals,
antifungals, and antiparasitic drugs.
Antimicrobial Resistance

◎ The global antibiotic pipeline  It is weak across the pre-clinical and clinical
development stages.
◎ The big pharmaceutical companies  They are no longer keen to fund if the
resistance to pathogens is not a major problem in the Western world.
○ Analysis of the clinical pipeline of 15 big pharmaceutical companies showed
that most big companies have quit the Research & Development of new
◎ Indian Companies  The small and medium-scale companies in India have taken
up the responsibility.
○ They have a huge task and a lot depends on how they are supported.
◎ Need  Regulatory harmonisation at the global level so that the innovators can
use the data that is already generated.
Antimicrobial Resistance

◎ Antibiotics have attributes of a global public good despite not fitting into the
strictest definition.
National Space Day
The Prime Minister announced August 23 as the National Space Day as
Chandrayaan-3 made a successful soft landing on the south pole of the
Moon on this day.

● Moreover, the point on the moon where
Chandrayaan-3 landed will be called Shivshakti
recognising the efforts of the woman scientists for
the successful space mission and the landing of
Chandrayaan-3 on the moon.
India’s Green feverPartnerships
Dengue fever has emerged as a significant global health concern. The
disease in India has spread from just eight states and union territories in
2001 to all states by 2022.
● Dengue fever is caused by a virus transmitted
primarily by Aedes aegypti mosquitoes.
● These mosquitoes bite during the day, usually just
after sunrise and around sunset.
● Symptoms  Fever, rash, nausea and aches and
pains, lasting up to a week
Dengue fever

◎ Dengue Serotypes  Four closely related viruses named DEN-1, DEN-2, DEN-3,
and DEN-4.
○ These four viruses are called serotypes because each has different
interactions with the antibodies in human blood serum.
◎ Vaccine  At present, there are three vaccine candidates that are being tested in
humans in India.
Try this PYQ 2017

Consider the following statements:

1. In tropical regions, Zika virus disease is transmitted by ‘the same mosquito that
transmits dengue.
2. Sexual transmission of Zika virus disease is possible
Which of the statements given above is/are correct?
(a) 1 only
(b) 2 only
(c) Both 1 and 2
(d) Neither 1 nor 2

Answer (c
ChaSTE payload
ISRO released a graph of the temperature variation on lunar surface with
increase in depth measured by the Chandra's Surface Thermophysical
Experiment (ChaSTE) payload onboard Chandrayaan-3's Vikram lander
● It measured the temperature profile of the
lunar topsoil around the south pole to
understand the thermal behaviour of the Moon's
● The payload has a temperature probe equipped
with a controlled penetration mechanism
capable of reaching a depth of 10 cm beneath the
Drug Price Regulation
Recently, National Pharmaceutical Pricing Authority (NPPA) has brought 44
new drugs under price control.

● Drug (Prices Control) Order (DPCO), 2013  Prices
of drugs in India are regulated as per provisions of
Drugs (Prices Control) Order, 2013, by NPPA,
under the aegis of Department of Pharmaceuticals
● Role of DPCO  It controls the prices of all
essential medicines by fixing ceiling prices,
limiting the highest prices companies can charge.
Drug Price Regulation

◎ National List of Essential Medicines (NLEM) is drawn up to include essential

medicines that satisfy the priority health needs of the population.
○ NLEM is updated periodically by an expert panel set up under the aegis of
the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare.
○ It forms the basis of price controls under the DPCO.
◎ Role of NPPA  It fixes the ceiling price of scheduled medicines.
○ It also fixes retail price of ‘new drugs’ for existing manufacturers of
scheduled formulations.
○ For non-scheduled formulations, a manufacturer is at liberty to fix its
maximum retail Ppice (MRP) but cannot increase the same by more than
10% of what was prevalent during the preceding 12 months.
PLI Scheme
India’s 2.0 for IT Hardware
Green Hydrogen Partnerships
Recently, revised production-linked incentive (PLI) scheme for IT hardware
has received an "excellent" response from 38 companies, including global
ones such as HP, Dell, Lenovo and Foxconn as well as local maker Dixon
● Aim  Broadening and deepening the IT
hardware manufacturing ecosystem in the
● Incentive  It extends an average incentive of
around 5 per cent on net incremental sales (over
the base year) of goods manufactured in India
and covered under the target segment, to eligible
companies, for a period of six years.
PLI Scheme 2.0 for IT Hardware

◎ Local Boost  Companies that locally manufacture certain components including

memory modules, solid state drives and display panels will get additional
◎ Target Segment  Laptops, Tablets, All-in-One PCs, Servers,Ultra Small Form
Factor (USFF), Semiconductor design, IC manufacturing, and packaging are
◎ Flexibility  It provides increased flexibility and options for applicants and is tied
to incremental sales and investment thresholds to further incentivise growth.
PLI Scheme 2.0 for IT Hardware

◎ As part of its AatmaNirbhar and Make in India plan, the government launched PLI
schemes in varied sectors to make Indian manufacturers globally competitive,
attract investments, enhance exports, integrate India into the global supply chain
and reduce dependency on imports.
India’s First Semiconductor Memory Chip
Rajasthan-based Sahasra Semiconductor will start the commercial
production of first made-in-India memory chips from September or early

● Semiconductors are materials which have a
conductivity between conductors (generally
metals) and nonconductors or insulators
(such as most ceramics).
● Semiconductors can be pure elements, such as
silicon or germanium, or compounds such as
gallium arsenide or cadmium selenide.
India’s First Semiconductor Memory Chip
◎ Basic Composition of Semiconductors 
○ The basic component of a semiconductor chip is a sliver of silicon.
○ This silicon chip is etched with billions of microscopic transistors.
○ Patterns on the chip are formed by specific minerals and gases.
○ These patterns control the flow of electrical current and execute various
computational instructions.
◎ Varieties of Semiconductors 
○ Higher nanometer value semiconductors find applications in automobiles and
consumer electronics.
○ Lower nanometer value semiconductors are used in devices like smartphones
and laptops.
India’s First Semiconductor Memory Chip
◎ Application  Semiconductors are essential components found in nearly all
modern electronic devices, including smartphones and Internet of things (IoT)
Green Plasma on Partnerships
Hydrogen Moon
Recently, the ISRO released preliminary data from instruments called
RAMBHA and ILSA, both installed on the lander module and another called
APXS which is on the rover.

● Radio Anatomy of Moon Bound
Hypersensitive ionosphere and
Atmosphere – Langmuir Probe (RAMBHA-
LP)  It is a device used for characterizing
a plasma.
● Finding  The initial assessment indicates
that the plasma encompassing the lunar
Sparse Plasma on Moon

◎ It could help in mitigating the noise lunar plasma introduces into radio wave
communication and contribute to “enhanced designs” for upcoming lunar visitors.
◎ Alpha Particle X-ray Spectroscope, or APXS  It is installed on the rover, and
detects signals of the presence of Sulphur and other minor elements.
◎ Laser-Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy (LIBS)  It collected data on the
elemental composition of lunar surface, and found “unambiguous” confirmation of
presence of Sulphur.
◎ Instrument for Lunar Seismic Activity (ILSA)  To measure ground vibrations
generated by natural quakes, impacts, and artificial events.
○ It recorded a “seemingly natural” event on the lunar surface, on August 26.
Sparse Plasma on Moon

◎ Chandra’s Surface Thermophysical Experiment (ChaSTE)  To measure the

temperature profile of the lunar topsoil around the pole to understand the thermal
behavior of the Moon’s surface.
Aditya-L1 Mission
Recently, the Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO) launched Aditya L-
1, its first space-based mission to study the Sun, from the Satish Dhawan
Space Centre in Sriharikota.

● Aditya-L1 is the first Indian space mission
to observe the Sun and the solar corona.
● It will be placed in a halo orbit around
the first Lagrange point, L1, of the Sun-
Earth system which allows it to look at the
Sun continuously.
Aditya-L1 Mission
◎ It contains seven payloads namely 
○ The Visible Emission Line Coronagraph (VELC) will study the Corona, imaging
and spectroscopy, and Coronal mass ejections.
○ The Solar Ultraviolet Imaging Telescope (SUIT) will focus upon the Photosphere
and Chromosphere imaging- narrow and broadband. It will also measure the
solar irradiance variations. t
○ The Solar Low Energy X-ray Spectrometer (SoLEXS) and High Energy L1 Orbiting
X-ray Spectrometer (HEL1OS) will study the soft and hard X-ray flares form the
Sun over a wide X-ray energy range.
○ The Aditya Solar wind Particle Experiment (ASPEX) and Plasma Analyser
Package For Aditya (PAPA) will analyze the electrons and protons in the Solar
wind or particles. It will also study the energetic ions.
Aditya-L1 Mission
○ The Advanced Tri-axial High Resolution Digital Magnetometers will study the
interplanetary magnetic field at L1 point.
◎ It will provide greater advantage of observing the solar activities and its effect on
space weather.
◎ Objectives of the Mission 
○ The mission will focus on study of the Solar upper atmospheric (chromosphere
and corona) dynamics.
○ It will also study the chromospheric and coronal heating, physics of the
partially ionized plasma, initiation of the coronal mass ejections, and flares.
○ The mission will observe the particle and plasma environment which will be
providing the data for the study of particle dynamics from the Sun.
Aditya-L1 Mission
○ The mission will also focus on understanding the physics of solar corona and its
heating mechanism.
○ It will dive deeper into the temperature, velocity and density of coronal and
coronal loops plasma.
○ It will also research the development, dynamics and origin of CMEs.

◎ The corona is the outermost layer of the Sun.
◎ The corona's high temperature causes its particles to move at very high speeds.
○ These speeds are so high that the particles can escape the Sun's gravity.
◎ The corona is usually hidden by the bright light of the Sun's surface. However, the
corona can be seen during a total solar eclipse.
Aditya-L1 Mission
◎ The corona is very dim as it is about 10 million times less dense than the Sun’s
surface. This low density makes the corona much less bright than the surface of the
◎ The corona extends far out into space. From it comes the solar wind that travels
through our solar system.

◎ They have been named after Italian-French mathematician Joseph-Louis Lagrange
(1736-1813), who was the first one to find the positions.
◎ There are five Lagrange points, L1 to L5, between any two-celestial body system.
Aditya-L1 Mission
◎ At these positions, the gravitational pull of the celestial bodies equals the
centripetal force required to keep a smaller third body in orbit.
◎ In simpler words, the forces acting on the third body cancel each other out.
◎ The L1 point of the Earth-Sun system provides an uninterrupted view of the sun
and is currently home to the Solar and Heliospheric Observatory Satellite SOHO
from NASA.
◎ The points can be used as ‘parking spots’ for spacecraft in space to remain in a
fixed position with minimal fuel consumption, according to NASA.
Aditya-L1 Mission
Try this PYQ 2016
Consider the following statements:
1. The Mangalyaan launched by ISRO is also called the Mars Orbiter Mission
2. made India the second country to have a spacecraft orbit the Mars after USA
3. made India the only country to be successful in making its spacecraft orbit the
Mars in its very first attempt
Which of the statement(s) given above is/are correct?
(a) 1 only
(b) 2 and 3 only
(c) 1 and 3 only
(d) 1, 2 and 3
Answer (c
India’s Green Cell Therapy
The Delhi High Court permitted two children with autism spectrum disorder
(ASD) to undergo stem cell therapy for treatment of their condition.

● Stem cell therapy is a form of
regenerative medicine designed to repair
damaged cells within the body by
reducing inflammation and modulating
the immune system.
● This phenomenon makes stem cell
therapy a viable treatment option for
Stem Cell Therapy

◎ It can be used to treat a variety of medical conditions, such as autoimmune,

inflammatory, and neurological disorders.

◎ Stem cells are cells from which all other cells, with their respective specialised
functions, are generated.
◎ The human body, under certain conditions, “divides” stem cells to either create
new stem cells or cells with specific functions, such as blood cells, brain cells, bone
cells, muscle cells, etc.
Stem Cell Therapy

◎ Sources of Stem cells 

○ Embryonic Stem Cells (ESCs): These are derived from early-stage embryos and
have the potential to become any cell type in the body.
 However, their use is ethically controversial and strictly regulated in many
○ Adult Stem Cells: These are found in specific tissues and organs throughout the
body and play a role in tissue maintenance and repair.
 For Example: It includes hematopoietic stem cells (found in bone marrow)
and mesenchymal stem cells (found in various tissues like bone, fat, and
dental pulp).
○ Induced Pluripotent Stem Cells (iPSCs): These are adult cells that have been
reprogrammed to behave like embryonic stem cells.
 They can be generated from a patient's own cells, reducing the risk of
Stem Cell Therapy

◎ Regenerative Medicine  Repairing or replacing damaged tissues and organs, such
as heart muscle, cartilage, or nerve cells.
◎ Treatment of Chronic Diseases  Exploring potential treatments for conditions like
diabetes, Parkinson's disease, Alzheimer's disease, and spinal cord injuries.
◎ Immune Disorders  Modifying or enhancing the immune system to fight cancer
or autoimmune diseases.
◎ Orthopedics  Treating orthopedic injuries and conditions like osteoarthritis.
◎ Cosmetic Procedures  Using stem cells for procedures like facial rejuvenation.
Stem Cell Therapy

◎ Autism spectrum disorder is a neurological and developmental disorder that
affects how people interact with others, communicate, learn, and behave.
◎ Currently, there is no cure for ASD – treatments and therapies are geared towards
managing symptoms and helping someone with ASD lead a happy and functional
Try this PYQ 2015

With reference to the use of Nano-technology in health sector, which of the following
statement(s) is/are correct?
1. Targeted drug delivery is made possible by nanotechnology.
2. Nanotechnology can largely contribute to gene therapy.
Select the correct answer using the codes given below.
(a) 1 only
(b) 2 only
(c) Both 1 and 2
(d) Neither 1 nor 2

Answer (c
Self-Confining Radioactive-isotope Ion Target (SCRIT)
Researchers in the RIKEN Nishina Center for Accelerator-Based Science, in
Japan, have demonstrated a set-up that can use electron scattering to ‘see’
inside unstable nuclei, using SCRIT technique. An electron scattering
experiment is a type of experiment that uses electrons to probe the
structure of matter.

