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“The Influence of Streaming Platforms on the Film Industry”

Lecturer :

Safira Faizah S.TR.KOM, M.IT

Created by :

Jihan Atikah Septiani


Jl. Boulevard Grand Depok City No.123, Tirtajaya Kec.Sukmajaya,
Telp.8462316 Fax.8463692, Website: Kota Depok 16412
The Influence of Streaming Platforms on the Film Industry


In this era, the movie industry is experiencing significant changes due to the impact of digital
technology. Technological developments have transformed the way films are made,
distributed, and consumed. The rise of streaming platforms has revolutionized the film
industry, offering a new way for audiences to access and watch movies. The availability of
streaming platforms has increased the demand for content, leading to an abundance of movies
being produced and released.Streaming platforms have also disrupted the traditional
distribution model, allowing for direct-to-consumer releases and bypassing the traditional
theatrical exhibition. Furthermore, streaming platforms have given rise to a new era of
"binge-watching," where audiences can consume entire seasons or series in one sitting. This
shift towards streaming platforms has had a profound impact on the economics of the film
industry. Filmmakers and studios now have to adapt their strategies to cater to the streaming
audience, including creating content specifically for these platforms. Additionally, the
streaming model has also changed the metrics of success in the movie industry. Instead of
relying solely on box office numbers, the success of a film is often measured by its
viewership and engagement on streaming platforms.Digital special effects have become
increasingly prevalent in today's film industry, thanks to the development of industry trends
and the improvement of audience aesthetics. Filmmakers are utilizing digital special effects
to enhance storytelling and create immersive cinematic experiences .

This shift towards digital special effects has significantly influenced the viewers evaluation of
a film, as the visual effects play a crucial role in shaping their perception and enjoyment of
the film . In this era, the film industry is being greatly influenced by digital technology. There
is a growing trend of filmmakers using digital special effects in their films to enhance
storytelling and create more visually impactful experiences for audiences .

The use of digital special effects has become a common practice in the film industry, driven
by the desire to engage and captivate audiences through technological innovation . Digital
special effects have become an integral part of the film industry in this era, allowing
filmmakers to create visually stunning and immersive experiences for audiences . In this era,
the movie industry has been revolutionized by streaming platforms, which have not only
increased the demand for content but also disrupted the traditional distribution In this era, the
movie industry is undergoing a significant transformation due to the rise of streaming

The film industry in this era is characterized by the increasing prominence of digital special
effects, the influence of streaming platforms on content creation and distribution, and the
emphasis on audience engagement and metrics of success. The movie industry in this era is
marked by the widespread adoption of digital special effects, the shift towards streaming
platforms for content distribution, and a focus on creating visually stunning and immersive
experiences for audiences. In this era, the film industry is experiencing a shift towards digital
special effects and the rise of streaming platforms.

The Rise of Streaming Platforms

The rise of streaming platforms has revolutionized the entertainment industry, providing
viewers with unprecedented access to diverse content. The convenience factor has been a
significant driver of the industry’s growth. Video streaming platforms have revolutionized the
way we watch television and movies by providing viewers with the freedom to watch what
they want, when they want. The global expansion of video streaming has also been a crucial
aspect of its growth. As internet penetration continues to increase worldwide, more and more
people are gaining access to streaming platforms, opening up new markets and opportunities
for content creators and streaming services alike.

The growth of video streaming shows no signs of slowing down. With advancements in
technology, such as 5G networks and improved streaming quality, the industry is poised for
even more significant growth in the coming years. The COVID-19 pandemic has also
accelerated the growth of streaming platforms, as more people are staying at home and
seeking online entertainment. The major players in the video streaming industry include
Netflix, Amazon Prime Video, Hulu, Disney+, and HBO Max, Viu, WeTV, among others.

Streaming services have disrupted the traditional television model by investing heavily in
original content production. Streaming services facilitate the production and distribution of
more diverse and niche content. In addition, because they are not as limited by the traditional
Hollywood studio system, streaming services can take more chances on relatively unknown
filmmakers and projects, resulting in a more diverse range of content. However, the rise of
streaming services has also affected the film industry and content creators in several ways,
influencing production decisions, creative freedom, and financial stability.

The impact of streaming services on the entertainment industry has been revolutionary.
Streaming platforms have fundamentally changed the way we consume content, resulting in a
drastic decline in watching films at the cinema and waiting for shows in front of the TV. As
85% of American households have at least one subscription to a video streaming service, it is
expected to see continuous growth in the streaming industry over the next few years.
However, due to the high pricing rates in other parts of the world other than North America
and Europe, the anticipated growth will come to a halt, but no decrease is expected.

