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PSY 306 Ethical Principles in Psychology
2022-2023 Spring
Compulsory - 6 AKTS
The person who created the document: Elif Emir Öksüz (

Date of preparation: 21 February 2023

Aim of this course: The aim of this course is to present basic information on ethical
principles of Turkish Psychological Association; awareness on possible ethical issues they
would face throughout their career and help them develop insight on solving possible ethical

Prerequisites: NA

Course Time and Place: Mondays 14.45-17.35 / Thursdays 09.55-12.45 Online

Office Hours: By Appointment


At the end of this course students will be;

1. Familiar with ethical guidelines in psychology

2. Able to articulate major ethical issues faced by various stakeholders
3. Aware of personal values and life experiences that affect the helping process
4. Able to have a clear understanding of the difference between legal and ethical standards
5. Able to develop a personal mechanism for resolving ethical dilemmas

Contributions of the class:

P1=5, P2=2, P3=3, P4=3, P5=5, P6=4, P7=2, P8=3, P9=4, P10=5, P11=3, P12=5, P13=2,
P14=3, P15=4, P16=4, P17=4

See explanatıons below for further ınformatıon.

1. Koocher, G. P. & Keith-Spiegel, P. (2016). Ethics in psychology and the mental health
professions: Standards and cases (4th ed.). Oxford University Press.
2. The European Federation of Psychologists Associations Meta Code of Ethics

3. Türk Psikologlar Derneği Etik Yönetmeliği

4. Türk Psikologlar Derneği Etik Süreç Yönetmeliği

5. American Psychology Association Ethical principles of psychologists and code of


6. APA Guidelines for Practitioners

Disability Policy:

If you have a documented disability (e.g. visual, hearing, or physical impairment, etc.) that may
influence your performance in this course, it is recommended to meet with the Engelsiz AYBU
universite-birimi-yonergesi.html) to arrange for reasonable conditions (such as
accommodation, etc.) to ensure an equitable opportunity to meet all the requirements of this
course. You may also contact the local authority of the Faculty of Humanities and Social
Sciences. You should communicate your needs to the course instructor as soon as possible to
ensure that any course needs concerning exams, lecture materials, etc. are met.

Ethical autobiography Part 1: 5%

Ethical autobiography Part 2: 5%

Code of Ethics Review (Group of 3) : 15%

Ethical Decision Making (Group of 5) : 50%

Final: 25%

Grading Components:

I. Ethical autobiography

Ethical autobiography Part 1: 5%

Ethical autobiography Part 2: 5%

Your awareness on personal ethics will be very important for your future professional life.
Thus, throughout the semester, you will be asked to answer several questions that will
help you to reflect on your sense of right and wrong. You are expected to answer these
questions between classes and collect your answers on a single document and submit this
document as an assignment at the end of the semester. The answers you give to these
questions will not be graded but you will use these answers for the “ethical
autobiography” assignment.

For this assignment, you are expected to write your own ethical autobiography, which will
include your reflections on your sense of right and wrong, how it has been developed over
the years, and how it is changed with the new things you learn in the class. Each student is
expected to submit two papers for this assignment. The first paper will focus on the
development of your sense of ethics over the years and will include your answers to the
following questions:
• What are some of your specific beliefs about right and wrong? Where do these
beliefs come from? Have you always held the same beliefs, or did they develop
over time? Did you ever have to modify your beliefs? Who are some people
• Who helped teach you right from wrong? How did those people teach you?
• What were some specific experiences that helped teach you right from wrong?
• What specific lessons did these experiences teach you?

Please do not write in Q-A format. Adopt a well-flowing discussion based critical writing

The second paper, on the other hand, will focus on the relationship between personal
ethics and professional ethics, which you will learn throughout this semester. Thus, you
are expected to write the second paper, in which you explain how your personal ethics is
influenced by the material covered in this class with the support of your in-class writing
assignments. First of all, please go back and read your first paper, then write your second
paper. Answer the following questions:

• When you read your first paper with the knowledge and awareness you gained during
the semester, what do you think and feel about your first writing?
• How has this course influenced your future behaviour personally?
• How has this course influenced your professional future behaviour as a psychology

Please do not write in Q-A format. Adopt a well-flowing discussion based critical writing
style. While writing these two papers, please make sure that you avoid generic statements
and provide specific examples and connections from your own past experiences and your
own learning during this course. The papers are expected to be 1-2 pages (double-spaced,
Times New Roman, 12-point font), and both papers will account for 5% of your total
grade each.