● Objective  To probe the internal structures
of short-lived exotic nuclei by electron
● It employs a novel ion-trapping
technique to prepare a target of exotic
nuclei for electron scattering on an energetic
electron beam
Self-Confining Radioactive-isotope Ion Target (SCRIT)
◎ It uses an electron storage ring to trap radioactive isotopes.
◎ This allows for electron scattering experiments to be performed on unstable nuclei,
which are not possible with traditional fixed targets.
◎ Advantages  The SCRIT technique has several advantages over traditional fixed
targets such as:
○ It allows for experiments to be performed on unstable nuclei, which have a
very short half-life and would decay before they could be used in a fixed target
○ It can provide a much higher luminosity than a fixed target experiment, which
means that more data can be collected in a shorter amount of time.
○ It is relatively inexpensive to operate, making it a more cost-effective option for
electron scattering experiments.
Self-Confining Radioactive-isotope Ion Target (SCRIT)
◎ Applications  It is expected to be used in a variety of experiments in the future,
○ Studies of the structure of nuclei, the dynamics of nuclear reactions, and the
astrophysical origins of elements.
Try this PYQ 2014
Consider the following techniques/phenomena:
1. Budding and grafting in fruit plants
2. Cytoplasmic male sterility
3. Gene silencing
Which of the above is/are used to create transgenic crops?
(a) 1 only
(b) 2 and 3
(c) 1 and 3
(d) None
Answer (b
India’s Energy
Green Storage
Hydrogen Systems
The Union Cabinet, chaired by the Prime Minister approved the Scheme for
Viability Gap Funding (VGF) for development of Battery Energy Storage
Systems (BESS).

● Budgetary Outlay  An initial outlay of ₹9,400
crore, including a budgetary support of ₹3,760
● Aim  To reduce the levelized cost of storage
(LCoS) to ₹5.50-6.60 per kilowatt-hour (kWh),
making storage a viable option to manage peak
power demand.
Battery Energy Storage Systems

◎ Funding  The VGF will be released in five tranches till 2030-31 and help in
creation of 4,000 MWh storage across the country.
◎ The funding, which aims to reduce cost of energy storage for companies and
consumers, is conditional to the fact that 85% of the BESS capacity will be made
available to distribution companies (discoms).
◎ Selection of BESS developers  The selection of BESS developers for VGF grants
will be carried out through a transparent competitive bidding process, promoting a
level-playing field for both public and private sector entities.
◎ To ensure that the benefits of the scheme reach the consumers, a minimum of 85%
of the BESS project capacity will be made available to power distribution
companies (discoms).
Battery Energy Storage Systems

◎ Significance of Scheme 
○ The scheme is in sync with India's ambition to meet its 50% of energy
requirements through renewable energy and non-fossil energy sources by 2030
and also help reduce carbon emission.
○ It is expected to bring down the cost of battery storage systems increasing their
○ It will not only enhance the integration of renewable energy into the electricity
grid but also minimize wastage while optimizing the utilization of transmission
Battery Energy Storage Systems

◎ LCOE is a measure of the average present cost of electricity generation for a
generating plant over its lifetime.

◎ It means a grant to support projects that are economically justified but not
financially viable.
Battery Energy Storage Systems

◎ A battery energy storage system is a type of energy storage system that uses
batteries to store and distribute energy as electricity.
◎ BESSs are often used to enable energy from renewable sources, like solar and
wind, to be stored and released.
Japanese Encephalitis
According to a study by the ICMR-National Institute of Virology, the efficacy
of immunization vaccination is around 86.7%.

● The vaccine was introduced as a single dose
at 16–18 months in the routine
immunization schedule during 2010–12.
● In 2013, an additional dose was offered to
9–12 months of age.
● The vaccine contains live, attenuated,
recombinant Japanese encephalitis
Japanese Encephalitis
◎ The JE virus(JEV) is spread to people through the bite of Culex mosquitoes.
◎ Wild birds are likely to be the natural hosts of JEV, and mosquitoes are the vectors.
◎ JE is the second Flavivirus that is vaccine-preventable, Its treatment is covered
under India’s Universal Immunisation Programme (UIP).
Honeybees as Biomonitors
India’s Green for AMR Spread
Hydrogen Partnerships
As per a recent paper, European honeybees can be an effective biomonitor
for determining the spread of antimicrobial resistance (AMR) in urban
neighbourhoods. European honeybees, or Apis mellifera, interact with
contaminants in soil, dust, air, water and pollen while they forage.

● AMR is the ability of bacteria and other
microbes to resist the drugs used to inhibit
or kill them.
Honeybees as Biomonitors for AMR Spread

◎ A biological monitor, or biomonitor, is defined as an organism that provides
quantitative information on the quality of the environment around it.
◎ They are mostly used for the quantitative determination of contaminants in the
◎ The use of a biomonitor is described as biological monitoring and is the use of the
properties of an organism to obtain information on certain aspects of the
Gene Drive Technology
Recently genetic manipulation of mosquitoes is discussed which will lead to
control of their populations by interfering with their reproduction.

● Gene drive is a method that enhances the
inheritance of a modified or preferred trait in a
specific species.
● The fundamental idea behind genetic manipulation
of mosquitoes is to systematically control
their populations by interfering with their
Gene Drive Technology
◎ The objective of Gene Drive Technology is for mosquitoes to selectively inherit
some genes, rather than the inheritance to follow the rules of Mendelian genetics.
◎ How Does It Work? 
○ A protein (CSIRP) cuts the mosquito’s DNA at a part that doesn’t encode a
particular sequence in the genome.
○ This triggers a natural mechanism in the cell containing the DNA to repair it and
forces the cell to incorporate a sequence, called the drive sequence, into the
damaged portion.
○ It genetically enhanced a gene expressed in the midgut of mosquitoes to
secrete two antimicrobial substances called magainin 2 and melittin.
○ They are detrimental to the Plasmodium parasite’s development in the midgut
and also reduce the lifespan of female mosquitoes.
Try this PYQ 2021
The term ‘ACE2’ is talked about in the context of

(a) genes introduced in the genetically modified plants

(b) development of India’s own satellite navigation system
(c) radio collars for wildlife tracking
(d) spread of viral diseases

Answer (d
Why India’s
India’s falling
Green cotton production
Hydrogen is a worry
The pink bollworm (PWB) has taken a toll on the fiber crop (cotton), even as
new “mating disruption” technologies to control the pest are showing

● Mating disruption involves the use of sex
pheromones to prevent male insects
finding females and mating.
● Pheromones are chemicals produced by an
insect to communicate in some way with
others of the same species.
Why India’s falling cotton production is a worry

◎ Economic importance  Cotton is cultivated primarily for lint while seed and its
by-products have also gained commercial importance in recent times.
◎ Cotton composition  Lint or fiber: 35-45% ,Seed: 55-65% Seed ,oil: 10-12% , Meal
and Hull: 35-40%
◎ Climate and cultivation 
○ Cotton is a tropical and subtropical crop
○ Crop cycle: 4-5 MonthsOptimum temperature: 21C to 28 C
○ Rainfall: Moderate, 50-75 cm mm
○ Sunny days are important at all stages of growth, particularly during flowering
and maturity stages.
Why India’s falling cotton production is a worry
○ Soil: Black Soil (Regur Soil).
○ Crop Seasons: Kharif.

◎ : Between 2000-01 and 2013-14, India’s cotton production,

in terms of lint, almost tripled from 140 lakh to 398 lakh bales (170 kg).
◎ Today Bt cotton Occupies 95% cotton cultivated areas, average per-hectare lint
yields more than doubled from 278 kg in 2000-01 to 566 kg in 2013-14. However,
the gains didn’t last.
◎ The charts show both production and yields falling after 2013-14, to 343.5 lakh
bales and 447 kg/hectare in 2022-23.
Why India’s falling cotton production is a worry

◎ Genetically-modified (GM) crops.
◎ It is produced by incorporating genes isolated from a soil bacterium Bacillus
thuringiensis (Bt).
◎ The Bt genes coded for proteins toxic to the deadly Helicoverpa armigera or
American bollworm insect pest
Why India’s falling cotton production is a worry

◎ PBW is a monophagous pest that feeds mainly on cotton.
◎ Being monophagous enabled the PBW larvae to develop resistance to Bt proteins
over time.
◎ The pest’s short life cycle (25-35 days from egg laying to adult moth stage),
conducive for it to complete at least 3-4 generations in a single crop season of 180-
270 days.
India’s GreenStorm-0558
Hydrogen Partnerships
According to Microsoft Threat Intelligence, a China-based hacking group
identified as Storm-0558 breached U.S. government-linked email accounts.

● Espionage  The threat actor’s activities and
methods are consistent with espionage
● Method Used:
● Storm-0558 acquired the Managed Service
Account (MSA) key which is used by a service
to validate authentication tokens for the
Why India’s falling cotton production is a worry

◎ Hackers then used it to forge a token that was used for validation issues to
impersonate users and gain access to enterprise email.
Drugs Controller General of India (DCGI)
DCGI has directed the drugs controllers of all States and Union Territories to
keep a strict vigil on the sale and distribution of falsified versions of-liver
medication Defitelio and Takeda's cancer drug Adcetris (injection).

● The Central Drugs Standard Control Organization (CDSCO)
 It is the Central Drug Authority for discharging
functions assigned to the Central Government under
the Drugs and Cosmetics Act.
● DCGI  S/he is the head of department of the
● Functions of CDSCO  Regulatory control over the
India’s GreenNipah VirusPartnerships
The recent outbreak of the Nipah virus in Kerala has claimed several lives.

● It belongs to the family Paramyxoviridae,
genus Henipavirus.
● Fatality Rate  The WHO estimates that
between 40% and 75% of cases can result in
● Spread  It is a zoonotic virus, transmitted
from animals to humans.
Nipah Virus

◎ Symptoms  Fever, headache, drowsiness, disorientation, mental confusion, coma,

potential death.
◎ Presently, there are no vaccines available for both humans and animals. Intensive
supportive care is given to humans infected by Nipah virus.
Indian Government TB Elimination Strategy
A new Lancet Commission on TB reveals concerns about the global fight
against tuberculosis, as TB deaths have increased for the first time in 20

● On World TB Day 2023, Prime Minister
Narendra Modi at One World TB Summit,
announced initiatives to help the country
meet the 2025 target.
Reserve Bank of India Makes Banks' Investment Norms More
◎ India aims to eliminate tuberculosis (TB) by 2025, ahead of the global target set for
◎ The national strategic plan for 2017-2025 sets specific targets, including reporting
no more than 44 new TB cases or 65 total cases per lakh population by 2025.
◎ An online Ni-kshay portal tracks notified TB cases.
◎ Improved access to molecular diagnostic tests, like CB-NAAT and TureNat, has been
facilitated, with 4,760 machines covering all districts.
◎ A universal drug susceptibility test determines antibiotic susceptibility for all newly
diagnosed cases.
◎ A community engagement program involves Ni-kshay mitras adopting TB patients
and providing monthly nutritional support to them.
Reserve Bank of India Makes Banks' Investment Norms More
◎ Newer drugs like Bedaquiline and Delamanid are provided for free to TB patients,
replacing the problematic injectable kanamycin.
◎ Trials are underway for the vaccine candidate Immuvac, which was initially
designed for leprosy prevention but may also prevent TB.
◎ Another candidate, VPM1002, is a modified form of the BCG vaccine with improved
TB antigen expression to enhance immunity against TB.
NavIC (Navigation
India’s with Indian
Green Hydrogen Constellation)
Apple successfully supported the indigenous navigation system in some of
the new iPhone 15 models. The Union Government may mandate
manufacturers to embed the homegrown GPS alternative in all
smartphones sold in India by 2025.
● NavIC, is the Indian Regional Navigation Satellite System,
comprising seven satellites.
● The coverage area extends 1500 km. beyond India's
● NavIC signals boast remarkable precision, delivering user
position accuracy better than 20 m and timing accuracy
better than 50 nanoseconds, outperforming many of its
global navigation satellite system counterparts.
NavIC (Navigation with Indian Constellation)

◎ It offers two services 

○ Standard Position Service (SPS) for civilian users.
○ Restricted Service (RS) catering to strategic users.

◎ US’s Global Positioning System (GPS), Russia’s Global Navigation Satellite System
(GLONASS), the European Union’s Galileo, China’s BeiDou, and Japan’s Quasi-
Zenith Satellite System (QZSS).
Space is India’s
the Next Frontier
Green For India-US
Hydrogen Collaboration
India's Ambassador to the US outlined that it is only natural that the two
largest democratic countries further deepen their existing space

● India-US Initiative on Critical and Emerging
Technologies (iCET) 
● The India- US Initiative on Critical and
Emerging Technology (iCET) was launched
during the Quad summit in 2022.
● Vision: It was established in order to elevate
and expand our strategic technology
Space is the Next Frontier For India-US Collaboration

◎ NISAR  It is a joint Earth-observing mission between NASA and the Indian Space
Research Organization (ISRO).
◎ Indian Space Policy of 2023  It has opened up avenues for industry, investment,
and research collaborations between Indian and US private sector partners.
New Rashtriya Vigyan Puraskar (RVP) Awards
The Department of Science and Technology has proposed the constitution
of a new Rashtriya Vigyan Puraskar — which will be the highest recognition
in the field of science, technology, and innovation in India.

● The RVP awards replaced nearly 300 awards that
were given by Scientific Ministries, though most
of these were internal awards.
● Last year, an MHA (Ministry of Home Affairs)-
constituted a committee proposed to do away
with all the awards, and replace them with a
“Nobel Prize-like” science award.
New Rashtriya Vigyan Puraskar (RVP) Awards
◎ Categories  There will be a total of 56 RVP awards, comprising 3 Vigyan Ratna
awards, 25 Vigyan Shri awards, 25 Vigyan Yuva-Shanti Swarup Bhatnagar awards,
and 3 Vigyan Team awards.
◎ Time Period  The awards will commence in 2024.
○ The awards will be announced annually on May 11, which is National
Technology Day, and will be awarded on National Space Day, August 23.
◎ Eligibility  The awards will be open to Persons of Indian Origin (PIOs), with a
maximum of one PIO eligible for the Vigyan Ratna award, and three PIOs each
eligible for the Vigyan Shri and VY-SSB awards.
◎ Nomination  It will also allow candidates to nominate themselves.
New Rashtriya Vigyan Puraskar (RVP) Awards
◎ Conferment  The awards will be conferred by the President of India or the Vice
◎ Significance  The awards will be akin to the prestigious Padma awards, with no
cash component; instead, awardees will receive a certificate and medallion.
○ However, the National Technology Awards, given to teams by the Technology
Development Board (a DST entity), also include cash prizes worth ₹25 lakh.
◎ The Rashtriya Vigyan Puraskar will be given in the following 13 domains  Physics,
Chemistry, Biological Sciences, Mathematics and Computer Science, Earth Science,
Medicine, Engineering Sciences, Agricultural Science, Environmental Science,
Technology and Innovation, Atomic energy, Space Science and Technology.
New Rashtriya Vigyan Puraskar (RVP) Awards

Awards Fields

Vigyan Ratna It will recognize the lifetime achievements of scientists.

