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Job interview techniques that

will get you hired: the essentials

Hello there!

Thank you for checking out our Skillshare class on job interview techniques. We’re really excited to share all of our
tips and tricks with you, to help you land that dream job!

So, why should you listen to us?

We’re Hitmarker, the world’s leading esports and video game job platform, with over 11,000 live jobs at the time of
writing. Not only are we the largest jobs board for the industry, but we’re also experts in job applications and career
advice in general, having spoken to plenty of companies and individuals who hire in the space. You can trust what
we’re telling you is up-to-date, modern advice, and it’s our job to help you get hired!

While we operate in the gaming and esports scene, our advice can be translated to any area, and we’ve made sure
to use general terminology and suggestions to ensure that whether you’re looking at jobs in game development or
investment banking, this course will set you up for success.

The guy on your screen for this series is Will, our Customer and Event Manager. He leads our candidate support
services, as well as hosting classes and talks on how to get yourself hired. He’s also the one writing the three
handouts for this class (so yes, he is using the third person right now and feeling very awkward about doing so),
but they’ve been edited by several members of the Hitmarker team to make sure you’re getting the best information

So, from all of us at Hitmarker, thank you again for checking out this Skillshare class!

Job interview techniques that will get you hired: the essentials

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