Streaming platforms are spending more and more on producing animated series and movies,
sometimes outspending the studios known for animation. The rise of platforms such as
Netflix, Hulu, HBO, and others has seen a demand for animated content from audiences that
outweighs almost any other form of content. Animated shows have been among the most
anticipated on other streamers, too, including Invincible and The Legend of Vox Machina.
The impact of streaming and the insatiable demand for content it has created is one of the
biggest in the world of animated film and TV production, and it seems like there’s a new
platform almost every day that needs to be fed with content, along with the major and minor
streamers already out there.

The Impact of Streaming on Film Distribution

Streaming services have significantly impacted the film industry and the way movies are
distributed. This shift has both positive and negative implications for the traditional movie
industry, filmmakers, and audiences. Some of the key impacts of streaming on film
distribution include:

1. Disruption of Traditional Distribution Channels: Streaming services have challenged

the dominance of theaters and altered the way films reach audiences. As a result, more
films are premiering exclusively on streaming platforms, giving filmmakers more
options for distribution and opening up new audiences to different types of films.
2. Impact on Filmmakers and Content Creation: The rise of streaming services has
influenced production decisions, creative freedom, and financial stability for
filmmakers. Streaming platforms often prioritize serialized content and binge-worthy
series over standalone films, which has led to a changing creative landscape.
Additionally, streaming services have provided an alternative distribution channel for
filmmakers, allowing independent and niche films to find a platform and audience.
3. Direct-to-Streaming Releases: Streaming services have enabled filmmakers to bypass
the challenges of securing theater releases and reach a wider audience through their
platforms. This has resulted in greater diversity and inclusion in the content available
on streaming platforms, as well as the potential for more creative freedom and
diversity in film production.
4. Decline in Box Office Sales: As more people choose to stream movies instead of
watching them in theaters, box office sales have declined, leading to a shift in the
traditional movie industry. However, streaming platforms have also offered
filmmakers more creative control and the ability to distribute their content worldwide,
potentially leading to a more diverse and inclusive range of films.

Overall, the rise of streaming services has revolutionized the film industry, altering the way
movies are produced, distributed, and consumed. As technology continues to evolve,
streaming platforms will likely continue to play a significant role in shaping the future of the
film industry, offering filmmakers more opportunities for distribution and creative freedom,
and exposing audiences to a wider variety of content.

The Battle for Content and Exclusive Deals

The film industry is experiencing a significant transformation due to digitalization and the
development of streaming platforms. Platforms like Netflix, Vidio, and others offer exclusive
content, which is a competitive advantage in attracting viewers. This sparked a fierce battle
between platforms to obtain exclusive rights to certain film content[. In addition, the use of
over the top (OTT) services has influenced film releases and distribution, extending the
lifespan of films. However, challenges arise in terms of copyright protection due to illegal
streaming and distribution of content without permission. Collaboration between the film
industry, government and streaming platform providers is key in improving copyright

The influence of technological developments and streaming platforms also influences global
marketing strategies. Many film industries utilize video-on-demand (SVOD) systems and
offer exclusive content through streaming platforms, which provides a competitive advantage
in attracting viewers. Netflix, as one of the leaders in the industry, pursues a different
business model by offering many different films to individual subscribers in a subscription,
thereby triggering a battle for exclusive rights to certain film content.

This battle for content and exclusive offers also creates challenges in terms of content
ownership. In the fierce competition between streaming platforms, content ownership is key,
and many platforms have content libraries owned by their parent companies. This sparked a
battle to obtain exclusive rights to certain film content.

Overall, the influence of streaming platforms on the film industry creates complex
competitive dynamics, both in terms of competition for content and exclusive offers. This
also raises challenges in copyright protection and content ownership, which require
cooperation between the film industry, government and streaming platform providers to

The Rise of Original Content

Streaming platforms have also played a significant role in the rise of original content
production. With increased financial resources and the freedom to experiment with
storytelling formats, streaming platforms have invested heavily in developing and producing
their own films and television shows. This has led to a surge of original content, providing
filmmakers with new opportunities to showcase their work and attracting viewers with
exclusive offerings. Additionally, streaming platforms have encouraged diversity and
creativity in storytelling, pushing the boundaries of traditional genres and formats.

Streaming platforms have had a significant impact on the film industry, one of which is in
promoting original content. With streaming services, filmmakers have wider access to reach
their audiences. They can create original content and offer it directly to viewers via streaming
platforms, without having to rely on conventional cinemas or television channels. This
creates new opportunities for original content to grow and be sought after by audiences
around the world.

Apart from that, streaming platforms also influence film content distribution patterns.
Through streaming services, independent films or original content that might previously have
been difficult to gain wide distribution can now be accessed by a global audience. This allows
filmmakers more freedom to experiment with their original content, as they are less
dependent on conventional distribution rules and policies. In this way, streaming platforms
have become a catalyst for the rise of original content in the film industry, opening the door
to a wide variety of content that may have previously been marginalized.