Vigyan Shri It will recognize distinguished contributions to a field.

Vigyan Yuva It will encourage young scientists who have made

Shanti Swarup exceptional contributions in their field.

Vigyan Team It will recognize teams of three or more.

New Rashtriya Vigyan Puraskar (RVP) Awards
◎ August 23rd is proclaimed as "National Space Day" from 2023 to commemorate
successful landing of Chandrayaan-3's lander and rover on the Moon.

◎ It is celebrated annually on May 11 in honor to commemorate the successful
nuclear detonation tests in 1998.
◎ Theme: 'School to Startups-Igniting Young Minds to Innovate(2023).
India’s Green Extensions
Hydrogen Partnerships
Google announced that it is upgrading its AI-powered chatbot Bard.

● It will be integrate with apps such as Gmail,
Docs, YouTube, and Flights so that users can
get a more helpful and multimodal
experience called Bard Extensions.
● Bard is Google's conversational, AI chat
service ( Genarative AI).
● The new features allow users to utilize Bard
as a one-stop solution for tasks such as
Primary Reference Time Clock (PRTC)
Centre for Development of Telematics (C-DOT) and CSIR-National Physical
laboratory (NPL) signed an agreement for ‘Development of NavIC based IST
traceable Primary Reference Time Clock (PRTC) for Telecom Sector’.

● The agreement is signed under the Telecom
Technology Development Fund (TTDF)
scheme of the DoT for providing funding
support to domestic companies and
institutions involved in technology design,
development, commercialization of
Primary Reference Time Clock (PRTC)
◎ The project focuses on the development of a device which shall provide direct
Indian Standard Time (IST) traceability to all the Telecom Service Providers (TSPs)
and Internet Service Providers (ISPs) within ± 20 ns.
AlphaMissense is a new tool based on AlphaFold that can identify harmful
genome mutations.

● AlphaMissense takes the DNA sequence of a
gene and the amino acid sequence of the
protein that it encodes. AlphaMissense uses
AlphaFold to predict the 3D structure of the
● AlphaMissense then identifies mutations that are
likely to disrupt the protein's structure and then
uses its knowledge of protein structure and
◎ It is still under development.

◎ It can 
○ help researchers to identify the genetic causes of rare diseases.
○ help doctors to diagnose genetic diseases more accurately and quickly.
○ help to develop new treatments for genetic diseases.
○ help to improve our understanding of human biology.
◎ AlphaFold is an AI system developed by
DeepMind (Google’s Subsdiry).
◎ AlphaFold is a revolutionary AI system that
can predict the 3D structure of proteins with
unprecedented speed and accuracy.
◎ This has the potential to revolutionize the
way we diagnose and treat disease, develop
new medicines, and understand how life
Hybrid Seeds
Hybrid seeds are becoming increasingly popular in India due to their quicker
harvest quality which allows farmers to sow short-duration crops, such as
potato, between two crop cycles.

● Hybrid seeds are seeds that have been produced
by deliberately crossing two different
varieties of the same plant species.
● For Example: Corn, tomatoes
● Origin  The origin of hybrids can be traced to
India’s Green Revolution in the 1960s,
when the government’s effort was primarily to
Hybrid Seeds

◎ For this, the National Seed Corporation was set up to develop, store and distribute
high yield variety seeds.
◎ Ownership  Till the 1980s, the public sector had a firm control on the seed
market and supplied OPV seeds to farmers.
◎ Towards the end of the decade, the government allowed development and
distribution of hybrid varieties by the private Sector.

◎ Natural Resilience  It is very much less affected by the different types of
environmental stress such as insects and plants diseases etc.
Hybrid Seeds

◎ Consistency and Performance Benefits  It also has the advantage that it tends to
offer better and consistent performance in comparison to the non-hybrid seeds in
an effective manner
◎ Better Yield  They produce plants with larger fruit, higher yields, disease
resistance, and longer shelf life than heirlooms.
Hybrid Seeds

◎ National Seeds Corporation Limited (NSC) was incorporated in 1963 to undertake
production of foundation and certified seeds.
◎ It is wholly owned by the government of India under the administrative control of
the ministry of agriculture and farmers welfare.
◎ It is a Miniratna Category‐I company.
Geospatial intelligence has proven to be a valuable tool in providing critical
insights to help governments aid in disaster response and preparedness

● Geospatial intelligence is the collection and
integration of data from a network of technologies,
including satellites, mobile sensors, ground-control
stations and aerial images.
● Potential  The geospatial intelligence industry is
projected to grow from US$61 billion
enterprise in 2020 to more than $209 billion
👉 :
◎ Better Decision-Making  By providing comprehensive and accurate data about
the physical environment, policymakers can develop a better understanding of the
risks and opportunities that exist in the country's surroundings.
◎ Real-Time Threat Assessment  The data is used to produce real-time maps and
simulations to help identify when, where and to what extent a threat is likely to
◎ Facilitating Search-and-Rescue and Recovery Operations  It also provides
valuable guidance for search-and-rescue and recovery efforts following a disaster.
For example, in the immediate aftermath of the February 2023 7.8 magnitude
earthquake that struck Turkey and Syria, maps and aerial images quickly identified
the extent of damage and the populations affected.
◎ Environmental monitoring  Monitoring temperature, precipitation, snowpack
and polar ice helps scientists and government officials anticipate and prepare for
potential disturbances.
◎ Forecasting Weather Events  For instance, understanding temperature profiles –
past, current and forecasted temperatures over an area – provides information on
when, where and to what extent that area is likely to be affected by events such as
heat waves.
◎ Digital Twins  It is used in the development, implementation and evaluation of
digital twins.
◎ Digital twins are virtual representations of real systems – buildings or cities, For
example – that mimic the systems’ characteristics and can be updated in real-time
to reflect changing conditions in the systems.
◎ Digital twins have been highly effective in conflict settings by simulating weather
and terrain to help militaries and peacekeepers develop and enact strategies.
NASA’s OSIRIS-Rex (Origins, Spectral Interpretation, Resource Identification
and Security–Regolith Explorer) has delivered samples to Earth that it
collected during its historic seven-year mission to asteroid Bennu.

● Aim  To study a near-Earth asteroid.
● It is NASA’s third New Frontiers science mission and
is led by the University of Arizona and
managed by NASA’s Goddard Space Flight
👉 :
◎ Bennu is a carbon-rich asteroid that could hold clues about the development of the
solar system.
Monoclonal Antibodies
India reached out to Australia to procure monoclonal antibody doses to
combat the Nipah virus outbreak in Kerala.

● Monoclonal antibodies are laboratory-made
proteins that mimic the behavior of
antibodies produced by the immune system to
protect against diseases and foreign
● They are produced through a process that
involves extracting specific antibodies from
Monoclonal Antibodies
◎ They are specifically designed to target certain antigens.
◎ Niels K. Jerne, Georges J.F. Köhler and César Milstein were awarded the medicine
Nobel Prize in 1984 for their work on “the principle for production of monoclonal

◎ Dr. Köhler and Dr. Milstein, who established a generation of monoclonal antibodies
for use in humans in 1975, used this principle to describe the hybridoma.
○ Hybridoma is a fusion cell made up of B cells (white blood cells that produce
antibodies) and myeloma cells (abnormal plasma cells).
Monoclonal Antibodies
◎ These hybrid cells allowed the researchers to produce a single antibody clone,
which came to be known as a monoclonal antibody.

◎ Monoclonal antibodies are specifically engineered and generated to target a
◎ They are meant to attach themselves to the specific disease-causing antigen. An
antigen is most likely to be a protein.
◎ For Example 
○ REGEN-COV2 is a cocktail of two monoclonal antibodies developed to target
the SARS-CoV-2 spike protein.
○ The monoclonal antibodies bind to specific parts of the spike protein, blocking
Monoclonal Antibodies
◎ According to research published in The Lancet journal of Infectious Diseases,
m102.4 is a “potent, fully human” monoclonal antibody.
◎ It neutralizes Hendra and Nipah viruses, both outside and inside of living
◎ The m102.4 monoclonal antibody was first developed by Dr. Christopher Broder
and his team at the Uniformed Services University of the Health Sciences (USU) in
Bethesda, Maryland.
◎ Present Clinical Status: As of now, the drug is used on a ‘compassionate use’ basis.
Monoclonal Antibodies
◎ An antibody attaches itself to an antigen – a foreign substance, usually a disease-
causing molecule – and helps the immune system eliminate it from the body.

◎ ‘Compassionate use’ basis is a treatment option that allows the use of an
unauthorized medicine under strict conditions among people where no other
alternative and/or satisfactory authorized treatment is known to be possible and
where patients cannot enter clinical trials for various reasons.
Digital World of Cookies
The digital world of cookies plays a significant role in any online experience.

● Cookies are text files containing small snippets
of information such as login details to identify
computer when connected to the internet.
● identify and improve web
They are used to
browsing experience by allowing them to identify
specific users.
● For Example  Platforms like Facebook and
Digital World of Cookies

◎ India’s newly enacted Digital Personal Data Protection Act 2023 now necessitates
websites to acquire explicit consent from users prior to collecting or processing
their personal data via cookies.
◎ Helps in Authentication  They act as digital ID cards, aiding in user
authentication by allowing websites to recognise and keep you logged in during
your visit.
◎ Personalization Experience  They foster a sense of personalisation, recalling
one’s preferences such as language choice or website theme.
◎ Analytics  Cookies facilitate website owners in gathering invaluable analytics
data about user interactions, enabling them to make enhancements and customize
Digital World of Cookies

◎ Marketing  Finally, cookies play a pivotal role in targeted advertising, as

advertisers use them to display ads that align with your interests and browsing
history, making online shopping more enticing.
◎ Privacy Concerns  Privacy concerns arise as cookies could track online behavior,
which, while often harmless, can sometimes encroach upon digital privacy.
◎ Security risks  Security risks loom when cookies are inadequately secured,
opening doors for cybercriminals to pilfer one’s personal information.
◎ Third-party cookies have sparked debates, prompting many web browsers to curb
their usage to safeguard user privacy.
Digital World of Cookies

◎ Sluggish Web Experience  The data deluge generated by the multitude of cookies
can potentially clog your browser, leading to a sluggish web experience.
Promotion of Research and Innovation in Pharma and MedTech sector
(PRIP) scheme
The government recently launched the PRIP scheme.

● The scheme aims to strengthen research
infrastructure in India.
● Scheme components 
● Infrastructure building: It includes establishing
centers of excellence in seven campuses of
National Institutes of Pharmaceutical Education
(PRIP) scheme
◎ Financial assistance to large industries, micro, small and medium industries
(MSME’s) and startups.
◎ They will carry out research in collaboration with academic institutions as well as
for in-house R&D.
Anti-Microbial Resistance
The Antimicrobial Resistance Research and Surveillance Network of the
Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR) released its annual report for

● Escherichia coli (E. coli) was identified as the
most commonly occurring pathogen,
followed by Klebsiella pneumonia,
Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Acinetobacter
baumannii, and Staphylococcus aureus.
Anti-Microbial Resistance
◎ E. coli exhibited low susceptibility percentages to many of the CIAs, including
levofloxacin (16%), ciprofloxacin (12%), cefotaxime (18%), ceftazidime (19%), and
piperacillin-tazobactam (35%).
◎ Resistance to common pathogens is more pronounced to fluoroquinolones,
carbapenems, and third-generation cephalosporins classes of antibiotics.

◎ CIAs are a class of antibiotics considered a last resort when other antibiotics have
failed and are essential for treating severe infections.
◎ The World Health Organization (WHO) has identified a list of HPCIAs, the most
critical CIAs to preserve.
Anti-Microbial Resistance
◎ Resistance to CIAs is a significant threat to global health and security. It can lead to
more extended hospital stays, higher medical costs, and increased mortality.
Try this PYQ 2019
Which of the following are the reasons for the occurrence of multi-drug resistance in
microbial pathogens in India?
1. Genetic predisposition of some people
2. Taking incorrect doses of antibiotics to cure diseases
3. Using antibiotics in livestock farming
4. Multiple chronic diseases in some people
Select the correct answer using the code given below.
(a) 1 and 2
(b) 2 and 3 only
(c) 1, 3 and 4
(d) 2, 3 and 4
Try this PYQ 2019
Answer (d
Nobel Prize in Physics 2023
The 2023 Nobel Prize for Physics was shared by three scientists—Pierre
Agostini, Ferenc Krausz and Anne L'Huillier.

● Nobel Prize Physics 2023 has been awarded for
“experimental methods that generate
attosecond pulses for the study of electron
dynamics in matter.
● The laureates have been awarded the Prize for
experiments that have allowed scientists to
ultra-short pulses of light, with which they
Nobel Prize in Physics 2023

◎ The short pulses are generated on a timescale that is known as attosecond.

◎ Attosecond is an infinitesimally brief unit of time that could enhance our
understanding of the fundamental forces and processes that govern the universe.
◎ It is equivalent to one quintillionth of a second, or 10 to the power of 18 seconds.

◎ Attosecond physics gives the opportunity to understand mechanisms that are
governed by electrons.
Nobel Prize in Physics 2023

◎ Attosecond pulses allow scientists to capture ‘images’ of activities that happen in

incredibly short time spans.
○ As a result, scientists can use such pulses to explore short-lived atomic and
molecular processes implicated in fields like materials science, electronics, and
◎ Attoseconds create and manipulate extreme ultraviolet (XUV) and X-ray pulses,
which are vital for imaging ultrafast processes at the atomic and molecular scale.
India’s Green Predator
Former Egyptian MP Ahmed Eltantawy was targeted with Cytrox’s Predator
spyware sent via links on SMS and WhatsApp.

