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Subject: Advanced English 1 - Speaking

Name: Nguyễn Thùy Linh

Student Number: 2312280032
Class: Anh 01 - CTTTQT


Big Tech layoffs have rattled the workforce, with companies like Meta, Twitter, Lyft,
Coinbase and Netflix all letting go a chunk of their staff. And unfortunately, they’re
not alone. Many giants in industries like banking, real estate, food services,
advertising, and retail have, or are planning to, cut their companies’ headcounts amid
inflation and a potential impending economic downturn, leaving workers to pick up
the pieces.

According to Fana Yohannes, communications lead at Instagram and founder of

Here2Help, a job search and mentorship community, reentering the workforce after a
layoff can be tough at first, but entering “preparation and planning mode” is a key step
to bouncing back.

“Not only are there so many talented people who are considered free agents in this
tech industry right now. There are so many hiring freezes that people are up against,”
Yohannes tells CNBC Make It. “Companies are canceling job postings [on top of]
going through layoffs. So it’s like, almost everywhere you look, it feels like nowhere
is safe.”

CNBC Make It spoke with Yohannes to find her best tips for recovering after being
laid off, based on her insights as the founder of Here2Help:

‘Don’t sleep on virtual events’

Though many companies and professional networking events have returned to
in-person operations, hybrid and remote events are still available, and Yohannes
recommends you leverage them.

“What I love about virtual events is if you really connect with someone, like a
speaker, chances are you can shoot them a LinkedIn message or an Instagram DM or
follow them and have a closer connection with them,” she says.

“As we’re approaching the holidays right now, when people’s travel schedules might
be a little bit tight, I think a virtual event is a really great way to get inspired and learn
about different job leads and opportunities without even having to leave your home.”
Be open and honest about your job status
Not only is being laid off a huge blow professionally, but it can also ruin someone’s
self-esteem. And given that most people opt to share their career highs with their
network, Yohannes suggests that people get just as candid about their career lows.

“LinkedIn is kind of like our first go-to platform when it comes to professional
networking,” Yohannes explains. “But if you’re really dedicated to being open and
transparent about where you are currently on your job search, I think it’s so important
to let people know that you’re available for hire across all of your platforms.”

“Don’t be afraid to do things like update your social media stories daily. Whether it’s
different memes that you’re seeing about being available for hire, different resources
that you’ve come across or even just an update on your unemployment … those spark
the best conversations.”

Take care of yourself

Reentering the job market means opening yourself to critiques, judgments and tough
conversations. And if you haven’t taken the time to nurture your mental health, those
situations can be even more triggering.

Yohannes says it’s okay to take some time off before searching for a new role.

“Whatever happens happens, but taking care of yourself is still going to be the number
one most important thing during this time,” she says. “Take a week or two to mourn or
just be frustrated by the outcome of what just happened to you.”

Yohannes also wants individuals recovering from a layoff to know that there is a light
at the end of the tunnel.

“In any given situation, but especially with a layoff, although it hurts and it really does
not feel good, receiving this as a redirection versus a setback is what’s probably going
to be most helpful for people,” Yohannes says. “This moment in time doesn’t define
who you are, but it will define who you are becoming.”
1. Opening
Welcome to today’s presentation about things to do that can help you bounce
back from a layoff. Our presentation will be divided in 3 sections according to
3 recommendations we have today and I will welcome all questions after this

2. Body
To start with, the first advice is not to sleep on virtual events. Since many
companies have returned to in-person operations and hybrid and remote events,
you should leverage them to learn about different job leads and opportunities
without even having to leave your home.

Let’s turn out to another point to consider, that is to be open and honest about
your job status. When you let people know that you’re available for hire and
try to update your social media stories daily, people are likely to spark
conversations with you and that aids in finding job opportunities.

Last but not least, to end my presentation today, I strongly remind all of you to
take care of yourselves. Remember, there is always a light at the end of a
tunnel; it might hurt but treating this as a redirection versus a setback is what’s
probably going to be most helpful for most of you. Also, having your mental
health well-prepared will be helpful as well when you reenter the job market.

3. Ending
That is everything in today's presentation about 3 ways to recover from a
lay-off. And the following 5 minutes will be for questions. Thank you for

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