Apart from that, the influence of streaming platforms is also visible in viewers' consumption
patterns. With the increasing choice of content offered by streaming platforms, viewers have
greater access to discover and enjoy original content that suits their interests and preferences.
This creates greater demand for original content, which in turn encourages filmmakers to
continue producing innovative and engaging original content. Thus, streaming platforms have
become the main driver in promoting original content in the film industry, both in terms of
production and consumption.

The Challenges of Streaming Platforms

While streaming platforms have brought numerous benefits to the film industry, they also
present challenges. The rise of streaming platforms has intensified competition, making it
harder for independent filmmakers and distributors to survive. The rise of streaming
platforms has also disrupted the traditional revenue model for filmmakers, making it more
difficult for them to recoup their investment. Furthermore, the ongoing pandemic has further
exacerbated these challenges, with many theatrical releases being postponed or canceled
altogether, exacerbating the reliance on streaming platforms.

Streaming platforms face various challenges, ranging from technical issues to user experience
and industry competition. One significant technical challenge is network latency and
congestion, which can lead to slow data transmission and local network issues, affecting the
user's streaming experience. Additionally, the use of specific protocols and the need for a
dedicated streaming server and player can pose technical challenges. Another common
challenge is the dependence on a stable internet connection, which can lead to buffering and
poor viewing experiences.

From a user perspective, the advantages of streaming platforms include the ability to access a
wide range of content conveniently and in real-time, as well as the option to watch on various
devices and explore new shows without commitment. However, the disadvantages revolve
around the reliance on internet connectivity and the potential consumption of a significant
amount of data. Moreover, the increasing number of streaming services and the need to
subscribe to multiple platforms to access desired content can be a financial challenge for

In the industry, streaming platforms face competition and the need to collaborate to ensure
fair compensation for artists and creators. The rise of piracy also poses a significant threat to
streaming services, requiring robust content acquisition and anti-piracy strategies.
Furthermore, the increasing number of streaming services and the ease of switching between
platforms have led to a decline in subscriber numbers for some major players, indicating the
challenges of retaining a loyal user base.

To address these challenges, streaming platforms need to focus on improving streaming

technologies, collaborating on industry-wide solutions, and developing innovative content
strategies to stand out in the competitive market. Additionally, ensuring fair compensation for
artists and creators and providing a seamless, high-quality viewing experience for users are
crucial for the long-term success of streaming platforms.

In conclusion, the challenges of streaming platforms encompass technical, user, and industry-
related aspects. Addressing these challenges requires a multi-faceted approach, including
technological advancements, user-centric strategies, and industry collaboration to ensure the
continued growth and success of streaming platforms.


In conclusion, the rise of streaming platforms has had a profound impact on the film industry.
It has disrupted traditional distribution models, leading to the emergence of alternative
release strategies and the rise of original content production. Streaming platforms have
provided filmmakers with new opportunities and platforms to showcase their work, but they
have also presented challenges, including increased competition and disrupted revenue
models. It has been increasingly important since the beginning of the cinema industry's
evolution for both filmmakers and streaming platforms to strike a balance between innovation
and tradition so as to ensure that the film industry will remain a vibrant and prosperous one in
the upcoming years. It has been the case since the dawn of the film industry's evolution that
there has been a tendency for this to be the case, and this trend has been the case since the
dawn of the film industry's evolution.

1. Yellowbrick Entertainment. (2023, August 25). "The Rise of Video Streaming: Uncovering
Impressive Growth Trends." Can be accessed at:

2. Film Threat. (2023, May 3). "The Rise of Streaming Services and Their Impact on
Traditional Film Distribution." Can be accessed at:

3. Wikipedia. "List of Streaming Media Services." Can be accessed at:

4. UMM (Universitas Muhammadiyah Malang). (No author information or publication date).

"Influence Perkembangan Technology Terhadap Perlindungan Hak Cipta Dalam Industri
Film di Indonesia." Can be accessed at:

5. FilmTrack. (No author information or publication date). "Streaming Platforms and Their
Impact on the Film Industry." Can be accessed at:

6. Digital-i. (2021, August 2). "The Streaming Wars Presents: The Battle for Content
Ownership." Can be accessed at:

7. E-Journal BSI. (No author information or publication date). "Pengaruh Streaming Media
terhadap Perilaku Menonton Film pada Mahasiswa." Can be accessed at:

8. E-Journal Undip. (No author information or publication date). "Tren Nonton Film Online
di Kalangan Mahasiswa Universitas Diponegoro." Can be accessed at:
10. SmartMove. (No author information or publication date). "The Pros and Cons of
Streaming." Can be accessed at:

11. Home Theater Review. (No author information or publication date). "Streaming Services
and Home Entertainment: Features, Benefits, and Limitations." Can be accessed at:

12. Forbes. (Penulis: Derek Baine. Tanggal terbit: 13 Juli 2023). "Streaming Video Platforms
Face Many Challenges." Can be accessed at:

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