● Spyware is loosely defined as malicious
software designed to enter a device,
gather sensitive data, and forward it to a
third party without the user’s consent.
● It is broadly categorized as trojan
spyware, adware, tracking cookies, and
system monitors.
India’s Green injunction
Hydrogen Partnerships
Delhi HC recently passed ‘dynamic injunction’ against illegal ICC World Cup

● An injunction is an official order given
by a law court, usually to stop
someone from doing something.
Dynamic injunction
◎ A dynamic injunction is passed to protect copyrighted works even before they are
publicly released, distributed, or created.
◎ It ensures that no irreparable loss is caused to its authors and owner, owing to the
imminent possibility of such works being uploaded on rogue websites or their
newer versions immediately after their creation or release.
Freedom on the Net 2023: The Repressive Power of Artificial
Recently, ‘Freedom on the Net 2023: The Repressive Power of Artificial
Intelligence’ report was released by Freedom House.

● It evaluates Internet freedom in 70
countries, accounting for 88% of the world’s
Internet users.
● The report, the 13th edition of an annual
study of human rights online, covers
developments between June 2022 and May
Freedom on the Net 2023: The Repressive Power of Artificial
◎ The report evaluates countries on five censorship methods 
○ Internet connectivity restrictions
○ blocks on social media platforms
○ blocks on websites
○ blocks on VPNs
○ forced removal of content

◎ On a range of 1 to 100 where ‘100’ represented highest digital freedom and ‘1’ the
worst repression, India scored 50, while Iceland, with 94, emerged as the country
with the best climate of Internet freedom.
Freedom on the Net 2023: The Repressive Power of Artificial
◎ World’s worst environment for Internet freedom  China, Myanmar.
◎ Digital Repression Surges in Iran  The sharpest rise in digital repression was
witnessed in Iran, where authorities shut down Internet service and increased
surveillance in a bid to quell anti-government protests.
◎ Global Increase in Widespread Arrests  The number of countries where
authorities carry out widespread arrests and impose multi-year prison terms for
online activity has risen sharply over the past decade, from 18 in 2014 to 31 in
◎ Elections & digital Repression  Ahead of election periods, “many incumbent
leaders criminalized broad categories of speech, blocked access to independent
news sites, and imposed other controls over the flow of information to sway
balloting in their favor.
Freedom on the Net 2023: The Repressive Power of Artificial
◎ Internet Blockade  India also figured among the list of countries that “blocked
websites hosting political, social, or religious content”, deliberately disrupted ICT
○ Use of Pro-Government Commentators: India used pro-government
commentators to manipulate online discussions, and conducted “technical
attacks against government critics or human rights organizations”
New Drone (Amendment)
India’s Rules 2023
Green Hydrogen for drone pilots
Recently, the Ministry of Civil Aviation has notified the new Drone
(Amendment) Rules 2023 for drone pilots.

● Aim  To further liberalize, promote and
facilitate drone operations across the
country and make India a global drone hub
by 2030.
● The Directorate General of Civil Aviation
will issue the remote pilot certificate
National Mission on Interdisciplinary Cyber-Physical Systems
C3iHub, a cyber-security Technology Innovation Hub (TIH) of The Indian
Institute of Technology Kanpur (IITK) hosted the 3rd National Workshop on
Technology Innovation in Cyber-Physical Systems (TIPS).

● Organized by  Department of
Science & Technology (DST), National
Mission on Interdisciplinary Cyber-
Physical Systems (NM-ICPS).
● Cyber-Security Focus at C3iHub, IIT Kanpur 
one of the 25 TIHs is
The C3iHub which is
the first of its kind Cyber Security
National Mission on Interdisciplinary Cyber-Physical Systems

◎ It was launched by the Department of Science &Technology (DST) in December

◎ Aims  To address the ever-increasing technological requirements of the society
by fostering advanced technologies and international collaborations.
◎ To facilitate its objectives, 25 Technology Innovation Hubs (TIHs) were established
in leading institutes across.
National Mission on Interdisciplinary Cyber-Physical Systems
◎ A Cyber-Physical System (CPS) is a mechanism controlled or monitored by
computer-based algorithms, tightly integrated with the internet and its users.
○ Examples  CPS includes self-driving cars
Try this PYQ 2018

The terms 'WannaCry, Petya and Eternal Blue' sometimes mentioned in the news
recently are related to

(a) Exoplanets
(b) Cryptocurrency
(c) Cyber attacks
(d) Mini satellites

Answer (c
Failure of Pegasus Software
Despite Israel's advanced surveillance technology and defense systems
Pegasus and the 'Iron Dome,' were unable to evade the attack recently
launched by Hamas.

● It is an Israeli spyware that can infiltrate a
targeted mobile phone and access
phone numbers, call logs, internet searches,
passwords, social media, communications and
cameras without the user’s knowledge.
Serum, Mylab launch TB kit for Latent Infections
A point-of-care skin test for detecting latent tuberculosis infections (LTBI) is
developed by Serum Institute of India (SII) and Mylab Discovery Solutions
was launched recently.

● In latent TB infection,TB germs are present
in the body but the person does not show
any symptoms. However, in later phase
active TB may be diagnosed.
Asteroid Bennu
Initial studies on the samples collected from Asteroid Benu have shown
evidence of high-carbon content and water-bearing clay minerals, according
to the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA).

● Bennu is a small near-Earth asteroid that
passes close to Earth every six years.
● Bennu’s current composition, according to
scientists, was established within 10 million
years of the formation of our solar
CAR-T Cell Therapy
Recently, ImmunoACT received market authorization for their chimeric
antigen receptor (CAR) T-cell therapy called NexCAR19 from the Drugs
Controller General of India.

◎ CAR-T therapy is a novel and highly complex
immune therapy that redirects the body’s own
immune system to fight cancer.
○ CAR-T cells are often described as ‘the
living drug’ because they actively search
and target malignant cells.
CAR-T Cell Therapy
○ It uses a type of immune cell called a T-cell, which is extracted from patients’
blood before being genetically altered to allow it to target surface proteins
found on cancer cells.
◎ NexCAR19 is India's first indigenously developed Chimeric Antigen Receptor (CAR)
T-cell therapy.
◎ It targets relapsed-refractory B-cell lymphoma and leukemia, marking a significant
advancement in cancer treatment.
◎ Success Rate  In studies, 9 out of 10 people with acute lymphoblastic leukemia
whose cancer didn't respond to other treatments or whose cancer came back had
full remission with CAR T-cell therapy.
○ Remission means the cancer can't be detected in tests.
CAR-T Cell Therapy

👉 :
◎ Improves immunogenic memory, which provides continuous surveillance to treat
local and distant metastatic lesions.
◎ Recognizes and eliminates damaged cells and cells infected with harmful
pathogens, such as viruses and cancerous cells
◎ Reduces the need for aggressive chemotherapy
◎ This therapy is intended for the treatment of relapsed-refractory B-cell lymphoma
and leukemia.
◎ Affordability  Previously, CAR-T cell therapy cost around $400,000
(approximately Rs 3.3 crore) in the United States.
○ With this development, the therapy is expected to be accessible at
approximately Rs 30-35 lakh per patient in 20 Indian government and private
CAR-T Cell Therapy
Try this PYQ 2018

Consider the following pairs: Terms sometimes seen in news Context/Topic

1. Belle II experiment — Artificial Intelligence
2. Blockchain technology — Digital/Cryptocurrency
3. CRISPR – Cas9 — Particle Physics
Which of the pairs given above is/are correctly matched?
(a) 1 and 3 only
(b) 2 only
(c) 2 and 3 only
(d) 1, 2 and 3
Try this PYQ 2018

Answer (b
First edition of IndiaAI Report
Seven working groups of the Ministry of Electronics and Information
Technology (MeitY) submitted the first edition of IndiaAI report.

● It recommended public-private partnerships
to make semiconductors for AI
● The report provides the recommendations on
Design Linked Incentive (DLI) Scheme that
aims to offer financial incentives as well as
design infrastructure support to domestic
Deep Fakes
Government is looking at IT rules to make WhatsApp disclose source ID. The
basis for this are multiple deepfake videos of politicians circulating on

◎ The government is in the process of seeking the
identity of the people who first shared the
videos on the platform.
◎ Such fake videos of politicians can cause harm to
electoral integrity in India.
Deep Fakes

◎ IT Rules  Online messaging companies will be required to divulge the identity of

a person who first sends a particular message on their platform.
◎ The order for traceability, can be passed either by a court, or the government.

◎ Deepfake AI is a type of artificial intelligence used to create convincing images,
audio and video hoaxes. The term describes both the technology and the resulting
bogus content, and is a combination of deep learning and fake.
◎ Deepfakes often transform existing source content where one person is swapped
for another.
Deep Fakes

◎ They also create entirely original content where someone is represented doing or
saying something they didn't do or say.
◎ The greatest danger posed by deepfakes is their ability to spread false information
that appears to come from trusted sources.

◎  Section 66E of the act is applicable in cases of deepfake crimes

that involve capturing, publishing or transmitting a person's images in mass media,
violating their privacy.
◎ This offense is punishable with imprisonment of up to three years or a fine of up to
₹2 lakh
New Targets for ISRO
Setting up ‘Bharatiya Antariksha Station’ (Indian space station) by 2035 and
taking the first Indian to the Moon by 2040 are new targets for space agency

◎ Space Station  According to the ISRO chief, the
Indian space station is likely to be much smaller,
weighing only 20 tonnes as compared to 450
tonnes of the International Space Station and
100 tonnes of the Chinese Tiangong Space
New Targets for ISRO

◎ Moon Missions  The Department of Space has been tasked with developing a
roadmap for Moon exploration, including a series of Chandrayaan missions.
○ The next Chandrayaan mission will likely bring Moon samples back, eventually
leading the first Indian to the Moon by 2040.
◎ Mars Missions  India has already sent an orbiter. The next step would be to send
a lander, which the US and China have already achieved.
○ Russia also has successfully landed on Mars but their lander stopped working
soon after.
◎ Indigenous Lander Technology  India did not have lander technology before the
Chandrayaan 2 mission, the lander was indigenously developed after Russia backed
out following the failure of one of their landers to the Martian moon Phobos.
New Targets for ISRO

◎ Others  The scientists will also work towards a Venus Orbiter Mission and a Mars
Lander Mission.
○ ISRO will also work on a next-generation launch vehicle, a new launch pad, and
human-centric laboratories and technologies.
India’s Greenfrom Avian Partnerships
Hydrogen Influenza

The World Organisation for Animal Health (WOAH) has approved India's
self-declaration of freedom from Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza (HPAI)
in specific poultry compartments.

● Avian influenza, also known as 'bird flu', is a
disease primarily affecting birds and is caused
by a virus of the Orthomyxoviridae family.
● Subtype 
● The Low Pathogenic Avian Influenza Virus
(LPAIV) can cause a mild illness, often
unnoticed or without any symptoms.
Freedom from Avian Influenza
◎ The Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza Virus (HPAIV) caused by subtypes (H5 and
H7) of type A, causes serious illness in birds that can spread rapidly, resulting in
high death rates in different species of birds.
◎ Threat to Human Health  Most of the influenza viruses circulating in birds are
not zoonotic.
○ However, some HPAI strains have the ability to infect humans, posing a threat
to public health.
○ Strategies to Curb Spread: Zoning and compartmentalization are strategic tools
used to establish and maintain groups of animals with specific health statuses
for the purposes of international trade and disease prevention or control.
Freedom from Avian Influenza
◎ Monitoring  WHO continuously monitors avian and other zoonotic influenza
viruses closely through its Global Influenza Surveillance and Response System
◎ India's Approach to Control HPAI  India follows a "detect and cull" policy as
outlined in the National Action Plan for Prevention, Control, and Containment of
Avian Influenza.
○ It includes the humane destruction of infected and exposed animals, eggs,
feed, litter, and other contaminated materials.
○ Additionally Measures: Restricting the movement of poultry and poultry
products, disinfection and clean-up of infected premises, and a Post-Operative
Surveillance Plan (POSP) have been implemented.
○ Vaccination against HPAI is not permitted in India.
Web portal ‘Apna Chandrayaan’
The Union Ministry of Education launched a web portal ‘Apna Chandrayaan’
with activity-based support material such as quizzes, puzzles, etc for school
students on Mission Chandrayaan-3 developed by NCERT.

◎ Development of the web portal will facilitate
self-learning and inspire them to understand
technology, which will help develop scientific
Fast radio burst(FRB)
A remote blast of cosmic radio waves has been recently discovered that
lasted less than a millisecond in June last year.
According to the European Southern Observatory, this discovery confirms
that FRBs can be used to measure “missing” matter between galaxies

● FRBs intense, millisecond-long
bursts of radio waves with unknown
Drug resistance test for tuberculosis (TB)
An IIT Bombay-incubated company (Haystack Analytics) has created a
comprehensive drug resistance test for (TB).

◎ WGS is a genetic fingerprinting technique that
determines the entire DNA sequence of an
organism which can be used for testing drug
resistance TB.
◎ Analysing the genomic data of the organism is an
important molecular tool for TB surveillance and
detecting resistance.
Drug resistance test for tuberculosis (TB)

◎ WGS would allow rapid identification of the origin and drug resistance (DR) profile
of TB strains in the patients.
DNA and Face Matching
Centre is ready to roll out DNA, face matching systems at police stations
across India.

● Legislative Mandate  Criminal
Procedure Identification Act, 2022,
enables police and Central investigating
agencies to collect, store and analyse
physical and biological samples of arrested
DNA and Face Matching

◎ Implementation  The Ministry of Home Affairs (MHA) has constituted a Domain

Committee for the successful implementation of the Act with representatives from
State police, Central law enforcement agencies and other key stakeholders.
◎ Measurement Collection Unit (MCU)  The States have been asked to identify the
locations and prepare the sites where the MCU may be established.
○ The Central body under MHA will be the repository of the database at national
EV Charging standard for bikes and scooters
The Bureau of Indian Standards (BIS) has approved an indigenously
charging standard ISI7017 (Part 2 / Sec 7): 2023.

◎ It is developed through collaboration among NITI
Aayog, the Department of Science and Technology,
electric two-wheeler maker Ather Energy.
◎ The indigenously developed charging standard is the
first in the world that combines alternating current
(AC) and direct current (DC) for light electric vehicles
EV Charging standard for bikes and scooters

◎ Although the new approved standard fixes the problem of different standards for
AC and DC charging by creating a combined standard, it does not mandate EV
makers to use a uniform standard which can help in faster adoption of EVs.