II. Code of Ethics Review (Group of 3): 15%

For this assignment you are expected to review resource #2, 3, 4, 5 and 6. Then answer the
following questions:

1. What is the purpose and coverage of this document and who is the intended reader?
(Write a short paragraph for each document which is around 150 words for each
2. Compare and contrast code of ethics of TPD and APA by considering resource #3, 4, 5
and 6. Write a paragraph indicating similarities and differences. Keep this paragraph
around 300 words.

3. Evaluate appropriateness of the Türk Psikologlar Derneği Etik Yönetmeliği for The
European Federation of Psychologists Associations Meta Code of Ethics. Explaine why or
why not it meets the criteria. Keep this paragraph around 250 words.

4. Imagine that APA, with its current code of ethics, is applying to be evaluated for the
appropriateness of for The European Federation of Psychologists Associations Meta Code
of Ethics. Write a short evaluation about its status. Indicate whether it meets the criteria
for the meta code of ethics. Explaine why or why not. Keep this paragraph around 250

III. Ethical Decision Making (Group of 5): 50%

After ethical principles and ethical decision-making process are covered in the class, you
will be given different cases with ethical dilemmas in the end. For this assignment, you
are expected to choose one of these cases, answer questions associated with the case you
choose and explain what steps you would take if you were the psychologist in the case by
using the ethical decision-making model presented in the class or a different model you
would select. Explain your decisions. While you are working on this assignment, please
make sure that you reflect on what personal characteristics might ease or harden the
ethical decision-making process for you and mention about these in your paper. You will
bring your paper to class to discuss the ways to solve the dilemmas and consult each other
as you would do in real life. This paper is expected to be 6-8 pages (double-spaced, Times
New Roman, 12-point font) and will account for 45% of your final grade. Cover page and
citations reference pages are not included in the page limits. Your discussion performance
in the class will be graded as well (5%)


1. Identification of the Dilemma: The team clearly identified the ethical dilemma(s)
including conflicting factors, dimensions, and variables included in the professional
quandary. The dilemma was described in relationship to ethical standards, laws, and
professional ideas or aspirations. (10 points)
2. Proposed Ethical Action: The team proposed action it would take including having:
(a) clearly articulated professional interventions; (b) persuasive justification for proposed
action; and (c) a description of the professionally recognized decision-making model or
process used to arrive at decisions. (10 points)

3. Use of APA and TPD Code of Ethics: The team cited appropriate sections of the Code
of Ethics and, if appropriate, other ethical guidelines considered in rendering their
arguments. In addition, the team provided a clear rationale regarding selected sections of
the Code of Ethics and any other ethical guidelines cited. (10 points)

4. Use of the Proposed Model: The steps of the group's decision-making model were
clearly followed and skillfully applied to the case. (10 points)

5. Overall: A thorough yet concise paper addressing details of the case and (a) the case
study included proper citation of sources throughout the paper and in the reference list;
and (b) paper was well organized and written, and information was presented clearly and
concisely, c) the paper cited the appropriate scholarly literature relevant to solving the
ethical dilemma. (5 points)

6. Class presentation: The group presented their ethical decission making steps properly
to the other students and created a supportive discussion environment.

IV. Final Exam: 25%

At the end of the semester there will be one final exam. The exam will cover all the topics
in this semester and the questions will be based on lectures, class discussions, and
assigned readings. The exam will include multiple -choice questions.
Weekly Schedule

1 Introduction
2 Being Ethical/ General Principles CH1/ Do Ethical
autobiography Part 1
3 Code of Conduct & Ethical Decision CH17,18/ Do Code of
Making Ethics Review
4 Competence & Advertising CH2,11
5 Human Relations-Diversity CH5
6 Human Relations-Multiple Relations CH8,9
7 Privacy & Confidentiality CH6
8 Assessment & Therapy CH3,4,7
9 Midterm Midterm
10 Training & Research CH10,16
11 Student Presentations Do Ethical Decision
12 Student Presentations
13 Student Presentations
14 Student Presentations
15 Student Presentations Do Ethical
autobiography Part 2

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