◎ In India, EV makers are not mandated to follow a specific standard for charging
○ For Example: Electric two-wheeler makers such as Ola Electric, Ather Energy,
and Ultraviolette Automotive, all use different charging standards for their EVs.
◎ Thus, too many charging standards for EVs makes it difficult for public charging
stations to cater to each individual type.
EV Charging standard for bikes and scooters

◎ China  GB/T is used as the national standard for charging.
◎ Europe  Combined Charging System (CCS) is the predominant charging
connector standard, and is also a European Union (EU) requirement for EV charging
◎ Japan  The predominant charging standard is called CHAdeMO.
‘Concerning’ level of lead, cadmium in chocolate
Consumer Reports, a US-based non-profit consumer group, has detected a
"concerning" amount of lead and cadmium in a third of chocolate products
it tested recently.

● Heavy metal exposure can also lead to kidney

damage, reproductive toxicity,
respiratory problems, liver damage,
anemia, and cancer.
● Exposure to heavy metals can also have serious
psychological effects, such as depression,
‘Concerning’ level of lead, cadmium in chocolate

◎ Lower IQ scores and cognitive deficits have been linked to exposure, particularly in
children and pregnant women.
◎ Studies have also associated heavy metal exposure with lowered attention span
and increased impulsivity.
Dark Pattern Sales Deemed ‘Cybercrime’
The Ministry of Civil Aviation has asked Airline Companies to rectify their
websites, following a series of complaints regarding practices by airlines and
online travel agents that trick consumers into making unintended
◎ A dark pattern is one where an entity nudges
consumers to buy products they didn’t intend to,
which is an unfair trading practice and can
constitute a cybercrime.
◎ It is a digital design interface used to manipulate
customer behavior.
Dark Pattern Sales Deemed ‘Cybercrime’

◎ These forms of dark patterns have been defined in the draft guidelines of the
Ministry of Consumer Affairs, which was released on September 7 to seek public
comments for a period of 30 days (Refer Table).
◎ How do companies use dark patterns? 
○ Social media companies and Big Tech firms such as Apple, Amazon, Skype,
Facebook, LinkedIn, Microsoft, and Google use dark or deceptive patterns to
downgrade the user experience to their advantage.
○ For Example: In social media, LinkedIn users often receive unsolicited,
sponsored messages from influencers. Disabling this option is a difficult process
with multiple steps that requires users to be familiar with the platform
Dark Pattern Sales Deemed ‘Cybercrime’

◎ False Urgency  It means falsely stating or implying a sense of urgency or scarcity
to mislead a user into making an immediate purchase.
◎ Basket sneaking  It is the inclusion of additional items such as products, services,
payments to charity/donations at the time of checkout, without the consent of the
◎ Interface interference  It means a design element that manipulates the user
interface in ways that highlight certain specific information, and obscures other
relevant information.
◎ Bait and Switch  It means advertising a particular outcome based on the user’s
action but deceptively serving an alternate outcome.
Dark Pattern Sales Deemed ‘Cybercrime’

◎ Drip pricing  It means a practice whereby elements of prices are not revealed
upfront or surreptitiously within the user experience; and/or other such practices.
◎ Other forms  Forced action,Subscription trap,Confirm shaming, Disguised
advertising and Nagging.

◎ Department of Consumer Affairs summoned cab and two-wheeler aggregators to
come clean on their charges and algorithms, as consumer angst and frustration
with these services rose to alarming levels.
◎ The Department also formed a consultation group to address the issue of fake
online reviews.
Dark Pattern Sales Deemed ‘Cybercrime’

◎ The Advertising Standards Council of India (ASCI), has been addressing such issues
through its existing code on misleading ads.
◎ The ASCI code applies across media, including online advertising (including
companies’ own websites, pages and handles).
India’s Mobile
Green Congress
Hydrogen (IMC)
The Prime Minister of India inaugurated the 7th Edition of the India Mobile
Congress(IMC) 2023 at Bharat Mandapam in New Delhi.

● IMC is the largest telecom, media, and
technology forum in Asia and will held from
27th to 29th October 2023 with the theme ‘Global
Digital Innovation’.
● It aims to strengthen India’s position as a
developer, manufacturer, and exporter of
key cutting-edge technologies.
India Mobile Congress (IMC)

◎ During the program, the Prime Minister awarded 100 ‘5G Use Case Labs’ to
educational institutions nationwide.
◎ Objective  To build competencies and engagement in 5G and beyond
technologies for students and start-up communities.
◎ The 5G Use Case labs at higher educational institutions across all States/Union
territories will facilitate the development and experimentation of 5G applications
in various socioeconomic verticals.
◎ The use cases could span socioeconomic verticals including education, agriculture,
health, power, urban management, mining, logistics, resource management,
tourism, sports, security, e-governance, etc.
Lunar Dust
Chandrayaan-3’s lander module, Vikram, had generated an ‘ejecta halo’ on
the lunar surface while making the historic touchdown on the south pole of
the moon

◎ During the action of descent stage thrusters and
the consequent landing of Chandrayaan 3, a
significant amount of lunar surfacial epiregolith
material got ejected, resulting in a reflectance
anomaly or 'ejecta halo'.
◎ These findings were published in an article titled
Characterisation of Ejecta Halo on the Lunar
Surface Around Chandrayaan-3 Vikram Lander.
'Go Red'
India’s Campaign
Green forPartnerships
Hydrogen Dyslexia

Recently, Rashtrapati Bhawan and several other historical monuments and

buildings were lighted in red color in order to raise awareness about
● It is a learning disability in reading. People
with dyslexia have trouble reading at a
good pace and without mistakes.
● Go Red Campaign for 2023  Every year
International Dyslexia Awareness Month
is observed in October.
'Go Red' Campaign for Dyslexia

◎ Goal  Eliminate discrimination, raise public awareness, and eradicate the stigma
attached to dyslexia and other learning disorders.
Jio Demonstrates India’s First Satellite-Based Giga Fiber Service
Reliance Jio Infocomm (Jio) recently demonstrated JioSpaceFiber, India’s
first satellite-based giga fiber service to provide high-speed broadband
services in inaccessible geographies in the country.

◎ JioSpaceFiber is an Internet network relying on
◎ Reliance Jio has joined forces with SES, a satellite
communication provider based in Luxembourg, to
drive this ambitious project.
◎ They will utilise SES's O3b and the latest O3b
mPower satellites for this initiative.
Jio Demonstrates India’s First Satellite-Based Giga Fiber Service

◎ Medium earth orbit (MEO) technology will be utilised to enhance the mobile
backhaul capacity, allowing Jio's True5G network to extend its coverage, even
reaching remote regions.
○ Mobile Backhaul (MBH) is the process of connecting cell site air interfaces to
wireline networks, which are subsequently connected to data centers that host
the content and applications accessed by mobile users—both human and
◎ Jio SpaceFiber is already accessible in four of India's most distant locations,
including Gir (Gujarat), Korba (Chhattisgarh), Nabarangpur (Odisha), and ONGC-
Jorhat (Assam).
Jio Demonstrates India’s First Satellite-Based Giga Fiber Service

◎ The region of space in between the low Earth orbit and the geostationary orbit is
called the Medium Earth Orbit (MEO).
◎ This orbit is at a distance of 2000 to 35786 kms from the earth's surface. This orbit
is ideal for navigation and communication satellites.
Jio Demonstrates India’s First Satellite-Based Giga Fiber Service

◎ Satellite internet offers internet connectivity by wirelessly
transmitting information through a satellite network in space.
◎ The differentiating factor with satellite internet is that it
provides connectivity without the restriction of cables having
to reach poor terrain or remote regions.
◎ This is why satellite internet is also often used as backup
when there are land-based outages, for example, in the wake
of a disaster.
◎ In addition, it’s ideal for connecting moving objects, like
aircraft, UAVs (Uncrewed Aerial Vehicles), ships and trains.
Try this PYQ 2019

For the measurement/estimation of which of the following are satellite

images/remote sensing data used?
1. Chlorophyll content in the vegetation of a specific location
2. Greenhouse gas emissions from rice paddies of a specific location
3. Land surface temperatures of a specific location
Select the correct answer using the code given below.
(a) 1 Only
(b) 2 and 3 only
(c) 3 only
(d) 1, 2 and 3
Try this PYQ 2019

Answer (d

Researchers at the Geological Survey of India (GSI) discovered vanadium, a critical mineral
from the Gulf of Khambhat in Gujarat.

• More about news itanomagnetite – ore containing

• vanadium has been identified in samples taken from
the Gulf of Khambhat.
• Titanomagnetite is a primarysource of the element
(88% of the world’s vanadium is extracted from it)
and is formed when molten lava cools rapidly.
• According to GSI, deposits in the gulf were drained
from the Decan basalt mainly through the rivers of
Narmada and Tapi.

• It is the first report of vanadium occurrence in the offshore sediments of India.

About Vanadium
• It is a chemical element with the symbol "V" and the atomic number 23 and is classified as a
transition metal.
• It is an abundant element in the earth’s crust, ranking 22nd in position in the upper
continental crust.
• It is listed as one of the 30 critical minerals identified by the Government of India.
• Occurrence: It rarely exists as a free element in nature but can be found in about 65 different
minerals, including magnetite, vanadinite, carnotite, and patronite.
• It can be detected spectroscopically in the Sun's rays and occasionally in the light of other
• Physical Properties: Under standard conditions, it is hard, silvery-grey metal.
• It is very ductile (can be drawn into wires), malleable (can be hammered into thin sheets), and
resistant to corrosion.

• It does not react with water or oxygen at room temperature.

• Reserves of Vanadium Globally Brazil is the world’s largest exporter of vanadium (one-fourth
of total exports), with Russia and South Africa as the next exporters.
• China has the highest vanadium reserves and producer in the world as of 2022.
• In India :According to the Indian Bureau of Mines, the total estimated reserves of Vanadium in
India is around 24.63 million tonnes.
• In 2021 vanadium reserves were also found in Arunachal Pradesh.
Applications of Vanadium
• Energy storage: Used in vanadium redox flow batteries, a type of rechargeable battery used
for large-scale energy storage in renewable energy systems.
• Steel manufacturing: Used as an alloying element in steel production, where it imparts
increased strength, toughness, and heat resistance to the steel.
• The addition of 0.15% vanadium strengthens cast iron by 10-25%Catalysts: Vanadium
compounds are used as catalysts in the production of chemicals, plastics, and other materials.
• Nuclear reactors: Vanadium alloys are also used to make nuclear reactors because of their
lowneutron absorbing properties.
• Medicine: It is used for the treatment of prediabetes, and diabetes.

• Aerospace and aviation: Used in the manufacture of aerospace and aviation components due
to its high strength, lightweight, and heat resistance properties.
• Other applications: Used in the production of pigments, ceramics, and as a reducing agent in
• About vanadium redox flow batteries (VRFB) They are a type of rechargeable flow battery,
that employs vanadium ions as the active materials.

Working principle
• VRFBs store their energy in two electrolyte tanks, which are connected to a stack of cells.
• Vanadium has the unique characteristic of having four different stages of oxidation.
• In each of the four stages, Vanadium contains a different electrical charge and is therefore
used as a catalyst to store energy.

Tata Steel and TuTr Hyperloop (deep-tech startup operating from IIT Madras) signed a
Memorandum of Agreement to jointly work on development of hyperloop technology.

• Hyperloop is a proposed ultra-high-speed (at

over 700 miles an hour) ground transportation
system for passenger and cargo.
• Hyperloop concept has been promoted by
Musk and SpaceX, and other companies.

It has three essential elements:

• Tube is a large, sealed low-pressure system or
vacuum tubes (usually a long tunnel).

• Pod is a coach pressurized at atmospheric pressure that runs substantially free of air
resistance or friction inside this tube using magnetic propulsion.
• Terminal handles pod arrivals and departures.
• Benefits: Cheaper and reduce air travel between big cities, less polluting etc.

The Centre decided to procure doses of monoclonal antibody from Australia.

• Monoclonal antibody, an experimental therapeutic, was

also imported for treatment of infected patients during
2018 Nipah outbreak in Kerala.
• Nipah virus (NiV) is a zoonotic virus and can be
transmitted through contaminated food or directly
between people.

• Monoclonal antibodies (mAbs) are artificial antibodies that mimic the activity of our immune
• They are produced through a process that involves extracting specific antibodies from human
blood and then cloning them.
• They are clones of just one antibody, and they bind to one antigen only.
• They are made by homogeneous hybrid cells (B cells) derived from the same parent cell.
• Polyclonal antibodies (PAbs), on the other hand, are a mixture of antibodies that are secreted
by different B cell lineages.
• They have been used in the treatment of cancers, Ebola, HIV etc.
• mAbs can effectively bind with a part of the viral envelope that attaches to the human cells to
gain entry into the body.

• This effectively neutralises the virus.

• Concerns with mAbs: Side effects such as cytokine release syndrome reactions, allergic/atopic
disorders, impaired immune function, etc.
Key findings
• Globally, higher prevalence of hypertension among males (34%) than females (32%).
• In India, 31% of the population have hypertension.
• Only 37% of Indians with hypertension are diagnosed and only 30% get treatment.
• 4.6 million lives in India can be saved by 2040 with better control.
• Cardiovascular disease deaths attributable to high systolic blood pressure are higher among
females (54%) than males (51%).
• Risk factors include higher salt intake, tobacco use, obesity, alcohol consumption, and physical
• Interventions in India India Hypertension Control Initiative (IHCI): A collaborative initiative
between MoHFW, state governments, Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR), and WHO-

• Aims to improve hypertension control using evidence-based treatment protocol,

uninterrupted drug supply, patient-centered care, task sharing, and digital information
In a new discovery, scientists from China have reported that chondrocytes
also make haemoglobin and seem to depend on it for their survival.
Chondrocytes: These are the cells that make cartilage (connecting tissue
between bones).
◎ It is a protein found in the red blood cells that
carries oxygen in our body and gives blood its red
◎ Haemoglobin levels vary from person to person and
men usually have higher levels than women.
◎ Individuals with haemoglobin levels below the
normal range are anaemic.
Zika Virus
Zika virus has been detected in a mosquito species in Chikkaballapura
district of Karnataka.

● Zika virus is a mosquito-borne flavivirus

that was first identified in Uganda in 1947
in monkeys through a network that
monitored yellow fever.
● It is caused by a virus transmitted primarily
by Aedes mosquitoes.
● There is scientific consensus that Zika virus
is a cause of microcephaly and Guillain-
Barré syndrome.
Zika Virus

◎ It is also transmitted from mother to fetus during pregnancy.

◎ There is no vaccine for Zika.
Global India’s
Greenon ArtificialPartnerships
Hydrogen Intelligence (GPAI)

India, in its capacity as the chair of the Global Partnership on Artificial

Intelligence (GPAI), has taken a leadership stand on AI during day 2 of “AI
Safety Summit 2023” held at Bletchley Park, in the United Kingdom.

● GPAI is a multi-stakeholder initiative which
aims to bridge the gap between theory and
practice on AI by supporting cutting-edge
research and applied activities on AI-related
● It brings together engaged minds and
Global Partnership on Artificial Intelligence (GPAI)

◎ It is a congregation of 25 member countries, including the US, the UK, EU,

Australia, Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, Mexico, New Zealand, Republic
of Korea, and Singapore.
◎ India joined the GPAI in 2020 as a founding member.
◎ Its Secretariat is hosted at the Organization for Economic Cooperation and
Small Modular Reactor
The Central Government is looking at offering SOPs (Standard Operating
Procedure) along the lines of a production-linked incentive (PLI) scheme for
manufacturing Small Modular Reactors (SMR), aiming to increase the share
of nuclear power in India’s energy basket.

● Small modular reactors (SMRs) are
advanced nuclear reactors that have a
power capacity of up to 300 MW(e) per
unit, which is about one-third of the
generating capacity of traditional nuclear
power reactors.
Small Modular Reactor

◎ SMRs, which can produce a large amount of low-carbon electricity, are 

○ Small – physically a fraction of the size of a conventional nuclear power reactor.
○ Modular – making it possible for systems and components to be factory-
assembled and transported as a unit to a location for installation.
○ Reactors – harnessing nuclear fission to generate heat to produce energy.
◎ Types Of SMRs:
◎ Land-based water-cooled SMRs  This include the water-cooled SMR designs
having different configurations of Light Water Reactor (LWR) and Pressurized Heavy
Water Reactor (PHWR) technologies for on-land applications.
Small Modular Reactor

◎ Marine-based water-cooled SMRs  This include the water-cooled SMR designs

for deployment in a marine environment. This can be achieved by floating units
installed on barges or ships.
○ Russia’s Akademik Lomonosov, the world’s first floating nuclear power plant
that began commercial operation in May 2020, is producing energy from two 35
MW(e) SMRs.
◎ High-temperature gas-cooled SMRs (HTGRs)  This can provide very high-
temperature heat of more than 7500C and thereby higher efficiency in electricity
○ Application: Industry and Co-geneneration.
◎ Liquid metal-cooled fast neutron spectrum SMRs (LMFRs)  This include designs
based on fast neutron technology with different coolant options including helium
gas and liquid metal coolants like sodium, lead and lead-bismuth.
Small Modular Reactor

◎ Molten salt reactor SMRs (MSRs)  This is based on molten fluoride or chloride
salt in the role of coolant. MSR designs for both thermal neutron and fast neutron
spectrums are under development. These technologies can sustain long fuel cycles
of several years, and have an option for online refueling in which fresh fuel can be
introduced in molten form, and cleaning of fission products can also be performed
◎ Microreactors (MRs)  MRs are very small SMRs designed to generate electrical
power typically up to 10 MW(e). Different types of coolants, including light water,
helium, molten salt and liquid metal are adopted by microreactors.
NASA launched a new sounding rocket mission named Integral Field
Ultraviolet Spectroscopy Experiment (INFUSE) to study a stellar event in the
Cygnus Loop.

● Cygnus Loop  It is the remnant of a star
that was once 20 times the size of our
Sun. Some 20,000 years ago, that star
collapsed under its own gravity and
erupted into a supernova.
● Cygnus is about 2,600 light years away

◎ Sounding Rockets  They carry scientific instruments into space along a parabolic
trajectory at lower vehicle speeds for a well-placed scientific experiment.
◎ Supernovae  A supernova is the colossal explosion of a star. They spray heavy
metals forged in a star’s core into the clouds of surrounding dust and gas. They are
the source of all chemical elements in our universe heavier than iron.
Senegal Hosts WHO GONE initiative
More than 150 partners, including health officials, experts, and
organizations, gathered in Senegal in November 2023 for the inaugural
meeting of GONE. The primary goal was strengthening collaboration among
countries and partners working toward onchocerciasis elimination.
◎ GONE is a country-driven initiative supported by
WHO, emphasizing being pragmatic, flexible and
solutions-oriented to meet the needs of national
◎ Launch  Launched in January 2023 by WHO,
Member States, and partners.
◎ Goal  Empower countries to accelerate progress
towards onchocerciasis elimination targets.
Senegal Hosts WHO GONE initiative

◎ Key Focus Areas 

○ Strengthening Communication and Partnerships
○ Empowering Countries to Achieve Onchocerciasis Targets for 2030
◎ Global Prevalence  Affects at least 244 million people in 31 countries, with Africa
bearing 99% of the burden, and 1% in the border area between Brazil and
○ Four countries have been verified by the World Health Organization (WHO) for
eliminating transmission of the disease: Colombia, Ecuador, Guatemala and
Senegal Hosts WHO GONE initiative

◎ Global Impact 
◎ Second leading infectious cause of worldwide blindness
○ Classified as a Neglected Tropical Disease (NTD) by WHO.
◎ Affected Populations 
○ Affects people in isolated and underserved rural communities.
○ Concentrated in some of the world's poorest regions.
◎ Transmission and Effects 
○ Caused by the parasitic worm Onchocerca volvulus.
○ Spread by black flies near fast-flowing rivers.
◎ Symptoms  Severe skin irritation, itching, and irreversible blindness.
Senegal Hosts WHO GONE initiative
Snake Venom as a recreational drug
Recently, a YouTuber was booked by the Gautam Buddh Nagar (NOIDA)
police in a case of the sale of snake venom at rave parties in the National
Capital Region, Delhi.

● Snake venom is often used as a
recreational drug. Its smuggling is a multi-
million dollar illicit industry, Media
reports suggest.
● How snake venom is used: snakes were
deliberately made to bite on the
Snake Venom as a recreational drug

◎ Snakes like Cobras and Indian kraits were most commonly used
◎ According to a 2018 study, ‘Snake Venom Use as a Substitute for Opioids: A Case
Report and Review of Literature,’ published in the Indian Journal of Psychological
◎ Cobra venom is a form of a neurotoxin particularly, that binds on nicotinic
acetylcholine receptors (nAChRs) in the human brain.
◎ The neurotoxin nature of snake venom causes analgesia, or the inability to feel
◎ Moreover, once the venom enters human blood, it releases active metabolites like
serotonin that have “different psychotropic effects such as hypnotic and sedative.”
Aditya L1 Mission
The Aditya L1 solar probe mission by ISRO has captured its first high-energy
solar flare in X-ray.

● During its first observation period on
October 29, 2023, the High Energy L1
Orbiting X-ray Spectrometer (HEL1OS) on
board Aditya-L1 recorded the impulsive
phase of solar flares.
Aditya L1 Mission

◎ Consistency with NOAA's Data 

○ The data obtained from Aditya-L1's HEL1OS instrument is consistent with X-ray
light curves provided by NOAA's GOES satellite.
○ GOES, the "Geostationary Operational Environmental Satellite," is operated by
the United States National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA)
and supports various applications, including weather forecasting and storm
◎ HEL1OS Instrument 
○ HEL1OS is the hard X-ray spectrometer on the Aditya L1 mission.
○ It operates in the wide X-ray energy band between 10 and 150 keV, enabling
the study of solar flare activities on the Sun.
Aditya L1 Mission

◎ A solar flare is a tremendous explosion on the Sun that happens when energy
stored in 'twisted' magnetic fields (usually above sunspots) is suddenly released.
◎ Impact 
○ Solar flares produce high energy particles and radiation that are dangerous to
living organisms.
○ The most dangerous emissions from flares are energetic charged particles
(primarily high-energy protons) and electromagnetic radiation (primarily x-
World Health Organization (WHO) 2023 Global TB
India accounted for the highest number of tuberculosis (TB) cases in the
world in 2022, as revealed by the new World Health Organization (WHO)
2023 Global TB report.

● Causal Agent  Mycobacterium
● Bacille Calmette-Guérin (BCG) vaccine is
given to babies or small children to
prevent TB.
● Transmission  Airborne infection,
spreads through close contact in poorly
World Health Organization (WHO) 2023 Global TB report

◎ Symptoms of Active Lung TB 

○ Cough with sputum, sometimes containing blood
○ Chest pains
○ Weakness
○ Weight loss
○ Fever
○ Night sweats
◎ India’s Initiatives to Eliminate TB 
○ Under the Pradhan Mantri TB Mukt Bharat Abhiyan, India aims to eliminate TB
from the country by 2025 (5 years earlier than the global target of 2030).
○ The national strategic plan 2017-2025 sets the target of India reporting no more
than 44 new TB cases or 65 total cases per lakh population by 2025.
World Health Organization (WHO) 2023 Global TB report

◎ An online Ni-kshay portal has been set up to track the notified TB cases.
World's Largest Bank Hit by Ransomware Gang
the US branch of Industrial & Commercial Bank of China Ltd.(ICBC) is
suspected of being hacked by the ‘Lockbit’.

◎ ICBC, the world’s largest lender by assets, the attack
has resulted in disruptions across the US Treasury
◎ The prolific gang known as Lockbit is suspected to
have orchestrated a ransomware attack, just in the
past year — also attacked Boeing Co. and ION
Trading UK.
World's Largest Bank Hit by Ransomware Gang

◎ Lockbit, a criminal gang with ties to Russia, uses ransomware to encrypt files on its
victims’ computers, demanding payment to unlock them.
○ For example: Earlier, Lockbit threatened to release “sensitive data” belonging to
Boeing Co. if it didn’t pay a ransom.
◎ Recent Lockbit victims include Japan’s biggest maritime port (The Port of Nagoya),
the UK’s Royal Mail, California’s finance department and a Canadian children’s
World's Largest Bank Hit by Ransomware Gang

◎ Ransomware is a form of malware designed to encrypt files on a device, rendering
any files and the systems that rely on them unusable. Malicious actors then demand
ransom in exchange for decryption.
Thallium As A Murder Weapon
The cases of Poisoning by thallium as a murder weapon is increasing in

● Thallium is a chemical element with the
symbol Tl and atomic number 81. It is a a
soft, heavy, inelastic, gray post-transition
metal that is not found free in nature.
● Characteristics  Thallium is tasteless and
odourless and has been used by murder
as it is difficult to detect.
Thallium As A Murder Weapon

◎ Application  It is used in the manufacture of electronics, low temperature

thermometers, Optical lenses, and imitation precious jewels it also has use in some
chemical reactions and medical procedures.
◎ Ingestion (through food or drink) is an important route of exposure.
◎ It can also be absorbed into the body by inhalation and skin contact.
◎ The normal range of thallium in the body is between 0.15 to 0.36 units.
◎ Effects 
○ Adverse effects are usually delayed by 12 to 24 hours in acute poisoning and
reach their maximum by the second and third week after exposure (slow
Poisoning cases).
Thallium As A Murder Weapon
○ Hair loss is a classic symptom of thallium poisoning.
○ Transient nausea and vomiting are seen first, followed by painful sensation in
the arms/hands and legs/feet within 1 to 5 days(sometimes more)
○ Other Effects include rapid heart rate and high blood pressure; abnormal heart
rythms; respiratory failures; headache; seizures, delirium, and coma

◎ Prussian blue is a pill that can help remove radioactive cesium and thallium from
people's bodies.
◎ It traps radioactive cesium and thallium in the intestines and keeps them from
being reabsorbed by the body.
Thallium As A Murder Weapon

◎ It reduces the time that radioactive cesium and thallium stay in the body, it helps
limit the amount of time the body is exposed to radiation.
◎ Other Treatments  Hemodialysis and hemoperfusion are also used to remove
thallium from the bloodstream.
◎ At a later stage of the treatment additional potassium is used to mobilize thallium
from the tissue.
Cell Broadcast Alert System (CBAS)
Despite recent testing, the Cell Broadcast Alert System (CBAS) of the
National Disaster Management Authority (NDMA) failed to disseminate
mass alerts during natural disasters as intended.

● It is an emergency alert system designed
to provide real-time disaster alerts to
● Aim  It aims to enhance public safety
and provide timely alerts during
● Technology  It allows mobile operators
Cell Broadcast Alert System (CBAS)

◎ Common applications of CBAS  It includes delivering emergency alerts such as

severe weather warnings (eg, Tsunamis, Flash Floods, Earthquakes), public safety
messages, evacuation notices, and other critical information.
First Vaccine
India’s forHydrogen
Green Chikungunya Approved
The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) in the U.S. granted approval to the
world's first chikungunya vaccine on November 9.

● Manufacturer  Valneva (European)
● Vaccine Name  Ixchiq
● Eligibility  Individuals aged 18 or older
at an increased risk of chikungunya
● Vaccine Administration 
First Vaccine for Chikungunya Approved

◎ Chikungunya, is characterised by severe joint pain and impaired mobility, and
comes with fever.
◎ Transmission  It is a viral infection (CHIKV) transmitted primarily by the Aedes
aegypti and Aedes albopictus mosquitoes and has been described as “an
emerging global health threat.”
◎ Treatment  As of now, there is no cure, only symptomatic relief, with
analgesics to help with the pain, antipyretics for the fever, rest, and adequate
◎ Prevention  It includes mosquito control activities.
◎ Prevalent of Chikungunya  Brazil, Paraguay, India (as per the National Centre
for Vector Borne Diseases Control, India had 93,455 suspected chikungunya cases
The number of measles deaths worldwide increased by 43% from 2021-2022
according to a new assessment by the World Health Organization (WHO)
and the United States’ Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).

◎ It is a highly contagious disease caused by a virus.
◎ Measles is caused by a single-stranded, enveloped
RNA virus with 1 serotype.
◎ It is classified as a member of the genus
Morbillivirus in the Paramyxoviridae family.
◎ Humans are the only natural hosts of measles virus.

◎ Transmission  It spreads easily when an infected person breathes, coughs or

sneezes. It can cause severe disease, complications, and even death.
◎ Affects  Anyone but is most common in children and infects the respiratory tract
and then spreads throughout the body.
◎ Symptoms  Include a high fever, cough, runny nose and a rash all over the body.

◎ Safe and cost-effective vaccines are available and measles vaccination averted 56
million deaths between 2000 and 2021.
◎ The MMR vaccine protects against measles, mumps, and rubella. Measles can be
avoided with two vaccination doses.

◎ However, despite a little rise in vaccination coverage worldwide from 2021 to 2022,
33 million children were still not vaccinated against measles.
◎ In 2022, about 83% of the world’s children received their first dose of the measles
vaccine, the lowest since 2008.
◎ India’s Strategy  To eradicate measles by 2023, India has plans to vaccinate 95% of
the population with two doses of the measles vaccine under the Intensified Mission
Technical Textiles
Recently, a conference on technical textiles was organised by the
Confederation of Indian Industry(CII) and the Department of Textiles, Tamil

◎ Definition  Technical textiles are defined as textile
materials and products used primarily for their technical
performance and functional properties rather than their
aesthetic or decorative characteristics.
◎ Unlike conventional textiles used traditionally for clothing
or furnishing, technical textiles are used basically because
of their specific physical and functional properties and
mostly by other user industries.
Technical Textiles

◎ Alternative Terms  industrial textiles, functional textiles, performance textiles,

engineering textiles, invisible textiles and hi-tech textiles.
◎ Functional Characteristics  health & safety, cost-effectiveness, durability, high
strength, lightweight, versatility, customization; user-friendliness, eco-friendliness,
logistical convenience, etc.
◎ Types  Depending on the product characteristics, functional requirements and
end-use applications the highly diversified range of technical textiles is grouped into
12 segments.
○ Agrotech (Agro Textiles), Buildtech (Construction Textiles), Clothtech (Clothing
Textiles), Geotech (Geo Textiles), Hometech (Home Textiles), Indutech (Industrial
Textiles), Meditech (Medical Textiles), Mobiltech (Automotive Textiles), Packtech
(Packaging Textiles), Protech (Protective Textiles) And Sportech (Sports Textiles).
Technical Textiles

◎ Application  These textiles have diverse applications, spanning agriculture,

infrastructure (roads and railways), sportswear, healthcare, and even high-end uses
like bulletproof jackets and space exploration.

◎ Production Linked Incentive (PLI) Scheme for Textiles Sector  It aims to promote
the production of high-value Man-Made Fiber (MMF) fabrics, garments and
technical textiles.
◎ Harmonized System of Nomenclature (HSN) Codes for Technical Textile  In 2019,
the Government of India dedicated 207 HSN codes to technical textiles to help
monitor the data of import and export, in providing financial support and other
incentives to manufacturers.
Technical Textiles

◎ 100% FDI under Automatic Route  The Government of India allows 100% Foreign
Direct Investment (FDI) under the automatic route. International technical textile
manufacturers such as Ahlstrom, Johnson & Johnson, etc have already initiated
operations in India.
◎ Amended Technology Upgradation Fund Scheme  To improve exports and
indirectly promote investments in textile machinery.

◎ The National Technical Textile Mission launched three years ago, has been extended
till 2026.
◎ The focus of the Mission is to develop the usage of technical textiles in various
flagship missions and programs of the country including strategic sectors.
Technical Textiles

◎ The mission comprises four key components 

◎ Component I – Research, Innovation, and Development  This component has a
budget allocation of Rs. 1,000 Crores and focuses on two key areas:
○ Fundamental research at the fiber level, aiming to develop cutting-edge
technological products in areas such as Carbon Fiber, Aramid Fiber, Nylon Fiber,
and Composites.
○ Application-based research in sectors such as geo-textiles, agro-textiles,
medical textiles, mobile textiles, and sports textiles focuses on developing
biodegradable technical textiles.
◎ Component II – Promotion and Market Development  It aims to increase the
domestic market size to 40-50 billion USD by 2024 with an average growth rate of
15% to 20% per annum.
Technical Textiles

◎ Component III – Export Promotion  It also intends to achieve a 10% annual

increase in export growth up to 2023-24.
◎ Component IV – Education, Training, Skill Development  It aims to create a highly
skilled workforce to support the mission’s requirements.
AMR Awareness Week
The World Antimicrobial Resistance (AMR) Awareness Week to be observed
every year from November 18 to 24, 2023.

● It occurs when bacteria, viruses, fungi and
parasites change over time and no longer respond
to medicines making infections harder to treat
and increasing the risk of disease spread.
● Drug resistance in bacteria  For example, the
rate of resistance to ciprofloxacin, an antibiotic
commonly used to treat urinary tract infections,
varied from 8.4% to 92.9% for Escherichia coli and
AMR Awareness Week

◎ Drug resistance in virus  For example, All antiretroviral (ARV) drugs, including
newer classes, are at risk of becoming partly or fully inactive because of the
emergence of drug-resistant HIV (HIVDR).
○ People receiving antiretroviral therapy can acquire HIVDR, and people can also
be infected with HIV that is already drug resistant.
◎ As a result of drug resistance, antibiotics and other antimicrobial medicines
become ineffective and infections become increasingly difficult or impossible to
◎ How to raise awareness about AMR? 
○ Public education on the dangers of self-medication and the importance of
responsible antimicrobial use is vital in curbing this concerning trend and
preserving the effectiveness of antibiotics for future generations.
AMR Awareness Week

◎ Educating children on antimicrobial use instills responsible habits and attitudes

early on, shaping the behavior of future patients and caregivers.
○ The Delhi Society for the Prevention of Rational Use of Drugs (DSPRUD)
organized mass campaigns for two consecutive years in Delhi Schools,
supported by WHO, the Delhi Government, National Centre for Disease Control,
and a targeted initiative with ECHO India.

◎ Delhi Declaration on AMR  An inter-ministerial consensus was signed at the
launch of NAP-AMR, by the ministers of the ministries concerned pledging their
whole-hearted support in AMR containment.
AMR Awareness Week

◎ Red Line awareness campaign on AMR: It urges people not to use medicines
marked with a red vertical line, including antibiotics, without a doctor’s

👉 :
◎ The Global Antimicrobial Resistance and Use Surveillance System (GLASS)  GLASS
has been conceived to progressively incorporate data from surveillance of AMR in
◎ AMR Global Action Plan  AMR Global Action Plan was adopted at the WHO
World Health Assembly in 2015 and member states agreed to plan and finalize a
national action plan in each country.
Rare Metal Tantalum in Sutlej
IIT-Ropar researchers discovered rare metal viz. tantalum in Sutlej which is
used in electronics and semiconductors.

◎ Tantalum is a hard, lustrous transition metal that is
highly corrosion resistant.
◎ It has the symbol Ta and atomic number 73.
◎ Importance  The annual report of the Union
Ministry of Mines for 2020-21 identified it as one of
the 12 critical and strategic minerals.
Rare Metal Tantalum in Sutlej

◎ Production  Rwanda is one of the world’s largest producers of tantalum.

◎ Uses of Tantalum  It is widely used in electronic components, such as capacitors
and high power resistors, in the production of alloys and superalloys, in making high
refractive index glass, vacuum furnace parts and orthopedic material.
◎ Origin  The Satluj originates in the Rakas lake near Mansarovar at an altitude of
4,555 m in Tibet where it is known as Langchen Khambab.
◎ River Course  It flows almost parallel to the Indus for about 400 km before
entering India, and comes out of a gorge at Rupar.
○ It passes through the Shipki La on the Himalayan ranges and enters the Punjab
plains. It is an antecedent river.
Rare Metal Tantalum in Sutlej
○ It meets the Beas River in Harike-Patan in Punjab, India and flows to Pakistan to
join the Chenab River, creating the Panjnad River (Five Rivers Of Punjab).
◎ Length  The total length of the river is about 1550 km of which 529 km is in
◎ Tributaries  The Sutlej River has many tributaries, including Baspa, Beas, Nogli
Khad, Soan and Spiti.
◎ Significance  It is a very important tributary of Indus and it feeds the canal system
of the Bhakra Nangal project.
○ There are various hydroelectric power and irrigation projects over the river like
the Kol Dam, Bhakra Nangal Dam, Baspa Hydroelectric Power Project, and
Nathpa Jhakri Project.
Rare Metal Tantalum in Sutlej
Health Ministry releases draft National Pharmacy Commission Bill, 2023

The Ministry of Health and Family Welfare seeks public and stakeholder
comments on the proposed National Pharmacy Commission Bill, 2023.

◎ National Pharmacy Commission  The Bill proposes
to establish the National Pharmacy Commission and
repeal the Pharmacy Act, 1948.
◎ Enhancing Education and Access  Focus on
improving access to affordable, high-quality
pharmacy education.
◎ Ensures availability of pharmacy professionals
Health Ministry releases draft National Pharmacy Commission Bill, 2023

◎ Assessment and Registration  The Bill also calls for a periodic and transparent
assessment of pharmacy institutions and facilitating maintenance of a pharmacy
register for India.
◎ Ethics and Research Integration  Encourages pharmacy professionals to integrate
the latest research into their work.
○ Emphasizes contributions to research and upholding high ethical standards.
◎ Grievance Redressal Mechanism  Establishes an effective grievance redressal
mechanism for relevant matters.
◎ Commission Setup  Proposes the constitution of a commission with its head office
in Delhi.
Health Ministry releases draft National Pharmacy Commission Bill, 2023

◎ Flexibility and Transparency  Draft bill proposes flexibility to adapt to changing

○ Aims to ensure transparency through the Pharmacy Ethics and Registration
Board maintaining a National Pharmacy Register.
○ The Pharmacy Ethics and Registration Board shall maintain an online and live
National Pharmacy Register (NPR) containing the name, address, all recognised
qualifications possessed by a pharmacy professional and such other particulars
as may be specified by regulations.
◎ Digital Records and Timely Updates 
○ The Bill also proposes that every state chapter shall maintain and regularly
update, in digital form, the State Pharmacy Professional Register and the State
Pharmacy Register in the specified digital format.
Health Ministry releases draft National Pharmacy Commission Bill, 2023
○ State chapters needs to supply a digital and physical copy to the Pharmacy
Ethics and Registration Board/Commission within three months of the
commencement of the act.
Recently, the OpenAI board fired CEO, co-founder Sam Altman and
President Greg Brockman.

◎ Establishment  Founded in December 2015 as
a non-profit AI research organization.
◎ Mission  Develop artificial general
intelligence (AGI) that benefits humanity and
prevent tech monopolies.

◎ Founding Members and Funding 

○ Founding members include Sam Altman, Greg Brockman, Elon Musk, Reid
Hoffman, Amazon Web Services, Infosys, and others.
○ Collective pledge of $1 billion to advance AGI research.
◎ Evolution and Challenges 
○ Transition to For-Profit Model: In 2019, OpenAI transitions into two entities: a
capped-profit organization (OpenAI Global LLC) and a non-profit sole controlling
shareholder (OpenAI Inc).
○ Altman secures $1 billion in funding from Microsoft, facilitating the
commercialization of OpenAI's technology.
◎ Breakout with ChatGPT  OpenAI gains prominence with the release of ChatGPT,
based on the GPT-3.5 architecture.
○ Over a million people sign up for the free preview within the first five days.
○ A GPT is a neural network, or a machine learning model, which functions like a
human brain and is trained on input, such as large data sets, to produce outputs,
meaning answers to users’ questions.
25th Year of International Space Station
With more than 1,40,000 Earth orbits, the International Space Station (ISS)
has recently completed 25 years.

◎ ISS  It is a multi-nation construction project and

its main construction was completed between
1998 and 2011.
◎ According to the European Space Agency (ESA), it is
a co-operative programme between Europe,
United States, Russia, Canada and Japan, .
25th Year of International Space Station

◎ Orbit  The space station orbits in low Earth orbit (LEO) at an altitude of
approximately 430 kilometers, with its orbital path taking it over 90% of the Earth's
◎ Average Speed  The ISS circles Earth every 90 minutes at a speed of 8 kilometers
per second.
◎ Launch  The first segment of the ISS viz. Zarya Control Module was Russian and
launched November 20, 1998. The ISS was completed over the course of 42 assembly
◎ Scientific Discoveries on the ISS  There have been discoveries to benefit drug
development, new water purification systems, methods to mitigate muscle and
bone atrophy and those that have led innovations in food production.
25th Year of International Space Station

◎ Uncertainty in Future Operation  Plans for the future operation of the ISS became
uncertain with the start of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine in early 2022.
◎ Deorbiting ISS  The ISS is scheduled to end its lifetime in 2030. NASA, Canadian
Space Agency, and European Space Agency have committed to operating the space
station till 2030.
○ Russian space agency Roscosmos has committed to the space station only till
○ NASA has requested ideas from the US aerospace industry to build the “US
Deorbit Vehicle” (USDV) focused on the final deorbit activity.
in illnesses,
Greenpneumonia clusters in China
Hydrogen Partnerships
The World Health Organization has made an official request to China for
information about a potentially worrying spike in respiratory illnesses and
clusters of pneumonia in children.

● Pneumonia is a general medical term used
to describe an infection and inflammation
of the lungs.
● It can be caused by many different viruses,
bacteria or fungi.
● Streptococcus pneumoniae is the most
common cause of bacterial pneumonia in
Rise in illnesses, pneumonia clusters in China

◎ Symptoms tend to include chest pain, coughing, fever and fatigue.

◎ Available Vaccine 
○ Pneumococcal Conjugate Vaccine: It was introduced by Govt. of India in 2017 in
a phased manner across the most affected five states of India viz., Bihar,
Himachal Pradesh, Madhya Pradesh, Rajasthan and Uttar Pradesh.
○ Thereafter, the PCV under the Universal Immunization Programme (UIP) has
been expanded throughout the country.
◎ Disease Burden  Pneumonia accounts for 14% of all deaths of children under 5
years old
◎ Initiatives Related to Pneumonia 
○ Social Awareness and Action to Neutralize Pneumonia Successfully (SAANS)
Rise in illnesses, pneumonia clusters in China
○ Integrated Action Plan for Prevention and Control of Pneumonia and Diarrhoea
○ WHO and UNICEF had launched Global Action Plan for Pneumonia and
Diarrhoea (GAPPD)
Rise in illnesses, pneumonia clusters in China

◎ Founded in 1948, WHO is the United Nations’ specialized agency for Health.
◎ Headquarters  Geneva, Switzerland.
◎ Objectives 
○ Lead global efforts to expand universal health coverage.
○ Focus on the areas of disease prevention, control and elimination, and the
promotion of health and well-being.
◎ Funding  WHO gets its funding from two main sources: Member States paying
their assessed contributions (countries’ membership dues), and voluntary
contributions from Member States and other partners.
Rise in illnesses, pneumonia clusters in China

◎ The International Health Regulations (2005), or IHR (2005), represents a binding
international legal agreement involving 196 countries across the globe, including all
the Member States of WHO.
○ Aim: to help the international community prevent and respond to acute public
health risks that have the potential to cross borders and threaten people
◎ Public health emergency of international concern  A PHEIC is defined in the IHR
(2005) as, “an extraordinary event which is determined to constitute a public
health risk to other States through the international spread of disease and to
potentially require a coordinated international response”
Rise in illnesses, pneumonia clusters in China

◎ The Emergency Committee is made up of international experts who provide

technical advice to the WHO Director-General in the context of a “public health
emergency of international concern” (PHEIC).
◎ The Director-General makes the final determination of a PHEIC and Temporary
Recommendations to address the situation.
Gene Therapy
India’s for Sickle Partnerships
Green Hydrogen Cell Disease

Recently, The UK drug regulator approved a gene therapy (Casgevy) to cure

sickle cell disease and thalassemia, a landmark breakthrough.

● This is the first licensed therapy in the
world based on gene editing technology
● It is a one-time therapy that edits the
faulty gene that leads to these blood
disorders, potentially curing the person for
Gene Therapy for Sickle Cell Disease

◎ How does the therapy work? 

○ Errors in the hemoglobin gene cause both sickle cell disease and thalassemia.
○ The therapy uses the patient’s own blood stem cells, which are precisely edited
using Crispr-Cas9.
○ The therapy targets a gene called BCL11A, which is crucial for switching from
fetal to adult hemoglobin.
○ The therapy uses the body’s mechanisms to produce more foetal hemoglobin,
alleviating the symptoms of the two conditions.
◎ How is the therapy prepared and given?
◎ Apheresis  The first step is extracting blood stem cells from the bone marrow
and filtering the blood for different components.
Gene Therapy for Sickle Cell Disease

◎ Harvesting and Editing  The cells are then sent to the manufacturing site, which
takes about six months to be edited and tested.
◎ Conditioning  Before a transplant with the edited cells, the doctor gives a
conditioning medicine for a few days to clear the bone marrow of other cells that
will be replaced by the modified cells.
◎ Transplantation  The patient has to stay in the hospital for at least a month so
that the edited cells reside in the bone marrow and start making red blood cells
with normal haemoglobin.
◎ Haemoglobin  a protein in the red blood cells that carries oxygen to organs and
◎ Foetal Haemoglobin, naturally present in everyone at birth, does not carry the
same abnormalities as adult haemoglobin.
Gene Therapy for Sickle Cell Disease

◎ Side effects  similar to those associated with autologous

stem cell transplants, including nausea, fatigue, fever and
increased risk of infection.

◎ Genetic Disorder  The genetic error in sickle cell disease
leads to red blood cells assuming a crescent shape. (See
◎ Unlike the disc-shaped normal cells, the sickle-like cells
cannot move around easily in the vessels, resulting in blocked
blood flow.
Gene Therapy for Sickle Cell Disease

◎ Effects  severe pain, life-threatening infections, anemia, or a stroke.

◎ Prelevance in India  An estimated 30,000-40,000 children in India are born with
the disorder every year.
◎ Symptoms  The symptoms manifest in people who inherit a pair of damaged
genes from both parents. Those who carry only one copy of the gene from one
parent can lead a normal life.

◎ Thalassemia is an inherited (i.e., passed from parents to children through genes)
blood disorder caused when the body doesn’t make enough of a protein called
Gene Therapy for Sickle Cell Disease

◎ Thalassaemia leads to low levels of haemoglobin and shows symptoms like fatigue,
nausea, shortness of breath, and irregular heartbeats.
◎ People with the condition need blood transfusions throughout their life. The
transfusions also lead to excess iron accumulation in the body, which needs
◎ India also has the largest number of children with thalassaemia major in the world
about 1-1.5 lakh.
Try this PYQ 2018

Consider the following pairs:

Terms sometimes seen in news Context/Topic
1. Belle II experiment — Artificial Intelligence
2. Blockchain technology — Digital/Cryptocurrency
3. CRISPR – Cas9 — Particle Physics
Which of the pairs given above is/are correctly matched?
(a) 1 and 3 only
(b) 2 only
(c) 2 and 3 only
(d) 1, 2 and 3
Try this PYQ 2018

Answer (b
NASA Spacecraft Fired A Laser At Earth
NASA’s Psyche spacecraft fired a communication laser to Earth from about
16 million kilometres away, demonstrating an important technology DSOC
(Deep Space Optical Communications) that could define the future of
communication in space.
◎ High-bandwidth optical communications  The
Psyche Spacecraft is the first to carry a DSOC
transceiver and will test high-bandwidth optical
communications to Earth.
◎ Lunar Laser Communications  In 2013, NASA’s
Lunar Laser Communications Demonstration tested
record-breaking uplink and downlink data rates
between Earth and the Moon using similar
NASA Spacecraft Fired A Laser At Earth

◎ Communications into Deep space  DSOC, however, is taking optical

communications into deep space, paving the way for high-bandwidth
communications far beyond the Moon and over 1,000 times farther than any
optical communications test.
◎ Like wireless communications on Earth, spacecraft encode data on various bands of
electromagnetic frequencies.
◎ Use of Radio Wave  Currently, most space communication uses radio waves with
the highest wavelengths but lowest frequencies in the electromagnetic spectrum.
◎ Radio waves are more widely used for space communication because of their
desirable propagation properties and large wavelength compared to other
electromagnetic waves.
NASA Spacecraft Fired A Laser At Earth

◎ Properties of Radio Wave  the ability to pass through the atmosphere regardless
of weather, pass through foliage and most building materials, and bend around

◎ Aim  To study a metal-rich asteroid with the same name, located in the main
asteroid belt between Mars and Jupiter.

◎ The DSOC is a new laser communication technology that encodes data in photons
at near-infrared wavelengths to communicate between a probe in deep space and
NASA Spacecraft Fired A Laser At Earth

◎ This allows the spacecraft to communicate more data in a given amount of time.
○ DSOC will allow data rates at least ten times higher than radio
telecommunications systems of comparable size and power.
◎ Benefits  DSOC can send scientific information, high-definition imagery, and
streaming video to support humanity’s next giant leap: sending humans to Mars.
Plants can Listen Damage to Other Plants
Plants release a group of compounds called green leaf volatiles (GLVs) into
the air when they are injured, serving as a warning to other plants about
the proximity of danger.

◎ Plants employ through a series of molecular
◎ These reactions activate when a plant sustains
damage, leading to the release of green leaf
volatiles (GLVs) as by-products.
◎ Plants, by initiating a defense response, can render
themselves less palatable or even indigestible to
insect attackers.
Plants can Listen Damage to Other Plants

◎ The molecular reaction is mediated by calcium, a common mediator of chemical and

electrical signals found throughout biology.
◎ Experimental Setup 
○ Scientist inserted a gene into mustard plants, causing them to glow when
flooded with calcium.
○ Under a special microscope, the mutant plants lit up in response to touch,
cutting, or being eaten by a caterpillar.

◎ Potential Applications  Consideration for pesticide-free pest control by leveraging
plants' internal defense responses.
◎ GLVs could activate plants' defenses, protecting crops naturally.
Plants can Listen Damage to Other Plants

◎ Implications for Agriculture 

○ GLVs may play a role in mitigating pest damage to crops.
○ Understanding specific compounds inducing defenses against particular pests is

◎ It explains how certain plants emit dangerous substances known as allelochemicals,
which have the ability to kill nearby plants.
◎ Allelochemicals produced by allelopathic plants might be concealed in their stems,
leaves, flowers, or even roots. But the best sites for allelopathic plants to store their
allelochemicals are in their leaves.
Plants can Listen Damage to Other Plants
Guidelines to Make AI Secure by Design
In a recent development, 18 countries have expressed support for new
global guidelines aimed at ensuring that artificial intelligence (AI) secure by
design, thereby elevating the cybersecurity standards for AI.

◎ Guidelines  Formulated by the UK’s National Cyber
Security Centre (NCSC) and the US’s Cybersecurity and
Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA).
◎ Signatories  US, UK, France, Germany, Australia,
Canada, Norway, Israel, Japan, South Korea,
Singapore, Italy, New Zealand, Poland, Chile, Czechia,
Estonia and Nigeria.
Guidelines to Make AI Secure by Design
○ The pact covers all G7 countries.
◎ Nature  The agreement is not legally binding and primarily consists of broad
recommendations, including the monitoring of AI systems for potential misuse,
safeguarding data against tampering, and thoroughly assessing software suppliers.
◎ Coverage  The guidelines deal with secure design, development, deployment,
operation and maintenance of AI systems.
○ These encompass evaluating and modeling threats, preventing attacks on AI
systems, establishing incident management procedures, responsibly releasing
models, monitoring the system, and ensuring security by design in system
◎ Aim  The objective is to enhance the cybersecurity standards of artificial
intelligence, providing assistance to AI developers in making well-informed
cybersecurity decisions at every stage of their development process.
Guidelines to Make AI Secure by Design

◎ Significance  This is a first-of-its-kind global agreement on AI cybersecurity issues.

India’s Green Optic Cables
Along with quantum optics, fibre optic communication stands on the point
of transition to a new era.

● These are made of thin cylindrical strands
of glass. The diameter of a typical fibre is
close to the diameter of a human hair.
● Function  These fibres can carry
information, such as text, images, voices,
videos, telephone calls, and anything that
can be encoded as digital information,
Fibre Optic Cables

◎ Optical waves allow a high data-transmission rate.

◎ Unlike radio or copper-cable-based communication, fibre cables are also
insensitive to external perturbations such as lightning and bad weather.
◎ Uses  Fibre optics technology has been widely used in telecommunication,
medical science, laser technology, and sensing.
◎ Fragility  Ultra-thin fibres seem very fragile but when manufactured correctly,
they become strong, light, and flexible, and ideal to be buried underground, drawn
underwater, or bent around a spool.
◎ Development  In India, the Fibre Optics Laboratory at the Central Glass and
Ceramic Research Institute, Kolkata, has a facility to manufacture high-quality
silica-based optical fibres.
Fibre Optic Cables

◎ Working of Fibre Optic Cables:

◎ A fibre optic communication system consists of three parts:
○ Transmitter encodes information into optical signals.
○ Optical fibre carries the signal to its destination.
○ Receiver reproduces the information from the encoded signal.
◎ Light is an electromagnetic wave with a spectrum of frequencies.
◎ When a beam of light falls on a glass surface, it passes through partially while the
rest is reflected away.
◎ When it passes through, its path bends because the refractive index of glass is
different from that of air.
○ The refractive index is the property of a medium that determines how fast light
can travel in it.
Fibre Optic Cables

◎ Total Internal Reflection  When a beam travels from glass to air, it’s possible that
it won’t enter the air and it will be completely reflected back within the glass.
○ This phenomenon is the basis of guiding light across long distances without a
significant loss of optical power.
Indian Cyber Crime Coordination Centre (I4C)
Government Urges Financial Institutions to register with the Citizen
Financial Cyber Fraud Reporting and Management System (CFCFRMS)
platform, developed by the Indian Cyber Crime Coordination Centre (I4C).

◎ It is an initiative of the Ministry of Home Affairs to
deal with cybercrime in the country in a coordinated
and comprehensive manner.
◎ It was approved in October 2018.
Indian Cyber Crime Coordination Centre (I4C)

◎ Objectives of I4C 
○ To act as a nodal point to curb Cybercrime in the country.
○ To strengthen the fight against Cybercrime committed against women and
○ Facilitate easy filing of cybercrime-related complaints and identify Cybercrime
trends and patterns.
○ To act as an early warning system for Law Enforcement Agencies for proactive
Cybercrime prevention and detection.
○ Create awareness among the public about preventing cybercrime.
○ Assist States/UTs in capacity building of Police Officers, Public Prosecutors and
Judicial Officers in the area of cyber forensics, investigation, cyber hygiene, cyber-
criminology, etc.
Indian Cyber Crime Coordination Centre (I4C)

◎ It has seven components 

○ National Cyber Crime Threat Analytics Unit
○ National Cyber Crime Reporting Portal
○ National Cyber Crime Training Centre
○ Cyber Crime Ecosystem Management Unit
○ National Cyber Crime Research and Innovation Centre
○ National Cyber Crime Forensic Laboratory Ecosystem
○ Platform for Joint Cyber Crime Investigation Team.
Indian Cyber Crime Coordination Centre (I4C)

◎ A financial institution (FI) is a company that deals with financial and monetary
◎ The FIs consist of retail and commercial banks, internet banks, credit unions,
savings and loan associations, investment banks and companies, brokerage firms,
insurance companies, and mortgage companies.
Indian Astronaut to Join ISS Crew in 2024
The National Aeronautics and Space Administration (Nasa) and the Indian
Space Research Organisation (ISRO) will collaborate to place an Indian
astronaut on the International Space Station(ISS) by 2024.

◎ US Senator visit to India  The partnership between
NASA and the ISRO was announced by the US senator
Bill Nelson during his visit to India.
○ The visit follows the signing of the Initiative on
Critical and Emerging Technologies (iCET) treaty
by India and US expanding collaboration on
emerging space technologies.
Indian Astronaut to Join ISS Crew in 2024

◎ The iCET seeks to position India and US as “trusted technology partners” to build
supply chains and support the co-production and co-development of items.
◎ Human space flight collaboration  A joint working group on human spaceflight
collaboration has been established by ISRO and NASA to collaborate on human space
flight missions and other space research projects.
◎ NISAR  The India-US space collaboration will also work on the Nasa-Isro Synthetic
Aperture Radar (Nisar).
◎ The satellite's capabilities were integrated at NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL)
in California and testing is currently taking place at the U.R. Rao Satellite Centre in
Indian Astronaut to Join ISS Crew in 2024

◎ NASA-ISRO SAR (NISAR) is a Low Earth Orbit (LEO) observatory being jointly
developed by NASA and ISRO.
◎ Purpose  NISAR will map the entire globe in 12 days and provide spatially and
temporally consistent data for understanding changes in Earth’s ecosystems.
◎ Radar  It uses dual-band Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) with bands L and S to
capture high-resolution data across wide areas.
◎ Payload  NASA is responsible for providing the L-Band SAR payload system and
the ISRO will supply the S-Band SAR payload.
◎ Launch vehicle  NISAR will be launched into orbit by the Launch Vehicle Mark-
Indian Astronaut to Join ISS Crew in 2024

◎ LVM3 is a three-stage medium-lift launch vehicle developed by the Indian Space

Research Organisation (ISRO).

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